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Psychologists Explain 4 Things That Make A Relationship Work

Psychologists Explain 4 Things That Make A Relationship Work

We all want to make a relationship work–and ever better, for an entire lifetime! Sadly, the fact is that a lot of relationships don’t make it that far. You likely want to do everything you can to avoid having your partnership meet that fate!

Many strive to discover the secret to a happy relationship, and the answer is more complicated than just one be-all-end-all! Here’s how psychologists explain four things that make a relationship work.

1.    Positive Thinking Helps Make a Relationship Work

Positive thinking is a powerful thing, capable of completely changing your perception of any given situation. It’s also something you need to have if you want to keep a relationship healthy.

This has to be a mutual choice between both partners in the relationship, says Licensed Psychotherapist, author, and radio show host Barton Goldsmith. Both of you have to decide to control how you carry yourselves to promote more positive behavior and manage moods together as a team.

Here are some tips for developing positive thinking that can help make your relationship work:

·         Approach Problems With A Positive Mindset

When there’s a conflict or severe issue, pause and breathe before launching straight into combat mode. With positive motivation, problems are more likely to be solved through compromise and open-mindedness, says Monte Drenner, a licensed mental health counselor.

·         Share Positive Events In Your Life

When good things happen, seek out your partner and tell them about it. Numerous studies have found that sharing these positive points in your life – especially when you feel excited to tell your partner the great news – can facilitate a stronger bond.

·         Foster Good Self-Worth

Positive thinking applies to each partner, too. You must have healthy self-worth that isn’t attached to having a partner or how your partner makes you feel. If you rely too much on your partner for happiness, things will fall apart pretty quickly! You need to feel secure enough in yourself that other people’s opinions don’t damage your self-esteem, says School of Love NYC founder and dating coach Monika Parikh.

·         Reminisce On Times Of Laughter

Did you know that studies have shown that laughing together and then looking back on that laughter together is great for a relationship? Dr. Megan Stubbs, a relationship and intimacy expert, states that asking each other about your favorite happy memories together is a great way to begin reminiscing. The shared emotions and memories bring you together and can even make you think of the future to come.

2.    Communication Can Make a Relationship Work

There’s a reason that so many people say communication is the secret to a happy relationship. No human being can read minds, so you need to talk to your partner about different concerns you have or opinions you hold, says Goldsmith.

·         Share Your Downs

Being vulnerable can be scary, but it’s part of communication. Your partner can’t know how you feel if you don’t tell them. Licensed psychologist, Rapport Relationships founder, and dating coach, Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes, even goes so far as to state that letting down your guard can be a huge part of intimacy as a whole.

·         Don’t Make Assumptions

No matter how well you believe, you know your partner, making assumptions is a surefire way to land yourself in confusing misunderstandings. Lasting Connections founder and psychologist Sameera Sullivan points out that mind reading in this manner can be dangerous and that it’s much better to ask instead of assuming to avoid hurting anyone in the process.

·         Talk About Boundaries

Knowing your limits is essential in a relationship, and many relationships will suffer from silence and ignoring these problems than they will ever suffer from violence, says Parikh. Don’t ignore your partner’s crossing of limits or things that hurt you. Talk about them and be direct and clear about where your boundaries are. Don’t become compliant. Avoiding a fight isn’t as positive as it sounds, and couples that fight healthily and regularly often have a stronger relationship. You should feel comfortable discussing these things with your partner; if not, that could be a huge red flag.

3.    Positive Reinforcement

Reinforcement is the act of continuing to make it clear that you love and appreciate your partner. It’s easy to accidentally fall out of the habit of being sweet and romantic to someone you’ve been in a relationship with for years and years.

But leaving the honeymoon phase doesn’t mean the sweetness should end, says Goldsmith. If anything, you need to continue working on your relationship forever, and you shouldn’t become complacent in the way you show your affection. Here are some ways to make sure positive reinforcement is still a part of your relationship:

·         Encourage And Support Your Partner

Offering words of encouragement shows that you think of your partner’s experiences and pay attention to what they’re going through. Expressing admiration at their improvements or successes and being supportive in more challenging times tells your partner that you care.

·         Surprise Your Partner Now And Then

These surprises show you’re thinking of your partner outside of the typical red-letter days. Clinical psychologist Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., also The Kurre and Klapow Show’s host, recommends tangible romantic gestures. Instead of sending emails or texts, buy tiny gifts, write small letters, or help them check something off their to-do list!

·         Schedule A Date Night

Date nights are a break from mundane, everyday life, states Maple Holistics Health and Wellness Expert Caleb Backe. You’re choosing to spend quality time with your partner outside of your daily life. They’re your partner in relaxation and the hustle and bustle. Plus, it’s fun to get that time to yourselves to hang out! It spices things up. You get to talk to each other and rekindle a spark. There’s no denying the positive effects these dates have, so make them a regular thing!

·         Hold Hands In Public

Klapow recommends that you and your partner hold hands in public – just like you did when you first began dating! This act is intimate but public, a display that you and your partner are together. It’s also a natural way to bond through touch while indicating that you are happily there for your partner, always!

·         Kiss Each Other More Often

When you first started courting your significant other, kissing was probably a highlight of your dates. As time goes on, in most relationships, make-out sessions are replaced by quick, chaste pecks on the lips or a kiss on the cheek. Sarah A. Intelligator, a Family Law lawyer and owner of the Law Offices of Sarah A. Intelligator, recommends that you never stop kissing each other as you did before. When you eliminate these heated shows of affection, you’re subconsciously sending the message that your partner is less desirable to you, and that can sour intimacy and fun.

·         Keep Romance Alive

Just because you’re comfortable with each other doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still flirt and be sappy partners in love! Keep buying flowers. Keep doing romantic things. Be embarrassingly romantic. Act like you’re still in the early “chase” stages of your relationship. You’d be surprised how much that can help keep the spark alive!

