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Research Reveals Why Humans Often Make Wrong Assumptions

Research Reveals Why Humans Often Make Wrong Assumptions

Did you know that things are never usually as they appear? Take, for instance, social media. People can create a persona that makes them seem like they have an ideal life. Others see a family that is always smiling, enjoying each other on exotic vacations, and everything looks like perfection.

However, what you may not see behind those pictures are the financial problems, marital issues, or the out of control children. You don’t see the many nights the wife spends trying to find her husband as he drinks his cares away at the local bars. You make assumptions on things you see and hear, but can you trust your senses?

Understanding Why We Make Assumptions

Frontiers in Neuroscience explains how personal emotions influence your mindset–and in making assumptions.

Assumptions are based on your beliefs and feelings, and you project these things onto others. However, making these hypotheses is often a dangerous game as things are rarely how they seem. Why is it that humans are always so eager to jump to conclusions about others?

Let’s assume you go to the department store one afternoon. You notice a friend in there with a man that is not her husband. Instead of thinking logically that there must be a reason for this occurrence, your mind automatically sees the situation in the worst possible light.

The person with the lady in the store might be a relative, or it could be a friend asking for help in picking out something for their girlfriend. You don’t know that situation, but you are eager to judge based on only what you see.

The Self-Centered Nature of Humans

A psychological study proved that making assumptions stems from inherent biases.

So, why do people tend to jump to conclusions when they only have a fraction of the story? It’s because you see things through your perception. Everyone is a little bit self-centered, and whatever your brain tells you must be gospel.

How often have you become upset because your friend didn’t see things your way as if your opinion were the only one that counted? Have you ever been in a conversation with someone, and rather than truly listening to what they had to say, you were contemplating what you would say next?

Every person on planet earth is unique. While you may share similar traits like blue eyes or brown hair, there is no one else like you around. So, why is it that so many people expect and assume that everyone should be the same?

If someone doesn’t like the things you do or see things your way, then they are wrong. Could you be a bit negative towards those that don’t fit the classic mold, so you judge them?

Dealing with Preconceived Notions

A preconceived notion is a conception that is grounded in your experiences. For instance, you believe that you know all the ingredients in a pepperoni pizza just by looking at it. You know that you’ve made them at home, and you used flour, yeast, salt, sugar, cornmeal, and water for the crust.

You presume that whoever made this pizza used the same ingredients based on your methods. However, they may have a special ingredient in their crust that gives it that extra chewy flavor. A preconceived notion is a belief grounded in an assumption because there is nothing to back it up. Without proof or certainty, you must use your life experiences to form a conclusion.

The only problem with these notions is that you believe them to be correct, but they may be false. Additionally, these things can put you in an extremely negative mindset, and you can become critical of others. It can even affect how you treat other people.

Tatiana De Rosnay wrote a novel about how preconceived thinking alters your attitude about others. The book is called “A Secret Kept.” In this novel, she explores a brother and sister looking for information about their deceased mother.

The mother died when the duo was little, and all they were left behind with was some love letters that were written to her. Her lover wrote beautiful memos that gave them great comfort in knowing that she was loved and adored. The children believed that the person writing the letters was a man.

Years later, they were astounded to find out that a woman wrote these notes. Their mother was in a relationship with a lady. There were plenty of other clues in the letters that it was two women in love, but the children assumed it was a man doing the writing based on their preconceived concepts.

According to the NIH, the difficulty in taking preconceived notions as truths is that it can lead you to extremely negative and critical opinions about others. Additionally, those beliefs can affect how you treat others too.

5 Tips for Breaking the Negative Mindset That Leads to Assumptions

Your beliefs and prejudices come from your life experiences and your upbringing. At birth, a child knows no race, gender, or religion. They learn these things through observing and hearing their parents, grandparents, and other family members.

As a child ages, they soon learn the differences in society. Your mind also helps to form these beliefs based on things that have happened to you. For instance, if you knew a girl in school named Kennedy that was always troubled and an emotional wreck, then you might be against naming your daughter the same.

It’s not that your daughter would be a problem child, but you automatically remember a fellow student, and her actions are forever associated with that name. How often has your negative mindset caused you to make assumptions about people that weren’t true just because you had a bad experience?

Thankfully, you have the power to break this cycle and to stop making assumptions about people. Even though humans tend to be a bit self-centered, it’s possible to change your thinking. Here are some tips to help you reverse your negative thought processes.

1. Live in the Moment

Don’t allow your mind to build elaborate ideas of how people are going to be. Take time to discover a person and genuinely get to know them. So many people are judging books by their cover that they never take time to see what’s on the inside.

The sad thing is you’ve probably missed out on great friendships in life because you used your pessimistic mindset to form incorrect opinions.

2. Don’t Be Quick to Judge Surface Situations

Things are usually not how they appear on the surface. This is especially true if you do not know the situation at hand. You are programmed to look at your own life to form assumptions.

Like the lady in the department store with a guy you didn’t know, don’t be so eager to jump to conclusions. Often, your findings are not factual.

3. Find out the Truth

Rather than assume things, you need to find out the truth, and stick with the facts. If you are going to judge a situation, then make sure you have the whole story. Remember, there are always two sides, and if you’re a third-party observer, then you are probably not even close to knowing what’s going on.

4. Give Up the Judgmental Attitude

According to The Lancet,  judgmental attitude is a breeding ground for conflict. When you make assumptions and judge others, it creates tension. Think of all the potential opportunities that you have missed out on because you judged someone incorrectly. The article suggests one should work on honing judgment instead of being judgmental of others.

You could make connections and have friends that would treat you to new experiences if you would only stop assuming things and give people a fair chance.

5. Learn to Empathize

To be a good friend and relative, you must learn how to empathize with others. Consider their story and where they are in life before you assume anything. If a conflict should arise in life, the first step is to take a deep breath.

You need to talk to the person and make sure that you know the whole story before jumping to conclusions. Lastly, stop overreacting on what you think might have occurred. When you look at people through the eyes of empathy, then you can see things in a whole different light.

Final Thoughts: Stop Making Wrong Assumptions!

Each day you walk through life with notions of how things will go. Your theories have a dramatic impact on your perceptions, and these notions will often affect the world around you without you even being aware.

For instance, your boss wants you to attend a meeting to discuss something important. It’s the morning, and the meeting isn’t until the afternoon. Since your boss usually doesn’t call you into his office, you automatically assume the worst.

By lunchtime, you’ve already redone your resume, and you are sure that you’re going to be fired. Before you walk into your boss’s office, you’re having a nervous breakdown and are in defense mode.

You’ve let your preconceived ideas dictate the outcome, and you were doomed before you walked through the door. Your boss actually wanted to thank you for a project you worked on and offer you a bonus. However, your mind used previous experiences to assume what was going to happen.

In this scenario, you caused yourself a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. It’s essential never to judge or jump to conclusions in life.


Psychology Reveals How Positive Thinking Helps Smoking Cessation

Psychology Reveals How Positive Thinking Helps Smoking Cessation

If you’re a smoker, there’s never been a better time to quit than now. Nobody said that it’s going to be easy because nicotine is a strong addiction. However, advances in smoking cessation support and nicotine replacement therapy can make it less difficult for you.

The Age of Innocence

You didn’t set out to be addicted to tobacco. Remember watching the films in grade school about the dangers of smoking and the countless studies linking it to lung disease? You probably donated some of your spare change to the Send a Mouse to College research program of the American Lung Association.

Those educational films were eye-opening, as they showed pictures of diseased lungs that were blackened and deformed from years of smoking. The profound pain and suffering from end-stage emphysema and lung cancer is widely known. You don’t want these diseases, but you probably didn’t even consider them when you were hiding in the school bathroom smoking with your friends.

Smoke & Mirrors

The world’s love affair with tobacco has been a dangerous association for thousands of years. When European explorers came to the shores of America, they found that tobacco had a place of reverence in sacred rites of the indigenous people. During colonization, after the fight for independence, and into modern times, tobacco remains a major crop in the United States.

In the early part of the 20th century, many states and local laws forbade women from smoking in public. With the advent of the females’ right to vote and women joining the workforce during World War II, public opinion waffled, and many women saw smoking cigarettes as a glowing emblem of freedom.

