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Therapists Reveal How to Stay Positive When Your Partner is Irritating You

Therapists Reveal How to Stay Positive When Your Partner is

There’s something beautiful about having a partner that you’ve committed to for life. You get to spend every waking morning together and go to bed beside them at night. All that togetherness can be a bit too much for some people–sometimes ever irritating.

The cares of life can weigh heavily on your relationship, and there are times when your partner is getting on your nerves. It may not be about his or her actions. But it has everything to do with what’s going on in your life. How can you stay positive when your partner is irritating you to the point of an explosion?

Therapists work with people every day who have relationship problems. The tiniest of infractions can fester, causing arguments that last for days. Many people break-up and move on, and they don’t know what the problem was in the first place.

If your partner is getting on your nerves, you need to learn positivity in dealing with these situations. Here are some tips to help you keep from going over the edge.

•Realize Why They’re Irritating You

You’re human, so it’s only reasonable to shift the blame from one person to another. For instance, if a coworker made you upset at work today, then you may come home and take it out on your partner. Sometimes, even their heavy breathing can make you want to scream.

You must realize where your frustration is coming from, and never take it out on anyone else. Anger is the most natural emotion to show, and it’s so easy to show it to the wrong person.

•Do Not Resort to Childish Games

When someone is on your last nerve, it’s easy to want to call names, yell, or even not speak to them at all. Instead, why not effectively communicate the issue. If your partner leaves his or her dirty clothes on the floor beside the hamper rather than inside it, you can simply tell them how this is bothering you.

Never avoid speaking to them, leave angry, or make the situation worse. Act like an adult and get to the crux of the matter. Many people don’t even realize why they are getting on their partner’s nerves until the other person says something about it.

•Set Aside Time to Discuss Frustrations

One of the reasons why so many couples don’t make it is because they don’t have a good communication line. If your partner has little habits that drive you mad, you need to have an open dialogue about it. You should set aside a time each evening to talk.

Now, this time should not be reserved to point out all the wrong things that they’re doing, but it should be a time to talk about anything and everything. You need to tell them about work frustrations, problems with the kids, and the things that you both can improve on as a couple.

However, you mustn’t nitpick your partner. You don’t want to send them a text at work and tell them about the cap being off the toothpaste once again. Save all these little frustrations for discussion time. You can quickly drive them out of the door if you are constantly badgering them.

If you don’t have an active line of communication, don’t be surprised if your relationship doesn’t make it. Most conflicts can be resolved with effective communication. It helps to keep positivity in the union.

•Take Care of You

If your partner is annoying you, it might be because you haven’t had time to take care of yourself. You may tend to make mountains out of molehills when all you do is work. If you’re not getting enough sleep, meeting your deadlines, and feel like life is passing you by, then it’s easy to be aggravated by the smallest things.

Schedule a massage or a night out with your friends. With some rest and relaxation, you will be amazed at how much better you feel. The things that seem to bother you when you’re stressed out will probably be lessened when you are in a better place.

•Address an Underlying Mental Health Issue

Some things can be irritating to you because you have an underlying anxiety disorder. Did you know that anxiety can make you moody, irritable, grouchy, and a bear to be around? If you feel that you’re on edge often, it’s worth seeing a therapist.

You may have an anxiety issue that is causing you to be irritated by everything your partner does. In the spirit of positivity, you want to make sure their irritating ways aren’t only bothering you. For instance, do they drive you mad when they are crunching on potato chips or eating popcorn?

Misophonia is an anxiety-based condition that is aggravated by noise. So that chomping isn’t them being annoying, it’s your disorder kicking into overdrive. You can learn effective ways to manage this condition.

• Take a Walk

If your partner is doing something irritating, like turning the television up too loud, you may need to remove yourself from the room. The reason they may have the TV volume up so high is that they cannot hear it. While they may need hearing aids, it’s not something that you can take care of right now.

The best thing to do in this situation is to remove yourself. Go outside, take a walk, or sit on the porch and talk to one of your friends. When you take yourself away from the noise and chaos, then you will be able to refocus.

It’s not easy living with another person, and you will find that some days are worse than others. If they aren’t trying to annoy you, then just take a break. You will feel refreshed when you come back.

•Address Some Issues in the Moment

While you don’t want to be a nag, some things need to be addressed at the moment. For instance, if your partner is wearing shoes through the house, explain why this bothers you. There’s no need to wait for a specific time to talk when it’s something that you can address right now.

Rather than telling them all the reasons you’re upset, you can use science to back you up. Saying something like, “Did you know that when you wear shoes in the house, you are dragging in fecal matter and urine from dogs, not to mention all the other toxins on the ground?” You’re taking the focus off you and telling them a scientifically based reason why wearing your shoes in the house is terrible.

Plus, it’s incredibly irritating to have to clean up mud and shoe marks from the floors but blame it on science for the sense of positivity.

• Get Professional Help

Just because you’re in love with someone doesn’t mean that you will always like them. There may be times when you downright can’t stand them. If your union is worth salvaging from their irritating habits and the constant bickering, you need to see a therapist.

Therapists have a way to get to the crux of the matter and help you find effective methods for conflict resolution. Some issues are damaging to the relationship if they’re not dealt with immediately. Other situations boil and fester and put permanent wedges between people that are not repairable.

Therapy isn’t something that can fix everything, and it doesn’t work overnight. You both must commit to finding positive ways to deal with the irritations that are in your relationship.

• Learn Meditation

Meditation is a widely accepted Eastern treatment for what ails you. It helps to put the mind and body in perfect alignment as you learn to control your breathing. Did you know that you can learn simple forms of Meditation to stop a panic attack?

If you’re new to this art form, then using guided audio from the internet is easiest. However, Tibetan singing bowls are becoming increasingly popular in this country too. These bowls have a harmonious sound that brings an immediate focus and calm to your body.

Meditation helps you to rid negative energies that attach themselves to you during the day. For instance, you may have argued with a person at work, and all that negative drama is plaguing your mind when you get home. You can wash away the effects of that by simply meditating for a few minutes.

Final Thoughts on Overcoming the Irritating Parts of Your Relationship

There is no relationship without conflict and irritants. However, you must learn how to deal with these times positively for your union to last. When you look at people who’ve been married for 20 years or more, they have mastered the art of conflict resolution with their partner.


15 Ways to Bond With Your Partner (While Keeping Your Independence) »

15 Ways to Bond With Your Partner (While Keeping Your

You’ve heard the saying that a couple becomes one person in a relationship. It’s even mentioned in traditional wedding vows. While you and your partner share an eternal bond, you are both individuals who still need personal space and independence. Too much togetherness can spoil the best relationships.

Humans are social beings who need contact with others. We are also biologically hardwired to seek out a mate for romance and procreation. However, that doesn’t mean we relinquish our independence and don’t crave occasional solitude.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries

Within every relationship, be it family, friends, or love, healthy boundaries exist. You want your person to spend time with you and to care, yet you don’t want to be smothered. Finding that golden ratio between togetherness and individuality is a labor of love.

A successful relationship depends on love, passion, empathy, and mutual respect. If either of these virtues become unbalanced, it will affect your relationship. Although spending time together is a couple is crucial, too much togetherness can breed boredom and contempt.

Healthy boundaries are not automatic, nor are they static. During your romantic journey, you and your partner will often need to re-evaluate the space you give each other. It’s especially true if you feel your individuality and independence are waning.

Loving as an Individual

How can you communicate your need for space without coming across as selfish or distant? Remember that your partner fell in love with you as an individual. If he is so wrapped up in your attention, you may soon lose your essential elements that he adored in the first place.