4.    Be Your People

When you’ve been with someone for a very long time, it’s easy to slip into a state where you don’t do anything without the other. You become almost interchangeable and, in the worst-case scenario, could get codependent.

This is very unhealthy because the common idea that a partnership is two halves making a whole is not accurate. A partnership is two whole people coming together out of love and appreciation. Your entire life shouldn’t be about your partner, and you shouldn’t be relying on them to give you everything you need. That’s too much pressure for anyone, and it’s blatantly unfair to yourself, too.

Here are some tips for being your own person while still being a unified couple in a relationship:

·         Give Each Other Space

Everyone needs alone time. Even the happiest couples need individual time to themselves, says Parikh. Learn to be comfortable and feel positive without your partner next to you at all times. Lead your own life! Have your own hobbies! Have your own me-time! And of course, respect that your partner also needs all of that, too.

·         Assess Yourself And Grow On Your Own

You need to be a strong person on your own, continually learning and growing with the years, to maintaining a healthy relationship. Your partner should be doing the same. That’s why you need to evaluate and assess yourself, says Amy Bishop, M.S., a couples therapist. There’s no denying that even the very best people can have negative or questionable behavior. We all have toxic or bad sides to us because we’re human and flawed. Your job is to continue learning from your mistakes and being aware of the things you need to work on. Put effort into growing and developing as a person, and your relationship will grow, mature, and become healthier with you. Don’t let your pride stop you from acknowledging your weaknesses!

·         Have Separate Friends

According to research, the least positive relationships most likely to fall apart are those where you have all the same mutual friends. Think about it – you have the same support group and have no social circles of your own, which is far from a positive factor. Worse still, if the relationship falls apart, the friend group is caught in an uncomfortable situation. Mutual friends are good, but have separate circles on top of that, too!

·         Take Care Of Yourself

You’re a grown adult, and you don’t need another human being to look out for you all the time. You get to decide what you want and need and how to spend your time. Yes, you should take your partner into account when your decisions or actions affect them. But if it’s just about you, then be independent! You don’t need your partner to help you with everything or be there for every second of your life, says Parikh. Having one person as your only go-to is toxic for them and for you. Besides, you can always tell your partner about your individual adventures later!

Final Thoughts On Some Things That Make A Relationship Work

Making a relationship works takes effort. You need to stay positive, communicate well, make sure your partner knows you love them, and continue to work on yourself. It might not be easy, but if you love the person you’re dating or married to, it’s certainly worth it!


10 Ways to Ensure Work Does Not Eclipse Family Time »

10 Ways to Ensure Work Does Not Eclipse Family Time

We live in a society where our jobs demand a lot from us. As someone who wants to succeed and over-achieve, it can turn you into a workaholic. However, it’s essential to make sure that you don’t put aside family time for work.

It’s essential to have a healthy work-life balance. Many divorces happen because a spouse is never around. In fact, according to a study done by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, a marriage with a workaholic spouse is twice as likely to divorce.

You can avoid this statistic by taking steps to keep your work balanced with your life. Here are 15 ways to ensure that your work doesn’t overtake your family time.

1. Have a cutoff time for work.

When you’re really into your work, and you’re making significant progress, it can be tempting to keep working. You may think that if you push, you can get the job done well before the deadline, making you the star employee. Maybe if you just put in some extra hours, you’ll get that promotion, raise, or recognition you’ve been craving.

This desire to continuously work is simply ambition. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious. There is also nothing wrong with being a workaholic – when you’re single.

However, when you have a family, you need to spend time with them. You need to have a cutoff time for work so that family time can begin. If possible, set this time in stone so you’ll have an exact transition point.

2. Focus on work during work hours, so you get it done.

If you have a fair bit of freedom with your job, sometimes you may get distracted during the time that you’re supposed to be working. With so much happening around you each day, it’s easy to lose focus. Social media, friends and family, events, news, and more can take up some of your focus.

When this happens, it can distract you from getting your job done promptly. Then, later in the day, you may find yourself rushing to get your work done. You may end up having to work late because you didn’t manage your time efficiently.

Don’t be a victim of time mismanagement. Find a way to focus on work during work hours, so you don’t have to work overtime. This will allow you to prioritize time with your family like you should be doing.

3. Don’t miss important family events.

Work is always going to seem like it’s so vital that you can’t put anything above it. However, you need to remember that it’s not an essential thing in your life. Your family is the most crucial thing in your life, and you don’t want life to pass you by while you’re stuck in the office.

This means you shouldn’t miss out on important family moments. Birthdays and anniversaries should never be put off because of work. Your kid’s recitals or baseball games should never be missed because you must go into the office.

Remember, these are moments that you can’t get back. Work will still be there tomorrow.

4. Don’t bring your work home.

Unless you have a work-at-home job, you should never bring your work home with you. In fact, that goes against the first point – having a cutoff time for work. If you follow the first bit of advice, you won’t have to worry about bringing your work home.

Work is work. Home is home. You should never mix the two. Give your family your full attention at home. Your family understands that your job is essential, but they need to know that they aren’t second-place in your life.

It’s understandable if you need to bring work home once in a blue moon. However, it should never be a regular thing.

5. Set work boundaries.

Your job, boss, and coworkers will take as much from you as you allow them to. This means if you don’t set clear boundaries, they’ll contact you and demand from you around the clock if they need to. Even if you’re not at work, they’ll continuously contact you, which can eat into your family time.

You’ve probably seen people on vacation, but their phones are constantly ringing with work-related issues. Perhaps you’ve seen that person at a family function, but they’re obsessed with a flurry of emails. Don’t be that person.

When it’s family time, work should be put on the back burner. Let your boss and your coworkers know this in advance, and stick to it.

6. Take days off.

If you have days that are scheduled off, take them off. These are days where you can focus on family and other parts of your life. Don’t let your job drag you in on those days.

