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Therapist Explains How to Grieve the Loss of Your Love Relationship »

Therapist Explains How to Grieve the Loss of Your Love

Breaking up with your partner is like a death. It’s almost impossible to move on as if nothing happened. You both have been uprooted out of the ground into a new chapter in life. It’s okay to feel a range of emotions as you go through the process. We have a few ways to grieve the loss of your love relationship.

You’ll Face Five Stages as You Grieve Your Lost Relationship

The Kübler-Ross model of grief, also known as “The Five Stages of Grief,” explains what happens to our minds during the five stages after we lose something or someone special.

These stages are anger, bargaining, denial, sadness, and acceptance. You don’t necessarily grieve in any specific order. Sometimes you experience a stage multiple times.

During the grieving process, you may deny the person is gone from your life. You might get angry wondering what you could have done differently. Or, you might bargain with a higher power to help them come back to you.

Once you realize this is not going to work, you might feel depressed. You start listening to sad songs and watching old home videos.  Finally, you usually just accept this person is gone from your life. Sometimes we get stuck in denial thinking no one will ever love us again.

These stages have no time limit. It’s up to you when you decide to accept the loss and move on with your life. The truth is that you probably will fall in love again. You just have to give yourself time.


11 Ways to Take Care of Yourself as You Grieve for the Love You Lost

1 – Don’t Overthink

You may find yourself returning to the relationship a million times in your mind. You might start wondering where you went wrong. When we do this, we start to think we should go back. There’s a reason you broke up. No matter how many good times you had, there’s a reason underneath it all that the relationship is done. Don’t think about it all of the time. It’s time to hang out with yourself and move down the road. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel anything. You will still feel the stages of loss and you will grieve, but it means you don’t start playing the reel of your relationship in your head.

2 – Take Time To Detox

Many people deal with the loss of a love relationship by jumping into the next relationship. This doesn’t help you deal with any of the feelings left behind. The best thing you can do is have a period of detox. This means you take time to reflect and recharge your “love batteries.” You don’t need to date or pursue others at this time. You don’t need to go home with people from the bar. You need to focus on yourself. Before you get into a new relationship, you need to be 100% ready. You need to have a clear head on your shoulders. It’s only fair to you and the next person. If not, you will bring your drama into the next relationship.

3 – It Is Okay to Be Selfish While You Grieve

Love is often selfless. We put the other person above us. It’s time to be selfish once that relationship is over. Get out of bed when you feel like it. Go to the store without telling anyone. Stay out as late as you want. You get control of the remote watching whatever show you feel. You don’t have to answer to anyone. This is one of the only times in life when you get a pass to be selfish.

4 – Lean On Others

It’s okay to feel sadness with your support system. Lean on those you love to get out your feelings and emotions. When you want to cry and grieve, call up your best friend. Get those emotions out. You might need to yell at someone about the anger you’re feeling.

When someone you love passes away, people flock to you in support. They know this is the same during this love loss. They know sometimes it’s important to just be there sitting by you as you vent.

A hug is sometimes the best therapy available.

5 – Do Things You Enjoy

After a loss, it’s always best to find your smile again. Do things you love. Your self-esteem and heart might be bashed. When you do things that you love, you will feel happiness again. You might even forget for a few minutes that you’re going through a tough time.

You’ll actually learn to fall in love with yourself when you do things you love. You get to feel happy and enjoy a smile again. Whether it’s reading a book, going to the movies, playing a game of tennis or singing along with your guitar, do something you love.

6 – Let Go Of Emotional Baggage

Breakups leave big, ugly scars. If you don’t tend to these scars, they just look even scarier. It’s important to not dwell on the negative emotional baggage. You must learn to feel the pain then move on with a positive outlook. You’re able to decrease your amount of suffering by finding the lining in the clouds.

When you can tell yourself that “maybe it didn’t work out for a reason,” you’ll be able to move forward. If you get stuck in the negative emotional baggage of the relationship, it’ll be tough to move forward. You might face depression. You’re going to feel sadness and grieve some days. You’ll get triggered by a couple holding hands.

The important thing is to think of the positives in your break up. Remember why you broke up. By doing so, you’ll help your mind prepare for the next step in life.

7 – Forgive Yourself

Grieving means having to forgive yourself. It’s hard to let go. You blame yourself for every little thing. You might think everything was all your fault when it takes two to tango. Look back and think about both of your actions.

Think of the reasons why it didn’t work out. Even if you did things wrong, you have to let go of the blame. You cannot move on until you forgive yourself and grow from the experience as a whole.

thinking about the past

8 – Don’t Shut The Door On Love

Many times people that get out of a relationship will say they’ll “never” date again. They swear off all relationships. You should never speak in absolutes.

