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15 Relationship Deal Breakers Strong Women Will Never Ignore

15 Relationship Deal Breakers Strong Women Will Never Ignore

Relationships are hardn and women put up with a lot from men. Women, especially strong women, can be incredibly resilient people. However, there is only so much that a person can put up with. Here are 15 relationship deal breakers that strong women simply won’t ignore.

Here Are the 25 Deal Breakers Unacceptable to a Strong Woman

Many women will flee the scene if they observe these behaviors in their new man.

1. He lives with his parents.

If an adult male still lives with his parents, this is a big red flag that strong women won’t ignore. This doesn’t include guys who are taking care of their parents because one or both of them are sick or disabled. Those guys get a gold medal.

An adult male who still lives with his parents simply shows no ambition in life. He is lazy or scared to move out on his own, or both. Even worse, he might be a mama’s boy, and no woman likes those type of men. Either way, it’s one of the biggest deal breakers.

2. He doesn’t have a steady job.

No one likes dating an unemployed guy. It’s not that strong women are trying to be gold diggers, but let’s be honest here. An unemployed guy can’t take you out. In fact, they won’t be able to do much of anything.

Plus, the inability to hold a job is a sign of immaturity or the unwillingness to be responsible. This will only cause problems in the future.

3. He has no goals or aspirations.

A strong woman is motivated and determined. Being with a guy who has no goals in life will get old fast.

It’s hard to be with someone when you’re climbing the ladder, and they’re okay just being at the bottom. Eventually, you’ll have too much distance between you to have anything in common. Strong women know this, so they aren’t going to put up with a man who has no aspirations in life.

4. He is a bad father.

Most strong women probably have dreams of having a family in the future. If they’re dating a man who already has children, they’ll pay close attention to the type of father he is. If he isn’t taking care of his children now, he probably will be unkind to her children in the future.

Even if he does take care of his future children, it’s still a deal breaker because no real woman is going to watch him favor some of his children over the others.

5. He doesn’t treat women in his life with respect.

Strong women demand respect in their lives. A man might pretend to respect a woman at first but then change later in the relationship. She may notice that her man is disrespectful of her family or even disrespectful of his own family.

With a strong woman, he won’t get the chance to change because she’ll notice this behavior upfront by watching how he treats the women in his life. A man can’t hide his true nature at all times, so when the red flag shows up, a strong woman will quickly exit the relationship.

6. He’s always late to everything.

People are late every now and again. It happens. But when it’s a recurring theme, a strong woman won’t continue to put up with this. When a man is always late to everything, it shows that he doesn’t respect people’s time. A strong woman values her time, so she won’t deal with someone who doesn’t respect it.

7. His temper seems out of control.

An out of control temper is one of the biggest red flags you can have in a relationship. A lot of women put up with this type of abusive behavior, unfortunately. However, a strong woman will absolutely not deal with it. She values herself too much to remain in such an abusive situation, and she will quickly remove that man from her life, even if it must be by force.

It doesn’t matter if it’s physical abuse or if it’s more verbally abusive in nature. Either way, she’s gone.

8. He complains about everything.

No one likes a negative Nancy. In this case, it might be a negative Ned. A strong woman is likely motivated and has a positive attitude. The last thing she wants to do is spend time with someone who complains about everything.

A strong woman might give a man a chance to correct the behavior. She may try to talk it out with him and help him change his perspective. However, if he doesn’t, she’ll tire of the behavior, consider the behavior as one of the major deal breakers, and remove that man from her life.

9. He gives up on things easily.

A strong woman is attracted to a strong man. This means a man that will persevere even when the going gets tough. That’s how strong couples build a strong future together.

Strong women don’t have the capability of dealing with a weak man who gives up on everything. It’s simply not in their nature to be with someone like that. That is a relationship that is destined for failure, and strong women know this early in the relationship.

10. He constantly makes bad decisions.

Young guys may make bad decisions, just like young women. Everyone must learn. However, at some point, you’re supposed to grow up, mature, and make responsible decisions. A man who constantly makes bad decisions has not grown up yet.

A strong woman is not going to be with a man who constantly makes bad decisions. This means she will have to constantly fix situations, and that can inhibit growth. A strong woman won’t let anyone hinder her growth.

11. He is a flirt or cheater.

As mentioned in tip number five, a strong woman is going to demand respect. A man who is constantly flirting with other women or cheating is not respecting his woman. Some women will put up with this constant cycle – strong women will not.

Strong women know their worth, and they aren’t going to be with a man who doesn’t respect their value. They will cut that man off so quickly he won’t even have time to react. Plus, a man who is a flirt or cheater is usually always telling lies. And that’s one of the worst deal breakers of all.

12. He is involved in illegal activities.

For some women, the bad guy is extremely attractive. This is usually immature women who haven’t grown up yet. However, once a woman grows up and becomes a strong woman, she’ll cut the nonsense out of her life.

A strong woman isn’t going to allow anyone to be in her life that could bring her down. Therefore, if a man is involved in illegal activities, she will refuse to have a part in that. She will also refuse to be in a relationship with that man because she knows she could lose everything just by being associated with him.

13. He is childish/immature.

There is nothing wrong with being in touch with your inner child, but you must be able to be an adult when it counts. Some men never reach that point. They stay in their mother’s basements and play video games all day.

A strong woman is not going to date a guy like this. In fact, a strong woman probably won’t even give that type of guy a chance. It’s one of the major deal breakers.

14. He doesn’t treat his lady like a queen.

A strong woman thinks highly of herself. She works hard, and she likes the finer things in life. She treats herself like royalty, and she wants a man that treats her the way she treats herself.

If a man doesn’t believe in treating his woman like the queen that she is, the relationship is not going to work out. They have two different ways of thinking when it comes to how they treat each other, and a strong woman isn’t going to budge on being treated like her worth. A strong woman knows that a queen should be with a king.

15. He is wimpy.

Throughout history, men have always been portrayed as being strong, brave, knights in shining armor. That’s what women want, especially strong women. They desire men who can protect them and take care of them.

A strong woman refuses to settle for a man who is afraid of life. This doesn’t mean she wants a man who is going to fight all the time. It just means she wants a man who isn’t afraid to be a protector.

Final Thoughts on Deal Breakers for Strong Women

Don’t let this article make you think that strong women are inflexible and unyielding. They will give a man a chance to prove his worth. What they won’t do is put up with continuously weak and immature behavior.

A strong woman needs a strong man. There is no way to get around that. Anything less and the relationship becomes lopsided. A strong woman simply won’t tolerate a one-sided relationship.

If you are a strong woman, you already know that all the above tips are true. If you are a man looking to get into a relationship with a strong woman, make sure you can meet all these criteria, or else you’ll be wasting your time. A strong woman simply won’t ignore these deal breakers.


Life Coaches Explain How to Create an Action Plan to Attain Your Goals

Life Coaches Explain How to Create an Action Plan to

You have goals. That’s wonderful. Believe it or not, you’re doing great. Life coaches everywhere will tell you that a lot of people haven’t even made it that far.

Now you’re probably wondering how to achieve those goals. Many people psych themselves out at this step. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to achieve these grand goals you have floating in your head.

Life coach Lauren Handel Zander suggests that people haven’t really taken enough time to figure out what they want out of life. Taking the time to sit down and map out what you want can help guide your life. “Whatever you’re chasing in life — it needs to be you true north,” says Zander.

The best way to not get overwhelmed, and to achieve goals is to create an action plan. When you have a plan, you can see the journey step by step and suddenly your goals seem easy to attain. Here is the best way to create a great action plan based on advice from several life coaches.

A Ten-Step Action Plan to Help You Reach Your Dreams

Step 1: Relax.

As stated before, a lot of people can be overwhelmed at the thought of trying to achieve goals. Just relax. You need to get rid of stress first before you embark on this journey because you need a clear head.

Whatever you need to do to take the edge off, do it (as long as it’s nothing harmful to yourself like drugs or alcohol). Take a couple of days off, do yoga, read some self-help books, and get yourself in the right state of mind. You don’t want to start the journey off as a frazzled mess. That isn’t going to help anything.

Step 2: Clearly define your SMART goals.

You may have goals, but your goals need to be clearly defined. According to life coach Alexis Robin, co-founder of pLink Coaching Center, “when you get crystal clear about where you are going on a project, in your career, or in your life, each decision you make will get you closer to or further from that vision. If you are struggling with big decisions it may be because you don’t have your destination clearly identified.”