Your days off are meant for you to recharge, so you don’t burn out. After all, what good is working if you never have time to enjoy the fruits of your labor? These are days where you can put your family first, so don’t boot them to second place if your job calls.

Your job isn’t going anywhere. It will be there on your next scheduled day. Plus, not going in on your days off will help your bosses learn to manage the schedule better. It seems like you’re helping everyone by not going in on your days off.

7. Remember, you have a life outside of work.

Work isn’t everything! Or at least it shouldn’t be everything. If it is everything, you really need to get a life.

There is a whole world outside of your office. If you’re always working, your family is out enjoying that world without you. They probably won’t even get to tell you about it because you’re not even around for a conversation.

Work is important, but you only get one life. Take the time to enjoy all that it has to offer and make lasting memories with your family.

8. Make sure you’re valued at work.

You may not have thought about this, but your happiness at work can have a direct impact on how you interact with your family. If you’re miserable at work, a place that you’re spending a large chunk of your day at, you might bring that feeling home with you. Your family will be able to tell if you’re feeling miserable.

Make sure that you love your job and that you’re valued at work. You’re human – dealing with bad vibes and emotions all day will end up wearing you down. You don’t want those vibes to affect your family life. The best way to keep this from happening is by avoiding them altogether.

9. Make your family feel special.

If you know you’ve been working a lot lately, maybe it’s time to do something special for your family. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive (unless you can afford it). Small surprises go a long way.

Although doing extraordinary things for your family makes them feel good, it can also keep you grounded. It will remind you why you’re doing what you do.

Seeing how much they love your special gesture, and more importantly, how they love sharing that special gesture with you can make family time that much more special. You’ll begin to crave that time and affection, so you’re more likely to make sure that work doesn’t overtake that particular family time.

10. Remember why you’re working in the first place.

Working when you’re single is vastly different from working when you’re married with children. When you’re single, your primary focus is probably something along the lines of promotions, raises, being the MVP at work, and climbing the corporate ladder. However, having a family changes that focus (or at least it should).

This doesn’t mean that you can’t be ambitious if you have a family. It merely means that the most important thing to you has changed. You’re working for your family. You’re working to make sure they’re taken care of.

Your family is not okay if you aren’t around. They need you. Yes, they need a house and a car and other things, but keep in mind that the reason you’re working so hard in the first place is your family. Don’t ever put your job ahead of them.

Final Thoughts on Not Letting Work Overtake Family Time

You love your job. That’s wonderful, primarily since you’ve worked so hard to get where you are. However, you may find that your job isn’t as fulfilling if you don’t have anyone to share the successes with.

You need to remember that your family is just as important as succeeding at work. In fact, they are probably the reason you work so hard. Don’t use that as an excuse to work around the clock.

By utilizing the 15 tips given in this article, you can make sure that you prioritize family time. This way, you’ll have a great work-life balance. Don’t delay in implementing these tips! Your family needs you.


How Does an Installment Loan Work Exactly?

How Does an Installment Loan Work Exactly?

How Does an Installment Loan Work Exactly?

Americans carry over $14 trillion dollars in debt.

There are many types of loans that people can take out that contribute to this debt. Some are for specific purposes, while others are more general and you can use the money how you please. 

Loan products work in different ways. For example, credit cards are a type of revolving credit whereas an auto loan is a type of installment loan. How does an installment loan work? That’s what we’re going to dig into here. Check it out!

What Is an Installment Loan?

Installment loans go by many names — mortgages, car loans, student loans, personal loans, and more. 

Understanding how installment loans work is quite simple. They get the name because you take out a lump sum and then pay it back in installments over a period of time. Your payment is set at a certain amount each month and you keep making payments until you pay off the loan.

This is different from credit cards where you can keep taking out small amounts and either pay in full each month or make smaller payments. As long as you make the minimum payment you don’t get in trouble, but you do pay a lot of interest. 

Smaller installment loans, like personal loans up to $5,000, are easy to get online through a lender like The process is quick and you can usually get approval in minutes after filling out a simple application. 

Benefits of Installment Loans

With a set repayment period and monthly payment amount, consumer installment loans can offer lower interest rates than credit cards. The higher your credit score, the lower an interest rate you’ll pay. 

Some installment loans come with built-in collateral, like a home loan, or you can offer collateral. Collateral is an asset that the lender can seize if you default on the loan. This lowers their risk, allowing them to lower your interest rate even more.

If you’re having trouble with high credit card balances, one option is to take out a debt consolidation loan. This is an installment loan that you use to pay off your high-interest credit cards. Afterward, you make payments on this lower-interest loan to finally clear your debt. (As long as you don’t keep charging those credit cards, that is.) 

Generally, even if you have poor credit, you can work with a lender to take out an installment loan. Keep in mind, however, that your interest rate will be a bit higher. You can also use installment loans to help boost your credit score by making on-time payments in full. 

How Does an Installment Loan Work? It’s Simple!

So how does an installment loan work, exactly? We hope this quick crash course answered your main questions. As usual with loan products, installment loans can be a helpful financial tool if used correctly. While it’s harder to get in trouble with installment loans than with credit cards, you should still be vigilant in how you use these so you don’t get in over your head.

Looking for more great advice? Check out more articles on our site!





Wake up and Work: 7 Tips for Setting up a Home Office for Remote Work

Wake up and Work: 7 Tips for Setting up a

Wake up and Work: 7 Tips for Setting up a Home Office for Remote Work

You’re thinking of setting up a home office for remote work and you don’t know where to start. Whether you’re working remotely due to the pandemic or decided to pick up a side hustle to make some extra money, working from home provides many benefits.

You’ll save money on gas. Avoid the rush hour commute. Eat lunch in the luxury of your home. And spend more time with your family.

But setting up a home office takes more than working on your laptop on the couch or kitchen table. Here are seven important tips to consider when setting up your home office.

1. Choosing Furniture

When purchasing home office furniture, you want to keep a few things in mind. First, you need the right-sized space to do your work. Will you be working on a laptop? You could get away with a small desk.

