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New Study Confirms That Yoga Improves Anxiety Symptoms

New Study Confirms That Yoga Improves Anxiety Symptoms

If you want to improve your anxiety symptoms, you may want to try yoga for relief. Yoga means union of the body and soul or individual consciousness with Universal consciousness. It allows you to see the actual reality of existence beyond just the limited ego. While liberation from body consciousness remains the real goal of yoga, it can significantly benefit one’s mental health.

Because yoga leads to perfect harmony between mind and body, your anxiety will naturally melt away once you reach the highest consciousness. When you unite your consciousness with the highest source of intelligence, your mind will cease to cause suffering to the body. While yoga in the west seems to focus more on conditioning the body, the real goal is the liberation of consciousness.

While the yogic system is designed for upgrading one’s consciousness, the benefits for the mind and body are just as significant.

Health benefits of yoga

1 – Decreases stress.

Studies have shown that the practice can decrease cortisol levels, the primary stress hormone. One study of 131 people showed that after ten weeks of consistent yoga practice, their stress and anxiety decreased dramatically.

2 – Reduces anxiety.

Yoga can help improve anxiety symptoms by promoting relaxation and stress-reduction techniques. For example, in one study of 64 women with PTSD, the women had fewer symptoms after practicing for ten weeks. 52% of participants no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD after doing yoga just once weekly during the study period.

3 – Lowers inflammation.

One study in 2015 divided 218 participants into two groups. One group practiced yoga, and the other did strenuous physical exercise. At the end of the course, the yoga group had lower inflammatory markers than the non-yoga group.

4 – Improves heart health.

High blood pressure is one of the most prevalent risk factors for heart disease. One study found that participants over 40 years old who practiced yoga for five years maintained a lower pulse rate and blood pressure than the individuals who didn’t. Not to mention, yoga helps lower stress, which also contributes to heart disease risk.

5 – Helps reduce depression symptoms.

Depression remains the leading cause of disabilities worldwide; however, yoga may help alleviate these symptoms. One study found that after just two weeks of practice, participants had fewer depression symptoms and lower cortisol levels. They also had lower ACTH levels, a hormone that releases cortisol into the body.

6 – Improves sleep quality. 

Yoga can help increase the production of melatonin, which regulates sleep cycles. Lower stress levels due to yoga may also contribute to better sleep quality.

7 – Reduces chronic pain.

In one study, 42 people who struggled with carpal tunnel syndrome either did yoga for eight weeks or received wrist splints. By the end of the trial, researchers found that yoga reduced pain and improved grip strength more than the splints did.

We could list even more health benefits of yoga, but we want to discuss primarily how yoga can improve anxiety symptoms. Millions of people suffer with different types of anxiety disorders worldwide, and symptoms may range from mild to severe. However, yoga could provide a cure to this often debilitating disease.

Here’s how yoga can help ease anxiety symptoms:

 A new study shows how yoga can ease symptoms in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This condition causes excessive worry or nervousness about everyday life and can take over someone’s mind. People with this disorder display pronounced anxiety most days for at least six months about many different aspects of life.

Symptoms include the following:

  • Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge
  • Being easily fatigued
  • Having difficulty concentrating, the mind drawing a blank.
  • Becoming irritable
  • Having muscle tensions
  • Difficulty in controlling feelings of concern, fear, or worry
  • Having sleep problems. These issues include difficulty falling or staying asleep, restlessness, or unsatisfying sleep

The research on generalized anxiety disorder

Anyone with anxiety knows of the great suffering that can come with this disorder. It feels like you have little to zero control over your mind and body, and some people even experience dissociation in extreme cases. Scientists have found how yoga can provide relief to those suffering from GAD.

Led by a research team at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, the study found that yoga could treat GAD better than education on stress management. However, they discovered that it didn’t improve anxiety symptoms quite as much as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

“Generalized anxiety disorder is a very common condition, yet many are not willing or able to access evidence-based treatments,” said lead study author Naomi M. Simon, MD, a professor and researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at NYU Langone Health. “Our findings demonstrate that yoga, which is safe and widely available, can improve symptoms for some people with this disorder and could be a valuable tool in an overall treatment plan.”

Published August 12, 2020, in JAMA Psychiatry, the study assigned 226 men and women with GAD to three groups: CBT, Kundalini yoga, or stress-management education. After three months, researchers found that both CBT and yoga had more significant impacts on anxiety than stress management. Indeed, 54 percent of those who practiced yoga had significant improvements in symptoms compared to only 33 percent in the stress management group. In the CBT group, 71 percent met the symptom improvement criteria.

