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4 Interview Tips and Tricks To Help You Land That Amazing Job

4 Interview Tips and Tricks To Help You Land That

4 Interview Tips and Tricks To Help You Land That Amazing Job

Do you have an interview coming up?

First off, thumbs up. Considering that the average job opening attracts over 250 applicants and only 4 to 6 people get invited for an interview, you’ve done well so far.

However, you aren’t there yet. You still need to excel in the interview if you’re to stand any chance of beating other candidates to the job.

To help you make the best preparations, we’re sharing top interview tips and tricks. Keep reading to learn how to ace your interview.

1. Research the Organization

Before you applied for this job, you probably did some background research on the company. After all, a whopping 69 percent of job seekers consider things like brand reputation before making an application.

Now that you’ve got the nod for an interview, it’s time to go deeper with your research.

For instance, try to establish how the company conducts its recruitment process. Do candidates go through a multiple-step interview process or they just one shot to impress?

A good way to find this information is to scour through company review sites like Glassdoor and Indeed. Smart Circle reviews on Indeed is a good example of how you can use online reviews to know more about a company’s hiring process.

2. Understand the Role

During the application process, you no doubt reviewed the job’s description, including qualification requirements and roles and responsibilities.

However, it’s not uncommon for advertised positions to carry generic descriptions.

With this in mind, it’s important to research the role you’re interviewing for and know the specifics. If you know someone (or someone who knows someone) in the company, reach out to them and gather some information on the position’s everyday duties.

3. Comb Through Your Resume – Again

Your recruiters or interviewers already have your resume. They have combed through it, looking for, among other things, gaps and inconsistencies.

Before showing up for the interview, go through your resume again. If there are inconsistencies, this is not the time to correct. Right now your focus should be on figuring out how to explain them, just in case an interviewer picks them out.

You also need to remember crucial details in your resume without referring to it. Off the top of your head, you should be able to say when you earned your degrees or started on previous jobs.

4. It’s Not Just About the Actual Interview

A common mistake interviewees make is thinking only the actual interview matters.

In truth, every interaction you have with your potential employer counts.

If you didn’t reply to the email inviting you for an interview, for example, or replied with a bland message like “will be there,” you’ve likely already shot yourself in the foot. If you show up during the interview day looking unbothered – perhaps you decide to plug in your earphones and listen to some music before your turn – you won’t be sending an impressive picture.

In short, treat the interview like a process that starts from the day of your invitation right to your first day on the job – and even longer if the job has a probationary period.

Interview Tips and Tricks to Get You Hired

Interviews make most people nervous.

The best way to get over your nervousness is to prepare yourself adequately. With these interview tips and tricks, you’re now in a better position to transform yourself into a compelling candidate for the job.

May the force be with you and don’t forget to explore our blog more career tips and insights.


7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Deep Sleep

7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More

7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Deep Sleep

According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), 50-70 million people in the U.S. have some sort of sleep disorder. Insomnia is the most common disorder, followed by obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

Sleep deprivation can lead to heart problems, obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, depression, and chronic kidney disease.

Everyone’s sleeping needs are different, but to function properly during the day, you need at least 5-6 hours of sleep. This is when the body goes through deep regeneration and rest, and the brain processes the information it absorbed the previous day.

Check out these seven useful tips on how to get more deep sleep and wake up well-rested and feeling great the next morning.

1. Remove All Electronics From the Bedroom

Want to know how to get deep sleep without interruptions? Don’t sleep in a room full of electronic devices. 

Not only are they distracting, but they also emit blue light which can hinder your ability to fall asleep. Not to mention screens put an enormous strain onto your eyes and make your brain stay active to process useless information.

2. Boost Your Melatonin Production

Melatonin is the hormone your body produces at night that’s responsible for making you sleepy. One of the reasons why you’re not getting enough deep sleep can be a melatonin deficiency.

This can wreak havoc on the body and lead to a host of physical and mental issues like depression, heart problems, and reduced focus and productivity.

