7 Ways to Save on Prescription Drugs Without Insurance


7 Ways to Save on Prescription Drugs Without Insurance

Some people pay as much as $1,200 every year per person on prescription medications. That’s more than patients anywhere else in the world pay for the medicine. While many government programs and private insurers pick up a part of the bill, there are still Americans who can’t pay.

Instead of forking out $1,200 every year to remain healthy, there are a few ways you can save. Keep reading to discover seven ways you can pay less for prescription drugs without insurance.

With these seven tips, you can save money on prescriptions and reduce your financial strain.

Start putting more money back into your pocket with these seven easy tips. 

1. Choose Generic

One of the easiest ways to order a prescription without insurance is to ask for the generic version.

There’s likely not a generic version of every drug available on the market. However, you can still research while prescription drugs have a less expensive generic brand. Choosing the cheapest drugs that produce the same results can help you save a lot of money.

Make sure to speak with your doctor regarding the medications they prescribed. They can help you review the list and let you know if there’s a generic option available. 

If you plan on making the switch to generic, it’s important you speak to your doctor, first. They can make sure the generic option you choose doesn’t come with a list of additional side effects. Your doctor might also help you recognize the brand name option is more suitable for your health concerns. 

If you decide on a generic brand, make sure to complete thorough research.

For example, you’ll want to make sure the generic option is FDA-approved. The FDA requires evidence that the medicine was made using safe ingredients. Before they can approve a generic drug, they have to confirm the drug is the bioequivalent of the brand name alternative. 

By choosing an FDA-approved drug, you’ll have the peace of mind that you’re choosing a drug that doesn’t put your health at risk.

Buy in Bulk

If you decide to order prescription drugs without insurance, see if you can buy them in bulk.

Most people order the same medications regularly over an extended period of time. If you plan on ordering a medication for long-term health needs, you can save time and money buying in bulk. Sometimes, you can save money by purchasing a 90-day supply.

Do you have to travel to pick up your medications at a pharmacy? Buying in bulk will save you time, too! The pharmacy can help you get started and discover a great way to save.

2. Try Samples

Pharmaceutical sales representatives take the time to visit medical offices with samples of many common medications. Doctors usually offer their patients samples of these drugs before requesting they use an expensive medication. 

If you want to save money on prescriptions, ask your doctor if they have any free samples available. This is especially beneficial if they’re putting you on a new, costly medication. 

One sample might not seem like a lot. However, even a week’s worth of samples can help you save money on prescriptions. 

3. Apply for Assistance

Contacting a pharmaceutical company might help you save money when buying prescription drugs without insurance, too. Many pharmaceutical companies have patient assistance programs available. These programs are designed to help patients who can’t afford more expensive medications. 

If your doctor wants you to take an expensive medication, make sure to research which assistance programs are available, first. 

In the meantime, you might want to consider switching your Medicare drug plan. Switching your current plan could help make your current prescription more affordable.

If your plan offers no coverage at all for the new prescriptions you’re taking, definitely consider making a switch.

4. Speak with Your Doctor

Today, 30% of people don’t fill out their prescriptions because it’s too expensive. Meanwhile, 16% don’t take their prescription as scheduled, while another 15% cut their pills in half to save money. 

Unfortunately, taking these shortcuts can cause dangerous consequences for your health. 

Don’t try to use your own methods to save on drugs. Instead, take the time to speak with your doctor. They can help you determine if there’s an alternative while keeping your best interests in mind. 

5. Check an App

In some cases, the copay for two similar medications is very different. After your doctor writes your prescription, grab your phone before heading to the pharmacy. 

Many insurers provide helpful apps that allow you to compare copay prices.

Take the time to look up the drug while you’re still in the exam room. Then, you can ask the doctor about the alternative you want to purchase. That way, you can save on drugs without risking your health.

There are websites online that will help you find discounted options, too. However, it’s essential to talk to your doctor about these alternatives.

6. Remain a Savvy Shopper

In order to find the cheapest drug available, you’ll need to shop around.

First, check out websites like GoodRx. These websites can help you compare generic and brand name drugs. You can also find coupons on these websites, though the coupons often have eligibility requirements.

Otherwise, keep an eye out for prescription discount cards.

You can also check your medicine cabinet.

Some people are very careful about removing expired products, foods, and medications. In some cases, however, it’s still safe to use expired drugs. They might not prove as potent as they were before, though. 

If you have an older bottle of the same medication, call your doctor. Ask if taking the old prescription is still safe. If the prescription expired a long while ago, you’ll want to make sure they’re still effective.

7. Review Your Regimen Regularly

After using these seven tips for buying prescription drugs without insurance, make a plan to check-in with your doctor regularly. Ask them if there are certain medications you can remove from your regimen.

They can help you make improvements, cut costs, and determine which medications are working. 

That way, you’re only paying for what you need!

Buying Prescription Drugs Without Insurance

Ready to save money on prescription drugs without insurance? With these seven tips, you can find a better way to pay. Save on drugs using these easy tips!

Searching for more helpful tips and tricks? Check the Health section fo the blog today!

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