Chiltan Pure Pakistan: The Best Essential Oil Providers in Pakistan

In the industrial age that we live in, most of our food contains products that are harmful to our bodies. It is likely that the food you consume today, is more dangerous to your health in the long run than fasting and not consuming anything is!

Sounds scary, doesn’t it? We agree it is scary. However, there is a healthier version of products that you can consume and use for your care.

This healthier option is organic foods.

The organic food business has reached a new height in the last few years, it was noted by a study that around 70 percent of Americans buy organic foods occasionally, and nearly one-quarter of that believe it is essential and so, purchase organic food every week. For all these people, the reason for buying organic food is fairly simple and easy to understand.

They want natural food for themselves and for the environment.

But what is organic food exactly?

Organic food refers to such products which are produced with minimum synthetic ingredients and adhere to certain strict rules and regulations by the countries agriculture board. These crops are generally grown without synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, irradiation (a form of radiation used to kill micro pests like bacteria) and biotechnology. Animals are grown eating organically grown feed, and these animals are raised without antibiotics and are not given growth hormones that may cause problems later on in the body.

Which means that organic food and organic products, in general, have more beneficial nutrients. They contain essential and natural antioxidants (used for keeping you looking youthful longer and essential for the working of your body).

People who are allergic to certain products are less likely to be allergic and there have been reports of allergic reactions completely disappearing as well.

Is organic food better for my family?

Organic foods have a higher nutritional value than everyday foods and vegetables that you may buy according to research.

This is because with the lack of harmful pesticides plants are more likely to produce a higher number of phytochemicals (like vitamins and antioxidants), this helps them strengthen their resistance to bugs and weeds in a very natural manner.

Some studies have even linked pesticides to simple things like headaches and even to cancer and birth defects.

At this point, the question remains, where should I buy organic foods?

Pakistan has not had a good locally produced supplier of high-quality organic products until now, however, the wait is over.

Presented Chiltan Pure Pakistan, the country’s very first reliable organic products online store which is going to be offering certified organic Essential Oils, Carrier Oils, Moringa Products and Aloe Vera gel for face, hair, your body and consumption.

What are the benefits of using these essential oils from Chiltan Pure?

Using organic products like essential oils on your face and body will not just mean a lasting beauty and youthfulness but will keep you looking beautiful for a long time, keeping the adverse effects that chemical beauty cleanses have out of the door.

Chiltan Pure is also a Pakistani centred brand, creating products in the country and delivering them in the country as well.

They offer free shipping and their organic products are not just budget friendly but are sure to help solve all the problems they have promised to solve.

Their ultimate goal is to become the largest Pure and Natural skincare and food company in Pakistan. They believe they can achieve their goals and bring happiness and clarity to their customers by providing quality and purity.

They believe, as all good companies should, that their quality is ultimately going to keep people coming back.

At the same time, there are special qualities that each product available on Chiltan Pure has that you won’t be able to find in the creams you use and the food consume.

Let’s go over some products to help you process the importance and significance of the oils and food;

Moringa Products:

Moringa Oleifera is a plant that has been in use to naturally keep people looking youthful and healthy for over a thousand years. It is full of antioxidants (your body’s major defence against the adverse effects of ageing) and it has several other active plant compounds.

This plant has been under the microscope for a very long time.

Scientists, however, have not been able to identify all of its health benefits.

Let’s review a few of the major ones,

  1. Moringa Oleifera Is an Extremely Nutritious Plant: The plant is native to India and it goes by a number of names. All three parts of the tree are eaten or their ingredients are used in highly potent herbal medicines. The Moringa leaves are an excellent source of several essential vitamins and minerals. Among these essential vitamins is the very important vitamin B complex which includes B2 and B6. Both of which cannot be manufactured by your body, so getting through external sources is essential.
  2. Moringa Oleifera is full of essential antioxidants: Antioxidants are compounds that keep away the effects of ageing in your body, they are responsible for getting rid of free radicals, which are actually the cause of several diseases like heart disease, and even type 2 diabetes. Several essential antioxidants like Quercetin (a powerful antioxidant that lowers blood pressure) and Chlorogenic acid (helps to moderate blood sugar.)
  3. Moringa Oleifera may reduce inflammation in the body naturally: inflammation is the body’s natural response to an injury or infection, it can also be defined a bit broadly as swelling. This is an extremely important protective mechanism of the body but can lead to chronic problems if left untreated for a long time. It has been seen that Moringa has a whole list of anti-inflammatory compounds coming from the family of isothiocyanates.
  4. Moringa Lowers Cholesterol: Having a high level of cholesterol in your body can be linked to heart disease. Consuming Moringa Oleifera will help you avoid that.
  5. Moringa Oleifera protects against arsenic poisoning: Arsenic poisoning is a huge problem in South East Asia. It has been observed that certain kinds of rice being produced in the country have very high levels of arsenic. Hence, as a preventive measure, it is best to consume leaves and seeds of Moringa oleifera to protect yourself from the effects of arsenic poisoning.

Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Juice:

Aloe Vera gel is widely known for its amazing properties, and it is usually recommended to people for skin burn and for its benefits in skin care.

However, the Aloe Vera gel is sold in the market today is not pure enough to be used on your skin. Which is why buying it from a reputable retailer is essential.

Similarly, Chiltan Pure also offers Aloe Vera Juice, a pure product that is guaranteed to make your skin glow and to take away your bodily problems.

