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15 Quotes About Perseverance to Motivate Success

15 Quotes About Perseverance to Motivate Success

To be successful in life, you must always exhibit perseverance. This means that you have to continue to do something, even if it is difficult or taking longer than expected. If you don’t persevere, you will never reach your goals or show yourself what you can do.

Everyone experiences times when they would rather give up than keep trying for something. At the moment, it may be easy to decide not to keep trying. When you give in to this feeling, however, you are only holding yourself back.

These quotes about perseverance to motivate success will help you through those times. They will remind you why you can’t give up. You never know how close you are to success, so remember these quotes when you’re having a hard time.

Fifteen Quotes About Perseverance

1. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” – Vince Lombardi

Anyone can be strong and knowledgeable, but it doesn’t always lead to success. The one thing that does always lead to success is will power. You must keep trying and keep working toward your goal, and only then will you find it.

2. “It’s good to remember that success may be just beyond the next failure, and you’ll get there, not because you’re destined to, but because you’re determined to.” – Steve Goodier

Everyone fails sometimes. Failure is inevitable and often happens many times. If you give up when you fail, you’ll never know how close you were to success.

No destiny alone can lead to success, because perseverance is the only sure path. You have to keep trying, no matter how many times you fail. This could be the time you reach your goal, so giving up could cause you to miss your big break.

3. “True winners remain winners because they truly believe that challenges, struggles, and obstacles can all lead to big blessings through persistence and perseverance.” – Edmond Mbiaka

When you view your obstacles and challenges as things leading you to your goal, you’ll experience more success. Each time you struggle or fail, it means you are learning and growing. When these obstacles are met with persistence, they will lead you to great things.

4. “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” – Conrad Hilton

To achieve your goals, you have to keep moving and stay active. Even the most prospering men make mistakes and fail sometimes. The important thing is that they don’t quit, which is what leads them to achieve their goals.

5. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou

No matter how many obstacles or failures you encounter, you cannot let them defeat you. All of the challenges are there to help you get to know yourself. Then, you’ll know that you can rise again and reach your goals despite the hardships.

6. “If his decision is correct, he will win the battle, even if it lasts longer than expected. If his decision is wrong, he will be defeated and he will have to start all over again–only this time with more wisdom. But once he has started, a warrior of the light perseveres until the end.” – Paulo Coelho

Even if the decision you made didn’t work and you have to begin again, you will have learned something. Through this gained knowledge, you will be able to do it differently next time. Each time you make a different decision, you will be learning what works and what doesn’t.

By eliminating the ideas that don’t work, you will be one step closer to success. Keep trying and eventually, you will succeed. Even if it takes longer than you had planned, you will have won.

7. “Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The more you try, the closer you will get to success. As Wadsworth Longfellow explains, if you keep working at it, you will eventually achieve your goal.

The amount of time it takes for you to do something isn’t important. What is important is that you persevered and found success.

8. “I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying.” – Tom Hopkins

Your successes are what people will ultimately remember, not your failures. Oftentimes, as Hopkins explains, success follows failure. So, if you give up every time something didn’t work out, you are missing out on many opportunities.

9. “Adversity, and perseverance and all these things can shape you. They can give you a value and a self-esteem that is priceless.” – Scott Hamilton

Working through challenging times can help you understand how valuable you are. It’ll give you self-esteem because you know that you can do anything.

The only way you can achieve this place in life, however, is by continuing to persevere. Show yourself what you are worth and that you can rise above any challenge that comes your way.

10. “Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost legendary. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge

Talent, being a genius, and education will not lead you to success. Even people with the best of those qualities are unsuccessful if they gave up after a failure. Since the failure happens to everyone, only those who persevere and try again will end up reaching their goals.

11. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” – Dale Carnegie

Even when it seems like you’ll never succeed, you have to keep going. Only then can you do all of the great things you set out to do. Don’t give in to challenges and defeat, instead choose to persevere and keep trying.

12. “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.” – Marie Curie

As explained before, everyone struggles when they are trying to reach success. Believe in yourself and keep trying, and then you can achieve all your goals. You have to remind yourself that you need to keep going until you succeed, no matter how long it takes.

13. “You aren’t going to find anybody that’s going to be successful without making a sacrifice and without perseverance.” – Lou Holtz

Every achieving person has had to make sacrifices, and you are no different. That sacrifice might mean you have to change your plan after a failed attempt. Or, it could mean you have to give something up, like sleeping in or staying out late.

By sacrificing and persevering, you’ll be sure to reach your goals. It shows that you are passionate about your goals, and your will to persevere will ensure your achievement.

14. “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Winning doesn’t teach you anything. Only struggling and failing will teach you what doesn’t work.

Likewise, winning doesn’t develop your strength. Facing obstacles and choosing not to give up is what will develop your strength.

15. “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

If you want to control the direction your life is going in, you have to control your actions. The things that you consistently do are the things that determine your path.

If you want to reach your goals, start consistently doing things that will lead you to them. Persevere and decide to do these things even when you aren’t feeling up to it. Only then will you begin to see your life take the path you were desiring.

Final Thoughts on Quotes About Perseverance to Motivate Success

Being successful can only come after you’ve shown consistent perseverance. The harder you try, and the more you start over again, the more you will learn. Then, you will be able to find the success that you were dreaming of.

Remember these quotes when you are feeling like giving up. They will remind you of why you must keep trying.


10 Things to Avoid Buying At the Drugstore

10 Things to Avoid Buying At the Drugstore

Drugstores are very convenient sources of all sorts of items and products. Whatever it is you’re looking for, there’s at least a small chance that you’ll be able to find it in a drugstore, especially a large one. From vitamins to skincare and even from cards to electronics, drugstores can sell some pretty surprising things.

But are these shops your best option when it comes to shopping? The short answer is no. Many drugstores charge extra for specific products. Further, some don’t apply the best quality control standards to less commonly sold items. As such, you need to know what isn’t worth buying at a shop like this.

Here are ten things you should avoid buying at the drugstore.

1.    Supplements and Medications

Despite the positive mental link we have between medications and the word “drugs” in drugstores, such places are not the best place for your medical purchases. Here are a few reasons why:

·         Over-the-Counter Medicines

These medicines are easy to grab, especially if you just want a quick solution to your aches and pains. They may not be the best use of your money, however. Reports indicate that most medicines and pills offered on the shelves of your local drugstore or dollar store are often inferior to the ones from reputable stores.

·         Supplements and Vitamins

Buying from your corner drugstore is a lot more expensive than you might think. You’re better off buying them in bulk online, where prices are often lower for the same item.

·         Prescription Drugs

You might assume that buying them from a drugstore is the best use of your time and money, but that isn’t the case. A report from 2013 shows that prescription drugs often cost less at big-box stores, which use their pharmacies as a way to build up foot traffic for their stores. By contrast, smaller drugstore chains often make most of their income from their pharmacies instead.

2.    Diapers

Unless you’re using reusable cloth diapers, you’re going to be buying a lot of disposable diapers. This fact is especially relevant if you’re a parent of several children. Positive thinking suggests that the drugstore is a decent place to get it, but this isn’t the case. As it turns out, this is because:

· It’s Pricier

An analysis of the retail prices set by manufacturers in the diaper industry and actual retailers shows that most drugstores charged higher rates than big-box stores and online retailers.

· It’s Less Cost-Effective

While a drugstore run is quick and easy in an emergency, it’s much more cost-effective in the long term to buy diapers in bulk from an online retailer or a supermarket chain.

· It’s Harder To Buy In Bulk

Diapers are one-time use items that are not perishable. Thus, it’s more convenient to stockpile them in case of need or emergencies. This is easier to do when you’re purchasing from a large department store or an online retailer, compared to a smaller drugstore with limited stock.