To clearly identify your goals, you should use the acronym SMART. This stands for:

  • Specific – your smart goal should be as specific as possible. For example, instead of just saying you want to save money, you should specify how much you want to save and give yourself a deadline.
  • Measurable – you should be able to keep track of your progress. It’s essential to be able to see the progress from week to week or month to month.
  • Attainable – you should always aim high, but the goal needs to be reasonable and attainable. For example, don’t say you want to save a million dollars in six months if you’re currently only bringing in $20,000 annually.
  • Relevant – the goal should be relevant to your life, skills, and needs. For example, don’t have a plan to buy a new car if your goal is to save money.
  • Time-based – you should be able to set a deadline for you to achieve the goal. The deadline should be reasonable.

Step 3: Figure out your reason why.

It’s important to understand why you want to reach the SMART goal you’re striving for. Your reason why could be simple. You want to save money so you’re not living paycheck to paycheck. You want to lose weight so you can live a healthier lifestyle. These are simple, but sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to find the real why.

This could take some self-exploration and it may be a little scary to do that. However, understanding why you want to achieve that goal will provide you with the motivation you need to do it.

For example, you might want to save money so you can enjoy more time and activities with your children before they completely grow up. That’s much more motivational than simply saying you don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck.

Step 4. Create actions and a timeline.

You have your SMART goal in place, and you’re motivated to accomplish it. This part of the action plan is where you map out exactly how you’re going to do that.

You should be able to create a list of actions or tasks that will take you, step by step, to your goal. Essentially, you’re going to divide your main goal into smaller goals. Remember to keep the smaller goals attainable.

Step 5: Get started.

You would be surprised how many people create an entire action plan but never put it into action. Now that you have your plan all set, you have to start doing it. A plan without any action isn’t a plan at all.

This is where your real why is most important. It’s going to give you that fire to get started. Keep that in mind and don’t be afraid to take that first step in your plan.

Step 6: Delegate tasks and designate resources.

Parts of your plan may require the help of other people and outside resources. Don’t be afraid to seek out that help. However, make sure you’re counting on reliable people.

For example, if your goal is saving money, you might have a plan to get a promotion so you can have more money coming in. This means you may need to step up at work and take on leadership positions which include managing other co-workers. Here is where you’d delegate tasks and designate resources.

Step 7: Take your plan step by step.

Remember to take your plan step by step. Of course, you’re going to keep your primary goal in mind, but don’t allow yourself to think of the entire goal at one time. You may find yourself getting overwhelmed.

Remember, you made an action plan for a reason. Don’t focus on future steps. Focus on the step that you’re currently working on.

Step 8: Don’t give up.

Your plan makes it easier to achieve your goals, but it doesn’t make everything easy. There are still going to be challenges along the way. These challenges might push you to your limit.

You have to remember not to give up. Make sure you have a source of strength around you to keep you pushing towards your goals. Keep a reminder of your real why near you. Write daily affirmations, listen to motivational videos, and do whatever it takes to keep going. Remember, when things get hard, or almost impossible, don’t give up.

Step 9: Monitor your progress.

Keep an eye on the progress that you’re making. As you achieve each of your smaller goals, look at them as milestones. Look at them as points in the plan where you need to recognize your small successes so far and make sure you’re still on track.

In other words, hold yourself accountable. If your goal involves a team, hold your team accountable. Have meetings to make sure everything is going as planned. If you need to, meet with individual team members.

Pay attention to the needs that arise as you follow the steps of the action plan. Make sure you’re providing those needs so that your progress won’t stop. In fact, you may need to anticipate needs so that your progress doesn’t stall. You can’t anticipate needs unless you’re doing a great job of monitoring your progress.

Step 10. Celebrate your successes.

Everyone works better on a rewards system. Plan to reward yourself with the accomplishment of each small goal. It can be a small reward, or it can be something extravagant (although if you’re trying to save money you may want to go with a small reward).

If you have a team that’s involved in your plan, don’t forget to reward them for their successes as well. The reward could be as simple as recognition for their efforts. There are plenty of studies that show that employees (or team members) work harder and are more productive when they are recognized for their efforts.

This includes you recognizing yourself. It’s a great way to keep up your self-motivation.

Final Thoughts on Creating an Action Plan to Attain Your Goals

Having goals is the first step to a better future, but you have to find a way to reach them. Action plans are the way to do this. Focusing on the big picture all at once can be overwhelming but creating a plan to get you there makes your goals much more attainable.

Life coaches everywhere will tell you that smaller, attainable tasks take the pressure off you and that taking the pressure off allows you to thrive when you’re pursuing your goals. Take this advice and get started on your action plan as soon as possible. Remember to stay focused and stay motivated and before you know it, your big picture will become a reality.


10 Ways to Ensure Work Does Not Eclipse Family Time »

10 Ways to Ensure Work Does Not Eclipse Family Time

We live in a society where our jobs demand a lot from us. As someone who wants to succeed and over-achieve, it can turn you into a workaholic. However, it’s essential to make sure that you don’t put aside family time for work.

It’s essential to have a healthy work-life balance. Many divorces happen because a spouse is never around. In fact, according to a study done by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, a marriage with a workaholic spouse is twice as likely to divorce.

You can avoid this statistic by taking steps to keep your work balanced with your life. Here are 15 ways to ensure that your work doesn’t overtake your family time.

1. Have a cutoff time for work.

When you’re really into your work, and you’re making significant progress, it can be tempting to keep working. You may think that if you push, you can get the job done well before the deadline, making you the star employee. Maybe if you just put in some extra hours, you’ll get that promotion, raise, or recognition you’ve been craving.

This desire to continuously work is simply ambition. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious. There is also nothing wrong with being a workaholic – when you’re single.

However, when you have a family, you need to spend time with them. You need to have a cutoff time for work so that family time can begin. If possible, set this time in stone so you’ll have an exact transition point.

2. Focus on work during work hours, so you get it done.

If you have a fair bit of freedom with your job, sometimes you may get distracted during the time that you’re supposed to be working. With so much happening around you each day, it’s easy to lose focus. Social media, friends and family, events, news, and more can take up some of your focus.

When this happens, it can distract you from getting your job done promptly. Then, later in the day, you may find yourself rushing to get your work done. You may end up having to work late because you didn’t manage your time efficiently.

Don’t be a victim of time mismanagement. Find a way to focus on work during work hours, so you don’t have to work overtime. This will allow you to prioritize time with your family like you should be doing.

3. Don’t miss important family events.

Work is always going to seem like it’s so vital that you can’t put anything above it. However, you need to remember that it’s not an essential thing in your life. Your family is the most crucial thing in your life, and you don’t want life to pass you by while you’re stuck in the office.

This means you shouldn’t miss out on important family moments. Birthdays and anniversaries should never be put off because of work. Your kid’s recitals or baseball games should never be missed because you must go into the office.

Remember, these are moments that you can’t get back. Work will still be there tomorrow.

4. Don’t bring your work home.

Unless you have a work-at-home job, you should never bring your work home with you. In fact, that goes against the first point – having a cutoff time for work. If you follow the first bit of advice, you won’t have to worry about bringing your work home.

Work is work. Home is home. You should never mix the two. Give your family your full attention at home. Your family understands that your job is essential, but they need to know that they aren’t second-place in your life.

It’s understandable if you need to bring work home once in a blue moon. However, it should never be a regular thing.

5. Set work boundaries.

Your job, boss, and coworkers will take as much from you as you allow them to. This means if you don’t set clear boundaries, they’ll contact you and demand from you around the clock if they need to. Even if you’re not at work, they’ll continuously contact you, which can eat into your family time.

You’ve probably seen people on vacation, but their phones are constantly ringing with work-related issues. Perhaps you’ve seen that person at a family function, but they’re obsessed with a flurry of emails. Don’t be that person.

When it’s family time, work should be put on the back burner. Let your boss and your coworkers know this in advance, and stick to it.

6. Take days off.

If you have days that are scheduled off, take them off. These are days where you can focus on family and other parts of your life. Don’t let your job drag you in on those days.

Your days off are meant for you to recharge, so you don’t burn out. After all, what good is working if you never have time to enjoy the fruits of your labor? These are days where you can put your family first, so don’t boot them to second place if your job calls.

Your job isn’t going anywhere. It will be there on your next scheduled day. Plus, not going in on your days off will help your bosses learn to manage the schedule better. It seems like you’re helping everyone by not going in on your days off.

7. Remember, you have a life outside of work.

Work isn’t everything! Or at least it shouldn’t be everything. If it is everything, you really need to get a life.

There is a whole world outside of your office. If you’re always working, your family is out enjoying that world without you. They probably won’t even get to tell you about it because you’re not even around for a conversation.

Work is important, but you only get one life. Take the time to enjoy all that it has to offer and make lasting memories with your family.

