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10 Types of Negativity to Let Go of Right Now >>>

10 Types of Negativity to Let Go of Right Now

Have you ever wondered exactly why you remember all the mean things people have said to you more than the beautiful things they’ve said to you? That’s because your brain is hard-wired to remember negative experiences in life. And this sets you up for a negative mindset to gain a stronghold in your thoughts and actions. It can affect your friendships, your work, and your decisions. If you struggle with being overly negative, it’s crucial to find ways to let it go, especially of the more destructive types of negativity.

Here are the ten types of negativity you need to get rid of right now

Release the burden of these negative thoughts–you’ll be all the happier for it in the long run!

  1. Blameshifting

Blameshifting is blaming others or situations for your own failure.  Studies say blameshifting is a tool people use to push away criticism. But the same study found that blameshifting usually backfires because people don’t like blame shifters. Think here of politicians who make sweeping campaign promises, then blame others when the commitments aren’t met, even though it’s their fault. Blaming your spouse, kids, or your upbringing is a form of negativity that weighs you down and distorts your view of life.

How to let go:

The next time you’re tempted to blame someone or something, stop and make a decision not to blameshift. Allow yourself to accept the situation and admit your own fault when needed. Find peace in letting go of this negative attitude.

  1. Being a perfectionist

If you are a perfectionist, then you want to do things in an utterly perfect way. You set high standards for yourself and others. No one is perfect, and to set your goals on perfectionism is unrealistic. It’s a negative view of yourself because you’re afraid you won’t be accepted by others if you don’t look and act correctly.

How to let go:

Perfectionism is a deep-set negative view of yourself. Here are some simple new habits you can try to begin breaking free from perfectionism.

  • Admit your weakness to others
  • Don’t compete with other people, decide not to compete
  • Accept yourself
  • Practice gratitude for who you are
  • Pray when you’re tempted to be critical of yourself or others
  • Use mindfulness to relax and find peace
  1. Self-defeating thoughts

Negative, self-defeating thoughts are those negative thoughts you believe about yourself. These thoughts chip away at your confidence. They bombard your mind with statements like

  • I can’t do it, why bother trying?
  • I always mess things up. I’ll mess this up too.
  • I’m not good enough.
  • I’m a hopeless mess.
  • I’ll probably fail as I’ve done before.

When you have self-defeating thoughts, you become your own worst enemy. If you had a friend that uttered these things to you, you would question the friendship. So, don’t talk to yourself with these negative thoughts.

How to let it go:

Please pay attention to your thoughts when they cross your mind. Review what caused you to think like this, then make a choice to let go of them. Here are some additional items you can try to help reverse your self-defeating thoughts.

  • Ask yourself why you’re thinking this way.
  • Change your negative thoughts with positive ones. Instead of “I can’t do it, why bother” say, “I can always try.”
  • Talk to yourself, don’t listen to yourself. Tell yourself what’s real instead of listening to lies.
  1. Judging others

Judging others is a form of negativity because it’s an effort to feel better about yourself at the expense of others. Being critical of others, seeing their faults, and assuming you’d never be like that shows your own insecurities. It would help if you felt better than others because of your uncertainties. Judging shifts the focus off of your faults so you can find fault in others. This negativity destroys your relationships. It kills your self-esteem and your ability to see yourself correctly.

How to let go:

  • Refuse to judge others. Assume you don’t know people’s story so you shouldn’t come to a conclusion.
  • Choose to understand the other person’s situation.
  • Be accepting of others. No one is perfect, so don’t judge people by those criteria.
  • Choose to love others and love yourself.

  1. Fear of failing

No one wants to fail, but if you have a fear of failure, it paralyzes you. Fear of failure keeps you in from reaching out at work, in relationships, and in every part of your life. Fear of failure blinds you to your true potential. This negative mindset holds you back from really living.

How to let go:

  • It’s easy to get overwhelmed, so set small, reachable goals for yourself. Accomplishing small goals leads to achieving bigger goals.
  • Make a list of your failure fears. Figure out what will happen if you fail. You may be surprised to see that failure isn’t the worst thing.
  • Others have failed big time only to bounce back and succeed. Tell yourself you can bounce back. You can overcome any failures.
  • Don’t believe everything you think. Just because you think it, doesn’t make it real. Your fear of failure is a lie you are telling yourself. Please do not believe it.
  1. Low expectations in life

Another common type of negativity that can hold you back has low expectations. You assume the worst about yourself and your life. You feel like your life is worse than everybody else’s life. Low expectations are related to fear of failure because you feel like you will never succeed. This thinking may be related to your poor choices, but not always. It’s a mindset that develops over time as you allow negative thoughts to fill your mind. You begin to believe the lies.

How to let it go:

View your life as a journey. Choose to be healthy, happy, and empowered along the route. Try some practical things to help improve your perspective.

  • Mindfulness breaks to bring calm and peace into your life.
  • Exercise releases endorphins, so you feel better physically and mentally.
  • Gratitude journaling can help you be grateful for what you have.
  • Find a community of like-minded people to can share life.
  1. Worrying

Worry is when you feel uneasy or concerned about something. Your brain goes into overdrive, thinking about all the bad things that could happen. Worry eats away at you. It distorts what’s real and creates anxiety and fear. It’s a negative mindset that causes stress, which makes you prone to physical problems such as ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

How to let it go:

Here are a few ways to stop worrying.

  • Try to live more in the present instead of the future “what ifs.”
  • When you start to feel that worry, stop yourself and let it go.
  • Avoid things that trigger your stress like news or social media.
  • Keep a journal of your worries. When they’re on paper, they don’t look so bad.
  1. Helplessness

Helplessness is a feeling that everything is overwhelming. You underestimate your ability to rise up and face challenges, to do hard things. You avoid difficulties, and anything hard you ask for help. This low confidence makes you clingy and insecure. You look to alcohol or overeating to calm yourself. Helplessness is negative thinking about you.

How to let go:

Letting go of helplessness means taking a small step outside your fears. Choose to stop being helpless. When you have a challenge, see it as an opportunity to succeed. Other ways to overcome helplessness include

  • Set small goals
  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Find a community
  • Push your helpless thoughts away and replace them with positive thoughts about yourself.
  1. Trying to control

Controlling people try to control their spouses, kids, friends, and sometimes even strangers. This type of negativity is based on anxiety and fear of losing control. You may feel if you don’t try to control things, something terrible could happen. It’s a skewed view of your own abilities.

Common controlling techniques include

  • Being critical of others
  • Wanting to prevent bad things from happening to others or yourself
  • Finding fault in others
  • Keeping a record of wrongs people have done to you
  • Manipulating others out of fear of losing control

How to let go:

If you find yourself drifting into a controlling attitude, stop yourself. Tell yourself it’s okay not to control everything. Refuse to control others. Accept others as they are.

  1. Jealousy

Jealousy is a feeling of insecurity that leads you to crave what others have. You may wish you had their looks or wealth or career or children or spouse. Jealousy leads to anger, resentment, and disgust. It’s a deep hole that you fall into when you nurture negative feelings about yourself and others.

How to let it go:

Refuse to fall into the jealousy trap. Find contentment in your own life. Cultivate gratefulness. Don’t compare yourself to others, instead appreciate the differences.

Learn tips on how to overcome pessimism and become a happier person.

Final thoughts on releasing all forms of negativity from your life

Negativity comes in all forms of behavior and attitudes. It disguises itself in worry and fear of failure. It obscures your view of who you are and makes you focus on what’s not right in your life instead of what’s good.  If you find negativity holding you back from living your life, stop it in its tracks. Refuse to give in thoughts of jealousy, control, or worry. Do the hard work it takes to step away from being a negative person into a life of positivity.