It didn’t work out with your ex for a reason. This doesn’t mean love isn’t going to work in the future. You’re burned right now. You have to get through this tough time and leave love open in the future. If you lose faith, you could be missing out.

There is a right time for your love.

One day you might find them when you least expect it. Until then, you focus on yourself. Don’t turn your head to anyone that tries to set you up. One day you’ll realize you’re ready again. In the beginning, it’s natural to think of speaking in absolutes.

9 – Don’t Seek Revenge

When you’re grieving, you often feel anger. You just want to hurt the other person because you’re hurting. Don’t seek revenge. Being angry and seeking revenge will not solve anything. It will make you seem petty and immature. Don’t trash talk them to your friends and family. Just accept they are gone, and accept that you don’t need to do anything about it. There’s a reason they aren’t with you anymore. You don’t need to go out and hurt them to dig the dagger even deeper into both of your hearts.

10 – Comfort Yourself

Remember there is no time limit to grieving. In the beginning, you might find it hard to even get out of bed. Take it a second at a time. Eat that pint of ice cream if you feel. Watch that sappy movie. Let your friends come over while you cry into their lap. You don’t have to be okay.

One day you’re going to be able to get out of bed. And, of course, someday you’re going to smile again. Your life was thrown into a blender. It’s okay to feel that pain. Always remember it’s okay to grieve.

11 – See The Differences

One of the best things that happen once you get through the grieving, you’ll realize there is a difference between a breakup and a death. When someone dies, it’s final. When you break up with someone, you get both get through it alive. You get to rise above it. One day you might see them walking along the street, and you won’t cry.

You’ll realize one day that you’re able to move forward. This breakup was the demise of that particular love relationship, but it’s not the final stage of love for you. One day soon, you’ll embrace living life to its fullest once again.

Final Thoughts on Taking Time to Grieve a Lost Love Relationship

It’s important to take time to grieve after any loss. A breakup is a loss that turns your world upside down. Once you face the truth of this loss and think through it, you’ll be able to move on. It might feel like you’re dying inside, but you’re about to live in the next chapter. Take time for yourself, then turn the page to the next chapter in life.


15 Behaviors That Reveal Someone is Subconsciously Falling in Love

15 Behaviors That Reveal Someone is Subconsciously Falling in Love

Falling in love can be a tricky thing. It can be confusing. There may be someone in your life that you vibe with, but you don’t know if they’re actually enamored with you or just flirting a little bit. When you want answers, all you have to do is look at their behaviors. Here are 15 actions that reveal someone is subconsciously falling in love.

15 Signs Show That Someone is Falling in Love With You

1. They Smile When They See You

The way they look at you when you connect in person says a lot how they feel about you. If they are always smiling and seem to glow when you walk into the room, you know they are falling in love. Look to see if there is a difference between how they react when you walk in the room and other people to gauge the reaction.

falling in love

2. Acting Somewhat Nervous

Many people get nervous around someone they are falling in love with. It’s typically quite cute. You may notice them looking embarrassed when they say something somewhat silly or when you make fun of them. They may even just blush by being around you. Be gentle if you notice this, or you may scare them away.

3. They Feed You

In many cultures, food is a way of showing love. If someone is continually bringing you delicious food, that could just be their way of expressing their affection. This action is especially true if the food is homemade. Show appreciation and even consider doing the same in return to speak in their love language.

4. Body Language

Body language can tell you a lot more about someone than the words they speak. Someone who is falling in love with you will show it in their body language. They will likely angle their body toward you or touch you in small ways. Many times, they won’t even be aware they are doing these subtle movements. They may also try to sit near you when in a group setting. Of course, positive body language should not be confused with lust. You should make a point to do little gestures yourself without overdoing it.

5. They Celebrate Good News With You

The good news is even better when you have someone to share it with. If your crush is starting to fall for you, they will probably call you first when something good happens in their life. You call the person who you want to impress. This habit means they enjoy impressing you with the good news. They also probably feel comfortable telling you things and know that you will be supportive and make them feel good about their good news. Be supportive and excited when they call you.

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6. They Listen

To develop an emotional connection with someone, you need to talk. It’s not enough just to talk. The other person has to listen. You will tell if they listen by if they jump in with their own stories or sit back and let you talk. They may repeat things during the conversation. You’ll also know they were listening if they remember details about the conversation later on. They will remember details and make a point to let you know they remember by repeating certain things back to you. More than anything, they make time to listen to you when you need an open ear. Someone can’t listen if they aren’t there for you when you need them. Of course, you need to be reasonable about your expectations.