8. Make sure you’re valued at work.

You may not have thought about this, but your happiness at work can have a direct impact on how you interact with your family. If you’re miserable at work, a place that you’re spending a large chunk of your day at, you might bring that feeling home with you. Your family will be able to tell if you’re feeling miserable.

Make sure that you love your job and that you’re valued at work. You’re human – dealing with bad vibes and emotions all day will end up wearing you down. You don’t want those vibes to affect your family life. The best way to keep this from happening is by avoiding them altogether.

9. Make your family feel special.

If you know you’ve been working a lot lately, maybe it’s time to do something special for your family. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive (unless you can afford it). Small surprises go a long way.

Although doing extraordinary things for your family makes them feel good, it can also keep you grounded. It will remind you why you’re doing what you do.

Seeing how much they love your special gesture, and more importantly, how they love sharing that special gesture with you can make family time that much more special. You’ll begin to crave that time and affection, so you’re more likely to make sure that work doesn’t overtake that particular family time.

10. Remember why you’re working in the first place.

Working when you’re single is vastly different from working when you’re married with children. When you’re single, your primary focus is probably something along the lines of promotions, raises, being the MVP at work, and climbing the corporate ladder. However, having a family changes that focus (or at least it should).

This doesn’t mean that you can’t be ambitious if you have a family. It merely means that the most important thing to you has changed. You’re working for your family. You’re working to make sure they’re taken care of.

Your family is not okay if you aren’t around. They need you. Yes, they need a house and a car and other things, but keep in mind that the reason you’re working so hard in the first place is your family. Don’t ever put your job ahead of them.

Final Thoughts on Not Letting Work Overtake Family Time

You love your job. That’s wonderful, primarily since you’ve worked so hard to get where you are. However, you may find that your job isn’t as fulfilling if you don’t have anyone to share the successes with.

You need to remember that your family is just as important as succeeding at work. In fact, they are probably the reason you work so hard. Don’t use that as an excuse to work around the clock.

By utilizing the 15 tips given in this article, you can make sure that you prioritize family time. This way, you’ll have a great work-life balance. Don’t delay in implementing these tips! Your family needs you.


Pros Reveal 6 Simple Tips To Help You Organize Your Kids’ Closets

Pros Reveal 6 Simple Tips To Help You Organize Your

Are your kids’ closets a jumbled mess? That likely scenario is not at all surprising!

No one is quite as disorganized as a child! With a little understanding of the importance of keeping things tidy, kids can create quite a mess and leave a trail of havoc wherever they go. It can be difficult for parents to keep up – and even more difficult for those kids to find what they need later!

That’s why it’s so vital to teach children to start being organized as young as possible. This way, organizing habits will come naturally to them, and they’ll learn how to keep things neat and orderly as they grow up. But with all the things kids have, how can everything be stored correctly? Here’s how pros reveal six simple tips to help you organize your kids’ closets!

1.    Hang Things Up

Hanging things up is a simple and easy way to keep things off the floor. All you have to do is make sure your children have enough hooks and hangers, and you’ll naturally have things organized in some form! Morevoer, you will help decrease morning-time stress!

Here are several easy tasks you can start with:

·         Figure Out How Hanging Things Works

Help your children create a system for their clothes. For example, their clothes can be organized by color and category. This way, they can grab and put away their clothes quickly later!

·         Use Doubler Rods

Having two rods in your child’s closet not only increases the hanging space in the closet, but they also allow smaller children to put away their clothes with ease too. This will enable them to practice organizing their closet by themselves.

·         Try Using Hooks

Putting on your child’s closet provides more organizational options for your child. They can use these hooks to hang bags, scarves, jackets, or even jewelry – which helps keep their things off the floor and their room free of clutter.

·         Invest In Good Hangers

It may seem strange, but getting the right kind of hangers can make storage easier for your child’s closet. Slimline hangers take up less space than ordinary hangers, allowing you to squeeze in more clothes onto a rack. Some of them come with non-slip designs as well, ensuring that clothes won’t slide off the hangers while in the closet.

2.    Figure Out How A Good Closet Works

To store things well, you first have to invest in a functional closet. Not just in terms of build quality, but also in terms of how usable it is from your child’s point-of-view. After all, it is much easier to encourage cleanliness and orderliness if the act of storing and retrieving their belongings is a positive experience!

·         Make Sure Everything Is Accessible

Your child needs to have a closet that they can use to its fullest. This means making sure that baskets are within reach, and things can be easily seen and retrieved from the open shelves. This lowered height makes it easier for your child to maintain and organize their own space.

·         Invest In A Working Closet System

Not all closets are designed the same. Look for one that has the right number and arrangement of shelves, cubbies, and drawers your child needs.

·         Designate Different Spaces For Different Things

Organizing is easier for your child if they know where things should go. Help your child decide on a “home” for their belongings so that they are encouraged to return the appropriate items to their respective shelves. For example, their shoes’ home can be in a drawer, and underwear can have their home on a specific shelf!

3.    Make Things Convenient

No matter how old you are, cleaning can come across as a menial chore and a drag. For children, this is understandably even worse – which can explain why they may struggle to keep their rooms and closets clean. Here are a few things you can do to help them:

·         Have A Basket Or Bin For Everything

Using a mix of bins and baskets allows you to contain and store things that won’t usually fit onto a shelf or into a drawer. It also gives your children someplace to put the bulkier stuff they love, like puzzles, books, stuffed toys, or even shoes.

·         Make Labels

Teaching your child how to label things can help them keep track of their belongings and their respective shelves. You can then teach them to match items to their labeled shelves for easy cleanup.

·         Coordinate By Color

Color-coordination can turn fixing up the closet into a fun and easy task for your child. Have them put their toys in a basket of the same color, or place their books back onto a shelf with books of similar color.

·         Use Closet Dividers

Closet dividers help divide up a closet into more spaces. This allows your child to get specific with their storage, and control the size of their shelves per their needs or wants!

4.    Unique Storage Options

Typical storage methods may be just what you need for your children. This offers them more options to keep things clean, and may make organizing their closet and space a more exciting experience!

Here are a few helpful hints you can try for your children:

·         Go For Hidden Storage

There’s nothing more exciting for children than a hidden drawer or bin. This can encourage them to put their things away while also doubling the amount of storage space for them.

·         DIY A Hanging Pegboard

A pegboard wall with hooks offers both you and your child more versatility when it comes to storage options. You can use it to store books, knick-knacks, and various miscellaneous items – whatever organizational space you need, you can configure a pegboard for the task.

· Don’t Let The Door Go to Waste

You can quickly put up a set of hooks or a hanging organizer for additional storage space. This not only utilizes an unusual space that would otherwise go to waste, but it also allows your child to easily see and store their belongings.

·         Bring Write Kitchen Shelves In

Kitchen shelves don’t have to be reserved for just your kitchen. You can also utilize them for your child’s storage, allowing you to put their belongings somewhere that’s visible. This not only leaves everything in sight and easy reach for your child but also offers plenty of vertical storage space as well.

·         Mix Laundry Baskets With Shelves

Laundry baskets don’t have to be just for laundry. You can also use them as a shelf of sorts, and have your child use it as a storage spot for all kinds of miscellaneous items they may have.

5.    Make Cleanup Easy

The simplest way to encourage your children to clean up after themselves is to make the task easy! It is often easy to forget just how difficult it can be for a child to remember to clean up after themselves. Lowering the energy and mental requirements for your children solves that issue, and it can be quickly done by:

·         Set Up A Bin Or Two For Toys

Putting down some stackable storage bins for your children creates an easily accessible place for your children’s toys. You can help your child label said containers so that they know what goes where, which further incentivizes them to put things back “home”.

·         Prepare A Laundry Basket

Give your children a place to put their dirty laundry. A basket with handles will not only create a logical place for dirty clothes but can also be carried by your child to the laundry room when full.

·         Have An Open Bin Ready For Quick Cleanup

Simply have a large, open bin for bulky items. Have your child toss everything into it before bedtime – pillows, stuffed toys, throw blankets, etc. No questions asked.

6.    When Losing Motivation, Remember The Benefits

No matter how much work you put in, it bears remembering that this is essentially an ongoing lesson you will have to teach them for the entirety of their childhood. That can seem like a long time on a bad day, and you might find yourself in despair instead!

It’s best to cling on tight to positive thinking, however. Research tells us that with enough time, the organizational skills you teach them scale up to other aspects of their life as well. For example, they become better at:

·         Learning To Follow Directions

It may seem simple, but trying to follow directions is a lot harder for children than you might think. This is because it requires a child to be capable of focusing on the task at hand and mentally constructing a course of action for it. These two things need mental organizational and planning skills – something a child can learn from organizing their closet.