At the six month follow-up, the CBT group still showed more significant improvements than the stress education group (the control group). However, yoga no longer had the same benefits, suggesting that CBT may improve anxiety symptoms more effectively.

The study

 For the CBT group, the study used an evidence-based protocol for the treatment of GAD. This therapy included the following:

  • education on psychology;
  • cognitive interventions focused on identifying and correcting maladaptive thoughts;
  • muscle relaxation techniques.

The Kundalini yoga group learned physical postures, breathing techniques, relaxation exercises, yoga theory, and meditation/mindfulness. The stress-management education control group listened to lectures about how stress affects the physiological, psychological, and medical aspects of health. They also learned how lifestyle factors could improve anxiety symptoms, such as reducing alcohol and smoking, eating healthy, and exercising. They listened to educational material on stress, lifestyle, and diet for homework assignments as well.

Three to six participants at a time received one of the three treatments over 12 weeks. They had weekly two-hour sessions with 20 minutes of daily homework assignments.

So, does yoga improve anxiety symptoms?

Currently, around 6.8 million Americans suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, many of them don’t get proper treatment for it out of shame, fear, or lack of resources. It can impair someone’s life if not treated properly, however. Most people have expressed feelings of anxiety at some point in their life; however, it becomes a disorder when it significantly impacts daily routines.

The study above shows that, while yoga can effectively ease symptoms of anxiety, CBT still ranks highest in treating the disorder. Medications can also treat anxiety, but not everyone wants to take the risk of having adverse side effects or complications from them. Also, the lack of access to medication or therapy prevents many people from seeing improvements in their anxiety symptoms. Because of this, yoga may prove useful for those who have no other options, as you can practice for free in your own home.

“Many people already seek complementary and alternative interventions, including yoga, to treat anxiety,” said Dr. Simon. “This study suggests that at least short-term there is significant value for people with a generalized anxiety disorder to give yoga a try to see if it works for them. Yoga is well-tolerated, easily accessible, and has several health benefits.”

Dr. Simon suggests that research in the future should try to narrow down who would benefit the most from yoga for GAD. That way, therapists and healthcare providers can personalize treatment to ensure better results for their patients.

“We need more options to treat anxiety because different people will respond to different interventions, and having more options can help overcome barriers to care,” she said. “Having a range of effective treatments can increase the likelihood people with anxiety will be willing to engage in evidence-based care.”

Final thoughts on how yoga can improve anxiety symptoms

As the study above shows, yoga has a vast potential to ease symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. The practice helps promote feelings of calm and relaxation by reducing cortisol levels, and it brings awareness back into the body. The best part is that anyone in any age group can do yoga and reap all the benefits from it. No matter what ailment you may suffer from, you can see results from the practice if you keep consistency.

While cognitive-behavioral therapy still comes out on top for treating anxiety, this doesn’t mean you can’t practice yoga as well. Plus, it provides an excellent option for those who don’t have access to therapy or don’t feel comfortable with it. Besides, yoga does more than improve anxiety symptoms – it also lessens depression, inflammation, and chronic pain. If you haven’t started your practice, you can find plenty of free resources online to help you.


Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil for Anxiety: What You Should Know

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil for Anxiety: What You Should

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil for Anxiety: What You Should Know

Anxiety affects nearly everyone in one way or another. Now more than ever, we’re living in uncertain times that may cause you more anxiety than you know how to handle.

Thankfully, there are quite a few ways to ease stress and anxiety without resorting to prescription drugs. Two of those ways are hemp oil and CBD oil.

If you’re wondering about the benefits of hemp oil vs CBD oil for anxiety, you’re at the right place. Read on and decide for yourself which is best for you.

Ingredients and Production

We’ll start at the core of the differences between hemp oil and cbd oil: what they’re made of.

Hemp oil is oil that’s been extracted from the industrial hemp variety seeds. It’s cold-pressed in order to extract the oil from the seeds.

On the other hand, CBD oil can be made from any cannabidiol-rich strain of cannabis, not just hemp. It’s also made using the entire plant, rather than just the seeds.

Both products are derived from hemp and can contain up to 0.3% THC, but no more than that. Since they are often both advertised as hemp products, make sure you read the label carefully to confirm what you’re actually getting.