You’ve probably heard that you can’t love anyone else until you love yourself. It doesn’t mean that you become an arrogant narcissist. Loving yourself includes extending the same kindness, dignity, and respect to yourself as you would any other person.

Be cautious of a love interest who is consumed with you being with him. Of course, you want them to want you. However, if he starts to be resentful or aggressive when you request some space, he could be too needy or controlling for a lasting relationship.

15 Ways to Maintain Independence While in a Loving Relationship

If you are in a new relationship or an established one, you may need to reassert your independence and individuality. But how do you do it without seeming aloof or callous? Consider these 15 ways that you can bond with your mate while still maintaining freedom.

1. Maintain a Separate Social Life

When you were single, you probably had a rocking social life that included parties, vacations, and other group events. You had your circle of friends, and you knew how to have a good time. That doesn’t need to stop just because you are in a relationship.

Although spending time together in a group setting is essential for a couple, maintaining a single social time is essential. If you’re a woman, consider a standing date each week to have fun with your girlfriends. Guys might enjoy the weekly poker night or watching the big games with his buddies.

2. Go on a Date with Yourself

Everyone needs some alone time to be with their thoughts and recharge their spirits. Gently let your mate know that just because you crave some solitude doesn’t mean you don’t want to be with him or love him any less. On a positive note, spending time alone can make you appreciate your person even more.

Make a point to set aside time each day for each of you to do something alone. Maybe you are uplifted by a solo walk through the woods or by the water. Spend time journaling, planning, or just relax on the deck enjoying your own company.

You’ll both discover the meaning of absence, making the heart grow fonder. People need periodic seclusion to grow mentally and spiritually. When you spend these quiet moments alone, you’ll have more interesting things to discuss when you’re together.

3.The Solo Creative Genius

Some talents and hobbies just don’t lend themselves to group efforts. How many authors could write a novel with a bunch of other people? Unless you are in a book club, reading is pretty much a solitary activity.

Being alone can often enhance your creative powers. You needn’t shelve your hobbies and interests to stay in a relationship. While you maintain what you’ve always enjoyed, maybe you and your love can explore hobbies and interests that you can do together.

Science explains how you can fall deeper in love with your partner.

4. Sleeping Single in A King Size Bed

Today, it’s almost laughable to watch vintage movies and tv shows that portray husbands and wives sleeping in separate beds. The censors expected the audience to use their imagination as to how these make-believe couples had a houseful of children. It wasn’t until the late 60s until tv married couple shared a bed, and that was the Stevens from Bewitched.

Get the couple’s time you want in bed without sacrificing the sleep you crave snuggled on your side of the bed. Spend the first 30 minutes or so cuddling, talking, or making love, then go off to dreamland on your side. It can make your cuddling time much more meaningful.

5. Maintain Your Own Space

Virginia Wolfe understood the significance of keeping a space for yourself. Even when you share a home as a couple, you still need that special room or corner to be a welcome retreat of solitude. Whether it’s a study, art studio, or just a small reading nook in the corner of the living room, you both should have a sacred space devoted to yourselves.

6. Take A Relationship Break

Do be cautious about approaching this suggestion because it may not be received well unless the idea is presented correctly. Being together too much can be just as damaging to a relationship as staying apart can. Enjoying a little reprieve from your relationship helps you both reboot your independence and sort out your feelings.

Present the idea in a positive way, such as a minivacation for yourself. Reassure your person of your love, and you just need some alone time. Occasional breaks can often strengthen a couple’s relationship.

7. Stand up for Yourself as an Individual

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve lost sight of who you are in a relationship? Although you enjoy being identified as your lover’s person, that’s not everything you are. If you’ve relinquished control of your liberty and your right to voice your opinions and be heard, you may need to rethink the relationship.

Have frequent conversations with your mate about your dreams and what matters most to you. Take time to listen to what he wants too. When you assert your individuality and independence, you gain greater respect and closeness as a couple.

8. Recognize the Difference Between Love and Codependence

Of course, you and your beau should trust and depend on each other as needed. However, a relationship built on dependency is a slippery slope. When you are codependent, you no longer have healthy boundaries, and your individuality and independence have faded.

Discuss these issues with your partner if you feel like codependency as overtaken your relationship. If the relationship becomes toxic or abusive, it’s time to call it quits. Codependency and toxicity aren’t examples of healthy love.


9. You can still be Independent and Ask for Help

Just because you assert your independence doesn’t mean you can do everything by yourself. It’s a hallmark of a self-assured individual to know when help is needed. When a task is overwhelming for either partner, it’s ok to ask each other for a hand.

10. Encourage Your Partner to be Independent

If you want liberty for yourself, you can’t expect any less from your mate. Be your partner’s cheerleader, and you should encourage him to explore separate interests and hobbies. Let him know that you respect his need for solitude and allow him the same space you expect for yourself.

11. Prioritize Your Goals

As you enjoy solitude in your sanctuary, take mental notes of things that matter the most. Have you been true to the goals you’ve had for years, or have you pushed them aside in your relationship? Learn to prioritize your goals and see how they are working for you.

12. Independence Doesn’t Mean Unfaithful

Unless you are in a causal relationship without commitment, seeing other people is still cheating. When you are partying solo with your friends, it doesn’t give you an excuse to step out on your mate. Your individuality and independence usually foster a deeper sense of commitment from you both.

13. Take Care of Yourself

Use your alone time to pamper yourself with a massage, spa day, or a leisurely soak in the bathtub. Treat yourself to a manicure or watch that romantic movie that you’ve wanted to see, but he doesn’t. Caring for yourself releases stress and allows you to be more loving with your partner.

14. Don’t Shut Your Mate Out

When you are expressing your desire to be more independent in a relationship, be open and honest. If you seek solitude secretly, it can make your lover doubtful of your commitment. The time to discuss healthy boundaries and freedom is never in the heat of an argument.

15. Know When to Pack Up

If you are having doubts about the viability of your relationship, talk to your partner. Is he still hindering you from being your person, and you feel miserable? It’s time to pack up and move on.

Final Thoughts on Affirming Your Independence While Growing Closer to Your Partner

Two people in love form a committed relationship. It doesn’t negate each person’s individuality or freedom of expression. Once you and your partner realize these principles, they can enrich your lives as a couple for years.


10 Quirky Habits to Avoid That Probably Annoy Your Partner

10 Quirky Habits to Avoid That Probably Annoy Your Partner

All is fair in love and war,” or at least that’s what the famous adage says. Being head over heels in love with someone is fantastic, but that doesn’t mean that their quirky little habits won’t drive you batty.

Did you know that most relationships end over silly things, and many of these personal habits can be changed?

Now, you should never go into a relationship with the hopes that you will change someone’s ways. If they’ve been leaving the cap off the toothpaste for 20 years, it’s highly doubtful that you are going to make them turn over a new leaf. Thankfully, some people are willing to change or do better and put their quirky little habits to the side of the sake of love.

Ten Quirky Habits That Annoy Others

These twelve red flags might reveal that your partner is secretly hiding something from you.

So what are the most annoying personal habits that can drive another person mad? You might be surprised that things like throwing clothes on the floor and drinking out of the milk jug didn’t make the cut. You probably won’t be shocked by the items on the list, and if you do some of these things, then maybe it’s time to change.

1. Avoiding Domestic Obligations

While cleaning isn’t high on anyone’s list, it certainly is an essential part of a relationship when you live together. Guys tend to leave the toilet seat up and the sink full of dishes. A clean home is always a happier home.

Did you know that when you have a clean and organized space, it can help you to relax? There is some psychology behind having your home in order. Some people cannot function in chaos, be it in their home or work. So if you’re not a domestic god or goddess, then this is something that can annoy the other person.

