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11 Ways to Save Money in College (That You Can Start Doing Today)

11 Ways to Save Money in College (That You Can

11 Ways to Save Money in College (That You Can Start Doing Today)

Did you know that eating Top Ramen for every meal every day for a year would cost you under $150?

While it’s the staple of college kids’ meals, you don’t have to ditch your meal plan and load up on noodles, because there are plenty of other great ways to save money in college.

11 Ways to Save Money in College 

Here are 11 surefire ways to save money in college that you can start doing today!

1. Budget

While it may seem boring, this is one of the key steps to saving cash.

Making a budget for yourself is one of the key ways to save if you’re wondering how to save money as a college student. Taking a little time each week or month to create a plan for where your money is going will help you stay frugal and responsible. 

2. Housing

Housing can be a pretty hefty cost for most schools. While it’s normally nothing compared to tuition, the place and type of housing you select can still greatly affect those college payments. 

You can commute from home or somewhere cheaper off-campus if you are able to avoid paying your school. If you don’t want to commute, having a roommate (or two!) usually always lowers the cost of housing, as well as choosing between suite-style rooms or communal living styles. 

3. Transportation

Where you go and how you get there can also be a great factor in your college costs. You have to find what works best for you in terms of public transportation vs. having your own car vs. carpooling. 

If you are living on campus, considering carpooling over having your own car can save you tons of money because of gas and insurance. Plus, you get to make new carpool friends!


Filling out the FAFSA, while it may be tedious, is a great way to determine how much money you can get in federal aid. It takes some time, but is worth it in the long run if you’re hoping to get some financial support that way. 

You also only need to do it once a year, so it can’t be that bad to bite the bullet and fill it out when the time comes around. 

5. Books

Saving money is one of the benefits of renting textbooks compared to buying them full price. Both have their positives as you’ll get money by reselling and you’ll save money by renting textbooks.

It just depends on what better suits your preferences! 

6. Food

While the ramen bit earlier was a joke, the way you spend on food is a great way to save while you’re at school. 

Limiting the times that you go out to eat with friends can help you save money (especially if you have a budget!) You can also look into the different meal plans that your school offers and see if there are cheaper options that fit with your diet. 

7. Scholarships

Scholarships are one of the best ways to save money at college. Earning scholarships is basically like getting gifts for working hard at something!

However, that means you should put good effort into doing well at school, as well as search for other scholarships you can apply to. Usually schools give out scholarships that you can apply for each year and there are tons of scholarships that are eligible for college students everywhere to apply for. 

8. Graduate On Time (Or Earlier!)

Graduating on time will save you tons of cash because you aren’t paying to be at the school. This also goes for graduating earlier – you save tuition, room, and board because you won’t be there!

This is all a matter of how much work you can handle of course.

If you can manage early graduation, it would save you a bunch of cash, plus you get a head start on searching for a job. Then you can get to work on paying off any student loans even sooner!

9. Work

Working on or off campus can help you have a steady flow of money while at school. Then you’ll always have an amount to set aside and save gradually, as well as some to spend every now and then. 

Many campuses have on-campus job opportunities as well as work-study programs that you might find to be helpful. And don’t forget about the magic of private jobs like babysitting! 

Working makes a world of a difference when it comes to saving and spending your money wisely. 

10. Conserve

Conserving your utilities can make a big difference when it comes to saving money. Being diligent about not using too much electricity or water add up, as well as not using A/C or heating when you don’t need to. 

Let’s not forget about how these moves can help the environment as well! You’ll be saving your money and helping the earth at the same time. 

11. Make Honest Judgements

Finally, make honest judgments about what you do and don’t need when you’re shopping. We all know it’s fun to spend a little on things you don’t necessarily need, but be mindful of how often you choose to do that. 

There are also tons of fun ways to buy things that you’re looking for, like hitting up the closest thrift store with your friends. It’s ok to make purchases, but make ones that will meet more of your needs than your wants!

B.F.A. in Saving Money!

And there you have it – with these 11 ways to save money in college, you’ll at least get a BFA in financial smarts!

Higher education can be stressful for a number of reasons. From big tests to licensures to GPA – not to mention the social aspects – you’re in for a lot of learning. 

But money does not have to be one of those stressors – at least not as long as you keep up with these helpful tips on how to save money in college. 

Make sure to check out some of our other posts for more interesting reads, and check back soon for more content!