3.    Hair Products

Everyone needs to use hair supplies in one way or another. So drugstores are a great way of getting them, right? Well, not exactly. Drugstores may be convenient, but it comes at a cost. A study recently revealed that the price of hair supplies like clips, hair ties, and brushes, are lower at the dollar store. Thus, you’re better off heading there instead for your hair needs.

What about shampoo and conditioner bundles? They have got to be a positive net gain, right? The answer is no. Some bundle prices may cost twice as much compared to buying either online or in big-box stores – and certain online retailers offer free same-day deliveries for them. In the end, other stores simply win out in terms of price and – in case of online retailers – convenience.

4.    Food

There may be the occasional deal available on food items sold at your nearest drug store, but you will find that the others will cost more. And all that is before you consider the quality of the items sold there! So with that info in mind, here are a few items whose prices you might wanna take a closer look at next time when you go shopping:

·         Milk

Most households go through a fair amount of milk very quickly, so it would make sense to pick some up while restocking on other supplies. Unfortunately, milk also spoils relatively quickly – and reports indicate that expired milk doesn’t always get removed from the shelves.

·         Snacks

Take your time to compare prices while shopping – it may be more expensive to buy them from a drugstore. It’s often cheaper to buy snacks from a grocery store instead.

·         Frozen Food

Unless you’re only looking to buy a single snack for the day, you’re better off buying things like ice cream and the like in bulk from a bigger store. It’s also likely the prices in drugstores are marked up too, meaning they’re more expensive per item.

·         Vanilla Extract

This essential baking ingredient is often more expensive in drugstores when compared to bigger grocery store chains.

·         Maple Syrup

Save your money – this simple food item can often be obtained at a much more reasonable price at big-box stores, and often come with deals too.

Need to pay off debt? Take these ten actions.

5.    Toilet Paper

Toilet paper is another one of those single-use items that you would ideally want to stockpile. They never spoil and are best bought in bulk. With that said, the drugstore may not be the best place to conduct such a necessary purchase.

The main reason is that most generic-brand toilet paper sold at drugstores are often low in quality. This often results in using more squares than you would otherwise need, negating any savings you would’ve otherwise acquired from the lower price. Additionally, an analysis has shown that drugstore-branded toilet paper is more expensive than its competitors, should you choose to buy it in bulk.

6.    Makeup

Positive thinking dictates that surely a drugstore is a perfect place to buy makeup. After all, that’s where all the affordable makeup is, right? Sadly, this isn’t the case. Dedicated beauty stores may be more expensive, but products offered at warehouse stores are cheaper than what you’d get in a drugstore. Mascara, for example, is often $2 less expensive per tube in a big-box store.

That said, if you take advantage of the exclusives they offer, memberships of your drugstore reward programs may be a better long term deal. Big-box chains, however, also have their own reward programs – so unless there are some exclusives and sneak-peeks you want out of your drugstore membership, a membership with your local big-box store may be more beneficial instead.

7.    Furniture

Deals offered on furniture in drugstores aren’t always as great as they seem. Many of them are shoddy in construction and build, and so won’t last for very long. You might get only about six months’ worth of use out of them before you have to purchase a new table or shelf!

Furniture isn’t the only thing vulnerable to such cost-cutting measures, either. Bedding sold in drugstores often appears to be a steal – until you realize that they are often poor quality items as well. In the end, it’s best to invest in quality items or wait for a sale at your local department store before purchasing your desired items.

8.    Electronics

Electronics are getting increasingly cheaper, as are their accessories – but it’s still nice to get them as competitively as possible. So it might surprise you that drugstores aren’t offering the best possible deals you can get on the following items:

·         Accessories For Phones

Drugstores may offer purchasing convenience, but online retailers will often provide similar (or even the same item) at a much lower price.

·         Televisions

TVs offered by drugstores are often inferior copies of more well-known brands and models – often at prices similar to those found in big-box stores. You’re better off hunting down a deal in your local department chain store instead.

·         Any Expensive Electronic Products

You can easily find better deals in stores that specialize in electronics. On top of that, specialized stores can offer services and assistance with their products in a way most drugstores are unable to emulate.

9.    Common Gift Items

If you are in an enormous rush and you need to get someone a present at the very last minute, it makes perfect sense to grab something from the nearby drugstore on your way out. For the following items, however, this may not be a good use of your time and money:

·         Greeting Cards

For some cardboard with ink, birthday cards and the like are often surprisingly expensive at drugstores. A better idea is to buy such cards in bulk from places like the dollar store or from chain department stores instead.

·         Gift Cards

You ideally don’t ever want to pay for the full cost of a gift card if you can help it – it’s just not worth it. Instead, consider buying them at a discount at a big-box store, or even buy unused or partially-used gift cards that are being resold online.

·         Toys

While there are regulations and safety standards in place for toys, it’s hard to tell whether the toy meets those standards – and drugstores don’t always check their safety before putting them up on their shelves. It’s often much safer to buy a toy from a trusted retailer instead.

10. Shoes

It’s easy to think that buying a cheap pair of shoes will save you money, but this isn’t the case.

These shoes are often poorly made, and research advises that they will often cause more pain and health issues in the long run. Consider instead waiting for off-seasons or sales for brand name footwear. The price investment is usually worth the comfort and quality you get in return.

Final Thoughts On Some Things You Should Never Buy At The Drugstore

While you can’t deny the convenience of drugstores and their vast array of products, don’t forget to be a wise shopper. A lot of the time, prices in drugstores are inflated, and the risk that comes with buying certain products there isn’t always worth it. Compare prices, look up reviews, and check out other sources of the items you’re looking for before settling on a drugstore purchase!


10 Natural Remedies Better Than Medicine for UTI

10 Natural Remedies Better Than Medicine for UTI

Are you trying to find a natural therapy that works better than medicine for UTI?

Urinary tract infections or UTIs are one of the most common types of bacterial infections among women. During a woman’s life, it’s estimated that fifty percent will experience these infections. The most common course of treatment is antibiotics.

The problem with the frequent use of antibiotics is that many of the bacteria present today have become antibiotic-resistant. If a woman has frequent bouts with these infections, it’s best to turn to nature rather than something that destroys both good and bad bacteria in the body.

10 Remedies That Might Work Better Than Medicine for UTI

One of the best things you can do when treating a UTI is to drink plenty of fluids. The more you urinate, the easier it is to flush the bacteria from your system. It’s also essential to keep the area both clean and dry. However, there are many things that you can do to cure or help with these troublesome infections.

1. Lemon

Lemon is a very acidic fruit that has a similar effect in the urinary tract system as Vitamin C. Not only is this a natural antibiotic and antifungal destroyer, but it can help to flush any bacteria out. Slice one lemon and put it in an eight-ounce glass of water.

Drink as many of these as you can handle. Since it’s acidic, you may have some heartburn or notice an upset stomach. You can ease these symptoms by reducing the lemon in your water. Lemon has numerous benefits to the body, but it’s one of the best natural medicines for UTIs.

2. Cranberries

Cranberry has long been touted as one of the best treatments aside medicine for a UTI. There have been a few studies on the effects cranberry has on these infections, and the results are mixed.

While the evidence on whether it can cure these infections seems slim, there is proof that these little wonder fruits can slow the growth of bacteria and change the PH in the urinary tract to inhibit development.

The most observed bacteria in this area is E. Coli. Cranberry appears to work well against this strain of bacteria and, with regular use, can prevent future occurrences. Though you can get supplements and juices, it’s better to use juice.

You want to make sure that it’s 100 percent organic and has no added sugars. Any sugar in the juice will be counterproductive as sugar helps to feed fungus and bacteria.