Even after laws were made to place a health warning from the American Surgeon General on each pack of cigarettes and cigars, big tobacco companies used sly advertising campaigns to lure young people into smoking. Television, magazines, and the golden screens were ablaze with attractive models and actors poised with a burning cigarette in hand.

Ads for dainty, perfumed cigarettes used women’s liberation themes to appeal to females. Rugged cowboys rode horseback with a favorite brand of a cigarette dangling from their lips to show how macho smoking was. Unfortunately, these subtle imageries worked, and they captivated entire generations of Americans.

The Mindset of Smoking Tobacco Addiction

As with any substance abuse, you were in control at first. You probably enjoyed that initial rush of energy with that first puff of smoke. Perhaps, you started smoking at an early age and felt a guilty pleasure from doing something naughty and dangerous. You may have told yourself that you could quit at any time, but soon found that the tobacco was in control of your life.

Your first step to breaking nicotine’s hold on your life is to admit that you have a problem that’s out of control. Nicotine is highly addictive, physically, mentally, and emotionally. For smoking cessation, you need a holistic approach that involves the body, mind, and spirit.

Many former smokers said that beating the psychological dependency was probably the most difficult part of their journey. When they opened their minds to self-compassion and positive thinking, it was easier to fight the cravings and stop smoking for good. Their victory started in their minds and revised thought patterns.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Can positive thinking benefit smoking cessation and help you avoid lung-related illnesses and other associated diseases? Your mind is a powerful tool that can help you beat addiction. If you’ve decided to lay down the cigarettes, here are some ways that positive thinking can help.

• It Changes Your Attitude

If you’ve been a smoker for years, maybe you think it’s too late for you. Many longtime smokers say that they’ve smoked this long, and they may as well continue, regardless of their failing health. Does that sound like a familiar excuse in your mind?

Since nicotine addiction started in your mind, so does your cessation. Reverse some of the images you had that inspired you to smoke in the first place. Instead of thinking that smoking makes you look cool, realize how admirable you look when you crush the habit. Rethink your whole attitude about how smoking has affected your lifestyle and health.

You are changing from a smoker to a non-smoker, and your emotions may be all over the place. You’ve identified with that lighter and cigarette for so long that it has become an extension of yourself. Part of making the break from smoking realizes that your addiction does not define you and that you have the power to change.

• It Can Help with Visualization & Affirmations

Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely concluded that you are what you think. If you believe that you can overcome the smoking habit, you can do it. First, you must visualize yourself passing by the cigarette stand in the store and only saving your lighters to light scented candles at home.

Visualize how different life will be when you’re no longer in the constant grip of smoking tobacco. Your hair and clothes won’t stink like stale smoke anymore, and you’ll lose those unsightly nicotine stains on your nails and teeth. Visualize all the money you’ll save when you stop buying tobacco products, and you should think of all the things you can do with that extra money.

Affirm to yourself each day that you are a beautiful, loving person who deserves to be loved. Tell yourself that you are taking charge of your life and removing the hold that smoking has over you. Remind yourself that you will be kind, loving, and patient during the cessation process.

As you look in the mirror, smile and say that you are the image of health and refuse to let cigarettes threaten you with lung disease or other disorders. Declare yourself a winner and a survivor, even when you have a few failures along the way. Make positive affirmation signs and post them in conspicuous places in your home and office.

• It Can Help Your Chart Your Progress

Many people find that journaling is an ideal way of recording their thoughts, dreams, and aspirations while recovering from addictions like smoking. The great thing about journaling is that it’s your project and you decide how you want to do it and what’s right for you.

It can be as simple as a computer-based log, an inexpensive school notebook, or an elaborate handmade journal. You should write whenever you feel like it or when you get the urge for a puff. Maybe you could write about your first experiences with smoking and how it deluded your thinking.

Perhaps you can use a few pages to devote to your affirmations to change your attitude about smoking. Another section may be reserved to remind yourself of the negative outcomes of smoking, such as smelly clothes, premature aging, money loss, emphysema, and lung cancer. At the bottom of each page, reassure yourself that you are making the positive changes necessary to avoid these troublesome side effects.

In another section of your positive thinking journal, imagine what your life will be without smoking. You’ll have no more days of standing outside in the cold and rain to get a cigarette break. Your appearance and health will improve, and you will get past the fear of possible lung cancer and premature death.

• It Can Help You To Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones

It’s human nature to want to barter rather than to give up something. If you’ve been a smoker for years, many of your daily habits and pleasures in life probably revolved around cigarettes. There’s the after-dinner smoke and cocktail, the weekly Friday night poker game with a splendid cigar, or a relaxing smoke in your favorite lounge chair while watching a movie.

Just the thought of nixing smoking from the equation may fill you with anxiety. On a positive note, you needn’t give up the things you enjoy just because you stopped smoking. There’s nothing you must stop doing because it requires a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Trade out the bad habit for a positive, healthy one.

Keep a stock of sugarless gum and mints close by for when you get a cigarette craving. Smoking won’t give you any more luck in your beloved card games than chewing gum can. In the beginning stages of smoking cessation, you may find it comforting to fiddle with a pencil or pen in your hand to ward off psychological cravings.

Did you know that your body starts to heal almost immediately after you stop smoking? You’ll probably be amazed that you can walk greater distances and do more things without losing your breath or having coughing fits. To keep your mind off smoking, consider taking walks, and marvel at the beauty of the world around you that’s not blurred by cigarette smoke.

Final Thoughts on Staying in a Positive Mindset During Smoking Cessation

Breaking any addiction, like smoking, requires a good support system, especially from your primary healthcare provider. Talk to your provider about a smoking cessation plan that is tailored to your needs. It may include nicotine replacement therapy such as patches or gum, as well as counseling.

Positive thinking can be your guide to lay cigarettes down for good. Improving your health and avoiding lung diseases is worth it. Leave the hazy smoke behind you and step into the fresh air of a new lifestyle.


Psychology Reveals How to Stop Blaming Others for Your Shortcomings

Psychology Reveals How to Stop Blaming Others for Your Shortcomings

Your parents worked hard to teach you how to do the right thing, but you didn’t need any help in learning wrong as it seems to come naturally. One way that people justify their bad choices is to blame others. From an early age, you learned how to point fingers at your siblings, friends, or even the dog when you were caught doing something wrong.

What is it about human nature that makes us want to shift the burden of wrong over to the next person? Do you remember being a kid and telling your parents not to blame you as it was your little brother’s fault? Even though you may have done the deed, bringing an innocent party into the equation somehow made you feel justified.

One of the first things that children learn to be generous with is guilt. You’re not alone, because everyone is guilty of finger-pointing. As adults, you often find it even easier to find fault in others and blame them for your mistakes or things going haywire.

It goes against your nature to accept responsibility for your shortcomings. Have you ever felt good about biting the bitter pill and admitting to your faults? There’s an old saying that the person who is always smiling has thought of someone to blame.

There’s a difference between owning up to your mistakes and continuously blaming yourself for everything. While it’s not healthy to live under the staggering weight of guilt for things beyond your control, you should feel guilty about doing wrong intentionally and then make it right.

Blaming others for your shortcomings may give you a skewed sense of satisfaction. However, it doesn’t last long, and it won’t do anything to resolve the issues. If you allow the blame game to become a habit, you can blame others and live in misery.

Eight Ways to Stop Blaming Others

It takes a strong person to stand up and own your mistakes. Nobody wants to make themselves look bad when they falter. However, you’ll find that people will respect you more when you admit to your shortcomings and do something to rectify them.

Are you tired of being a pawn on the board of the blame game? It’s never too late to get off the fault-finding merry-go-round and admit when you’ve missed the mark. Here are some positive ways to stop blaming others for everything wrong in your life.

1. Admit That You Have a Problem

It may sound clichéd, but the first step to solving a problem in your life indeed is to admit that you have one. Of course, it feels uncomfortable to bear the scarlet letter of blame. However, you will feel the burden lifting when you come to terms with your habit of not accepting responsibility for your actions.

Now that you realize that you have a problem, you can formulate ways to resolve it. However, this isn’t going to be an easy task, especially since the blame game is ingrained in the human experience. Owning up to your problem is the most significant hurdle.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to confess your faults because you have low self-esteem. Maybe you feel better and morally superior when you’re blaming others for your shortcomings. Unfortunately, it’s a slippery slope that can cause many conflicts in your personal and professional relationships.

