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13 Signs Your Personality May Be Intimidating People »

13 Signs Your Personality May Be Intimidating People »

Have you ever noticed that some people are just naturally intimidating? Or, perhaps, have you noticed that people tend to be intimidated by you?

Being an intimidating person is an intriguing situation to be in, as it can be tough to tell why people are so nervous around you – especially if you’re not a physically “scary” person. But it actually might be your personality traits that are causing the discomfort!

Here are 13 signs your personality may be intimidating people.

1.    You Don’t Do Small Talk

Being direct and to-the-point can be quite intimidating, and if you match that description, you do not waste time with small talk. You likely consider beating around the bush pointless and would much rather get straight to the point and talk about pressing and significant issues.

This means that you often skip pleasantries or straight out avoid talking to people that won’t start an engaging pr productive conversation. This can cause a projection of you that appears cold or even rude to others, and that’s certainly intimidating.

Though this is fine and a preference you likely share with many people, do keep in mind that small talk can be a positive thing. Many communities around the world consider it a crucial part of their interactions and bonding.


2. You’re A Problem-Solver

It’s good to have the critical thinking skills necessary to be a good problem-solver, but that can sometimes intimidate people. This is because you’re always finding solutions independently and taking charge.

Others around you might feel like you hog the spotlight like you are excluding them, or as though they are unneeded. This can lead them to consider you intimidating.

3.    You Have Big Goals

Someone with big goals always strives to be the very best version of themselves. They do so by setting goals to work towards, and these are often ambitious and exciting in nature, with motivation and commitment involved that propel them forward.

If this description matches you, then it can be quite intimidating to the people around you. This is because of your colossal drive and forward movement. The good news is that the people who will likely be intimidated are those who are insecure about themselves and their achievements.

4.    You Don’t Conform

Others are often intimidated by someone who has confidence in themselves and does not bend or conform to the expectations of others. If you are an independent thinker, where your opinions are often not shared by the people around you, others with low self-confidence will find it hard to understand how it is possible to self-validate and not look for the approval of others.

In addition, people that are less knowledgeable in certain subjects may find it uncomfortable that you are so much more well-informed than they are. Once again, this will not be an issue for people who are secure in themselves and have positive thinking for their actions.

free thinker

5. You’re Assertive

To an introvert, extroverted people can be intimidating. This is especially true if those extroverts are assertive. But you don’t necessarily need to be a stereotypical extrovert – or even an extrovert at all! – to have this feature.

If you are the type to quickly speak out while expecting others to do the same, you can be perceived as aggressive those around you. Unlike some of our previous points, this intimidation isn’t necessarily a mark of insecurity.

As a matter of fact, by taking up all the space in the room and disregarding the different communication styles of others, you may alienate the people around you. This doesn’t mean you should stop being assertive – it just means that you need to find the balance in a conversation instead of consistently dominating it. Here is what you can do in that respect:

  • Take the time to assess the people surrounding you. Do they speak the same way as you do? Are they the type to interrupt your long assertive speeches, or would they likely wait for you to stop talking – which might not happen until the point is lost?
  • Take note if people are unusually quiet or sensitive towards you. Try and encourage these people to speak or ask them what they think.
  • Match the pace of others. Sure, you have great ideas, but let others share theirs, too. You can dominate the conversation when it’s your turn to speak, not throughout an entire meeting.

6. You’re Opinionated

Being highly opinionated can also be intimidating to others. If you are not afraid to challenge societal conventions and even stand-alone with those opinions, you’re giving off a power that may cause others to feel intimidated or uncomfortable.

Being opinionated is a great thing with many positive sides to it, including improving your persuasiveness and making you less vulnerable to other people’s persuasion. Just make sure that your opinions are backed by sound arguments. Being opinionated involves:

  • Determination to do something even if it means not conforming to others expectations of you
  • Dedication to keep trying to achieve the desired result, even if it may seem strange or pointless to others
  • Bravery in sticking to your guns, even if others are not backing you up.