7. Using “We”

When someone is falling in love with you, they will start to look at the two of you as a unit. Instead of talking in individual terms, you will notice them saying “we” a lot to friends and family. It’s especially telling if they use “we” when it comes to the future. It shows that when they see the future, they picture you in it. Thinking long term means they plan to take the relationship to the next step eventually.

8. Eye Contact Reveals They’re Falling in Love

The eyes are often called the window into the soul. Someone who wants to develop an emotional connection with you will want to see into your soul to get to know you even better. They will make a point to look into your eyes when you talk. It’s a way to capture your attention. On the other hand, if they avert their eyes every time you talk, that could be a sign they aren’t very interested. Make a point to make eye contact yourself without being creepy.

9. Constant Communication

Communication is key. If someone is interested in you, they will make a point to talk to you often. You won’t be the one reaching out to them all of the time; they will reach out to you. When you speak, the conversation will be natural. It may even get deep at times. These in-depth conversations will help you develop a connection that goes past a physical attraction.

10. Putting Effort Into Their Appearance

If someone is attracted to you, they will likely try to look their best around you. You may notice them putting more time into their hair and grooming. You may also see them wearing certain outfits you complimented in the past. If you catch them by surprise, they may not be done up as well as when they know they are going to see you. They want you to have a physical attraction to them, so they put effort into their looks when they are going to see you.

11. They Compliment You Often

Compliments are one of the easiest ways for people to express how they feel. You may suspect someone is growing enamored with you if they compliment you all of the time. They may compliment you on your appearance. However, someone who is falling in love will also compliment other things, such as your personality, intelligence, and emotional strength. It’s even more telling when someone compliments you often in front of other people. It shows they aren’t afraid to express their admiration for you to the world.

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12. Playful Teasing

You and your crush should be free to have fun with each other. You may notice them teasing you about small things, such as your little mannerisms and quirks. Of course, teasing should contain a certain amount of respect. The teasing should never cross the line into disrespect. It should be playful and flirty. Of course, you should feel free to fire right back. Likewise, you should keep things as respectful as possible to ensure that you don’t cross any boundaries.

13. Opening Up to You

Everyone has secrets. Some people even have trauma and negative experiences that they carry with them every day without letting other people know. It can be hard to talk about these things, and some people might be worried about being judged. If someone opens up to you, it means they trust you dearly. You should take this seriously. Allow them to open up and show them the support they need. You should also make sure to keep the conversation between you.

14. Friends Comment on It

Someone’s friends may see a connection between two people before they see it themselves. Other people may notice the flirting that you aren’t sure is flirting or not. They may even notice something even more developing. Listen to what other people see. If people are always joking about how you and your crush should just get together already, there’s something there. Your crush may have even expressed their feelings to their friends, and they could just be trying to help things along.

Look at their reaction when people mention an apparent connection. Are they embarrassed or do they shut it down immediately? Someone who shuts it down immediately might be trying to clarify their feelings instead of hiding them.

15. Helps You Without Hesitation

Everyone needs help on occasion. You may need help moving or with homework. When you express that you need help with something, does your crush offer their assistance immediately? They may see this as a way to spend time with you and also demonstrate their value to you. When you need to call someone for help, do you call them first, knowing they will be likely to be there for you? The reliability and quickness to help you are not only a sign that they are into you right now, but it’s also a sign that they will be dependable in a relationship as well.

falling in loveFinal Thoughts on Recognizing When Someone Is Falling in Love

Do you notice any of these behaviors from someone in your life? They may just be falling in love with you, whether they know it or not. Of course, you don’t want to look for things that simply aren’t there. If you don’t specifically notice these behaviors, they may not be as into you as you’d like. That’s okay. Wait for someone else who does demonstrate these behaviors naturally.


20 Things To Never Say About Love To Single People

20 Things To Never Say About Love To Single People

Relationships, especially romantic relationships, are tricky business. Love is one of the most profound emotions that we can experience. Most of us seek to be loved and accepted by a person in a relationship in ways that bring out the best we have to offer. But others enjoy being single people!

For many people, romantic relationships are one of the most meaningful experiences a person can have in life; the need for human connection and to be wanted and needed seems innate. While we may go about achieving the establishment of this relationship in different ways, we desire a partner that understands, celebrates, and wants to grow with us through thick and thin.

Some psychologists theorize that the ability to forge healthy relationships starts in infancy when we come to an understanding of what it means to be connected to someone. We might not be able to articulate these feelings into words. Still, we form a perception about what being in a “healthy” relationship means to us, and we form an opinion as to whether or not we want to make an effort to create meaningful relationships in our lives.

Single people vs. happy couples

Do we have to be at odds with one another? Why can’t we all just get along and accept each other for our pathways in life? There seems to be a stigma in our society regarding single people—–, it is assumed that they are usually unhappy with relationships, somehow fundamentally flawed, or in between relationships.

