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7 Must-Know Healthy Eating Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in Men

7 Must-Know Healthy Eating Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in

7 Must-Know Healthy Eating Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in Men

Did you know that fatigue, digestive issues, joint pain, cold hands and feet, muscle cramps, and numbness in your extremities are all signs of poor blood circulation? 

Poor blood circulation is a common side-effect of an unhealthy lifestyle. For most people, poor blood circulation is a direct result of unhealthy eating habits.

Now, you’re probably wondering what you can do to improve your blood circulation.  

Keep reading to discover 7 must know healthy eating habits that can increase blood circulation and help you live a healthier life. 

What Causes Poor Blood Circulation? 

Your heart is responsible for pumping blood through your body. As your blood circulates, it delivers oxygen and nutrients to your cells and removes waste (deoxygenated blood) from your body. This process is called blood circulation. 

When blood is not properly circulated through your body, your cells are not getting the nutrients they need and can’t function properly. 

Common side effects of poor blood circulation are: 

  • tingling and numbness in extremes
  • pain in your limbs
  • muscle cramps
  • fatigue
  • cold hands and feet
  • digestive issue 

Poor blood circulation is not always a sign of underlying disease BUT if you often feel any of the above symptoms it’s important to work with your doctor to find the root cause of your discomfort. 

Some of the most common conditions that cause poor blood circulation are obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, and arterial issues.

If you want to increase your blood circulation there are many simple ways to do so. A healthy circulatory system is highly influenced by your eating and lifestyle habits. By implementing some of the following tips you are sure to live a fuller and healthier life.      

7 Healthy Eating Tips to Increase Blood Circulation 

1. Eat More Greens – Especially Spinach 

Spinach and other leafy greens like kale, chard, and collard greens are full of folate – a B vitamin – which is known to boost blood flow. Folic acid is extremely important in male and female reproductive health.

We stress eating spinach because it is not only high in folate, but also in iron and magnesium which boosts blood flow and testosterone levels.

2. Spice Up Your Meals With Warming Spices

Warming spices like cayenne, ginger, turmeric, garlic, and cinnamon have immense effects at increasing blood flow and even reducing inflammation in the body. These delicious spices can be easily added to any dish and are affordable and accessible at your local grocery store.

A delicious way to get your share of warming spices for the day is drinking golden milk – a traditional Indian drink combining turmeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and honey with warm milk for a great midday pick-me-up. 

3. Coffee and Tea Can Boost Blood Circulation 

Any excuse to drink coffee is a good excuse, right? 

Now you can stop feeling bad about your second (or third) coffee of the day – studies show that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day can help increase blood flow. How? The caffeine! 

The caffeine we all know and love in coffee helps boost blood circulation and relaxes the circulatory vessels – leading to better blood flow.  

If you don’t like coffee, caffeinated teas like matcha and chai can have similar benefits. 

4. Spicy Foods For Better Blood Flow  

If you eat spicy foods you’re already boosting your blood circulation. Studies show that men who eat more spicy food have higher testosterone levels and better blood flow to essential organs. 

Capsaicin, the chemical found in chili peppers, is known to boost your endorphin levels giving you more energy and resulting in more testosterone production. The effects of spicy foods on your body are similar to working out.

Exercising increases your endorphin levels and results in more energy and testosterone production. So if you don’t like spicy foods, you can exercise to achieve that endorphins high and boost your blood circulation. 

5. Vitamins and Supplements Can Be Game Changers  

If you want a quick fix to increase blood circulation you can use supplements like Alpha Male Plus. This supplement can support healthy blood flow as you work on incorporating these healthy diet changes into your life. 

If you don’t want to drink coffee twice a day, eat lots of spinach, or add warming spices into your diet you can get iron, caffeine, turmeric, and basically anything in a capsule at your local drug store. Although, it is always recommended to get your vitamins and nutrients from real foods as your body can better absorb them this way. 

6. Eat Omega-3 Rich Foods

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can help increase blood circulation, especially to muscles during exercise. 