7.    You Never Make Excuses, and You Don’t Accept Them Either

Others may find you intimidating if you do not make or accept excuses. Not taking nonsense is not a sign of a lack of sympathy, but rather a sign of your willpower. Still, as justified as it is, no one can deny that it’s quite intimidating to deal with someone who wants results, not excuses.

People that don’t make or accept excuses:

  • Don’t see themselves as a victim, even if their entire world is crumbling
  • Don’t have a place in their life for complaints from anyone
  • Pursue whatever goal they have set with vigor
  • Have zero tolerance for procrastination and laziness

8.    You Don’t Let Fear Control You

It can be intimidating and unsettling when someone is unphased by fear. Fear can have such robust control over so many people’s lives, so for someone to have the utmost in positive thinking and never let fear stop, you can be quite a shock. You may consider fear:

  • An opportunity to grow and better yourself
  • A new experience to live through and learn from
  • An essential and vital part of life

positivity meme

9.    You Are Stubborn

Stubbornness can be an excellent trait to have in moderation, but others may find your determination to be intimidating. Being stubborn is one of the key reasons why you may be such a good problem-solver. Not taking no for an answer and doing your best to solve issues that you can see solutions to is the sign of a go-getter.

Others might find it challenging to understand this trait of yours, and if they aren’t intimidated or impressed by it, they may even become confused. To them, it’s a mystery why you would take up a great deal of your time-solving problems they’ve given up on, instead of merely letting it go.

10. You Never Get Envious

Refraining from falling into patterns of bitterness or envy at other people’s success can be a tough thing to do. As such, it makes sense that someone might find you intimidating if you never get envious of others.

Here are some traits that someone may have if they don’t fall prey to the green-eyed monster:

  • They know that their chance for success is unaffected by their current job, money or status
  • They can congratulate others without any envy or malice present
  • Being career-focused people with their own goals and don’t bother trying to meet other people’s
  • They know that every person is different and has a different path in life
  • Finally, they don’t view life as a race; they take their time and work on their aspirations at a pace that challenges them and them alone

11. You Always Want To Learn More

Close-minded people feel intimidated and insecure in the face of someone full of curiosity and always striving to learn more. So if you’re someone who understands that you don’t have all the answers in this complex world, your open-minded eagerness to grow and learn may throw off the people around you.

12. You Are Quick To Read Others

People find it intimidating when they meet someone that can accurately read them within moments of a first meeting. This is especially true for people who have ulterior motives, malice, or unfavorable characteristics, as you will not hesitate to call them out once you get a read on them.

Still, even those with good intentions only can be intimidated by quick reads. No one wants to feel like their entire life has been spilled within a few seconds, and it can make some people feel quite unsafe.

13. You Select Friends Carefully

Are you someone who chooses your friends very carefully? If so, the fact that you are so selective and even picky can be intimidating. This is because you don’t hesitate to cut off toxic people and want friends who are your peers, not those who will use you or who can’t contribute to your life in the same way you can contribute to theirs.

Still, this level of selection with friends can be a positive thing. This is because:

  • Equally strong-willed friends can boost your self-control and discipline, while those who are not disciplined will lead to slacking on your end.
  • You are less likely to take financial risks that may not end in a positive way if you have fewer friends in your life.
  • Having proper socialization levels can lengthen your lifespan.
  • The friends you make influence the choices that you make throughout your life.
  • You can learn from good friends who are in right positions or have the knowledge to share
  • A good friend group is one that lifts each other up.

intimidatingFinal Thoughts On Some Signs Your Personality May Be Intimidating People

Is it bad if your personality intimidates people? Not necessarily! It often points to a strong will, determination, and independence for which others should strive.

You shouldn’t feel the need to change those parts of yourself unless you absolutely want to. But do expect people to be a little nervous about speaking up around you, and don’t be surprised if people are taken aback when you reveal you can be a sweetheart after all!