Treat Yourself to a Relaxing Pedicure at Home (relax + save your cash) »

Treat Yourself to a Relaxing Pedicure at Home (relax +

Are you looking to treat yourself to an incredibly decadent and enjoyable home pedicure?

Here are the tips you need to make it an exceptional experience. Look no further for instructions because we will walk you through everything you need to know to pamper your precious feet.

You might think that only trained professionals can perform pedis, but you couldn’t be further than the truth. Of course, salon and spa employees and estheticians receive specialty training in these skills, and that education is a fundamental of their success. However, you can quickly learn the basics, and use that knowledge to treat yourself to regular home pedicures at your convenience and within your comfort levels.

It’s always nice to have another person rub and pamper your feet, and you don’t have to give that up. But, you could do well to learn a few of the basics to supplement your spa treatments, to enhance the knowledge you have of your feet, and to make your ankles, feet, and toes feel better thanks to the skills of your own two hands and without having to leave the house.

Benefits Of Home Pedis

Learn how you could be damaging your feet–but not even realize it!
  • You Likely Already Have Everything You Need.

You don’t need to break the bank to get a whole professional-grade set-up for your house. Take a look around at what you already have. Namely, you need a large basin for soaking your little paws, a few towels, plenty of moisturizer, and some handy, clean tools to use on your softened feet.

  • They Are Cheap, Even Free!

    You can easily spend $30-50 a pop or more on professional pedicures at the salon or spa. Of course, you’re worth a million dollars, but perhaps you could find a better use for that moolah and DIY with the same results.

  • You Can Remain In The Comfort Of Your Own Home.

    No need to dress up and hustle about, having to deal with parking and making small talk with strangers. You can stay in your most comfortable lounging pants and get a professional-grade pedicure while listening to your music and eating your favorite snacks.

  • You Can Do It Exactly How You Like.

    Sometimes you leave the salon feeling a bit underwhelmed by the entire experience. No need to be disappointed! Get that water temp perfect for you, let that foot massage run along a little longer, and get that color polished on the entire surface area of each nail bed – just the way you like it.

Step-By-Step DIY Instructions

Start by getting everything you’ll need for your luxurious home spa experience before you put your feet in to soak, or else you’ll miss it later on when you need it!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A large basin for soaking both your feet, water to fill it, a few drops of Castile soap, essential oils, or fractionated coconut oil
  • Two medium-sized clean towels
  • Sterile tools for working on your feet, such as a pumice stone, nail clippers or scissors, a nail file, cuticle trimmers, an orange stick for pushing back cuticles, etc.
  • A moisturizer that you like
  • Nail polish, both colored and clear
  • Toe separators

Now, here’s what you do for your luxury at-home pedicure:

1 – Make a perfect foot soaking tub

Fill the basin with water that is more than warm but not scalding. Ideally, you should be able to comfortably put both feet into the soaking tub at one time, but if your container only fits one foot, you can easily do them one at a time.

Be sure to use a clean basin and clean water, and swap out the water in between feet. The name of the game here is sterility, so you want to start with unsoiled items and to only use clean items throughout the pedicure.

You can opt to add a few drops of Castile soap, a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and/or a squirt or two of fractionated coconut oil to facilitate the process a little. Lavender and Frankincense have relaxing properties, while Tea Tree is a natural microbial and will be useful to zap away foot odor.

2 – Enjoy a pampering, long soak

Place one or both feet into the water and let them soak comfortably for a solid 10 minutes. This step is essential so that the hot water penetrates into the many layers of live and dead skin on your feet and begins to soften everything up.

This step is also important to set a time or mood for your overall experience. This should not be a rushed process, as this time should be calm and enjoyable. Consider putting on some calming music, lighting a candle, and flipping through a magazine while your feet start to melt into the water.

3 – Perform nail and cuticle care

Now is the time to use the tools you have, and let’s emphasize once again how important it is for your devices to be clean and sterilized. This is often the source of the infections you read about in salons, so be sure to wash and thoroughly dry all your tools. What happens is, you might nick your skin on accident, and then it is easier for germs to infect your tiny open wound. However, this is easy to avoid with clean tools and surfaces.

Start with the nail clippers or scissors and take advantage of your now soft toenails by clipping them down. You want to cut straight across and not curve the edges down too much to avoid possible ingrown nails. It’s always better to err on the side of caution because you can file them as well.