2. Releasing Bodily Gasses

Everyone has gas from time to time. Whether it’s breaking wind from your backside or burping, it’s not a pleasant experience for those around you. There is no way you can stop the inner churnings of your body, but you can be discreet about how you relieve yourself.

If you feel the urge to burp, then cover your hand with your mouth to avoid any foul smells from protruding out. It’s also polite to say excuse me when this happens. If you must break wind, then, if possible, excuse yourself to the other room. No woman or man wants someone passing gas continuously while they are watching a movie or at dinner.

A “slip out” occasionally is acceptable and considered normal. However, if you’re always having these issues, then buy some gas reliever pills or leave the room as a courtesy. You may need to change your diet or see your doctor if your need to relieve gas becomes excessive.

Here are twenty things that cause humans to fart.

3. Talking About Ex-Lovers

Everyone has a past, but you don’t want to hear about their past time and again. While you need to be transparent with your partner about who you’ve been with, they don’t want to listen to his or her name repetitively.

The worst thing a person can do is compare you to their ex-lover. Get everything out on the table at the beginning of your relationship, and you should leave the past behind you and move forward. If you continuously mention a past lover, then they may feel that you still have feelings for that person that you haven’t resolved, which may be the truth.

4. Sleeping Too Late

One of the worst personal habits that can drive your partner crazy is when one person sleeps half the day. Are you a night owl, and your partner is an early bird? You must be on somewhat of the same page for your relationship to work.

If your partner hits the gym at 6 am and has half of the day done by the time you get out of bed, it can be a real issue. Try to get on a similar schedule that works for both of you. Staying up too late and sleeping all day can mess with your circadian rhythms and even your mental health.

5. Inappropriate PDA Balance

Public displays of affection mean a lot to some people, and others try to avoid them. It would help if you discussed your preferences on this matter at the beginning of the relationship, or it can be a quirky habit that is a source of contention.

Some people don’t like to draw attention to themselves or their bodies while in public. If you want to melt into the room and your partner wants to be the center of attention, things can get uncomfortable.

6. Always Negative

It’s hard to be positive 100 percent of the time, but it can bring you down when someone is always negative. Do you find that your partner tends to be a pessimist while you are more of an optimist? No one likes to be around a “Debbie Downer” or a “Negative Nelly,” so you need to bring attention to this quirky habit.

Call them out on their negativity, and you should give them tips and tricks for looking towards the sunny side of life. Sure, there are things that you can focus on that can be extremely uncomfortable to deal with, but your attitude will dictate everything.

Recognize the signs of a spark between two people.

7. They Talk Down to You

No one wants to be with someone who puts them down or acts superior. If you feel like you don’t do anything right in your partner’s eyes, then it may be time to move on. People who are talking down to you are trying to cope with insecurities within themselves.

There is usually a reason why people are looking or speaking condescendingly to you, and most of the time, the issue has nothing to do with you. Some may call this a quirk, but it isn’t polite to put yourself in a lofted position and look down on those around you, especially your partner.

8. Constantly on The Phone

There is nothing more infuriating than someone who is on their phone 24/7. If you are trying to talk to them, but they are too busy playing games, answering texts, or taking calls, it speaks volumes about their interest in you. There should be a dedicated time for you to talk on the phone, and there should be time to spend with your partner.

Don’t play second fiddle to an electronic device as they may have a smartphone addiction. Your relationship must be significant enough to put the phone down, and your partner should listen to what you have to say.

9. Doesn’t Like Your Friends

Your partner is not going to like every one of your friends, but there should be some mutual respect. Understand that your significant other has a life outside of you. Just because you’re in a committed union doesn’t mean that you should lose your individuality.

There is usually an underlying battle about friendships. Guys don’t like giggly girls hanging out at the house, and women don’t want the buddies hanging around playing poker. Some people forget their buddies when they start dating seriously. If your partner doesn’t like your friends, they don’t need to be down on them or wanting you to avoid spending time with them either.

10. They Don’t Care About Their Outward Appearance

Call it quirky or downright disgusting, but some people have horrible hygiene. There’s nothing worse than someone who doesn’t have very high regard for the way they look or smell when they’re in public. It can be very embarrassing if your partner hasn’t washed their hair in days, or their shirt is so dirty that it could stand up in the corner alone.

You can ask someone to shower more, use deodorant, or wear some perfume/cologne, but you can’t make a person who has lackluster hygiene change. If someone would rather wear a wrinkled shirt and soiled jeans to the store with bedroom slippers, you should have a serious talk with them about their appearance and how it affects you.

Final Thoughts on Working Through Annoying and Quirky Habits

Coming together to form a union, whether through marriage or a verbal commitment, can be a difficult task. You will always find all these little quirks and habits that drive you crazy about your lover. What you can’t do is let these habits define your relationship.

There are some quirks that you can and should put up with as part of being a couple. However, there’s a big difference in missing the trash pickup a couple of times and talking down to you. You must evaluate if the relationship is healthy enough to sustain the good and bad times.

Many people think that they’re in love when they start dating. Consequently, true love doesn’t occur until you’ve seen a person at their best and their worst. Once you’ve sat beside someone at a hospital, funeral, or held their head while they were sick and vomiting, it’s only during these storms of life that you truly learn to love and respect each other.

Lust fades, but a commitment build on true love will withstand the test of time. Does your partner have quirky habits, of course, they do? You must ask yourself if these little habits are relationship breakers.


12 Red Flags Your Partner is Hiding Secrets from You

12 Red Flags Your Partner is Hiding Secrets from You

Have you ever had the feeling that your partner has a secret or is hiding something from you? It’s an ominous sense that hits you in the pit of your stomach. It’s important not to jump to conclusions as you may be overthinking the situation. However, you can’t ignore those red flags that keep popping up either.

It would be best if you confronted your partner. You need to tell them all the reasons you are suspicious and let them know you want the truth. What they say next means everything.

If your partner has a secret that they don’t want to tell you, then you may get some big production from them. He or she may become terribly angry and start throwing accusations your way. They will deflect from the matter as they can’t believe that you don’t trust them.

Signs Your Partner is Hiding Secrets

Always trust your gut instincts because something fishy is undoubtedly going on when they have such a strong reaction. Now that you’ve let the cat out of the bag, things may be different between you.

Experts say that there are some hallmark signs that someone is hiding something, even if they won’t spill the beans. Here is a list of 12 common behaviors from someone who has a secret but won’t tell.

1. They’re Being Overly Nice

Is your partner trying to wine and dine you all of a sudden? While it’s not a bad thing to get special attention, it can undoubtedly be questionable behavior if it’s out of character for them. He or she may be attempting to improve your relationship so that you won’t be suspicious of any wrongdoing.

Some may say it’s a sneaky way of covering their tracks. For instance, if you get a dozen roses or your favorite candies, then it may be a sinister approach for them to get you off their trail. Again, you must trust your gut on this one because their motives could be deceptive.

2. They’re Protective of Their Cell Phone

A cell phone is a private device. However, within the confines of a relationship, there must be specific allowances for openness. You should have your partner’s code to get into their phone, and there is nothing that they should have on their mobile that you cannot see.

If they take their phone everywhere, they go, even to the bathroom, then it may be suspicious. How were their previous cell phone habits? Is their newfound obsession with this electronic device new or have they always been this way?

Ask them why they are so guarded over their phone. If you find that they get defensive, then it’s probably because they have something to hide. However, if they release the lock and allow you to browse, then you probably have nothing to worry about.

3. They Continue to Over-React

The first conversation where you expressed your concerns might have made them nervous. They may feel that you are onto their hidden secrets. When someone acts out, it may be that they are doing this to get you off their case.