·         Easier Location

With everything placed away from where they should be, you’ll find that it’s easier for both you and your child to find things.

·         Gaining Math Skills

Organizational skills find their place in math, a subject that is also highly organized. So it should come as no surprise that studies have pointed out the relationship between a child’s organizational skills and their mathematical academic achievement. As such, teaching your children how to organize their closet – and by extension, teaching them organizational skills – may have a positive effect on their studies later on.

·         Learning Confidence

The task of rewarding your child for cleaning up their closet may also be what helps build their confidence. Research shows that being specific about praise helps boost their child in the praised area. This means that regularly rewarding and praising your child for organizing their toys and clothing will help them increase their sense of self, their capacity for positive thinking, and their ability to organize!

·         Gaining Literacy

When a child reads a book or writes a story, they have to keep track of several things at once. For example, they’d have to keep track of plot, story concept, characters, and their relationships. This actually all requires organizational skills that they can, fortunately, learn through visually organizing their space, as research has shown.

Final Thoughts On Following These Simple Tips To Help You Organize Your Kids’ Closets

No one expects, wants, or needs children to be the perfect depictions of a filing cabinet. We all know full well that kids will be kids! Being young involves being a little messy. But that doesn’t mean that children can’t begin to learn how to keep things tidy, and what better way to start teaching organization than through their closets?


4 Simple Ways To Appreciate Yourself Every Day

4 Simple Ways To Appreciate Yourself Every Day

There are many excellent things to appreciate in everyday life. You can always find beauty in nature and the world. There are friends, family, and loved ones. And, there are simple necessities. There are all your favorite things. But you might be missing out on the most crucial person to appreciate: yourself!

Yes, many things are worth appreciating, and you certainly should be grateful for them! But many people lose sight of their merit when they focus so much on how good everything else is. Don’t forget that you’re a wonderful person. Additionally, you deserve self-appreciation all the same. If you don’t appreciate yourself, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

But you might find this more challenging that one would think. It can be tough to learn not just to love yourself but actively be grateful for yourself, especially daily. To help inspire you, here are four quick and simple yet effective ways to appreciate yourself every day.

1.    Surround Yourself With Good People

To facilitate self-directed positive thinking, you first need to create a positive environment that will appreciate and love you in turn. After all, it’s only fair that you receive back what you put out there into the world! So take care to vet your friends carefully, and find the people who will treat you the way you deserve to.

·         Accept And Appreciate Genuine Compliments

Good relationships will try to build you up, which is precisely what we all need. It can be tempting to downplay or brush aside a compliment and instead await some grand display of affection, but this isn’t healthy or realistic. Instead, it is much healthier for both our self-esteem and our relationships with others to accept and internalize genuine compliments. A study has shown that receiving praise is related to a positive increase in our capabilities too!

·         Remove Toxic People From Your Life

It’s easy to find yourself surrounded by toxic people who take advantage of you, without ever really returning the love and care you give them. This can apply to both parents, friends, and partners alike. If any of them either demands help without helping you in turn, belittles you repeatedly, or talks to you behind your back, it’s best to cut them out of your life directly. Set up firm, healthy boundaries, and stick to those who take care of your feelings in return.

·         Ask A Close Friend To Explain What They Like About You

You may feel like this is unnecessary and selfish, but there’s no harm in asking your friends what they like or love about you – especially if you’re not feeling too well. Have them tell you or it down for you to read so that you can be reminded of what positive impact you have on those around you, and what you’re good at. This activity will give you something to refer back to the next time you find yourself questioning your worth!

2.    Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Your physical and mental wellbeing are often two things that are strongly intertwined with each other. So it should come as no surprise that it’s easier to engage in self-directed positive thinking when you’re physically healthy and in good shape.

With that in mind, here are a few things to consider when trying to make yourself healthy:

·         Eat A Balanced Diet

Studies have shown that there is a pretty strong correlation between nutritional deficiencies and depression. In other words, there’s a pretty good reason you should take a closer look at your current diet. Getting enough water, nutrition, and sleep will make you feel physically better – and, by extension, makes it easier for you to feel better about yourself.

·         Exercise

Exercise has been proven by research to confer all sorts of benefits for both your physical and mental wellbeing. In this particular case, it helps with alleviating anxiety and depression. And this is before taking into account that workouts will help you feel and look better, which can help build your sense of self-worth. This is especially so if you’re doing strength training, which often has clear and visible progress you can refer to!

·         Manage Stress Levels

This tidbit should come as no surprise to you. Stress has been proven by research to inflict a strong, negative effect on our psychological state. This means that doing your best to manage your stress and relax helps you appreciate yourself better!

3.    Learn To Talk Yourself Up

Many of us often tend to talk down or belittle ourselves, whether out loud or internally. This is especially so if we had grown up in an environment that had been very hurtful while we were growing up, and in the process, internalized these negative thoughts.

To better appreciate yourself better, it’s better for your mental wellbeing to instead:

·         Replace Negative Thoughts

If you find yourself faced with negative beliefs about yourself, try replacing them with something else. Statements like “I’m so fat” or “I’m so stupid” will naturally come up automatically after making a mistake or being embarrassed, but they should not go uncontested. Instead, rewrite them to be more realistic and positive. Bring up the good things you have about yourself, or remind yourself that your failures do not make you a bad person.

· Don’t Fall Victim To Shame

Before you can truly learn to appreciate yourself, you first need to differentiate between guilt and shame, and the emotions they cause. Both of them are responses to making a mistake, but only one of them is potentially productive. Guilt often realizes and acknowledges that you’ve done something terrible, and can spur you to positive change. On the other hand, shame often makes you stew in feelings of failure. This, of course, isn’t productive in the slightest. If you make an error, it is always best to focus on remedying it the best you can, and then moving on.

·         Use Mantras Or Positive Affirmations

Self-affirmation isn’t as silly as you might think it is. Studies show that repeated upbeat mantras – especially in reaction to adverse circumstances – can activate the reward center of your brain. As a result, the usage of mantras in the face of adversity can help reinforce one’s inner resilience and strength. This means that so long as it’s short, concise, and meaningful to you, that mantra you’re repeating in your head may just brighten your day!

·         Leave Yourself Post-It Notes

Another way to saturate yourself with positive affirmations is by placing sticky notes where you can see them. Try writing down little notes like “I’m fantastic,” and “I am loved.”

Then place them where you could use some encouragement. For example, on your bathroom mirror, on the back of the door when you’re heading out, or even in your wallet. This makes self-affirmation a tangible and visible thing that, depending on how creative you get (and how quickly you forget), may serve as a way to boost your spirits at unexpected times of the day.

·         Delve Into Your Thoughts

Far too often, we tend to accept negative self-assessments without ever really challenging them casually. As a result, we tend to simply take these negative ideas of unworthiness and belittling as fact, despite them often being mostly baseless. So the next time you find yourself coping with thoughts of worthlessness and the like, consider asking yourself what triggered them, and where do these thoughts come from. This way, you get to identify what is the actual root cause behind such negative perceptions of yourself and learn how to undo that learned thought behavior. Remember – you are not your thoughts. They are temporary and will pass with time. It’s best to allow them to leave without clinging on to them.

4.    Be Kind To Others

Too often, we tend to focus on negativity, often to the point that we ignore everyone around us. It may seem counterintuitive, but turning our focus outwards and caring for others is often an incredibly effective way to feel better about ourselves. This is because we get to finally do something tangible that has clear and distinct positive effects, which often, in turn, uplifts our mood.

On top of that, kindness can also serve as both a way to practice gratitude – which in itself is a useful skill that helps with one’s self-worth. Want to get started? Here are a few tips to get started with:

·         Thank Those Around You

Try taking a moment to recognize when someone did their best to help you out, and thank them in return. It’s a simple action that not only inspires positivity in others but also likely will inspire positivity in you as well! To do this, pay attention to the actions and behavior of those around you, friends, and strangers alike. While a general “thank you” will suffice, it pays to take one step further and try being specific about what good or help they’ve done for you. This way, you’ll also learn to be more appreciative and observant of the world around you.

·         Go The Extra Mile

Instead of being a passive bystander, be deliberate in your acts of encouragement and understanding. Research has shown that performing acts of kindness helps the performer’s wellbeing as well. This is often because the act of thinking and treating others kindly inspires you to think about how you, too, can be kind and understanding towards yourself as well, and how you would want others to treat you.

·         Volunteer For A Good Cause

Consider trying to help those less fortunate than you are in places like soup kitchens, orphanages, or nursing homes. In the process of assisting others, you’ll find that you might actually be uplifted in turn as well – and not just in an emotional way. Studies show that serving others not only reduces depression and negative thoughts, but also gives you a boost in oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin – all neurotransmitters that are responsible for feelings of happiness and joy!