But if you need room to spread paperwork around, you may need something larger. Do you have room for an executive desk? Or does your desk space only afford you forty-eight inches?

The size of the room you have to work with will dictate the furniture you need to purchase such as a desk, bookcases, filing cabinets, and additional tables. Make sure to use a comfortable chair at the appropriate height to work comfortably. Or find one that’s adjustable.

2. Create a Healthy Work Environment

When setting up a home office for remote work, your environment should be a healthy one. Consider placing plants around the room to get additional oxygen.

Don’t work in a room where people smoke if there are smokers in your home. Another idea is to have sufficient task lighting. Enough to see your workspace, but not too bright causing eye strain and squinting.

If you work at the computer for many hours, consider adjusting the blue light on your display. Blue light is harmful to the eyes when you’re exposed to it for long periods of time. You can pick up a pair of blue light glasses if your computer doesn’t have the ability to use the night vision mode.

3. Set Yourself Up to Be Productive

It’s easy to get sidetracked when you’re at home. The phone rings. You receive emails. Your Twitter feed and social media apps never end. Consider turning off the alerts or using a program that limits the use of social media.

Some apps actually block social media. But don’t worry if you have a social program for work such as Slack. You can set up the preferences in the apps to tell them which sites you want to block and leave others alone.

Another way to be productive is to create a schedule. Especially if your boss isn’t tracking the time you spend doing your work on a company portal.

Plan work times with appropriate breaks, time for lunch, and stick to your schedule. You’ll be surprised at how much work you get done. Plus, you won’t need to attend all those impromptu meetings held at the office lasting half the day.

4. Separate Your Workspace from Shared Areas

Don’t have a private room to do your work? Well, don’t set up your space in the middle of the kitchen or the living room.

Your family may want to watch TV, do their homework on the sofa or the kitchen table. Choose a quiet, peaceful space where you can concentrate. Additionally, an area designated for your work will make you feel more like a professional.

5. Designing and Decorating Your Space

When you’re setting up a home office for remote work, you may want to make your space appear like it’s an office. Find a style that suits your taste. Maybe even paint the room.

If your room has bright red walls, you may want to tone it down. You may want to choose a color more conducive to working in an office environment. To coordinate the space, pick up some accessories.

Want to do a gold theme? Pick up a pencil case and a container for paper clips. You can even buy gold paper clips. These kinds of touches make a great way to personalize your space and make it more productive.

6. Minimize Family Distractions

If you live with your family, let them know in advance that you don’t want to be disturbed. If you have an extra room to use as an office, consider putting a “do not disturb” sign on the door and keep the door closed to minimize interruptions. 

While that won’t guarantee you’ll never get an occasional (hopefully occasional) knock on the door, it will help to make interruptions less frequent than keeping the door open and family members walking into your office to ask a question every hour.

If you live with roommates, ask them to keep the noise down while you’re working if they raise the volume beyond a level you can bear.

7. Keep Your Work Area Positive

It’s important to maintain a positive state of mind when you’re working remotely as well as any time of the day. Unexpected problems occur at work and at home. Clients go with other companies. Your boss loses their temper.

Your child gets sick. The principal calls you because your kiddo has acted up inappropriately. Many situations can put you in a bad mood. 

Try to roll with the punches. Don’t let mishaps and obstacles get you down. They’re often unavoidable. You can deal with them after work if they’re not emergencies. A good way to feel positive is to listen to soft music or meditation tapes while you’re working.

Of course, if this distracts you, think of some other options. One possibility is to place posters with positive sayings you like on the wall. Or positive quotes in frames on your desk. Have a few post-it notes with positive affirmations in front of you.

Is there a painting that lifts your spirits such as lovely Monet oil painting? An Andrew Wyeth watercolor? Hang it on the wall for some creative, positive inspiration. Color and nature affect our state of mine.

7 Helpful Tips Revisited: Setting Up A Home Office for Remote Work

Follow these proven tips for setting up a home office for remote work. These home office ideas will help you create a positive, productive work environment, achieve your goals, and earn an income.

Need more helpful tips career tips and more? Explore our extensive collection of articles.



10 Quiet Games for Kids to Play While You Work From Home| 6 Min. Read

10 Quiet Games for Kids to Play While You Work

Do you need to come up with some games for kids that keep them quiet while you’re working? Do you dread hearing your youngsters whine about being bored? What’s a busy work-at-home parent like you to do?

In the past, children found creative ways to keep themselves occupied when the weather was terrible. Many of today’s kids just want to vegetate in front of the tv or play video games for hours. Is that a familiar scenario at your place?

Statistics are alarming for the average number of hours most American children play on technology. While limited tv and gaming has its place, you probably want your children to spend more time without it. Besides, your home job may require Internet work, and your connection speed can be slowed down with the whole family using it at once.

Children need structure, so consider making a daily schedule to help balance the needs of your home. Use a poster or whiteboard, write each child’s name on it, and block out the time they each get for technology. Fill the rest of the spaces with exciting games, activities, lunch hour, and rest time.

Before school is out and the battle against boredom begins, you must be prepared. Your little ones can have fun, and you can get your work done in peace.

Here are ten games for kids that they will love to play while you are “at work.”

games for kids

1. Puzzle Time

Children of all ages enjoy a challenge, especially riddles and puzzles. These can be done individually or as a group. The good news is that these fun past times don’t require a lot of noise, which is good for you.

You can find beautiful jigsaw styles inexpensively for any age level. Set up a small table in a quiet space of the house where the kids can work on them. It can stay in place, and they can work on it a little bit each day.

Dollar stores usually have plenty of word searches, crosswords, and other gamebooks for children. Provide crayons, colored pencils, and markers, and store them in plastic containers. The Internet is a free source of free printable games and color sheets to copy.