You can eat foods high in omega-3 like avocados, salmon, nuts, and broccoli before a work out to increase blood circulation and maintain your energy as you exercise.

Like we said before – increasing endorphins (through exercise and spicy food) can increase testosterone production and help increase blood circulation.  

7. Drink Water – A Lot of Water 

Drinking enough water per day has an array of health benefits, including increased blood circulation.  

Staying well-hydrated is extremely important in avoiding poor blood circulation. When your body is well hydrated, your blood can easily circulate, improving blood flow. 

Drinking enough water (about 3.7 liters or 15 cups a day for men) is essential to your well-being and is the key to physical health. 

If you find yourself having a hard time drinking water throughout the day try buying a reusable water bottle and keeping it on your desk as you work. You can also set an alarm on your phone every hour to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day.  

Are You Ready to Change Your Life? 

Constantly feeling tired and in pain is hard on your mental and physical health – don’t give up on feeling healthy and comfortable in your skin again. 

By implementing these natural ways to increase blood circulation throughout your body, and working with your doctor to uncover any underlying issues, you can experience the vibrant pain-free life you deserve.   


The Dining Out Dilemma: Top 5 Tips for Eating Healthy When Dining Out

The Dining Out Dilemma: Top 5 Tips for Eating Healthy

The Dining Out Dilemma: Top 5 Tips for Eating Healthy When Dining Out

Restaurants know the key to your heart is through your stomach.

While the food and drinks can be absolutely lip-smackingly delicious, eating at a restaurant can cause you to consume way more than your recommended calorie intake for the day.

According to research, an average meal when dining out is a whopping 134 calories more than the same meal prepared at home.

But the good news is that there are ways to eat out without throwing your diet plan out of the window. Read on to find out how to eat right even when dining out.

1. Start with a Game Plan

When choosing a restaurant, always plan ahead. If you choose a place without checking first, you might be setting yourself up for disaster before you even sit down.

Choose a restaurant that has a wide range of low-calorie menu items. Check the menu online beforehand, so that you have an idea of what they offer.

Try to make a reservation at a specific time. This will cut down on the amount of time waiting for a table and becoming hungrier and more inclined to indulge!

2. Order a Guilt-Free Meal

Before you even order your meal you might be tempted with a bread basket or tortilla chip bowl. Don’t give into temptation – save the calories for the main meal.

Many restaurants fluff up their menus with fancy sounding words, so you need to learn to crack the code before you order.

Anything that’s described as “creamy,” “breaded,” “buttery,” “smothered,” or “stuffed” is most likely full of calories. Words such as “grilled,” “broiled,” and “baked” indicate that the food is being cooked in a healthier way.

If going into a normal restaurant is too tempting, there are restaurants that only sell salads. Check out one of these eateries, like the amazing salad restaurant Vinaigrette Salad Kitchen. They have a huge selection of creative salads and more – it really will blow your mind!

3. Skip the Empty Calories

Drink water throughout your meal. This forces you to slow down while you eat and will allow you to judge your hunger pangs which can stop you from overeating.

If you’re celebrating something and you do need to have a drink, some options are better than others. Avoid sugary cocktails and get a glass of red wine instead. Or try vodka with club soda and a squeeze of lime.

4. The Proof Is in the Tasting

Before you even begin eating, ask for a “to go” box for the leftovers. To avoid the risk of temptation, you can even ask the server to put half of the meal into the box instead of onto your plate.

The “fork dip” method is a sneaky way to get a little taste of creamy dressings, without dolloping a huge amount onto your meal. Just ask for the dressing as a side, dip in your fork and away you go!

Another way to use your fork is to put it down between bites. This “rest time” will stop you from overeating, as you’ll be able to gauge your hunger level before you take another bite.

5. Finish Strong

When eating well, whatever you do, don’t order dessert! Even a tiny piece of cake could add 400 or more calories to your meal.

When you’re done, pop a mint in your mouth. This will help you to clear your palette and stop you from taking another bite of your meal.