Read These Notes to Yourself Every Morning…

Read These Notes to Yourself Every Morning...

Sometimes we need to jot down some positive notes to self to keep ourselves going in this stressful world. Reading some encouraging words from time to time can elevate your mood and help you rise above any negativity life throws your way. Inspiration can come from anywhere, but positive affirmations have been proven to ease mental stress and improve one’s outlook on life.

No matter if you write down your affirmations on sticky notes and put them around the house or jot them down in a journal, everyone needs the motivation to keep on trucking sometimes. Respect yourself the same as you would treat your best friend and reinforce positive messages in your self-talk. Have the rule that if you wouldn’t say something to a friend or loved one, don’t say it to yourself. If you start to change your relationship with yourself and become your own best friend, everything in your life will begin to look sunnier.

Here are seven notes to self you need to read every day:

Below, we’ve listed some of the best positive messages to tell yourself every day when you wake up. Make sure to read them daily to get the best results!

  1. “I can get through anything life throws my way.”

If you’ve been feeling defeated lately, use this affirmation to get your mind back on track. After a while of existing on this planet, you realize that life comes with a lot of problems. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have what it takes to tackle them. In fact, you would not have been put here if you didn’t. Believe in yourself and know that the universe will never give you more than you can handle.

Even if you don’t know how to do something, simply believing that you have what it takes will give you the strength you need in challenging times. Life always gives us solutions; we have to open our eyes and think outside the box, sometimes to see them. Some notes to self about courage and strength can give you the encouragement you need to keep going.

  1. “I am beautiful, smart, and perfectly capable of achieving my dreams.”

Everyone struggles with self-esteem at some point because the world demands so much from us, and sometimes we don’t feel we measure up. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling inferior, but don’t allow yourself to remain stuck in this mindset, either. Just remember that you become whatever you think about yourself, so why not make it easier and believe positive things? You can become whatever you want, and you don’t have to limit yourself based on your perceived shortcomings.

The more you tell yourself positive affirmations during your self-talk, the more you will start to believe it. That’s why it is so important to practice this each day, preferably in the morning before you go to work or school. Drill it into your head that you’re an amazing person, and don’t settle for believing anything less about yourself.

  1. “Today’s going to be an excellent day.”

Your attitude determines what sort of day you’ll have, so in a way, whatever you believe becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Remember, you get to create your reality, so if you want to have positive experiences, you need to shift your mindset. Believe in the good things coming, and even if the day doesn’t go as planned, at least having a better outlook will improve your resilience. Always look for the hidden silver lining, because even the negative experiences have a hidden lesson.

Looking on the brighter side of things doesn’t mean you have to slap on a fake smile when something really awful happens. You should still feel and process your emotions, but try not to get too caught up in the details. Keep your mind on the larger picture, and don’t sweat the small stuff, in other words. If you spill a drip of coffee on your shirt while driving to work, laugh, and feel grateful that you still have some left to enjoy.

Remember – it’s not what happens to you; it’s your attitude about it that truly matters.

  1. “All is well in my universe, and all is working out for the highest good.”

If you’ve been struggling with not knowing what path to take, write down some notes to self about trusting the process and believing in the journey. As long as you follow your heart and learn to trust your intuition, every action you take will lead you further down the right path. No one really knows what they’re doing here anyway; we’re all just winging it for the most part. So, please resist the urge to put too much pressure on yourself to figure it all out.

We learn as we go, but if you can focus on how each experience helps you grow into a better person, what path you take won’t matter as much. As they say, it is not about reaching the top of the mountain – it’s about the journey along the way. If you wholeheartedly believe that good things will come your way and choose to keep a positive attitude, life will keep on pleasantly surprising you.

  1. “I choose to honor, love, and respect myself.”

Nothing good can come out of disrespecting yourself or giving in to negative self-talk. Use this affirmation if you’ve been feeling unconfident or unworthy of love to remind you that you do not have to look anywhere outside yourself for validation. It all starts with you, so give yourself the self-love and care that you deserve. Instead of focusing on everything you don’t like about yourself, use positive affirmations to shift your mindset.

What do you love about yourself? Make a list and keep it on a sticky note on your nightstand so you can read it every day. Here are a few ideas to put on it in case you needed some to get you started:

  • Your smile
  • Your friendly attitude
  • The compassion you have for other people
  • How well you do at your job
  • Your work ethic
  • Your quirky sense of humor and dazzling smile

These may not personally apply to you, but we just wanted to provide a few examples if you need ideas. The world may give you every reason to doubt yourself, but as long as you remember your worth, nothing outside yourself can hurt you. Keep your head held high and don’t let anyone, especially yourself, put you down.

  1. “No one can put me in a bad mood unless I allow it.”

Other people’s emotions don’t have to determine your own, even if that seems hard to believe. Why let the negative energy at work or school drain you when you can decide how you want to feel? As they say, “Ships don’t sink because of the water around them. Ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.” – Author Unknown

This takes some time to practice, of course, but you have to remember that you control your own emotions. Other people may influence your feelings, but they don’t get to determine your reaction. Remain even-minded even if everyone else allows the turbulence of life to rock their own ship. If you can sail on both the stormy seas and the calm ones, the water won’t even have a chance to drown you.

  1. “I am open to any potential opportunity that presents itself to me.”

Keeping an open mind means at least considering the paths that present themselves to you. You don’t have to take every opportunity, but it pays to keep your options open. If a better-paying job in your field opens up, for example, you should apply for it even if it makes you nervous to start something new. No one ever grew inside their comfort zone, so don’t allow complacency to set it.

Challenge yourself and believe in your qualifications if you want to achieve great things in life. This doesn’t just apply to jobs, either; if you’re going to move across the country, start a business, or begin a new relationship, you have to weigh the positives against the negatives. If you determine that the decision will benefit you, take that leap of faith and know that the universe opened this door to you for a reason.

Final thoughts on the notes to self to we should all read every day.

In this life, we all need a little mental boost in some way to get us by. Many people find this through positive affirmations, such as the ones we listed above. You become what you think most about yourself, so choose to focus on positive things in your self-talk. Instead of beating yourself up, compliment yourself just as you would your best friend or significant other.

If you treat yourself with kindness and love and compassion, it’ll make it easier to share it with others as well. Let’s start a movement of positivity and vow to show ourselves more love and care because we are so worth it!


10 Ways to Empower Yourself to Walk Away from a Narcissist

10 Ways to Empower Yourself to Walk Away from a

Walking away from a narcissist can be difficult but, if you can empower yourself, you can do it. The first step towards leaving is to acknowledge the situation for what it is.

Sometimes recognizing a narcissist isn’t as easy as you’d think, which could make you question yourself. Questioning yourself is what makes walking away tricky, so you must empower yourself and learn which characteristics to look for. It’s easier to walk away once you have learned to identify narcissistic behavior, luckily.

There are sure signs you can watch for that will let you know someone is a narcissist. These signs are generalized, so keep in mind that a narcissist may not exhibit all of them. To identify a narcissist, look for the following signs:

  • they think they are the single most important person
  • a sense of entitlement
  • require constant communication
  • they think they should be superior even when others have achieved more
  • exaggerate personal events, achievements, and talents
  • won’t associate with anyone they feel is beneath them
  • frequently take over conversations
  • belittling
  • they expect others to do whatever they say
  • take advantage of others to benefit themselves
  • an inability to recognize or acknowledge the feelings or needs of others, lack of empathy
  • arrogant and easily angered
  • they need the very best of everything, or they can’t be happy
  • can’t handle criticism and always has a problem with other people
  • easily offended and take innocent remarks as a slight
  • will begin to shout and insult to gain superiority
  • can’t regulate emotions or control explosive behavior
  • become moody or depressed when they don’t do something perfectly

Recognizing the signs may not be enough to get you to walk away for good, however. You must continue to empower yourself in other ways, too.