2. Scavenger Hunt

When it’s raining and blustery outside, your youngsters can still have an adventure. Remember the scavenger hunts you enjoyed as a kid? This treasure hunting game can be just as thrilling indoors.

Beforehand, gather several unusual items and make a list of them. Hide each item in a creative place, considering your children’s age level. Give each child a list of things to find and a pencil to check them during the hunt.

Although healthy competition is suitable for children, you don’t want your scavenger hunt to turn into a noisy brawl. Give each kid a little prize after the game for a job well done. For even more exciting adventures, consider giving your hunt themes, like beach items or beauty stuff.

3. I Spy

Here is a game that kids have loved for generations that is quiet and doesn’t require anything. There’s no age limit, and they can play the game inside, outside, or even while traveling. I Spy encourages kids to use their imagination, guessing skills, and color memory.

To play, one child is chosen to be the spy. He will look around the room and will pick any object to keep in his mind. Then, he will say, “I spy with my little eyes, and the color of it is…” and will say what color the secret object is.

Each child gets a turn to guess one object. The guessing continues around the circle until someone guesses it correctly. The winner becomes the new spy for the next game.

empathy class

4. Fun Challenges on Paper

If you have a pile of scrap paper and some pencils, you can keep your youngsters busy for hours. The rules for tic-tac-toe are simple for even the youngest children as they battle to see if X, O, or the kitty wins.

Your little ones can also improve their spelling and vocabulary by playing the classic Hangman. Who will guess the mystery word before the gallows are drawn? How about a game for kids of Dots and Squares, where players vie for squares to write their initials?

Another fun game with paper is making a classic fortune teller. The paper is folded into triangles that you work back and forth with your fingers and open for a funny fortune. Use bright colored paper and find an easy template online to make them.

5. Hand Games

Many adults still play Rock, Paper, and Scissors to choose someone for a dreaded task. Teach the kids the hand sign for rock, paper, and scissors and how to clap with their fist. Then, teach the rules about what item trumps the other.

Your kids can also learn amazing tricks using a length of string tied into a circle and arranged into designs on their fingers. If you don’t remember how to make the classic designs like Jacob’s Ladder, Eiffel Tower, or Spider’s Web, look for online tutorials under games for kids.

The iconic yo-yo is making its way back to toy departments across America. These little toys on a string are easy to work, and your kids can learn to make them do amazing tricks. When your kids play with their yo-yos, be sure they have enough space away from breakables.

6. Home Bingo

Bingo can be played with numbers, letters, shapes, or even objects. Home Bingo is a hybrid of a scavenger hunt and Bingo and can be made age-appropriate. It can be played in one room or around the house.

Create a simple 5 X 5 square grid on the computer and print them out. For each card, write the names of different household items in each square, making each card different. An older child can call out random things that the others can mark off of their card.

The winner calls Bingo when she has marked off five items vertically or horizontally. Then, she becomes the next Bingo caller. Print out several cards for multiple games.

7. Quiet as a Mouse

Fortunately for parents who work from home, the object of some games for kids is silence. When your kids play a game of Mouse, you may wonder if they are even in the house. It’s a fun game that you don’t have to hear.

Players get in a circle, and the chosen leader says, “One, two, three, mouse!” Everyone must stay quiet or be eliminated. The last person to keep the silence is the winner, and the game restarts. After a good game of Mouse, your busy mice may be ready for a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches.

8. Classic Games for Kids

Two of the classic games for kids that are enjoying a revival are jacks and marbles. You may have heard your parents talk about it or have played the games yourself. These were favorite playground games that are just as fun indoors.

You can purchase a set of jacks or marbles in most department stores or online. Vintage metal jacks and glass marbles are collectible and can be quite expensive. Today’s finds are cheap and easy to find.

For either game, your kids will need some space to make a circle. If you don’t know or remember the rules for the game, find and print them out from your computer. Explain the rules for younger children.

Learn 10 tricks to help make parenting a more joyful experience.

9. Using Play Money for Games

Do you have play money left from old board games? Create games for kids, so they learn how to count money and shop. Help your youngsters set up a store or a bank, and they will be counting cash all day.

For the store, give each child some play money and set out a few canned goods or other small things for them to purchase. You can also let them play bank and cash paper checks. These fun games are good ways to teach your kids about business and home economics.

10. Thumb Wrestling

Arm wrestling can be a challenging sport, so thumb wrestling is the next best thing. To make the game fair, pair up kids that are around the same age and ability. While the game is usually quiet, you may hear a little giggling.

The kids pair up and clasp one of each other’s hands, thumbs up. Then, they use only their thumbs to wrestle and hold their opponent’s thumb down for the count of three. Winners can challenge each other for a final championship.

games for kids

Final Thoughts: Mastering Quiet Games at Home

It’s not an easy task to work at home and keep your children quiet and occupied. When you plan games for kids that are creative and exciting, you are less likely to hear them whine about boredom.

So, the kids get to have fun playing quiet games, and you can get your work done. Even something as simple as a word search can make a big difference in your day.


Counselors Reveal How to Work From Home with Kids (And Still Have Boundaries)

Counselors Reveal How to Work From Home with Kids (And

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular today. For the family with children, a stay at home job means that you don’t need to pay the exorbitant daycare bills. However, it takes a unique person to work from home with kids and juggle everything.

Children thrive in their home environment. Having the pleasure of working from home means that you get to be a part of all their milestones. Additionally, you don’t need to worry about what may or may not be happening at the daycare or babysitters’ home.

Setting Boundaries When You Work From Home With Kids

No one can care for your child like you. Consequently, it’s a real balancing act to try to juggle the role of employee and parent simultaneously. How can you bring in the bacon while making lunch and changing diapers too? Here are some healthy boundaries to help you make working from home with kids a success.

work from home with kids

1. Maintain A Routine

Some jobs are a bit more restrictive than others. Whether you can work whenever you want, or you need to punch the virtual time clock doesn’t matter. You must have a routine to be successful.