2. Assess Your Life

While finding your responsibility in a current problem may be difficult, reviewing the past problems may shed some valuable light. Perhaps you can make this a section of your journal or make a separate one for this soul-searching task. Look back on some of the major upheavals in your life and see how your pattern of blaming others may have begun.

Maybe it started when you were a child when it helped to get out of trouble by pointing out your siblings or making them partially responsible. Understand that this behavior is normal for children but is unacceptable and detrimental in adulthood. As you review past problems in your life, notice if you still hold grudges and blame others.

3. Learn to Take Some Blame

A prime example of people shifting all the blame to another person is usually observed after failed relationships. If you’ve ever been in a relationship that went sour, you may have self-medicated your heart by making everything your ex’s fault. If this has become a life pattern, perhaps you see a string of broken relationships in your rear-view mirror.

This scenario may also be real if you have a long history of failed friendships, skipping from one job to another, or uncompleted tasks. Sure, it’s easy to blame the ex, your former bosses, or everyone else in your family and friends. Did you ever consider that you share some of the blame?

Of course, this doesn’t apply to toxic or abusive relationships, but you may have made poor choices along the way. It takes two to make a relationship and two to break it, so be woman or man enough in owning your mistakes.

Discovering how to be responsible for your shortcomings can make it less difficult to fix personal or professional relationships. Try to be a non-judgmental observer and see your place in the dilemma. Learning to share blame may take time, but it’s worth it.

4. Learn the Language of Problem Solving

Whether you have a problem at home or work, you’re never going to get anywhere by blaming everyone else and becoming a martyr. It only adds fuel to the fire and breaks down healthy communication.

Do you listen to yourself when you are talking to your family, friends, or coworkers about a problem or weakness? Avoid starting sentences with “You Always” or “You Never.” These toxic prefaces are classic blame shifters. You ALWAYS forget to check the calendar, or You NEVER let me know things in advance. It’s ALL your fault, and I BLAME you. Do these remarks sound familiar?

If you are partially or fully to blame, be strong, and own your mistake. Say things like, “Wow, I messed up on this, or I should have been more attentive to details, and it’s my fault.”

Review the problem together and see how things could have been done differently for a successful outcome.

5. Learn to Listen

There’s a big difference between hearing and listening. It goes against every grain of your fiber to listen to someone honestly pointing out your mistakes. The ability to take constructive criticism is a trait of a wise and experienced person.

Hold your tongue and listen to another person’s point of view instead of going on a rampage of self-defense and denial. When you truly listen with an open mind and empathy, it may open your eyes to what you are doing wrong and need to fix.

6. Learn How to Apologize

Yes, we often feel smug and self-righteous when blaming others for our mistakes. It’s especially satisfying if the situation truly was another person’s fault. When you shift the blame, you may be encouraged for a while, but you’ve not won a real victory.

Watch others’ reactions when you confess your faults and genuinely apologize. You garner respect from other people and for yourself when you take proper blame and ask forgiveness. We are all human, and we make mistakes, so learn how to admit, apologize, and learn from your blunders.

7. Learn from Your Mistakes

Einstein allegedly said insanity is to repeat the same actions and expect a different outcome. Once you’ve practiced how to own up to your weaknesses, learn from it, and find ways to remedy them. When you mess up and continue doing the same thing repeatedly, your apologies don’t mean much.

Maybe some of the problems in your personal and professional relationships stem from how you manage your time. Perhaps you are a perennial people pleaser and overextend yourself, so you don’t want to disappoint someone. Take full responsibility for your actions and work on changing how you do things in the future.

8. Learn to Let Go

How long have you nursed that grudge and pointed fingers at people for things that happened years ago? When you realize how your words and actions fit into the puzzle, it becomes easier to leave it in the past. It’s even truer when you’ve learned to recognize your faults and own up to your mistakes.

From now on, refuse to be bound by past blunders and failures and put them behind you. Even if someone is rightfully to blame for causing you grief, find the grace to forgive. Above all, learn to admit your faults, forgive yourself, and learn from past errors.

Final Thoughts on How to Stop Blaming Others for Your Shortcomings

When it comes to the infamous blame game, nobody comes out a winner. If you’ve noticed a pattern of blaming others for everything that’s gone wrong, then it’s time to take a serious self-assessment. Owning your faults and inadequacies can help you overcome them, and you’ll gain more respect from others and for yourself.


Therapist Reveals 10 Signs Your Crush Wants to Be Just Friends »

Therapist Reveals 10 Signs Your Crush Wants to Be Just

Unrequited love is one of the worst things to experience. Most relationships start as a friendship, but overtime there develops something special that grows and blossoms. However, how do you know if your crush is really into you, or are they forever going to look at you as a friend?

Attraction can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. While you may fall in love with someone, it doesn’t mean that they feel the same way about you in return. You give the relationship time, and you wait, and nothing happens. How do you know if you should hang on hoping for more or if you should give up?

Signs You’re Stuck in the “Friend Zone”

One of the hardest things for people to do is to remove their ego from the situation. It’s hard to accept that there’s nothing more than friendship between you and the one you’re crushing on.

Sometimes, people flirt around and tease you, but it’s not meant to be a sign that they want more. Some people are flirtatious by nature. If you’re not sure how he or she feels about you, then here are some signs that show they don’t want to be anything more than friends.

1. They Only Hang Out with You in Groups

When two people are crushing on each other, then they want to spend time alone. However, if one person is stuck in the friend zone, then they will want to hang with the group. If you suggest that the two of you hang out, do they automatically say they will call your other friends?

If they know that you have feelings for them, they may use the group as a shelter to keep from leading you on. It’s also possible that they don’t want to be alone because they are afraid you will misread the situation, and they want to be just friends.

2. There’s No Flirting

When there is sexual tension between two people, flirting comes naturally. When a couple is developing feelings, they flirt. If there are no comments or gestures that let you know that they are into you, then it’s a sign that they want to be just friends.

Keep in mind that some people flirt because they are looking for a one-night stand rather than a meaningful relationship. You want to make sure you don’t fall into these traps because you will not get what you want from the situation.

3. They Don’t Text or Call You

Are you continually sitting by the phone and waiting for a text or call to come through? Are you stalking them on social media to see if they’re on? If someone is into you, then they will find every reason possible to call or text you. It’s all about making that contact.

It’s much easier for most people to text than it is to make a call. There’s no awkward dead space, and you can say how you truly feel. If the only conversations you have with this person are face-to-face, then it’s a sign that they are not interested in more.

Here is how to spot a serial cheater before you fall in love.

4. There’s Always Physical Distance Between You

When you’re hanging out with your friends, do they stand close to you or far away? If you like someone, then you want to be by their side. There’s something magical about brushing up against them or making eye contact in a crowded room. These first glances and moves are the things that ignite passion.

Notice their body language when you’re in a group. Do they seem to be into your conversation or treat you like the others? It’s all foretelling about how they feel about you and if they want to be just friends or something more.

5. They Don’t Make Any Moves Towards You

Does he stare just a little too long? Does she stand a little too close to you? Are people starting to talk about you as a couple? Maybe these people see something that you don’t understand, or you are stuck in a rut of wishful thinking.

You need to make sure that their advances are pure, and they’re not just trying to hook up and move on. The last thing you need is for someone to play with your affections and want nothing more than to be friends.

6. They Introduce You as Their Friend to Others

When they introduce you to others, how to they classify you? Are you just friends, or do they add other adjectives like my “special” pal? How they categorize you means everything.

His or her friends may automatically think that you’re a couple if you stand too close. So they may feel the need to clarify the situation to others. If they introduce you as a friend to their parents or other relatives, then it’s a sign that there’s nothing more than friendship between you.

7. They Don’t React to Your Hints

If they aren’t moving fast enough for you, then try dropping a few hints. How do they react to your advances? Do they put up a wall and ignore what you’ve said or done, or do they flirt back?

When you put yourself and your feelings out there for this person to see, and they don’t do anything with them, then you know you’re stuck in the friend zone. Don’t waste your time or energy on someone who doesn’t want to be with you or isn’t emotionally available.