Dining out Healthily

As you can see, dining out healthily can be done. All you need is a game plan and a sprinkle of determination.

If you’re trying to lose weight and your fad diet isn’t working, read this article on how to start eating healthy and lose weight, without the dreaded diet.


How To Stay Fit over 50 and Still Enjoy Eating

How To Stay Fit over 50 and Still Enjoy Eating

How To Stay Fit over 50 and Still Enjoy Eating

As we get older our body composition changes. This is often a result of becoming less active, which leads to a decrease in our basal metabolic rate (BMR).

With less muscle to burn calories, we may find that we can’t eat as much as we used to without gaining weight. Other changes in hormones, tastes, energy levels, and nutrient absorption can also impact our fitness levels and health.

However, staying fit over 50 doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy eating. Learn how to get the balance right with these great tips.

Stay Active

Many people think that our metabolism decreases as we get older, but this isn’t true.

What actually happens is that our activity levels decrease and we lose muscle mass as a result. With less muscle the body needs less energy, so food is stored as fat rather than burned off. Our basal metabolic rate (BMR) then slows down as the composition of our bodies change.

The simplest way to counteract a slowing BMR is to stay active. Walking is a good, fairly low-impact exercise that will help to burn calories and maintain muscle mass. Walking is also great for the heart and helps to boost your mood.

Other low-impact exercises to try include gardening, swimming, yoga, and Pilates.

Cut Calories, Not Taste

With small changes to the meals you love you can save a lot of calories and still enjoy eating.

Many people find that reducing their intake of carbohydrates helps them to stay in shape. Why not try spaghetti squash as an alternative to pasta? And even if you’re not much of a baker, this low carb bread recipe is delicious and simple to make.

Alternatively, you can make small changes to the products you consume every day, such as opting for low fat dairy over full fat versions. Many taste exactly the same but pack in a lot fewer calories.

Another great tip is to try to make more meat-free meals. Try a bean Bolognese or make a stew with veggies and lentils. You’ll cut calories and saturated fat drastically by skipping meat a couple of nights a week.

Consider Supplements

Another key part of staying fit is maintaining good health.

Our bodies become less efficient at absorbing some nutrients as we get older, so it’s important to make the calories we consume as nutrient-dense as possible to stay healthy.

Without key vitamins, it can be hard for your body to process food correctly into energy, meaning that you may feel tired and sluggish. You may also put yourself at risk of infections and more serious illnesses.

Some of the nutrients you may be lacking include Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Vitamin D, Fiber, and Omega-3 Fats.

It’s always preferable to get nutrients through your diet but you may need to consider taking supplements. Consult your doctor to discuss your diet and whether supplements could help you stay fit over 50.

Drink Water

Our sense of thirst also reduces as we get older, so it might not be so easy to tell when we’re dehydrated.

Drinking water can help reduce hunger, boosts energy and facilitates digestion.

And not drinking enough water can cause urinary tract infections and lead to memory problems, so getting enough water is beneficial for our physical and mental health.

Keep small bottles of water in your fridge and drink from them regularly, even if you don’t feel particularly thirsty. You should aim for around eight cups per day for good health.

Sleep Well

Staying fit at any age is all about balance. As well as your diet and activity level, getting enough sleep is an important part of that.

As well as giving you the chance to rest your mind and body, sleep helps to regulate the hormones that control hunger signals. Not sleeping well can disrupt these signals and fool your brain into thinking you’re hungry when you’re not.

As we get older it can be harder to enjoy a good night’s sleep, possibly because of hormonal factors, physical discomfort or changes to our oxygen intake.

If you’re finding it hard to sleep at night then these simple solutions to help you sleep better should help.

How to Stay Fit Over 50

Staying fit over 50 doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy eating the same foods or that you have to make any drastic changes.

With small sustainable changes to your lifestyle and diet, you can maintain good health and keep fit for many years to come.

Do you have any tips of your own for keeping fit over 50? Let us know by commenting below.