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SEO for Law Firms: 5 Brilliant Tips to Get Your Law Firm on the Google Front Page

SEO for Law Firms: 5 Brilliant Tips to Get Your

SEO for Law Firms: 5 Brilliant Tips to Get Your Law Firm on the Google Front Page

The demand for legal services in the United States is strong. In fact, the nation is expected to add 65,000 new lawyers in the next seven years. While legal professionals are in demand, there is also a fierce competition to attract new clients.

One of the most effective resources to draw new business is Google. This leaves many legal executives wondering how to get the firm’s website on a Google search’s first page.

Read on to learn more about SEO for law firms. SEO is a certain way to drive web traffic and grow your customer base.

1. Start a Blog

The first step to boosting web traffic is starting a legal blog. For starters, this is a place to show off your firm’s legal expertise. Here you can tackle complicated topics and give pro bono legal advice.

A legal blog is where you will execute Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. Publishing quality content, accompanied by SEO tactics, is a certain way to attract new clients.

2. Use Targeted Keywords

The algorithms that Google uses to rank websites rely heavily on keywords. Envision a scenario in which a prospective client is searching for divorce lawyers near Los Angeles.

Google then searches the web for hyperlinks including the keyword used by the client. Each blog post or webpage on your website should strategically use targeted keywords. In this case, write a blog post about hiring the best divorce lawyers near Los Angeles.

Start off by brainstorming targeted keywords that prospective clients are likely to use. There are tools like Google Keyword Planner that will help you research effective ones. Then generously incorporate these keywords into new blog posts.

3. Authority Anchors

Becoming a legal authority in your specialized field has SEO perks. By producing quality content and building a sterling reputation, online resources are certain to link to your website.

Some refer to this as a backlink. To get the ball rolling, you can pay legal directories a small sum to backlink to your page.

Another easy way to create backlinks is by registering with the Better Business Bureau. Some find success by offering small scholarships so that colleges backlink to your website.

4. Share on Social Media

Increased web traffic has a positive impact on your Google ranking. A proven method for driving traffic to your site is sharing content on social media.

For example, prospective clients may see a preview that says GLM believes a 5X return is required to grow your business. Then, they are redirected to your website when they click on an image or hyperlink.

There are a few different social media platforms that are effective for lawyers. Facebook has the most users and is best for attracting local business.

However, Millennials and Gen Z prefer video content over written articles. Social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram are video-friendly.

A Recap of SEO for Law Firms

SEO is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Steps like using targeted keywords are certain to improve your Google rating.

If you enjoyed this article about SEO for law firms, check out our blog for more great content.


Gain Exposure! How to Create Brilliant Online Promotional Strategy for Your Coaching Practice

Gain Exposure! How to Create Brilliant Online Promotional Strategy for

Gain Exposure! How to Create Brilliant Online Promotional Strategy for Your Coaching Practice

A good sports coach inspires and educates players with the end goal of a team win. The same applies when working as a professional coach.

The tricky part is proving to potential clients you have what it takes to help them achieve their goals. You don’t have the national press coverage of professional sports highlighting your every career move. 

Follow this guide to create a brilliant online promotional strategy for your coaching practice to build credibility and attract paid customers. 

Face Biggest Challenges First

It’s very important to understand your motivation for outreach. All businesses need money, but knowing exactly how a post on social media will cure this problem is important. 

Save yourself time by creating a list of your biggest challenges before taking any action. This list helps you identify your goals and ignore the many distractions available online promising you instant customers.

If you are currently marketing online, divide your list between what works for you and what has not produced any success. 

Research Your Audience

Once you understand your challenges and needs, analyze the needs of your customer. Marketers can’t read the minds of customers, so they use data to prove any assumptions made.

Start with social media analytics tools to get demographic data on your ideal client.  Each social media platform has a different type of user and can help you avoid wasting time with demographics that don’t match your audience. 

With enough data, you can create a buyer persona. A buyer persona outlines details about a person like where they work, education level, family status, salary, gender, and fears. 

By creating a buyer persona, you know your ideal client and can make ads or posts that resonate with them directly.