The body typically starts producing the most melatonin around 9-10 pm. In normal conditions, this is when you’d start to get sleepy and drowsy. However, if your melatonin levels are low or disrupted, consider taking supplements to help balance them out. You should also try sleeping in a completely dark room and remove all sources of light before bed. 

3. Avoid Caffeine Before Bed

If you go to bed at a decent time but have trouble actually falling asleep, coffee may be the culprit. Look into the amount of caffeine you consume during the day and see what time you have your last coffee of the day.

Caffeine is a strong substance and the body needs several hours to completely flush it out of the system. For example, if you had your last coffee at 4-5 pm, your body may still have caffeine in it at 10-11 pm. Some people metabolize caffeine faster, and others slower.

To see if coffee affects your sleep, do an experiment and reduce your consumption or eliminate it altogether. You can have decaf coffee during the day to help you transition, but some teas and energy drinks also have caffeine, so be careful.

4. Create a Bedtime Routine

You can actually learn how to fall asleep easier and it’s not by counting sheep. Notice your habits a couple of hours before bedtime. Are you on your phone scrolling through social media? Do you drink coffee at night or leave your daily exercises for the evening?

These activities can overstimulate your body and brain, making it difficult to fall asleep. This is why you need to create a bedtime routine which should begin depending on how much deep sleep should you get to wake up rested.

The routine should include relaxation activities and winding down rituals, and you should go to bed at the same time every night, weekends included. 

5. Get a New Mattress

One of the most common reasons why you can’t get quality sleep is an old, low-quality pillow and mattress. 

A pillow that’s too soft and doesn’t provide sufficient support for the head and neck can lead to breathing problems and disrupted sleep. A mattress that doesn’t support the back and consists of low-density materials can lead to back problems and sleepless nights.

The best mattresses are made of high-density memory foam that’s breathable, adapts to your body weight and shape, and is firm enough to survive your tossing and turning. High-quality mattress brands like Layla Sleep don’t come cheap, but you get what you pay for.

6. Synchronize Your Sleep Cycle

Sleep occurs in several cycles, but not all of them are deep sleep. One cycle is around 90-120 minutes long and there are 4-5 in one complete sleep cycle.

You get the best quality sleep in the hours between 11 pm and 2 am, which means if you’re not in bed by 11, you’re automatically disrupting your sleep cycle. Also, 8 hours of sleep from 11 pm to 7 am are not the same quality as sleeping from 1 am to 9 am.

Want to know exactly how much deep sleep do you need per night? Use a sleep cycle calculator or alarm clock that does this for you. You shouldn’t wake up in the middle of a cycle, i.e. interrupt it, as this leads to grogginess and fatigue. Go for complete sleep cycles because this way, no matter how many hours you sleep, you’ll wake up well rested.

7. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress is the no. 1 enemy of your mental and physical health, and consequently, your sleep. If you have a stressful, fast-paced job or you’re going through a personal rough patch and not getting enough rest, your sleep will suffer.

The brain produces stress hormones that make the nervous system overly-alert, even at night. When stress reaches a peak point, you start getting less and less sleep and may even struggle with insomnia.

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to meditate for 10-15 minutes before bed. You can also do some light yoga, listen to soothing music, have a cup of Valerian tea or do your bedtime routine.

Use These Tips To Learn How to Get More Deep Sleep

Quality sleep is essential to our wellbeing. Sleep deprivation can lead to brain fog, reduced productivity, irritability, and depression.

If you’re suffering from insomnia or wondering how to get more deep sleep, these tips will help you get your sleeping pattern in order.

Want more wellness tips and productivity hacks? Check out our self-improvement and motivation blog where we share the best advice on becoming the best version of yourself.


Web Design Tips and Tricks

Web Design Tips and Tricks

How to Improve a Website: Web Design Tips and Tricks


Your website isn’t just a place where people can go to get information about your business or services. It’s also an opportunity to draw in potential customers and create more sales.

If your website isn’t getting you more business, then it’s time to make some changes.

Wondering where to start? Don’t stress! You’re in the right place.

