8 Habits That Unclog Your Arteries

Many people don’t realize how important it is to unclog your arteries. Arteries are part of the body’s intricate (and extremely important) circulatory system. When they do not function properly, your body’s health could be in grave risk.

When a build-up of blockage occurs in the vessels and arteries of the body, they form plaque. This plaque is made up of fats, waste, cholesterol, and calcium. It causes the arteries to narrow, slowly causing less and less efficient and effective transmission of blood through one’s body.

Essentially, this clogging causes fresh, oxygenated blood to have more difficulty traveling around one’s system. This can lead to a variety of health problems, many of which can result in severe and potentially fatal diseases. That’s why it’s so important to take good care of your arterial health.

In order to clear out your arteries and vessels in a natural manner, there are some habits you can incorporate into your daily life. Here are some habits that unclog your arteries, and how they work.

Here Are 8 Habits That Unclog Your Arteries

1. Have a healthier diet

The main cause of clogged arteries is a poor diet. What you eat has a huge effect on the health of your heart and entire body, so a positive diet is always a good habit to encourage. If you’ve eaten badly for years, it can take a while for the body to recover, but there’s no time like the present to do so.

In order to unclog your arteries, you’ll need a mindful diet. You will have to be aware of what you eat and make changes. Here are some areas to pay attention to.

· Add good fats

Unsaturated fats are healthy, tasty, and filling, and they’re the best kinds of fats to eat. You can get them from foods like fish, nuts, olives, and avocado.

· Cut out trans fats

Trans fats are the worst kinds of fats you can eat. They tend to come in overly processed foods, such as junk food, fast food, and confectionary products. Remove them entirely from your diet!

· Reduce saturated fats

Dairy products and meat with lots of fat leftover are saturated fats. These are far from your best diet options. Instead, go for lean meat and opt for meals that are plant-based more often.

· Reduce sugar

Processed sources of sugar, such as candies, soft drinks, ice cream, cakes, and cookies, offer a lot of calories with little to no proper nutrition. If you’re craving something sweet, opt for fruits, which are full of natural sugar as well as lots of vitamins and minerals.

· Add fiber

Good amounts of soluble fiber are great for lowering bad cholesterol. Eat oats, vegetables, beans, and lentils to get soluble fiber.

Changing your diet for the better can be difficult, but with positive thinking and proper planning, you’ll be able to pull it off. Eating healthy is a fantastic way to unclog your arteries and keep them clear for a long time to come.

2. Get enough sleep

If you’re sleep-deprived, your body is already suffering, to begin with. The body requires between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every single day, and getting this is crucial to unclog your arteries. Without enough sleep, you could experience symptoms such as:

A lack of sleep can also drastically raise the risks of developing multiple different conditions, including:

Why do all these conditions become easier to develop when you’re lacking sleep? Shortened sleep, or fragmented sleep, has been found to clog up and even harden the arteries, thus leading to worsened heart health. If you have difficulty falling asleep or have a sleep disorder, speak to a doctor about ways to make your nights easier.

3. Drink tea

Tea is full of healthy and strong antioxidants, and one of them is called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG. Not only has this compound been found to be relatively effective in Alzheimer’s disease treatment, but it has also been found to be able to reduce deposits of fat along the arteries.

What tea is best to drink for this purpose? Green tea is the most renowned for heart health, and it can even bring down bad cholesterol and fat to unclog your arteries more quickly. If you’re not such a fan of green tea, you can also opt for:

Drinking between 3 and 6 cups of your tea of choice per day can reduce your chances of developing heart disease later in life by up to 36%. Green tea is the most effective, so for other teas, consider discussing it with your doctor first.

4. Exercise

Physical activity is crucial to keeping the body relatively fit and healthy. The American Heart Association states that approximately 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly is required for most positive results. Examples of vigorous exercise include:

Examples of moderate exercise include:

Participating in these activities will help to boost your stamina and keep your heart healthy. They can help your cardiovascular health, improve positive thinking and, most important, unclog your arteries.