However, it may also be a subconscious action because all the fear and anxiety they are feeling is coming out. If you simply ask how their day was at work, they may blow up and act like you are invading their privacy.

4. They Turn the Tables and Accuse You Of Cheating

One of the hallmarks of a cheater is to project their guilt onto someone else. If you want to see their phone, then they will say that you are being sneaky or have an issue with trust. Their goal is to make you feel guilt.

The manipulator’s objective is to show you that you can trust them by playing the guilt card. Do you find that they are picking at you for things they wouldn’t usually care about? For instance, did he or she blow a gasket because you spend too much at the grocery store this week?

Have they tried to claim that you are lying to them? These are all red flags that they are picking a fight to turn the attention from their wrongdoing and blame you.

wandering eye
Know the 15 signs of a partner with a wandering eye.

5. They’re Emotionally Aloof

Does your partner seem to be distant, both physically and emotionally? Someone who was always the life of the party and now tends to be quiet could be because they have a guilty conscience. If they have a secret, they may not want to burden you with it.

They are stepping away because they’re hiding secrets. Though it may not destroy your relationship, it could be devastating in other ways. It would be best if you encouraged your partner to share it with you. Let them know that you can work on things no matter what’s happened.

6. Their Schedule is Erratic

Making a life change often requires a shift in activities and new habits. If your partner is experiencing life transitions, then their schedule could be altered. However, if they don’t have a new job or haven’t taken on any responsibilities that you know about, then a shift in their schedule could be suspect.

Keep in mind that hiding secrets don’t always mean they’re cheating. Their new habits may indicate that something is going on in their life that they are trying to keep from you.

7. You Catch Them in Lies

Trust is especially important in any relationship. However, when a person is trying to hide something, their stories might not add up. Something as small as asking them what they had for lunch may spark concern, and they feel the need to lie.

For instance, your partner may tell you that they are going out to lunch with friends during a text message, but in the evening, they may say that they ate at the desk. While it’s impossible to remember every detail of your day, they surely should remember where they ate. Any inconsistencies can point to hiding secrets.

8. Your Partner Cuts You Out of Their Life

If you’ve always done everything together but now you are suddenly uninvited to things, then it’s a red flag. While having a day to hang out with buddies is okay on occasion, if these outings increase or they don’t want you going anywhere with them, then it’s suspicious.

At the very least, this behavior needs to be investigated. You need further information as to why they are acting this way. Are they hiding secrets?

9. Their Body Language Seems Off

Your partner may not need to utter a word; some people can tell that things are amiss because of their body language. Do they avoid looking into your eyes? When someone is hiding secrets and telling lies, they may have a hard time making eye contact.

Has your romantic life suffered? Your partner may close off all affection because they don’t want to be close to you. They are detached and cold because they have created an uncomfortable situation and don’t know how to deal with it.

10. They Don’t Disclose Details

Is your partner vague about their whereabouts? When you ask questions about how their day or activity went, they always answer with “good” or “fine?” When a partner is involved in something they want to keep you out of, they won’t care to recall any stories of their day.

Forget trying to talk or make any plans for the future, either. They may avoid the topic at all costs if they’re cheating.

lost interest
These 12 actions show that a man has lost interest in his relationship.

11. They’re Continuously Staying Late at Work

Have you noticed that he or she is staying late at work all of a sudden? Do they have unforeseen meetings, overtime, and reasons why they can’t come home right after their shift? Partners who are hiding secrets almost always use work as an excuse to change their schedule.

12. They’ve Become Mean

Guilt is a powerful thing. If your partner knows that he or she is doing you wrong, then they may become mean. It’s not that they don’t love you any more or hate you, it’s that they are trying to avoid you at all costs.

They want to make excuses in their mind about why they need to end this relationship. It’s all about the justification for the manipulator. If you find that a person who was once sweet and loving has turned into a monster, then it’s a big red flag.

Final Thoughts on Detecting a Partner Who Is Hiding Secrets and Telling Lies

Over 40 percent of first marriages end in divorce, and over 73 percent of second marriages don’t make it either. The number one reason for marriages to end is infidelity. Even if you’re not married, a committed relationship still faces the same woes.

It’s also important to note that medical or mental health issues can cause changes in behavior. While your partner may not have done anything, they may be experiencing high levels of stress, and it’s altering their mood. Talk to them to see if they will open up about underlying causes for their actions.

No matter what you’re facing with your partner, it’s always important to trust what your gut is trying to tell you. You were given those instincts to help you through situations like this in life, so you need to use them.


Therapist Explains How to Restore Emotional Intimacy After a Fight With Your Partner

Therapist Explains How to Restore Emotional Intimacy After a Fight

Conflicts, arguments, and disagreements are bound to happen in the course of any relationship. Sometimes, it gets so bad that the discord escalates from a moderately annoying dispute to a full-blown heartbreak. You or your partner are bound to say harsh and hurtful things to the other that create obvious issues in your love paradise. And afterward, it can be challenging to return to your previous emotional intimacy.

While both physical and emotional bonds are instrumental in making any relationship healthy, after a fight, it can be quite challenging to want to share your body and emotions. Recovering from a bad conflict or any form of betrayal from your partner is a long healing process. It’s possible to get back to where your relationship was before the conflict or even make it better, but it requires patience and wisdom.

Which begs the question in this piece’s segment: How do you restore emotional intimacy in your relationship after a bad conflict? The experts in relationship matters will guide you through a few steps that can help you salvage your relationship and bring your partner closer.

Step to restoring emotional intimacy after you fight with your partner

Keep these things in mind as you move forward after an argument.

It starts with you

The need for change has to start from somewhere. You might want to begin the healing process from within yourself. Take some time to reflect on the happy times, the sad times, the mistakes, and begin to forgive yourself first.

Healing a broken relationship requires multiple gentle and open moves while thinking about your partner. Release all the anger and start working on committing to the relationship rather than trigger another argument. Avoid getting defensive, justifying your mistakes, and ignoring the real problem.

Change your mindset from blaming to forgiving and moving on. It will help you stay calmer.

Someone has to make the first move

As earlier discussed, healing a broken relationship requires gentleness and patience. It also needs someone to save that relationship, drop the ego, and take the responsibility of protecting it. It’s common for both parties to feel like the other party needs to admit to their mistake.

You will need some wisdom to overcome this challenging phase where you get to make the first move. If you are the voice of reason in your relationship, then it’s your responsibility to approach your partner and remind them of your attachments and connections. Consider making the first move when things are calm, and when your partner seems to be in the right mood.

Communication is paramount

Therapists insist for the longest time now, that communication and comprehension work hand in hand in a relationship. Looking at things, you could spend the entire day communicating with your partner about your feelings and thoughts, but if they don’t understand you, it’s all void. Choose a time when your partner is in the mood to communicate and reach an understanding with you.

You could begin this talking phase by hinting at it and let them prepare to discuss and let out their emotions when the time comes. When the time is right, communicate openly about the disagreement. Try to be calm and honest about what you feel. In most cases, conflicts don’t come up because of one event but a culmination of build-up emotions.

The only way you and your partner get to move on from the full-blown heartbreak is through communicating. Get to understand what your partner has been going through. Let them see your troubles and heartbreak through your eyes too.

Apologize and let it go

It takes two to tango; both you and your partner need to acknowledge your mistakes and feel sorry for the wrongdoings. Apologize to your partners after accepting your mistakes and give them the chance to do the same thing. You can only move to the next step if both of you forgive each other and accept to let it go.

What is next?

