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Put Your Back In to It!: How to Strengthen Your Back Muscles

Put Your Back In to It!: How to Strengthen Your

Put Your Back In to It!: How to Strengthen Your Back Muscles

Your back is home to 140 muscles that connect to the rest of your body. That makes your back a central component to whole-body wellness and strength.

If you want to feel strong and have an effective workout, then you must start with a sturdy core and proper posture. This will also reduce stress on your body that causes chronic back, neck, shoulder, and even limb pain.

Use these exercise, stretches, and good habit tips to build your back muscles and start feeling and looking like a new healthy person.

Start With Your Posture

Most people work all day at a desk, commute while sitting in a car and continue to sit at home watching TV or socializing online. That’s a lot of sitting and more opportunities to slouch. 

If the muscles of the back aren’t inline then they are putting pressure on your organs, joints, and connecting muscles. 

Recognizing your bad posture habits is the first step to understanding the importance of your back. It can affect your whole body in the long-term as it can lead to arthritis and chronic back pain.

So, whether you are sitting, standing, or lying down remember to keep your back straight. This will help with the following exercises and stretches.

Finding the right physical therapist can also help improve your posture through an assessment of your back pain. But, not all therapy is equal. Discover more here to find the proper help you need.


You may think that stretching is only good for back pain, but it can also be a preventative measure. It keeps your back flexible, which helps in everyday activities like bending, lifting, and reaching while making your back stronger.

Try these stretches to keep your back limber.

Lying Lower Back Twist

Lie on your back using a mat. Use your right hand to grab your left knee and pull it across your lower torso toward the floor.

Keep your opposite arm elongated and stretched perpendicular to your back. Your shoulders should continue to touch the floor. Look toward your opposite arm by turning your head.

Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, focusing on lower right back pain. Then slowly come back to the center. Repeat using your left arm and right knee.

Knee to Chest

This stretch uses your legs to lengthen the lower back muscles. It also pulls the pelvis away from the muscles, giving them room to breathe.

Lie on your back with your knee bent and your feet flat on the floor. Use both hands to pull your one knee at a time toward your chest. You can keep your head flat on the floor or bring your forehead to your knee for a deeper stretch.

Hold for 20 seconds before switching knees. Repeat as needed.

Cobra Stretch

You may have seen this stretch in your yoga class. This pose does wonders for middle back pain while strengthening your stomach, shoulders, neck, and of course your whole back.

Lie on your stomach with your palms down close to your ribs. Slowly use your arms to push your chest up while lifting your head toward the ceiling. 

Arch your back slowly and to the point where it is comfortable. Your arms will extend as much as possible as you rise to your comfort zone. Hold for as long as you like without any pain.


Stretching prepares your back for more strenuous movements. While stretching gives you more flexibility, back exercises offer you increased strength through gaining mass. 

Use these exercises to build back muscle.

Lifting Legs Laterally

Since your back is supported by your pelvis, strengthening your hips can offer grounding stability for back muscles.

Lie on your side with your bottom arm bent and your head rested in your palm. Keep your legs straight and your hips in line with your torso.

Slowly raise your leg about a foot from the ground. Be sure to keep your abdomen tight and your leg straight. Hold the leg in the air for a few seconds and then slowly lower it back to the ground. 

Do as many repetitions as desired until your leg feels like it can lift no more. Switch to the other side and repeat. 

Superman Hold

Relieve upper back pain while strengthening muscles along the spine in this exercise. This will improve your posture and build a stronger core along your spine and pelvis. 

Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you. Keep your legs together and straight.

Lift both arms while keeping your head facing the floor. Slowly raise your legs at the same time. Raise your limbs as high as is comfortable.

Try to bring your chest and eventually your stomach off the floor to slightly arch the back.

Hold this position for several seconds and release. Repeat the exercise as desired. 

Plank Arm Raises

Shoulder pain is a direct cause of weak back muscles. By working out your shoulder blades and the muscles in between, the posture of your upper back will improve. 

Get into a plank position by lying on your stomach and lifting your body by extending your arms. Your arms should be straight with your elbows locked. And your hands should be in line with your shoulders.

You should be on the tips of your toes with your legs hip-width apart. 

Lift one arm at a time toward your chest with the elbow close to your ribs. Alternate moving each arm up and back down to the floor. 

Do 8 to 10 reps at a time while taking deep breaths as you go up and down.

Strong Back Muscles Prevent Injury and Illness

Having strong back muscles can keep your whole body free from harm. Better posture will take pressure off of your organs and improve circulation while making you more flexibile. 

For more tips on living a healthy lifestyle visit the health section of our blog.