We make similar judgments about “happy couples.” These dynamic duos have it all, they are forward-thinking, they have a harmonious home life, and they will be together forever.

The longer you live, however, and the more experience you have with all significant relationships in your life, the more you find that there is some serious gray area in between both of these extremes. Let’s not assume too much about each other, but for the intent and purpose of the rest of this article, we’ll be speaking specifically to those single people who don’t want to be told that they are “waiting,” “unhappy,” or “unfulfilled.”

If you are in a relationship, congratulations! We hope you are happy! If you are one of those couples who want to set up your single friends on the next Saturday date night, you might want to avoid these phrases when talking about what is to come as a result of your matchmaking efforts.

single people

Here are twenty things never to say about love to single people:

In case you’re on the receiving end of these questions, we’ve included some tips for you, too!

1. Why are you still single?

Newsflash! There’s nothing wrong with being alone. This question is probably one of the most offensive things that a single person can hear. In the middle of a backhanded compliment implying that you are fabulous, there’s a lurking, small question regarding what may be wrong with you. Refuse to answer that question and live your life!

2. Are you dating anyone?

Not everyone has to date to feel fulfilled. There are plenty of singles out there who are completely happy with the lives that they have created–sans dates. Regardless of where you are on the dating timeline, you can choose to divulge information or keep it to yourself. If you would like help finding someone special, ask for it. If not, steer clear of those friends and family members that will inevitably ask this question at the next social gathering you are at.

3. You will find plenty of fish in the sea!

Of course, there are plenty of fish in the sea! Not all fish are compatible with one another, however, and if you had your eye on a particular fish, you might be disappointed to find that the two of you cannot swim together anymore. It would honestly be more comforting to have them empathize with you on how the dissolution of valued relationships sucks. You don’t need to focus on more opportunities until you are ready.

4. I never liked “so and so” anyway.

Your breakup may have been ugly, you may never want to see them again, but that doesn’t mean that your coupled-off friends can start bashing single people and their dating practices. You legitimately cared about this person, and you need time to grieve without finding out that your loved ones were not in support of your relationship from the beginning.

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5. Surely you don’t want to end up alone!

And why not? What’s wrong with being alone? Single people lead lives that are just as fulfilling as those of their married and partnered counterparts. Instead, it all comes down to what you choose as right and appropriate for you and your life’s goals. If you want to rock the single catwalk, go for it! Make no apologies!

6. Don’t worry. Your time will come

Just what time is it that your married friends are talking about? There may not be the right time for you to meet that someone special, and that’s okay. You are not racing against society, a time clock, or Father Time, for that matter. If it happens, it happens. If not, be happy with what life has brought you, and look for opportunities to be grateful for the gifts that you have.

7. Why not spend time focusing on yourself instead?

Who says you are not already doing this? You can focus on yourself AND look for a relationship, or you can focus on the details of your life that will bring you happiness and fulfillment. It does not have to be in the form of a relationship. Create your best experience, and see what beautiful gifts of relationships unfold naturally.

8. Don’t you want to have children?

Having children is not for everyone. So whether you want to have them or not, there are steps that single people take to start a family without the addition of a relationship. Foster parenting and adoption are options for you if you want to experience what it’s like to raise a child, and if you have the opportunity to create children with someone special, it’s a bonus. This question is rather personal, and you have every right to politely decline to answer if the occasion calls for it.

9. I know what will be right for you

Oh my, there are plenty of people in your inner circle that think they know what’ll be right for you. Who knows what is best for you, though? That’s right…..YOU. Only you can do some soul searching and find what it is that you genuinely want regarding relationships, and only you can seek to make that happen. Single people make solid choices, too; allow yourself the freedom to express yourself for who you truly are.

10. What’s wrong with you, anyway?

While we might bristle at that question and push back even when we are jokingly asked this question, secretly, we might wonder ourselves if there is just something fundamentally unlovable about us. We all have those moments of neurosis; they will pass, and as you learn to ride the wave of life and appreciate what comes to you, you’ll be less and less affected by this ignorant question.

11. How’s the single people life?

You are not the ambassador for millions of single people around the planet. You can only speak for your experience of single life. Don’t be afraid to gently correct as you regale sizzling tales from your life, and bring the asker to the realization that no subgroup of people can be classified together as having a shared experience.

12. Deciding to get married is the best choice you’ll ever make!

Marriage is not for everyone. It takes time, commitment, and hard work. While it might be the bee’s knees for some people, it might not be for you. Realize that this opinionated statement is a perception based on something that someone else has experienced, and you have the right to create your unique pathway.

