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Therapists Explain 10 Red Flags You’re Dating a Narcissist

Therapists Explain 10 Red Flags You're Dating a Narcissist

If you’ve been in the dating pool for a while, you know how difficult it is to find someone who is honest, genuine, and the best fit for you. Nobody is perfect, but you want to find a love interest who can own up to his mistakes just as well as you can. How do you know if you are dating a narcissist?

There’s a big difference between loving and respecting yourself and being chronically selfish. Narcissism is a broad mental health disorder that makes people believe they are the most important being on the planet, according to therapists. Some of the signs are a grossly inflated ego, refusal to accept responsibility or blame, constant cravings for attention and praise, and disregarding other people’s feelings.

The Myth of the Vain Narcissist

This uncommon personality disorder was named for Narcissus, a character from Greek mythology. According to the story, this child of the river god and a nymph was so beautiful; he fell in love with his reflection in a water pool.

So great was his love that he pined away until he died, leaving a trail of beautiful flowers that still bear his name. Although this is a fictional story, mental health disorder is real.

Types of Narcissism

Psychologists recognize six different types of narcissism, ranging from closeted to psychopathic. This research suggests that a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) may stem from a combination of heredity and environment. While therapy can help this condition, there is no cure.

  • Seductive Narcissist: These narcissists try to win your heart to display it as a trophy.
  • Bully Narcissist: To boost their ego, the bully narcissist puts others down and steps on people to get to the top.
  • Exhibition Narcissist: There’s no guessing about this guy because he proclaims his egocentric tendencies to the world.
  • Secret Narcissist: He may not push his selfish agenda on others, but he secretly believes he is superior and entitled.
  • Toxic Narcissist: The ranges of this narcissistic personality are characterized by chronic drama and a long history of abusive relationships.
  • Psychopathic Narcissist: Not only can this narcissist break your heart, but he could also take your life. Most mass murderers are also psychopathic narcissists without remorse.

Are You Dating a Narcissist?

At first, you may not see that your new love interest has a psychological problem. However, warning signs will soon be evident if he is a narcissist. Here are ten red flags of narcissistic behavior that you shouldn’t ignore.

1. He isn’t Honest About His Marital Status

A narcissist can’t admit a failed relationship, even if he is still in it. Before you get attached to someone, be sure that he is free and not committed to somebody else. Take warning if your new love interest’s social media relationship profile says that he is separated or “it’s complicated.”

Do you want to be the third person in a cheater’s marriage? What does it say about a man or woman who is dating while still married? Regardless of the excuses, this person is lying and cheating. A selfish person doesn’t have the honesty and integrity to be part of a healthy relationship, so run while you can.

2. She Lies and Hides Things

A fulfilling relationship must be based on mutual honesty and trust. If it’s not there, then you’re headed for heartache. You can often tell if you are dating a narcissist if you are constantly catching her in lies. Often, narcissistic people will lie and stretch the truth about insignificant things, like where they bought their car or the fabulous job they had back when.

Sure, everybody has made mistakes and done things in the past that doesn’t make them proud. However, an honest person will have no qualms about being truthful about her past, where she grew up, former marriages, etc. Pay attention if she gets defensive and turns it around on you as if you have trust issues.

3. He Can’t Follow the Rules

There’s nothing wrong with individuality, but the typical narcissist expects the world to run by his rules. He has such a high opinion that he believes he is above the laws and rules of society. If you are dating a narcissist, you may see him ignoring simple laws and mandates “just because he can.”

A person who ignores laws is also apt to disregard morality. Perhaps he thinks it’s nothing to cheat on his taxes or his mate. He may think he is good enough to get away with it but refuse to let him get away with your heart.

4. His Romance is Not Genuine

When you first start dating a narcissist, one thing that gets your attention quickly is his air of romance. He knows precisely what you want to hear and uses a lot of smooth-talking to charm you. In the beginning, he may be generous with gifts and treat you like a queen.

The catch is that when he has captured your heart, the narcissist often loses interest. It’s a game of hunt and chase for him, not a seriously committed relationship. He will soon be on to the next conquest, so nip this selfish game in the bud.

These ten signs unmask an abusive narcissist.

5. She Can’t Respect Boundaries

The celebrated poet, Robert Frost, said it best when he wrote that “good fences make good neighbors.” Boundaries are essential for any relationship, be it family, friends, professional, or social. We all have lines drawn in the sand, and we show mutual respect by not crossing them.

You can often tell if you are dating a narcissist if she refuses to respect yours or anybody else’s boundaries. She may continuously push you beyond your set boundaries for her own selfish needs. If dating is this bad, what would marriage or living together be?

6. He Can’t Show Empathy

Do you have a narcissistic friend or relative who can’t put himself aside for one minute to be concerned about your problems? Therapists concur that people with NPD lack empathy skills. So if you are dating a narcissist, take a hint if he can’t relate to your feelings and tries to push your opinions aside.

This cynical personality not only can’t empathize with others, but he will often try to vie for attention by “one-upping” any of your situations or experiences. He is too busy promoting himself to think about your feelings.

7. She Uses People

How does your new love interest interact with her friends and coworkers? Is her friendship and professional relationships mutually respectful, or are they one-sided? A narcissist is always there when she needs you and is seldom seen rushing to help anyone else, not even her beau.

Does she only react with those who feed her ego and discard people who have no more energy or substance to offer her? Be assured that her intentions aren’t any different for you. Please don’t get caught in her web of selfishness.

8. He Takes No Responsibility for Past Relationships

Nobody can defend a narcissist better than himself, especially in past relationships. In many broken connections, the fault can usually be shared. Of course, this isn’t the case for those who’ve endured an abusive or cheating partner.

When you are dating a narcissist, he may fake honesty about his past relationships. If you believe his narratives, he was always the victim, and past partners were “unstable,” and single-handedly destroyed him. Be even more suspicious of him if he doesn’t want you to talk to his ex-partners to find the truth.

9. He Just Wants a Reputation

Narcissistic people spend a lot of time and energy cultivating a false image. He brags up every aspect of his life to impress others and create a bigger-than-life reputation. He usually isn’t worried about character building, because he will often do what it takes to make himself look good, even if it’s immoral.

If you are dating a narcissist, his chronic boasting should be a red flag. He invents big job titles and unbelievable salaries for every job he’s worked. You name it, he’s done it or owned it. Remember the saying that things that are too good to be true usually aren’t?

10. Your Relationship Is Chronically Unstable

Like everything in life, even the best relationships have their ups and downs. However, you shouldn’t feel like you are always on an emotional roller coaster. When you are dating a narcissist, everything will seem unbalanced.

At first, he may pretend to be all about you, then suddenly he is a ghost for days at a time. It’s easy for him to turn his feelings on and off toward you. Please resist the urge to stay in the relationship to change him, because the chances are that he or she will remain a selfish narcissist.