Because hemp oil is made from cold-pressed seed extraction, it generally has a nutty flavor and a dark to clear light green color. CBD oil, on the other hand, has an earthy flavor due to its solvent-based plant extraction. CBD oil usually has a gold color.

The Benefits and Uses

Both CBD oil and hemp oil provide a lot of health benefits. The way they are used and what they’re used to treat have some similarities, but in general, they are quite different.

Hemp seed oil is usually found in products for hair and skincare like specialty shampoos or body wash. It’s also commonly used in cooking. It’s high in antioxidants, vitamin E, protein, and omega-3 and -6 fatty acids.

CBD oil, on the other hand, is most often used as a tincture like the ones sold at These are usually taken sublingually by putting drops under the tongue. CBD oil is also commonly used in cannabidiol products such as CBD gummies or CBD sodas.

Hemp seed oil is most beneficial as a body health supplement. It’s great for your hair and your skin, and it’s a tasty, healthy addition to food. However, it doesn’t provide much in the way of medicinal benefits.

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil for Anxiety

Hemp oil provides a lot of benefits, but treating anxiety is definitely not one of them. However, CBD oil is a different story.

Several studies have shown that CBD oil has both anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. It can help treat multiple forms of anxiety, including social anxiety, OCD, and PTSD.

So if you’re debating hemp oil vs CBD oil for anxiety, go with the CBD.

If you’re looking for more interesting news stories, keep reading Express Digest. From up to date news to more health tips, we have what you need to know, today.


Vaping and Anxiety: Can CBD Oil Help Treat Anxiety?

Vaping and Anxiety: Can CBD Oil Help Treat Anxiety?

Vaping and Anxiety: Can CBD Oil Help Treat Anxiety?

Are you aware of the connection between vaping and anxiety?

Since the legalization of CBD, people have been searching for more ways and easier ways to incorporate this chemical into their daily lives to treat conditions like anxiety and depression.

Keep reading to learn more about how to use CBD oil for panic attacks and treating anxiety symptoms with nothing more than a vaping pen.

What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is one of the two main chemicals found in the cannabis plant. The other is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is what alters your mind to make you high.

The branch of cannabis plants that contain THC is often referred to as marijuana whereas CBD comes from hemp. This distinction is important because hemp is legal because plants contain less than 0.3% THC and cannot get you high.

Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

Although the research is still limited, there have been positive results for using CBD to treat anxiety. This is great news because it was previously thought that only products that contained THC could treat anxiety.

One recent study showed that there was a noticeable difference in blood flow to the emotional centers of the brains of people with social anxiety disorder while taking CBD in pill form.

This study and others like it indicate that CBD’s anxiolytic properties are what allows it to decrease the feeling of anxiety in sufferers. The increased blood flow and oxygenation to key areas in the brain alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Other research has found that CBD may increase the body’s production of serotonin. This neurochemical is responsible for many positive feelings and high levels of it help treat things like anxiety and depression.

CBD Vaping and Anxiety

There are many ways to take CBD for anxiety. This includes:

  • Capsules
  • Oil
  • Candies or other edibles
  • Tea
  • Vaping

At this time, there isn’t a standard for how much CBD you should take to treat your anxiety symptoms. For that reason, many have turned to vaping as a way to get as much as they need for their current situation.

All you have to do is add some prefilled CBD cartridges to your vaping pen. Then, you can take it out and vape when you start to feel your anxiety increasing or before going into a situation that makes you nervous.

Because so many people vape now, this is a subtle way to get what you need so you don’t have to worry about being judged by those who don’t understand the numerous benefits of using CBD for anxiety.

What to Do After You Overcome Anxiety

Now you know how vaping and anxiety are connected and how CBD oil can help you overcome this mental illness so you can be the best version of yourself.

If you’re not sure what to do after you begin to overcome your anxiety, keep reading our blog. It’s full of business ideas, tips, and tricks so you can use your confidence boost to change your life financially.


How CBD Oil Can Help Ease Work Related Anxiety

How CBD Oil Can Help Ease Work Related Anxiety

How CBD Oil Can Help Ease Work Related Anxiety

Did you know that nearly 80% of American workers report feeling job-related stress? And that every day, 1 million workers are absent from work because of stress?

Not only does workplace stress cause absenteeism, but it is also related to declines in your physical and mental health, difficulties sleeping, difficulties in performing your job, and strained personal relationships. 