13. Don’t ever get married!

Again, this very opinionated statement is based on one other person’s bad experience with and perception of marriage. You should be allowed to formulate your own opinions without being barraged by those of others. While it’s unfortunate that this does take place in relationships, it does not have to be the ending of your story. You are the master of your tale.

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14. You must love yourself before someone else can love you.

It’s a massive assumption that you have low self-esteem. So how dare anyone else look at your unique situation and judge your opinion of yourself? Recognize the ignorance that comes with this statement, and take a look within to see if there are areas and things about yourself that you could accept more willingly. Regardless of relationship status, more work on the “self” translates to more happiness and peace. Isn’t that what we’re all after anyway?

15. I think it’s great that you’re happy all by yourself.

This sentence is one of those statements that you’re just not sure how to take. Is it a compliment? Is it borne of sympathy and pity? Couples do not have a monopoly on happiness, so if you are rocking life by yourself, keep on trucking!

16. I cannot imagine having to put myself out there again!

Great news! Dating people is not the same as sitting in line at the DMV. It can be an experience rich with adventure, excitement, and the potential for love. Sure, you might find a few rocks along the path, but move them aside and keep enjoying your walk. Have fun with the opportunity you have to meet others and learn more about yourself in the process.

17. Don’t worry. You’ll get lucky one day just like I did!

Marriage and Couplesville is not a slot machine–you don’t pull a lever and receive your potential partner at the bottom of a device. If you choose to date and meet someone seriously, it should be a thoughtful process of co-creating the future with someone.

Take matters into your own hands if you choose to, and with some thoughtful contemplation, determine what type of partner, relationship, and life you wish to have.

18. You just need to be more “presentable.”

What the heck does that mean? Should you get a gym membership? How about veneers? Do you need to get a makeover or start coloring your hair? If someone does not accept you for who you choose to be and how you choose to express yourself, they can keep on walking. This rule goes for your friends and family members too, by the way. Don’t let anyone talk to you like that.

19. What do you do on the weekends?

There are plenty of things to do in a single weekend; the sky’s the limit with how you choose to craft your time. The fact that people assume you are not doing anything because you “don’t have a special someone” is entirely erroneous. Fill your weekend with whatever you want to fill it with, and leave the speculation to those most opinionated couples around you who need a little education when it comes to a single perspective.

20. Why are you pushing love away?

Why is there a stigma that the only meaningful love that can be experienced in life is that which comes from a romantic partner? You have the love of family, friends, and others around you that make your life rich and meaningful. Refuse to feel bad about the experience that you have created, and look forward to loving as it comes your way, in whatever form it takes.

single people

Final Thoughts on Being Compassionate to Single People

Regardless of your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of love, you have every right to create your life and relationships in a way that feels best to you. Realize that others are entitled to their opinions and that you don’t necessarily have to defend your actions and choices to anyone other than yourself. Have fun, enjoy the ride, and see where’d life…..and love…..take you!


8 Old Video Gaming Consoles We Still Love Today

8 Old Video Gaming Consoles We Still Love Today

8 Old Video Gaming Consoles We Still Love Today

“Brown Box” — that’s the name of the first-ever multiplayer video game console prototype. It’s the “Father” of all video games, having had existed in 1967.

Its creation is all thanks to the genius and efforts of Ralph Baer, Bill Harrison, and Bill Rusch.

From there, Brown Box became officially-known as “Magnavox Odyssey” in 1972. It’s this system that spawned today’s 200 million global videogamers.

While Odyssey is no longer in circulation, some of the old gaming consoles that it paved the way for still are. They’re still entertaining videogamers and making them shriek in delight, and yes, annoyance. (Game Over, remember?)

Ready to learn what these old school gaming systems are that you can still button-mash? Then let’s get right into it!

1. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

We’ll start off with this one, and not only because it came out in 1983. That alone, however, already makes it one of the most classic gaming consoles that you can still get today.

The main reason you should pick up an NES is because of Super Mario Bros, Zelda, and Pac-Man. It’s also the console that gave rise to Donkey Kong, Kirby’s Adventure, and a long list of other retro games. Yes, it’s the NES that gave us a platform to enjoy all these billion-dollar hits.

2. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

SNES, the improved version of NES, is also one of the top classic game consoles from Nintendo. It first came out in 1991 in the US, and we should be glad it did, as it came out with titles like Super Mario World and SimCity.

Today, you can pick up a SNES Classic and buy video games like Zelda, Kirby, and Final Fantasy aside from Super Mario. There are, in total, 20 titles you can play, plus two special, exclusive releases.

3. Sega Genesis

Want to reminisce all those battles with the mad scientist and evil Doctor Eggman? Well, you’re in luck, because you can, thanks to the release of the Sega Genesis Mini. It’s an emulation of the original Genesis, which means that it comes with 16-bit hardware.