Final Thoughts on Recognizing a Narcissist

Unfortunately, the narcissistic person will never find someone who he loves more than himself. Consider these tell-tale signs that you are dating someone with unhealthy views of themselves, and walk away with your dignity. You deserve to have someone who will love and care for you as an equal. Meanwhile, the narcissist will be left with the only person in his life who loves him: himself.


9 Ways to Master Small Talk (Even if You’re an Introvert)

9 Ways to Master Small Talk (Even if You're an

“That’s all small talk is – a quick way to connect on a human level – which is why it is by no means as irrelevant as the people who are bad at it insist. In short, it’s worth making the effort.”— Lynn Coady

 Introverts naturally despite small talk because, in some ways, it seems forced or unnatural. However, deeper connections have to begin somewhere, which means sitting through a few generic conversations to start with. An easy question like “What do you do for work?” can easily lead to other exciting topics. Just because the discussion doesn’t include in-depth issues right off the bat doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get to know someone.

If you think about it, all connections begin with some form of small talk that an introvert seems to dread. Thinking back to your very first date with your significant other. You can probably recall it being a little awkward. You may also have not talked about anything beyond surface-level stuff, like your jobs, family, or favorite movies. Humans need to build up a level of comfort before they delve into the more complex or sensitive conversation.

An introvert doesn’t digest this well, however, as they have a more challenging time with small talk. They crave stimulating, deep conversations and want to skip the awkward phases. Many introverts (and maybe even some extroverts) find typical conversation topics uninteresting and impersonal. For introverts, the societal rules surrounding social interactions between new people seem oppressive and inauthentic.

Why introverts hate small talk

  • It usually lacks in depth and meaning. Introverts need either in-depth intellectual discussion or an emotional connection. They don’t want to know “what’s up.”
  • It creates barriers between people. Talking about societally acceptable topics such as jobs, the economy, or kids gets boring for introverts. They believe this doesn’t allow room actually to get to know someone on a soul level.
  • It seems forced or fake. An introvert needs authenticity, and small talk seems like the exact opposite of that. They crave conversations where they can get lost for hours and truly vibe with someone.
  • Small talk lacks real emotion. Since introverts thrive on emotional connections, small talk drains them. They may overshare when getting to know someone because of this.

If you have trouble with small talk as either an introvert or extrovert, perhaps the following tips can help you.

9 Ways to Master Small Talk (Even as an Introvert)

1 – Ask the other person to tell a story, or suggest one yourself.

If you feel unsatisfied in your conversation with someone, maybe ask them to tell a story about themselves. People usually love to tell personal information about themselves, which gives you a chance to get to know them. Try these questions when the conversation stalls or you want to shift in a new direction:

  • “What’s the most interesting thing about your job?”
  • “What’s your favorite thing about where you grew up?”
  • “How did you choose your career/job?”
  • “What would you do to earn an income if money was no object?”
  • “What is the coolest place you’ve traveled to?”

These questions don’t cross any lines or push boundaries, so they still fit in with small talk. However, they allow you to get a little more out of a person than the usual questions. They can also make great icebreakers that lead to even more in-depth conversation.

2 – Be authentic.

Introverts crave authentic conversation and people but may have trouble expressing themselves honestly. However, if you want to attract these types of people, you have to be bold. Don’t pretend or hide who you are for the sake of fitting in. People love honesty, and if you don’t want boring conversation, bring something interesting to the table.

Express your real thoughts and feelings, even if you feel afraid of what others may say. Just remember that your people will love your realness, and the people meant for you will stick around. Not everyone will love you, but don’t let this stop you from being yourself.

For example, if you find yourself at a party, you can use these as your guide:

  • “I honestly don’t go to parties much. I feel kind of awkward being here.”
  • “I am kind of bashful at first, but I warm up after a while.”
  • “I’m better at listening than talking, honestly.”
  • “Sometimes, I want to walk away from my job and travel. Do you ever feel that way?”
  • “It took all my energy to come to this party! Being an introvert is hard.”

Of course, you can tweak these to fit your personality and life circumstances. This will hopefully give you a few fresh topic ideas for your next social event, though, and help you feel more comfortable.

3 – Share small details about yourself.

It would help if you did not get too deep with this, but sharing facts about yourself helps others feel comfortable, too. For example, you could talk about what you love to do after work or a cool place you recently traveled to. Small talk doesn’t have to equate with the mind-numbing, flat conversation. The more you contribute and share, the more others will follow your lead.

4 – Ask more why questions.

If you ask someone’s favorite ice cream flavor, you get an answer and then move on to something else. However, when you ask why questions, it helps the conversation expand. For example, if you ask someone about their career, you could ask why they chose it. This could apply to anything, such as why someone prefers nighttime to daytime or why they drink black coffee.

Simply put, asking people why makes them contemplate their answer more, which can lead to some interesting conversation avenues.

Here are the habits of introverts that most people.misunderstand.

5 – Keep in mind that small talk can boost your happiness.

If you have an aversion to small talk, keep in mind that even an introvert can benefit from a brief conversation. In fact, studies have proven that idle chit-chat or “shooting the breeze” increases feelings of belonging. It also boosts people’s happiness, whether they had a quick conversation with a mailman or their barista. Humans were wired for connection, but in our fast-paced world, we often miss out on it.

We spend train rides staring at our phone screen or listening to music instead of saying hi to the person next to us. However, this disconnection only increases tension and anxiety. If you want to feel more engaged with your surroundings, smile at a stranger or give a compliment to your neighbor. You’ll feel better, even as an introvert.

6 – Don’t overthink it.

We realize that overthinking and introvert often belong in the same sentence, but they don’t have to! We overcomplicate so many mundand things in our lives by thinking about them too much. When you socialize with people, go with the flow and don’t force conversation. Listen if you feel more comfortable doing that, and talk when you have something to contribute.

If you worry about awkward silences, remember that the other person probably feels the same way. Try to remember that other people are human too and that we all have some degree of social anxiety. If you genuinely listen and act friendly toward people, you’ll make a good impression.

7 – Talk about something meaningful to you.

Small talk only gets a bad rap because people expect of others what they won’t give themselves. In other words, conversations with people don’t have to stay superficial and devoid of meaning. If you want to steer any conversation in a different direction, talk about things you enjoy. Perhaps the other person will find the topic just as interesting and have a lot to contribute as well.

8 – Try to find some common ground.

Maybe you and other people have similar hobbies or went to school for the same degree. Finding common ground with people helps you establish a bond and perhaps a friendship. If you find similarities between you and someone else, you’ll feel less awkward during small talk.

9 – Listen and be engaged with the conversation.

