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15 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Falling in Love With You

15 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Falling in Love With You


Is your new girl falling for you? Know these signs.

Navigating a new romantic relationship can be a thrilling yet mysterious journey. One of the most exciting moments is realizing your girlfriend is falling in love with you. 

But how can you be sure?

This article reveals 15 unmistakable signs that she’s head over heels.

NOTE: Please see our companion article if you seek information on whether your boyfriend is falling for you. While males and females share some behaviors, others vary. Thus, we cover them seperately.

15 Signs of a Girlfriend Falling in Love With You

“Falling in love is associated with increased energy, narrowing of mental focus, sometimes sweaty palms, light-headedness, racing heart, and a lot of positive feelings,” says Dr. Rachel Needle, an associate professor and the coordinator of Clinical Experiences at South University, West Palm Beach.

But how do you know the behaviors that will follow? Watch for these signs:

1 – Your Girlfriend Prioritizes Your Happiness:

When your girlfriend starts to fall in love, it’s not just about the over-the-top gestures or the big moments. One of the most telling signs is how she values your happiness. It becomes paramount to her. 

Whether it’s by preparing your favorite meal after a long day, listening to you vent without judgment, or simply doing little things that she knows will bring a smile to your face, she’ll consistently go the extra mile. 

This selflessness, where she places your contentment at the forefront, is a genuine indicator of deepening feelings.

2 – Deep Conversations:

As your relationship progresses, you might notice a shift in the quality of your conversations. Instead of skimming the surface or discussing day-to-day matters, you dive deep. 

These profound discussions about aspirations, fears, life philosophies, and plans aren’t just idle chatter. They signify a desire to understand each other on a more intimate level. When you share and listen to each other’s dreams and vulnerabilities in these moments, you forge a profound emotional connection.

3 – Your Girlfriend Introduces You to Her Inner Circle:

It’s one thing to meet casual acquaintances, but it’s an entirely different ballgame when she introduces you to her closest friends and family. 

These are the people she values most in her life, and by bringing you into this inner circle, she’s signaling that she sees a significant place for you in her future. 

It’s more than just a casual introduction. Instead, it’s her way of integrating you into her world, showing that she’s proud of your relationship and is serious about its longevity.

4 – Physical Affection Increases:

Physical touch is one of the primary love languages, and its increase can be a clear sign of deepening affection. 

It’s not just about passionate kisses or embraces. It is also about spontaneous subtle touches. Maybe she’ll brush the hair out of your eyes, hold your hand while walking, or rest her head on your shoulder during a movie. 

Though these gestures might seem small, they are her way of staying connected and showing that she cherishes your presence and feels comforted by your touch.

5 – Your Girlfriend Remembers the Little Things:

Some people note that love is in the details. When your girlfriend recalls the minutiae of your life, it’s a testament to how attentively she listens and how much she cares. 

It could surprise you with that obscure book you mentioned once, avoiding a food you dislike, or quoting a joke you shared weeks ago. These acts aren’t grand, but they’re deeply personal. They show that she’s hearing and, internalizing and cherishing the stories and preferences that make you uniquely you.

6 – Future Plans Include You:

It’s one thing to daydream about the future, but it speaks volumes when your girlfriend consistently includes you in her visions of what’s to come. It could be as simple as planning a weekend getaway or as significant as discussing where you both might settle down. 

She sees long-term potential in your relationship when she envisions her future milestones, achievements, and adventures, and you’re right beside her in those dreams. 

It’s her way of subtly expressing that she wants you by her side, not just for the present moments but for the many tomorrows to come.

7 – She’s Open and Vulnerable:

True intimacy goes beyond physical closeness; it’s about emotional connection and trust. When your girlfriend starts to share her deepest fears, aspirations, past experiences, and insecurities, it’s a sign of immense trust. It means she feels safe enough with you to reveal her authentic self, imperfections and all. 

This level of openness and vulnerability is not easy. It requires courage and a deep sense of connection. So, when she lets you into her inner world, it’s a subtle way of saying that she believes in the strength and security of your bond.

8 – Compromise Becomes Natural:

Every relationship has its differences, be it in tastes, preferences, or hobbies. However, it’s a sign of genuine affection when your girlfriend willingly steps out of her comfort zone to engage in activities you love or makes small sacrifices to ensure your happiness. 

It’s not about giving up her identity. Rather, you find a middle ground where both of you can thrive. Whether she’s sitting through that action-packed movie or trying out a hobby you’re passionate about, these acts of compromise show that she values your happiness and is committed to nurturing the relationship.

9 – Your Girlfriend Defends You:

Loyalty is a cornerstone of any strong relationship. If your girlfriend stands up for you, especially when it might be easier to stay silent, it’s a testament to her commitment and belief in you. 