Next, use the orange stick or equivalent to gently push back all your cuticles. Since they will be soft and pliable, they will be easy to push back. So don’t break the delicate skin by being too rough. Use your cuticle trimmers to cut off that excess dead skin carefully.

4 – Exfoliate your feet

Take a few moments, if you have a pumice stone, to quickly run it over the surfaces of each foot, paying close attention to the heel, the big toe, and the sides. Then, take one foot out of the water and dry it with a clean towel. Keep the other foot in the basin, and cross your dry ankle over your knee to access it. Adding liberal amounts of your moisturizer, begin to massage your foot and rub it in.

This is a time to really knead that arch, stroke that heel, and rub those toes. Use your thumbs to press into the center of your sole. And then rub the thumbs outward toward the edges of your feet. If something feels good, stay with it, and don’t forget to keep adding the lotion or oil to your hands. Your steamy, slightly damp feet will soak that moisture right up!

When you’re finished with one foot, wrap it up in the towel, and set it down on the ground next to your basin. Bring the other foot up to dry and cross it over your knee, gently sliding the tub away from under your feet, so you don’t accidentally step into it. This water should be discarded when you’re finished, and the basin should be scrubbed with soap and hot water in order to fully sanitize it.

When you’re finished with the second foot, wrap it up in the towel. Feel free to take ample time with this step because your feet hardly ever get this kind of dedicated TLC. Enjoy!

5 – A polished finish

To polish or not to polish? If you’re opting out of nail polish, then you are all set! Think about putting on some nice cotton socks for an hour or so in order to let all that moisture fully penetrate into your skin.

However, if you’re polishing, take the corner of one of your towels and buff each of your nails with it. You don’t want the oils and such from your lotion to affect the polish’s finish and need a dry nail bed.

Gently roll each of the polishes, color, and clear, in between your palms for several minutes each. This practice serves to mix up the lacquer but not add air bubbles. Apply two coats of the color of your choice to each of your toenails. Move from one side of the foot to the other twice. Finally, apply one coat of clear coat on every nail. Take your time, and have a piece of tissue nearby to wipe up any polish that ends up on your skin while it’s still wet.

10 Tips for using hand sanitizer and performing handwashing the right way.

6 – Patience, please–don’t bloop your nails

Keep your nails dry and smudge-free by applying toe separators or cotton balls in between each toe. After all your hard work, this is not the time for damages! Wait 15 more minutes before getting up from your chair. Remember, this patience is well worth the wait.

Final Thoughts On Home Pedicures

Use this tutorial tonight, and give yourself the pedicure you’ve been missing. This can become automatic and easy, a real pattern in your life if you’d like! Learn what makes the process easier and better and improve your technique each time you treat yourself.

You’ll discover that this type of pampering is more than a simple treat. It’s required maintenance for our bodies and our peace of mind. There’s always time to perform a little self TLC. You deserve it!


12 Ways to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle (and save money)

12 Ways to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle (and save money)

We live in a modern world where most people consume and pollute. Instead of wasting at such vast degrees, we should make a point to be as sustainable and self-reliant as possible. This effort is an excellent way to both help the earth and saves money. Here are 12 ways to live a sustainable lifestyle (and save money in the long run).

12 Tips for a More Sustainable Lifestyle

1. Grow Your Own Food

Instead of getting into the car to go to the store and putting toxins in the air and buying food that needed to be transported and possibly packaged, grow your fruits and vegetables at home.

Do your research to learn what foods grow best in your area and how to grow them. When the time comes, you’ll have the freshest vegetables possible. Plus, you will know exactly how they were raised and what they were treated with since you were the one who grew them.

Are you planting a victory garden to live more sustainably? Here are 15 plants to try.

2. Recycle

Recycling is the process of taking used material and repurposing it instead of adding to the already overfilled landfills in the world. Not everything can be recycled, but the items that can go to a recycling center which helps bring it to a new, reusable form.

Place plastic, paper, and glass in a separate container specifically for recyclable materials. In many cases, the city will provide a recyclables bin for you. In some cases, you may even be able to make money off of your recyclable materials. The following states offer money for bottles and cans:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Iowa
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Vermont

If you live in one of these states, collect your cans and bottles. The recycling center will typically offer a nickel per item. You can help the environment while also earning some extra money. Talk to an employee at the center to learn about any other materials they would pay you for.