You don’t have to talk constantly to have a good connection with someone. Do not put a lot of added stress on yourself about what you’ll say next. Instead, practice active listening, don’t look at your phone while they talk, and smile when appropriate. If you decide to look forward to social interactions rather than dread them, it could change your whole outlook on small talk.

Final thoughts about how to master small talk as an introvert

Many introverts loathe small talk, but perhaps it just requires a change in perspective. Instead of dreading it, think about how you and the other person can benefit from it. What can you learn from the other person? What can you share with them that could improve their life? Look at social interactions as a chance to make an impact on someone’s life and vice versa.

This way, you’ll start looking forward to small talk instead of wanting to avoid it at all costs.


10 Signs The Person You’re With Is an Abusive Narcissist

10 Signs The Person You're With Is an Abusive Narcissist

If you find yourself wondering if your new love may be an abusive narcissist, these signs can help. Even if you don’t think they are an abusive narcissist, it’s a good idea to read these signs just to be sure. Either way, knowing these signs could help you or someone else you know.

Narcissists tend to have an unusually high sense of importance and a severe need for attention and admiration. They often have problems in their relationships, including family, friends, and romantic relationships.

Being in a relationship with an abusive narcissist isn’t just demeaning and emotionally draining for you. According to studies, it will cause brain damage over time. It can cause PTSD and C-PTSD, a shrinking hippocampus, and a swelling amygdala.

The hippocampus is essential in learning and development, and the amygdala plays a role in shame, guilt, envy, and fear. With a shrinking hippocampus and a swelling amygdala, you will experience those negative emotions instead of learning and developing. Because of this, it’s essential to recognize the signs of an abusive narcissist so you can end the relationship.

Ten Warning Signs That Your New Love is an Abusive Narcissist

Do you believe you might be falling in love with someone who is not quite as they seemed at first? Now is the time to become brutally honest with yourself–look for these ten red flags.

1. Narcissists Always Turn the Conversation to Themselves

If your new significant other continually talks about themselves, even when the conversation is unrelated, they may be a narcissist. They will love to talk about what they have accomplished so that they can feel better than those around them.

This need is because they want others to think that they are smarter than they are. Not only will they always talk about their accomplishments, but they’ll also exaggerate them. They want to feel superior, so they will make it sound like they have done much more than they have.

If your partner has ever made a conversation about you into one about them, it’s a sign. This habit will show if they don’t ask questions when you tell them something about yourself or your life.

2. They Don’t Show Any Empathy

They may not be able to understand how other people are feeling. If this is the case, it’s a sign of a narcissist. You’ll find yourself feeling invalidated and misunderstood. They won’t accept your feelings, as they can’t understand them or even acknowledge the way you’re feeling.

This could be evident if they don’t care if you’ve had a bad day or had a fight with a friend. If your parents or siblings hurt your feelings, they won’t pay attention. They may say they don’t want to hear about it, change the subject, or just ignore you as you’re speaking.

3. They Try to Gaslight You

As a form of manipulation, an abusive narcissist will try to gaslight you. Narcissists are good at this, so they may succeed if you don’t recognize what is happening. They’ll lie even when caught red-handed, accuse others, exaggerate the truth, and try to convince you along the way.

Even when they have been caught red-handed, they’ll still try to lie. They will stick to their story even when you have proof, and try to convince you that you are wrong.

Eventually, if they are successful at gaslighting you, you’ll start experiencing many negative feelings. You’ll feel anxious and less confident, and you’ll often wonder if you are too sensitive. Additionally, you may feel like the things you do are wrong, and you’ll blame yourself when things don’t work out.

When you’ve been gaslighted enough times, you’ll find yourself apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. You’ll always feel like something is wrong, even if there is no evidence that there is a problem. Plus, you’ll find yourself secretly questioning the behavior of your partner while making excuses for them at the same time.

4. They Were Charming at First but Quickly Changed

At the beginning of the relationship, they may have been super sweet and charming. Frequently, they communicated with you often and were quick to tell you that they love you. Then, suddenly, they became a person who criticized you and made you feel bad about yourself.

Always use caution when entering a relationship because if it moves too quickly, it’s a bad sign. They may not even know enough about you to love you but will say it anyway.

5. They Don’t Have Long-Term Friendships

Most people have a friend from their past that they keep in touch with and continue their relationship for years. They’ll keep in touch even when life has changed, someone has moved, or they don’t see each other often. Narcissists, however, don’t have this.

They also won’t have a best friend that they have known for a long time. You may notice that they talk about their friends behind their backs, too.

Another sign of this is that they’ll start wanting to hang out with you and your friends all the time. They’ll make you feel bad for wanting to hang out with them alone, and they will criticize your friends, too.

The lack of long-term friendships could stem from a narcissist trait of only treating people well when they want something. Once they have received what they wanted from the person, they begin to distance themselves. If they don’t distance themselves first, the other person will begin to notice the signs and end the friendship.

6. Abusive Narcissists Think They are Always Right and Never Apologize

It’s bad enough when someone thinks they are always right, but add in the inability to apologize, and you have a toxic mix. You won’t be able to effectively argue or debate with them, and they definitely won’t compromise.

They will not be able to let it go if you disagree with them, either. They will keep at it until they think you changed your mind. You may often feel like your partner doesn’t hear or understand you and that they won’t take responsibility.

Their inability to apologize will appear in everyday situations. If they show up for dinner late or don’t call when they said they would, they won’t apologize. They may cancel at the last minute for plans that are important to you, and they still won’t apologize.

7. They are Always Looking for Compliments

Narcissists tend to appear confident in themselves, but they aren’t. Most narcissists lack self-esteem and constantly look for compliments to make them feel better.

They often need compliments to make them feel powerful and to give them a sense of self-worth. It’s also worth noting that when someone criticizes them, narcissists don’t take it very well. Then, they’ll need ever more compliments to make them feel better about themselves.

8. Abusive Narcissists Often Criticize Others

To feel better about themselves, narcissists put other people down. They will go out of their way to make someone feel or look bad. In this way, their lack of self-confidence pushes them to make others feel as bad as they do.

9. They Pick on You and Criticize You Often

At the beginning of a relationship with a narcissist, they will make it seem like teasing. They’ll put a cute twist on it and laugh about it, making it seem like a joke. Further into the relationship, however, that could suddenly change.

Narcissists tend to criticize and poke fun at things that those close to them do. It could be about what you wear, eat, drink, read, or your friends. They might have a problem with your favorite shows or your hobby.

What may begin as playful comments about these things will become much worse. They will start insulting you by calling you names or making mean comments. Jokes that aren’t funny will become normal, all because it makes them feel more powerful than you.