It’s easy to get your days and nights mixed up when you allow the children to dictate the routine. To feel and be a success in this job setting, you need a schedule. The beauty of being at home is that you can lay in that extra 15 minutes or you can take a longer lunch.

Get up bright and early and start your day. You don’t need to account for traffic on the commute and dressing for success. Just make sure you keep a schedule so that the children don’t get their sleep patterns off balance, which can affect the entire home.

2. Have A Dedicated Workspace

Working from your dining room or the coffee table in the living room will only last so long. You must have a dedicated space so that you can be organized. Also, the children must learn that this area is off-limits to little hands.

If you’re lucky to have a room where you can close the door, then it works out great. No matter where you set your home office, it must be a space that allows you to concentrate. If your children are younger, then you will need to be close to keep an eye on them.

Kids of all ages must learn that they can’t mess with your papers, scissors, pens, or other necessary office supplies. Establish early on that your space is for you only. Having clear rules about your work area will help to learn the importance of leaving you and your things alone in this zone.

If your children are older and more responsible, then you may want to put a sign on the door to let them know when it’s safe to come in. If you’re going to be on a conference call or doing a Skype chat, then you want to put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door.

Having some simple boundaries can save you from some embarrassing situations that can arise as you work from home with kids.

pop quotes

3. Have A Sitter on Back-Up

While working from home allows you the freedom to watch your children, there may be times when you need to go to the office. Each career has different demands, and you must be flexible to adjust to those requirements. If you need to go to a meeting, then your boss is not going to want you to bring the children along.

Have a person that you can trust to watch your kids for a few hours each week, if necessary. Even if you don’t need to go to the office, you must get out and get some fresh air at times. You and your children will enjoy a break from each other on occasion.

4. Enhance Your Ability to Focus on One Task at a Time

Before you even begin your job where you work from home with kids, you need to be a multi-tasker. You may be changing diapers while talking to your boss or a client. You need to learn the power of the mute button on the phone.

Get a good pair of earbuds that have noise cancellation features. There are times when you need to ask the children to be quiet, and you don’t want the entire office to hear your banter with the youngsters. No matter how hard you try to mold them, your children are not always going to be perfect angels.

It takes a special person to balance the life of a parent and career individual from your abode. Setting boundaries is imperative, but you must also be able to do a juggling act every day.

5. Learn to Drown Out the Chaos

Have you ever seen or been with a parent that has their kids screaming and playing around them and doesn’t seem to be bothered by the noise? You must become that parent who can tune out the chaos to get anything done. No matter the age of your children, you will always have them at your door and in your face wanting and needing you for something.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem to get any better when they are older. To be a parent who works from home with kids, you need not let every little noise bother you. Unless you’re on the call with a boss or talking to a customer, then drown the noise out.

Some parents who work from home like to play classical music in their earbuds while they work. They can still hear the kids should there be an incident that they need to help with, but they can focus on the task at hand, thanks to the likes of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky.

positivity quote

6. Let Workers Know You Have Kids or Pets

Your employer should know if there is anything that can distract you during the day. Some jobs know and expect that there will be children, spouses, and pets that can interrupt, and they are okay with it.

If your job requires you to be on video conference calls, you should let everyone know upfront if a child may come in crying or a dog may bark. It helps everyone else to learn why you may have that mute button on more than the next person.

Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of a meeting before you let everyone know. Working at home can be chaotic on a good day, so it’s best that your company understands your situation and knows what to expect during such events.

7. Carve Out Time for You

Boundaries are essential with your children, but you must also set some personal boundaries to ensure your sanity. Working from home is not for the faint of heart. You won’t get the social interaction that you need.

In your weekly planner, you must include things that allow you to have some free time. You need a night with your buddies or wine with the girls. You must have some time that is just for fun and relaxation that’s outside your home.

When you work and live in the same place, it can be quite overwhelming never to have an escape. Your sanity demands that you have some time away from your home and out amongst other people.

8. Tell Your Children What You Expect

You must tell your children what you expect while you are working. They should have clearly defined rules to ensure your success. While you cannot talk with a newborn about rules, a five-year-old can undoubtedly know the importance of leaving mommy or daddy alone while they’re telecommuting.

When you work from home with kids, you must somehow make money while taking care of their needs. So they need to know why your job is so outstanding and why they need good behavior. Make a rule sheet and enforce these rules to ensure that your days are a little easier.

9. Give Your Children an Approved List of Activities

Your kids need to have an approved list of activities that they can do while you are working. Some great things for them to do can be:

•Watch TV
•Play on Tablet
•Video Games (with limits)
•Play with Toys

Then they also need to know things they cannot do, like:

•Go Outside Without Permission
•Ride Bike Too Far
•Play with Noisy Toys
•Argue with Siblings
•Get in Swimming Pool or Hot Tub Unattended

Keep in mind that these guidelines must be written the age in mind. A 15-year-old can do some light cooking or ride their bike, but you wouldn’t want a seven-year-old to feel adventurous.

work from home with kids

Final Thoughts: Strike a Balanced Life and Work from Home with Kids Successfully

Whether you chose to work from home with kids or you were forced into this role, you need to make the best of the situation. Telecommuting is the wave of the future. It can be a great way to make a living and be there for all your children’s little moments.

Childcare is such a considerable cost, and you can’t forget the savings in transportation costs too. If you can make working from home with kids a success, then, by all means, you should do it. Setting effective boundaries will ensure that your home can be both your haven of rest and place of employment.


Does Acceledent Actually Work? –

Does Acceledent Actually Work? -

Does Acceledent Actually Work?

Do you worry about your teeth and the way your smile looks? Do you have braces but can’t wait to have them removed?

If you are in one or both of these categories, you may have heard about AcceleDent. AcceleDent is a new technology designed to rapidly speed up the process of fixing your teeth. 

