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Experts Reveal 5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Memory

Experts Reveal 5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Memory

Are you a forgetful person? Does your mind tend to discard lists, numbers, dates, names, or faces? Do you often forget appointments or pre-planned events? Have you sometimes found yourself merely not knowing what’s going on at any given time, despite knowing before? Today, we are sharing five easy ways to help you to improve your memory.

If you said yes to any of those, you might have a bad memory! Luckily, memory issues don’t have to be permanent, and you can learn to sharpen your mind and prevent cognitive problems. Here’s how experts reveal five simple ways to improve your memory.

1.    Learn Memory Techniques

There are a lot of different tips and tricks for memorizing certain things. Some of these tips and tricks might even expand into something that retain information long-term! If you’re looking to improve your memory, these techniques are the go-tos. Here are five of them:

·         Make Connections

Form connections between new information and information you already had. For example, if you are trying to remember your parking bay of H44, think about your friend, whose name starts with an H and is 44 years old. Connecting the new knowledge to something you already have memorized perfectly makes it much easier for you to remember it later. According to Mount Sinai School of Medicine assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and memory enhancement program founder Cynthia R. Green, Ph.D., who is also an author and the president of Memory Arts.

·         Simplify

It’s effortless for the brain to forget vast amounts of information that all come at you at once. Green recommends that you break down what you receive into manageable, smaller chunks of information that you can memorize one by one and put together later if needed.

·         Create Pictures or Movies

When you have something to remember, try to create a memory picture or a memory movie about it. For example, if you need to remember to buy five boxes of cake mix, imagine five cakes stacked precariously on top of each other. If you need to remember the name Rick, attach the person’s face to the image of Rick and Morty in your mind!

·         Review, Don’t Repeat

Reading the same thing over and over again doesn’t have a positive effect on how much information from it you retain. Instead, you want to review or “retrieve” the memory you have from the first reading if you want the memory to be long term. Memory researcher and University of Louisville professor Keith Lyle, Ph.D. recommends thinking about what you length at regular intervals, with the gaps increasing in size each time. This is much more likely to result in retention than simply relearning everything several times over.

·         Tell A Story

The storytelling technique involves taking a list of information and making them into a story, says Green. It’s the memory picture or memory movie technique expanded. For example, to remember the words “green, truck, violin, duck,” you might imagine a green truck driving by a duck playing the violin.

2.    Hack Your Memory

Hacking your memory isn’t as fancy as it sounds. It merely refers to the ability to use different actions and environmental factors to improve your memory in certain areas. Not sure what we mean? Here are some ideas:

·         Make Memory Spots

In your home, office, or other commonly frequented places, designate a particular spot as your memory spot. It’s where you will put all the things you typically forget, like your keys, your wallet, or your phone charger. It can take some getting used to, but Green suggests putting it into practice. Get used to putting items easily forgotten in these memory spots and visit those spots so you can check if you’ve forgotten anything. The next time you lose something, it’ll be waiting in that spot!

·         Exercise Your Brain

The brain needs to work out, just like the rest of the body, to stay healthy, says Gouras. Regular mental stimulation through puzzles, tests, and the act of learning new knowledge can help reduce cognitive decline’s effects. Over time, it will sharpen your memory and have positive impacts on brainpower. Think of it as a kind of mental training!

·         Write Things Down

Sure, technically, writing something down means you don’t have to remember it, but it’s an excellent way to practice building your memory. It ensures that you do remember what you have to do, letting you practice more memory retention in the future, says Lyle. The act of writing things can also make it easier for some people to commit things to memory – even more so than typing things out, according to studies!

3.    Cut Down On Some Foods

Did you know that certain foods can harm your memory? Through several components, these foods can damage the brain’s natural ability to remember things, often affecting parts of the brain permanently in the long run. Here are some food components to avoid:

·         Carbohydrates

Not all carbs are bad. The ones that can have a negative effect on your memory are the refined kinds. Think of white bread, white rice, white pasta, cereal, and baked goods. These all have a high glycemic index and are digested by the body at a swift rate, causing blood sugar spikes. These carbohydrates can all lead to an increased risk of cognitive function, including dementia and other forms of cognitive decline, according to studies.

·         Sugar

Added sugar has many downsides, but mostly it’s been linked to all sorts of chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Unfortunately, one of the conditions that it has been linked to is cognitive decline. Eating a lot of sugar can shrink the volume of your brain, especially the part responsible for short-term memory, according to research.

·         Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, especially at a younger age than typical. This is according to Weill Medical College professor of neurology and neuroscience and Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research adjunct professor Gunnar Gouras, MD. The consumption of statins, which can lower harmful cholesterol, has been linked in studies to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s development.

·         Alcohol

High alcohol consumption has been known to lead to many health problems, but binge drinking is especially worrying for the brain. This is because the natural neurotoxicity of alcohol can affect the brain’s hippocampus, which is responsible for many memory-related functions. The memory-shortening effects of alcohol are effective immediately when one becomes intoxicated, and excessively falling into a drunken state can be the cause for eventual permanent memory decline. It’s OK to have a drink once in a while, especially in a positive environment, but do so responsibly!

4.    Add More Of Some Foods

Just like you need to cut down on some consumables to improve your memory, there are some foods you need to add more of. Here are some that the experts recommend!

·         Eat A Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean diets have been known for years as a memory-boosting, brain-protecting, heart-healthy eating plan. This is likely due to the types of foods involved and their rich vitamin, mineral, and nutritional component content. If possible, try to incorporate aspects of a Mediterranean diet into your daily meals, suggests research.

·         Take Enough B Vitamins

B12 and other B vitamins play a significant role in positive memory functions in the brain. A lack of them can even lead to cognitive decline. Green states that the older you get, the more complicated your body may find it to absorb dietary B vitamins. Make sure you’re getting enough folic acid, B6, and B12. If you need to, you may want to take a supplement, but talk to your doctor about it first!