10. They Don’t Take a Break-Up Well

While it’s true that most people don’t take break-ups well, narcissists take it to the next level. They may have spent time being mean, ignoring, or gaslighting you, but then panic when you end the relationship. This is simply because they have to feel powerful, so they will do and say whatever it takes to keep you.

They may cry, tell you over and over again how much they love you, and say all the right things. Promises of change are sure to come, and they may seem sincere. Just remember how suddenly things changed before, however, because it will happen again.

If you don’t cave to their pleas and promises of change, they’ll try to hurt you even more. They will feel abandoned by you and feel rage or hatred. This is because they can’t take responsibility for the problems in your relationship, so they place the blame on you.

Don’t be surprised if you hear about them saying bad things about you to make themselves look good. They may likely begin dating someone new right away, too. Sometimes, they may even try to steal your friends to save their reputation.

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Warning Signs That Your New Love Is An Abusive Narcissist

If your new love is an abusive narcissist, you have more to worry about than just having your feelings hurt. As explained before, continued narcissistic abuse can cause PTSD or brain damage.

Your mental health is more worthy of your energy than the feelings of your new partner, so put yourself first in this instance. Keep in mind that showing you are upset will only fuel the narcissist. They love to get an emotional rise out of the person they are abusing.

Instead, end the relationship firmly and don’t give in to their pleas and empty promises. Don’t stick around for an argument, because you can’t win against a narcissist. Instead, say what you must say to the abusive narcissist and remove yourself from the situation.


6 Things That Happen to Your Body When You’re Burnt Out

6 Things That Happen to Your Body When You're Burnt

According to a 2018 Gallup poll, 23% of full-time employees felt burnt out often or always, while around 44% reported experiencing burnout symptoms sometimes. This statistic equates to approximately two-thirds of employees feeling overly stressed out while working. Of course, burnout can occur in other situations, such as school, parenting, or taking care of a loved one. But work usually accounts for a vast portion of people’s stress.

People experience burnout when they get so mentally and physically exhausted that it interrupts their ability to perform daily tasks. Repeated exposure to highly stressful situations, such as being a caretaker for a family member or working long hours, can lead to chronic stress. Some stress can help motivate us. But too much over an extended period can wreak havoc on our minds and bodies.

However, most people don’t recognize the symptoms of feeling burnt out. They might brush off the crippling anxiety as just a part of life, or vow to get the aches and pains in their back checked out eventually. In today’s fast-paced society, people simply don’t prioritize health because they feel that earning money and keeping up with responsibilities takes precedence.

What is burnout?

Coined by the psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in the 1970s, burnout entails feeling highly stressed for long periods, which can lead to a complete nervous breakdown or chronic exhaustion. It differs from chronic fatigue, however, in that burnout describes psychological symptoms while scientists believe physical ailments cause the above condition. One’s mental state can become so impaired that they may not even feel like getting out of bed in the morning.

Who suffers from burnout?

Anyone can feel burnt out depending on their life circumstances, but the people most at-risk tend to work in highly stressful jobs that demand long hours. Nurses, doctors, first responders, and other healthcare professionals tend to experience burnout at higher rates than people in different fields of work. Also, those who care for children or elderly parents have high vulnerability to developing this condition.

One study found that mothers and fathers can feel burnt out just as much as corporate executives and people in healthcare. Also, those who have a “Type A” personality tend to suffer from burnout more often.

Now that we’ve given you a bit of background on burnout, let’s discuss some red flags to watch out for in your health.

Here are six things that happen to your body when you’re burnt out:

  1. You always feel exhausted.

If you almost always feel like you have no energy even after a good night’s sleep, you may have developed burnout. Feeling exhausted doesn’t just mean you don’t feel like getting out of bed, either. It can also mean you feel emotionally depleted, which can mimic depression.

  1. You have trouble sleeping.

People who experience burnout often report having trouble falling or staying asleep. Because of the highly stressful demands of daily life, many people have insomnia due to not being able to shut off their brains. If you frequently toss and turn at night, you may have high cortisol levels, which prevent you from relaxing into a restful sleep.

Researchers reveal how pink noise can help you get a good night’s sleep.
  1. You suffer from anxiety and depression.

A combination of high-stress levels, lack of sleep, and a dissatisfied mental state can lead to anxiety and depression. However, if you don’t usually have anxiety and depression but suddenly start experiencing symptoms, you might be feeling burnt out instead. Many of the symptoms can overlap, so visiting with your healthcare provider might help clear up any confusion.

  1. You get sick more often.

If you’ve been feeling burnt out, you might start noticing the following physical signs of sickness:

  • lower immune system
  • frequent cold sores or rashes
  • you get colds or flu more often
  • more viral and bacterial infections
  • frequent headaches
  • gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, diarrhea, stomachaches, and digestive problems
  • general unwell feelings
  1. Your muscles feel tight and tense.

When you have high-stress levels, your joints and muscles get stiff because your body wants to prepare you for a perceived threat. However, if the stress becomes chronic, you will start to feel muscle weakness and fatigue, which can be a symptom of anxiety as well.

  1. Your risk of developing cardiovascular problems increases.

The American Heart Association links prolonged stress with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. When the body produces too much adrenaline and cortisol over an extended period, blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol increase. All of these conditions can lead to a heart attack or stroke. These risk factors mean you should take burnout seriously if you start noticing symptoms.

12 stages of burnout

You may not even notice symptoms of burnout, because it doesn’t come on all at once like a cold or flu. Psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North have outlined the 12 phases of feeling burnt out:

  1. Excessive drive/ambition. People with Type A personality often have a strong work ethic, which can lead to working excessively in new jobs where they feel they need to prove themselves.
  2. Pushing themselves too hard. As they gain traction and acceptance in their job, they will take things to an extreme to remain on top.
  3. Neglecting self-care. They may sacrifice workouts, sleep, or eating well to keep up with the increasing demands at work.
  4. Blaming others for your workload. Instead of admitting that you have created the problem, you blame your company, boss, or colleagues for the amount of work on your plate.
  5. You make work your life and have no time for anything else. If you decline invitations to hang out with friends or family because it feels more like a chore than a fun outing, you might be feeling burnt out.
  6. You pick out the faults in those around you to deflect from your issues. Also, you grow impatient and irritated with people more easily.
  7. You withdraw from friends and family. They start to notice that you’ve become more quiet and uninterested in daily life aside from work.
  8. Behavioral changes. Loved ones may say you’ve become more irritable and aggressive, having a short temper with them.
  9. You may feel you have no control over your life and start to dissociate from even your work.
  10. Feeling anxious. To cope with the anxiety, you may start to depend on substances or thrilling experiences such as gambling or reckless driving.
  • You start to feel empty inside and no longer find any meaning in life.
  • Nervous breakdown. Feelings of burnout finally become unbearable, and you may need psychological treatment.