How to Empower Yourself to Walk Away from a Narcissist

You recognize the need to leave, but you must muster up the courage. Here are a few guidelines to help you make the transition.

1. Join a Support Group

When you first recognize that you are in this situation, it can be hard to overcome. You might feel as if you are a failure for not walking away sooner.

You aren’t a failure, however, as there are many narcissistic people in the United States. Encountering a narcissistic person is common, and you may be in too deep before you realize their real personality. This means that many other people have been in a situation similar to yours.

To overcome the situation, accept the way it is, and walk away for good, you may need support. This support is best when it comes to those who fully understand what it is like.

Joining a support group can be the perfect place for this. Make sure the support group is led by a therapist so that you can learn to move forward positively.

It’s crucial that you don’t turn to those who may judge the situation. Whether they will talk badly about the narcissist or they make you feel bad for staying, it can be counter-productive. This reason is why it is often best to turn to a third party for support.

2. Have a Life Separate from Them

Narcissists like to isolate you from other people who love you. This is one of the ways they gain control of you. They may also expect you to give up your hobbies or career so that your life only revolves around them.

This situation makes it harder to walk away, so you have to build a life separately from them. If you have gone out-of-touch with friends or family members, reach out and work to rebuild the relationships. Start spending time pursuing your old interests and hobbies, and find a job that makes you happy.

The relationships you rebuild should be separate from the narcissist’s friends and family. Likewise, the hobbies and job opportunities shouldn’t include them, either.

This attitude will give you a chance to start fresh and have people to support you and things to keep you busy. Plus, it will prevent you from returning due to loneliness or overthinking.

3. Learn Your Worth and Practice Self-Love

To successfully walk away, you have to learn to love yourself. Know your worth and work on building your self-esteem and confidence. Value your needs and wants and take the time to take care of yourself.

When you do this, you’ll begin to trust yourself more. You will be stronger and well-equipped to walk away. Then, you will notice that you no longer feel guilty, and you’ll stop doubting yourself.

4. Set Boundaries and be Assertive

When you have been affected by a narcissist, it can be hard to set boundaries and be assertive. It is possible, though, and you will be glad you did afterward. Typically, the first time you do this, you’ll feel powerful and in control. Each time you are assertive after that is only helping you gain strength.

Set boundaries by making it clear that you don’t like the behavior. You can also set boundaries by having an exit strategy when things go awry. Make sure you have a car, Uber, or a trustworthy person who can pick you up quickly.

This way, you can leave a situation when you are dealing with a narcissist. You won’t be stuck with them, and you won’t have to count on them for a ride. Use this same way of thinking for all situations you are in, and you’ll be able to walk away.

When you give yourself the power to decide when enough is enough, you’ll quickly build self-esteem. Plus, it’ll help get the point across that you aren’t going to be their victim anymore.

5. Leave When you Say You’re Going to Leave

If you keep threatening to leave only to stay every time, you’ll be going in circles. When you say that you are planning to leave, it’s time to leave. If you don’t walk away, you will stay trapped as a victim in this toxic cycle of narcissistic behavior.

Don’t let them convince you to come back, either. When you walk away, let it empower you. Embrace the freedom and the safety you feel when you are away.

Experts explain why narcissists have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships.

6. Identify the Role of a Victim

No person deserves to be a victim, and you might not even realize you have become one. If you begin feeling hopeless or powerless, it’s a sign that you have become a victim. These are signs of an unhealthy, toxic relationship.

When identified, you can use it to empower you to walk away. Choose to stop being a victim and put yourself, your happiness, and your mental health first.

7. Learn About Narcissism and Toxic Relationships

The more you know, then the more you will feel empowered. Learning is key to successfully walking away from a narcissist. As mentioned before, you have to learn the characteristics so that you can identify them at the moment.

You must also gather your inner-strength and remain assertive about your intent. Likewise, you have to learn how you can begin to detach yourself from this person.

It might help you to read about the effects a narcissist has on another person. This could help you understand why it is so important to walk away.

You can also learn how to safely walk away if you feel physical abuse might occur. There is a way out, and by learning all you can, you will feel stronger and more capable of leaving.

8. Take Steps to Do Things for Yourself

Don’t wait on this person to get things done for you. Usually, they are so busy thinking of themselves that they forget what you’ve asked of them. Learn to do something for yourself, and you will feel empowered.

It will make you healthier and help you realize that you don’t need them as much as you thought you did. If you cannot complete a task yourself, then hire someone, or find a handy neighbor to help you out. The sooner you realize how independent you can be, the sooner you will be ready to walk away.

This doesn’t just pertain to getting things done around the house, either. If you feel stuck because you have no education or work history, begin taking classes or signing up for training. Even if you can only pursue it at a slow pace, it will get you started and empower you.

Before you know it, you will embark on the journey to being more independent. With empowerment comes confidence, and that could lead to you landing the perfect job to help you walk away.

9. Take Control of Your Happiness

You are solely the person to ensure your happiness. When you are unhappy, remind yourself that you are responsible for that, too.

If you continually feel like something is causing you to be unhappy, think of how to change it.  Remember that you are 100% the only one who can make changes in your life. So, if you are unhappy with something, it is your responsibility to change it.

10. Cut Off Contact or Make it as Minimal as Possible

Once you have walked away, it is crucial to stay away. Narcissists have a way of making you believe they will change, but you can’t fall for that. It’s easier said than done, so cutting off contact is the best way to avoid the trap.

If you can’t cut off complete contact, make it as minimal as possible. Only discuss necessary topics, and set boundaries to ensure they don’t try to discuss anything else.

Final Thoughts on Ways to Empower Yourself to Walk Away from a Narcissist

Narcissists are manipulative and controlling, and their behavior can take a considerable toll on your mental health. Even so, it can be hard to walk away. If you can empower yourself, however, you will be able to do it.

Remember that you are tougher than you realize, and you deserve happiness and positivity. Remember these tips for empowerment the next time you are in a toxic situation, and think about your wellbeing.


Experts Reveal 4 Things Couples Should Do Before Getting Married

Experts Reveal 4 Things Couples Should Do Before Getting Married

Marriage is a serious commitment. Before leaping into this territory, you need to make sure that you and your partner are ready before getting married.

But how can you be assured that you’re on the right track? What can you do before saying your vows that will help you determine whether marriage is a good idea?

Relationship experts reveal four things couples should do before getting married.

1.    Have Serious Conversations

The significance of knowing what you are getting into before tying the knot cannot be overstated. You and your partner need to practice positive communication to make sure you’re moving forward on the same page. Here are some things you should talk about:

·         Money

No matter how much positive thinking you have as a couple, the fact remains that, scientifically speaking, financial problems are a chief cause of divorce and have been for decades. You and your partner need to talk at length about economic plans and goals, including ones for the future that seems unimportant to you right now, says Love Inc. founder Brittny Drye. Talk about 401Ks, financial responsibilities, bill-splitting, savings, the division of living expenses, retirement… absolutely everything related to money you can think of.

·         Names

Who’s taking whose name in the marriage, if anyone is? Are you hyphenating? Going for a traditional approach? Not changing any name at all? This topic is an important thing to decide on, according to Emily Sullivan Events’ titular founder Emily Sullivan. Think about your children and the last name they will inherit. What implications may arise for them and your current extended families?