Whether correcting a misconception or defending your character against unjust criticism, her actions demonstrate that she’s not just in this for the good times. She’s ready to weather the storms with you. You can be sure you will always have an ally in your corner.

10 – Gifts Become Thoughtful:

Gift-giving in a relationship is not about extravagance or impressing with expensive items. It’s about the sentiment and thought behind the gesture. When your girlfriend starts gifting you items that hold sentimental value or resonate with personal memories, it’s a sign that she’s paying attention to your preferences. 

It could be a book by an author you once mentioned, a trinket from a place you both visited or even a handwritten letter. These thoughtful gifts say she cherishes your shared moments and wants to create more memories together.

11 – She Checks in on You:

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, small gestures often mean the most. When your girlfriend takes a moment to check in on you, it’s more than just a casual inquiry. 

Her questions, like “Did you have a good day?” or “Have you had something to eat?” are her way of expressing concern. These queries also reassure her that you’re okay. 

These seemingly mundane interactions underscore her genuine care for your well-being. She’s not just interested in the significant events of your life; she’s invested in your day-to-day happiness and comfort.

12 – Jealousy is Minimal:

Every relationship will face its share of challenges, and jealousy can often be one of them. However, when your girlfriend’s trust in you outweighs fleeting moments of insecurity, it signifies a mature and loving bond. 

It is natural to feel occasional pangs of jealousy. However, a girlfriend who truly loves you will place her faith in your commitment. She understands that trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship and chooses to believe in the strength of your bond rather than giving in to baseless doubts.

13 – Your Girlfriend Respects Your Boundaries:

Every individual has boundaries, be it emotional, physical, or even related to personal space and time. A loving girlfriend recognizes and respects these limits. 

She understands love isn’t about possession or encroachment but mutual respect and understanding. She shows her love by honoring your boundaries, whether it’s giving you space when you need it, understanding your need for alone time, or respecting your opinions even when they differ from hers. But she also expects the same level of respect in return.

14 – You’re Her Go-To Person:

Life is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with highs and lows. When your girlfriend consistently turns to you, whether to share exciting news or seek comfort after a tough day, it clearly indicates her deep emotional connection with you. 

You’ve become her anchor, confidant, and primary source of support. This reliance isn’t about dependency. Instead, it reveals the trust she places in you, believing you’ll be there for her through thick and thin.

15 – Your Girlfriend Says She’s Falling in Love With You:

While actions often speak louder than words, there are times when words carry profound weight. One of the most transparent signs of her love is when she looks into your eyes and tells you she loves you. 

It’s a vulnerable moment filled with sincerity and emotion. Her heart speaks directly to yours if she says it, especially without any prompt or occasion. Trust in her words, cherish them, and believe in the depth of her feelings for you.

Final Thoughts on Knowing Whether Your New Girlfriend Is Falling in Love With You

In the end, every relationship is unique. While these signs can be a good indicator, the most important thing is to communicate with your girlfriend. Open dialogue can provide clarity and deepen your bond. Remember, love is a lifelong journey, not a singular destination. Enjoy every moment and cherish the signs that show she’s falling in love with you.


15 Behaviors That Reveal Someone is Subconsciously Falling in Love

15 Behaviors That Reveal Someone is Subconsciously Falling in Love

Falling in love can be a tricky thing. It can be confusing. There may be someone in your life that you vibe with, but you don’t know if they’re actually enamored with you or just flirting a little bit. When you want answers, all you have to do is look at their behaviors. Here are 15 actions that reveal someone is subconsciously falling in love.

15 Signs Show That Someone is Falling in Love With You

1. They Smile When They See You

The way they look at you when you connect in person says a lot how they feel about you. If they are always smiling and seem to glow when you walk into the room, you know they are falling in love. Look to see if there is a difference between how they react when you walk in the room and other people to gauge the reaction.

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2. Acting Somewhat Nervous

Many people get nervous around someone they are falling in love with. It’s typically quite cute. You may notice them looking embarrassed when they say something somewhat silly or when you make fun of them. They may even just blush by being around you. Be gentle if you notice this, or you may scare them away.

3. They Feed You

In many cultures, food is a way of showing love. If someone is continually bringing you delicious food, that could just be their way of expressing their affection. This action is especially true if the food is homemade. Show appreciation and even consider doing the same in return to speak in their love language.

4. Body Language

Body language can tell you a lot more about someone than the words they speak. Someone who is falling in love with you will show it in their body language. They will likely angle their body toward you or touch you in small ways. Many times, they won’t even be aware they are doing these subtle movements. They may also try to sit near you when in a group setting. Of course, positive body language should not be confused with lust. You should make a point to do little gestures yourself without overdoing it.