Here are twenty signs that it’s time to call it quits on your relationship.

8. They Talk About Other Love Interests

It’s very hurtful when you have strong feelings for someone, and they talk to you about people they’re interested in dating. Now, keep in mind, they may be trying to see what your reaction is when they mention someone so that they can see if you have feelings for them.

The whole thing can be a test to see how you feel about them dating other people. On the other hand, most of the time, when someone is freely talking about other love interests with you, it’s because they don’t want to date you. They want to be just friends, and they are not trying to hurt you. They just want your opinion on their love life.

While it hurts as bad as getting your heart ripped out, you should give them an honest answer. It may not be in the cards for you two to be anything more than friends right now.

9. Your Gut Tells You It’s Not Going to Work Out

People were born with intuition, and women seem to have a distinct intuitive nature. You will often feel in your gut that it isn’t going to work out, yet you still pursue things. They say that the heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes you must get your heart and mind in alignment.

If this situation has been dragging on for a while and there’s still no advancements, then it’s probably best if you move on. In some rare instances, a person may be shy or have issues from trauma or abuse, but most of the time, it means that they have no romantic feelings.

10. They Tell You They Only Want to Be Friends

Some people can’t take a hint even if that person comes out and tells them that they want to be just friends. You may try to rationalize the conversation in your mind thinking they were just fishing to see how you felt. Don’t spill your heart to someone who isn’t interested in picking up the pieces once you’re done.

There are too many people out there that will love and appreciate all the great gifts that you have to offer them. You should know up front that they’re not interested in you so that you can move on promptly. Don’t waste too much of your precious time on someone who doesn’t want to be with you in the way that you want to be with them.

Final Thoughts on Knowing That You Will Always be Just Friends

Too many times, people get in a big hurry to find someone right now. What you should be focused on is finding the right one. When things come into perfect alignment, you won’t have to worry about whether they like you or not, as they will be open and honest.

You’re wasting your time on someone who may have given their heart to someone else and doesn’t have it to give to you. Sadly, they may be emotionally skewed from watching their parents and other relatives go through a divorce or other horrific breakups. They may be afraid to get into a committed relationship for fear of what could happen.

Then, there are those people who don’t want commitments. They like to have fun and hook up, but they don’t want any ties. Always trust your gut instincts. When it’s right, you won’t have all these questions about being just friends because you will know.


Researchers Explain What Your Hairstyle Reveals About Your Personality

Researchers Explain What Your Hairstyle Reveals About Your Personality

Your hair makes a statement about you. Whether it’s long, short, curly, or straight, your hairstyle reflects your personality. Some people change their hairstyles regularly, while others keep the same hairstyle their entire life. No matter what your hairstyle, it represents you to the world.  So, what does your hairstyle reveals about your personality?

What is hair?

Your hair is composed of a durable protein called keratin. Keratin is tough and impermeable, so it won’t dissolve when wet.  Your hair follicles are the little holes you see on your scalp. Each follicle holds your hair in place at the root, where it widens into a hair bulb.

Your hair bulb is consistently producing cells that divide and grow into hair shafts. Your genetics and hormones affect your hair growth and structure. Depending upon the shape of your hair follicle, your hair will be curly or straight.

Your genes also contribute to the look of your hair. Hair color depends upon how much melanin is in your hair cells. As you age, your hair loses melanin causing your hair to turn white or gray.

Researchers suggest that your hair does more than make you look great. The hair on your head protects from the sun while your eyelashes and eyebrows protect your eyes from dirt and dust. Those not-so-nice looking nose and ear hairs prevent germs from entering your body, and the hair on your body hair helps keep you warm.

Your relationship with your hairstyle

You can get as creative as you want with your hair. Your hair is a great way to show off who you are to the world. In the popular Broadway musical, “Hair,” the theme song describes the creative passion people have for their hair.

 I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy

Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty

Oily, greasy, fleecy

Shining, gleaming, streaming

Flaxen, waxen

Knotted, polka-dotted

Twisted, beaded, braided

Powdered, flowered, and confettied

Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!

You may not be interested in spaghettied or confettied hair. But that’s okay because your hair still reveals a lot about your personality.

On what side of your head do you part your hair?

Here is what your part reveals about you.

Left side parts

Men and women who part their hair on the left side of their heads are viewed to have a masculine personality. Parting your hair on the left means, you are logical, analytical, and linear in your thinking. A left-sided part, also suggests you’re organized and confident. Famous people who part their hair on the left include Hillary Clinton and Margaret Thatcher.

 Right side parts

Creative,  feminine types part their hair on the right side. If you part your hair on the right, you may be perceived as fun-loving and reliable. Famous people who part their hair on the right side include Martha Stewart and Clark Kent.

Middle part or no part

If you part your hair in the middle or have no actual part, you’re seen as balanced, wise, and trustworthy. Famous people with the middle part or no part at all include Gwenyth Paltrow and Sean Connery.

Researchers describe what your hair color reveals about your personality.

Hairstyle vibes

Here’s how your hair’s styling comes into play.

Loose and natural

If you let your natural waves shine through, you’re probably a creative type with energy and a keen sense of purpose. You like the freedom of letting your hair do its thing because that’s who you are. Your casualness may make it tough for you to maintain relationships; you just like being alone too much.

You may keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself and find it hard to open up emotionally. Don’t worry, your free and easy style makes you fun to be with you, anyway. Just relax and let your true fun self shine through, and you’ll find the right relationships.

 No nonsense ponytail

If you wear your hair in a ponytail, you are probably a goal-oriented person with a plan for the day. You may be athletic and love the polished, natural look you can pull off quickly after a run. You’re elegant at the same time because this hairstyle is so versatile. You exude pure professionalism that makes people listen to your ideas. Stay as stylish as you are. You will light up the room when you walk in.

Curls for you

If you wear your hair curly, you are a free-spirit, fun-loving person. You aren’t fussy about your style. You love romantic movies that make you cry. And, you have friends for all seasons, and everyone wants to hang with you because you make them feel so special.

Finally, you may need to slow down and give yourself breaks from people to prevent burnout. Let your free, easy way lead you into calming times alone to recharge your batteries.

 Thick mane

If you have thick hair, you may be seen as reliable and sometimes a little stubborn. That’s okay because you are high energy, and you always get the job done when others are just getting started. You have a firm point of view about life because you’re not a follower. Sometimes without realizing it, you plow ahead and forget others around you.  But be sure to keep track of those around you, Use your high energy to draw others into your success. This will help you stand out even more than your thick mane of hair already does.

 Straight hair

Wearing straight hair means you are more conservative. Your co-workers view you as a serious person whom they can count on in any situation.  Even your family and friends see you as a dedicated and authoritative person with high standards for yourself. Because of this, you may be perfectionistic. Don’t forget to allow yourself some relaxation and fun. You are a professional at what you do, so give yourself a little vacay from all that responsibility every so often. You are headed for great things, so stay just the way you are.

 Short and unafraid

If you wear your hair short, you aren’t afraid to be different. You’re probably trendy and confident. Your cropped hair looks professional, too, so you give off these vibes at work, which makes people want to get to know you. Stay true to yourself if you want to keep your hair short, do it. Don’t be afraid to make a loud statement of who you are. Don’t worry if you’re told you’re not a team player. This is because you color outside the lines more than most people, and that’s the best part of who you are.

These fifteen comebacks are great when you must deal with mean people.

Other hairstyles personalities

High maintenance hairstyles

If you love curling and styling your hair, even if you’re just running to the grocery, no doubt you’re overly critical of yourself and your looks. You may be a bit of a drama queen who is fishing for some compliments. Don’t be too hard on yourself, enjoy who you are, and don’t give in to self-doubt.

Unusual hairstyle

If you wear a hairstyle that’s unconventional, you will be viewed as a fun person. You don’t follow the rules. Indeed, you make them. People find you refreshing and maybe a little intimidating because you’re so out there. Be sure to allow people to know the real you, don’t be afraid of being vulnerable around people you can trust.

 Blunt cut hairstyles

A blunt haircut suggests you are the point kind of person. You’re direct and no-nonsense about life. You’d make an excellent doctor or pharmacist. Don’t forget to reach into your emotional self and relate to people, not just with your brain but your heart.