·         Kids

Whether or not you desire to have children – and how many – is a huge point of discussion that needs to be cleared from the beginning. This is a huge step that will significantly affect the direction of your life, says SQN Events owner and event director Beth Bernstein. It involves personal responsibility and financial and emotional commitments. Most couples consider a clash in the desire to have children a deal-breaker.

2.    Open Up Completely

It’s fair to not tell a partner everything early in a relationship. When you’re planning to move forward into marriage though, being open about yourself is crucial. After all, there is little that you can hide from a spouse without it being a severe cause for concern or a breach of trust. Here are some ways to open up to a partner before getting married:

·         Talk About Your Family And Childhood

For some, childhood and family is a fun thing to talk about. For others, it’s a little bit more of a sensitive topic. Regardless of your past, it’s a good idea to talk about it with your partner and listen to their story, too. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Becky Whetstone, Ph.D., consider this crucial in understanding your partner for a more substantial relationship.

·         Reveal Bad Habits

No one is perfect. When you first begin dating, it’s easy to try and pretend that you are, or at least try and soften the reality of your bad habits. Hopefully, that isn’t something you did. But even if you did try and conceal your worst sides before, the chances are that your partner already knows about them to some extent. Be open about the person you are, talk about your struggles and areas you need to improve on and ask your partner to share their own. You need to love each other exactly as you are, without any desire to change the other!

·         Know What The Other’s Values Are

The goal when you marry someone is to spend the rest of your life with them. Though it is possible for people to stay happy and in love when their values differ, it’s still a good idea that you do know if your values are at odds before making these long-term commitments. Get all beliefs, opinions, and potentially controversial thoughts out in the open before tying the knot. This way, you’ll know whether any are deal-breakers, says Drye. If they aren’t deal-breakers, you can then talk about how to handle conflict in those areas and how to respect each other’s values.

·         Discuss Goals

You and your partner probably have your own goals in life. By now, if you’re considering marriage, you should both already know about each other’s plans to some degree. Ideally, your continued partnership will allow both of you to continue to follow your dreams. You shouldn’t give up on those dreams for anyone, and neither should your partner! This is an excellent chat to see if your lives are heading in the same direction.

Therapists explain why couples should set ground rules before getting marries.

3.    Do Stressful Cooperative Tasks

What is marriage but a long-term cooperative task? (Yes, we know it’s more complicated than that, but the concept stands!) If you and your partner can’t handle cooperation under challenging times, you may not yet be ready for marriage. Here are some ideas for testing the waters:

·         Learn Together

Sure, it’s not exactly very stressful, but the process of learning together can give you a shared experience that will make you stronger in the long run. You’ll have a bit of fun, learn to support each other as you gather new information, and figure out how you handle success and failure both independently and as a couple. So try attending a class, lecture, workshop, or talk about something you’re both interested in and see where you go from there!

·         Do Some Grocery Shopping

Have you ever seen couples hashing out a big tiff in the middle of a grocery store? You do not want to become a party to that behavior one day! A great way to test if you work in a positive way is to try doing some shopping together, especially of the kind that involves shared purchases. Food shopping and buying necessities for your home is an excellent way to gauge your compatibility on this scale. It’s not the most stressful thing in the world, but it can still be a challenge!

·         Go On A Trip

Traveling is fun, but no one can deny that things can get stressful and heated. Going on a trip with your partner will give you some fascinating insight into how you both deal with the stress of planning, being on time, and organizing, says So Eventful founder and CEO Marisa, Manna Ferrell. If you are unable to have a good time traveling with someone, you probably wouldn’t want to marry them, either.

·         Live Together

The person you truly are is never more apparent than when you’re at home. That’s why cohabitation is a great way to gauge whether or not you are truly compatible with a person, according to Drye. You’ll have to live with this person, their good and bad habits, and their housekeeping preferences, after all. This might be why 59% of adults between the ages of 18 and 44 have lived with a partner before marriage, and an impressive 85% of them have positive beliefs about premarital cohabitation.

Of course, whether you want to do this or not may differ by your belief system and personal values. A similar option would be having regular sleepovers with your partner – whether intimacy is involved or not – to get a similar glimpse into what life with them would be like.

4.    Get Through A Tough Time

Tough times are a standard part of any relationship. They will come and go throughout a marriage. What’s important is that you know you and your partner can overcome them. Here are some tough times that, if you iron out before marrying, point to a better chance of long-term relationship success:

·         Resolve A Big Fight

Fights are inevitable in a relationship. In fact, frequent arguments, when handled correctly and not done in excess, can actually be a sign of a healthy and positive relationship. This is because you learn to communicate, get through the tough times, and work through problems together, coming out stronger.

The key, then, is in learning to fight well, says marriage and family therapist John Amodeo, also an author. Do you speak to each other with honesty, openness, and respect during fights? Do you know when to step back and take time to breathe? Are you able to find workable solutions and fair compromises? You’ll have many fights in your “career” as a couple, so make sure you know how to work through them!

·         Learn To Deal With Fight Aftermaths

When fights are resolved, what’s the next step? Respect, as always. If you were in the wrong, learn to apologize. This proves to your partner that you respect them enough to put aside your pride. Similarly, you should also be able to rely on them to apologize when they are at fault. But what about situations where there’s no blame, but the end result is that you can’t agree? Be comfortable with sticking to your guns and letting your partner stick to theirs. It’s okay to agree to disagree!

·         Experience A Rut Of Intimacy

In an allosexual relationship, it’s typical for intimacy and libido to have its ups and downs, says marriage and family therapist Sheri Meyers. But when a “down” period is prolonged, both parties can feel neglected, undesirable, and even rejected. That disappointment and hurt can build up over time into resentment.

Take the opportunity to talk about your expectations for intimacy, discuss how you can overcome your current plateau, and think of ways to spice things up just outside your usual comfort zone. Sure, it’s not necessary for you to go through this rut before getting married, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good practice for the fact that these ruts will crop up now and then in the future!

·         Be Apart

Being apart can be challenging for partners who have spent so much time together. The inability to see someone can make resolving arguments harder, and it also makes emotions run higher. You need much more positive thinking to stay strong together when you’re long-distance. We’re definitely not saying to intentionally force a long-distance relationship, but spending a bit of time away from one another is suitable for testing the strength of your relationship and uncovering co-dependency issues.

·         Hit A Rough Patch

Love is not always rainbows and butterflies. Hard times are a standard part of relationships. If you and your partner have never hit a rough patch, there’s a fair chance that you’ll struggle to overcome one that you do hit later on in a marriage. Learning to work through wrinkles with positive thinking, love, trust, and communication is very important, says Sheri. Overcoming these hurdles will show you how committed you are and how secure the relationship is as a whole.

Final Thoughts On Some Things Couples Should Do Before Getting Married

Each relationship is unique, but they all share the need for security, trust, respect, and love. By doing the aforementioned four things before getting married, you’ll know that your relationship is strong enough to thrive in the long-run.


3 Best Finance Certifications to Compliment Your Career

3 Best Finance Certifications to Compliment Your Career

3 Best Finance Certifications to Compliment Your Career

Accountants are the backbones of the entire economy — without the work they do, companies would come crashing down. They keep track of money flows so people know how much they have to spend, and help executives plan ahead. The best accountants also have the best finance certifications, to train them on how to handle anything.

It doesn’t matter if they’re managing wealth and helping it grow, or are tracking global expenses. There are certifications to prepare accountants for any kind of work and to help them achieve whatever they want with their finance careers. All they need to do is apply for a program that prepares them for it and then pass the test.

Testing for the best financial certifications is never easy, though. To become an accountant that works alongside some of the biggest companies, you need tenacity, fastidiousness, and focus. Otherwise, your spot may go to someone else.

Keep reading below to learn about which certifications you should pursue, and how to get them.