A Writer’s Guide to Dealing With Stiff Muscles and Joints

A Writer's Guide to Dealing With Stiff Muscles and Joints

A Writer’s Guide to Dealing With Stiff Muscles and Joints

There are many causes of stiff muscles and joints depending on your overall health. In some cases, it can be the root of an underlying issue while other times it’s a simple diagnosis. Many people will recover in a short period of time, but some people are stuck suffering from stiffness throughout their daily life.

Symptoms can range from stiff knee pain to stiffness after sitting or worse; having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning because the stiffness is so intense. Regardless of your range of motion, these symptoms can be debilitating in so much that they also cause psychological issues such as stress and anxiety.

Whether you deal with stiff knee pain or stiff muscles and joints overall, there are ways to reduce the pain and suffering. Here are some tips on how to deal with stiff muscles and joints if you’re a writer that sits all day.

9 Tips for How to Deal With Stiff Muscles and Joints

The first thing you should do when you notice stiff muscles or joints is to determine the cause. It could be something as simple as an insect bite, or something as severe as the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you think it’s just a strain that will go away on its own, there are still some things you can do to prevent inflammation from getting worse.

Get Plenty of Rest

Even while too much rest can be an underlying cause of stiffness, it’s also important to make sure that you’re getting the proper amount of sleep. Sleep restores the body after each day and allows your cells, joints, and muscles to rejuvenate. Without enough rest, your body will be overworked and stressed which is a cocktail for disaster.

Even getting up from your computer and resting for a few minutes at a time during the day can be enough to help relieve pain associated with stiffness in your muscles and joints.

Ease Into Activity

Stiffness after sitting is one of the most common complaints of writers. It’s important to ease into your activities each day, whether that be performing exercises and stretches, having your morning coffee, or sitting down at your desk to start writing. Don’t push yourself too hard when you’re experiencing stiffness or it could get worse.

Hot or Cold Compress

Both hot and cold compresses work well for joint and muscle stiffness. You can use a cold compress to help numb the pain and reduce inflammation. Try this for 15-20 minutes at a time a few times per day.

A hot or warm compress or even a warm shower or bath will help relax muscles and increase circulation.


Exercising and stretching are key components to help reduce swelling and inflammation in your joints and muscles. Pick out a program that you can perform first thing in the morning to get your day started off right. Pick another set of stretches for your mid-morning and afternoon breaks to break up the monotony of sitting all day.


You can give yourself a massage if you can reach the areas that are bothering you. If not, investing in a professional massage at least once per month can help alleviate symptoms of stiffness and help you relax. You can also talk to your doctor about prescribing physical therapy which can not only ease your pain but also teach you how to manage it carefully.

OTC Medications

There are several over the counter, or OTC medications directed toward muscle and joint pain or stiffness. Look for NSAIDS which stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Common NSAIDS include Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen.

It’s always a good idea to discuss medications that you plan to take with your doctor, especially if you’re already taking other prescription medications (whether they’re for inflammation or not).


Corticosteroids can help reduce inflammation from stiff muscles and joints. While this treatment option may not be extremely beneficial to those suffering from arthritis, it does often work in mild cases. Talk to your doctor about your options.

Supplements for Stiff Joints

Many supplements serve as amazing body stiffness remedies. You can also try essential oils and even CBD creams and oils such as those found at Floyds of Leadville. These are natural remedies that can help you avoid using medications.

You may also try taking fish oil supplements or consuming flaxseed. Fish oil contains unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids that lubricate your joints. The recommended dose is 300 milligrams (mg) per day.

Flaxseed also contains omega-3 fatty acids as well as alpha-linolenic acid, also known as ALA, which can help reduce inflammation and ease symptoms of joint stiffness.

When to See Your Doctor

If your stiffness comes on suddenly or doesn’t resolve after about a week, it’s time to contact your doctor. You should be sure to let them know about symptoms that you’re experiencing such as severe pain, swelling, inability to move, or intense redness and heat to the touch. Even though joint stiffness isn’t that uncommon, it could be a sign of something more serious so don’t try toughing it out on your own without enlisting the help of a professional.

Final Thoughts

Writers can be prone to stiff muscles and joints after hours of sitting. It’s important to maintain good and proper posture while you’re working in order to avoid inflammation. And make sure to drink plenty of fluids, preferably water to help your body stay hydrated.

If you’re prone to stiff joints in the morning, you may benefit from incorporating an evening routine to prepare for the following day. Set up a carpool for taking the kids to school or make lunch and lay out all of your essentials so that you don’t have to spend time in the morning worrying about it. It’s also a good idea to invest in certain home office necessities such as back support for your chair or dual monitors to reduce strain.

Whatever you do to ease the pain of stiff muscles and joints, make sure to take it slow. Stress can have a significant impact on how you’re feeling so try to be aware of your pain but not focused on it.