Changeable hairstyles

What if you like to change your hairstyle a lot?  If you love change and love to switch hairstyles all the time, it could mean you are feeling a bit out of control. Changing hairstyles provide you a sense of gaining control of your life. Changeable hairstyles could also say you are feeling moody, and these moods dictate your hairstyles.

You may be searching for something, and your new hairstyle feels like the answer. Many women get a haircut in the later stages of their pregnancy. Their life is about to change big time, so a hairstyle gives them a sense of something they can control.

Avoid impulsive haircuts. You may regret it later when you’re stuck with shorter hair than you wanted. Otherwise, embrace the changeable you. If changing hairstyles is who you are and if it makes life fun for you, then keep it up.

Final Thoughts on What Your Hairstyle Reveal About Your Uniqueness

Your hairstyle choice is entirely up to you, but consider the best hairstyle for your lifestyle or job. If you’re a doctor, pigtails may not be the best choice because your patients may not feel you’re a serious person. A school teacher may want a casual, simple style for long days with kids.

Fortunately, your hair is as flexible as you are. You can take great pride in caring for their hair: washing it, conditioning it, coloring it. Hair is so versatile no matter how you style it, and it shows off your creative personality.

Go ahead and wear your hair proud, loud, and as long or short as you want because it’s your hairstyle, and it shows off your personality.


Astrologist Reveals the Cosmic View for June 2020

Astrologist Reveals the Cosmic View for June 2020

Astrology provides insight into a crisis, but your own intuition is just as important. Learn how to interweave heaven and earth, knowledge, and instinct, and you’ll be able to use this cosmic view to find creative ways to solve your problems.

With Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto in retrograde, the virus that has shut down the world is in a weakened state — for the summer. However, there is a chance it will reinvigorate itself in the fall. Be careful with your freedom.

Gemini is all about choices and with Mercury and Venus in retrograde in this sign, what you decide carries life and death consequences. What needs to be balanced is freedom and self-control. This is never easy under normal circumstances and certainly not a simple challenge now.

Saturn, the planet of boundaries, entered Aquarius in March and it has changed how you interact with friends and groups. The square it makes to Uranus and creates a clash – a desire to break free of all restrictions no matter what the consequences. Learn to open a door by increments, instead of all at once. Self-control is essential to survival.

The Full Moon on June 5th in Sagittarius activates the houses of wisdom and communication. We may hear from the experts. Perhaps more restrictions will be lifted or there’s new information on the development of vaccines. Venus remains retrograde until the 25th placing a focus on relationships and finance. It’s time to rethink who and what’s important to you and yes, how you want to manage your money in the future.

Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer on the 18th, and it’s time to clean up misunderstandings with family and mend old wounds. Let forgiveness and love lead the way. The more you give, the more you receive. Stay safe and nurture yourself from within. If you do the universe will add to your gifts in ways you cannot imagine.

Here is a rundown of the cosmic view for each sign in the zodiac this month:

Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

Aries represents vision, it allows you to see into the future and imagine a better world. This energy is important now, more than ever. With your ruler Mars, in Pisces and conjunct Neptune, your imagination is out of control. If you’re in a creative field, then new ideas will come to you with ease. What they will need is grounding.

There’s not a lot of earthly practicality in the stars at the moment, so you have to provide it. Intuition and emotion are two separate things. Intuition comes from above and you need to trust it, emotions are a response to desire and fear, they want what they want and can’t be trusted. Learn to separate them. Any insecurities you have will be emphasized in this environment.

Uranus square Saturn increases your desire for freedom, and because you’re impulsive, you may give in more than you should. This is a time for baby steps, not giant leaps of faith.

Venus is retrograde until the 25th making relationships in general either very difficult or rewarding. If you have good communication and know-how to be supportive, then you’ll receive the rewards of your efforts. What’s important now is to express your vulnerability, not just your strengths. That’s difficult for an Aries, but it helps others connect to you in a deeper way.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 18th and you may go back to work or find something new. The path is zig zag, so don’t expect it to be clear. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll be working out your issues, if you hold them in, it will damage the relationship.

When Venus goes direct on the 25th, you should know where you stand and what is possible. If you’re single, old lovers could contact you or you may reach out to them. There’s a need to reconnect to the past.

Cosmic View for Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

Taurus is a major player as the planets align to bring about change in the world. With Uranus, the ruler of change, in Taurus, you’re being driven from within or shaped from without, to make decisions, and to pursue new goals.

If you embrace the change you will realize that happiness is easier than you thought. Good things can come from disasters if you can recognize them in the chaos. The light and the dark are not disconnected, they are a part of the whole.

With Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto retrograde, you’re rearranging your thinking and your ideals. This virus has forced us all to look at what’s really important. It’s shown us where we’ve strayed from our path because we followed the crowd. Getting back to core issues is empowering and it allows you to build your life on a strong foundation.

Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer on the 18th. This is your chance to finish old projects and clear the way for the new.

Venus, your ruler, is retrograde until the 25 and relationships as well as your place of work are under scrutiny. If you haven’t worked on your communication and if you don’t understand each other, then this month you will feel more isolated and alone. If anger is what emerges then try and find another way to get it out. Attaching someone will not make you feel better.

If you’re in a relationship, then unresolved issues are now on your plate. By the 25th you should be clear on where you stand. If you’re single, this is not a time for someone new. Focus on yourself.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Geminis are the center of the action in the cosmic view this month. So get ready to be busy, no — overwhelmed. It won’t all be about things to do, it goes deeper than that. It’s time to understand what is holding you back, as well as what you’re doing that brings the magic.  With the full moon on the 5th in Sagittarius, your beliefs will be scrutinized. They’re either helping or hindering you, so be objective.

Venus is still retrograde in Gemini until the 25th and Mercury goes retrograde on the 18th in Cancer. Old issues around values and finance may reemerge. You’re a genius at solving the problems of others, but now it’s time to take these lessons and bring them back to yourself. Being clear on your identity and goals is the quest.

Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto are retrograde in your 8th house, and they stir up more light-bulb moments. This is the house of transformation and any planets that pass through its energy must take a deeper look at themselves. Be prepared for self-examination.

Uranus in Taurus continues to bring surprises, or things you cannot control. The lesson is to let go. Have faith in yourself and the universe. What’s yours will come back to you.

The Neptune station in Pisces on the 23rd brings good news when it comes to career. Venus goes direct on the 25th and relationships are either better or worse because of what has been stirred up. Retrogrades bypass illusion and bring up the truth.

If you’re in a relationship you’re being asked to acknowledge what’s not working and do something about it. If you’re single, you may feel a longing for an old love. Figure out what you’re missing and let go. If it didn’t work then it probably won’t work now, unless both of you have changed.

Read about how you can use the romantic energy of a full moon.

Cosmic View for Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancers are intuitive. With the Sun and Venus in your 12th house of the unconscious, your instincts are on high alert in this month’s cosmic view. You may feel hesitant or afraid to act, primarily because you’re not certain. Turning intuition into a choice is always a challenge. However, when you learn to trust yourself you’ll find that you’re seldom wrong.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 18th in your sign, and it helps you clean up your “things to do” list. Anything you started that’s not finished has a good chance of getting done. Don’t try and make something new work, it will be delayed.

Venus continues to go retrograde until the 25th in Gemini and relationships remain under scrutiny. What’s not working is evident, what is will also be strong. It’s a time for truth and a realistic look at who you’re with and why. Remember, if it works for you and you’re happy, that’s all that matters.

The sextile from Mercury to Uranus provides you an endless array of new ideas. Your mission is to make sense of them and choose the ones you want to use. If you can break the patterns of your past and allow new paths to emerge then you will move forward with strength and confidence.

Cancers are creatures of habit, and they prefer repetition than new paths, but for now, you don’t have a choice. The new moon in your sign on the 21st gives you an opportunity to make a wish. Think about what’s important and send your request out into the universe. The Full Moon on June 5th  in your 6th house brings work issues to a head.

You should know where you stand around this time. If you’re in a relationship, your partner is not feeling strong. He or she may feel like hiding from life. It’s okay. It won’t last. If you’re single, then you’re attracted to someone very independent. It helps you feel free.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leos have a strong sense of self and it can appear to others as selfish. With Saturn in Aquarius for the next two and a half years, you’ll be forced to see the world through the eyes of others. You will need to understand your environment, not just dominate it. It’s a time of great growth.