Now that you are past the worst, you might want to solve the problems that caused the conflict to avoid a repeat of the fight. How did the conflict come about? Was it a lack of quality time? Perhaps a lack of communication? Maybe your intoxication and abuse of alcohol led you to blow things that hurt your partner.

Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter now after you have already forgiven each other and promised to work on the shortcomings. Focus on coming up with a solution to solve the problem at hand. You might decide to see a relationship therapist or perhaps support your partner and enroll them for rehab.

What if the conflicts keep recurring?

Fighting fair is also another effective strategy that helps you improve your communication and prevents another harsh fight. The approach focuses on attacking the mutual problem eating into your relationship, rather than each other. Just because you’ve moved on, doesn’t mean other conflicts won’t erupt.

Nonetheless, it takes wisdom to know how to approach the conflict and when to unleash the tactics. Downplaying the disputes won’t solve the problem. Consider contacting an expert for great fighting fair tactics that will help you stick to the mission.

Time to restore that bond

With all the burden lifted, this should be the right time to work on your lost or weakened bond. Without a doubt, the healing process is a painful process that requires effort, patience, time, love, and lots of forgiveness. Try not to bring up things from the past; it only makes the process harder.

Numerous ways can help you restore the bond in your relationship. For instance, you could go back into memory lane and do the things you both loved to do in the past. Practice regular date nights together, go to movies, or even cook a meal together. Instead of focusing on the conflict moments in your relationship, you could drive your energy into having fun together and recreating those wonderful memories.

Move onto emotional intimacy

Emotional intimacy revolves around so much more than sex. Someone had to say it. Work on reconnecting with one another intimately through using non-sexual methods.

We promise, it’s not going to get boring, and it only gets better. Emotional intimacy entails having deep conversations with one another and enjoying the quality time just between you two. Find unique ways to express your love and appreciation through cuddling, hugging, kissing, touching, and admiring one another.

Through these tips, you will make a great way to reconnect with your partner physically and sexually. It all starts with the emotions first.

Give yourself time

Like we said a little earlier, healing takes time and patience. You can’t just dive into where you left and proceed smoothly. Reconnecting intimately after the bond with your partner was broken will take time.

The last thing you want after coming this far is struggling to create a sexual connection with them because you haven’t built intense emotional intimacy. You might want to start working on trusting your partner again and avoid forcing the process. There isn’t one timeline that defines when you are ready for the next level.

Every relationship, situation, and individual is different. Consider communicating your own healing process with your partner and let them know how you feel every step of the way. When the time is right, you will know.

Seek to find a balance between your relationship and yourself

The strongest relationships are made of two interdependent partners striving to be together against all the odds. As you continue to heal, don’t lose yourself to the relationship. Before you two met, you had your hobbies, a social life, and a professional life; don’t tamper with that.

Ensure that you take care of yourself as much as you strive to take care of your partner and his or her feelings. Allow your spouse to do the same and then come together as a strong, trusting, and secure couple. Again, remember to employ fighting fair whenever an issue comes up, and when an unhealthy argument is about to blow up.

Emotional intimacy doesn’t happen immediately

Nothing good is built overnight. Therapists can’t necessitate this enough. We understand that words hurt, actions replay in your mind, being in love is a risk, and nothing is certain, including restoring emotional intimacy to its previous settings.

It’s important to understand that repairing and redeeming your emotional intimacy with your partner will take time. Before it gets better, there will be tears, spoiled days, and rough nights. However, don’t get discouraged; you will get there with the right amount of effort, energy, hope, and positivity.

Continue finding your way around your partner and work on restoring your romantic side. Intimacy soon follows after everything else is in place. Remember, forgiving, forgetting, and moving on is your relationship’s strongest motto.

Final thoughts on restoring emotional intimacy after a fight

The basis of any strong relationship is an emotional connection. By being gentle, loving, mindful, and caring, you will eventually make yourself a better partner. It starts with you.

Once you’ve made a safe haven for your partner to open up and be a better partner, you will be on the right track to saving your relationship. It’s the little things that count.


20 Loving Texts to Send Your Partner When Dating Long Distance

20 Loving Texts to Send Your Partner When Dating Long

When you’re dating long distance, communication is everything. Since you are far apart, you can’t get a lot of in-person quality time to build the relationship. You must find other ways to bond.

Cute, fun, engaging, and romantic text messages can go a long way when it comes to bonding in a long-distance relationship. You don’t always have to explicitly type, “I love you,” to express your love. As long as you let your significant other know that they’re on your mind, the distance may not seem so bad.

While text messages aren’t a substitute for in-person interaction, they’re enough to keep the bond secure between you and your significant other when you have distance between you. Here are 20 loving texts that are perfect for sending your significant other when you’re in a long-distance relationship.

20 Fun Texts to Send Your Love While Dating Long Distance

1. Simple “Good Morning” Texts

It’s nice to know that you’re the first thing on someone’s mind during the day. You’re partner likely feels the same way. A quick good morning text is an excellent way to show your partner that they are one of your priorities since you’re thinking of them before getting your day going. It’s also great if you know you’re going to have a busy day – text them early, so they don’t feel forgotten.

2. Simple “Good Night” Texts

Just as a good morning text lets your partner know you’re thinking of them first thing in the morning, a good night text can let them know that you’re thinking of them, even after the long events of the day. Plus, being in a good mood can lead to a better quality of sleep.

3. Jokes

Everyone loves a good laugh every once in a while. However, even if your jokes aren’t that great, your significant other would appreciate the effort. Unless your significant other is a stick-in-the-mud, a few well-timed jokes can put a smile on your significant other’s face. One great idea is “relationship jokes” – having a good laugh at the quirks of a relationship is great for bonding.

4. Selfies

When you’re in a long-distance relationship, you don’t get the opportunity to be near each other a lot. Selfies are a great way to bridge that gap. Your significant other can see you every day if you choose to. They can see your new hairstyles, outfits, jewelry, and more. Let’s face it – your partner is attracted to you, so it’s understandable that they’d want to see you, even if it’s just your face. Selfies are the closest you two can get without getting intimate in a long-distance relationship.

5. Good News

It’s nice to be romantic, but you could mix the content of your texts up a little to keep the conversations dynamic. Your significant other could be as stoked as you are about your good news. After all, they care about you, so when good things happen to you, it makes them happy. Plus, it’s nice to hear good news no matter who it comes from.

6. Interesting Events

Being able to have conversations about real-life events makes you friends with your significant other in addition to being lovers. When you’re in a long-distance relationship, you can’t always have those conversations face to face, so texting about exciting topics and events can keep the friendship alive.

7. Random Caring Texts

Of course, sending loving texts about…well…love is a great way to let your significant other know that you still care. Dating long distance can sometimes make people feel insecure about their relationship. However, regular loving texts can ease that insecurity and remind your significant other that you genuinely care about them.

8. Travel Plans to See Them

When you’re dating long distance, any opportunity to see each other is a gift. Therefore, texting travel plans to link up with your significant other is always an incredibly welcome text message. This communication is especially true if you have suddenly found time out of a busy schedule, and you’re surprising your partner with the visit (i.e., you’re en route).

9. Interesting Details of Your Day

If you’ve heard of oversharing, you don’t have to worry about this being a problem when you are dating long distance. Sharing interesting detail of your day are great texts to send to your partner. By being able to keep up with what is happening in each other’s lives, it can make you feel like you never miss a day with that person.

10. Quirky Texts

Sending texts that show your personality, especially your quirky side, is loving because it shows that you trust your partner to love every side of you. It indicates a level of comfort that you have with them. It can also give your partner the confidence to show you different sides of them, too. Plus, your partner will probably fall in love with little weird things you do.