Promotional Strategy vs. Ideas

A brilliant online marketing plan is a strategy, not a list of ideas. Ideas are great for coming up with targeted design schemes but ineffective when it comes to creating a plan of action. 

Armed with research your ideal client and business needs, your next step is to use your research to decide the most effective tools. Consider the amount of time it takes to execute each tool and whether you have the budget set aside to cover the expense.

Starting a campaign and abruptly ending it is one way to become discouraged. Choose online marketing tools that allow you to maximize time, money, your business goals, and your customer’s buyer persona. 

When you factor in each of these categories, it helps you weed through dozens of irrelevant marketing options online. 

Web Design

Design a professional website that speaks to the needs of your clients. A well-designed website means capturing the attention of visitors and keeping them on each page longer. 

The average visitor’s attention span is 8 seconds which is 1 second less than a goldfish. Pages that are clean and easy to read allow customers to navigate your website, learning more faster.

If you don’t know how to design pages yourself, hire help. Web designers study user experience to learn layouts that attract more clicks to areas you want. If you can’t afford a web designer, there are alternatives. 

Templates exist that allow you to use proven design styles that attract customers. The site helps you capture user data learning stats like which pages visitors click on most.  

Remember buyer personas when choosing page content.  If your ideal client is a parent, it may be beneficial to add a family photo with your bio on the About Us page to connect with potential customers. 

Get Press

Hiring a public relations professional can mean getting access to media contacts who can include you in a story. While you may not get an article specifically about your business, contributing a quote to an existing story builds your credibility.

News coverage means getting exposure to a much broader audience than you might have access to on your own. Add any press you receive to your website to show off your position as a trusted expert. 

Start a Blog

Starting a blog is a great way to attract repeat visitors to your website and optimize your site for search engines. Blogs are an overwhelming idea for some. The responsibility of constantly adding new ideas weekly or monthly seems like hard work.

Automate a series of blog posts through a publishing service to simplify the process. Instead of coming up with new ideas over and over, write several posts when you feel inspired. Schedule the posts over a period of time to keep your blog active.

Remember to keep your posts engaging. Be personable. Tell a story. This blog is a good example of how to capture your audience with memorable posts. 

Learn from Competitors

Competitors who are successful can show you a paved road to getting the results you want. Do an audit of a competitor’s website to determine why customers spend time there. 

Look at the way coaching services are described. There may be keywords or customer needs you are overlooking with your marketing materials. 

The same applies to marketing strategies. Consider advertising where competitor ads are present to gain market share.  

Research tools like Buzzusmo help you learn the types of content that receive the most shares. This is helpful because it can tell you what content is valuable by topic. Review the top content posted to see where you can improve in your messaging.

When to Bring in Help

Online marketing can seem like an endless set of tasks. Without direction, it’s easy to simply move forward with what’s easy instead of what’s an effective promotional strategy.

New online marketers need to keep things simple but not at the expense of business goals. Consider hiring a professional if you are not tech savvy or find yourself adding more strategies than you can manage on your own.

Your goal as a coach is to help clients succeed. Know when to find your own coach who can help you in areas where your expertise falls short. 

Doing so allows you to focus on your craft instead of learning a whole new job. For more information on content marketing, visit our website. 


7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Deep Sleep

7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More

7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Deep Sleep

According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), 50-70 million people in the U.S. have some sort of sleep disorder. Insomnia is the most common disorder, followed by obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

Sleep deprivation can lead to heart problems, obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, depression, and chronic kidney disease.

Everyone’s sleeping needs are different, but to function properly during the day, you need at least 5-6 hours of sleep. This is when the body goes through deep regeneration and rest, and the brain processes the information it absorbed the previous day.

Check out these seven useful tips on how to get more deep sleep and wake up well-rested and feeling great the next morning.

1. Remove All Electronics From the Bedroom

Want to know how to get deep sleep without interruptions? Don’t sleep in a room full of electronic devices. 

Not only are they distracting, but they also emit blue light which can hinder your ability to fall asleep. Not to mention screens put an enormous strain onto your eyes and make your brain stay active to process useless information.