With Uranus at the top of your chart, you’ve been preparing for a change in your goals and career for some time. With fear and the virus dominating our lives, you’re more prepared than your competition to take the next step. Don’t be afraid of change, if you keep the faith you’ll land on your feet – you always do.

With Jupiter and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn and your 6th house of work, you’ll have a chance to reconnect with projects or offers for work.

The full moon in Sagittarius brings issues of authority and power to a head. What is needed now is leadership. Venus retrograde in Gemini until the 25th affects relationships. They’re either working exceptionally well or what’s wrong is apparent and needs to be fixed. Financial issues also get your attention.

When Mercury goes retrograde on the 18th you will deal with your investments and your budget. Understanding what’s important and what isn’t is a major part of building a safe and secure existence.

Saturn in Aquarius insists you focus on partnerships, business, and personal relationships. They’re either working exceptionally well or hardly at all. Saturn sees what is without illusions. If you’re in a relationship, then you’re either closer to each other or your unresolved problems are now in the way.

If you’re single, you can meet someone special at this time. Know that if you should meet a new partner, it will happen quickly. They will feel like a perfect fit. Remember, this is a time of all or nothing.

Cosmic View for Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgos are excellent in a crisis. They quickly move past their fears and embrace the unknown, determined to shape it into something they can control. Venus in retrograde in your 10th house of career means your focus is on your goals. It’s a good time to review your choices and see how you can adjust them to achieve better results.

Don’t be afraid of change, just jump in and try something new. It’s only difficult until you get used to the new energy. The body adjusts to what’s different and strange, it’s how we survive. Whatever is new in your life, give it support, and make it work for you.

Saturn in your 6th house of work helps you reevaluate what you do and when you do it. Saturn has a critical eye. Don’t get depressed, use the information to open yourself up to new possibilities or dig in and keep the job you have. Accept what you cannot change. Retrogrades provide the opportunity to review what has been done and allows you a chance to change what you don’t like or no longer agree with.

Mercury, your ruler, goes retrograde on the 18th, in Cancer and your 11th house of friendships. Don’t be surprised if old friends show up or contact you. During times of crisis, we remember the people we care about.

The full moon in your 4th house of home, reveals what’s not working around your family. Once all the emotions are out of the way, you can unite and move forward. If you’re in a relationship, your partner is not doing well.

Either they are frustrated because they can’t accomplish what they want to or they’re just unhappy with where they are. They have to figure it out themselves. It’s your chance to show support.  If you’re single, it’s not a good time to meet new people.

Take care of yourself and reconnect to old friends.


Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libras represent truth, harmony, and beauty. When things are in alignment there is beauty. Truth is a more challenging subject. It’s not always easy to speak up and express how you feel  – especially if it challenges someone else’s opinion.

With Uranus in your 8th house, what you’re experiencing is a time of transformation in the June cosmic view. Whatever truth you’ve been hiding from, you may find it impossible to avoid. It’s time to see the world with a filter that plants your feet on the ground. Illusions and delusions won’t survive this energy.

Venus, your ruler, is retrograde until the 25th and it’s helping you take a hard look at your ideals, the ideas, and beliefs that have uplifted you in the past. However, with a reset on how you see yourself and the world, it’s time to find a new center, a place that will embrace a greater truth, one that includes the concept that you are not a static being, you are constantly in motion and evolving. The more you accept this cosmic view, the more you are able to adjust to whatever happens in your life.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 18th in Cancer, the ruler of your 10th house of goals and career. This is your chance to make adjustments or change your direction. Don’t hesitate to do so as soon as you are clear.

The new moon in Cancer on the 21st is a chance for a new beginning when it comes to your career. Ask for what you want and don’t be afraid to get it. Don’t let fear rule. Choose faith now and tomorrow you’ll attract opportunity.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner feels lost and unsure of what they want or how to get it. Just be supportive. If you’re single, you may meet people who are very different from yourself. It’s meant to give you some needed experiences.

Cosmic View for Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

Scorpios struggle with the meaning of power. It’s important to be clear on where you believe the power lies. Is it with money and success or how strongly you’ve aligned yourself with your higher powers – your ability to transform yourself and the world.

Scorpios have incredibly strong instincts, but they need to listen to them if they want an advantage. No Scorpio is worth its salt, follows the crowd. You value uniqueness more than anything else and want to be recognized for it.

With Venus still retrograde and Mercury about to join it on the 18th in Cancer, it’s important to reaffirm your beliefs. The energy is shifting and it’s directing you toward your foundation and your values. What did you build your life on? Are you happy with your choices?

With Saturn now in Aquarius your focus will be on what you rely on for strength and confidence. If it’s faith in yourself and your talents then all is well. If it’s based on exterior things then you’re feeling vulnerable. Wherever you are not anchored in your truth, you’ll have difficulties. Don’t get upset, fix it.

The full moon on the 5th in Sagittarius activates your 2nd house of finance and values. You’re either incredibly good at managing money or you haven’t paid attention. What’s not working will be obvious. When it comes to values, you may discover that they’ve changed.

Hiding out at home has reduced your distractions and clarity is there if you want it. If you’re in a relationship, your partner has been changing and it requires some adjustments. You’ll either make them or you won’t, but remember your choice may determine the destiny of your relationship. If you’re single, you’re looking for someone who is independent, someone who gets you, but knows how to make themself happy.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius is the sign of wisdom and wisdom comes from the lessons you’ve learned —both the wins and the losses. When you learn from everything, you learn quickly.

Jupiter, your ruler, has been in Capricorn since November of 2018, and it’s helping Pluto expose what needs to be looked at. Unfortunately, our weaknesses both personally and as a country, have been exposed through the virus.

Don’t lick your wounds, change your life.

When everything around you is uncertain, it’s important to be anchored in truth and have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. There is an opportunity in change and chaos, but you have to be ready to act on a moment’s notice. This is not a time for the weak-hearted. The question to ask yourself is how much of what you do reflects your values.

Have you sacrificed what’s really meaningful in order to get ahead? If you have, now is the time to make changes. It’s so easy to get lost with the pressure from bosses, family, and just life in general. You’re a strong sign and perseverance is one of your natural talents.

With Venus in retrograde in your 7th house, you may find partnerships of all kinds, business and personal, difficult. This is your chance to fix the problem or move on. The full moon on the 5th in your sign brings an emotional outburst that can’t be avoided. It’s important to pay attention to what is revealed. Don’t let your fear lead. Ruled by your mind, your talent lies in words and ideas, but they must be turned into action.

If you’re in a relationship your partner feels overwhelmed and misunderstood. You can help, but they have to figure it out. If you’re single, stay that way for now. Have fun if you can, and things will fall into place.


Cosmic View for Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Capricorns are more comfortable with power when they’re not center stage. They are often the man or the women behind the scene, but they call the shots. For several years your sign has been the host of two of the most powerful planets in the heavens:  Pluto and Saturn.

Jupiter joined the group at the end of 2018 and will leave by the end of this year. These three planets have created an intense environment with the power to redirect your life. There are some things you don’t have power over, let them go, and focus on what you can make happen.

Saturn is your ruler and it removes the fog wherever it casts its light. It happens to fall on your house of values and money. It’s time to turn your critical eye on what’s really important.

With Venus retrograde, money and relationships require your attention. The insights you have now can improve your life when the world begins to move forward.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 18th in Cancer and brings your focus to partnerships and what you need from them. The Full Moon on the 5th in Sagittarius rules your 12th house of the unconscious. Be prepared for a surprise. Whatever happens is a message to help you advance, even if it initially throws you off-center.

Uranus in the 5th house reminds you that your independence is important. You must take charge of all aspects of your life. This is no time to be lazy. If your life is in the hands of others, then it may encourage you to start your own business or work freelance.

If you’re in a relationship, you will value it more or want out. It’s up to you. If you’re single, it’s not impossible to meet someone, but you do have to want it badly or it won’t happen.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Aquarius is the sign of independence and the ability to express your uniqueness. With Saturn now in your sign, the truth is being revealed whether you want it or not. You can see where your efforts have failed and what has worked. Learn from the past and improve your position.