11. Pet Photos

It is no secret that people love their pets just like they’re children. Therefore, sharing pet selfies can be considered as a loving because you’re sharing an important part of your life with your partner. It’s very special if your partner also shares pet selfies with you also.

12. You Miss Them

Letting your partner know that you really miss them is a great way to let them know how special they are to you. This indicates that the absence isn’t making your bond weaker. Simple texts saying that you miss them helps to keep your partner confident and, ultimately, into the relationship.

13. GIFs

Sometimes pictures (in this case, animations) can speak a thousand words. GIFs are a fun way to express your love for your partner. Plus, they’re a lot easier to send if you aren’t good with words. They’re also great texts to send if you’re too busy to type out a whole message. You can have a whole conversation with GIFs.

14. Poetry

If you are good with words, a few lines of poetry can be one of the most loving, romantic, and unique texts that you can send to your partner. It doesn’t matter whether you wrote it or someone else did, the gesture is what matters. Good poetry could melt your partner’s heart.

16. Flirty Texts

If you want to be loving but playful, flirty texts are the way to go. They’re fun, and they can stimulate conversation. This is especially important when you are texting and talking over the phone so much more than in person. It’s also a great way to get your partner’s attention if you’ve been missing them all day.

17. Spiritual or Religious Texts

If you, your partner, or both of you are spiritual or religious people, it can be nice to send texts of a spiritual or religious nature. For one, it shows respect for your partner’s beliefs. Sharing in your partner’s beliefs can also build an incredibly strong bond that can stand up to any distance between you two.

18. Updates on Favorite Shows

If there are shows or movies that you both like but can’t watch together because you’re dating long distance, texting about your favorite moments can be loving in a certain light. You won’t feel like you’re alone while watching. You’ll still have someone there to laugh or cry at the good moments. These types of text messages are great for “spending time together” while apart.

19. Safety Texts

Sending texts to make sure your partner made it home safely or to make sure they’re okay in other situations that may arise shows how much you love and/or care about them. There is no doubt that they appreciate and welcome your concern for them. This is one of the ultimate types of loving text messages that you can send your significant other.

20. “I Love You” Texts

There is no better way to say you love someone than to say that you love them. A simple, three-word message can make a huge difference in someone’s day. You’d be surprised at how often a text like this lands at just the right time.

Final Thoughts on Dating Long Distance

Dating long distance takes a lot of effort. With so much time apart, it can sometimes make a relationship seem as if it’s standing in place. Sure, you can talk on the phone, but both of you are probably busy. Loving text messages are the perfect way to stay in touch without interrupting so much.

Text messages don’t always have to be straightforward. After all, you don’t want them to read like an essay. By using ideas from the twenty types of text messages above, you can keep the conversation interesting, keep your bond strong, and, most importantly, let your partner know how much you are. Try a few out to find your favorites!


11 Red Flags That Reveal Your Partner is Gaslighting You   »

11 Red Flags That Reveal Your Partner is Gaslighting You  

You may not be familiar with the term gaslighting. First of all, it has nothing to do with gas or lighting. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where a spouse tries to convince their partner they’re mentally unstable. Sadly, this form of mental abuse is quite common in relationships. So, what are some red flags that reveal your partner is gaslighting you?

Where did the term “gaslighting” come from?

The term gaslighting originated in 1938 when a British play called “Gas Light” was released. Then later, in 1940, it was released in the United States as a movie called “Angel Street.”

In the play and movie, an abusive husband tries to convince his wife she’s gone mad. He assures her that she’s stealing and hearing noises, leading her to believe she’s lost her mind.

Eventually, she comes to her senses and escapes her husband’s control. In today’s culture, politicians are sometimes accused of gaslighting when they question an opponent’s intelligence or question their competence.

A similar term to gaslighting is a psychological term, Machiavellianism. This personality trait in a person causes them to manipulate others by using deceitfulness or exploitation to get what they want. They are motivated by a strong desire to pursue their interests at the expense of someone else.

Gaslighters use verbal, mental, or physical abuse to control their victims.

11 Red Flags That Reveal Gaslighting Behavior


1. Controlling behavior

Studies show that gaslighting in marriage indicates a sadomasochistic relationship where one partner imposes mental or physical harm on the other person. The person enjoys their manipulative behavior because they get pleasure from it. This kind of cruel behavior seeks to control you and break down your emotional defenses. The person tries to dominate you so you’ll accommodate their wants and needs. This desire may be a desire for sexual control and or emotional control over you.

2. A gaslighter denies the behavior

If your partner is gaslighting you, he or she will deny they are manipulative. They’ll tell you that you just misunderstand them. They may say to you that you’re the one with the problem. This charade is an effort to stop you from questioning them.

They’ll blame you, play the victim and question your love for them. You may even end up apologizing for doubting their sincerity. It’s twisted behavior and destroys your relationship. Gaslighting tears apart a relationship, stripping away the ability to discuss issues and even disagree with one another.

3. Gaslighting will wear you down with the repeated lies

The gaslighter is tenacious. They’ll repeat their lies to wear you down. They are motivated by their desires and perceived needs. They create false scenarios to confuse you. In their lying, gaslighters use various strategies to break you down. They will try to

  • Brainwash you
  • Discredit your opinions
  • Attack your questions
  • Belittle your thoughts
  • Break down confidence and power

A person who gaslights exaggerates to get their point across. This action puts the gaslighter in control so they can overrule anything you may question or any attempt you make to point out their lies.

They are always right, and you’re still wrong. They will lie about your ability, your looks, or your intelligence to others. If you question these comments, they may call you crazy or delusional. This game puts you on the defensive and helpless to have an opinion on the matter.

Here are red flags someone is delusional.

4. They trivialize their behavior

If you are gaslighted, your spouse or partner will tend to downplay your concerns or your questions about their behavior. They will turn things around, questioning you to minimize their behavior and cause you to doubt yourself. They may say something like the following phrases:

  • “You are just too sensitive!”
  • “Why are you so jealous?”
  • “What’s the big deal?”
  • “I was just joking.”
  • “Why are you so upset over something that’s no big deal?”
  • “What’s wrong with you?”

These comments seek to destroy your self-confidence and make you feel like you’re in the wrong. You may end up so manipulated that you apologize for simplifying questioning the gaslighter.

5. Emotional pleas

Researchers found that manipulative individuals beg and threaten in their healthy life. They use impassioned pleas to convince someone to believe them or do what they want. It’s emotional manipulation that wears down a person to feel sorry for them and to give in to their pleas.

You may not realize your spouse does this. Perhaps you think they’re an emotional person who feels things deeply. Indeed, you may be reluctant to see how manipulative they are and how they use emotional pleas to get what they want from you.

6.  A gaslighter will attack your friends and family

You know you’re being gaslighted if your partner tries to tear your way from your friends and family. The gaslighter wants you totally for themselves.

At first, you may feel flattered by their attention, thinking they’re devoted to you. But it’s not devotion that motives them. Gaslighters fear exposure and think that your friends will see through their manipulation. They’ll use emotional begging to convince you to spend time with them instead of your friends or family.

They may question your friend’s motives or attempt to convince you that you can’t trust others. Or they will lie about what your friends said or did. Their goal is to isolate you from the outside world so you will be under their control.

7. Gaslighting erodes your self-confidence

If you live in a gaslighting relationship, you will begin to feel less confident about your abilities or your intelligence. This form of mental abuse erodes your self-confidence. You’ll look to the gaslighter for approval. You may apologize to them all the time because you’re anxious about how they’ll react if you disagree.  Out of fear of incurring their wrath, you’ll agree with them all the time.  If you are being gaslighted, your partner may use verbal abuse to manipulate and erode your self-confidence. They may minimize your experiences or knowledge. They’ll tell you you you’re dumb, stupid or an idiot.