·         Take Enough Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights against free radicals and works to break down fatty substances and cholesterol buildup. It may also help bring down inflammation. With all these factors combined, vitamin E can slow or prevent the onset of cognitive decline and brain issues caused by inflammation, promising more positive memory strength. According to Gouras, you should try to get around 400 IU of daily vitamin E.

·         Get Enough Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fatty fish, fish oils, and healthy fat sources, are essential for many bodily functions. This includes cardiovascular health, positive thinking and mood, and even inflammation. On top of that, it has been found to be able to reduce mental decline. Most foods with lots of omega-3 fatty acids are thought to be brain foods for a reason, after all!

·         Stay Hydrated

The brain is full of water; in fact, 85% of it is just water alone! A lack of hydration can cause fatigue and brain fog, potentially affecting your memory in the long run with chronic dehydration. Make sure you’re drinking at least eight glasses of water daily and that you drink water as soon as you feel thirsty.

·         Try Some Ginkgo

Ginkgo is a herb that has been found to have scientific links to brain cell enrichment, meaning it can keep the mind healthy while boosting circulation throughout the body. Just make sure you consult a doctor before going through with supplementation!

5.    Manage Your Mental Health

Mental health and positive thinking can play a huge role in whether your memory stays sharp or not. Those who experience chronic or frequent anxiety and stress have a heightened level of the stress hormone cortisol in their body. A lot of cortisol production means the body goes into fight vs. flight mode, and this means directing energy to your body staying alive, not to more satisfactory brain function. Green explains that this pattern may affect the hippocampus, damage sleep ability, and even directly affect your ability to retain memories.

On top of that, did you know that depression and cognitive impairment have been linked by research? In fact, according to Grouras, many times, depression can be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease! Many people who are very depressed can completely forget some moments of their life.

If you think you are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or chronic stress, seek mental health aid from a therapist, counselor, or similar qualified professional.

Final Thoughts On Some Simple Ways To Improve Your Memory

Memory problems can range from inconvenient to frightening. Luckily, you can learn tips, methods, and habits that will slowly improve your memory over time until you’re a sharp-minded machine! Of course, note that if you think that your memory problems are degenerative or severe, you should speak to a doctor for an opinion.


17 Simple Ways To Improve Your Health In Less Than 60 Seconds »

17 Simple Ways To Improve Your Health In Less Than

Your health is of paramount importance. However, there’s no way to deny that caring for your health every day can feel overwhelming sometimes, especially when you have a hectic schedule ahead of you. But sometimes, all you need is one minute to do something that seems simple but will have lots of positive effects and improve your health!

Most people’s touted health-related solutions indeed eat up a significant amount of time, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways for those with only a few minutes to spare to up their health game.

Here are seventeen easy ways to improve your health in less than 60 seconds.

1.    Drink A Glass Of Water In The Morning

It’s easy to reach for a cup of coffee right after waking up, but water might be a better drink to wake yourself up with. Water, as it turns out, has a massive positive effect on our bodies – especially when it’s often the first thing we consume in the morning. When you drink a large glass of water, you:

  • Rehydrate yourself after a long night of rest.
  • Replenish your bodily fluids, especially after using the toilet at night
  • Activates your kidneys, brain, and guts faster
  • Wakes you up and sharpens your senses more quickly

2.    Do A Mindfulness Exercise

With how much we need to rush around in the morning, it can seem counterproductive to set aside a moment to do “nothing”. Contrary to that belief, however, taking the time to engage in some mindfulness and positive thinking helps you to:

  • Exercise your attentiveness
  • Observe your mental, emotional, and physical state
  • Center and ground yourself
  • Clear your thoughts and mind
  • Prepares you psychologically for the day

3.    Brush Teeth (it will improve your health)

Obviously, brushing your teeth is essential – after all, dental hygiene often relates to better health in general. As such, keeping a regular brushing schedule no matter what is necessary. But just how else can brushing your teeth help with issues?

  • It can help alleviate any after-dinner cravings you may have
  • It discourages post-meal snacking, due to the way the toothpaste aftertaste interacts with the taste of food.
  • Finally, toothbrushing can also discourage lazy folks from further idle munching since you would have to brush your teeth again afterward.

4.    Run

Exercise is undeniably essential, but some things are easier to do than others – and running is one of them. If you find that you struggle to get out for your morning run, here are a few reasons why you should endeavor to keep it up, even if it’s only for a minute a day:

  • Studies have shown it counteracts bone loss
  • High-intensity running helps build bone density
  • It creates a 4% increase in bone health
  • Running is a cardio workout, and has been proven to help with weight loss

5.    Breathe Deeply

We all breathe, yes. But have you ever paid rapt attention to the way you breathe? Studies have shown that slow, careful breathing has a significant positive effect on psychological and physiological health. All you must do to take full advantage of this simple act and its positive effects are:

  • Focus on taking in two to three deep, slow breaths
  • Engage in positive thinking and visualization while doing so
  • Write down those visualizations or positive future events

6.    Stand Up

Sitting down is pretty convenient, but studies have shown that being idle is not suitable for your health. It does not help that we spend most of our time staying seated, too, so it all adds up! As a result, folks who sit a lot:

  • Are more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases
  • Have more signs of psychological distress
  • Suffer an increased death rate compared to those who sat less
  • Have an increased risk of obesity
  • Develop poor posture
  • Do not exercise their leg and glute muscles, increasing injury risks as the muscle atrophies

sitting too long

7.    Prepare Produce In Advance

Preparing fresh fruits and vegetables can be hard work, and the last thing any of us wants when we get back home is more work – we all just want to crash! Just a minute of prepping fresh produce the previous night or in the morning, however, helps us to:

  • Have an increase of fiber intake, as we have something fibrous to much on
  • Uplift our mood and improve our motivation, thanks to the addition of fresh fruits and veggies
  • Stabilize our blood sugar
  • Encourage healthy skin
  • Improve our digestion
  • Increases bodily health and resilience
  • Increase the number of minerals, vitamins, and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals in our diet

8.    Eat Some Flaxseed

It’s easy to end up stress-eating or munching on snacks that are unhealthy – especially if you still need some time to get a meal prepared. In such cases, try eating a tablespoon of flaxseed with a glass of water! This is because studies have shown that flaxseed:

  • Is high in fiber
  • Helps suppress appetites
  • Curbs hunger and snacking tendencies

9.    Make Some Tea

It only takes a minute to brew some green tea – and it needs no further preparation to be drinkable. In exchange, you get a drink that is full of all sorts of health benefits. Here are some of the facts that are backed by science:

  • Drinking green tea a minimum of thrice a week lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke
  • Tea is full of bioactive compounds–these are beneficial to one’s health
  • Tea contains all sorts of antioxidants that may lower cancer risks

10. Laugh (the most fun way to improve your health)

Laughter is the best medicine, so the saying goes – and there’s a fair amount of scientific evidence for it. But just what can this basic act of human nature do?