Saturn is square Uranus, your ruler, so the structure or routine of your life may change. The planet Saturn rules your 12th house of the unconscious, so lessons will come your way, whether you’re ready for them or not.

Saturn is the taskmaster of the zodiac, it has a very critical eye, but its mission is to help not destroy. Look at what it’s showing you and make the necessary changes no matter how difficult it is to do. Saturn produces long-term and lasting rewards.

With Mars entering your 3rd house at the end of the month, there’s a greater need to communicate to others who may be useful. They need your guidance or just your support. And if you give it, you’ll receive what you need in return.

Venus is retrograde in Gemini, ruler of your 5th house of authority and children. It’s now clear to you where you need to take a stand.

Mercury is also retrograde but in Cancer and your 6th house of work. You’re finishing up old projects and it will help you clear your desk and be ready for the new. The full moon on the 5th in Sagittarius brings a friendship to a head.

If you have unresolved issues, they’ll reemerge to be dealt with. If you’re in a relationship, your partner is frustrated and concerned about finances. But perhaps you’re single, and you could meet someone, who is interesting and diverse.

These things are important to you, but proceed with caution, you’re not yourself.

zodiac sign

Cosmic View for Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Pisces can be the way to escape life or the path to transforming it – it’s really up to you. It works on faith, what you believe you create. No faith, no results, even if you work hard. Yes, faith is the most important ingredient in success and possibilities.

When you believe, the magic happens. Neptune, your ruler, has been in your sign and will remain there for a few more years. It’s helped you go deeper into who you are. Right now, you can’t avoid that inner voice, it’s too strong.

Yes, you’re psychic by nature and if you’re willing to listen to your gut and everything that it tells you, then you will connect to real power which lies within, not in the outside world.

Uranus in your 3rd house has improved communication and the square to Saturn has forced you to be more focused and serious.

Saturn is what every Pisces needs in the current cosmic view. You are always in search of ways to eliminate your insecurities and fears. The more faith you have, the easier life is, and the more magic you create to solve your problems. The full moon on the 5th is in your 10th house of career.

Your goals want to speak to you. Either you’re going back to work or getting a new job. Either way, things are moving forward in your June cosmic view.

Venus retrograde in Gemini at the base of your chart, helps you see yourself and life differently. Add the retrograde of Mercury in your 6th house of work and you can be productive, but not without adjustments.

Use the flexible side of yourself now and know you’ll have more choices later. If you’re in a relationship, your partner is preoccupied. Give them some space. If you’re single, you’ll have a chance to meet new and interesting souls.

You’re not in a stable place so just enjoy yourself this month.

cosmic viewFinal Thoughts on the Cosmic View for June of 2020

Take time out of every day to improve your life and enjoy yourself throughout the month. Use this cosmic view to guide you, and always remember the importance of your relationships and live life to its fullest.


15 Ways a Guy Friend Reveals His Secret Interest in a Romance

15 Ways a Guy Friend Reveals His Secret Interest in

For generations, young ladies have daydreamed about their future suitors while plucking daisy petals to see if he loves them or not. Maybe you have a guy friend, and you have wondered if he wants to take your relationship from friendship to a romance.

Could he also have a physical attraction to you?

Perhaps, yours is a case of love immortalized by award-winning singer, Bonnie Raitt. If he is having romantic thoughts about you, isn’t it time to give people something to talk about? Was that a sparkle of love in his eye, or are you wishfully thinking?

One may argue that platonic relationships can’t exist. Of course, you may still have men whom you consider friends or “brothers.”

Is there one different guy? How can you tell if he is sending you subliminal romantic thoughts?

Do They Want More? Here are Ways to Be Sure


Trying to guess if someone close to you has a secret crush can be a slippery slope. On the one hand, you don’t want to miss out on romance just because you were too afraid to ask. However, you don’t want to look like a fool and put your heart on the line to discover that you misread his intentions.

What’s a girl/guy to do? Should you be upfront with him, or do you risk losing a good friendship? Is it possible that you are misinterpreting his extroversion for flirtation? If you wish there were more to your relationship, how are you going to know unless you ask?

Just about everyone has been in this dilemma of love at least once in their lives. Secret admiration has been the subject of novels, songs, and art since the beginning. Here are fifteen ways to tell if your guy friend secretly wishes for romance.

1. Does He Call or Text a Lot?

Let’s face it; guys would rather be doing anything than talking or texting. While some men are naturally more talkative than others, his daily texts may be more than friendly hellos. It gets even more apparent when he also calls regularly.

Before you chalk it up to chance or boredom, consider the context of his correspondence. Does he send you corny memes for a laugh, or does his conversation have substance? Maybe his day isn’t the same until he hears from you, which is a good sign that he is having romantic thoughts.

2. Are His Conversations Superficial or Meaningful?

Generally, men are not as in touch with their feelings as women are. Even boyfriends and husbands often find it challenging to discuss the more in-depth, emotional meanings of life. While they are all for love, they usually aren’t comfortable talking about it.

Does your guy friend have long, meaningful conversations with you, or are these talks superficial? Can you tell that he is genuinely interested in what you have to say, and can recall the details in later conversations? Either he is a brilliant conversationalist, or he is digging you.

3. Does He Mention Other Women in His Life?

Sometimes, guy friends use their female friends as sounding boards for their romantic interests and conflicts with other women. If this is your buddy, he might be trying to get a woman’s perspective and feels comfortable discussing it with you. However, you don’t want to be a dating therapist for life.

Does he date often and talk about the other women to you? Do you see him flirting with ladies at work or in public? If the only woman he always mentions is his mother, he is either having romantic feelings for you or you should run the other way.

However, you could be the only one in his eyes, and you have yet to realize it. Listen to his conversations and observe his dating life or the lack thereof. He just may be waiting for you to return his love interest.

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4. Does He Seem Nervous Around You?

It’s a man’s nature to feel intimidated or nervous when emotions are involved, especially romance. He may act like a ditzy teenager in puppy love and be amusingly awkward around you. Most men advance from this phase into relaxed confidence as the relationship matures.

Have you noticed that your guy friend is usually calm and collected until he gets around you? Does he seem a bit giddy, clumsy, and stumbles on his words? It could be that he has a secret crush on you.

5. Is He Unusually Interested in Your Life?

While there are anomalies, guys are not usually overly interested in things that women find essential, unless he has romance in mind. If he hasn’t known you for years, he probably isn’t going to remember a lot of details about your life unless he has feelings for you.

Isn’t it odd that he knows all about you without being prompted? Does he know what color your eyes are, your favorite color, or whether you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice-cream? Does it almost seem like he can finish your sentences? He might be a keeper.

6. Is He Jealous of You?

Although jealousy is a complicated emotion to hide, it may be more so for guys. A Platonic buddy wouldn’t care about whom you date and what men you discuss. The only reason a man would get his feathers ruffled would be if he had thoughts of love for you, too.

Does your guy friend seem happy for you when you mention a male love interest, or does he quickly change the subject? Can you see a tinge of the green-eyed monster in his eyes when you are talking to other guys? If he’s jealous, then it may be time for you both to talk.

7. Is He in Touch with You, Literally?

In American society, women are usually the touchy-feely ones. Sometimes, guys misinterpret a lady’s innocent touch on the hand or shoulder as a touch of romance. But if people are attracted to each other, the need to touch is almost irresistible.

The next time you are kicking back with your guy friend, notice how many times he touches you. Does his hand linger on yours, or does he find ways to brush your shoulder, hair, etc.? Maybe he is dreaming of love and touching you as a lover.

8. Is He Often Lost in Your Eyes?

If a stranger continually makes eye contact with you, it is more creepy than romantic. When your guy friend stays locked into your eyes, he may feel a spiritual connection with you. Looking deeply into someone’s eyes indicates trust, honesty, and romance.

9. Does He Truly Notice You?

The bane of many girlfriends and wives is that their men don’t notice things. In the initial stages of romance, guys pay so much attention to their love interest that they often remember the smallest detail. Is he watching you so intently that he knows when something changes, like a new outfit or a different hairstyle?

falling in love

10. Has He Introduced You to His Family and Friends?

Maybe one of your guy friends has always felt like a brother to you, and you already know his family and background. If not, a closer male companion may casually introduce you to family and other friends.