1. Become a Chartered Certified Accountant for Global Work

This kind of certificate is recognized by accounting organizations across the world. It proves that an account can work on topics such as financial management, reporting, taxation, auditing, leadership, and even ethics. It covers almost anything and shows that an accountant is ready for almost any kind of work.

To get one, accountants need to go through three modules and take up to 13 exams. It can cost around $2,500 to get, and many accountants said that it took around 3 years to complete the program. You can read on here to learn more about the financial risk management part of the program.

2. Certified Public Accountants Are the Cream of the Crop

A CPA certification is one of the most important certifications for any kind of accountant, no matter where they are. Being certified as a public accountant is a huge step for finance careers and employers even list it as a requirement for many positions. 

It covers topics like auditing, attestation, financial accounting, and reporting. They also usually go over-generalized topics like business environment and concepts, as well as regulation.

3. Chartered Financial Analysts Have the Best Finance Certifications

A designation as a CFA speaks volumes about the capability of an accountant and helps them secure high-ranking positions across the world. With a CFA, you will distinguish yourself as a good candidate for becoming a financial analyst, keeping an eye on the portfolios of wealthy people and companies.

It will prepare you to do more than just track transactions. With a CFA, you’ll be able to help people grow their wealth and make their money work for them in ways it wouldn’t without you. However, it can cost around $5,000 to be certified, and take around four years.

The Best Certifications Are the Ones You Want

There is one way to tell which are the best finance certifications — they’re the ones that you want. If you’re going after a certification that you want and will help you with your career, then you don’t need to worry about how it compares to the rest. All you need to do is work on getting it.

And for that, we’re here. Keep reading our website to learn more about how you can become the best possible accountant you can be!


Counselors Explain Why Every Parent Needs to Take a Mental Health Day

Counselors Explain Why Every Parent Needs to Take a Mental

Life is full of things that stress you out. Work, bills, social life, kids, spouses – it can all be so demanding. It comes at you like a train going full speed ahead. A good mental health day is almost always the answer.

This is especially true if you have kids and even worse if you have more than one kid. You love them, and they love you. This doesn’t mean that you should be embarrassed to want a break from them.

Unfortunately, for a lot of parents, that break never comes. Many parents don’t make it a priority to take a mental health day to relieve themselves of all the stressors they deal with. They use their kids as an excuse as to why they can’t take time out for themselves.

If this is you, it’s good that you’re reading this article. You need to know why it’s imperative that you give yourself the occasional mental break. Here’s what counselors have to say about it.

Why You Should Take a Mental Health Day

As a parent, you’ll often put your kids first. Your needs get put on the back burner until you get some free time (which doesn’t come very often). You may find that your list of requirements keeps getting longer and longer.

Although you may be the best at managing stressful situations, that doesn’t mean you should continuously do it. The effects of stress can creep up on you and even impact your relationship with your children. You may not realize how stressed you are until you’re on the verge of having a breakdown.

Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., president & CEO of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, says it’s common for people not to realize how stressed they are. “Often people minimize the stress they are under, the effect it has, and don’t take action,” he says. This pressure is hazardous to your health.

The problem with ongoing stress is that your body never has a chance to settle down. According to Dr. Borenstein, the human body is designed to deal with short-term stress, not long-term stress. No matter how well you handle stress, it’s still stress.

Taking a mental health day ensures that you get a break from stress. This way, even if you don’t realize you’re stressed, you’re still getting a break. It doesn’t make you a bad parent to put yourself first. In fact, doing so helps to teach your children good stress management.

When You Should Take a Mental Health Day

The time to take a break may not be evident because, as stated before, you may not realize how stressed you are. Because of this, you should schedule these days regularly. However, there are a few signs that can let you know if you’re stressed out. Some of them include:

  • Jaw or tooth pain
  • Expanding waistline
  • Having a hard time focusing/concentrating
  • You keep having headaches
  • Trouble sleeping

If you notice that any of this is happening to you, it’s time to take a day to yourself. These few symptoms are manageable, but not taking care of them can cause worse symptoms that will impact your health as well as your relationship with your family.

Once you realize how important it is to take a day to yourself, you’ll probably wonder when the best time is for your day. Scheduling your day can be just as stressful as anything else in your life.

Just keep in mind that scheduling is the key. If you make a plan and plan far enough ahead of time, you can make sure that things will be handled while you’re having your day. The last thing you need to be worried about is who’s taking care of your kids and your household while you’re doing you.

A failure to plan will lead to you feeling guilty about putting yourself first. Guilty feelings lead to stress, and this can cause you to cancel your day. It’s imperative that you make a plan so you can have a peaceful mental health day.

One great way to start your plan is by picking a day that your spouse is off from work. This will ensure that you have someone to watch your kids when you’re not around. If you’re a single parent, try picking a day when a friend or family member is fully available for the entire day.

If you don’t have either of those options, you may have to hire a babysitter. You could save money by picking a day when your kids go to school—that way, the babysitter only needs to be there in the evening.

How You Should Take a Mental Health Day

While you’re planning the date, you should also plan your activities. However, don’t plan a strict schedule. A strict schedule could make you stressed if you can’t stick with it.

You should expect your day to be relaxing above all else. To do that, you need to figure out what you need most of all to rest.

Do you need complete solitude? Perhaps you need more time with your loved ones? A massage is a classic choice.

Whatever it is that you need, put that at the top of your activities list. Try focusing anything else you do that day around your priority. Think of some activities that will relax you and help you have a peaceful day.

Even if you decide to do that one activity, that’s okay. The goal is to renew yourself. But to do that, you’ll need complete peace of mind. Just make sure that you take the whole day to yourself, even if it’s to do that one thing.

Here Are Three Positive Activities to Help You Enjoy a Relaxing Day

You can take your mental health day alone, with friends, or with your partner. Modify these activities to suit your lifestyle.

1 – Treat Yourself to a Day at the Spa

Enjoy a pampering retreat, either alone or with your partner.   Enjoy a manicure-pedicure service, massage, and facial masks. While these services might feel decadent, remember that you deserve it! This self-care is essential to well-being.

2 – Connect with Mother Nature

Do you live near a beach, National Park, or mountains? Grab some of your friends, pack a picnic, and hit the bicycling or hiking trails they offer to visitors. Getting your heart rate pumping as you engage in these activities will invigorate you. And, the grand vistas you see along the way are food for the soul.

3 – Explore Cultural Activities

If you are not the “outdoorsy” type, consider a day trip to a nearby city. Open your mind to learning by exploring their cultural offerings. Do they have an art museum, historic district to explore or live theater? Are any festivals happening that you would enjoy? Expand your mind. That focus on learning new things will entertain you as well as engaging your mind.

What You Shouldn’t Do on Your Mental Health Day

The objective is to have a peaceful day that renews you and gets you ready to face your stressors with a clear head. So far, you’ve been told what you should do during your day. However, there are some things that you shouldn’t do either.

1 – Illegal Drugs

You should never do illegal substances. For starters, it’s illegal. Doing anything against the law is a bad idea. Plus, getting arrested is going to stress you out more than anything your kids could do. Doing drugs while you’re already under pressure can lead to a higher risk of debilitating addiction. Then the drugs will cause even more stress on your mental and physical health. It’s a vicious cycle that can have devastating effects on your life.

2 – Infidelity

Infidelity never ends well. Sure, you may feel good on that day or that night, but eventually, the truth will come out. When it does, it will cause more stress than you could ever imagine.

The stress will come from guilty feelings, but more of it will come from the effects that the infidelity will have on your spouse. Talal Alsaleem, an expert infidelity counselor, says that infidelity causes “…triggers, flashbacks, hypervigilance, avoidance behavior, and manifestations related to the knowledge about the affair and everything related to the affair.” Dealing with this type of fall out in an already stressed marriage could be enough to push you over the edge.