3. Ditch Your Car

Cars are a significant source of air pollution, especially in metropolitan areas. Many people drive to work or the store when they could easily take an alternative method of transportation. If you can take one car off the road every day by walking or biking to work, you are making a significant difference.

However, you should consider public transportation if walking or biking is not a reasonable method for you. If that also doesn’t work for your commute, create a carpool at your work.  You can save gas money by taking turns driving with other people at the office. It will reduce the number of pollutants in the air, too.

Read the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle.

4. Install Solar Panels

One of the most exciting new sustainable inventions in recent years is the solar panel. You can place these on your home to generate your electricity. Of course, you still have backup power from the electric company. However, since you are producing your electricity most of the time, your electric bill will be significantly reduced or even nothing.

The solar panels collect the sun’s rays and turn it into electricity. When you need to use it, it’s distributed throughout your house. Since this method requires the sun, it works best in sunny locations.

The solar panels generally go on top of your current roof. However, Tesla has invented a roof made of solar panels. It’s expensive, but it’s attractive and saves you money in utilities.

5. Shop From Environmentally Responsible Companies

You have a lot of options as a consumer. It’s your job to make responsible decisions about who you buy from. You shouldn’t only focus on price. You need to pay attention to the way the company packages its products and their manufacturing practices. There may be a reason that a particular product is cheaper than the competition.

These items probably won’t last as long as other options, meaning you’ll spend more when you need to be a second product. Also, specific packaging and manufacturing processes are bad for the apartment.

6. Shop With Reusable Bags

Think of all of the plastic bags used when people go out grocery shopping or shopping at the local pharmacy. Even though they are plastic, these bags can not be recycled. In fact, some countries are even banning the use of plastic bags when shopping. Think ahead and bring your reusable bags.

There are sustainable bags designed to use over and over again. This habit will eliminate the need to use plastic bags. Just don’t forget to bring them with you when you head out to shop.

7. Drive an Electric Car

If you can’t possibly get rid of your car, that doesn’t mean you can’t make responsible decisions about the vehicle you drive. Some vehicles are known for being “gas guzzlers.” They consume a lot of gas. This moniker means you’ll be stuck going to the gas station more often and spending more money. Common gas guzzlers include Hummers and large trucks. Compare vehicles before buying.

Luckily, there are electric vehicles and hybrids now that don’t require as much gas. These vehicles rely on electricity or a combination of both electricity and gas. You won’t be stopping for gas as often or putting the same amount of pollution into the air.

8. Buy Energy Star Appliances

Most modern homes utilize refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and other appliances to help complete chores. It’s almost unheard of not to have these appliances around the house. However, these appliances use up a lot of electricity and water. As they get older, they may even require more to complete the same amount of work. Specific machines are designed to use less water and electricity than usual.

These appliances will have an Energy Star sticker on them. This designation lets you know they adhere to a certain standard of efficiency. You will save money on your utility bills. Plus, you will be more sustainable.

sustainable life9. Eat Local

Think about how food gets from where it was made to your plate. In some cases, this involves an extensive long-distance journey. The journey means putting pollution into the air. Plus, the food isn’t as fresh as it once was when it finally arrives at its destination.

Instead of eating at places that require the food to come from all over the country, eat at restaurants and shop at farmer’s markets who only use food from local farmers and butchers. This food is likely less expensive since it doesn’t require travel costs.

Plus, it will be some of the freshest food you can eat. In these types of establishments, the food probably wasn’t frozen at any point. Finally, it was perhaps picked off of the vine that same day!

10. Use HVAC System Wisely

It’s completely unreasonable to assume that people will live in hot summers and cold winters without an HVAC system. This fact is especially relevant if you live in a location with an extreme climate. However, you should use your HVAC system wisely.

First, you should get a unit with the Energy Star sticker we mentioned before. Also, you don’t need to set the unit to extreme temperatures. Instead of setting it at 68 degrees in the summer, try setting it at 78. You want to make yourself comfortable, but you don’t need to overdo it. You should also consider using a smart thermometer.

The smart thermometer can change the temperature when no one is in the home. It can even set it back when people come home for the day. Finally, get regular maintenance from a professional HVAC technician every year.

11. Vote

It’s your job as a citizen to vote about the things that matter to you. Since we can’t vote on particular legislation, we need to vote for people who put environmental issues at the forefront. Research local, state-wide, and national politicians to learn who will support you and others who want to live a sustainable lifestyle.