8. Verbal abuse confuses you and breaks you down

Researchers found that women who are exposed to verbal abuse are more likely to experience poor mental health and depression. Constantly being accused of being wrong or confused is a form of verbal abuse which can lead you to have a mental breakdown. Verbal abuse includes

  • Shouting or yelling at you
  • Intimidating you
  • Humiliating you in front of others
  • Treating you like child
  • Threatening you harm
  • Demeaning your intelligence or your looks

You may become so anxious or worried while you’re verbally abused, you develop psychological problems. Weirdly, the gaslighter’s prediction that you’re mentally falling apart is true due to their abusive behavior.

9. They will subject you to the hot and cold treatment

Your partner is gaslighting you if they display contradictory behavior-being abusive one minute, then being loving the next. It’s easy to fall prey to a gaslighter’s emotional ups and downs. They are unstable, but you may not see it at first because they’re such good actors. First, they seek to manipulate your emotions and demand your total loyalty.

They know how to play you, being sweet and loving to you. You begin to relax your guard. Just as quickly, they’ll attack you for something you did or said. It makes the relationship an emotional rollercoaster for you. All the while, the gaslighter blames you for his behavior.

Here are tips for breaking up with a narcissist.

10. Aggressive behavior

Gaslighters don’t like to have their motives questioned or to hear that they are in the wrong. If you question them, they will push back hard. They may get hostile or even physical with you shoving or hitting you. This behavior is an intimidation tactic to make you stop questions.

The gaslighter needs to be right. He or she will use “put-downs” or character assassination to wear you down to the point that you give up trying to point out issues in their life.

11. Treacherous promises

If you’re in a relationship with a gaslighter, they may promise you they will change. They’ll promise to be less harsh or abusive if you just give the gaslighter some time. They may get emotional and cry or beg you. They’ll tell you how much they adore or love you.

This move may cause you to feel sorry for them and even feel grateful that they say they’ll change. It’s a twisted tactic for future control of you. These yo-yo promises wear away at you until you feel emotionally exhausted and powerless.

gaslightingFinal Thoughts on Red Flags That Warn You of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is more common than you think. We’re all susceptible to being gaslighted. It can be hard to detect abuse in someone we love and care for. It’s easy to tell yourself that destructive behavior isn’t real.

Because gaslighting is a slow process of gaining control, you may not see it until it’s too late. You may suffer from depression as a result of living with a partner who is gaslighting you. Therefore, take action if you think your partner is gaslighting you.

Remove yourself from the relationship immediately. Seek help from a therapist or counselor. Finally, find a support network or friends who can help you gain back your self-confidence and hope.




Psychology Explains 4 Phrases Women Tell Their Partner If They Truly Care

Psychology Explains 4 Phrases Women Tell Their Partner If They

Words have a lot of power. They can be used to bring people together or keep people apart. They can also be used to express feelings, especially in relationships. There are certain things that women might say when they are genuinely feeling somebody.

Knowing these phrases can be useful when you aren’t entirely sure how the woman in your life feels about you. Here are four sentences women tell their partner if they genuinely care.

4 Phrases Women Use to Express Love


1. “This made me think of you.”

One of the most uncomplicated phrases women can tell their partner to let them know they care “this made me think of you.”

When a woman starts to fall for a partner, she will think about this person all of the time. This thinking includes while listening to music, reading articles online, watching television, and shopping. While going about her day, she will likely see things that remind her of her beau. Letting them know about what made you think of them is a way to initiate conversation and develop even more of a connection.

Phrases women tell their partner should be used as effectively as possible. To make this phrase useful, a woman should make a point to get to know their partner. If the person enjoys cooking, send a picture of a new gourmet meal you found online that would interest them. If the person likes music, send them new music you found in a genre they enjoy.

You can also send a picture or buy a gift of something that reminded you of an experience you once shared, such as a movie or vacation. Do not post something that doesn’t apply to your partner in other ways, or it can make it appear as if you don’t know that person.

These little messages and reminders will make someone feel adored and appreciated. They will know that you think about them regularly. Everyone is busy throughout the day, and you are taking the time to let them know how you feel, even though you are working. These reminders will make the person smile. It may also help encourage stronger feelings for you. They may even return similar sentiments while they go throughout their day. Ideally, you can use these messages as a way to hang out with each other.

2. “How’s your family doing?”

When a woman cares for her partner, she will also care about the people and things going on in their world. One of the most important things for people is their family. These are the people who helped develop them into who they are. Family members are also the people who offer love and support when necessary. They were also there through certain things that you just couldn’t be there for.

Phrases women tell their partner when they will make it clear that they know how important these people are to you.

Many women who care will not only want to know about how their partner’s family is doing but also want to develop a relationship with them themselves. Of course, this doesn’t happen right away. However, a woman who cares will want to eventually meet the family and be present for important events and holidays.

Family isn’t always comfortable for a partner to get along with. At times, families can be intimidating, invasive, or downright rude. A woman who cares will make a point to take it all in stride and deal with it for you, even if it’s not always easy.

Learning about and getting to know a partner’s family can also help explain a lot of things about the person and why they are the way they are. A person may bring what they witnessed in their household into the relationship.

Hopefully, your partner had good role models in their parents. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. It can become apparent why a partner may have trouble expressing themselves or certain beliefs they have. Seeing how their family affected them can help a woman relate to their partner better.

Finally, a significant other’s family will eventually become their own family in time. This saying is one of the phrases women tell their partner when they want to be a part of the family and take the relationship to another level one day. IF things go well, you may even have your own family in time.

pop meme

3. “Talk to me.”

Many people assume women talk more than men. Due to this social training, many men may not express their feelings as much as they would like to. Whether they show it or not, men have emotions and problems, too. They may have family problems, problems at work, or personal issues bothering them. If a woman truly cares, she will sit down and ask her partner to talk to her.

When a woman truly cares about someone, they can tell when something is weighing on them. Some people get quiet, some people start drinking, and other people get irritable. Instead of being angry about the behavior, a woman who cares will ask for their partner to open up to them. They will offer an open ear without judgment or talking over the person with their problems.

It’s essential for someone in a relationship to be able to speak to their partner about what’s happening. Some women may be so busy that they don’t notice the signs of a problem or have time to talk. If a woman cares, they will slow down for a bit to listen.

When there is a problem, their partner will be able to relax and go over what’s bothering them in a safe place. However, they need to feel they are in a safe place first. Women can do this by talking in a gentle tone and smiling when appropriate.

Hopefully, the partner will start talking and expressing what’s going on. When this happens, you know a woman cares when she listens instead of talking. Venting can be the best medicine at times. Just letting things out can help someone feel better about everything. It’s just the fact that someone cares and is willing to listen.

Some people aren’t so keen on opening up and talking. In these cases, it’s still nice to offer up an ear anyway. When your partner doesn’t take you up on the offer, you don’t want to push the matter any further. A happy and comforting presence can be the best solution in this case. Just be there.

strong woman quote

4. “I love you.”

Ultimately, a woman will let a man know how they feel by just saying the words “I love you.” These three little words can be so meaningful. Of course, it can be challenging to determine when to say this all-important phrase.

You don’t want to say “I love you,” too soon. It can cause someone to run off instead of feeling cared for. However, when you say it at the right time, it can be a very powerful phrase.

Some people jump in too quickly and say the phrase right off the bat. However, it’s best to say it between 3 months to 6 months if things are going well, and both people want to move forward in the relationship. At this point, you have gotten to know each other better. You should be exclusive at this point, too. The phrase “I love you” can help take you to the next step in the relationship without taking drastic measures so soon. It’s a sign of future intentions.