As it turns out, simply laughing nets you the following physiological benefits:

  • Acts as a natural stress reliever for your body
  • Works as a natural memory booster
  • Burns a few calories via brief aerobic activity

11. Wash Your Hands

Proper handwashing techniques may only take 20 seconds from beginning to end, but science has shown that it is more than enough to kill off all sorts of bacteria and viruses. All you need to do is make sure you take the time to wash with soap and water!

In exchange for just a couple of seconds of your time, you’ll end up protecting yourself from an incredible amount of diseases and illnesses like:

  • Influenza
  • Common colds
  • Salmonella
  • Viral infections

12. Dry Your Hands

So you’ve washed your hands. Now what? As it turns out, your job here isn’t quite done yet. Studies show you need to take another 20 seconds to dry your hands thoroughly. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Wet skin is a more conducive environment for bacterial growth
  • Increased risk of germs and bacteria transferral with wet hands
  • Damp hands increase the risk of accidental recontamination

13. Opt For A Natural Look

For those who pay attention to the ingredients list on their bottles and containers, you may have noticed that phthalates often show up in some form of another across products like hairspray and nail polish. Even things like shampoo and fragrances are unaffected.

What’s so scary about that chemical and its ilk? As it turns out, a study has found that it:

  • Can affect the metabolism of fat
  • Can increase insulin resistance
  • Might be a potential cause of an increased risk of diabetes
  • May contribute to obesity risks

14. Eat Some Chocolate

There’s a lot of discussion and research on the negative effects junk food has on our physicality, and for a good reason – its effects cannot be denied. What should be discussed more often, however, is how studies have shown that junk food can also affect our emotional wellbeing.

Emotional eating cycles are often fuelled by eating more junk food, as you may become more depressed the more you eat. So how does swapping over to chocolate help?

  • Chocolate contains phenylethylamine–that is a substance that stimulates the brain
  • Eating chocolate satisfies sweet cravings and mimics dopamine in the brain, making you feel good
  • Chocolate additionally contains high levels of antioxidants, which may be beneficial to your health

15. Hug Someone

We may have come closer together as a global society with the help of the internet, but in exchange, we seem to have all gotten more touch-starved. As you can imagine, the lack of human contact is an issue. In fact, all you have to do is turn to the nearest social media platform, and you’ll quickly see people bemoaning their need for some sort of human contact.

So just what can a warm hug do for you?

  • It can lower both blood pressure and heart rate
  • A hug acts as a natural form of stress-relief
  • It helps us feel more relaxed and happy

16. Look Away From The Screen

With how things are increasingly online or digitalized, it is inevitable that we’ll be spending most of our time in front of a screen – whether for fun or profit. As you can imagine, this isn’t too great for your eyes. Studies have shown that continuous lengths of screen time can harm your eyes.

Here are a few things you can do to combat this strain and improve your health.

  • Follow the 20-20-20 rule: After 20 minutes of screentime, spend 20 seconds focusing on something that is at least 20 feet away
  • Take regular breaks that take you outdoors
  • Avoid using computers or smartphones in bed
  • Keep electronics outside the bedroom

17. Send A Nice Text

When was the last time you randomly texted someone to tell them you love them? Even if you see your loved one on the regular, sending them a quick compliment or a sincere, heartfelt message not only brightens their day, it can also:

  • Improves your mood
  • Teaches you how to appreciate even the little things about your loved ones
  • Encourages your loved ones
  • Increases your satisfaction in life

Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Improve Your Health In Less Than 60 Seconds

You don’t need to spend ages obsessing over your health to do small things that benefit your body and life. Even just setting aside 60 seconds allows you to make wise decisions that your body will thank you for later.

Looking for more convenient ways to improve your health in short periods? Talk to your doctor about things that you can do within the limited free moments that will give you fantastic benefits. Remember, behaviors don’t have to be complicated to be right for you!


5 Ways the Eightfold Path of Buddhism Can Improve Your Life »

5 Ways the Eightfold Path of Buddhism Can Improve Your

One of Buddha’s teachings included the eightfold path of Buddhism, which serves as a guideline for those who follow the religion. However, no matter what your spiritual beliefs, these teachings can help improve your life in many ways. The eightfold path includes eight principles that help man to find the middle way in all circumstances and avoid the extremes, or dualities, of existence.

The eightfold path includes these guidelines: right understanding, right intent, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. When followed correctly, these moral codes offer humankind a balanced way of living, which creates peace and harmony within oneself. Below, we’ll go over a bit of history about Buddha and his teachings, and talk more in-depth about the eightfold path.

Buddha’s early life

Considered one of the most influential spiritual leaders in history, Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as Buddha, grew up in modern-day Lumbini, Nepal, sometime between the 6th and 4th century B.C. He traveled throughout Nepal and India, sharing his teachings about inner peace and the path to enlightenment. Buddha means “the enlightened one” or “one who is awakened.”

He grew up in a palace, raised in an aristocratic, wealthy family of the Shakya clan. His father wanted to protect his son from all the horrors and suffering of human existence, so he sheltered his son inside the palace walls. However, early accounts of Buddha’s life suggest that he became disillusioned due to his upbringing and desired more than just riches and becoming a king. One day Buddha’s curiosity got the best of him, and he left to explore the world outside the palace.