If you’re tempted to cheat on your spouse, perhaps what you need to schedule is marriage counseling instead of a mental health day (you may need both). Communication can significantly reduce stress between you and your spouse.

3 – Overspending the Family Funds

Going shopping is a great way to relieve stress unless one of your regular stressors is finances. The last thing you want to do is aggravate your stress when you’re supposed to be relaxing. If money is a problem in your life, try to plan your day with activities that are free or low-cost.

Even if money isn’t a common issue for you, overspending can stress you out once you’ve realized how much money you wasted. Joel L. Young M.D., medical director of the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine, compares overspending to using drugs. He says that even if people have unlimited funds to spend money, overspending can lead to feelings of guilt or shame, hoarding, and undermining relationships.

Enjoy your day, but don’t bring more stress on yourself by spending unnecessary money. There are plenty of ways to do you without breaking your wallet.

Final Thoughts on Why Parents Should Take an Occasional Mental Health Day

You’ll always be Super Mom or Super Dad to your kids. However, remember that you’re human. You get stressed out, and that’s okay.

What’s not okay is ignoring the fact that you need a break. Even if you handle stressful situations well, you need to renew your mental health every once in a while. Not doing so will begin to affect you and your family in ways you may not even notice.

Focusing on your mental health is setting an excellent example for your kids. After all, you wouldn’t want your kids to subject themselves to constant stress, right? Taking the occasional mental health day will keep you in the right frame of mind to continue being the best parent you can be.


10 Cleaning Tips to Prevent a Dirty House

10 Cleaning Tips to Prevent a Dirty House

A clean home is a happy home, but some of your cleaning tricks may be spreading dirt around rather than making it a germ-free space. Did you know that the average household in this country has more than 7,000 different types of bacteria floating around? It’s no wonder people get sick so frequently these days.

You may be worried about picking up germs outside, but you can catch a virus or infection from your sweet abode. There are ways that you can cut the bacteria and other germs that lurk inside your home. Get ready; you’re going to be shocked how some of your traditional cleaning methods and supplies are doing more harm than good.

If you want to make a change in your family’s life and health, start by adapting new cleaning methods first. Here are the top ten cleaning fails that make your home dirty.

1. Feather Dusters

If any cleaning item should be thrown out the window, it’s the feather duster. This invention was famous in the 1970s to quickly remove dust. The only problem with this device is that it scatters the dust everywhere. Sure, a bit of the debris gets trapped among the feathers, but most of it just gets transferred into the atmosphere.

You’re doing little good for your family when you spread the dust around. However, if you want to trap the dirt and remove it from your space, you need a wet cloth. A damp rag will trap the dirt into the fabric and doesn’t redistribute it.

You’re not cleaning if you use this old-fashioned duster, and your home will still be dirty. Someone with asthma or allergies in your family needs you to get rid of as much dirt as possible.

2. Dirty Vacuum Filters

In the age where people can use a bagless vacuum, why are people still using bags? A bag collects all the crud it picks up from your floors and keeps it in reserve. Have you ever turned on your vacuum cleaner, and it blew dust everywhere? Bags are not full proof.

Another problem is those dirty filters. Many people don’t even check their vacuum filters, so it can’t effectively clean because it’s clogged. The dirty vacuum filter won’t stop it from operating, but it won’t work as efficiently to clean your home.

3. Toilet Brush

Is there anything nastier than a toilet brush that is reused? It sits on a stand and collects water, fecal matter, and urine for everyone to breathe. These brushes are a magnet for harmful bacteria and diseases.

Thankfully, there are new one-use brushes on the market that you don’t have to store anything other than a wand. You clean your commode, release a lever, and the pad falls into the trash. You will have better luck keeping your bathroom germ free when you get rid of those disgustedly dirty toilet brushes.

4. Kitchen Sink

You wouldn’t think that your kitchen sink would be a place where dirt and debris harbor, oh, but it’s one place that needs some bleach. Do you know how many people let dirty dishes sit for days? What about the people who bathe their kids and animals in the sink? All these things are causing a build-up of germs in a commonly used area.

The sink is one place where you need to keep the germs down because you will eat from dishes cleansed here. Make sure that after each time you use your sink, you wipe it down with bleach or scrub it down with detergent. Bleach and soap will kill any germs that harbor on the surface and keep your home cleaner.

5. Using the Same Cleaning Cloth

The cleaning cloth you use for dishes wipe down the table, clean your child’s dirty hands, and wipe down the stove, should only be used for one purpose. You can’t keep using the same cleaning cloth and not expect to spread germs around.

It would help if you had a dedicated rag that you can use for each surface, and it needs to be washed when you’re done. Never let a dishcloth sit out on the sink to dry and then use it again the next day. If you want to cut down germs in your dirty home, then stop using the same rag for multiple purposes.

6. Not Cleaning the Register Vents

Your register vents are one place that is out of sight and out of mind. However, you drop things down in these vents all the time. Some may be more of a “hot spot” than others. Your children also drop things into these holes.

The real problem is when your furnace or AC system kicks on. It spreads these germs all-around your home. Bits of food can mold and spread fungi all over the place, making your home’s air quality lackluster.

Take a vacuum hose and clean as far back into the duct as you can. If you find that the area is really dirty, then you should call in a professional for duct cleaning.

Trying to decide if a night or morning shower is better? Here’s what doctors say.

7. Washing Machine

No one would dream that their washing machine would be dirty. It has soap, bleach, and fabric softener running through it all the time. Yet, if your clothes come out smelling not so fresh, then this appliance and its bacteria levels could be to blame.

When the new front-loader style washer came to the forefront, it changed everything. All these rubber seals to keep the water inside while turning on its side made things tricky. Unlike a top loader, which can easily have the lid opened to keep it fresh, it’s a bit more challenging with the new models.

The wet atmosphere and closed-door make it the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Many people complain that their washer stinks as well as their clothes are coming out with a smell. It would help if you cleaned your washer with a bleach and baking soda combination. If you don’t do this routine clean, then your washer’s seals will become full of mold and bacteria that will get redeposited on your clothes.

8. Remote Controls

If there is one item in the household that most people forget to clean, it’s the remote control. Think of how many times the remote is touched daily. Now, consider how many people sneeze, wipe their nose, cough, and then toss the remote on the couch; it’s dirty.

It collects germs from almost every member of the household, and it also gathers surface germs. You must wipe down this handy device at least once a week with an antibacterial wipe. Just remember to remove the battery before doing this routine clean.

9. Shower Curtain

The shower is the place you go to get clean. All the dirt and grime your body picks up during the day is washed down the drain. Naturally, it would be best to clean your shower and bathtub regularly to keep germs at bay.

However, when is the last time that you’ve washed your shower curtain? The curtain encounters your body both before and after it’s passed. Additionally, your body isn’t the only one it’s touching.

Chances are there is a lot of dirt that fungi that harbor on this curtain, and it should be washed frequently.

10. Light Switches, Doorknobs, and Handles

You can sit back and kick your feet up after a routine clean. You’ve got the important stuff that seems to have germs and dirt cleaned, but have you got everything? Light switches, doorknobs, and handles are often overlooked as no one thinks to clean these unless the dirt is apparent.

However, dozens of times, people in your home touch these items and bring outside germs inside your home. Think of all the times your children go to the bathroom and forget to wash their hands, or there are numerous occasions that a cough or sneeze will encounter them.

When you do your routine household cleaning, you need to remember to include the Light switches, doorknobs, and handles on the list. Your family could easily pass around the flu or other viruses on such items, and you might not be any the wiser.