But, the questions everyone wants answered are: Does AcceleDent work? Can it really reduce the time you have to wear braces and straighten your teeth? Read on to find out the truth here.

What Is AcceleDent?

To know whether or not it works, it is useful to learn a little bit about AcceleDent. AcceleDent is an orthodontic product that helps to remodel your teeth. It is a hands-free device that you put over your teeth for around 20 minutes each day. The user just has to bite down lightly on the molds to keep it in place.  

The molds for your teeth are connected to a lightweight activator that releases micropulses to the molds. These micropulses are transferred through the teeth to the surrounding bones, promoting movement. The pulses are accurately calibrated to ensure bone movement occurs safely and comfortably.

The AcceleDent system is used alongside other orthodontic treatments like braces, clear braces, or Invisalign. That means you can’t skip over these other treatments altogether. However, by using AccelDent, you can get rid of them faster. 

Does AcceleDent Work?

The main benefit of the treatment is reducing the amount of time the patient needs to spend with braces or Invisalign. AcceleDent has been clinically proven to speed up tooth movement by up to 50%. Given that some patients may require braces for at least one year, cutting that time in half makes a big difference. 

Another really positive benefit of AcceleDent is that it can significantly increase the comfort of the patient as their teeth and bones are realigned. This will be very comforting to you, particularly if you require extensive orthodontic repositioning. 

If you are unsure still, you might feel good about the fact that AccelDent is the first and only orthodontic vibration device that has been approved by the FDA. This is a good indicator that the product is both safe and medically proven. 

If you are interested or still concerned whether AcceleDent does work, you should seek out professional advice about accelerated orthodontic work. 

The Verdict

AcceleDent really does work. It has gone through a number of clinical trials and it has been approved by the FDA. So, does AcceleDent work?

The verdict is that this treatment can really assist doctors and patients in achieving positive results. Not only can the patient’s teeth be realigned more quickly, but AcceleDent can also make this process more comfortable. 

Perhaps most importantly, AcceleDent has been shown to be a safe and healthy way of achieving a straighter smile. 

So, now you know it works. If you have braces or you are thinking about getting them, you can probably worry a little less about the process. 


5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work

5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work

5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work

In our modern society, it’s not exactly difficult to become stressed. Stresses lurk around every corner, just waiting to send our minds into meltdown mode. 

Fortunately, there are products available to help with these matters. Looking for some stress relief products? Then read on because we’re going to cover 5 of them below. 

1. CBD

At this moment in time, one of the most popular stress relief products on the market is CBD or cannabidiol. An extract of cannabis, it provides many of the benefits of THC but without the extreme high. 

CBD can be consumed in many forms. It can be swallowed as a capsule, absorbed as a tincture, smoked as CBD shatter, or vaped through a vaporizer pen. Every form of consumption offers different benefits and drawbacks, so read up on each before making a choice. 

2. Essential Oil Diffuser

Another product that you might consider is an essential oil diffuser. These devices vaporize essential oils and output them in mist form. In doing so, they help to create a relaxing and therapeutic environment. 

When using an essential oil diffuser, you’re advised to use 100% natural essential oils. There are plenty of artificial products out there, none of which are regulated by the FDA. Only 100% natural products are guaranteed to be effective (and safe!). 

3. Weighted Blanket

If your stress keeps you up at night, you might consider making use of a weighted blanket. These blankets weigh between 5 and 30 pounds and can go a long way in improving the quality of sleep in stressed and anxious individuals. 

While weighted blankets haven’t proven successful for everyone, studies show that they offer results for many. They’re available online for between $30 and $100. 

4. Shiatsu Massager

Shiatsu massage is a form of Japanese massage designed to reduce anxiety and depression. By making use of Shiatsu massage on a regular basis, you’re bound to experience stress relief over time. 

Of course, paying for massages on a regular basis isn’t exactly financially feasible.

But do you know what is? Buying a Shiatsu massaging device. These devices can be taken anywhere and are available for between $40 and $100. 

5. Adult Coloring Book

Coloring isn’t just for kids. Adults can get in on the act as well. 

But why waste your time coloring? Because it’s not only fun but relaxing as well. As such, it can go a long way in relieving stress. 

There are all sorts of adult coloring books on the market today. Regardless of your preferences, there’s sure to be a coloring book that accommodates you. 

These Stress Relief Products are Worth a Try

While these stress relief products might not necessarily do the trick for you, they’re, at very the least, worth a try. Many individuals have found success in using them, and you could very well be the next. 

Looking for other such info? Our website has you covered. Take a look at our other articles now! 


How Does a Vacuum Pump Work? And Introduction to Vacuum Pumps

How Does a Vacuum Pump Work? And Introduction to Vacuum

How Does a Vacuum Pump Work? And Introduction to Vacuum Pumps

Did you know that if you wanted to make a lamp, bulb, or materials used for semiconductors, there is one piece of equipment you need?

That singular tool is a vacuum pump. It’s also used in cars to make your brakes work. They’re used for a broad range of uses, which is why the market for industrial vacuum pumps is going to grow almost 6% a year between now and 2024.

With so many important uses, how does a vacuum pump work?

Keep reading to find out.

How Does a Vacuum Pump Work?

When you first hear the phrase vacuum pump, your first thought it’s something for residential use. You think of a vacuum cleaner or a big pump to suck water from your basement.

Well, that’s not quite a vacuum pump, though it’s a similar concept. That’s called a sump pump.

A vacuum pump takes air from a space and moves it to another place. That leaves a vacuum or empty space. It works like a sump pump because a sump pump takes water and places it elsewhere, ideally out of the basement.

When a light bulb is produced, gas is taken out of the bulb, which allows the light to work.

Categories of Vacuum Pumps

To better understand how a vacuum pump works, you need to know the different categories of vacuum pumps. The categories dictate the purpose of the vacuum pump, and how it works.

There are dozens of different categories of vacuum pumps. They tend to fall under a few main categories.