What he saw shocked him. He left the palace with a charioteer and encountered an old man for the first time. His companion had to explain to him that all people grow old and die eventually. Buddha later went on longer trips outside the palace where he came across a man with a disease, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic (a person who gives up luxuries and practices severe self-disciple). The ascetic inspired him to continue to seek spiritual truth and understand how to defeat human suffering.

After seeing all of this, Buddha decided to leave the palace and promises of becoming a king to discover how to overcome the pain of being human. He wanted to figure out how to avoid the endless cycle of rebirths, or samsara, that comes from unfulfilled desires.

Reaching nirvana through Buddhism

Some accounts of Buddha’s life say that he meditated under the tree for seven days. During this time, the Lord of the desire realm, Mara, visited Buddha and tried to keep him from reaching enlightenment. Mara supposedly sent his daughters to seduce Buddha, unleashed armies of monsters on him, and attempted to assert his superiority. However, Buddha didn’t allow these distractions to keep him from his goal.

He called on the earth goddess for help, asking it to bear witness to his superiority and enlightenment. Buddha then conquered the desires that Mara had placed in his mind and achieved nirvana. He no longer had to reincarnate on Earth because of unfulfilled desires, extinguishing the flames of past, present, and future karma.

Buddha’s teachings

After Buddha’s awakening, he hesitated about spreading the vast knowledge he had gained with others. He thought that humans wouldn’t appreciate his teachings due to being overpowered by ignorance, greed, and hatred. However, the god Brahma convinced him to teach, arguing that some humans would grasp the meaning behind his words.

As Buddha traveled, he taught two main philosophies: the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which he called the Middle Way between sensual indulgence and self-mortification. Below, we’ll talk more about the eightfold path and what it entails.

The Eightfold Path of Buddhism

1 – Right Understanding:

This aspect of life relates to seeing the world clearly, not giving in to pessimism, optimism, or idealism. Instead, we should see the world as it truly is, not as we perceive or wish it to be. In this practice, Buddha stressed the idea that our actions have consequences, otherwise known as karma.

He stated that unfulfilled desires and wrong living would tie man to the cycle of rebirths unless he can overcome them by having the Right View. Once a man can clear his mind and consciousness of delusion and misunderstandings derived from ignorance, he will see this life and all his past ones.

2 – Right Intent:

The second step on the eightfold path, right intent, involves following the spiritual journey with passion and vigor. It means removing all desires except enlightenment, knowing that everyone and everything will eventually fade back into the source of all. Therefore, we shouldn’t become attached to anything on this Earth. Instead, renouncing all desires will eliminate suffering and ill will, which causes further karma.

Right understanding eliminates ignorance, while the right intent takes away the seeds of desire. Being attached to anything causes suffering due to its impermanence, so Buddhism teaches to transcend worldly desires.

3 – Right Speech:

Buddhism defines the right speech as “abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, and from idle chatter.” All words carry energy with them, and the four types of speech we mentioned have negative consequences. Therefore, we should always strive to speak calmly and carefully choose our words.

Speaking from a place of unconditional love and compassion will allow us to emanate good energy. Communicating thoughtfully in the spirit of consideration and acceptance can bring people together and heal tension, so we should always speak mindfully.

4 – Right Action:

Because every action and word can either bring good or bad karma, we should never inflict pain or harm on others. Right action means living ethically, considering the well-being and happiness of others with every move we make.

This teaching includes refraining from harmful actions such as stealing and harming others and fulfilling the promises we make to others.

Buddha laid out five precepts to follow under the right action: not to kill, steal, lie, to avoid sexual misconduct, and not take drugs or other intoxicants. Right action also includes taking care of the Earth so that the future generation can live comfortably and in harmony with their environment.

5 – Right Livelihood:

Your line of work should help you progress on your spiritual path, so one should choose something that respects all life. If your line of work causes suffering to others in any way, it will hinder your spiritual progress. Buddha discouraged any type of work that deals with drugs or alcohol, involves weapons, or harms animals and humans. He encouraged any work which enriches others’ lives, such as community service.

6 – Right Effort:

This concept means cultivating the right mindset so that you can perform the right actions. It involves generating wholesome states such as peacefulness and love and working to prevent unwholesome states such as laziness, ill will, restlessness, and sensual thoughts. Feelings such as anger, resentfulness, and hatred must be eliminated as well.

7 – Right Mindfulness:

This means being fully aware of the present moment, putting one’s attention all on the task at hand. It means being transparent and undistracted, not allowing thoughts or feelings to disturb inner peace. By practicing mindfulness, any cravings will start to melt away, helping the person to expand his or her consciousness. Having a clear and focused mind allows you to see reality with more clarity and transcend the ego.

8 – Right Concentration:

This means unifying the mind by concentration and meditation. By having a one-pointed sense of concentration and giving up sense desires, one can enter into a state of emptiness and nothingness where the mind ultimately becomes liberated. You’d think that giving up the world would cause great suffering and grief, but many renunciants have spoken of the immense joy and peace that comes from this practice.

How Buddhism enhances your life

So, now that we’ve gone over the eightfold path, here are some ways it can improve your life:

1 – More inner peace.

By following the eightfold path, you will gain inner tranquility and greater resolve. Giving up desires may seem difficult at first, but in time, you’ll appreciate the simplicity of life.

2 – Better understanding of the self.

Meditation and expanding awareness to others will help you understand yourself and your dharma, or life purpose, much better.

3 – Greater compassion for others.

Buddha emphasized considering others in the eightfold path, because we all come from the same consciousness. Therefore, we should treat everyone with kindness and compassion.

4 – Improved self-control.

As you refrain from indulging the senses, your self-control and willpower will drastically improve.

5 – Mental clarity.

Without mental chatter formed from desires, you can see life and the answers to the universe more clearly. In time, this can lead to total liberation with enough concentration and desire for freedom.