If you haven’t worked out for a while, build up to regular exercise. Work your way up to 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week, for best results. You’ll find yourself feeling healthier – and losing weight – when you put in the effort. Speak to a medical professional before you begin any new physical activity regimen!

5. Try natural remedies

There are a variety of natural remedies and supplements that are able to have a positive effect on the arteries. Here are some of them.

· Pomegranate

Pomegranate, especially the juice of the fruit, has been known for its health-improving properties for many, many years. Now, studies have found that it has strong antioxidant properties within it. These antioxidants help the fruit and its juice to unclog your arteries. They also help lower blood pressure.

· Coenzyme Q10

Known also as CoQ10, this chemical helps a cell to take energy from consumed foods. Essentially, it helps the heart to work better, and it can reduce the body’s oxidative stress significantly while boosting positive enzyme work.

CoQ10 is well-known for its abilities to bring down the risks of cardiovascular problems, thus also presumably being good for artery health.

· Potassium

Potassium has been found in studies to reduce blood pressure and combat negative effects from a diet high in sodium. Of course, you should try not to eat too much salt, to begin with, but taking supplements can help combat symptoms from high salt consumption.

· Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These nutrients are great for reducing inflammatory effects caused by clogged arteries. They are fantastic for lowering trans fat levels and breaking down plaque blockage in the arteries. They also help reduce blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

· Magnesium

Magnesium supplements have been shown to bring down blood pressure. As such, they’re excellent for combating heart disease and helping the heart.

Please also remember that natural remedies and supplements can only go so far. Always speak to a doctor before attempting any of these remedies, and go for more serious methods if your arteries are in bad shape.

6. Stopping vices

If you’re a heavy drinker or smoker, stopping these habits can bring your arteries to a healthier state.

Tobacco and cigarettes are known for causing damage to vessels, arteries, and the heart due to the harmful chemicals they contain. They can further increase the amount of plaque in one’s arteries and result in bad heart diseases. Quitting this bad habit can certainly lead to plenty of positive effects.

Meanwhile, alcohol is well-known for causing heart strain. Moderate alcohol consumption can be good in some cases, but too much can make you unhealthier and put you at risk for heart problems.

Quitting vices is never easy, so speak to a doctor if you need help rehabilitating yourself.

7. Lose weight

Obesity and an overweight body are commonly associated with blocked arteries. Extra weight on the body can lead to negative cholesterol buildup in the body, thus boosting chances of bad blockages and plaque forming in arteries.

There are plenty of health benefits to weight loss, and even just losing between 5 and 10% of your current weight (if you are overweight) can prompt huge change. Here are just some of the benefits:

The good news is that incorporating the other habits we mentioned, such as regulating your diet, quitting alcohol, and exercising, can help in your weight loss efforts.

8. Taking medication

Sometimes, if your arteries are too clogged, you will need to take medication to bring down the blockages. Lifestyle changes can help significantly, but there is no shame in requiring more serious medical intervention in extreme circumstances.

Don’t be afraid to speak to a doctor about getting a little assistance in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. He or she may be able to give you effective cholesterol medication that will break down plaque in your arteries and promote better overall health. Sometimes, to unclog your arteries, you just need an extra push in the right direction.

Final Thoughts On Different Habits That Unclog Your Arteries

The best “cure” for artery blockage is to prevent it from ever happening. Of course, that is not always possible, and that’s why these habits that unclog your arteries should be kept in mind.

Many medical procedures can be performed to treat badly clogged vessels and arteries. However, these treatments are often quite invasive, and it’s no surprise that more natural methods are sought after. Do remember, though, that if you experience severe symptoms, you should speak to a doctor!

Taking care of your body is key to a long, healthy, happy life. To prevent the build-up of gunk and plaque, make these habits that unclog your arteries part of your routines. You might just be surprised at how much better you feel.

The post 8 Habits That Unclog Your Arteries appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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