When it’s time to vote, you should stop by the polls and cast your ballot. Some people only vote during national elections, but it’s important to vote in every election if you expect to see a change in your area. These changes can even result in significant savings for the government.

12. Volunteer

There are a vast number of organizations that work to help environmental issues and help sustainability efforts. Make a point to support and volunteer with these organizations. You may learn things during your volunteer service. You may also be able to make a difference in your community. Look for organizations that make an effort to clean up nature and plant trees. There are also organizations designed to help animals.

sustainable livingFinal Thoughts on Achieving a Sustainable Life That Saves the Planet (and your wallet)

The world needs our help. We tend to make more from the planet than we give. It also doesn’t hurt that being more sustainable can save us a lot of money, too. These tips are a great place to start, but keep looking for new ways to help.


7 Ways to Save on Prescription Drugs Without Insurance

7 Ways to Save on Prescription Drugs Without Insurance

7 Ways to Save on Prescription Drugs Without Insurance

Some people pay as much as $1,200 every year per person on prescription medications. That’s more than patients anywhere else in the world pay for the medicine. While many government programs and private insurers pick up a part of the bill, there are still Americans who can’t pay.

Instead of forking out $1,200 every year to remain healthy, there are a few ways you can save. Keep reading to discover seven ways you can pay less for prescription drugs without insurance.

With these seven tips, you can save money on prescriptions and reduce your financial strain.

Start putting more money back into your pocket with these seven easy tips. 

1. Choose Generic

One of the easiest ways to order a prescription without insurance is to ask for the generic version.

There’s likely not a generic version of every drug available on the market. However, you can still research while prescription drugs have a less expensive generic brand. Choosing the cheapest drugs that produce the same results can help you save a lot of money.

Make sure to speak with your doctor regarding the medications they prescribed. They can help you review the list and let you know if there’s a generic option available. 

If you plan on making the switch to generic, it’s important you speak to your doctor, first. They can make sure the generic option you choose doesn’t come with a list of additional side effects. Your doctor might also help you recognize the brand name option is more suitable for your health concerns. 

If you decide on a generic brand, make sure to complete thorough research.

For example, you’ll want to make sure the generic option is FDA-approved. The FDA requires evidence that the medicine was made using safe ingredients. Before they can approve a generic drug, they have to confirm the drug is the bioequivalent of the brand name alternative. 

By choosing an FDA-approved drug, you’ll have the peace of mind that you’re choosing a drug that doesn’t put your health at risk.

Buy in Bulk

If you decide to order prescription drugs without insurance, see if you can buy them in bulk.

Most people order the same medications regularly over an extended period of time. If you plan on ordering a medication for long-term health needs, you can save time and money buying in bulk. Sometimes, you can save money by purchasing a 90-day supply.

Do you have to travel to pick up your medications at a pharmacy? Buying in bulk will save you time, too! The pharmacy can help you get started and discover a great way to save.

2. Try Samples

Pharmaceutical sales representatives take the time to visit medical offices with samples of many common medications. Doctors usually offer their patients samples of these drugs before requesting they use an expensive medication. 

If you want to save money on prescriptions, ask your doctor if they have any free samples available. This is especially beneficial if they’re putting you on a new, costly medication. 

One sample might not seem like a lot. However, even a week’s worth of samples can help you save money on prescriptions. 

3. Apply for Assistance

Contacting a pharmaceutical company might help you save money when buying prescription drugs without insurance, too. Many pharmaceutical companies have patient assistance programs available. These programs are designed to help patients who can’t afford more expensive medications. 

If your doctor wants you to take an expensive medication, make sure to research which assistance programs are available, first. 

In the meantime, you might want to consider switching your Medicare drug plan. Switching your current plan could help make your current prescription more affordable.

If your plan offers no coverage at all for the new prescriptions you’re taking, definitely consider making a switch.

4. Speak with Your Doctor

Today, 30% of people don’t fill out their prescriptions because it’s too expensive. Meanwhile, 16% don’t take their prescription as scheduled, while another 15% cut their pills in half to save money. 

Unfortunately, taking these shortcuts can cause dangerous consequences for your health. 

Don’t try to use your own methods to save on drugs. Instead, take the time to speak with your doctor. They can help you determine if there’s an alternative while keeping your best interests in mind. 

5. Check an App

In some cases, the copay for two similar medications is very different. After your doctor writes your prescription, grab your phone before heading to the pharmacy. 