Final thoughts about the eightfold path of Buddhism

You don’t have to follow Buddhism to improve your life with the eightfold path. Anyone can follow these teachings and achieve greater inner peace, self-control, mental clarity, compassion, and wisdom. It takes great dedication, but making liberation at the end seems well worth the effort.


7 Must-Know Healthy Eating Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in Men

7 Must-Know Healthy Eating Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in

7 Must-Know Healthy Eating Tips to Improve Blood Circulation in Men

Did you know that fatigue, digestive issues, joint pain, cold hands and feet, muscle cramps, and numbness in your extremities are all signs of poor blood circulation? 

Poor blood circulation is a common side-effect of an unhealthy lifestyle. For most people, poor blood circulation is a direct result of unhealthy eating habits.

Now, you’re probably wondering what you can do to improve your blood circulation.  

Keep reading to discover 7 must know healthy eating habits that can increase blood circulation and help you live a healthier life. 

What Causes Poor Blood Circulation? 

Your heart is responsible for pumping blood through your body. As your blood circulates, it delivers oxygen and nutrients to your cells and removes waste (deoxygenated blood) from your body. This process is called blood circulation. 

When blood is not properly circulated through your body, your cells are not getting the nutrients they need and can’t function properly. 

Common side effects of poor blood circulation are: 

  • tingling and numbness in extremes
  • pain in your limbs
  • muscle cramps
  • fatigue
  • cold hands and feet
  • digestive issue 

Poor blood circulation is not always a sign of underlying disease BUT if you often feel any of the above symptoms it’s important to work with your doctor to find the root cause of your discomfort. 

Some of the most common conditions that cause poor blood circulation are obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, and arterial issues.

If you want to increase your blood circulation there are many simple ways to do so. A healthy circulatory system is highly influenced by your eating and lifestyle habits. By implementing some of the following tips you are sure to live a fuller and healthier life.      

7 Healthy Eating Tips to Increase Blood Circulation 

1. Eat More Greens – Especially Spinach 

Spinach and other leafy greens like kale, chard, and collard greens are full of folate – a B vitamin – which is known to boost blood flow. Folic acid is extremely important in male and female reproductive health.

We stress eating spinach because it is not only high in folate, but also in iron and magnesium which boosts blood flow and testosterone levels.

2. Spice Up Your Meals With Warming Spices

Warming spices like cayenne, ginger, turmeric, garlic, and cinnamon have immense effects at increasing blood flow and even reducing inflammation in the body. These delicious spices can be easily added to any dish and are affordable and accessible at your local grocery store.

A delicious way to get your share of warming spices for the day is drinking golden milk – a traditional Indian drink combining turmeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and honey with warm milk for a great midday pick-me-up. 

3. Coffee and Tea Can Boost Blood Circulation 

Any excuse to drink coffee is a good excuse, right? 

Now you can stop feeling bad about your second (or third) coffee of the day – studies show that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day can help increase blood flow. How? The caffeine! 

The caffeine we all know and love in coffee helps boost blood circulation and relaxes the circulatory vessels – leading to better blood flow.  

If you don’t like coffee, caffeinated teas like matcha and chai can have similar benefits. 

4. Spicy Foods For Better Blood Flow  

If you eat spicy foods you’re already boosting your blood circulation. Studies show that men who eat more spicy food have higher testosterone levels and better blood flow to essential organs. 

Capsaicin, the chemical found in chili peppers, is known to boost your endorphin levels giving you more energy and resulting in more testosterone production. The effects of spicy foods on your body are similar to working out.

Exercising increases your endorphin levels and results in more energy and testosterone production. So if you don’t like spicy foods, you can exercise to achieve that endorphins high and boost your blood circulation. 

5. Vitamins and Supplements Can Be Game Changers  

If you want a quick fix to increase blood circulation you can use supplements like Alpha Male Plus. This supplement can support healthy blood flow as you work on incorporating these healthy diet changes into your life. 

If you don’t want to drink coffee twice a day, eat lots of spinach, or add warming spices into your diet you can get iron, caffeine, turmeric, and basically anything in a capsule at your local drug store. Although, it is always recommended to get your vitamins and nutrients from real foods as your body can better absorb them this way. 

6. Eat Omega-3 Rich Foods

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can help increase blood circulation, especially to muscles during exercise. 

You can eat foods high in omega-3 like avocados, salmon, nuts, and broccoli before a work out to increase blood circulation and maintain your energy as you exercise.

Like we said before – increasing endorphins (through exercise and spicy food) can increase testosterone production and help increase blood circulation.  

7. Drink Water – A Lot of Water 

Drinking enough water per day has an array of health benefits, including increased blood circulation.  

Staying well-hydrated is extremely important in avoiding poor blood circulation. When your body is well hydrated, your blood can easily circulate, improving blood flow. 

Drinking enough water (about 3.7 liters or 15 cups a day for men) is essential to your well-being and is the key to physical health. 

If you find yourself having a hard time drinking water throughout the day try buying a reusable water bottle and keeping it on your desk as you work. You can also set an alarm on your phone every hour to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day.  

Are You Ready to Change Your Life? 

Constantly feeling tired and in pain is hard on your mental and physical health – don’t give up on feeling healthy and comfortable in your skin again. 

By implementing these natural ways to increase blood circulation throughout your body, and working with your doctor to uncover any underlying issues, you can experience the vibrant pain-free life you deserve.   


Recipe for Success: How to Improve Time Management Skills

Recipe for Success: How to Improve Time Management Skills

Recipe for Success: How to Improve Time Management Skills

At least 89% of people waste time every day

With only 24 hours in each day, we don’t have time to waste. In fact, wasting too much time could lead to missed deadlines and impact your professional and personal life.

Keep reading to find out how to improve time management skills.

Create a Plan

We waste the majority of our time because of a lack of planning.

To avoid this, use a schedule maker to organize your day-to-day tasks. With this simple tool, you can be at ease knowing that your tasks will be efficient and structured.