Instead of just accepting that work anxiety is a regular thing and part of life, why not try to address and alleviate that anxiety?

One of the more recent ways to address work anxiety is CBD oil. CBD oil has become very popular to treat a variety of conditions, and stress and anxiety are no exception. 

Keep reading to learn more about how this wonder cure could help you.

What is CBD, Exactly?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a cannabinoid that is found in the marijuana and hemp plants.

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (commonly known as THC), CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive properties, so it won’t make you feel high like marijuana does. CBD for medical purposes is derived from the hemp plant, not the marijuana plant.

While marijuana is still illegal in most states, CBD oil as a treatment for various conditions is legal (although each state has its own rules and regulations governing it).  

Can CBD Really Decrease Work Anxiety?

One of the biggest triggers of anxiety is stress. If you are constantly under stress at work and at home, you are at a much higher likelihood of developing anxiety. In fact, 25% of Americans will suffer from chronic anxiety in their life.

While we all experience short bursts of stress–maybe when we are under a tight deadline or working on a big project, it’s chronic stress that is the real problem.

Short bouts of stress are natural and often unavoidable. 

CBD isn’t meant to deal with this stress that is only temporary. When stress becomes chronic and develops into anxiety with the following symptoms, that’s when CBD can help. 

  • gastrointestinal issues
  • appetite changes
  • changes in sleep patterns
  • fatigue
  • muscles tension
  • headaches
  • weight gain

Researchers aren’t clear on how CBD oil works in our body, but it is believed that it works with a brain receptor called CB1. Brain receptors are proteins attached to your cells that receive chemical signals from various parts of your body. 

It is believed that CBD alters serotonin signals. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in our mental health. Having too little serotonin has been linked to depression. Serotonin also helps regulate appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and sexual functions. 

Traditional Treatment for Anxiety

The usual treatment for anxiety or depression caused by low levels of serotonin is SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as Lexapro, Zoloft, and Prozac, among many others. A doctor must prescribe these drugs and there is not a one-size-fits-all drug or dosage.

It often takes some trial and error and tweaking to figure out what drug works best for you and at what dosage. 

CBD can be purchased over the counter, comes with minimal side effects, and though you might need to adjust the dosage after a bit of trial and error, the process is much simpler than managing SSRIs.

For example, if you will vape CBD, you must start at the low end of the recommended CBD vape oil dosage and work your way up from there. 

Other Benefits of CBD 

Not only does research show that CBD can treat anxiety and depression (out of 32 studies examining the impact of CBD on anxiety in rodents, 31 of them found that CBD was beneficial in reducing anxiety), it also can ease other symptoms associated with anxiety. 

Neck and back pain are often associated with spending many hours of your day at a desk. CBD is an anti-inflammatory, so it can help soothe this chronic pain. It can also help you reduce the cravings for other substances, like nicotine or alcohol. 

CBD can also improve your mood (which has benefits at work and at home) and increase your productivity at work. These improvements can help decrease or even eliminate your workplace anxiety.

Things to Keep in Mind

The best way to use CBD to decrease anxiety is one tool in a comprehensive plan to treat anxiety. Seeing a therapist, making lifestyle changes, such as increasing exercise and healthy eating, and focusing on making positive changes at work should all be used in conjunction with CBD. 

You should also speak to your doctor about starting CBD, especially if you are taking other medications, as it may impact your body’s ability to metabolize certain prescription meds.

Your doctor can also assess your overall health to determine if there are other underlying conditions contributing to your anxiety.

What Are the Side Effects?

Unlike SSRIs, the side effects of CBD are pretty minimal. If you do experience side effects, they are likely to be: 

  • gastrointestinal effects
  • dry mouth
  • sleeping difficulties
  • mood changes 
  • dizziness 
  • fatigue 

The side effects are usually manageable and relatively infrequent.

There are some withdrawal symptoms as well, but again, they are much less severe than if you are weaning yourself off of SSRIs or other prescription medications. The most severe withdrawal symptoms typically include the return of the original symptoms you were having.

Kiss Your Work-Related Stress Goodbye

Work anxiety doesn’t only negatively impact your workday. It will often follow you home, impacting your personal and family life as well.

Don’t go another day with the stress of your job hanging over your head. Take steps today to alleviate your stress and anxiety with CBD and other lifestyle changes. 

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