As you can see, burnout can appear subtle at first but lead to disaster if left untreated. To prevent burnout, make sure to follow these tips:

How to avoid feeling burnt out

– Exercise at least a few times per week. Working out releases feel-good endorphins that can help mitigate symptoms of stress and anxiety. Even walking outside for 15-30 minutes a day can have a dramatic effect on your mental and physical health.

  • Eat a balanced diet. Make sure you avoid processed foods and eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and seeds. Eat minimal animal proteins, if you choose, such as salmon, poultry, eggs, and milk.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Many people today undervalue sleep and don’t prioritize it. However, your mental and physical health will suffer if you don’t give your brain time to rest. Make sure to avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, stay off technology a couple of hours before bedtime, and establish good sleep hygiene.
  • Meditate or do yoga to reset your mind. To have a balanced mental state, we need to check out of daily life and tune into our inner beings once in a while.
  • Delegate tasks and ask for help. To avoid become overloaded by work, make sure to ask others for assistance. No one can do everything on their own, so don’t feel bad about asking for help. Lean on friends and family during difficult times for support as well.

Final thoughts on what can happen to your body when you’re burnt out

Many people brush off feelings of anxiety or stress, but you shouldn’t take these symptoms lightly. If you experience chronic stress, it can lead to a nervous breakdown or burnout, eventually, which can disrupt your daily life. Make sure you take care of yourself by allowing time each day for relaxing activities.

Don’t make your responsibilities your whole life; while everyone needs to make a living and take care of loved ones, we can’t pour from an empty cup. Eating a balanced diet, sleeping well, exercising, and taking care of your mental state will keep you healthy overall and help you avoid feeling burnt out. This world places a lot of demands on us, but sometimes, you have to forget the world and take care of yourself. If you gain the world but lose your peace and joy, is it worth it anyway?


10 Ways to Show People You’re Smart Without Saying Anything

10 Ways to Show People You're Smart Without Saying Anything

Being smart in this world isn’t everything, but it sure helps.

For the sake of non-confusion, let’s define the word ‘smart’ for our reference. We’ll set the term as:

 having enough mental and emotional aptitude to succeed in your life’s goals.

Some people equate smartness with a high I.Q., but there are plenty of people with an off-the-charts I.Q. who live a self-described miserly existence. Is this, then, a good, practical definition of “smart”? What’s the use of being highly intelligent if your life is chronically unhappy?

Say someone you know has a 150 I.Q., an exceptionally high score – almost genius level. Yet, they live their life in a state of self-perceived lack – of relationships, fulfillment, and meaning.

Is this smart? After all, shouldn’t someone this “smart” be able to figure out the source of the shortcomings of their lifestyle and make the necessary changes?

Therein lies the problem of equating intelligence with smarts.

Being smart involves a keenness for navigating life. Perhaps this is why Stephen Hawking, the late, great theoretical physicist, once remarked, “People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.”

In other words, to be considered ‘smart,’ there need to be present a certain degree of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, or ‘E.I,’ is broken down into four categories: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, and includes such factors as:

  • Knowing your emotional states
  • Managing your emotions
  • Motivating yourself
  • Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions (empathy)
  • Managing relationships

A rather broad definition of smarts, but there you go.

In this article, we’re going to discuss why it’s beneficial to (subtly) display your smarts to others. We’re not talking about bragging or waving around your college diploma. We’re talking about small, everyday activities and behaviors that you are smart and capable.

Let’s get to it then!

smart people dont tolerate these behaviors

10 Ways to Show People You’re Smart

“Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart.”  ~ Alan Alda, 6-time Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award winner

As you go through this list of ten things to do to show people you’re smart, you’ll no doubt read items that you think are basic common-sense. This shows awareness; another quality often left out of the intelligence “equation.” It’s also a critical aspect of smartness.

Without further ado, here are ten ways to show people that you’re smart!

1  – Always be on time

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ~ Charles Darwin, founder of the Theory of Evolution

To be on time is to demonstrate your self-awareness and sense of responsibility. People who are chronically late are perceived as unreliable, untrustworthy, and undisciplined. None of these traits should ever be associated with a smart person.

People who achieve their goals are masters of their time. Take Charles Darwin as an example. By his own account, Charles Darwin didn’t possess any kind of extraordinary intellect. Something he did possess was mastery over his time.

It is said that Darwin would observe different animals for hours, ensuring that all of his work was done as meticulously as possible. The only way he could do this, of course, was to carefully allocate his waking hours for what he perceived to be his life’s most important tasks.

2 –  Be a good listener

“It takes a great man to be a good listener.”  ~ Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

Really quickly: Think of a couple of people in your life who are good listeners. People whose eyes remain fixated on yours while you speak. People who always seem to offer excellent and timely advice.

What characteristics do you associate with them?

The odds are that “smart” is up there.

The reason is simple: it’s challenging to be a good listener. To listen well requires the honing of attention and the trait of open-mindedness. It also involves restraint and the ability to control impulsive thoughts.

These qualities are the bedrock of active listening – the ability to remain receptive to the words of another and to offer a timely, relevant response.

socially intelligent people listen well

3 –  Spend money wisely

“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.”  ~ Dr. James W. Frick, former Vice President for the University of Notre Dame

Did you know that most countries with the highest personal savings rates (money left after taxes/bills/etc.) tend to have lower incomes?

In other words, saving money has nothing to do with money coming in or out. It has everything to do with prioritizing.

Smart people save and spend money wisely, period. They know that going to war with yourself over why there’s nothing left in the bank isn’t worth it.

Fortunately, this is a problem that’s quite easy to fix!

Come up with an accurate budget of your average monthly expenses and income. Don’t allow the former to exceed the latter. Yes, you may have to cut back or eliminate costs.

In a few months, you’ll have a bit of cushion!

4 – Get organized

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” ~ Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, inventor, and philosopher

So many of us waste time and energy simply because we’re unorganized. A smart person doesn’t allow this to happen.

Simple things like putting your keys in the same place, automating your savings, spending a few minutes cleaning up your workspace – and so on – can save you time and make your life easier.

Start by identifying the most significant time and energy wasters in your life. What can you do to ease the burden?

5 – Be polite

“Please be polite. Nothing in life should erode the habit of saying thank you to people or praising them.”   ~ Sir Richard Branson, Founder and CEO of the Virgin Group

Politeness displays that you have a sense of sophistication and selflessness. Doing things like holding the door open or helping an elderly adult with their groceries not only feels good but contributes to your self-esteem and self-worth.

Rudeness, on the other hand, sends the opposite message. Rude people are perceived as ignorant and social misfits – two words that are never applied to someone smart.

oversized ego

6 – Have a sense of style

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality that is everyday life.”  ~ Bill Cunningham, American fashion photographer for the New York Times

We don’t buy into the extreme materialism that has seemingly dug its hooks into the collective psyche of developed countries. This top isn’t about greed, adornment, or braggadocio.