3. Garlic

When it comes to natural medicine for UTIs, garlic is among the best. When you crush raw garlic, it releases allicin. There have been many studies on allicin and its effect on the urinary tract and the vaginal area.

When taken in the purest form, allicin has antibacterial properties that can fight a wide range of bacteria. It’s also been shown to have a profound effect on the drug-resistant strains of E. Coli, which is commonly found in this area.

It’s best to crush the glove and allow it to sit for ten minutes before consuming it. You want to make sure the allicin has time to release. Some praise garlic for its natural antibiotic effects and the ability to fight the most severe infections.

4. D-Mannose

D-mannose has recently come to the forefront as a natural medicine for UTIs. It’s confusing because it’s a type of sugar closely related to glucose, but it doesn’t have the same effect on bacteria as sugar. When you ingest D-mannose, it makes the walls of the urinary track very slippery.

The slippery slope makes it nearly impossible for bacteria to adhere to the system walls. This sugar works well for those who have recurrent bouts of infection. A study was done using women who often battled these chronic toxicities.

There were 300 women with a chronic history of UTIs. The women were divided into three categories. The first group received a daily dose of d-mannose powder every day in the water. The second group of women got an antibiotic daily. The last group didn’t receive any treatment.

The women who took D-mannose fared well. Only 17 in that group continued to have problems with UTIs. Of the women that took antibiotics, 21 continued to have issues. Lastly, the final group who received no treatment had 62 people that continued to have issues.

It’s also important to note that the group who took the D-mannose had little to no side effects. Still, the women who took the antibiotics had diarrhea, nausea, headaches, and other difficulties.

5. Vitamin C

The great thing about Vitamin C is that you cannot overdose on it. It makes the urine more acidic, which makes it impossible for bacteria to grow. This vitamin enhances your immunity, but it can improve women’s health in the gestational age. The recommended dose is 100 milligrams each day.

doctors office
You will be shocked when you read the five dirtiest items at a doctor’s office.

6. Oregano Oil

Oregano is a robust antibacterial oil. A study was conducted in 2012 that showed that this essential oil is a strong defense against E. Coli and other strains of bacteria. Additionally, it’s also shown to promote healing for those suffering from an active infection.

The study showed that by using this on an antibiotic-resistant strain, women fared better than antibiotic experiments. There are no harmful side effects when taking this, nor is there any ability to build up resistance.

The best way to take this essential oil is internal. It should be diluted with water to make it more palatable. You shouldn’t take it for longer than a two-week period when you are utilizing it as a substitute for medicine for UTI.

7. Clove Oil

Research has established that clove oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which is excellent for UTIs. Another benefit is that it holds anti-inflammatory assets, and it works to alleviate pain and stimulate healing. You can take clove oil internally for up to two weeks.

8. Probiotics

When it comes to medicine for UTIs, many can clear up the bacteria in a few days. However, the problem is that many infections have become resistant to the medications. Thankfully, probiotics have been proven to help with these painful occurrences.

The benign bacterial flora found in probiotics can help with the overgrowth of harmful microorganisms in the urinary tract. When you use antibiotics, it destroys this protective lining, making the area susceptible to bacteria growth. Probiotics work by supporting the flora and making it more durable to defend against foreign invaders.

Another way that you can help to keep this flora intact is by consuming fermented foods. These foods have helpful bacteria in them that will do much the same as probiotics. These foods include:


9. Myrrh Oil

Myrrh is not an essential oil that is talked about much. However, it has fantastic antiphrastic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties make it one of the best natural remedies. Throughout history, it’s been widely used to prevent and treat infections.

This essential oil should be rubbed into the skin or applies by using a warm compress. You shouldn’t take this product internally unless it’s under your physician’s direction, and it’s of the highest quality. It’s a great alternative medicine for UTI sufferers.

10. Drink Tons of Water

You need to double or even triple your current water intake. Low fluid intake can be one of the reasons why you have an infection in the first place.

You should strive to drink between three-fourth to one gallon of water. It’s essential to stay hydrated because having a chronic low fluid intake will mess up the PH balance in the urinary tract. Curing your infection may be as simple as chugging water and staying close to a restroom.

Final Thoughts on Using Natural Remedies Instead of Medicine for UTIs

If the infection is uncomplicated, then it should clear up within 2-3 days after treatment is initiated. If the disease is severe, often in those with compromised immune systems or older adults, you need to see a doctor. UTIs can spread very quickly and go from the urinary tract to the kidneys and even the brain.

The best way to prevent a UTI is to reduce your risks. There are many things that you can do that increase your chances of developing an infection. Avoid using the following items:


Additionally, if you are in a high-risk group, you should take extra precautions. Using a natural medicine for UTIs will lower your risk of contracting an infection. People in high-risk groups are:

•Frequent Unprotected Sexual Intercourse
•Suppressed Immune Systems
•Those with Type I or II Diabetes
•The Use of Catheters
•Pregnant Women
•Postmenopausal or Premenopausal Women

One of the significant problems with getting one UTI infection is that once you get it cleared, it’s likely to return. If the disease does return, it’s almost always reinfection by a pathogen of the same type.

With natural therapies, you will not feel the side effects that might arise from traditional medicine for UTI. Each infection that you get increases your chances of recurring infections. Studies show that once you get one, your chance of getting another UTI within six months happens to one in five women.


15 Ways to Deal With a Co-worker Who Never Admits Fault

15 Ways to Deal With a Co-worker Who Never Admits

In the workplace, there’s always at least one difficult person. It can be the woman who complains chronically or the man who is often sarcastic. However, of all the people that you will encounter, the most troublesome one is the individual who will never admit they’re wrong.

How do you handle a person who refuses to admit they are at fault? It can be a real problem when there is an office full of people who always have the blame shifted their way. This problematic colleague can ruin your workday, and they can cause relationship problems on the job.

Tips on Dealing with Those Who Won’t Accept Fault

The natural response to this conundrum would be to avoid this person, but that isn’t always possible. What if you work in a small department, and they are intertangled in your workday? What is the best way to deal with a toxic individual who will never admit fault? Here are some suggestions.

1. Don’t Judge

It’s easy to take a high position when you feel that someone is in the wrong. However, remember your parents telling you never to judge a book by their cover? The problem with being judgmental is that you may not know that whole story.

Before you jump to conclusions and start assuming the worst, you shouldn’t pass judgment on this person. After some investigation and proof, then you can consider your lofted position. However, there may be something underneath the surface that is causing this person to act this way.

They may not be out to get you or any other employee. Instead, they may be trying to protect themselves. The psychological aspects of these situations cannot be ignored.

2. Talk to Them Privately

If they are lying and it affects you, then it might be time to call this toxic individual out on their behaviors. Again, it’s easy to jump to conclusions, but you might find that the situation is different than you could have ever imagined.

Everyone has a chance to defend themselves, even in a court of law. At least talk to the person and let them know how their inability to accept fault is wearing on you. Don’t speak for others in this meeting. Only say the part about their behaviors that affects you.

3. Get to the Bottom of the Situation

You know that things are never as they seem. You need to call out specific instances and ask them to explain their actions. Let’s assume that they messed up on an order form for supplies, but they are fully aware they did it.

They might have only claimed ignorance because if they got one more write up, they would be fired. You may find that even though their actions are toxic, they had logical thinking. It’s still no reason to lie, but at least they weren’t being malicious and trying to get others in trouble. They were trying to cover their mistake.

4. Ask Someone They Trust to Talk to Them

If their actions affect the workplace, you may ask one of their friends to talk to them. Do they have anyone that they can trust? The person could be stuck in such a negative pattern of blaming others that they don’t even realize what they are doing.