Many insurers provide helpful apps that allow you to compare copay prices.

Take the time to look up the drug while you’re still in the exam room. Then, you can ask the doctor about the alternative you want to purchase. That way, you can save on drugs without risking your health.

There are websites online that will help you find discounted options, too. However, it’s essential to talk to your doctor about these alternatives.

6. Remain a Savvy Shopper

In order to find the cheapest drug available, you’ll need to shop around.

First, check out websites like GoodRx. These websites can help you compare generic and brand name drugs. You can also find coupons on these websites, though the coupons often have eligibility requirements.

Otherwise, keep an eye out for prescription discount cards.

You can also check your medicine cabinet.

Some people are very careful about removing expired products, foods, and medications. In some cases, however, it’s still safe to use expired drugs. They might not prove as potent as they were before, though. 

If you have an older bottle of the same medication, call your doctor. Ask if taking the old prescription is still safe. If the prescription expired a long while ago, you’ll want to make sure they’re still effective.

7. Review Your Regimen Regularly

After using these seven tips for buying prescription drugs without insurance, make a plan to check-in with your doctor regularly. Ask them if there are certain medications you can remove from your regimen.

They can help you make improvements, cut costs, and determine which medications are working. 

That way, you’re only paying for what you need!

Buying Prescription Drugs Without Insurance

Ready to save money on prescription drugs without insurance? With these seven tips, you can find a better way to pay. Save on drugs using these easy tips!

Searching for more helpful tips and tricks? Check the Health section fo the blog today!


Save Money on Prescriptions With These 5 Tips

Save Money on Prescriptions With These 5 Tips

Save Money on Prescriptions With These 5 Tips

Are you struggling to pay for your prescriptions? 

It’s no secret that prescription drugs are costly, and drug prices keep increasing over time. These costs are especially hard if you have chronic conditions that require consistent medication. 

When you can barely afford your medication, you might feel stressed out and hopeless. While it’s hard to feel the financial burden of prescriptions, there are some things you can do to make your necessary prescription drugs a little cheaper. 

Keep reading to learn some of our best tips to help you save money on prescriptions today. 

How to Save Money on Prescriptions 

Drug prices are a lot for the average American, but there are ways to keep costs down and avoid going into debt to take care of yourself and your family. 

If you’re feeling lost and unsure if you can handle your next pharmacy trip, here are five tips that will help you save as much money as possible on your prescriptions:

1. Always Check for Coupons 

Just like other food items you buy every day, drug manufacturers do offer coupons and other discounts on their prescriptions.

Before you get any prescription filled, make sure you check online or ask the pharmacist if there are any coupons you are eligible to use. These coupons could make your medicine much more affordable, especially if you don’t have insurance. 

2. Shop Local 

Now could be the time to ditch your national-chain pharmacy like CVS or Walgreens. Local pharmacies tend to offer lower prices than large, big-box pharmacies. Another benefit to this option is that you will be supporting small businesses. 

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Shop Around

A lot of us become a creature of habit when it comes to getting our medications. We often go to the pharmacy that’s closest to us or the one that we’ve been using for years.

However, this might not be the best option, especially if you’re trying to save money. Don’t be afraid to call around to other pharmacies in your area to see if they offer the drug at a lower price. A short drive to a new pharmacy will be well worth saving money on your prescriptions. 

The website PharmacyChecker is a great tool that will help you do the same thing. 

4. Use Online Tools 

Besides PharmacyChecker, there are plenty of other online tools available that will help you find the cheapest options for the specific drug that you need. 

Blink Health, for example, helps you negotiate prices with pharmacies, and after you find the best price point, you purchase your medication directly through their platform. 

5. Switch to a Generic Drug

Generic drugs are typically much cheaper than their name-brand counterparts. At your next doctor’s appointment, make sure you ask if you are taking the generic drug. If not, ask if you are eligible to switch to save more money. 

Learn More About Saving Money on Healthcare 

While it’s helpful to save money on prescriptions, medications are usually just one small expense in your overall healthcare needs. Make sure you check out the rest of our website to learn more about how you can save money on all of your necessary healthcare services. 


On a Budget? Here are 11 Ways to Save on Prescriptions

On a Budget? Here are 11 Ways to Save on

On a Budget? Here are 11 Ways to Save on Prescriptions

According to one study, 1 in 4 Americans said that it was difficult to afford prescription medications.