It’s about presentability.

Appearance still matters in many ways, including how smart you appear to others. Take a pair of eyeglasses, for example. Do they not transform the wearer into a more studious form?

Bottom line: own a nice pair of slacks and some decent dress shoes. Patch, repair, or replace clothing as needed.

7 –  Remember the details

“The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll, Christian pastor, author, and educator

Details run our life. Those whom others perceive as smart pay close attention to those details. Failing to do so can result in adverse consequences, up to an including the catastrophic.

Getting better at paying attention to detail requires the honing of both selective and sustained attention. Selective attention is the ability to choose a specific stimulus out of many, while sustained attention involves holding the attention onto the stimulus (e.g., a task or target).

Attention is analogous to a muscle. Use it, and it becomes stronger, don’t, and it atrophies. Some useful exercises for strengthening focus include meditation (of course), reading, and physical activity.

8 – Take notes

Okay, so you may feel a bit embarrassed by taking notes at your next meeting. But you know what? It sure as heck conveys a positive message.

First and foremost, taking notes shows your commitment to excellence. Second, it shows that you’re willing to study to get better.

Being a smart person requires that you remember the essential things. Unfortunately, we tend to be somewhat biased in this regard, thinking that we’ll remember more than we actually will.

This is where taking notes can help a ton. It’s also an easy, subtle way to show off your smarts.

9 – Keep the right company

“Tell me with who you associate, and I will tell you who you are.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman

Speaking of easy ways to appear smart (or not), there’s who you choose to call your friends. Fair or not, who you “hang out” with is seen as a reliable indicator of your judgment – and thus, smarts.

The choice to keep in good company isn’t an exclusionary or elitist ideal. We tell our kids all of the time to avoid the “wrong crowd,” after all. While we’re a bit less susceptible to corrosive influences as an adult, it’s still essential to associate with the right person; if for none other reason than to be seen as having good character and judgment.

10 – Take care of your body

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker

While some people care for their body to boost their egos, we seek a more holistic reason.

The best one: well (or poorly) your body is taking care of will affect (positively or negatively) everything that you do. Energy levels, susceptibility to disease, and degree of mobility are all influenced – to a great extent – by how you care for the body.

With this in mind, try to get at least 30 to 45 minutes to light to moderate exercise every day.

Final Thoughts on Showing People How Smart You Are Without Bragging About It

Taking these actions puts your “smarts” on display. You won’t need to tell others how sharp-minded you are. Indeed, your behaviors will speak volumes about you.


Tell a Story for the Ages: How to Keep a Travel Blog While You’re in Turkey

Tell a Story for the Ages: How to Keep a

Tell a Story for the Ages: How to Keep a Travel Blog While You’re in Turkey

Did you know that 51.9 million people visited Turkey in 2019, breaking the previous year’s record by 13.7 percent?

Well, it’s true, and with good reason! Turkey is an amazing place to visit, and keeping a blog while you’re there is a great way to share your experiences with those at home. Not only that, but you’ll be able to look back on it in many years and remember your time there.

Read on for some tips on how to keep a travel blog while in Turkey!

Have an Allotted Blogging Time

The first step to keeping a travel blog in Turkey is to have a specific time set aside to post. This will stop you from putting off writing blog posts and hold you accountable for uploading consistently.

This time doesn’t need to be every day- in fact, two or three posts a week should be sufficient. Choose what days of the week you want to upload on and stick with it!

Write on Your Phone

That being said, the time that you allot to write blog posts can simply be when you’re on public transit. There’s nothing better to do when you’re sitting on a bus or a train, so you might as well whip out your Smartphone and begin to talk about your daily experiences and the cool things you’ve seen.

Not only will this make it easy to blog- you won’t even need to take attention away from your travels!- but it will also make sure that the things you’re writing about are fresh in your mind.

Take Pictures to Go With Posts

People back home will want to experience what you’re seeing rather than just reading a description of them. That’s why you’ll want to put some pictures of cool things that you see with each blog post you make.

Check out for some information on sightseeing in Turkey. On the tours offered by this site, you’ll get to see lots of amazing historical locations and artifacts that are photogenic enough to upload to your blog.

Don’t Stay in a Hostel

Many people who travel abroad will choose to stay in hostels, especially when you’re going somewhere that you don’t speak the language. These buildings have many people staying in the same room, which has benefits but also has downsides.

One of the biggest downsides to staying in a hostel is that you may be distracted from writing and uploading blog posts. People will be making noise around you and making it difficult for you to focus. Instead, find a bed and breakfast that’s within your budget and stay there.

Enjoy a Fantastic Trip

If you want to write a travel blog that stands out, you’re going to need to have an amazing trip. Go to new places, try interesting things, and don’t shy away from the unknown. Turkey is a place filled with unique cultural traditions, friendly locals, and authentic and interesting food. Don’t be scared to try new things!

More on How to Keep a Travel Blog

Now that you know how to keep a travel blog while on your trip to Turkey, it’s time to learn more writing tips. Check out the ‘writing’ tab on our home page for more information on how to write well and make your blog stand out online.


How to Make a Career Change When You’re Feeling Lost and Unfulfilled

How to Make a Career Change When You're Feeling Lost

How to Make a Career Change When You’re Feeling Lost and Unfulfilled

In 2017, Gallup Poll executed a survey, which confirmed that only 15% of people found meaning in their work. 

Unlike the baby boomers who valued job security, the younger workforce has concerns about work-life balance. 

Unfortunately, work hours have become longer, and the retirement age seems incredibly far away.  

If you’ve been feeling unsatisfied in your career, you’re not alone. A significant number of Americans seek to change their jobs at some point in their lives. 

Do you feel unsatisfied with your current job? It’s probably time to make a career change. 

Keep reading to learn more about how to make a career change — the right way.

1. Have a Reality Check

The grass always seems greener on the other side, but this isn’t always the case. 

Before you put down your tools at your present workplace, you need to be sure you’re making the right move. The last thing you want is for your dream career to turn into a nightmare.

Once you’re certain you want to change your career path, compare your current career to the ideal one. You need to make a comprehensive list of the reasons why you feel you need a new job. 

Will the new career solve these problems? Unfortunately, some millennials tend to leave their jobs for flimsy reasons. 

When writing down your list, you’ll want to be honest with yourself. Remember that a career change can have significant impacts on your social, emotional, and economic life.

While at it, you need adequate information about the career you want to pursue. Check out the possible job descriptions. Visualize how your day would look like in the industry. 

2. Assess Your Skills

One of the main worries for people seeking to make a career change is whether they possess the necessary skills. 