Having someone in a trustworthy position talk to them could be what they need to set them on the right path.

5. File a Written Complaint

If you’ve done everything you can to live with the situation and can’t, then it’s time to use your chain of command. Most companies want you to put any issues in writing for them to investigate further.

A written complaint may cause disciplinary action. However, if they are doing things that are going to cause you to get into trouble, you need to speak up. This kind of toxic person will stop at nothing to keep the fault off them and put it on someone else.

6. Talk to Your Supervisor

Asking the advice of your supervisor is always a good idea. If you’re not comfortable putting things in a written complaint, you can talk to your superior without mentioning names. They can give you advice on how you should handle situations according to company standards.

7. Cultivate Compassion

One of the main reasons you should never jump to conclusions is because you don’t know that person’s past. What if they were an abused child who grew up in horrible conditions?

It’s common that someone who doesn’t want to admit fault has a damaged psyche and cannot accept blame. The formative years teach you patterns that can last with you for life. They may feel like that child who is going to get in trouble and be beaten or belittled.

Since you don’t know what’s going on in their mind, then it’s best to use compassion first before a gavel of judgment.

8. Step Aside

Sometimes, the best thing for you to do is to step aside. If you already have drama going on in your life and don’t need to borrow any trouble, let someone else handle it. If this person’s actions don’t directly affect you, then make the people that it does affect fight the battle.

9. Let it Go

Letting go is such a hard thing to do. If this person has been this way since they started at your company, then the chances are that you will not change them. Rather than focusing on this negative aspect of your job, just ignore it. If you notice these toxic behaviors, then others will see them too.

10. Offer Help

As we’ve already discussed, you don’t know what’s going on in this person’s mind. Rather than being the judge, why not offer a helping hand? It could be that they won’t accept fault because they are struggling on the job. If you offer to help them in the areas they are struggling in, it could be a win-win situation.

11. Stage an Intervention

Have you ever seen an intervention for someone who is messing with drugs or alcohol? There’s nothing that says you cannot stage an intervention with this coworker. Gather a few of the other coworkers together and sit down and talk to them.

It’s hard to deny allegations when there are several people there to back up the claims. Also, make the purpose of the meeting to help and not tear them down.

12. Write a Letter

Some people feel that it’s easier to put their thoughts into written form than to talk face-to-face. Also, a letter can allow you to say what you need to say and keep you calm.

You can take the chance to call them out on their actions, but you don’t even need to put your name at the bottom of it. If you want to remain anonymous, then you can simply sign if from a concerned coworker.

13. Ask to Transfer to a New Department

If you’re at the boiling point with this person and their inability to accept fault, you can ask to move departments. If you work for a large company, there may be an opportunity for you to move around.

You may find that you would like to move away from this toxic person and their lying ways. However, be careful because these kinds of people exist in all facets of the workplace.

14. Make Sure You’re Never Alone with This Person

When you’re with a toxic person, you must always have a witness close by. If they tend to blame others for their actions or faults, you want someone close to you to say what happened. When you know that a person tends to be toxic, you know you need to take steps to protect yourself.

15. Move On

Though it’s a drastic step, it may be time to leave the company. If there are no departments to move around to, the supervisors don’t listen to your complaints, or if the person is in a position of leadership, then it may be time to go.

You can’t fight a toxic work environment, and you don’t want it to all come crashing down on you. If the situation directly involves you and could cause you to get canned, then move on. You were looking for a job when you found that one, and there will be another job out there for you.

kind peopleFinal Thoughts on Dealing with Those Who Refuse to Admit Fault

In some respects, you probably feel like a child when you’re dealing with an adult that cannot admit when they’ve done something wrong. It doesn’t matter if you’ve caught them red-handed, these people will lie, manipulate, and blame you.

The fifteen tips listed above can help you learn to deal with these people. However, it would be best if you were careful about which ones to use as each situation is different. Even if you decide to jump ship, remember that whenever you go in life, there will always be those toxic individuals who are eager to shift the blame to you. Learning how to deal with them is a better approach.


15 John Maxwell Quotes Never to Forget

15 John Maxwell Quotes Never to Forget

Having written over 60 books, John Maxwell is a successful author who focuses on leadership and business.

In addition to writing books, John Maxwell is also a motivational speaker and inspirational leadership coach. He hosts events and offers one on one coaching, helping people to achieve success.

He strives to motivate and encourage others in their leadership journey. Sharing his wealth of information is essential to him, and he continues to serve others in this way.

Some of the books written by John Maxwell have been featured on the New York Times Best Seller Lists. Other books he has written have sold over one million copies. With these great achievements, it’s no so many others look to him for advice and tips.

Through his quotes, he shares what it takes to be great. No matter what point you are at in your life, you’ll find wisdom and guidance through the words of John Maxwell. Remember these quotes so that you can recall them when you need them the most.

John Maxwell Quotes

1. “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”

It’s essential to admit your mistakes when you recognize them. It’s also important to correct them and try to profit from them. Mistakes are learning opportunities, and if you keep pushing through, the next time will be better.

2. “The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.”

If you’ve failed at something, you can’t give up, or you’ll only be able to hope to be an average person. Achieving people, however, don’t give up when they’ve failed at something. They keep going and trying again until they get it right.

3. “Learn to say ‘no’ to the good so you can say ‘yes’ to the best.”

You can’t say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that comes your way. Turning down, some of the excellent opportunities is essential. Otherwise, you won’t have the time or energy for anything better.

If you want to be the best and be successful at what you do, you have to say ‘no’ sometimes. This decisiveness will allow room for better opportunities when they come along.

4. “Look at our society. Everyone wants to be thin, but nobody wants to diet. Everyone wants to live long, but few will exercise. Everybody wants money, yet seldom will anyone budget or control their spending.”

In our society today, people want things to come quickly. Most people don’t want to work for what they want or for what they think they deserve.

You have to be willing to sacrifice and work hard to achieve what you are after. Being hopeful, wishing, and dreaming will never get you to your goals. Only hard work, change, and sacrifice can get you there.

5. “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.”

It doesn’t matter what you say if your attitude doesn’t reflect your words. People can pick up on your vibes, no matter how well you try to hide them. If you want people to do as you say, you’ll have to portray a matching attitude.

So, if you are feeling a negative way, take some deep breaths and refocus before addressing others. This way, you can get in the right attitude to reflect your words.

6. “If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. And everyone who receives it – young or old, successful or less-than-successful, unknown or famous – is changed by it.”

A good leader understands that their team needs encouragement. It doesn’t matter their age or background, because everyone needs this positivity sometimes. Encouragement helps them see that they are capable and appreciated, which will make them keep trying harder.

7. “A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change a life. A word of encouragement from a spouse can save a marriage. A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential.”

As the previous quote explained, everyone needs encouragement at times. Being encouraged can be life-changing for anyone. It can make all the difference no matter what part of life they need support.

The point is to help others reach their full potential. If you want them to be the best they can be and achieve great things, encouragement is necessary.

8. “Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean giving up familiar but limiting patterns, safe but unrewarding work, values no longer believed in, and relationships that have lost their meaning.”

If you want to feel comfortable at all times in your life, you will never grow. To grow, you need to give up that comfort so that you can explore new paths. You may have to make sacrifices, but it’ll all be worth it once you achieve your goals.

9. “There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. ‘Good pride’ represents our dignity and self-respect. ‘Bad pride’ is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.”

Pride is often considered to be a bad quality to have. This statement isn’t entirely true, however, because good pride can be a positive force. As John Maxwell explains, it can reinforce your dignity and self-respect.