Sega calls it “Mini” because it’s about half the size of the original Genesis console. It’s in no way “mini” when it comes to playable titles, as there are 42 games for you to enjoy. The exact titles vary where you live, but if you’re a hardcore gamer, you’ll know how to get access to many of these.

4. Game Boy

Having celebrated its 30th birthday in 2019, Game Boy still lives up to its name. It’s also thanks to this console that we have a strong market of portable video games today. Since its release, Nintendo has sold over 100 million of the classic and Color versions.

Tetris, Pokemon, Super Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong are just to name a few titles playable on Game Boy. Either way, it’s a good investment, especially if you’re always on the go and need something to pass the time with.

5. Retro-Bit

Retro-Bit is one of the classic game systems that allow you to bring home retro arcade games. It has licensed games from big names like Capcom and Nintendo, with titles like Mega Man (2 and 3) and Super Dodge Ball. Other favorites included are Double Dragon, Strider, Final Fight, and BurgerTime.

Retro-Bit may not be as huge as Nintendo, but it’s an inexpensive alternative. Plus, if you’ve got another gamer who lives with you, it’s a great way to have friendly battles for hours on end.

6. Atari Flashback 8

The Atari Flashback 8 lets you take a trip back to the future, in HDMI style. You may think that its 720p feature defeats the purpose, but it’s only there to make the graphics look a bit cleaner. It comes with a couple of 2.4G wireless controllers, so it’s another way to go multiplayer.

Atari’s Flashback 8 is what Nintendo’s SNES Classic is to its fans. In fact, Atari rolled it out at the same time (September 2017) that Nintendo did with its SNES Classic Mini. There are loads of games with the Flashback 8, 120 of them built-in to be exact.

7. C64 Mini

Vividly red joystick — check. Beige keyboard — also check. Waves of nostalgia — definitely.

All these, you get to enjoy with the C64 Mini from Retro Games Ltd. It’s the company’s way of updating and upgrading the Commodore 64 home computer. Yes, it’s for PC gamers out there, which is why it definitely deserves a spot on this list.

Although it’s slightly flawed (stiff joystick, for instance), it’s still retro-packed. You won’t find all the best titles here like Wasteland and Elite, but the rest of the games are still worth it. Speaking of which, there are 64 games that come included with the console.

8. PlayStation Classic

The PlayStation Classic is Sony’s way of combining its new and old gaming systems. It’s a retro console that lets you play 3D games, after all. From Resident Evil to Final Fantasy VII to Metal Gear Solid, the PS Classic gives you all that and more.

Fancy playing with — and winning — over your friends? The PS Classic also lets you do that with multiplayer titles like Twisted Metal and Tekken 3.

All these make the Sony PS Classic a must-have if you’re looking to expand your console collection.

Get Your Game on With These Super Entertaining Old Gaming Consoles

Who says you always need CGI and very realistic graphics just to have fun? That’s not always the case, and this ultimate list of the best and the most fun old gaming consoles says it all. If you’re thinking of treating the gamer in you, then one (or a few) of these units should be some of your top choices.

Ready for more geeky guides like this? Then be sure to head over to this site’s Tech section then!


Travel Ideas: Why Spain Is Where Everyone Falls in Love

Travel Ideas: Why Spain Is Where Everyone Falls in Love

Travel Ideas: Why Spain Is Where Everyone Falls in Love

Did you know that Spain received 82.8 million foreign tourists in 2018?

It’s easy to see why Spain is a tourist hotspot—the European country offers an array of cultural landmarks, fascinating history, and beautiful beaches.

Keep reading to learn why Spain should be your next vacation and to find out why so many tourists fall in love with the country.

Reasons to Visit Spain

Spain is a bustling, beautiful country that is filled to the brim with incredible sights, exciting things to do, awe-inspiring places to relax, and scrumptious dishes to try.

But what are the country-specific reasons why so many tourists flock to popular Spanish destinations?

1. Blissful Beaches

If you’re planning on visiting Spain, you need to take a trip to one of Spain’s many luxurious beaches.

Spain is blessed to have over 5,00 miles of coastline and thousands of beautiful beaches. Spain is also blessed to have 300 days of sunshine, so you’ll have plenty of time to kick back and relax on a beach.

Maximize your beach trip’s relaxation by choosing one of the hidden gems in the country.

Some beaches can get very busy, so why not head to Costa de la Luz? Costa de la Luz is situated near the Portuguese border and has a number of hidden coves and unspoiled beaches. 

2. Cool, Cosmopolitan Cities

The cities you must see in Spain include the capital city, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Seville.