Arguably, you might need to master several new skills. If the career change is drastic, the learning curve will be undeniably steep. 

With the notable interconnection of careers, it wouldn’t be surprising to realize that you already possess some of the valuable skills required in the new job. 

In this case, the transition might be fairly smooth. However, you’ll have to consider filling some of the gaps if you find areas that require improvement. 

In some cases, you might need to go back to school. Consider whether you’re ready for this commitment. For example, taking a HESI practice test as an aspiring nurse will help you know if your performance will be exemplary in a nursing school. 

3. List the Occupations You Desire to Explore 

The list of occupations in a career is inexhaustible. If, for example, you want to move from accounting to the healthcare sector, you should start examining your options. Self-assessment tools can help you list at least five possible occupations to explore.  

Look at each occupation and assess the educational requirements, job description, possible opportunities for advancements, and the compensation packages. 

Sites such as Glassdoor and are a great place to start. 

Your research will help you to narrow down the list further. Some occupations might require a degree that you don’t possess. Alternatively, the salary in some of the jobs might be less than you are comfortable with. 

Now that you are confident of the career path you want to pursue, your moves have to be specific. 

Note that landing your dream job rarely happens overnight. 

4. Consider Informational Interviews

Informational interviews allow you to connect with professionals in your prospective career. 

With the right networks, you will get insider knowledge on the job you’ve been admiring. This information can further guide you when making this significant change.

However, it’s important to note that people have different perspectives based on their own experiences. 

For all you know, they might be equally unsatisfied with their jobs, which affects their perception of the career. So, consider asking general questions that might not have a personalized view. 

Your questions should focus more on seeking to understand the work environment, personality traits that prompt success, and any surprises that you need to know about. 

Interviewing more than one professional will help you make a concrete comparison. 

5. Set Realistic Goals and Make a Career Plan

At this point, you’re sure about your career change and the occupation you desire is precise. 

Setting goals will guide your moves. 

It will help to categorize your goals as short-term or long-term based on the time it will take you to complete them. 

If you’re getting into a completely different field, undertaking an associate’s degree might be one of your short-term goals. Getting certified in many fields takes more than two years, which makes it a long-term goal. 

The goals you set will allow you to evaluate your career progress. 

You are 42% more likely to reach your dream and goals if you write them regularly. Indicate the steps you will take to achieve each of the goals and possible barriers that might hinder your progress.  

6. Make the Career Change 

When you decide to actualize a career change, you need to start by getting the relevant training. 

Some of the ways that you can get new skills include applying for an internship, taking an online course, or pursuing a certification or degree.

Once you have everything in check, it’s time to move. It is essential to resign as per the company’s policy. 

The feeling of guilt and anxiety is normal as you prepare to put in your notice. The journey you’re about to undertake is not easy, but it’s worth it.

A Career Change Is Necessary When Your Job Feels Unfulfilling

Sticking with a career that makes you sick every morning can be devastating. If you’re in such a place, changing jobs is probably the best option. 

A career change is not a destination per se — it is more of a process. 

You might face discouragements along the way, especially if you’re starting from scratch. So, celebrate all the milestones so you can remain motivated. 

With time, your passion and hard work will make you excel in your new career.  

Explore our site further for more empowering content. 


What to Do in Kansas City When You’re Bored

What to Do in Kansas City When You're Bored

What to Do in Kansas City When You’re Bored

Missouri may have more than 27 million acres of farmland within its borders, but that doesn’t mean it’s a sleepy agricultural state. The well-prepared will find plenty of amusements in the Show-Me state and many of these activities center on Kansas City.

So, if you’re planning a trip to the place where barbecues are the flavor of the day, you’re probably wondering what to do in Kansas City once you’ve had your fill.

Plan your trip in advance and you’ll never experience a dull moment during your stay.

The Country Club Plaza

No trip to Kansas City is complete without stopping in at “The Plaza”. Here’s you can shop to your heart’s content, enjoy a bit to eat, or take part in one of the other attractions on site.

Some of the best things to see and do at the Country Club Plaza include:

  • Beautiful fountains and classic European architecture featuring statues, murals, and mosaics
  • Brilliant displays of lights and decorations at Christmas time
  • Take a carriage ride
  • Ride a gondola float on Brush Creek
  • Pick up some treats for your best friend at The Dog Bakery

When constructed, The Country Club Plaza was years ahead of its time and is the first suburban shopping center in the world designed to accommodate automobiles. You’ll always find something to admire, buy, or eat among the 173 stores onsite.

What to Do in Kansas City if You Love History and Art

Kansas City is a delight for the culturally-inclined with dozens of displays to explore. These are some of the best museums around town:

  • American Jazz Museum
  • National World War I Museum and Memorial
  • Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
  • National Museum of Toys and Miniatures
  • Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
  • Arabia Steamboat Museum

For something totally different, Leila’s Hair Art Museum features the world’s only collection of art and jewelry made from human hair!

First Fridays happen here too, with a streetcar ride into downtown Kansas City where live music, art exhibits, vendors and food trucks await.

Get in on the Game

The Kauffman Baseball Stadium is a standout feature on the Kansas City skyline and an awesome place to catch a game among the thousands of City Royals fans.

You’ll find a host of places to wet your whistle during your visit, as well as a Team Store for memorabilia, and extensive outfield activities like mini-golf and a children’s playground.

When the team isn’t in town, you can find out more about this iconic venue on a stadium tour with interactive displays for the kids to enjoy.

Visit a Waterpark

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to slide down Niagara Falls, this is your chance. The Verruckt at Kansas’s City’s Schlitterbahn waterpark is over 160ft tall, which is 1ft taller than the Falls.

It’s one of the things that Kansas City is most famous for. Read more about the World’s highest slide and find out if you’ve got what it takes to take it on.

Other thrills at this park include the Boogie Bahn, Sky Coaster, and the Master Blaster Water Coaster. The less courageous can stick to gentle tube rides along the river or more ordinary waterpark adventures.

Check Out the Music Scene

Kansas City has always been a hub of musical creation, and the jazz and blues trend continues at many superb venues throughout the city.

Also, many top bands break their trip to Denver and other touring destinations with a show in Kansas City. Take a look at the schedules for the Riot Room, Uptown Theatre, Arvest Bank Theater, and Knuckleheads to see who’s in town during your visit.

For a taste of local talent, head to Records with Merritt where you’ll find someone on stage almost every night of the week.

The Crown Center

This massive mall is more than just a shopping center, it’s filled with opportunities for entertainment and amusement too. Take a trip to this top attraction and you’ll discover a host of fascinations like:

  • The Coterie and MTH Theater for live shows
  • Legoland Discovery Center
  • Sea Life Aquarium
  • Hallmark Cards Visitors Center
  • Kaleidoscope for art activities

Of course, you’ll also find plenty of opportunities to scratch your retail itch at specialty stores and boutiques throughout the complex.