Bad pride, on the other hand, is just as negative as we’ve always been made to believe. It represents conceit and arrogance and can make others feel like you aren’t sincere.

10. “Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don’t change. They are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision but flexible with your plan.”

Plans don’t always work out exactly as planned. This is why you should always have more than one method, because you may need to try a different idea.

Visions, however, shouldn’t ever change. If you are passionate about your dreams and goals, the view won’t change even when the plan does. You’ll just formulate a program that will help you reach the vision you’ve been dreaming of.

Don’t let anyone convince you to change your vision because your plan didn’t work out. Keep striving to be what you’ve always dreamed of despite the number of times you’ve failed in your pursuit.

11. “Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.”

To be a good leader, you have to be able to relate to those around you. It’s equally important to remember that you aren’t their peer. You have to be ahead of them at all times so that you can motivate them for what’s yet to come.

If you aren’t ahead, you won’t know what’s coming. Without that knowledge, you won’t be able to motivate others because you haven’t been there yet.

12. “As a leader, the first person I need to lead is me. The first person that I should try to change is me.”

While you may think that a leader’s primary goal is to lead and change others, this isn’t the case. You first have to drive yourself to get ahead of the rest. Then, you have to change yourself to be the leader that you need to be.

No matter what the change is, it will always start with you—trying to lead others when you aren’t ahead or when you haven’t made the necessary changes won’t work. You still have to start with yourself before you can begin on others.

13. “The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.”

If you are continually blaming your attitude on other people or events, you have some work to do. You are responsible for your perspective, whether it is negative or positive. When you realize this, you’ll be happier, more successful, and more grown-up than before.

14. “The unsuccessful person is burdened by learning and prefers to walk down familiar paths. Their distaste for learning stunts their growth and limits their influence.”

It’s easy to take a leisurely, well-known path in life. To grow, however, you have to learn and explore new options. If you don’t want to learn and try something new, you won’t grow, and you have limited yourself.

15. “Good leaders must communicate vision clearly, creatively, and continually. However, the vision doesn’t come alive until the leader models it.”

Communicating your expectations and visions to your team is essential when you are a leader. You also have to model it. Your team won’t get the necessary work done if they don’t see you shaping your vision.

Final Thoughts on John Maxwell Quotes Never to Forget

As a successful author and businessman, John Maxwell offers sound advice through his quotes. He provides motivation, ideas, and tips to help you along your journey.

You can apply these quotes to any areas of your life, and it will help you be better and achieve success. Before you know it, you’ll be leading others and motivating them in the same way these quotes helped you.


40 Great Websites Where You Can Learn Something New Every Day

40 Great Websites Where You Can Learn Something New Every

A couple of decades prior, when you needed to discover some new information it regularly implied spending several nighttimes per week at a neighborhood school, taking a photography or accounting class from an exhausted night school teacher.

Today, the universes of learning and individual or expert improvement are actually readily available. The open learning development has made the chance to get more quick-witted in your extra time totally available to anybody with a web association, and it’s detonated as of late. On one of the more well-known web-based learning destinations, Udemy, there are more than 30,000 courses accessible.

What’s more, that is simply on one site. Challenge yourself to discover some new information consistently. It can profit your vocation, your own life, and your psychological prosperity, making you a more joyful and more gainful individual in general. To enable you to begin, here are 40 astounding spots to gain some new useful knowledge:

40. Lynda (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Lynda

Where more than 4 million individuals have officially taken courses.

Note: Looking for some real-life hacks or some everyday life hacks? Well, you have officially come to the right place. This article is a collection of some of the best sites on the internet to learn new things. We have the newest life hacks here some of the best everyday life hacks you can use.

39. Your Favourite Blogs and Online Magazines:

Image Credits: Your Favourite Blogs and Online Magazines

Make time to peruse and discover some new information consistently from your most loved websites and online magazines.

Note: Looking for some real-life hacks or some everyday life hacks? Well, you have officially come to the right place. This article is a collection of some of the best sites on the internet to learn new things. We have the newest life hacks here some of the best everyday life hacks you can use.

38. CreativeLive (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: CreativeLive

Get more intelligent and lift your inventiveness with free online classes.

37. Hackaday (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Hackaday

Learn new abilities and actualities with chomp estimated hacks conveyed day by day.

36. MindTools (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: MindTools

A place to learn authority abilities.

35. Codecademy (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Codeacademy

Learn how to operate Java, PHP, Python, and more from this very famous web-based coding school.

34. TedX (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: edX

You can find huge amounts of MOOCs, which includes programming courses.

33. Platzi (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Platzi

Get more intelligent in promoting, coding, application improvement, and plan.

32. Big Think (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Big Think

Read articles and watch recordings highlighting master “Big Thinkers.”

31. Craftsy (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Craftsy

You can learn a very fun, new aptitude from master educators in cooking, sewing, sewing, cake designing, and the only limit is sky if you want to go there.

30. (daily life hacks):

Image Credits:

An enormous accumulation of online aides on pretty much every theme possible.

29. LitLovers (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: LitLovers

You can practice your affection for writing with free online lit courses.

28. Lifehacker (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Lifehacker

One of my undisputed top choices.

27. Udacity (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Udacity

Learn to code at the free online college created by Sebastien Thrun.

26. Zidbits (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Zidbits

Get subscribed to this tremendous set of fun actualities, irregular news, and articles which are based on the real themes.

25. TED-Ed (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: TED-Ed

The very famous TED mark will bring to you lessons which are worth sharing.

Note: Looking for some real-life hacks or some everyday life hacks? Well, you have officially come to the right place. This article is a collection of some of the best sites on the internet to learn new things. We have the newest life hacks here some of the best everyday life hacks you can use.

24. Scitable (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Scitable

Teach yourself about hereditary qualities and the investigation of development.

23. iTunes U:

Image Credits: iTunes U

Yale, Harvard, and other amazing universities share the address podcasts.

22. Livemocha (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Livemocha

Connect with different students in more than 190 nations to rehearse another dialect.

21. MIT Open Courseware (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: MIT Open Courseware

To learn initial coding aptitudes; furthermore, look at these different spots to pick up coding for nothing.

2o. WonderHowTo (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Wonderhowto

New recordings every day to show you how to do any number of various things.

19. FutureLearn (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Futurelearn

You can join more than 3 million courses which are other than your course and that too out of wellbeing.

18. One Month (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: One Month

Commit to taking in another aptitude over a time of one month with everyday work.

17. Khan Academy (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Khan Academy

Khan Academy is one of the best-known gamified web-based learning platforms.

16. Yousician (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Yousician

Who said when you gain some new useful knowledge it must be business related?

15. Duolingo (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Duolingo

Duolingo is a totally free, gamified dialect learning website.

14. Squareknot (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Squareknot

You can get inventive with different sort of creatives using Squreknot.

13. Highbrow (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Highbrow

A membership benefit that conveys five-minute courses to your email day by day.

12. Spreeder (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Spreeder

How cool would it be to have the capacity to speed read?

11. Memrise (daily life hacks):

If you want to get more intelligent and extend your vocabulary, just go this website.

Image Credits: Memrise

10. HTML5 Rocks (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: HTML5 Rocks

Google master is presenting to you the most recent updates, asset aides, and the slide decks.

Note: Looking for some real-life hacks or some everyday life hacks? Well, you have officially come to the right place. This article is a collection of some of the best sites on the internet to learn new things. We have the newest life hacks here some of the best everyday life hacks you can use.

9. Wikipedia’s Daily Article List (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Wikipedia’s Daily Article List

Get Wikipedia’s day by day highlighted article conveyed appropriately to your inbox.

8. DataMonkey (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: DataMonkey

This website facilitates the capacity to work with information. Learn the amazing SQL and Excel.