These bustling cities have an array of museums, art galleries, shopping facilities, and breathtaking architecture to explore. 

Madrid and Barcelona are best known for being big arts and cultural hotspots. In these cities, you’ll find plenty of historic churches and cathedrals, fascinating landmarks and monuments, and intriguing modern art. Not to mention the vast abundance of restaurants, cafes, and bars to try.

3. Historic and Cultural Wonders

Spain has 45 UNESCO World Heritage Sites to explore (along with other landmarks and historical points of interest, that haven’t yet made it onto the UNESCO list).

Discover the cave paintings of Altamira, take a trip to Segovia’s Roman aqueduct, head over to Granada and marvel at the Alhambra fortress, or check out the historic city of Toledo.

History buffs are really spoiled for choice in Spain, as there are so many fascinating places to tick off and learn about as you journey through the country.

4. Delicious Food and Delightful Wine

What could be better than wining and dining while looking out across beautiful Spain scenery?

Spain has an unlimited array of restaurants, cafes, bars, and eateries scattered throughout the country.

Sample all the local cuisines and find yourself a new favorite dish. We recommend trying some tapas, Paella, Gazpacho, Patatas bravas, and Pisto.

As for the wine, Spain is known for producing incredible wine so make sure you try coupling some wine with your meals. Alternatively, head over to a winery and learn more about how the wine is made and try a variety of different wines.

5. Amazing Spain Landscapes

Spain is home to endless beaches which are ideal for relaxing on, but if you’re more of an adventurous soul then you need to check out the impeccable Spanish landscapes and mountains.

Have a go at hiking up some of the northern Pyrenees mountains, or head to the Sierra Nevada in the south of Spain and visit the popular skiing resort. 

If you want a contrast to the mountains in Spain, you can also find Cabo de Gata in Almeria. Cabo de Gata is Europe’s only desert and has been the inspiration for many Hollywood spaghetti westerns, which were filmed in the area.

6. Adventure Is Around Every Corner

Hiking isn’t the only activity that thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts can do.

For those who like to get their heart pumping, you can walk along a scary footpath that leads to a zip line between Spain and Portugal.

There’s also an array of skiing and snowboarding options, as well as plenty of places to do scuba diving. 

On the northern coastline of Spain, you can also find annual surfing competitions. While in Pamplona, you can run with the bulls, this annual event takes place in July. In Spain, you can get involved with jet-skiing, rafting, canoeing, bungee jumping, climbing, and skateboarding. 

7. Weird Festivals

Spain is home to many strange and weird festivals.

However, because the Spanish know how to throw a party, we’re sure they won’t disappoint. 

Get stuck in with the celebration of near-death experiences as you get carried in an open coffin at the Festival of Santa Marta de Ribarteme. Start a tomato fight at the world’s largest tomato fight at the La Tomatina festival. 

8. Incredible Islands

Spain also boasts an abundance of incredible islands.

Head to Ibiza if you want an exciting nightlife experience and golden beaches. Treat yourself to the beautiful beaches and resorts in Majorca. Climb the volcano in Tenerife and enjoy excellent views of the volcanic surroundings. Hikers and volcanic lovers should also check out Lanzarote. 

La Palma is ideal for those who want to enjoy a lush green jungle and take part in several walking tours and trails. Historic enthusiasts need to explore Menorca, while whose who can’t keep still should head to Gran Canaria where you can find golf arenas and surfing opportunities. 

If you fall completely in love with everything Spain has to offer, then why not buy or rent a property there?

Finding your dream Spanish property is as easy as strolling down the beautiful Costa del Sol beaches with Right Casa Estates. Spend more time enjoying Spain and all of its wonders.

Why Spain? Now You Know

There are so many reasons why Spain is the right choice for your next vacation, or even as a place of permanent residence.

Whether you enjoy relaxing on the beach, exploring the great outdoors, treating yourself to the latest high-end fashion, or sitting back and trying new dishes, Spain is the perfect place for you.

If you enjoyed reading this article, be sure to check out some of our other insightful articles. 


I Love My Job! 5 Fun Methods for Improving Employee Performance

I Love My Job! 5 Fun Methods for Improving Employee

I Love My Job! 5 Fun Methods for Improving Employee Performance

Have your employees started to lag behind on productivity? If they’re not feeling excited to come to work—or just drained—you could end up losing time and money.

According to this research, 61% of people feel burned out on the job. 

So how do you keep morale up and your team working hard (instead of hardly working)?

Here are five tips for improving employee performance. With these tips, you can strengthen your team so everyone is working happily and productively.

Read on to learn how to improve your employee’s performance. 

1. Match Tasks With Skillsets

Your employees are individuals with their own likes, dislikes, and skills. Get to know them on a personal level. Understanding your employees will make it easier to match each person to a task based on their skillset.