2. Boost Your Melatonin Production

Melatonin is the hormone your body produces at night that’s responsible for making you sleepy. One of the reasons why you’re not getting enough deep sleep can be a melatonin deficiency.

This can wreak havoc on the body and lead to a host of physical and mental issues like depression, heart problems, and reduced focus and productivity.

The body typically starts producing the most melatonin around 9-10 pm. In normal conditions, this is when you’d start to get sleepy and drowsy. However, if your melatonin levels are low or disrupted, consider taking supplements to help balance them out. You should also try sleeping in a completely dark room and remove all sources of light before bed. 

3. Avoid Caffeine Before Bed

If you go to bed at a decent time but have trouble actually falling asleep, coffee may be the culprit. Look into the amount of caffeine you consume during the day and see what time you have your last coffee of the day.

Caffeine is a strong substance and the body needs several hours to completely flush it out of the system. For example, if you had your last coffee at 4-5 pm, your body may still have caffeine in it at 10-11 pm. Some people metabolize caffeine faster, and others slower.

To see if coffee affects your sleep, do an experiment and reduce your consumption or eliminate it altogether. You can have decaf coffee during the day to help you transition, but some teas and energy drinks also have caffeine, so be careful.

4. Create a Bedtime Routine

You can actually learn how to fall asleep easier and it’s not by counting sheep. Notice your habits a couple of hours before bedtime. Are you on your phone scrolling through social media? Do you drink coffee at night or leave your daily exercises for the evening?

These activities can overstimulate your body and brain, making it difficult to fall asleep. This is why you need to create a bedtime routine which should begin depending on how much deep sleep should you get to wake up rested.

The routine should include relaxation activities and winding down rituals, and you should go to bed at the same time every night, weekends included. 

5. Get a New Mattress

One of the most common reasons why you can’t get quality sleep is an old, low-quality pillow and mattress. 

A pillow that’s too soft and doesn’t provide sufficient support for the head and neck can lead to breathing problems and disrupted sleep. A mattress that doesn’t support the back and consists of low-density materials can lead to back problems and sleepless nights.

The best mattresses are made of high-density memory foam that’s breathable, adapts to your body weight and shape, and is firm enough to survive your tossing and turning. High-quality mattress brands like Layla Sleep don’t come cheap, but you get what you pay for.

6. Synchronize Your Sleep Cycle

Sleep occurs in several cycles, but not all of them are deep sleep. One cycle is around 90-120 minutes long and there are 4-5 in one complete sleep cycle.

You get the best quality sleep in the hours between 11 pm and 2 am, which means if you’re not in bed by 11, you’re automatically disrupting your sleep cycle. Also, 8 hours of sleep from 11 pm to 7 am are not the same quality as sleeping from 1 am to 9 am.

Want to know exactly how much deep sleep do you need per night? Use a sleep cycle calculator or alarm clock that does this for you. You shouldn’t wake up in the middle of a cycle, i.e. interrupt it, as this leads to grogginess and fatigue. Go for complete sleep cycles because this way, no matter how many hours you sleep, you’ll wake up well rested.

7. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress is the no. 1 enemy of your mental and physical health, and consequently, your sleep. If you have a stressful, fast-paced job or you’re going through a personal rough patch and not getting enough rest, your sleep will suffer.

The brain produces stress hormones that make the nervous system overly-alert, even at night. When stress reaches a peak point, you start getting less and less sleep and may even struggle with insomnia.

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to meditate for 10-15 minutes before bed. You can also do some light yoga, listen to soothing music, have a cup of Valerian tea or do your bedtime routine.

Use These Tips To Learn How to Get More Deep Sleep

Quality sleep is essential to our wellbeing. Sleep deprivation can lead to brain fog, reduced productivity, irritability, and depression.

If you’re suffering from insomnia or wondering how to get more deep sleep, these tips will help you get your sleeping pattern in order.

Want more wellness tips and productivity hacks? Check out our self-improvement and motivation blog where we share the best advice on becoming the best version of yourself.