7. Saylor Academy (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Saylor Academy

This Academy offers a very awesome open talking course you can take on the web, and see all the more free open talking courses there.

6. Cook Smarts (Daily life hacks):

Image result for cook smarts website

Image Credits: Cook Smarts

Learn fundamental to cutting-edge sustenance prepare and cooking procedures.

Note: Looking for some real-life hacks or some everyday life hacks? Well, you have officially come to the right place. This article is a collection of some of the best sites on the internet to learn new things. We have the newest life hacks here some of the best everyday life hacks you can use.

5. The Happiness Project (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: The Happiness Project

If you want to be happy just go and click on this website.

4. (daily life hacks):

Image Credits:

Expertly trained courses are present which help with the alternative of premium substance.

3. Surface Languages (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Surface Languages

A great decision in the event that you simply need to take in a couple of expressions for movement.

2. Academic Earth (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Academic Earth

This website has been offering top quality college-level courses since 2009.

1. Make (daily life hacks):

Image Credits: Make

If you want to learn how to do that DIY venture you have your eyes on from the beginning, just go and check Make.



10 Habits Of Unhappy People

10 Habits Of Unhappy People

Happiness is a very subjective thing, the source of happiness varies from person to person. However, I believe that it is a matter of choice to be happy  or not. It is in our own hands to find happiness, tiny reasons to celebrate and share your joy. When happiness is objectified with material things or anything in particular that is where we start to harm ourselves. By cutting down or limiting the reasons to feel happy. Following are the most common habits and behaviors portrayed by ‘unhappy’ people. As feeling happy is a matter of choice.

10. Expanding Our Problems (Unhappy people routine):

When disaster hits us our first response towards it is entirely based on our emotions. So we tend to take things completely out of proportion. So we make our already ‘big’ problem…. bigger in our heads. Which makes us to believe that it is way more hard to deal with the ‘bigger’ problem than it is in reality. So we’re just things difficult for ourselves.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Negative emotions have adverse effects on the thinking process, hence the action plan is also effected negatively. Holding a grudge against a person, some event in your life or even against your own self leaves you miserable.

Practicing this negative behavior on regular basis leads to an eventual decrease in your efficiency.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Unhealthy body leads to unhealthy mind. And your mind has the power to keep your heart happy and make you feel fulfilled. Hence taking care of the body has a very positive effect. The first step towards the maintenance of a healthy body is by eating good. More like eating right. Then comes physical activities to keep the body in shape such as jogging or playing a sport with consistency.

Eat right, look great, and feel great.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Get rid of unhappy people routines today.

The trick to succeeding in life is by keeping your priorities straight. However, it is not that easy. Since it’s very easy to get caught up in the cycle of life. It is highly likely that any person would not be struggling at keeping their eyes set at the prize, you tend to get distracted easily.

Delaying your goals we are potentially discarding our talents without having a realizing. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


Being driven by fear is one of the most vital things which prevents you from achieving your goals, it restricts not just your physical but mental capabilities too.

You are unable to take risks. Unable to make decisions. Hence unable to get closer to your dreams. Which eventually leads to shattering of confidence and making you unhappy.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Overthinking about your future may cause a sense of depression and anxiety. For instance if you keep thinking about the consequences you might face you not just exert yourself but you end up preventing yourself from enjoying the present to the fullest. This habit makes you ungreatful and leaves you unfulfilled.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Nothing exudes unhappiness and insecurity more than negative self talk. Having regrets may not sound like a big deal but this corrodes a person’s peace and adds onto shattering of self confidence.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t.

Get rid of unhappy people routine today.

In the materialistic society, which we are a part of. It’s all about doing things which makes us feel good about ourselves and everyone is trying to prove a point to someone or the other. This is unhealthy. It adds to toxicity to the society. Try not to be a part of it. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


Criticism is good but to an extent only. We cannot expect perfection in everything. It is always good to have moderate expectations from others and yourself too. Setting extremely high standards for yourself and others can lead to disappointment in case the standards are not met which leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.

One common trait seen in most successful people is that they rarely complain about the difficulties in life. Rather they channel that energy in making something better out of it. By coming up with either coping strategies or overcoming the problem altogether.

We have to go to embrace the difficulties our life throws at us. Running away is not an option. While complaining about it will do us no good other than making us look like a mess.

Note: People with problems like persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia lead unhappy lifes. Consider this an informal dysthymia test before seeking out dysthymia treatment. No group of people should ever be seen as “miserable people”. Life is meant to be enjoyed and we can do it by getting help when we need and being optimistic when we don’t. Get rid of unhappy people routine today.


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15 Ways to Keep A Platonic Relationship Drama Free

15 Ways to Keep A Platonic Relationship Drama Free

Since the beginning of humanity, people have tried to figure out the mechanics of love and relationships. Often, the lines of separation become blurry, especially in the case of platonic relationships.

The Greeks used many words to describe types of love because they felt it fell into many categories.

Platonic love is named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato as this type of emotion transcends sexuality, and it’s more like a divine closeness. For Plato, the ideal love would be unselfish and kind, which would make an intimate relationship even better. Plato believed that men and women could be just friends if they so choose.

Fifteen Rules for Keeping Your Platonic Relationship Free of Drama

Do you have a close friend of the opposite sex who is more like a buddy or sibling than a lover? How can you maintain a platonic relationship without compromising each other’s values? Can you be married or in a committed relationship and keep close friends of the opposite sex?

It is possible, but nobody said it would be easy. It’s up to you and your friend to have honest and open communication to decide what is acceptable and what isn’t. If you want a healthy unromantic relationship, here are 15 tips to keep in mind.

1. Pay Attention to What You’re Saying and Doing

Remember what it was like when you had your first major crush in junior high school? Every time you saw the object of your attraction, you got butterflies in your stomach, and your body turned to gelatin. You were giddy, clumsy, and everything you said made you feel as if you were sticking your foot in your mouth.

These are not the conversations and actions you want to keep in a strictly friendly relationship. Watch how you act in front of your pal. If you are giggly, flirty, and turn beet red as soon as you see him or her, then you may give off the wrong signals.

2. Establish Healthy Boundaries

There must be healthy boundaries in any relationship, be it romantic, friendly, or family. Never assume that your long-time buddy of the opposite sex knows where to draw the line. If you both agree to remain friends, you must also discuss boundaries and relationship rules initially.

Are you both comfortable with a hug when you greet? Lay down the rules about texting, phone calls, and gifts. Also, be sure you’re both on the same page about what conversations and actions are acceptable and which ones aren’t.

Some people have friendships that come with “benefits.” However, both parties must agree that it isn’t a situation that is going any further than casual intimacy.

3. Don’t Disrespect Your Partner or Spouse

Just because you begin a romantic relationship or get married doesn’t mean you must discard all your long-time friends of the opposite sex. It just means that the boundaries of these relationships will change. You owe it to your committed partner or spouse to be loyal, honest, and respectful.

Ideally, your old buddies should become your friends as a couple. In a Platonic friendship, always talk and act as if your romantic partner is seated next to you. It’s not okay to divulge personal information about your partner to your friend, especially if it is negative.

4. Keep Your Hands to Yourself

It turns out that you did learn a lot about life from your days in kindergarten, especially when it comes to personal space. Generally, women are more nurturing and touchy-feely when they relate to others, especially men. When you agree just to be friends with a guy or girl, remember what your kindergarten teacher said and keep your hands to yourself.

Some touching is innocent, such as a little side hug or shaking hands during a greeting. Be aware that too much touching assumes that you are attracted to him and may cause more sexual tension than usual. If you can’t keep your hands off each other, then there’s more to the equation than just being friends.