Is he unusually nervous when he invites you to meet his family? He might be eager to see how they react to a possible love interest. Put your best foot forward because these folks may be part of your life soon.

11. Is He More Interested in One-on-One Time Than with Groups?

When people have love in mind, two is company and three is a crowd. Casual male friends may enjoy alone time with you, but they are just as happy in a group activity. Does your guy friend seem to be finding more excuses for private dates?

12. Is He More Than Generous?

It isn’t unusual for a close guy friend to give you a present for your birthday or the holidays. As a friend, his gifts are probably thoughtful but nonspecific enough for anyone. A guy friend who has romance on his mind may give you gifts for no reason, with an unsaid sentimentality.

13. Is He Extra Careful with His Style and Grooming?

A male buddy has no qualms of meeting you in a faded t-shirt and a ball cap covering his un-brushed hair. You’re his friend, so appearances aren’t always essential. If this guy has a romantic eye on you, he will be sure to dress to impress.

14. Does He Go the Extra Mile for You?

True friends help their friends when needed. However, a guy friend who wants more than friendship may be extra helpful. Does yours go out of his way to help you with things so that he can be with you?

15. Look for Yourself in His Life

Does your male friend want to be romantically involved with you? Browse through his social media accounts and notice your presence. Do you see a lot of photos of the two of you together?

romanceFinal Thoughts on Recognizing the Signs of Blooming Romance

Taking a chance on romance can be risky with your guy friend. Is not living with regrets worth the risk? Consider these tell-tale clues and see if they lead you to love. Sometimes, the most excellent relationships start as friends and blossom into more. Don’t let true love pass you unnoticed.


Science Reveals 7 Ways Starting a Business Improves Health

Science Reveals 7 Ways Starting a Business Improves Health

Do you dream of starting a business? Many people have entrepreneurial aspirations, but they never get beyond the dreaming phase because they are crippled by fear. The concerns you have of failure and going bankrupt may cause you to stay in a job that is draining you physically and emotionally.

However, did you know that some mental health professionals believe that starting a business can bring your personal fulfillment and improve your health? It sounds strange, but when you toss the stress of working for someone else and the stringent schedule that comes with it, then you can change your entire life for the better.

It’s all about personal fulfillment. When you are fulfilling your needs in your career, it bubbles over into your personal and spiritual life. If you’re on the fence about starting such a venture, then there are some things to consider. There are many ways that starting a business could improve your health.

7 Ways Starting a Business Can Improve Your Health

Yes, starting a business can mean taking an enormous leap fo fair.  But many who choose self-employment reap some surprising health benefits.

starting a business

1. You Can Make Time for Exercise

Being the boss brings fulfillment because you get to call the shots. While you prioritize daily and weekly tasks, why not exercise on your schedule? Getting your body to move is especially important if your business keeps you sedentary.

You don’t need a fully equipped gym and a personal trainer to incorporate light exercise at work. Did you know that walking is one of the best activities you can do? There’s nothing like a brisk stroll around the block during lunch or another break.

Do you need to be at a desk for most of the day? Give your muscles a break and stand periodically to stretch, touch your toes, or jog in place. Get creative, and you can add more ways to exercise on your schedule and stay healthy.

Working from home allows you the freedom and the time to focus on your health like never before. Exercise is just as important as paying your mortgage payment. You need it to thrive.

2. You Will Meet New and Exciting People

Forget the mundane; one of the benefits of starting a business is that you will get to meet all sorts of people. Since you must position yourself as the face of the company, your interactions with others will increase. Do you like to mingle with the rich and famous, or are you drawn to those who march to the beat of their own drum?

Life is full of wonderfully diverse people, and they are waiting to find someone like you. Think of how much richer your life will be when you meet people from other countries, business owners like yourself, and those who made their way by climbing the corporate ladder. You’re in for a real adventure, and it’s going to be the ride of your life.

3. You Can Finally Make Family A Priority

The ability to have more family time may be one of the reasons you want to start a business. When you work for others, you must go through the process of requesting time off for special occasions or vacations. Many employers consider indispensability and seniority when granting requests, and your application may be denied.

When you own the business, you create the schedule. While you still must be aware of your customers’ needs, you can shift things around without asking permission from anyone. You know the demands of your business. Soon you will learn your peak times and can plan your schedule accordingly.

When most people reach the twilight of their lives, no one wishes they had been in the office more. One of the greatest regrets of folks is not having more family time. Money and prestige are of no comfort to those who are passing, personal fulfillment is important, but family is everything.

Of course, you work hard to ensure that your loved ones have what they need, especially when you are gone. Starting a business allows you to plan for retirement while making quality family time a priority.

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4. You Can Improve Your Self Worth

For any business to succeed, owners and managers must empower their employees to prosper. As a business owner, how would your employees feel if you treated them the way you treat yourself? Would they be content, or would they resign?

That Golden Rule only works if the converse is true, that you treat yourself the same way you should treat other people. You can’t be at the helm of your ship if you don’t take care of yourself. Self-employment is a holistic approach that compasses the mind, body, and spirit.

In addition to observing a healthy diet and fitness regimen at work and spending quality time with your family, you need time for yourself. When you are exhausted, overstressed, and emotionally spent, you can’t be the business owner you need to be.

Now is your chance to change things in your life and take care of you. Just because you own the business doesn’t mean that you must shoulder all the responsibilities. If you need help, ask, or delegate jobs to an employee.

The beauty of working or yourself is that if you feel tired and stressed, you can set aside a few minutes to rest your eyes and meditate. Sometimes, taking a break away from your desk and taking a little walk will revitalize your body and senses. Know your limitations and prioritize your schedule to minimize undue stress.

5. You Become a Planning and Organizational Expert

If you’ve never been an organized person, you will quickly learn the importance of having everything in place. When starting a business, you’ll depend on being able to find documents at a moment’s notice. You will learn the importance of planning and scheduling your days.

You won’t have a scheduling clerk to grumble to anymore as you will oversee preparations for the next week in advance. With your new skills in planning and organization, you are sure to succeed. Plus, when you become so organized in your business life, it should rub off into your personal life too.

6. You Can Make Time to Change Your Eating Habits

Remember the days of gathering for coffee during break or lunch at work? Instead of eating sensible snacks and a light lunch, people were drawn to the abundant box of stale donuts and junk food dangling in the vending machines. No wonder you had a sugar rush that ended in an energy slump every workday.

The temptation can be even more significant to overeat or sustain on junk food when you own a business, but you can have a healthy lunch. Poor eating habits are especially prevalent for entrepreneurs who travel for their job. Such diets can be detrimental to your health and can potentially shorten your lifespan.

Since you’re starting a business, it’s a good time to change to a healthy eating plan. While you are exercising, nothing could be better than incorporating a healthy lunch along with it. Keep nutritious, low-calorie snacks portioned in small bags to grab when you get the munchies. Instead of sugar-laden sodas, stock your work fridge with bottled water and add some lemon or other fruits.

Plus, you can brew your coffee and tea instead of spending a fortune at the local coffee shop in the mornings too.

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7. Your Mental Health Will Improve

Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~Mark Twain

Novelist Mark Twain stated that choosing a job was important because when you’re doing something, you love it doesn’t feel like work. His wise observation doesn’t mean that you won’t struggle and work hard when starting a business. However, this journey is about finding what you love and doing it well.

What do you need for personal fulfillment? While you do want enough cash and resources to live, achievement transcends materialism. Many studies reveal that when people love what they do, they are often more content and happier than those who make much more money and hate their job.

When you are happy and content, your anxiety and stress will reduce. You may find that you have a bounce in your step and a song in your heart. Loving what you do can change your entire outlook on life, and it can make you a better person.

starting a businessFinal Thoughts on Starting a Business–A Fresh Start in Life

One of the most powerful sayings speaks to someone who is afraid to jump and take a chance. It challenges you to consider the following:

What if I fall? But Darling, what if you fly? ~Erin Hanson

Ask yourself that very question today.

Sure, taking on a new adventure is scary, and there are so many unknowns. You may fail, but you may be as successful as Apple, Google, or Mattel. You determine your destiny. It all starts with a dream and then taking that dream and daring to make it a reality.

Remember, you are one decision away from an entirely different life. Are you up for the challenge? Starting a business may be the ticket to the fulfillment you have always dreamed of.