A woman who wants to show that she cares will continue to use this phrase throughout the relationship to help reassure her partner about her feelings for them. It can help get a couple through the hard parts of a relationship, too. This is one of the phrases women tell their partner to help smooth things over after a fight and get things back on track.

It’s also important not to use this phrase frivolously. You shouldn’t say it on a first date. You also shouldn’t say it so much that it loses meaning. The phrase should be heartfelt to your partner every time you say it. You also don’t want to use it every single time you make a mistake. It can become a way for someone to get out of trouble when used in this way.

womenFinal Thoughts on the Phrases Women Use to Show They Care

Women are usually expressive creatures, but you need to listen to what they say. These phrases, women tell their partner to indicate a real sense of caring and love. If you hear these phrases, you’re probably on the right path.

But be careful–it’s crucial not to get things confused. A woman may say something, demonstrating that they care. However, they may not care for you in that way. Look for other signs that your partner is falling in love as well. If the person does care for you, you should make a point to say the same things back to her.


15 Signs Your Partner Has a Wandering Eye

15 Signs Your Partner Has a Wandering Eye

Sometimes, a man or woman’s wandering eye is not necessarily a sign of disrespect. Instead, a short glance toward the opposite sex is more often than not a sign of curiosity from your partner. Or, they could simply not help but notice someone’s attractiveness.

Much as we might admire a beautiful sculpture or painting, it makes sense that we would continue to appreciate beautiful people after the honeymoon stage of a relationship fades, and the bond matures.

Sometimes, however, wandering eyes could be a sign that your partner is or is considering cheating. So what are some other signs you can look for to tell the difference between the two?

Here are 15 signs your partner has a wandering eye:

1 – Does your partner criticize you, incessantly?

Constant criticism is considered by experts to be one of the four horsemen. Sometimes as people settle into a relationship, they find their partner’s quirks and habits to become less endearing and more of an annoyance. If your partner happens to be less emotionally mature, they may seek out another partner behind your back instead of ending the relationship.

If someone is suddenly finding every opportunity to find something wrong with not just your actions, but who you are as a person, they may be trying to deflect some internal shame about not being forthcoming with you. Even if your partner isn’t cheating, this is a sign of a strained relationship.


2 – Has your partner made accusations of you being the cheating partner?

Along the same lines as deflecting shame, if your partner makes accusations about you cheating, they may do so because the fact that they are cheating makes them feel insecure. Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. They want loyalty and a hot new fling.

Be careful, though, as some people have simply been burned in the past, and that accusation might not have any relation to current behavior. Therefore, your significant other may not be a cheater.

3 – Has your intimacy suddenly changed?

When someone is cheating on you or has a wandering eye, their sexual behavior can change. They may retreat from the bedroom due to guilt over their actions. Conversely, they may ramp up the volume in the bedroom with some new techniques their side-lover introduced to them. Be careful with this one. Indeed, he or she may merely be trying to spice things up in the bedroom to get you excited.

4 – Have strange expenses showed up in your bank account?

When a woman acquires a new lover, she may suddenly have a new income that is unexplained. If the man in the relationship is cheating, you can expect to see that bank balance decrease as he woos his fling. Finances are a significant point of contention between couples. Therefore, both parties should be transparent.

If there is a lack of transparency when it comes to money, this may indicate you both have a strained relationship.

5 – Do you have an intuition that something is off?

Sometimes nothing does a better job of tipping you off to cheating better than your gut. You do not consciously realize this, but your gut picks up on thousands of micro bits of data as you go about your day. When something is off, your gut or intuition will undoubtedly tip you off. Indeed, because you are reading this article right now, your intuition is probably already on full alert!

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6 – Has their schedule suddenly changed?

Another sign that a partner is participating in an affair is if their schedule shifts to make time for steamy romp sessions, rather than to bury their heads in more work or a suddenly sick family member. Make sure that your partner gives other signs of cheating before accusing them of being a cheater, however.

7 – Are your friends treating you differently?

Friends may start acting more courteous or try to avoid you altogether. That is because they are often the first ones to find out about an affair. The same applies to your partner’s friends. They, too, may start to avoid you or act exceptionally nicely around you.

One way you can check to make sure that your partner doesn’t have a wandering eye is by telling your friends that you’ve noticed the change in their behavior and want to know what that’s all about. Who knows, they may be planning a surprise party for you and your spouse. Otherwise, your partner may already be cheating on you.

8 – Have technology habits changed?

If your spouse suddenly has their eyes glued to their phone most of the day, they may be having an affair. Of course, if your spouse needs to be on their phone often for work-related reasons, that is one thing, but if their habits change, that might signal a strained relationship.

Technology habits can include anything from checking their phone once before bed to suddenly checking their phone more often for “emails.” If they suddenly change up their technology habits, this is a reliable indicator that your partner has wandering eyes.

9 – Do they have a new phone?

Unless your significant other has recently dropped their phone in the toilet, your partner buying a new phone without explanation is a major red flag that they are cheating on you. Many people who are seeing other people on the side will keep a burner phone or small flip phone, away from your vision so they can hold conversations you won’t be privy to.

10 – Do they have a secret cloud account?

Along with a new phone or new technology habits, most information these days gets stored in “the cloud,” or an online data storage service. This data can include work-related documents, videos, and yep, you guessed it—racy photos from an affair. If your significant other is secretive about showing you his laptop or other electronics, he or she may be a cheater.

11 – Have they stopped making plans for the future with you?

Someone who is cheating may stop making plans for upcoming birthdays or celebrations because they want to keep the calendar open for both you and the person they are keeping the affair with.

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12 – Have you effectively discussed your boundaries with your partner?

Cheating isn’t always as cut and dry as going out and hooking up with a stranger. For some couples, cheating can range from watching a man walk by a few seconds too long to creating emotional intimacy with someone else beyond what they have taken the time to develop with their spouse. You will want to discuss some of your boundaries with your partner so that they don’t unintentionally hurt you.

13 – Has the emotional intimacy between you two changed?

Speaking of emotional intimacy, have you noticed your partner sharing less meaningful information with you? As relationships grow and mature emotional intimacy, ebbs and flows as life becomes more complicated and less complicated. However, there should always be an open pathway for communication. If one party shuts down, that person may be participating in an affair.

Perhaps you can suggest to your partner to have a weekly discussion about life and your feelings towards each other.

14 – Have their clothing preferences changed?

If your partner generally wears a pair of jeans and a regular t-shirt, and suddenly go out and purchase more formal clothes, this can indicate that they are making an effort to impress someone else.

The same can be said if they have been keeping roughly the same style of hair for the past few years and suddenly come home with a bold new haircut. The best way to handle this situation is to ask your partner what they intend to use their new clothes for or why they decided to get a new haircut.

You never know, they might want to take you on a lovely date!

15 – Is your partner happy overall with life?

Your partner should be content with his/her life. Discontentment can lead to poor behavior, so it is wise to discuss life paths together to find out how to improve the relationship. This will help your partner to keep their eyes from wandering.

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Final Thoughts on Having a Partner with a Wandering Eye

If you suspect that your partner is a cheater, it is essential to have an open and honest conversation about if cheating is the actual issue or if it is related to a stressful life circumstance the both of you are going through. What is the reason behind the deception? Is there a work schedule issue where both of your paths are failing to align often?

Do you both have enough interests together to keep the relationship interesting? Is one partner addicted to adrenaline rushes? There’s never an excuse for cheating. However, depending on the reasons for cheating, you can decide where to go from there. It will depend on if your partner is remorseful for his or her actions. It will also depend upon your morals and feelings.