5. Don’t Go on Romantic Dates

Sure, maybe the two of you hung out together in high school or college, and nothing romantic became of it. However, having dinner, going to the movies, or late-night cruises is just going to confuse your emotions. Plus, you don’t want to give others something to talk about.

If you do go for dinner or to an event together, why not make it a group date? If that’s not possible, get a large table that doesn’t suggest or encourage intimacy. It’s fine to spend time with your buddy, but make sure you save date nights for your partner or spouse.

6. Don’t Try to Manipulate Feelings

It’s only human to wonder if the other person has feelings that are more than friendship? If you aren’t in a committed relationship already, perhaps you’ve always wanted to be with him and need to settle the questions in your mind. Watching and listening to him and use your intuition may suggest that he feels the same way.

However, if those signs aren’t there, don’t manipulate him or her into having feelings that they don’t. Not only will you make yourself look foolish and needy, but you could jeopardize a valuable relationship. If you must resort to manipulation, then you are wasting your time.

7. Treat Each Other Like Friends of the Same Gender

Of course, you’re probably not going to take your male buddy to the beauty salon for manicures and pedicures, unless he is in touch with his feminine side. When you are with a platonic friend, try to treat him the same way you would one of your girlfriends. Make sure there are no agendas, no googly eyes, and you are just having fun and enjoying their company.

8. Don’t Act on a Crush

Do you sometimes find yourself daydreaming about being with your male or female friend intimately? Even if you are married or in a committed relationship, it’s perfectly normal to have a little crush on someone of the opposite sex. The key is to make sure that it doesn’t go any further.

Let’s assume that you two meet up in the shopping mall, and she’s wearing an attractive shirt that brings out the striking blue in her eyes. It’s okay to think she’s beautiful, and you may feel a few butterflies in your stomach. It’s essential to let the moment pass so that it doesn’t turn into something you both will regret later.

9. Sexual Tension Might Be Inevitable

One of the things that separate you from the animal kingdom is that you know how to control your primal urges, or at least you try. If it weren’t for sexual attraction, humanity would have died out early on. The call to merge is as natural a need as food, shelter, water, and acceptance.

You might as well accept the fact that sexual tension will exist in any platonic relationship. It’s up to you both not to put yourselves in a compromising situation that would cross mutual boundaries. If you can’t do that, then it’s time to rethink the relationship. Some people can’t be “just friends.”

10. Keep the Conversation Clean

The occasional naughty joke can be humorous if it’s in the right company. However, X-rated conversations can get out of hand and create inappropriate sexual urges. When discussing boundaries, be sure to agree that your communications will be appropriate, including texts and emails.

If you feel that the conversation is going south, speak up, and change the subject. There are plenty of things to discuss besides intimate issues.

11. Give Each Other Some Space

If you have someone who is just your friend, it’s probably not suitable to be cozied up on the couch or at the dinner table. Keep touching to an acceptable distance, and make sure to give your friend some space. Being too close is going to cause problems, and if you want to stay committed to your current partner, distance is a good thing.

12. Avoid Going on Trips Together

Unless you are also with your committed partner or spouse, avoid vacationing with your buddy. It’s too easy to fall into the roles of a couple, which can lead to trouble. Also, if you usually feel giddy and lovey-dovey after a few drinks, steer clear of the bars with your friend.

13. Talk About Your Feelings

Any healthy relationship requires genuineness and honesty. Do you want more from the Platonic relationship, or do you feel like a boundary has been crossed? Don’t be afraid to express your feelings and communicate effectively.

14. Be Open with Your Partner About Your Friend

You shouldn’t keep secrets from your partner. If you go out with a friend of the opposite sex, make sure your spouse knows about it. Also, don’t be secretly texting or phoning him all the time because it looks suspicious.

15. Know When It’s Time to Part

Sometimes, even the best relationships expire, and it makes things uncomfortable for both parties to continue with the charade. If you both aren’t on the same page in this platonic relationship, don’t keep frustrating each other or lose your partner over it. Wish each other luck, smile, and walk the other way.

Final Thoughts on Maintaining a Drama-free Platonic Relationship

In a perfect world, Plato’s design for human relationships may work effortlessly. But we don’t live in an ideal world, and human love and attachment are complicated. Only you can decide what relationships are best for you and when to call it quits.


23 Incredible Ways to Recycle Plastic Bags

23 Incredible Ways to Recycle Plastic Bags

There is no denying that plastic bags are convenient. Unfortunately, a majority of them have a single-use nature, which adds to the overall pollution caused by the prevalence of single-use plastics across the world.

But don’t lose your hope or positive thinking! Although it is still tricky to altogether remove the use of all plastic bags from your life, there are ways that you can prolong their usefulness through recycling.

23 incredibly creative ways to recycle plastic bags.

Want to help save the environment? Find new life for those plastic bags that you collect as you shop.

1.    Travel Purposes

If you’re going on a trip, bring along some of your still-usable plastic bags. They’re versatile and easy to adapt to all sorts of needs while you’re on the go. Here are some things you can use recycled plastic bags as:

·         Trash Bin

When you’re eating snacks on a road trip, it’s easy to lose wrappers and packaging in the car as they scatter under the seats. This will attract bugs later on. Instead of putting trash aside to throw later, put them all into a single plastic bag. The bag fits easily into a glove compartment or hangs easily on a hook and will keep the mess contained.

·         Laundry Bags

Plastic bags can serve as quick and easy bags to hold dirty clothes, wet swimsuits, and similar items. That way, your fresh clothes won’t get soiled, and you won’t have to deal with any odor for the time being. Given the fact that research shows bed bugs are attracted to dirty laundry, sealing away items that need to be washed can keep you from bringing these pesky creatures back as a souvenir from your trip.

·         Detergent Packs

If you’re traveling for a longer amount of time, you may have to do some laundry while you’re out. Having to lug detergent along with you can be a pain, so use small plastic bags to pre-measure individual detergent load amounts.

Here are 22 reasons why you should swear off plastic bags.

·         Motion Sickness Relief

If you or anyone in your traveling party have issues with motion sickness, you can use a plastic bag – but not for the reason you might be thinking! Put some cotton balls in the bottom of the bag and add a couple of lavender oil drops. When someone starts getting carsick, pass them the bag, and have them breathe in the scent of the oil to feel better. The oil will relax the person in question and leave them feeling a little more positive.

·         Keeping Things Dry

Suppose you’ll be heading out to the water and don’t want to leave your valuables behind on the shore. Put items such as your phone, keys, or wallet into a plastic bag. Blow air into the bag to inflate it, and it’ll be able to float easily next to you, keeping the items inside it nice and dry.

2.    For Packing Or Moving

Packing up, especially to move house, can be an arduous task. A surprisingly indispensable part of that process can be all the leftover plastic bags you have unwittingly collected in your home. Here’s how they can be used!

·         Packing Material

Many people make use of packing material to keep their belongings safe when moving, especially for more fragile possessions. Plastic bags can do this job well. Stuff the spaces between items with plastic bags to prevent excessive movement.

·         Protecting Fragile Items

If you have something priceless that you need to transport for any reason, and it happens to be fragile, consider using plastic bags to protect it. You can place it inside a plastic bag, blow to inflate the pack slightly, tie it up tightly, and then wrap it around with more plastic bags to give it a nice sealed cushion.

·         For Garage Sales

Need to declutter? Hosting a yard sale is a common way to get rid of extra items, especially before you move. Let customers at your garage sale cart away their items in plastic bags to encourage more purchasing and make things more convenient for them.