Final Thoughts On Some Simple, Yet Effective Ways To Appreciate Yourself Every Day

Appreciating yourself is about feeling good about yourself, caring for yourself, and taking note of your achievements and excellent qualities. You don’t have to do anything intricate or fancy to appreciate yourself fully – even the simplest of steps can help you appreciate yourself daily. Before you know it, that self-love will be ingrained in you!


10 Signs of Compatibility Between Partners

10 Signs of Compatibility Between Partners

When selecting a partner, there are many things that you must consider. Finding the one that you want to share your most intimate moments with is just a dream to some. How do you know if you share compatibility with a person?

Fairytales depict that you will make this journey towards finding the right person only once, so you want to make sure that you get it right. The person you want to share your life with must check all the boxes, and your chemistry must be off the charts. Compatibility is the key, but many things fall into that category.

How do you know if your compatibility is where it needs to be? If you want a life-long partnership, then you must make sure you both are well-suited.

10 Signs of Compatibility Between Partners

Here are ten things that will show if you and the one you love have excellent compatibility.

1. They’re the First Person You Want to Share Things With

Before you walk down the aisle or commit to someone, they should first be your best friend. Your BFF is someone that you want to share everything with, whether it be good or bad. Do you find yourself wanting to call this person just to tell them about the smallest of things?

When they are your person, then they know everything about you. Additionally, there are no secrets between the two of you. If you can’t wait to get home and share all the happenings of your day with them, then you know that they hold a special place in your life and heart.

2. You Both Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Research published by the Journal of Marriage and Family confirms that accountability in a relationship is vital for its success.

Part of having a mature relationship is being responsible for your actions. If you do something wrong, then you must be man or woman enough to admit it. Part of taking responsibility for wrongdoings means being able to say the words “I’m sorry.”

If your love interest cannot admit they’re wrong and will never apologize to you, you may want to reconsider a lifelong commitment.

3. Your Views on Raising Children is the Same

If you’re at the age where children are a possibility, you need to make sure you’re both on the same page. If you want children and the other party doesn’t, then it can make things complicated. Consequently, you should also have the same views on child-rearing.

It doesn’t work if one person takes a strict military stance while the other party is more lackadaisical.

4. You Both Can Argue Without Taking it to a Dangerous Level

It’s completely normal to have arguments and disagreements in a relationship. However, it’s what you do in those moments that count. Do your disputes escalate into name-calling and throwing objects?

It’s healthy to argue about important issues, but you must make sure that it doesn’t go to a dismal place when you disagree. No two people can agree on everything all the time. If you don’t argue at all, then someone isn’t completely honest about their feelings.

Make sure that when you have disagreements that you don’t let it soar to a place that is unhealthy for your relationship. Establish ground rules for your union before you commit.

Those who can successfully banter without making it personal have an excellent compatibility level. The last thing you need is someone with anger management issues that makes your life miserable.

5. Your Interests are Parallel

Do you both have the same interests? If one person is an adrenaline junkie who wants to ride roller coasters, visit haunted houses, and explore the paranormal, the other person should like or be open to them.

Though opposites attract, there should be enough similar interests between the two of you to keep things exciting. If one person is into the art scene and wants to live at the theater and museum while the other is living for clubs, bars, and rock n’ roll concerts, it might not work.

While you can bend a bit for the sake of your relationship, you must have enough common interests to make you compatible.

6. Your Upbringings are Similar

Couples don’t realize how vital their past is until they try to build a future. Marriage counselors will tell you that the values instilled in you from a child mold who you are as a person. If you were born in a strict religious family who values a conservative lifestyle, then the person you marry should understand and respect those beliefs.

However, the ultra-conservative and the liberal might not work well together. Someone who is against abortion, goes to church every Sunday, and is deeply devoted to their spirituality might not mesh well with someone who is pro-choice is against organized religion. While these issues won’t seem significant at first, they can cause division as time goes on.

If you want to raise your children sitting on a church pew on Sundays and your spouse prefers to sleep in, it might be hard to compromise. It’s these little issues that can fester into a major rift.

7. You Both Feel the Same About Drugs, Alcohol, and Cigarettes

Some people are adamantly against drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. If the other person has a glass of wine with dinner and a beer on occasion, then it might be offensive to the other party. When a person has seen the destruction that these vices can do, they may take a stand against it.

Your spouse must understand and be open to your views. If you grew up in a home where your mother or father was an alcoholic and did drugs, it might be a substantial issue if your significant other has any of those traits. Respecting these boundaries is one of the things that makes a union thrive.

8. Your Core Values are Compatible

Every person has core values that make them who they are in life. These core values are things that aren’t easily changed. These standards are a combination of your upbringing, your religious beliefs, your morals, and your views on life itself.

Both of you must have similar goals and be going in the same direction. If you have two people walking different paths, then it’s hard to be united as a couple. Your compatibility comes down to your core values and being flexible to compromise for the sake of the other person.

9. You’re Both Committed to Growth

Marriage is an investment, according to the NIH. Success stems from an investment in time and in the ability to evolve together.

You must realize that the man or woman that you marry today is not going to be the same five years from now. Ten years from now, you won’t even recognize yourself. You both must be on the same page throughout the changes that occur in life.

You want to learn and grow as a couple. The best couples are the ones that are driven for personal growth as well as keeping objectives as a couple in mind. A Swiss study suggests that you must be able to keep an excellent work-relationship balance.

Additionally, it should be a goal to heal and move past any unfinished business that may be left from your childhood, as these scars can often be the key to undoing any union.

10. You Find Each Other’s Quirks Charming

Some annoyances come along with commitment. The aggravations you will experience as a couple goes far beyond leaving the toilet seat up or forgetting to put your dirty clothes in the hamper. Some quirks are damaging to a relationship.

For instance, if one person believes that “a clean home is a happy home,” while the other prefers to clean once a month, it can be an issue. You must learn to find the quirks of the other person charming even if you get annoyed sometimes. There must be enough good to balance the bad.

Final Thoughts on Considering Compatibility in Your Relationship

Now you’ve established the things that prove your compatibility–excellent! According to therapists at the non-profit agency, you need rules and boundaries that keep your union healthy. Here are some things that can help you ensure you have a happy life.

  • Never go to bed angry
  • Don’t keep secrets
  • Always put your partner first
  • Never let relatives or friends come in between you
  • Don’t push buttons
  • Never let an argument escalate to name-calling
  • Make decisions based on your union and not just personally
  • Take time for each other
  • Don’t let the cares of life drive a wedge between you
  • Value each other’s opinions, feelings, and concerns

Finally, an essential thing that you can do as a couple is never to stop dreaming. No matter how bad the storms you weather in life, no matter how rocky your relationship becomes, if you ever stop dreaming, your relationship won’t last.

Committing to one another is based on compatibility and a whole lot of other things. The good thing is that you found someone who truly makes you happy and completes you. The rest is just kismet. Marriage counselors will tell you that If you’ve found a person that checks all the boxes in your proverbial checklist, then you’ve found a gem to treasure for all your days.


Blind Woman Provides Jobs and Hope for Disabled People

Blind Woman Provides Jobs and Hope for Disabled People

Erin Willman refused to give up against the odds, and now she’s inspiring disabled people and their families. Her message of positivity is one we could not resist sharing!

White Cane Coffee is a company founded by 22-year-old Erin Willman. Not only is this young entrepreneur inspiring young women to follow their dreams, but she is also leading a much bigger movement. Her goal? Normalizing disabled people in the workplace.

When Erin was fifteen, she lost her vision. It was then people started telling her what she cannot do, but she wanted to show them what she can do. Erin had applied for jobs but was turned away because of her disability. Erin decided that instead of letting other people turn her away, she would create her career. In just one year, the young woman became the CEO of her own company–White Cane Coffee.

What started as an idea on a bad day is now a booming business that has put Erin’s coffee on the shelves of several shops in different cities, but this is just the beginning. Her main storefront is located in the small, charming town of  Warren, Pennsylvania. There, she sells an assortment of organic coffee whole bean, ground, compostable individual-cups, and cold brew blends.

 But White Cane Coffee does more than sell java to visitors and residents of their small community. They create opportunities for blind and autistic people to learn excellent work skills. Moreover, the workers gain confidence in their overcoming the roadblocks they face each day. Take a look.

What does White Cane Coffee stand for?

As well as fantastic coffee, inclusiveness is the main focus when it comes to the making of White Cane Coffee. Each package that the coffee comes in is printed with a label containing Braille. This concept was just one of Erin’s brilliant ideas to become more inclusive.