5. They Celebrate Good News With You

The good news is even better when you have someone to share it with. If your crush is starting to fall for you, they will probably call you first when something good happens in their life. You call the person who you want to impress. This habit means they enjoy impressing you with the good news. They also probably feel comfortable telling you things and know that you will be supportive and make them feel good about their good news. Be supportive and excited when they call you.

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6. They Listen

To develop an emotional connection with someone, you need to talk. It’s not enough just to talk. The other person has to listen. You will tell if they listen by if they jump in with their own stories or sit back and let you talk. They may repeat things during the conversation. You’ll also know they were listening if they remember details about the conversation later on. They will remember details and make a point to let you know they remember by repeating certain things back to you. More than anything, they make time to listen to you when you need an open ear. Someone can’t listen if they aren’t there for you when you need them. Of course, you need to be reasonable about your expectations.

7. Using “We”

When someone is falling in love with you, they will start to look at the two of you as a unit. Instead of talking in individual terms, you will notice them saying “we” a lot to friends and family. It’s especially telling if they use “we” when it comes to the future. It shows that when they see the future, they picture you in it. Thinking long term means they plan to take the relationship to the next step eventually.

8. Eye Contact Reveals They’re Falling in Love

The eyes are often called the window into the soul. Someone who wants to develop an emotional connection with you will want to see into your soul to get to know you even better. They will make a point to look into your eyes when you talk. It’s a way to capture your attention. On the other hand, if they avert their eyes every time you talk, that could be a sign they aren’t very interested. Make a point to make eye contact yourself without being creepy.

9. Constant Communication

Communication is key. If someone is interested in you, they will make a point to talk to you often. You won’t be the one reaching out to them all of the time; they will reach out to you. When you speak, the conversation will be natural. It may even get deep at times. These in-depth conversations will help you develop a connection that goes past a physical attraction.

10. Putting Effort Into Their Appearance

If someone is attracted to you, they will likely try to look their best around you. You may notice them putting more time into their hair and grooming. You may also see them wearing certain outfits you complimented in the past. If you catch them by surprise, they may not be done up as well as when they know they are going to see you. They want you to have a physical attraction to them, so they put effort into their looks when they are going to see you.

11. They Compliment You Often

Compliments are one of the easiest ways for people to express how they feel. You may suspect someone is growing enamored with you if they compliment you all of the time. They may compliment you on your appearance. However, someone who is falling in love will also compliment other things, such as your personality, intelligence, and emotional strength. It’s even more telling when someone compliments you often in front of other people. It shows they aren’t afraid to express their admiration for you to the world.

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12. Playful Teasing

You and your crush should be free to have fun with each other. You may notice them teasing you about small things, such as your little mannerisms and quirks. Of course, teasing should contain a certain amount of respect. The teasing should never cross the line into disrespect. It should be playful and flirty. Of course, you should feel free to fire right back. Likewise, you should keep things as respectful as possible to ensure that you don’t cross any boundaries.

13. Opening Up to You

Everyone has secrets. Some people even have trauma and negative experiences that they carry with them every day without letting other people know. It can be hard to talk about these things, and some people might be worried about being judged. If someone opens up to you, it means they trust you dearly. You should take this seriously. Allow them to open up and show them the support they need. You should also make sure to keep the conversation between you.

14. Friends Comment on It

Someone’s friends may see a connection between two people before they see it themselves. Other people may notice the flirting that you aren’t sure is flirting or not. They may even notice something even more developing. Listen to what other people see. If people are always joking about how you and your crush should just get together already, there’s something there. Your crush may have even expressed their feelings to their friends, and they could just be trying to help things along.

Look at their reaction when people mention an apparent connection. Are they embarrassed or do they shut it down immediately? Someone who shuts it down immediately might be trying to clarify their feelings instead of hiding them.

15. Helps You Without Hesitation

Everyone needs help on occasion. You may need help moving or with homework. When you express that you need help with something, does your crush offer their assistance immediately? They may see this as a way to spend time with you and also demonstrate their value to you. When you need to call someone for help, do you call them first, knowing they will be likely to be there for you? The reliability and quickness to help you are not only a sign that they are into you right now, but it’s also a sign that they will be dependable in a relationship as well.

falling in loveFinal Thoughts on Recognizing When Someone Is Falling in Love

Do you notice any of these behaviors from someone in your life? They may just be falling in love with you, whether they know it or not. Of course, you don’t want to look for things that simply aren’t there. If you don’t specifically notice these behaviors, they may not be as into you as you’d like. That’s okay. Wait for someone else who does demonstrate these behaviors naturally.