It will help you prioritize your work, personal life, and appointments. You’ll know what is urgent and shape your other to-dos around those tasks.

Start by creating a list of everything you need to accomplish in a week. From there, write down deadlines and important dates that you can’t miss.

Keeping the end goals in mind, break down each task into small steps. For example, if you have to turn in a report next Tuesday, you can segment your schedule into researching, writing, and editing throughout the previous week.

That way, you don’t have to tackle the entire task at once and you won’t procrastinate. 


Set Healthy Goals

Setting goals helps build your motivation. Plus, it allows you to allocate a reasonable amount of time to get a job done.

It doesn’t have to be daunting. Start with setting small goals for your day. For example, you can set a goal of waking up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy your morning coffee without feeling rushed out of the door.

For work-related goals, create small steps rather than expecting yourself to accomplish something big. This keeps you from getting burnt out on what you’re working on, allowing you to tackle each part as you feel energized and focused.

Give yourself a small reward each time you’re successful. This can be as simple as taking a break and going outside.

By getting in the habit of setting small, healthy goals for ourselves, it becomes easier to accomplish what we’re setting out to do. As the old saying goes “if you wish to climb the mountain, you must do it one step at a time”.

Manage Stress

Another reason we waste time is that we’re stressed about everything we need to accomplish.

To overcome stress, focus on one task at a time rather than trying to do several at once. Studies show that 98% of people don’t multitask well, meaning that we aren’t able to focus on and complete anything we’re working on. 

Another way to prevent the daunting feeling of stress is by getting a head start on projects. This gives you a buffer in case of unforeseen circumstances. By starting ahead of time, you can take charge of your day and feel more self-empowered. 

Managing your stress helps you manage your time better. As a result, you’ll end up having more energy to focus on what’s important on your to-do list, since you’ll complete tasks quicker and more efficiently.

That’s How to Improve Time Management Skills

With these tips on how to improve time management skills, you can make the most of every day.

Create and stick to a plan, set healthy goals, and manage your stress so that you can be a master of time.

Keep reading our blog for more ways to improve your life.


7 Web Design Tips That’ll Improve Your SEO Dramatically

7 Web Design Tips That'll Improve Your SEO Dramatically

7 Web Design Tips That’ll Improve Your SEO Dramatically

It’s Saturday night and you’re going out with your friends. You get out your phone and pull up a ride share app to arrange your transportation.

As the page is loading, a note appears that your ride will be found within the next minute and a countdown starts on your screen. As you tap your foot, the first minute passes and the next thirty seconds seem to drag on for eternity.

After the time is up, the page continues to load. You’re now wondering if it’s going to find you a ride at all, so you open up the competitor’s app and give them a shot at securing your ride.

Even if this scenario doesn’t sound familiar to you, it’s a reality for many people. In this dog-eat-dog world, responsive web design tips are necessary for success. Read on to learn what you need to do.

1. Optimize Your Site for Multi-Device Usage

Responsive website design refers to the programming of a website so that it realigns text and images automatically when a device is reoriented.

If your website design doesn’t adapt based on the screen size and angle that your customers are using, then you are making life more difficult for them. Trying to read a full-scale webpage on the small screen of a cell phone can be frustrating. No one wants to have to scroll back and forth to read lines of text.

Make sure that you take the time to ensure your site is displaying properly on all devices. This makes it easy for Google to crawl your web pages and deliver the content searchers are looking for.

2. Boost Your Site’s Mobile Capabilities

Google’s algorithm has regarded mobile-friendly websites as superior for a few years now. This is because currently, the majority of Google’s searches are coming in from mobile devices such as smartphones.

It used to be that you had to wait until you get home to look something up, but now everyone has the ultimate encyclopedia in their pocket. Numbers of mobile users are only expected to grow in the coming years so adapt today and rise with the tide.

3. Achieve Lightning Fast Load Times

Internet users want websites to load instantaneously. If it takes more than a couple seconds for one of your website pages to load, then they will find another site to visit. With the responsive design we previously mentioned, your website users will have the experience they crave.

4. Keep Your Bounce Rate Low

Your bounce rate refers to how often someone comes to your website to land on a single web page for only a moment. This behavior signals to Google that the content they provided wasn’t what the reader was looking for.

To ensure your bounce rate is low and users are directed to your site, you need to make sure your menus are all easy to navigate and that you are providing opportunities for viewers to find more content on your site that they would be interested in.

5. Improve Your User’s Experience

Your website users should be able to navigate easily from one section of your website to another. That means making your menus robust. Try to create page titles that are highly accurate so that customers don’t have to dig for what they want.

Another good idea is to include a call to action at the end of any blog posts you write that sends your reader to a purchase point or another article. This will help to keep your bounce rate as low as possible. Learn more about web design that engages your customers here.

6. Avoid Duplicate Content

Before responsive website design was a thing, it used to be that companies would create multiple versions of their website – one meant to be viewed on a mobile device, and one meant for the desktop.

Often they would delineate between the two by putting “m.” at the start of their URL.

While this was the best strategy in the past, today having two websites is a major Google faux pa. Google crawls the web to see how often a piece of content has been published and if you maintain two websites then you are essentially copying yourself. That hurts the SEO of both your websites.

Instead of continuing to update and maintain two versions of your website, move to a responsive web design. You’ll save time and get a boost in your rankings.

7. Include Social Media Sharing Options

When people come to your website to read one of your blogs or purchase your product or service, they should be engaging with your content. That means that they are hooked in by your introductions, informed by your words, and directed by your call-to-action.

If readers are hooked, then they will want to share your content with their friends on social media. While copy-pasting the URL is one way to spread the content, adding mobile-friendly share buttons to your articles is a great way to help get the buzz out more easily.

Be sure that you include buttons to the social media sites that are most relevant for your business. For example, if you are a restaurant or bar, you will want to have share buttons for all the major social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, while ignoring more niche sharing sites like Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Wrapping Up Web Design Tips

Now that you’ve learned these helpful web design tips, you’re ready to draw in new customers.

For more helpful articles to boost your rankings, check out our blog today.