No one’s perfect at everything. Instead of spreading your employees too thin, ask yourself: is this the best person for the task?

Don’t throw your employees into the deep end and expect them to swim. Instead, train your employees. This won’t only improve employee performance, but increase efficiency and reduce errors, too. 

Once your employees are trained, offer them chances at continued development. 

Giving them the opportunity to expand their skills through coaching, workshops, seminars, and courses will benefit the employee and the company.

2. Communicate

Your employees won’t know what they’re doing wrong—or just as importantly, right—if you don’t communicate.

Take the time to talk to your employees. Your feedback is valuable in improving employee performance. This will also help your employees feel recognized for their hard work.

Are your employees feeling engaged? According to research, highly engaged businesses experience a 41% reduction in absenteeism and a 17% increase in productivity. 

Communicating with your employees will give you the chance to make sure they feel engaged in their work, too. 

3. Get SMART

Your employees won’t know what they’re working for without obvious goals.

Instead of assigning busywork, help your employees set SMART goals. These goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. SMART goals show employees how their work benefits the entire business.  

You can also focus on their OKR, or Objectives and Key Results, to aspire and inspire your team. Using OKRs drives growth by encouraging your team to work on measurable outcomes. 

With SMART goals and OKRs, you can keep your team focused and working efficiently. 

4. Use Incentives

Show your employees how much you appreciate their hard work with incentives. These can include:

  • Going out for a meal
  • Paid time off 
  • A wellness program
  • Handwritten notes

Incentives can motivate your team and improve employee performance.

5. Consider Telecommuting

Allowing employees to work from home can improve efficiency and morale.

Show employees, you care about their work/life balance. Give them the chance to go to a doctor’s appointment or get their AC fixed while they work from home. That way, you’re maximizing time while keeping employees happy. 

Happy Hard Workers: 5 Methods for Improving Employee Performance

You’re only as strong as your team! With these five methods for improving employee performance, you can increase productivity and unite your team.

Check the Work Life section for more informative tips and tricks!


5 Company Intranet Ideas That Your Employees Will Love

5 Company Intranet Ideas That Your Employees Will Love

5 Company Intranet Ideas That Your Employees Will Love

The American workforce is largely disengaged. As many as 70% of American workers aren’t giving their best to their companies. Employees have increasingly divided interests and resent feeling overworked.

Studies show that employees with strong social interactions are more productive. In fact, social technologies can increase productivity by more than 20%.

But how do you make an intranet for your employees that they’ll look forward to using? Read on for five company intranet ideas that do just that.

1. Make it Personal

Employees will make a stronger connection to a business intranet that’s personalized for the company. Give it a name, and set the color scheme to something that makes sense for your brand identity.

Keep the vibe from going stale by freshening the design every now and then. Think of how amusing a new Google doodle is. It’s a simple boost, but it makes for an immediately positive interaction.

Make seasonal changes. Play up holiday spirit with Valentine and Christmas colors and sentimental banner imagery.

2. Create Content

Keep people coming back by giving them something to come back for. Create unique content for your internal company website.

Link to articles with industry information. Use your own expertise to write monthly articles. Keep it casual but informative.

Do a weekly roundup. Include funny work memes, pertinent news, and local events. Post a lunch schedule with pictures to break up a potential wall of text.

Human interest pieces are interesting to humans. Interview your employees and let them tell their stories. Company intranet is about developing community.

3. Shout Outs

Make your employees feel valued by giving public shout outs for good work. It’s amazing how far a public high-five can go.

Whether it’s professional or personal, make a big deal over accomplishments. Maybe someone was recently published in a journal or periodical. Maybe someone won a chili competition. 

Words of affirmation are motivating. 

4. Job Opportunities

Since the intranet is for employees, use it to help your employees move up in their careers. Post job opportunities internally first to give deference to your loyal staff.

Hiring from within saves you time and money. And it’s good to feel like everyone’s on the same team.

5. Training and Resources

The most practical intranet idea is making it a portal for training and job resources. Having it all in one place takes the guesswork out of company practices and expectations.

Catalog your training media and tutorials so employees have easy access whenever they need a refresh. Upload your company handbook and FAQ so people can search for answers at the touch of a button.

If you need help building a robust network, you can outsource your intranet development to streamline the entire process.

Increase Employee Involvement with These Company Intranet Ideas

Your internal network can be a vibrant hub for employee relations. Keep employees engaged by implementing easy but effective company intranet ideas. Personality, original content, and a focus on employee needs will make things more interesting.

Do you need help getting your intranet column started? Check out our writing articles for ideas, tips, and tricks for overcoming writer’s block.