Here are some of the benefits Aloe Vera can have on your skin and your body if you have the pure gel with you. Some of these might shock you;

1) Aloe Vera can relieve heartburn: Several people suffer from heartburn quite frequently, and there does not seem to be a natural way to keep your stomach in sorts. Well, the best way to relieve heartburn is by taking 1 to 3 ounces of Aloe Gel at mealtime. It can help cure a number of digestion related problems.

2) Keep Other Products Fresh for a long Period of Time: A study conducted in 2014 came to the conclusion that by coating Aloe Gel on fruits and vegetables you could radically improve their freshness. This makes them easy to carry if you’re on a trip and are worried about something spoiling.

3) A Great Mouthwash: Aloe Vera is a very safe and effective alternative to chemical mouthwashes. The plant has so many natural products and compounds that not just effectively take out bacteria from your mouth but can even block plaque formation.

4) It Lowers Blood Sugar: Taking a few tablespoons of Aloe Vera can bring down blood sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes.

5) An Excellent Laxative: Aloe Vera is known to be an excellent laxative, it can even aid digestion. If you have Crohn’s disease, colitis, or haemorrhoids you shouldn’t have too much aloe vera. It is possible that by doing so you could get abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.

6) Skin Care: Aloe Vera can keep your skin clear and what more does a person want in life? Aloe Vera grows in dry environments best, and to do so, it must store water. Which is why its gel is so useful for skin care.

Sea Buckthorn:

Sea buckthorn is a plant. Almost every part of the plant is used to make medicine and skin care products. Its leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits are in use for hundreds of years.

Sea Buckthorns flowers and leaves have been used to treat everything from arthritis, gout to skin rashes.

A tea made of buckthorn leaves is full of vitamins, antioxidants and is perfect for those of you hoping to lose weight fast.

Here are some of its uses that might shock you;

1) Takes care of waste products in the body: Taking Sea Buckthorn oil for 8 weeks can help remove waste from the blood.

2) High blood pressure: Studies have gone on to show that consuming sea buckthorn by eating it for up to 8 months might reduce high blood pressure and has impacts similar and comparable to blood pressure lowering drugs.

3) Liver disease: Consuming sea buckthorn extract brings down the presence of a large number of liver enzymes and other chemicals that may appear because of liver disease.

4) Weight loss. Sea Buckthorn berries, berry oil, or extract when consumed has been shown to reduce body weight in overweight or obese women.

5) Sea Buckthorn Oil: The oil is used to help slow the decline of thinking skills in aging people, it is also used to help reduce and hinder the diseases associated with cancer. It balances the immune system as well and is used to treat stomach and intestinal diseases.

What is there to know about Chiltan Pure Pakistan?

Chiltan Pure Pakistan has been brought to life by Najam Mazari who is the CEO of Chiltan Pure Pakistan.

He comments that Chiltan Pure’s aim is not to become the largest essential oil and pure products producer in Pakistan but to able to spread as much positive impact on the health of Pakistani’s as they can.

He says that they can only do so by giving their customers the quality and the service that they deserve.

He believes that by working on giving a healthier lifestyle to people who are better off, the company is more likely to be able to do the same for people in Pakistan who are suffering from lack of nutrition because of the large and thoughtless chemical leachates that have found their way in food.

There are several good reasons to move on to organic products. They do not contain GMOs and their manufactured naturally, with as little pesticides as possible, and something like that is hard to find in Pakistan.

Chiltan Pure Pakistan manufactures organic essential oils and products that are made using only crops and plants that come from an organic origin, with an as little chemical used as possible.

The plant produces its own products to protect itself from pests and these products (which are sometimes essential oils) are extracted from the plant and given out to Chiltan Pures customers.

These essential oils later become the means by which Chiltan Pure’s customers can get their healthy dose of anti-oxidants that their skin and body needs.

Today, Chiltan Pure Pakistan is the leading provider of quality essential oils.

It is unmatched in its organic Aloe era Products, its natural Moringa Power and its edible rose water along with several other essential oils.

The products are not just economical, they are high quality and that combination is hard to find in Pakistan.

Honest Review: Are these Organic Products Worth My Money?

After carefully going over the essential oils, and using them over a few weeks’ time, BR’s team is happy to report that these essential oils are not just saving the environment, but are everything that we’ve been wanting for our skin and nutrition!

Chiltan Pure Pakistan is helping make Pakistan’s environment Pollution free:

Organic farming helps reduce pollutants in the localities groundwater supply and creates a fresher and cleaner source of water for all. It also creates richer soil and helps evade erosion.

That is exactly what plants grown for Chiltan Pure’s products have done! These plants also bring down pesticides in the drinking water that you and your family will end up using. Which is why, according to the new initiative, it’s about time we brought down pollution in Pakistan!

Does not waste energy:

It has been seen that organic farming uses 50 per cent less energy than conventional farming methods. This will help bring down the already out of bounds crisis of energy that the country is facing.

Tastes, smells and works better:

Essential oils that you buy from Chiltan Pure taste better, smell better and work better.

But why is that?

Well, according to a study, the higher antioxidant levels in organic food have the ability to enhance that quality of the product.

Which means you’ll be able to know how pure something is when it refreshes your face and your body, unlike the chemically aided food which leaves you wondering why you’ve been using all this money on these products.

The post Chiltan Pure Pakistan: The Best Essential Oil Providers in Pakistan appeared first on Born Realist.

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