Kansas City Zoo

Make a date with Mother Nature at this busy destination which has something for every animal lover. You can meet rhinos, tortoises, and penguins up close, or get in touch with the inhabitants of Stingray Bay.

Other daily shows include birds in flight and appearances by the zoos trained Animal Ambassadors like Iguanas, goats, and birds. Some of the interesting creatures you’ll encounter at the Kansas City Zoo include cheetahs, orangutans, African Painted Dogs, and the critically endangered Amur leopard.

To get the most out of your visit, don’t miss the zookeeper talks or the chance to take a guided golf cart or walking tour of all the sights.

Worlds of Fun

You’re bound to find something that blows your hair back among the 235 acres of rides and slides at Worlds of Fun. This top Kansas City attraction boasts the world’s longest mat racing water slide, thrilling roller coasters, rocket rides and more.

At Oceans of Fun, you can zip down huge waterslides, splash in the pool or meander down the 720ft. Lazy River. There are plenty of child-friendly rides too as well as regular shows and entertainment for all ages.

Don’t Let Boredom Beat You

Whether you’re wondering what to do in Kansas City or planning a staycation in the Bay area, you’ll find plenty of food for thought on our website.

Browse through our travel pages for more information on things to do and see wherever you are right now.


You’re Not a Human Coffee Grinder: How to Relax Your Jaw

You're Not a Human Coffee Grinder: How to Relax Your

You’re Not a Human Coffee Grinder: How to Relax Your Jaw

If you’re one of the 30 to 40 million Americans that grind your teeth at night, you intimately know that helpless, sinking feeling that comes with waking up with a headache and sore jaw for the third time in a week.

While this feeling is awful, the reality is that you’re not helpless- there are some awesome ways that you can easily help yourself treat bruxism at home.

Read on to learn how to relax your jaw and eliminate the pains that come with teeth grinding!

Understand the Issue

Grinding your teeth at night is a problem for a wide variety of reasons- it’s painful, for one thing, but it can also cause long-term issues. Repeated jaw clenching and bruxism have the potential to create issues with your bite or other serious dental problems. Understanding the severity of the issue is the first step toward treatment because it serves as a motivator.

There are a few reasons that you may be having issues with teeth grinding. One possible cause is sleep apnea, which can be treated on its own. You also may simply have jaw clenching in response to stress and anxiety, which can usually be treated with a little self-care.

Reduce Stress

Unless you have an anxiety disorder (a totally different issue,) there are tons of ways that you can naturally reduce stress around bedtime. For one thing, you can take a warm bath or shower to relax your muscles. Consider getting natural bath oils– they’re perfect for some aromatherapy as well as relaxing your skin!

You’ll also want to turn off the electronics around bedtime- the blue light they emit keeps your brain active and therefore increases anxiety when turned off. Instead of watching TV or playing phone games, consider reading a good book or coloring an adult coloring page.

Relax Your Jaw Muscles

You can also focus on relaxing your jaw muscles around bedtime. Many people choose to practice relaxing their jaw muscles, repeating the mantra of ‘lips together, teeth apart’ to themselves. Put the tip of your tongue between your teeth during the day to train your muscles to stop grinding. 

Also, you’re going to want to avoid chewing gum or anything else that isn’t food, including pencil tops. If you chew these things, you’re training your jaw to bite down naturally and exacerbating the problem.

At night, you can also relax your jaw by placing a damp, warm washcloth on the sides of your jaw beneath your ears. This is the perfect way to relax before falling asleep.


Use a Mouth Guard

Using a mouth guard for teeth grinding is also a way to protect against nighttime bruxism. These guards are comfortable and won’t inhibit you from sleeping, but they’ll also force you to keep your teeth apart at night. All in all, they’re the perfect way to train your mouth to remain in a ‘teeth-apart’ position.

More on How to Relax Your Jaw

While bruxism can be painful, there are ways to make the problem go away naturally.

Now that you know how to relax your jaw and improve your jaw clenching problem, it’s time to learn some other ways to stay healthy. Check out the ‘all articles’ tab on our home page for some more ideas on how to improve your lifestyle and keep issues like bruxism at bay.

Good luck!


Breathe Easy Busy Bodies: How to Stay Healthy and Happy When You’re Super Busy

Breathe Easy Busy Bodies: How to Stay Healthy and Happy

Breathe Easy Busy Bodies: How to Stay Healthy and Happy When You’re Super Busy

In a 2017 poll, only 33% of Americans said they felt “happy.” Now, happiness is a difficult thing to define, much less quantify. But the poll results do tell us something about the state of our psyches.

We are overworked, underpaid, and stressed to the max. If you’re looking for ways to stay healthy and happy in these super busy times, look no further. 

Make the Time for Sleep

We all know that sleep is important in determining our quality of life, yet it’s the thing we decide to skimp on first. Maybe it’s because we don’t know just how important sleep is. 

Sleep is a major determinant in your moods on a day-to-day basis. Sleep deprivation can lead to greater feelings of anger, sadness, and anxiousness. So try to make time to sleep, even if that means sacrificing in other areas. 


The scientific jury is still out somewhat, in what exactly the physiological benefits of mediation are, but so far, we know that they’re good. Frequent meditators report feeling less stressed and happier. 

These days, you don’t even have to join a Buddhist monastery to find the time to meditate. With the help of smartphone apps like Headspace or Calm, you can find the time to meditate in short, 10-20 minute bursts.

It’s Okay to Say No

The common refrain “You have the same amount of hours in the day as Beyonce” is true, but Beyonce actually knows how to manage her commitments. Many of us don’t.

Even with way too much on our plate, many of us can’t seem to stop saying yes to new responsibilities. If people are constantly coming to you for favors and tasks, you have to know that it’s okay to say no to things. 

This will lead to less stress and more happiness. After all, it’s better to do a few things very well than it is to do a lot of things poorly.

Find and Maintain Intimacy

Life is hard, and you shouldn’t have to go it alone. Finding and maintaining intimacy, platonically or romantically, is a huge key to happiness in life. When sharing a kiss, a hug, or having sex with someone, our brains release oxytocin, otherwise known as the “feel good” chemical. 

It can be difficult to find time for friends or lovers with a busy work schedule, but time well-spent with these people in your life makes for a much happier one. If you need help finding ways to stay intimate with your partner, make sure to follow this advice. 

Need More Advice for Staying Happy While Super Busy?

Hopefully, this article has given you some coping mechanisms for managing your super busy lifestyle. You just have to remember to take a breath, smell the roses, and partake in some self-care. 

However, if you’d like more advice on how to stay healthy and happy in these trying times, be sure to check out the rest of our articles, like this one on how to reduce workplace headaches.