Top 10 Tips to Improve Customer Service in Your Business

Top 10 Tips to Improve Customer Service in Your Business

Top 10 Tips to Improve Customer Service in Your Business

It’s not as hard as you might think to make your business stand out in the crowded world of commerce. And you don’t have to slash your prices to ridiculously low levels to do it.

A study done a few years ago revealed that only 7 percent of consumers report having customer service experiences with companies that have exceeded their expectations. 7 percent!

That means there aren’t many businesses out there going above and beyond for their customers. So if you can improve customer service, you can easily gain an advantage over other businesses.

Do you want to improve customer service within your business? Check out 10 tips for improving your company’s customer service skills below.

1. Answer the Phone When Your Customers Call

Unfortunately, there are tons of businesses these days who are greeting their customers with an automated recording when they call.

This frustrates those who just want to speak with a real person, especially if a business makes it difficult to track down someone through their phone system.

When you pick up the phone during business hours and greet your customers, it’ll go a long way towards making them feel like they’re important. It’ll also allow them to address problems or ask questions more easily.

Discover more about how answering the phone can help a business to see the benefits of doing it.

2. Learn to Listen to the Needs of Your Customers Better

When someone calls your business and starts to tell you about a problem they’re having, you should steer clear of immediately trying to fix whatever issue they’re experiencing.

Rather than jumping right in and saying what you think might be wrong, you should allow the customer to talk and express themselves before you respond. You should take that time to really hear what they’re saying to you.

This will show the customer that you care enough to hear what they have to say.

3. Avoid Responding to Complaints About Your Business Negatively

Many business owners get very defensive with customers who have complaints. They end up arguing with customers rather than helping them fix the problem they’re having.

Avoid negativity at all costs when conversing with a customer. Instead, take a positive and proactive approach to dealing with complaints.

A customer might be angry at first when they call you. But once they see you’re genuinely interested in trying to assist them, they’ll be more likely to forgive you for whatever went wrong with your product or service in the first place.

It’ll increase the chances of them coming back to you again in the future.

4. Make the Complaints From Your Customers a Priority

If a customer does have a complaint about a product or service you provided for them, don’t put off dealing with it.

You should spring into action right away and make them feel like their business is important to you. By making them a priority and pushing them to the top of the list, you’ll show them that you care about whatever complaint they had.

The longer you put off dealing with a customer’s complaint, the less chance you have of earning their trust back.

5. Keep Any Promises You Make to Your Customers

If you tell a customer you’re going to do something, make sure you do it.

Breaking a promise is probably the easiest way to lose a customer. You can improve customer service simply by sticking to your word and not breaking it for any reason.

6. Be Nice to People Even When It Won’t Benefit You Immediately

Far too often, a person will pop into a business to ask for directions or use the bathroom and get turned away.

On the surface, you might not think anything of this. They weren’t coming to you to buy a product or service anyway, so who cares how you treated them?

Don’t look at it like that. Instead, looking at a random pop-in like this as an opportunity to be nice to someone and potentially earn their business in the future.

You might be surprised to see that same person pop back into your business in a week or two to repay you for your act of kindness.

7. Tell Your Customers How Much You Appreciate Their Business

Every single time you speak with a customer, whether on the phone or in your business, you should tell them how much you appreciate them calling on your company.

You can’t say “thank you” enough to your customers. So make it a point to say “thank you” and “we appreciate your business” any chance you get.

8. Give Customers Free Promotional Products

People enjoy getting things for free. It makes them feel like they’re important.

If you don’t have promotional products already, you should order some now and start handing them out to your most loyal customers.

From pens and sticky notes to T-shirts and hats, there are so many promo products available. They’ll allow you to say thanks to customers and help you brand your business at the same time.

9. Always Ask Your Customers If There’s Any Other Way You Can Help Them

“Is there anything else I can do for you?” is a question you should ask to your customers early and often.

This will let your customers know that you’re there for them if they need anything else.

Even if they don’t need anything at the moment, they’ll feel more comfortable coming back to you later for assistance if they need it.

10. Provide Customer Service Training for Your Employees

In addition to making every effort to improve customer service on your own, you should also bring your employees into the mix.

They might not feel quite as compelled to be nice to customers as a business owner does. But with the right customer service training courses, you can show them how you expect them to treat customers.

Your employees are usually your first line of defense when it comes to dealing with customers. Make sure they do their part to improve customer service.

Improve Customer Service and See Real Results Today

When you improve customer service in your business, you will see more and more customers return to you in the future. It’ll lead to more sales and give your business a better reputation in your community.

Improving customer service is also just one of the many ways you can go about building up your business.

Check out our blog for more tips that will help you put your business in a better position.


The 3 Easiest Solutions for How to Improve a Website

The 3 Easiest Solutions for How to Improve a Website

The 3 Easiest Solutions for How to Improve a Website

Not too long ago mobilegeddon swept the face of the internet, and websites that didn’t keep up were left in the dark. Every day, sites are finding the need to upgrade, but knowing how to improve a website often requires some intense coding knowledge.

You’ve got a site, and you’re looking to beef it up a bit, but you’re not an I.T. expert. So what do you do? Thankfully we’ve got all the answers! So, keep reading and we’ll give you some simple website improvement ideas even your sweet Granny could do.

How to Improve a Website

Say Thanks

Putting in simple thank-you page after a visitor has taken something you offered on your site is a great way to keep them around. These are easy to draw up and easy to implement, but they go a long way for your customer.

Be Quick

One of the biggest reasons people leave a site is because it takes too long to load. Visitors expect pages to load in less than two seconds. Three or more seconds of waiting and they’re out of there!

There are a lot of technical things you can do to help decrease your page loading time, but we don’t have time for that. Instead, here’s a couple things you can do instead that don’t require a Ph.D. in I.T.

Fix Broken Links

Quickly check your site pages and see if you have any broken links. Not only can these slow down your site, but visitors are easily turned off by the sight of a 404 error.