Is Your B2B Website Falling Flat? Try These 7 Website Design Tips

Is Your B2B Website Falling Flat? Try These 7 Website

Is Your B2B Website Falling Flat? Try These 7 Website Design Tips

There are more than 1.5 billion websites on the internet today. So for you as a B2B business owner, guess what this means? One word: competition.

You should do everything you can to stand out. And one great way to do this is through an effective website.

But if you’re not a designer, it can be hard to know how to optimize your site. That’s why we put together this guide for you with 7 tips for B2B website design.

Read them below!

1. Effectively Capture Leads

One common goal of B2B websites is lead generation. This is because the sales cycle is often much longer than B2C businesses. Often, initial contact is made through the website and then the lead is handed off to the sales team to start a relationship.

Throughout your site, be sure to include lead capturing forms. Offer content in exchange for phone numbers or email addresses.

You could also consider having a button to request a demo if you offer a software. Also, think about simply having a form that people can fill out to request a call.

Use these forms throughout your site to grow your lead database, which will, in turn, improve your company’s bottom line.

2. Make Sure You’re Mobile Friendly

Did you know that 59% of B2B purchase decision makers report using their phone to research products and services during their shopping process?

So if you’re mobile site doesn’t work that well, that’s a big problem. It’s 2018 and people use their phones more than ever to shop, even in B2B settings.

But if you’re not a developer, it can be intimidating to create a mobile site that works on every single screen size. That’s where a responsive design can come in handy.

A responsive site will automatically resize to fit any size screen. So as you’re building your site, make sure you use a responsive software. You’ll be so glad you did.

If you’d like help with your B2B website design, get in touch with the professionals at LFORM.

3. Simple Navigation

Nothing is worse than having a potential customer visit your website only to get lost inside of it. In other words, if your website is hard to navigate, you’re in trouble.

Keep in mind that every web visitor has a goal in mind. They are on your site to get more information, make a purchase, or to solve an issue.

All you have to do is make their process as simple as possible. To do this, maintain a consistent navigation bar at the top of your site. Keep your menu in the same order on every single page.

That way, people will always know how to navigate through your site. Also keep your menu simple. Instead of displaying all 25 pages of your site in one line, use drop down menus to avoid a cluttered feel.

4. Keep it Professional

In a B2B setting, you’re working with other business owners and employees. Your website design should reflect that.

However, these days the definition of professional isn’t as uptight as it’s been in the past. It’s okay to use some humor and to be creative, especially if this lines up with the rest of your branding.

If your brand image is more serious, that’s okay too. No matter what, make sure your site is free of blurry images, typos, and broken links. These things will definitely give a bad impression.

5. Be Clear: Another B2B Website Tip

Your site should clearly outline your company’s value proposition. This is what you offer people. It’s information about your product or service and how it stands out from the rest of the market.

Keep in mind, however, that people don’t want to just read about the features of your product. They want to know how it will benefit them.

So be sure to include information about how your product or service will solve problems your prospects are dealing with.

6. Include Understandable Pricing Information

B2C products typically have a simple pricing model. B2B products or services, on the other hand, are usually more complicated in their pricing structure.

It’s common to have single products priced out, as well as various bundles or packages. And people who buy through an integrated partner or referral system sometimes get a discount.

In other situations, there are additional add-ons or customizations available which also change the pricing.

To avoid confusion, you should be as clear as possible on your site. Have your bundles displayed with comparison charts displaying the differences between the various options.

If your pricing is more complex than bundles, consider including a worksheet where people can pick and choose the products they want and a running total is calculated for them right then and there.

7. Provide Valuable Resources and Content

Not every visitor to your B2B website is ready to buy. Often, the purchase process is much longer. In these cases, you should provide educational content to these visitors.

This will allow you to still cultivate a relationship with these prospects even though they haven’t purchased anything yet. And when you offer valuable content, you’re developing trust with them as well.

Be sure to offer this content in exchange for an email address. That way, you can follow up with them through an email series which is aimed to prepare them for a future purchase.

Some great content options your team could create include:

  • Webinars
  • eBooks
  • Whitepapers
  • Downloadable guides
  • Quizzes
  • Video series
  • More detailed pricing guides

And these are just the beginning. There are so many options for downloadable content out there to improve your content marketing strategy.

Once you have all these content pieces created, they’re also great content to promote on social media as well.

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it: 7 tips to improve your B2B website design. Now that you’ve gone through all of these options, it’s time to pick the ones that will work best for your situation right now.

Then start implementing them! You’ll be so glad you did once you start seeing the results.

And if you want to learn more, check out our marketing blog for more tips.