She often mused to herself and asked the question, “why should people who are blind not be able to shop for themselves?”

White Cane Coffee is one of the first companies to label all of its products in Braille.

White Cane Coffee provides jobs for the handicapped community at a livable wage. The shop is currently providing eight jobs to disabled workers. The goal is to allow them to have freedoms they should receive elsewhere but are wrongfully deprived of.

By creating the jobs provided at White Cane Coffee, the company enriches the lives of these people. Erin and her family always share their motto,

“If you can change one person’s life, you are changing the world.” ~Erin Willman

These jobs go deeper than paying wages. Indeed, they bring hope to the employees to show them they, too, matter and are a working part of something much bigger. Erin even brought her employees with her to a business dinner meant for the CEOs of the companies in Warren County. She believes they are just as important as she is to the company.

How the company profits benefit disabled people

Like any other company, profit goes to pay the employees that are working for the company to allow them to have a livable wage.

But that is not enough for this entrepreneurial enterprise. White Cane Coffee’s profit also benefits so many more people beyond their employees. Here are ways they advocate for people who face unique challenges.

Helping to defray the expense of leader dog training

Proceeds go to The Sight Center for Northwest Pennsylvania. That organization’s mission is to “prevent blindness and promote independence for those with vision loss.”

Through this center, Erin and White Cane Coffee began to support a leader dog named Erie. A portion of White Cane’s money was given to the program to support the dog’s training. Erin is unable to have her own dog due to an allergy. Still, she decided to help with the cost of a leader dog for another person. Recently, Erie went off to Michigan for his final training. This is a program that will continuously receive our support.

Leader dog in training, Erie, poses for the camera.

Working with blind and disabled children in the community

Additionally, Erin spends much of her time working with schools and organizations that specialize in teaching the blind and disabled. She is exceptionally proud of the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children, located in Pittsburgh. Erin visited them and saw their program designed to encourage work and self-reliance for their students. These skills are vital to independence.

Also, Erin had the opportunity to speak at the National Federation of the Blind Convention in Harrisburg, PA.  Her message is one of hope and encouragement.

Her opening statement at that event was the following:

“When you lost your vision, people stood in line to tell you what you can’t do, now let’s talk about what you can do. You have value, you have worth and you can live an independent life.” ~Erin Willman

Hundreds of people in attendance remarked that Erin’s comments gave them fresh hope.

Helping non-profits raise funds

Warren County Children’s Advocacy Center is another one of the many programs White Cane Coffee supports. She supports them because, as she says, “They speak for those who can not speak for themselves.”

The coffee company created a unique blend of coffee. And for each bag or box sold, a portion of the proceeds goes to them. Erin’s fundraising strategy empowers organizations to sell coffee at competitive prices to drive better fundraiser earnings margins for the non-profit.

Erin’s reasoning for putting money into other organizations is straightforward. She states that it was never her dream to be the CEO who owns five cars, but it is her dream to be the CEO who changes the world.

Final thoughts on how Erin hopes to help disabled in her next phase

Above all, Erin and her team remain thankful for the fantastic support from their community. And more importantly, they are proud of how much they accomplish in providing resources and empowerment to disabled people. White Cane Coffee continues to flourish and plans to expand.

They hope to continue to create additional jobs, which will help even more people become independent. To that end, they are working on some very exciting projects to help gain the footing necessary to jump to the next level as a company.

You can listen to Erin on a podcast at to hear her speak about her company’s plans and how she will continue to be a voice for disabled people.

Connect with Erin Willman:
2 1/2 E 3rd Ave, Warren, PA 16365
Follow White Cane Coffee on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @whitecanecoffee


15 Romantic Gestures to Show Love to Your Boyfriend

15 Romantic Gestures to Show Love to Your Boyfriend

If you’ve been with your boyfriend for any length of time, then you know it’s hard to buy for a guy. Are you running out of ideas for the perfect gift for your partner? Men are traditionally the ones who give to the woman, and it’s hard to reverse the roles.

Many believe that men aren’t hopeless romantics, but nothing could be further from the truth. They just aren’t as good at showing their feelings. Men can be quite sensitive and even romantic, but they aren’t going to let you see that side very often. Even macho guys love being showered and adorned with gifts.

Fifteen Romantic Gestures and Gift Ideas

Since it’s not easy to come up with gift ideas for your guy, here are some that are perfect for the man in your life.

1. Read Your Boyfriend a Book

Do you remember the excitement you felt in school when one of your teachers read you a book? You can invoke those same beautiful feelings by reading to your boyfriend. You can choose a romantic novel or one that is about a topic he likes.

Take a half-hour or so before bed and snuggle under the covers and read to him. It will be an extraordinary moment he will never forget.

2. Sing to Him

If you have a good voice, then you may want to serenade him. What partner won’t feel weak at the knees at the sound of your angelic voice? Does he have a favorite song? Practice this tune and maybe add some piano or guitar accompaniments.

3. Pack His Lunch Complete with a Love Letter

Everyone is concerned about their budget and their waistline. Why not pack your boyfriend a lunch of some of his favorite things? He will appreciate the gesture, and when you add a handwritten letter inside, he won’t be able to stop smiling the rest of the day.

4. Have a Candlelight Dinner with All His Favorite Foods

Every guy has their favorite foods that instantly takes them to their comfort zone. By now, you should know a few of these entrees. Why not show him what a hopeless romantic you are with a candlelight dinner? When it comes to dessert, you can get a little bit creative.

5. Put a Love Note on His Windshield

Everyone hates getting flyers on their windshield. It’s annoying to stop and remove them before driving away. Putting a love note on his windshield is something that will make him stop and smile.

It’s unique because you took time out of your day to make sure your boyfriend knew how much you loved him. It just might be what he needs to make it through work.

6. Take Him on a Picnic

Is there anything more romantic than a picnic in the park with delicious food? Bring a beautiful big blanket and spread out under a tree. Why not bring along the book you’re reading him and go through a few chapters? It will be a special time of being close and relaxing with food and a good novel.

7. Have a Lunch Delivery at Work

Why not surprise the one you love with a special delivery at work? Chinese anyone? Won’t he be shocked when a paid order comes to him, courtesy of you? It’s the little things that you do in life to show someone how much they mean that counts.

8. Buy Him Something He’s Been Wanting

Is there something that your boyfriend has wanted for a long time? Maybe a new cell phone, watch, or another collectible? It doesn’t have to be a special occasion for you to buy him a gift.

Why not surprise him with something special for no other reason than “just because?” The unexpected gift that comes out of nowhere is the best and most memorable one.

You don’t need to spend a ton of money or break the bank for these surprise gifts. Remember, it’s supposed to show him how much you feel about him.

9. Write Him a Poem or Love Song

Do you have an artistic side or a musical ability? Nothing would be more special than a poem or song that’s written specifically about your love story. If you can encapsulate the romance and passion as well as putting the magic into words, it will be something that you will both treasure for the rest of your lives.

If you don’t tend to be artistic, then you can have someone write the song for you. It doesn’t matter who writes it as long as the story is yours.

hopeless romantic
Science explains why it is okay to be a hopeless romantic.

10. Put Together a Scrap Book or Memory Album

There’s probably been plenty of selfies and other pictures that you’ve taken throughout your relationship. Why not print those photos out and make a memory book about the story of your love?

Customized gifts like this are so unique and will give him a special token of your love. He can pull out this book and flip through it during dark times, and it will bring him much joy.

Additionally, if you’re not into scrapbooking, then you can do a digital book too. Many sites are geared at creating such a book about your love, and they are very affordable and easy to do.

11. Let Him Have Control of the TV and Remote

It sounds like a small gesture that doesn’t mean anything, but when you’re always fighting over the TV, it’s a nice break to surrender. Let him watch his favorite programming and enjoy some time without the intrusion of your program choices. Who said you had to spend a lot of money to give him a romantic and sweet gesture?

12. Give Him Extra Cuddle Time

Don’t think for one minute that guys don’t like to cuddle too, but there just never seems to be enough time. Make sure that you allow at least a half of an hour each day to cuddle. During this time, talk about your dream and plans and reassure each other of your love.

After a stressful day at work and dealing with kids, you both need this downtime. Lying together and hearing each other’s heartbeat is a way to connect on a spiritual level.

Sometimes, it’s best not to say a word but just allow your bodies to touch and be united. Just the feeling of closeness is sometimes all you need to keep going.

13. Write Him a List of All the Things You Love About Him

Your boyfriend needs reassurance just like you do about your relationship. Why not write a list of all the things you love about him? If he’s having a bad day, or you two are on the brink of breaking up, then this list may be the thing that keeps him going.