Final Thoughts on Whisking Away Those Dirty Cleaning Habits

Do you still use the old mop and bucket when you clean your floors? You pick up dirt and redistribute it to other areas of the home. So many old cleaning methods can’t get rid of the germs and infectious diseases that you fight today. You can never be too careful when it comes to the cleanliness of your home.

Sure, your schedule is busy, and the last thing you have time for is to be sick. Sadly, many people aren’t cleaning their houses well enough, or they forget germy hot spots that make them ill. Engage the whole family in making the home a cleaner space.

Cleaning your remotes, washing machines, kitchen sink, as well as your light switches, doorknobs, and handles, should be a routine part of your week. You want to encourage a haven for your family where they can rest easy and won’t get sick. Are you guilty of these epic cleaning failures? Now is the time to cast toxins from your living space.


4 Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

4 Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

Do you often find that your mornings start a little too slowly? Does it take you much too long to get your gears whirring during the daytime? Do you struggle to stay on-task and finish jobs so soon after waking up? If you answered yes to any of those questions, don’t worry! Highly organized people reveal their tips for success. It’s much more common than you think!

Being productive in the mornings isn’t easy. Conditions have to be right, you must know yourself and what you’re doing, and you need to be able to find thoughts and objects quickly. But how can you do that? By learning from those who do this successfully, of course! Here are four habits of highly organized people for a productive morning.

1.    Scheduling In A Smart Way

Everyone talks about the importance of keeping a schedule. But there’s no point in creating a program that simply doesn’t work for you or anyone else. The point of scheduling isn’t to make a pretty list of work but to actually help you stay on track in a reasonable but firm manner. Here are some tips for scheduling smart:

·         Make A To-Do List

Yes, it’s easy to assume that you’ll naturally remember everything you have to do without the aid of a list. Still, writing a to-do list is considered one of the most positive and organized steps you can take if you want to be more productive. List down what you have to do that day, that week, and even that month if you plan your schedule that far in advance. You won’t feel pressured to remember everything, and you’ll feel accomplished when you cross items off the list one by one while the day goes on.

·         Be Mindful Of Your Energy

Don’t base your scheduling off of others. You know best how your energy levels are like. If you’re booming with alertness right after waking up, you can schedule things earlier in the day. If you’re a night person, you might be more lenient with your time limits for tasks. Take all of this into consideration. Remember, your schedule is for you, not anyone else!

·         Set A Timetable

Remember that to-do list? Trying setting it to a timetable. When everything you have to do has a set schedule that is easy to follow and an exact deadline, it’ll be easier for you to stay on track. Assign reasonable times, keep track of your progress, and don’t lose your positive thinking. Highly organized people tout this habit as a fantastic way to up your productivity as it keeps you on task from the beginning of each day.

·         Don’t Drop The Ball

When your day is hectic, it’s easy to forget some appointments or tasks. Try your hardest to keep each in mind. This is why you need a to-do list – so everything you have to do is nicely laid out and very difficult to forget! If you wind up having no choice but to miss specific tasks due to time constraints, learn from that mistake and schedule things more realistically in the future.

·         Follow A Routine

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a little variety in your life. But if you genuinely wish for a productive morning, make your schedule a routine. Do chores in the same order and basic tasks in the same general timeline every day. Routines are hugely crucial for positive productivity and efficiency, and they can even help with cognitive ability. This makes a routine a surefire success when your goal is a productive morning.

2.    Getting A Good Breakfast

Of course, breakfast is the first and most important meal you’ll have all day long. That’s why it’s so essential that your productive morning starts off with a well-planned breakfast. Here are some ways to make your first meal more fulfilling:

·         Eat Protein

The breakfast you eat makes a huge difference in how productive your morning is. Think about it: your body hasn’t had food for a prolonged period of time while you slept, so you need something that can get your engines into gear. A lot of people talk about carbohydrates as a breakfast food, but few fully grasp just how much protein can do for the body. Protein is a great brain nutrient that studies have found has positive effects on brain function. Consider breakfast foods involving eggs, Greek yogurt, almonds, or cottage cheese.

·         Prepare Food In Advance

Preparing your breakfast the evening before is a fantastic way to save a good chunk of time every morning. Your breakfast will be nutritious and won’t require the thinking of your groggy, still-tired brain. Even better, you can opt to prep large batches of breakfast over the weekend, so your entire week’s morning meals are ready to go!

·         Do Something Productive During Your Breakfast

Breakfast is a great time to get your gears going, and it’s an excellent way to get ahead of your tasks for the day. By the time you’re done eating, you’ll already be ahead! However, take this hint with a grain of salt, as it doesn’t work for everyone! If you tend to overeat, get distracted, or become stressed out when you do something else with breakfast, it’s best to opt not to go for this trick.

Here are ten daily habits that put you in a great mood.

3.    Be Tidy

Sure, being perfectly clean all the time is overrated. But making sure your clutter stays under control is very important for productivity. Plus, you can hardly consider yourself highly organized if your entire house and workstation are a mess! Here are some ways to keep things neat:

·         Clear Your Workspace

Want to have a fresh start to each day, full of positive thinking? Make sure your working space or desk is clean and clear before you begin. Clutter can almost feel comfortable sometimes, but what it actually does is trip you up. Things get harder to find, you’re more likely to be stressed out, and it’s tough to get things done without holdups. Sure, everyone has different limits to how messy space can get before it affects them, but if you follow science, cleanliness and tidiness is most crucial to productivity.

·         Resolve Snags

If you want your days to run smoothly, try making a habit of smoothing out so-called loose ends left behind from days past. It’s easy to ignore the tissue that fell on the floor, but in time that will amount to a lot of rubbish everywhere, which will impact your productivity. You might not think that missed call is that big of a deal, but when twenty of them pile up, you’ll be too overwhelmed to get to them. Learning to quickly tidy up these tiny little things as and when you notice them is key to being organized.

·         Clean Key Areas Before Leaving

Before you leave your house every morning, take a quick glance through the critical areas of your home. This might be your dining table where you eat, the kitchen counter where you need to cook, or the shoe rack by the front door that you tend to dump everything into. Give them all a cursory once over and clear or tidy what you can before heading out. This places your mind at ease as you go about your morning while also giving you a little sense of accomplishment from the start.

It’s worth noting that we’re not insinuating you need to have a perfect environment in order to be productive. The lesson here is to learn to become a more organized person, so you need to know where things are and feel relaxed in your living and working spaces. Often, being at least some degree of tidy is necessary to achieve this!

4.    Learn To Prioritize

Highly organized people don’t mistake productivity for the simple act of squeezing in as much as you can into as few moments as possible. The issue with this description is that it removes quality from the equation

When you are productive, you’re performing with high-quality and delivering outstanding results, but at a consistent and, if possible, fast pace. This means that sometimes, there are tasks you have to leave behind in favor of what really matters. Here’s how to better prioritize the things you need to get done for a more productive morning:

·         Decide On What You Want To Accomplish

What are the three things that you absolutely want to accomplish today? Which tasks must you complete to feel like you’ve been productive? Once you have your three most important tasks, schedule your day around them. You can do them at any point, as long as you get them done. When you have to choose between these tasks and other less major ones, always choose the former! You’ll feel better about yourself while teaching yourself not to sweat the small stuff.

·         Get To Critical Emails As Soon As Possible

It’s a great idea not to make a habit of browsing your email first thing in the morning before work begins. But once it starts, it’s all fair game! Focus on starting with the more critical emails first, resisting the urge to the top of your inbox chronologically. When you have the most vital emails settled, you’ll feel more relaxed and have more positive thinking throughout the day. Plus, there’s a much lower risk of you forgetting about those essential tasks as the day goes on! Highly organized people do not waste too much time on pointless, spammy emails.