While medications can be expensive, sometimes it’s necessary to have them. 

Do you need medication, but don’t have a lot of extra funds? In this guide, discover how to save on prescriptions.

1. Get Generic Drugs

One thing you can do to save on prescriptions is by getting generic brands. The name brand prescriptions typically cost more than the generic ones.

However, most of the time the only difference is the price.

With some generic drugs, there are different fillers than ones that have a name brand attached to them. However, the generic drugs are still regulated by the FDA and held to the same standards as the other drug. That means the generic one should work just as well as the name-brand one. 

Some doctors may not even be thinking about prescribing a generic drug, so you should make sure that you ask them. Some drugs aren’t available with a generic brand. 

If there isn’t a generic alternative, you could ask your doctor about having a different drug that has a generic one. Doctors have all kinds of reasons for prescribing the drugs that they do, but ultimately you should try and choose the one that will best help your condition.

2. Get a Flex Spending Account

A flex spending account (FSA) is sometimes available through your healthcare provider. This healthcare account takes money from your paycheck and puts it in a bank that you can use to pay for medical expenses. That means you can use it to pay for your prescriptions.

You will also be saving money because this money comes out before taxes are taken out. That way you are making sure that you put more money back in your pocket. 

If you aren’t great at saving, this will also help you be able to have enough money for any prescription drugs. You won’t have to take a bunch of money out of your own savings and be left with a lot of debt wondering how to make ends meet.

Before you sign for this type of account, make sure you fully understand what you will be able to use the money for.  Most accounts don’t roll over at the end of the year, so you have to make sure that you use the money put away, or you will lose it.

3. Compare Pharmacies

Some pharmacies offer different prices, so make sure that you shop around first. If you don’t have a copay, this could make a huge difference.

Look around at different apps and websites to see what your local pharmacies are selling the drug for. If you can’t find any, you could also talk to your pharmacist and see if they could help you out.

After all, they do want to make sure that their customers are satisfied and keep coming back. 

4. Join a Patient Assitance Program

There are patient assistance programs that are out there that you can join to help you afford your medical bills as well.

If you can’t afford to pay for your prescription, the pharmacy may have programs listed on their website to help you. These groups sometimes offer discount cards or other ways to help make sure that you get the medicine you need. 

One patient assistance program you could check out is available for a Neupro Patch.

5. Do Some Math

A lot of medicines come in different doses. 

If you sit down and look at the math, sometimes you’ll realize there are cheaper options. For example, if one prescription comes with more pills, it may be more expensive then, but in the long run, you would save more money than if you had bought a smaller deal.

Sometimes you can also try and split pills and make them last longer, but you should only do this if it is approved by the pharmacist or your doctor. 

6. Skip the Pharmacy

If you can’t find a discount card or a pharmacy with a good deal, you may just want to skip the pharmacy altogether. 

You can check directly with the drug companies to see if they offer patient assistance as well. sometimes they run promotions where you can save money or still get the drug if you can’t afford it. 

7. Search for Discounts

Before you head to the pharmacy, check online to see if there are any coupon codes are discounts that you could apply toward your purchase. 

Pharmacies have started accepting different coupons that are found online, but you should make sure that they are verified before you do that. 

8. Figure Out What Your Copays Are

If you have health insurance, you should have a copay. 

You should look at what your benefits are before getting your medication. Know exactly what your copay should be so that you can make sure that you’re not paying more. 

Most health insurances have different tiers of copays as well. 

9. Ask for Free Samples

Sometimes you can ask your doctor if they have a free sample that you could try. Sometimes they do have full-size samples for some medicines for blood pressure or asthma. 

10. Get a NACo Card

A NACo card is good for different United States counties. This service can help you get discounted prescriptions, and it’s free to join.

If you don’t have any insurance, you could save about 25% on prescription drugs.

To sign up, you just need to fill out a form. 

11. Talk to Your Doctor

If nothing else works, one of the most important things you can do is to talk to your doctor. 

If you don’t know where to start looking, your doctor may be able to point you in the right direction. They should know what kind of drugs are out there and be able to recommend the best one for your condition and your budget.

If you explain your predicament to them, they should be understanding and figure out a way to make sure you can still get your medication.

Save on Prescriptions Today!

If you follow these tips, you should be able to save on prescriptions and still get the care that you need.

Don’t let the cost of prescriptions scare you from getting the help you need.

Make an appointment to talk to your doctor today!