When you create a point of reference that puts feelings into written form, it gives him the strength and courage to fight another day.

14. Give Him a Bubble Bath

Okay, so a bubble bath seems like a girl thing to do. However, there are plenty of guys that love a nice bubble bath too. Light some candles, get his favorite champagne and let him soak the cares of life away.

If your guy is a hopeless romantic, then he will undoubtedly enjoy some mood music too. It can be very sensual to wash his hair and back for him and just be there enjoying the ambiance. Plus, soaking in hot water is an excellent way to relieve tired and aching muscles.

You could do a shower for two if you don’t have a tub, complete with a gentle massage. It’s okay to fuss over your guy a little bit as he will enjoy it.

15. Put a Scarf with Your Perfume in His Car

If you hardly get any time with your boyfriend because of work or distance, then you should try something that keeps you close. Do you have a perfume that you wear that he finds fantastic? Why not spray a scarf or other memento with that scent and stick it in his car?

He can have your aroma with him wherever he goes, and it might be something beautiful if distance separates you. If you don’t have any clothing you want to give up, you can write him a love letter and spray it with your cologne, and you should seal it with a lipstick kiss. He might like that even better.

Final Thoughts on Using These Tender and Sweet Ways to Show Love to Your Boyfriend

Life is chaotic and hectic, and you must remind yourself that you need to take time to stop and smell the roses. You must find the little opportunities that you have to do something special.

There should be some sort of tenderness between you and your partner every day. Don’t let the cares of life get him or you down. Do little things to build him up and show him how much he is loved.


The Rise And Rise Of Red Bull

The Rise And Rise Of Red Bull

Red Bull has the most elevated piece of the overall industry of any caffeinated savor the world, with 6.06 billion jars sold in a year (2016). It was originally a Thai energy drink.

7. Krating Daeng (Success secrets of red bull):

Red Bull has the most elevated piece of the overall industry of any caffeinated savor the world, with 6.06 billion jars sold in a year (2016). Rather than following a customary way to deal with mass promoting, Red Bull has produced mindfulness and made an enchanting ‘brand myth’ through restrictive outrageous game occasion arrangement, for example, Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Red Bull Air Race, Red Bull Crashed Ice and emerge tricks, for example, the Stratos space plunging project.

Note: People often wonder where Redbull and red bull racing comes from. Red bull originated in Austria and is a hugely successful company, however it has had its fair share of problems. Read about the red bull company and tell us your favorite secret from success secrets of red bull.

6. Red Bull Outburst (Success secrets of red bull):

Caffeinated drinks have been related to wellbeing dangers, for example, concealing the impacts of inebriation when overwhelmed by alcohol, and extreme or rehashed utilization can prompt heart and mental conditions. Regardless of whether you have never ridden the bull yourself, odds are you’ve cooperated with the brand somehow, on account of the absolute most ubiquitous advertising efforts ever. Since its initial days, Red Bull has situated itself into relatively every dynamic interest an individual can endeavor, influencing the drink itself to feel like a greater amount of an idea in retrospect. Red Bull’s first raid into donning occasions was the Dolomitenmann, the “world’s hardest group multi-stage sprint” The occasion joins running, paragliding, whitewater kayaking, and mountain biking, so it basically reproduces a Bond pursue scene through the beautiful Tyrol heaps of Austria.

Note: People often wonder where Redbull and red bull racing comes from. Red bull originated in Austria and is a hugely successful company, however it has had its fair share of problems. Read about the red bull company and tell us your favorite secret from success secrets of red bull.

5. Red Bull Stratos (Success secrets of red bull):

On October 14, 2012, the world was hypnotized as the Red Bull Stratos venture propelled a helium inflatable to close space, where Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner hopped from 38,969.4m/127,852.4ft to end up the, to begin with, thus far just, individual to break the speed of sound without the insurance or drive of a vehicle. The undertaking broke various records and contributed profitable information to established researchers.

Note: People often wonder where Redbull and red bull racing comes from. Red bull originated in Austria and is a hugely successful company, however it has had its fair share of problems. Read about the red bull company and tell us your favorite secret from success secrets of red bull.

4. No Competitors (Success secrets of red bull):

In the vicinity of 1984 and 1987, Red Bull adjusted the recipe for Krating Daeng to better match European tastes via carbonating the drink and making it less sweet. In 1987, the organization brought their adjusted caffeinated drink into Austria under the name Red Bull. It discovered enormous accomplishment there by advertising to youthful experts. The brand extended all through Europe amid the mid-1990s, detonating into the United States advertise amid 1997, snatching 75% of the market inside a year. The abundance of Red Bull’s originators developed with the organization’s prosperity, and by March 2012, both Chaleo and Mateschitz had evaluated total assets of over $5.3 billion each. Today, Red Bull GmbH works in more than 165 nations and utilizes more than 10,000 individuals.

Note: People often wonder where Redbull and red bull racing comes from. Red bull originated in Austria and is a hugely successful company, however it has had its fair share of problems. Read about the red bull company and tell us your favorite secret from success secrets of red bull.

3. Revenue of 8.6 Billion (Success secrets of red bull):

Red Bull made a whopping amount of money by earning 8.7 Billion Revenue in the year 2017. The effects of Red Bull Energy Drink, which includes taurine, glucuronolactone, and caffeine amongst the ingredients, were examined over 3 studies in a total of 36 volunteers. Assessments included psychomotor performance reaction time, concentration, memory, subjective alertness and physical endurance. When compared with control drinks, Red Bull Energy Drink significantly (P < 0.05) improved aerobic endurance maintaining 65–75% max. heart rate and anaerobic performance on cycle ergometers. Significant improvements in mental performance included choice reaction time, concentration and memory, which reflected increased subjective alertness. These consistent and wide-ranging improvements in performance are interpreted as reflecting the effects of the combination of ingredients.

2. The Wind Behind Red Bull’s Wings (Success secrets of red bull):

From an improbable organization between an Austrian specialist and a Thai head honcho, drinks firm Red Bull has conveyed surprising outcomes. Established only 25 years back, the organization saw worldwide incomes hit barely short of 5 billion euros ($6.5 billion) in 2012, offering in excess of 5.2 billion jars of drink in 165 nations. Simultaneously, its originator Dietrich Mateschitz ended up one of the wealthiest (total assets $7.1 billion) and best agents in Austria and his Thai fellow benefactor, the late Chaleo Yoovidhya, one of the wealthiest (total assets $5.4 billion) men in Thailand. Something beyond another worldwide brand, Red Bull’s runaway achievement additionally brought forth a totally new classification in the worldwide F&B showcase: the caffeinated drink. There are some outstanding techniques behind Red Bull’s prosperity incorporating its contribution with extraordinary games, for example, hang skimming and bungee hopping and its investment in the F1 circuit through its eponymous group. Its trademark “Red Bull gives you wings” has seen the firm join its image and significant budgetary assets to some high hazard experiences in the realm of aeronautics, including a year ago’s most noteworthy ever free-fall parachute bounce from 39 kilometers over the Earth. This courageous soul is an impression of Red Bull’s freewheeling corporate culture that has empowered the organization to manufacture a fortunate execution record in the course of the most recent 25 years.

Note: People often wonder where Redbull and red bull racing comes from. Red bull originated in Austria and is a hugely successful company, however it has had its fair share of problems. Read about the red bull company and tell us your favorite secret from success secrets of red bull.

1. Did it have cocaine? (Success secrets of red bull)

Mateschitz himself represents this culture. He shuns administration and broadly dismissed the proposals of a statistical surveying report which encouraged him to not endeavor to dispatch a caffeinated drink. He depended on his gut-feel rather and burned through one year changing the plan of the drink from the first Thai form and an additional two years adjusting its showcasing and correspondences methodology. The drink was propelled in Austria in 1987 and in numerous European nations previously the finish of the thousand years. In a 2001 meeting with the Financial Times, Mateschitz was cited as saying that “Marketing is a basic occupation requiring just a reasonable person and splendid eyes. Perkiness is the main essential. Everything else you can learn rapidly.” Mateschitz additionally sought after his energy for flying by keeping up a gathering of exemplary planes one having a place with Late Marshall Tito housed in a cutting-edge wing-formed overhang close Red Bull’s worldwide central station. Consistent with this enthusiasm, Red Bull representatives have been repaid for taking flying lessons. Mateschitz’ peculiarity is additionally apparent in various different regards.

Note: People often wonder where Redbull and red bull racing comes from. Red bull originated in Austria and is a hugely successful company, however it has had its fair share of problems. Read about the red bull company and tell us your favorite secret from success secrets of red bull.