·         Do The Worst Things First

Think of the three “worst” things you have to do today and get them done first. It’s up to you to define what “worst” entails. Are they the tasks you find most problematic? The ones you find most boring? The chores that take up the most time? An assortment of all of the above? Spend your morning on those “worst” tasks, and you’ll feel much more accomplished after – and, therefore, more motivated to do the more straightforward jobs during the rest of the day! Your concentration and energy are also likely best in the mornings, which plays into this.

Final Thoughts On Some Habits Of Highly Organized People For A Productive Morning

Few can deny the benefits of being organized. It helps you concentrate, reduces stress levels, and, of course, it makes you more productive. No matter what the time of day it is, focusing on the proper organization of your work area, your living space, and your tasks and goals for the day is crucial. Absolutely everyone can benefit from adding these habits of highly organized people to their lives!


Behind the Scenes Look: A Day in the Life of a Freelance Ghostwriter

Behind the Scenes Look: A Day in the Life of

Behind the Scenes Look: A Day in the Life of a Freelance Ghostwriter

Did you know that around 60% of celebrity books on the top seller list are written by ghostwriters?

With so many people learning about ghostwriting, it’s natural that there’s a curiosity about what a freelance ghostwriter does on a daily basis. Some people might be considering working in this field as well, but many people want to find and hire a ghostwriter.

Continue reading this article and we will give you a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a freelance writer and incite in how to hire a ghostwriter.

Planning and Productivity

Before a ghostwriter even starts writing, they map out their day and figure out what they are going to do and when they’ll do it. Most freelancers track their hours to make sure they’re working enough to hit their income goals.

It’s easy to let your day go off the rails without proper planning. Any other productivity exercises are done early in the morning as well. If you want to hire a ghostwriter, it’s best to email them late at night or very early in the morning. Make sure to be very direct when hiring a ghostwriter so they understand what you want and how they can help.

Checking Emails and Responding

After morning planning, productivity, and some breakfast—and lots of coffee—it’s time to check emails.

Morning emails might hold requests from potential clients, or from current clients with questions about current projects. Getting these emails taken care of early in the morning will allow for the actual writing part of things that takes place next.

Writing for Someone Else

Since ghostwriters write for someone else, they have to be good at taking on the voice of other people. It’s important that people not know that someone else other than the person who’s name is on the content wrote the book.

Not everyone is good at writing and you’d be surprised how many people that are bestsellers never slaved over a computer putting their words together in the beautiful arrangement that is now their amazing book.

A large part of writing for someone else means they will need to interview that person and learn more about their story, who they are, and how they speak.

Finding a Great Ghostwriter

In order to find the perfect ghostwriter, you might need to search through a good deal of people. Keep in mind, though, that once you find the perfect person that gets your voice, you’ll be able to use them for multiple projects.

If you’re hiring virtually, don’t be afraid to ask them to hop on a video conference with you, so you can get an idea of who they are. You should also ask them to do a small sample project, but keep in mind you do want to pay them for this.

Understanding a Freelance Ghostwriter’s Job

Now you know more about what a freelance ghostwriter does and you have an idea about how to hire someone. Depending on your project, you might be able to get it done faster than you thought with a professional that knows how to get the job done.

Do you want to learn more about writing and other interesting topics? Continue through our blog to learn more.


How to Survive on a Low-Income Without Going Broke

How to Survive on a Low-Income Without Going Broke

How to Survive on a Low-Income Without Going Broke

Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Are you worried you will get behind and fall into debt? Don’t worry, with some money management and budgeting you can keep your head above water and stay on track.

Keep reading to learn some great low-income living tips. 

Create a Budget

When living on a low income, one of the first things you need to do is create a budget for yourself. This can be an unenjoyable task for most people but it is an essential step for you to do in order to live within your means and not go into debt. 

Start by determining what your total monthly income is and then your essential bills and utility expenses. After subtracting your expenses from your income you will see how much you have leftover at the end of the month. From this difference, you can decide how much you have to spend on groceries and entertainment each week. 

This is also a great opportunity for you to take a deep look at where your money goes and how you can budget things better. Do you have cable? It might be time to cut the cord. Do you like to get a coffee every morning on the way to work? It’s time to start brewing your own at home. 

Creating a budget is the best way for you to see how your money is being spent and to keep you from going over and accruing debt. 

Start an Emergency Fund

One of the biggest traps to fall in when you have a low income is not having an emergency fund. This fund will help you out when times are tough and avoid putting expenses on a credit card or taking out a loan.

It might seem difficult to save money when you are already having trouble making ends meet, but it is possible once you create and stick to your budget. Once you cut your budget down to only your priorities you can save money fast by placing all of your extra money into your savings account. 

Another great way to build your emergency fund is by funneling any windfalls you might receive directly into savings. If you’ve earned a bonus at work, received birthday money from your grandma, or started a side hustle, all that should be sent straight to savings. Once you have saved up at least $1000 you can start using any extra earnings at the end of the month to pay down debt you’ve accrued. 

Prioritize Your Spending

If you have a low income one of the first things you should do after reviewing your budget is cut down on excess spending. If you track your spending for one month you will see where these extra frivolities cost you a lot in the grand scheme of things. 

Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol? These habits are not only bad for your health but they wreak havoc on your wallet. It is in your best interest to cut back or quit these addictions altogether. 

Do you pay a subscription fee for music, cable, or a monthly club? These types of monthly fees should be canceled. You can still enjoy your music by using the free version of the service, switch to streaming instead of cable, and cancel the subscription boxes. 

Start Cooking at Home

One of the biggest expenses each month will be your food budget. If you aren’t a strong cook then it’s time to read some cookbooks and follow the recipes. Learning to cook can save you a ton of money, especially if you have children, and it can be a fun and rewarding experience. 

Start out by trying some simple meals and then as you get comfortable grow your skill and expand on your weekly meals. You can then pack your leftovers for lunch at work the next day and avoid spending money on fast food restaurants. Once you start preparing your own meals regularly you will begin to notice a big impact on your monthly budget. 

Get a Roommate

If you’ve cut back in many ways but are still struggling to make ends meet then it’s time to take a look at your living situation. If you live in an area where the rent is higher than you can afford you might want to consider getting a roommate. 

Renting an apartment together can be cheaper for you than moving into a room that is sublet by someone else. Often times the other person will sublet the room at a higher rate then if they were to split the rent in half. However, this might be a great option if you are already in an apartment that you enjoy. 

If getting a roommate isn’t an option then you might want to consider if its time to move to an area that is more within your cost of living range. While it might be fun and exciting to live in the city, it’s probably time to move out to the suburbs so you can get your finances back on track. 

Change Your Future

Once you have been living on a low-income budget for a while you will realize that it can be exhausting and unsustainable for a long period of time. If you have been working at a job that is low-paying then its time to take inventory of your life and decide if this is where you want to stay or is it time to move on. 

If you have been living on a low-income budget while you are going to secondary school then you know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If you were unfortunately unable to go to college then now is the time to determine if you should now or learn a trade to help raise you up out from living paycheck to paycheck. 

Learn More Low-Income Living Tips to Live a Comfortable Life!

These are just some of the low-income living tips you can start using today. Start by creating a budget, cut back on all unnecessary expenses, and save an emergency fund. Keep your priorities in mind when spending money, start cooking at home, and get a roommate if you are having trouble making your rent payments. 

Remember to keep your head up because this situation is only temporary if you take the proper steps to achieve more in the future. 

If you’d like more financial tips or information be sure to visit our website daily!