Make a Plan First

Once you’ve made the decision to amp up your webpage, it’s important to make a plan. This will help keep you focused and ensure that you’re optimizing your time and money.

To make the best plan possible, take the time to do some research. Check out website designing articles online and figure out what your website is missing.

Click around on your competitors’ websites, too. What’s working for them? By witnessing what makes a great website firsthand, you can make a clear plan to improve your web strategy.

What to Get Rid Of

Before adding any new elements to your website, trim the fat. This means clearing clutter, removing cheesy stock photos, and taking any unnecessary information off of each page.

Don’t be afraid to be ruthless. The more you can get rid of, the more space you will have for awesome new content.

Add Easily Accessible Social Media Buttons

Now that you have a nice, clean slate to work with, focus on introducing useful web design elements. A great place to start is with accessible social media buttons.

After all, there are over two billion social media users worldwide. So if you’re not tapping into this market, you’re missing out on a ton of potential sales. By including simple buttons that allow users to share and follow your pages, you’ll increase traffic and improve accessibility.

Tell Your Story

Including an “About Us” section of your website is a great opportunity to connect with potential clients on a personal level. What makes your business and the people who work there special?

Use this element to tell a story. Not only will this help clients get to know you better, it will also give you another way to market yourself and your products or services.

Incorporate Calls-to-Action

Think of a new visitor to your website as a lost little lamb. If you don’t herd them in the right direction, they won’t know which way to go!

A call-to-action is an element on your website that show users where to go next. They are important to incorporate throughout your webpage to increase clarity and a user-friendly experience.

Use CTA’s to show potential clients that you can solve their problems. If you can do that, you’ll gain their trust and their business.

How to Improve a Website with Pictures

Check out the photos on your webpage. What message are they conveying to your visitors?

If your site hosts boring, basic pictures, it’s time to do better. The goal here is to gain the trust of potential clients by showing them who you are.

Use personal photos of real employees to achieve this. And don’t be afraid to have fun with it!

Focus on Easy Navigation

Want to know the quickest way to lose a potential sale online? By having a webpage that is difficult to navigate.

After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea. If your website is clunky or confusing, people will move onto the next one without a thought.

To avoid confusion, focus on accessibility and smooth transitions when redesigning your website’s layout. At every turn, ask yourself, “Is there a way I can make this even easier for users?”

Embrace Empty Spaces

When it comes to web design, white space is a good thing! In fact, it’s an essential part of organization and readability for your website.

Although it may be tempting to cram as much information into your web pages as possible, this isn’t an effective way to communicate with the general public. Users need negative space around text and images for both clarity and to avoid visual over-stimulation.

If you review your website and you don’t see enough white space, it’s time to strip away some visual material. Leave only what is vital for communication.

Test Your Website on Real People

Even if you think that your website is picture perfect, others may have a different experience. And what better way to find out than to test your page on real people who you trust?

Enlist family, friends, or current customers for advice. Have them scroll and click around your website for various purposes, like learning about your services or contacting you. Listen to their feedback and let it guide you moving forward.

Mobile Optimization is a Must

These days, people use cell phones for everything. This includes learning about services through the web and shopping online.

Visit your website from a mobile browser. Is it easy to use and navigate?

If not, make fixing this issue your number one priority. You could be missing out on a lot of business if your website is not mobile-friendly.

You Don’t Need to Do It on Your Own

Website design is no easy task! And unless you’re an expert, you’re sure to run into some trouble while trying to optimize your web pages.

Remember, there are people out there who can help. Professional website design companies, like Finepoint Design, will ensure that your website is running at its full potential. Hiring a design company is a smart investment in your future.

Make Your Website Stand Out

As you can see, proper website design is a vital part of optimizing your business and harnessing potential sales. And when it comes to learning how to improve a website, all you need to do is use the tips above as a guide.

By making your website as clear and accessible as possible, you will encourage customer interaction, and increase user satisfaction. Focus on mobile optimization, visual organization, and social media accessibility for the best results.

Did you enjoy this website designing article? Click here for even more information to help you improve your site’s design.