How did red bull come to be? (Success secrets of red bull)

The organization HQ is in the modest town of Fuschl in the Austrian Alps; he expends a few Red Bull jars in a day; and, in spite of his acclaim and fortune, infrequently gives media interviews. Perhaps to safeguard its remarkable methodologies and oppose outside impacts to change, Mateschitz has financed the vast majority of Red Bull’s extension through inward benefits rather issuing offers to the general population or raising obligation. Truth be told, for the initial 15 years of its reality, little benefits were removed from the organization.

The freewheeling society enables Mateshitz and Red Bull to draw in peculiar individuals who have intriguing thoughts regarding taking the brand and the organization forward. Harry Drnec, a previous CEO of Red Bull’s U.K. activities was a military pilot amid the Vietnam War and was credited with the tremendous ascent of Mexico’s Sol brew in the strongly focused premium-lager portion in London. While driving Red Bull (U.K.), Drnec actualized inventive techniques particularly in dissemination concentrating endeavors on non-traditional carport forecourts, comfort stores, and dance club and developing deals from 6 million jars in 1996 to 300 million jars in 2006. In Mateschitz’s words, Red Bull has been “talking in a similar manner of speaking” since its dispatch in 1987. While filling in as the paste holding the worldwide association together, the freewheeling society has its drawbacks. Not at all like an all-around composed organization, neither its general system nor its advertising correspondences are firmly incorporated. Wasteful aspects may likewise sneak in from specific activities. At a cost of $220 million, Red Bull’s Major League Soccer (MLS) stadium in New Jersey was twice as costly as some other MLS stadium in the U.S. with investigators addressing whether the speculation could ever prove to be fruitful. Red Bull may likewise be less proficient than it could be on the grounds that there are a couple of endeavors to share best practices crosswise over various tasks or to streamline forms. These wasteful aspects have not affected Red Bull in the past due to its top-notch valuing and overwhelming piece of the pie in numerous business sectors.

Red bull’s status now (Success secrets of red bull):

Up to this point, energized drinks have confronted a couple of limitations, however, the Food and Drug Administration has as of late investigated the wellbeing of their fixings. Officials are thinking whether to force new directions or breaking points in promoting the beverages to kids and youngsters. In spite of its weaknesses, the freewheeling society has paid rich profits for Red Bull, particularly for its originators and representatives. It likewise demonstrates the effective effect made by a solid corporate culture as far as drawing in workers and executing inventive techniques.


15 Kind Words and Phrases That Spread Hope »

15 Kind Words and Phrases That Spread Hope »

The world could certainly use some hope and kind words. With all the struggles that you face both personally and globally, it’s easy to become downtrodden.

You can let anxiety and depression sink in, and it can easily stifle you emotionally.

Thankfully, there is power in the spoken word. Did you know that some ancient writings say that the tongue holds the real power of life or death? Think about that for a minute. If you spew negativity and hateful things from your mouth, it can affect your health and entire character.

However, when you speak positive affirmations and spread goodness and joy, it helps your psyche cope with things, and it can improve your health. It’s strange how your words can have such an impact on your life, but research has proven this theory repeatedly.

People are generally divided into two categories: the pessimist and the optimist. Which category do you fall into? Do you see the glass as half empty, or is it half-full? Your perceptions and views will mold and make who you are.

Speaking Kind Words of Hope in Times of Great Uncertainty

If you want to reduce stress and speak life back into your tired and weary soul, then there are positive and kind words that you can say over yourself and others. If you want to spread hope and joy for all, then incorporate these phrases into your life and speech.

1. “If you’re patient, you’ll be compensated for every disappointment in life.” Henry David Thoreau

2. “When you have hope, you’re able to see the light even though there is darkness all around you.” Desmond Tutu

3. “The good in this world is worth fighting for.” J.R.R. Tolkien

4. “I get by when I stop dwelling on my misery; rather, I tend to focus on the beauty and love that remains.” Anne Frank

5. “Weeping may remain, but for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” English Proverb

6. “You can accomplish great things in this world if you keep trying even when there seems to be no hope.” Dale Carnegie

7. “Use your talents to carve a tunnel of hope through your darkest mountain.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

8. “Hope means to keep believing even when everything seems doomed, or it seems as if there is no purity left in the world at all. When you feel that everything is hopeless, you develop the strength to fight another day.” G.K. Chesterton

9. “It doesn’t matter how far your journey or where you go, as long as you don’t stop.” Confucius

10. “You will find your greatest victories come in life, not when you fall, but in every time that you rise.” Confucius

11. “Hope is as delicious and sweet as bread to a poor man.” Gary Herbert

12. “If you are without hope, then you cease to live.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky

13. “Frequently, the failures you experience in life are merely because you didn’t realize how close you were to success, and you gave up too soon.” Thomas Edison

14. “Use your mistakes from yesterday to live for today and use your successes of today to have hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein

15. “There are many dark nights, but there are always brighter days.” Tupac

Speaking Kind Words to Redirect Your Life

Positive affirmations are meaningful. These powerful statements help you to change the way you think. Simple, kind words can be useful tools to reprogram your subconscious mind.

It can help you build new habits, get rid of bad ones, and motivate you to succeed. The human mind is powerful, and few taps into the superpowers that lie therein. You can think and imagine things even if they don’t exist right now, and by envisioning situations in a new reality, you mentally make provisions for them.

By focusing your thoughts on positive affirmations, you can start acting on the behaviors you speak to reinforce the goodness in life rather than the negativity.

You might compare your brain to a computer. When you’re working on a laptop, you plug the data into the system to get it to do what you want it to. By using specific commands and programs, you can do amazing things with the touch of a button.

Now, you are so accustomed to getting your computer to do what you want that you don’t even think twice about the processes involved. The same thing can happen to your brain. When you use positive and friendly words, you are programming your mind for greatness, and it’s going to react.

While you may think that it sounds like supernatural hogwash, it’s not magical. The mental laws are immensely powerful and yet quite simple.

Why Do Positive Affirmations Work?

Positive statements or kind words can be used to reduce stress, help you gain control over a seemingly impossible situation in life, or conquer negative habits. When you speak positivity over and over, it’s not long before it becomes your mindset.

Positivity allows your subconscious to grow more robust, and it will affect your entire life. When you fill your vessel with optimism, you will develop new ideas, see opportunities that you didn’t before, and make a stand to become a better you. Think of affirmations as words with power behind them.

These photos demonstrate kindness and will touch your heart.

Fifteen Positive Affirmations to Turn to Daily

Here are 15 positive affirmations and kind words that you should speak over yourself and others every day. Chart your progress and see how different your life has become when you look at life through optimism.

1. I am pleased and effective in everything I do.

2. I will put my emphasis on contentment and positivity.

3. Today, I vow to do something that will enhance my life.

4. I am thankful for my loving partner to share my joys with.

5. I love everyone around me.

6. My life is full of love and happiness.

7. Today, I will go out of my way to show love and kindness to others.

8. I’m loved and respected by all who know me.

9. I have the energy and motivation to get done my tasks.

10. I love my job, and am thankful for the money it brings.

11. Today, and every day, I feel I am improving my outlook and becoming more positive.

12. I am thankful for all that I have.

13. I’ll let my ambitions drive my future.

14. I am attractive, and anyone would be lucky to be with me.

15. I will seize the day and make magic happen.

Final Thoughts on Why We Must Share Kind Words and Spread Hope

A study was done in 2018 by the students at a university in Dubai. They used 30 plants, grouped in pairs by identical species. Fifteen plants were praised as the students spoke positively to it.

However, the other 15 plants were spoken to in a negative manner and cursed at. They said things like, “you’re ugly, you will never be as big and beautiful as the other plants, and you’re going to die.” Ikea sponsored the project at Wellington Academy, hoping to get to the bottom of the often bogus believed claim.

Researchers dubbed the study “Bully a Plant” to raise awareness of how harmful bullying can be to people, let alone plants. They documented the study on video for all the world to see. The results were uncanny.

The plants that received the negativity and all the harsh comments had droopy leaves and were dramatically different than the other foliage. While they had equally received the same water, food, and things essential for survival, the negativity had a dramatic impact.

While this study is about plants, it can be related to humans. Being always told how worthless you are and how you will never be as good as your brother or sister is very detrimental. If you grew up in a home where you were always seen as less than others, then you might have a negative outlook on life.

Thankfully, you have the power to change all of this. Your kind words and positive affirmations that you speak into your mind and soul can change you and those around you. Spread hope and joy around you to others by filling them with goodness and hope.

Be the person that everyone wants to be around and the one who has a smile on their face and a spring in their step. What changes can you make today to change your tomorrow? You only have one life to live, so it’s essential to make it the best one you can.