Gas Binding Vacuum Pump

A gas binding pump simply captures gas molecules and holds them as opposed to moving them from one area to another. Since this type of pump contains the gas collected, it has a limited capacity to run.

Gas Transfer Vacuum Pump

A gas transfer vacuum pump is a broad category that describes the process of taking gas from one area and transferring it to another.

Gas Displacement

Gas displacement vacuum pumps are common and work just like in the examples above. Gas is removed from a sealed area (like a light bulb) and then placed elsewhere.

Under this category are several different types of gas displacement pumps. An oscillation displacement pump like this Gast vacuum pump is an example of a gas displacement pump.

Kinetic Vacuum Pump

A kinetic vacuum pump also displaces gas, but it does so in a different way. It relies on the momentum of high-speed blades, like a fan, to move gases from one area to another.

The Many Uses of Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum pumps are used in almost every industry, from auto to medical. How does a vacuum pump work?

It depends on the type of vacuum pump. A gas transfer pump uses the principles of physics to move gas from one area to another. A gas binding pump collects the gasses instead of moving them. 

Come back to this site often for more insightful content on a wide range of topics.  


How Does a 3D Printer Work? A Guide on What You Should Know

How Does a 3D Printer Work? A Guide on What

How Does a 3D Printer Work? A Guide on What You Should Know

The market for 3D scanners is expected to reach $5.90 billion by 2023. Several factors are responsible for this rapid growth, including the fast technological applications, increasing application of 3D scanning in new market segments, and so on. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll tell you all you need to know about 3D scanning, including how does a 3d printer work and its applications. Keep reading to learn more.

How Does a 3D Printer Work?

3D scanning is a form of technology that captures data from objects in the real world using a 3D scanner. The data collected is typically about the shape or appearance of the real-life object. The resulting 3d Scans can then be edited, saved, or printed.  

3D Scanning Technologies

3D scanning technologies rely on various physical principles. Below are some of the top scanning technologies today.

1. Laser Triangulation 

This technique projects a laser beam on an object’s surface and then measures the laser ray’s deformation to construct a 3D model. 

2. Structured Light 3D Scanning Technology 

This technology measures the deformation of the light pattern on the surface of an object to scan the shape of that surface in 3D.

3. Photogrammetry 

This technique reconstructs the subject in 3D from images in 2D. The technique involves computer vision as well as computational geometry algorithms.

4. Contact-Based 3D Scanning 

This technique relies on sampling several points on the surface of an object, determined by the deformation of the probe.  

5. Laser Pulse Scanning

This technology is also referred to as time of flight. As its name suggests, this technique is based on a laser beam’s time of flight. Typically, the laser beam is projected on an object’s surface before being collected on a sensor.

The geometrical information of the surface is gotten from the time of travel of the laser beam from emission to reception.

Applications of 3D scanning

As we mentioned earlier, 3D scanning has applications in almost every imaginable sector. Below are five areas where this versatile and diverse technology is used.

1. Industrial Design

Few sectors have benefited more from 3D scanning technology than industrial design. Thanks to 3D scanning, it’s much easier to design new items and prototypes.  

Many times, designers need to create products that work around objects and environments already in existence. A 3D laser scanner can help the designer to accurately capture measurements of existing objects to create prototypes that fit their applications perfectly.

 3D scanning also simplifies the process of reverse engineering. Designers can quickly generate digital models of objects with incredible accuracy and mass-produce them.

2. Education

3D scanning is widely used for educational purposes. Many museums today scan and archive artifacts before releasing the designs online for those interested to access. Teachers and learners can download and print these designs and use them in class for learning. 

3. Entertainment

The entertainment industry heavily relies on 3D scanning to capture and recreate real-world objects in the digital space. Countless movies and video games are made this way. 

All computer-animated models, for instance, begin with hand-sculpted models. These models are then 3D scanned before being manipulated in the digital environment. 

4. Manufacturing

Manufacturing firms around the world often rely on 3D scanning technologies to monitor and maintain the quality of equipment and products. Initial hand-tuned products are 3D scanned to create models that are used as the basis for mass production.  3D scanning also helps firms to monitor equipment wear with incredible precision, reducing the likelihood of failure.

5. Real Estate

Real estate agents are increasingly turning to 3D scanning techniques to provide virtual tours of properties to interested buyers. This kind of marketing is highly immersive, surpassing what pictures and videos can offer.   

What Does the Future Hold for 3D Scanning?

3D scanning technology has undoubtedly come a long way. However, the filed is always evolving. Below are just some of the developments you can expect to see in the coming years.

Mobile Photogrammetry

An exciting frontier in 3D scanning is the ability to do 3D scans using your smartphone. As you can imagine, equipping your smartphone with external sensors is both expensive and impractical, photogrammetry is the preferred option. 

Currently, top smartphone makers are working phones that can do photogrammetry. Some models with those capabilities are already in the market. 

Integration with Artificial Intelligence

3D scanning may be a highly sophisticated process, but it still heavily relies on human intervention. People still decide whether the quality of a product manufactured with the aid of 3D technology is good enough or not. By integrating artificial intelligence into the scanning process, human intervention can be taken out of the equation. 

Top Quality, Affordable 3D Scanners 

3D scanners don’t come cheap. Top-quality desktop scanners cost thousands of dollars. Those that cost under a thousand dollars generally fall short when it comes to performance.

As the mainstream success of scanners for 3d printers continues, however, you can expect that more manufacturers will enter the industry. It’s only a matter of time before the prices of the equipment become more affordable.

The Future of 3D Scanning Remains Bright 

3D scanning may have been around for decades, but that hasn’t diminished its relevance. As large industries continue to take notice of the incredible potential of this technology, more advancement in the field will be realized. Soon, this technology will even be available in the hands of every smartphone user.

There’s no question that now more than ever, the future of 3D scanning looks dazzling. You, therefore, must be able to answer “how does a 3d printer work?”

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