Turn off Unused Plugins

There are a lot of useful plugins that will help improve your site, but unused plugins running in the background will only slow down the whole process. Look at your list of plugins and power down the ones that you know you’re not using.

Use More Whitespace

As tempting as it might be to advertise your services all over your site, but too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. It may feel like having whitespace on your site is a waste of potential space, but it keeps your visitors focused.

Utilizing more whitespace is a great and easy way to improve your site. A quick declutter of your site and people will be much more engaged with the content you want them to see.


At the end of the day, the easiest way to get a website improvement is to get someone else to do it for you. Get a friend to do it for you, hire a local web agency, or go international and let a Swedish webbyra handle it for you!

Website Improvement

Putting these straightforward improvements into practice will put you one step ahead of your competition and give your site the extra boost you’ve been looking for.

If you liked these tips on how to improve a website, then you should check out what other great tips we have for improving your business and getting local leads for your business.


Men’s Winter Coats: How to Improve Your Winter Fashion

Men's Winter Coats: How to Improve Your Winter Fashion

Men’s Winter Coats: How to Improve Your Winter Fashion

Winter have you wearing the same pair of sweatpants or boring jackets over and over again? Unsure how to look good while staying warm?

The good news is you can look great in even the chilliest of seasons, and bundling up in sub-freezing temperatures doesn’t have to be complicated.

We’ve created this guide of men’s winter coats to keep you looking stylish and hot, even when the weather is not.

Whether you’re shopping for you or looking for a gift for the man in your life, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s get into it!

Guidelines to Men’s Winter Coats

Know Your Budget

Men spend, on average, $85 dollars each month on clothing. That’s about $1,020 annually.

Before investing in your coat, it’s important to have a general ballpark regarding how much you are willing to spend.

This will help you narrow down stores, types of materials, and brands. After all, if you’re only looking to spend about $150, it wouldn’t make sense to visit stores with prices hovering over $800, would it?

We commend that before making any clothing decisions, make your budget!

Find Your Fit

This isn’t your father’s wardrobe. Men’s winter coats have come a long way in terms of style and sizing.

Determine what kind of coat you’re looking for. Something slim-fitting? Something for the office? For formal events? For travels and adventure? (and yes, a coat for the Dominican Republic has different purpose than a coat for the Rockies)

Narrowing down your intended use will help you narrow down the appropriate styles and fits for the occasion.

Consider Fur

If you think fur is only for rich people, think again. We’re convinced this is the hottest trend of 2017.

This article shows that a proper fur coat is one of the most stylish ways to stay warm and look good doing it.

With different lengths, patterns, and options (yes, faux fur is trendy!), this is one of our favorite kinds of men’s winter coats

Don’t Forget the Accessories

Men’s winter coats are just part of the attire. If it’s really cold out, you will likely need proper shoes, scarf, and head protection (such as a beanie) for additional protection.

Maybe you already have some of these pieces. Maybe it is important for you to coordinate matching styles or colors.

Either way, these should be taken into consideration when planning out your budget and style.

Rock the Boots

Want a surefire way to look stylish?

Ditch the sneakers and pair your men’s winter coats with well-fitted boots. Not only do they define your style and create a sense of professionalism, they are also comfortable and warm!

If you’re looking for outdoor protection (and style), consider checking out the endless designs and styles guaranteed to keep you happily active.

Final Thoughts

No matter what the season (or how hot or cold it is), you should never have to compromise looking and feeling good.

If your wardrobe is in need of an update, men’s winter coats are a great way to show off your style and personality while keeping you warm. Win-win, right?



5 Ways Everyone Can Improve Their Restaurant Management

5 Ways Everyone Can Improve Their Restaurant Management

5 Ways Everyone Can Improve Their Restaurant Management

They say to work smarter rather than harder, and the restaurant industry is no exception to this rule.

Clinging to outdated management processes while the competition continues to innovate will only put you one step behind in the long run.

As a manager, you’ll know that customer experiences hinge on both the food and the service. Recent studies of Yelp customer reviews have even shown that customers react to bad restaurant experiences with signs of mild trauma!

No one wants to be responsible for that, so here are five ways you can help improve your restaurant management.

Gather customer feedback

Collecting customer feedback is, and always will be, the best place to start when you’re looking to improve.

By asking them to fill out a short survey, leave a review online or fill out a comment card, you can see the areas you’re excelling in and areas that might need improvement.

Remember to stay impartial when reading your feedback–hard as that may be! Some things may be more useful than others, but it’s crucial not to discard feedback because you don’t like it.

Bookkeeping software

Is your outdated restaurant bookkeeping software holding you back?

Time is money and efficiency is always key, so you need to look to save time wherever you can.

New, more up-to-date software will allow you to manage your inventory, look at the cost of your menu, digitize your invoices and expenses.

You can even send checks to vendors in just a few clicks, bringing management admin time right down while maintaining the high level of transparency and efficiency.

Give your team the tools they need

This seems simple but really can make all the difference.

Being fully stocked with linens, trays, cutlery, glasses and pads means your team will have all they need to do a good job.

Making sure you’re properly fitted out isn’t just helpful for the team, it also helps to maintain a high level of quality and consistency for customers.

Ratty old linens and mismatched cutlery won’t do your reputation any favors.

Incentivise your team

Even if you’re lucky enough to have a team filled with compassionate, enthusiastic individuals with a natural tendency towards hospitality, incentivisation goes a long way to maintaining high service standards.

Set goals based on your KPIs and customer service targets and reward the staff members that hit those markers.

You can even make it into a competition to help stoke the fires of participation!

Hold a monthly team meeting

It’s not just the customers who have important business insights to share.

Try holding a team meeting every month or every quarter and collect the feedback that the whole team has to offer–chefs, kitchen porters, waiting staff, and hosts.

There could be processes that are causing friction across the teams or slowing down service, so bring the issue out into the open and try new ways of doing things.

It’s important for staff to feel like they have a voice, so let them speak!

Try implementing a few of these ideas and see the difference they can bring to your restaurant efficiency.