3.    Food and Kitchen Uses

The effortlessly adaptable nature of a plastic bag makes it very easy to use in the kitchen and for food-related purposes. Here are some ways to get the most out of them in the kitchen:

·         Cake Decoration

Not a fan of pastry bags? They can be quite hard to clean and aren’t cheap. For a simple alternative, place frosting or icing into a plastic bag, squeeze out the air, and twist the top to close it up. Your icing tool should now be in the shape of a cone. Cut off the end of the bag, at the very tip of the funnel, and squeeze the icing or frosting onto your cake as desired.

·         Oil Disposal

Many people pour their used cooking oil down the drain, but as that oil dries, it creates greasy fat that is less than positive for drainage systems and a real inconvenience for plumbers when they do need to fix clogging caused by oil residue buildup. Instead, let the oil cool, then pour it into a plastic bag. Seal the bag and throw it out with the rest of your trash, and your drains will thank you.

·         Dough Coloring

Mixing in food coloring properly can be difficult when you’re trying to evenly coat dough. Instead of getting your hands stained all the colors of the rainbow, try using a plastic bag to work the coloring in. Simply place the dough into a bag, add your food coloring, and knead the mixture through the bag until you’re happy with its appearance.

·         Pan Greasing

Tired of getting your hands slippery after you use butter to grease a pan? Pick up your shortening or butter with a plastic bag and use that to hold it as you rub it away.

·         Chocolate Melting

There’s nothing wrong with using a bain-marie or a bowl in the microwave to melt chocolate, but you can also use a plastic bag. Get some warm water in a pan, making sure not to boil the water. Place chocolate into a plastic bag, preferably one you can seal or very tightly close, then put the bag into the warm water pan. Leave to melt, then seal the bag off like you do to decorate cakes, and you have a convenient way to soften and pipe chocolate all in one go.

·         Storage For Grated Cheese

Instead of busting out the grater every single time you want some cheese, grate the whole block in one batch. Then, store the rest of the cheese in a plastic bag and seal it shut. This way, you can quickly get grated cheese whenever you want.

·         Marshmallow Softening

If your marshmallows have hardened after storage, you can soften them again with this easy trick. Place marshmallows into a plastic bag, preferably one you can seal or very tightly close. In a pan, warm up some water – not too hot! – and then place the plastic bag of marshmallows inside. The warmth in the enclosed space will warm up the marshmallows, softening them up for consumption.

4.    For Pets or Animals

Have pets? Just love animals? The plastic bags you have may be useful to them in surprising ways! Here how you can use your recycled plastic bags for the animals around you:

·         Cleaning Up After A Dog

When walking your dog, likely, he or she will occasionally stop along their route to “do their business.” As a responsible pet owner, you have to clean up after them. Bring along some small plastic bags to pick their waste up with, then turn the bag inside out to keep the debris inside without ever dirtying your hands.

·         Feeding Birds

Have birds that scavenge for food during the colder months? Mix peanut butter and birdseed in a plastic bag, preferably a sealable one. Mix the contents well inside the bag. Finally, place the resulting food mixture onto a pinecone or a net bag. The birds will love this easy treat!

·         A Makeshift Water Dish

If you go out for a hike with your furry friend, consider using a sealable plastic bag as a portable water dish if you don’t have one of your own. Fill the bag with water and hold it open for your pup so they can have a nice drink.

5.    Cleanliness Uses

It’s not easy to notice the many cleanliness-related uses that plastic bags can perform. The possibilities are nearly endless. Here are some of our favorite ways to used recycled plastic bags to keep things clean:

·         Trash Can Liners

Throwing trash directly into a trash can means you have to clean that bin regularly to get rid of leftover gunk, especially from wet waste. Instead of buying specialized trash bags, just recycle plastic bags you already have. Place the plastic bag into a trash bin to line the sides, then simply tie the bag and throw it out once it’s full.

·         Hand Cleaners For Sand

Sand gets everywhere quickly. If you’re at the beach and need to clean off the grit before digging into a sandwich, you’ll want to have baby powder in a sealed plastic bag. Place your hands into the baby powder, then shake them and rub them outside to get rid of any lingering sand granules.

·         Throwing Dirty Diapers

To make sure soiled diapers don’t unfurl or reveal themselves in a trash bin, first put them into a plastic bag and tie it up tightly. This keeps the odor locked in and allows you to easily dispose of them or bring them outside to take them out directly. You can also do this for similar products, like sanitary pads.

·         Baby Wipes

Thrifty parents have found ways to save money by making effective substitutes for baby wipes that make use of recycled plastic bags. Start by putting paper towels in a sealable bag. Make sure the paper towels are soft. Add in a mix of one teaspoon of baby oil, a third of a cup of water, and one tablespoon of antibacterial soap of a gentle variety. Use the mixture to dampen – not completely soak – the paper towels, then use them to clean up your little one.

·         Stay Clean And Cool Outdoors

If you’re out on a walk or to exercise on a warm or hot day, this trick can keep you feeling fresh. Soak a washcloth in a mix of lemon juice and water, then place it in a sealable plastic bag. Whenever you need it while you’re out, simply use it to wipe yourself down. You can also freeze washcloths instead to bring along in a plastic bag to give yourself some cold relief on the road.

Final Thoughts On Trying These Creative Ways To Recycle Plastic Bags

Recycling plastic bags is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint in the world. With some thoughtfulness and positive thinking, you will slowly be able to lessen your reliance on these bags as time goes on!


8 Outcomes of Parents Using Guilt Instead of Positivity on Their Kids »

8 Outcomes of Parents Using Guilt Instead of Positivity on

It’s no secret that communicating with kids can be difficult. Indeed, it can make a parent downright nutty at times. It shouldn’t be a surprise that parents try different methods of getting their kids to do things, but not all of these methods may not be a great choice.

Using guilt is one of those “not so great” choices. Many counselors explain what happens when parents use guilt trips on their children, and usually, the explanation is not one to be proud of. Sure, this tactic may work in the short term, and the outcome may even benefit the child in the short run. However, guilt-tripping kids is something that can have lasting negative consequences that you can’t see right away.

In this article, counselors explain what happens when parents use guilt trips on their children. Keep reading to find out more.

What is Guilt Tripping?

Using guilt, aka guilt-tripping is the process of making someone feel guilty about something, usually in an attempt to manipulate them in some way. The definition of guilt-tripping sounds malicious, and in many ways, it is. It’s essentially a bully. That’s why it’s not good to use this negative thinking on your kids.

It’s essential to recognize that helping your child to understand guilt is not the same as making them feel to blame for an event. Teaching your child about guilty feelings, right from wrong, and other moral life lessons will lead to a healthy, compassionate adult with excellent morals and values.

A lesson about guilt crosses over into guilt trip territory when the guilt tripper is attempting to gain something from another person. It’s not always money or other tangible items. It could be something simple like a nap so the parent can take a break from child duties for a while. However, as counselors explain what happens when parents use guilt trips on their children, it becomes evident that it’s still manipulation, which is bad for young minds.

Why Parents Would Use Guilt Trips on Their Kids

There can be many reasons why a parent would guilt-trip their kids. On the surface, it’s because they want their kid to do something or behave a certain way, but counselors believe that it goes deeper than that.

Shaming and blaming people, from the guilt tripper’s perspective, is less about the guilt and more about the manipulation. Psychologists agree that many people who often use manipulation has had a rocky past. The manipulation is almost like a survival method, and the manipulator may not even be fully aware of their participation in it.

Manipulators often have a past filled with instances of competition for love, affection, or acceptance. They may have had a history filled with a struggle to be accepted into specific groups or lifestyles, and manipulation was the way they accomplished this.

When the abused kids grow up and become parents, the manipulation can continue in the form of shaming their kids. It may be the only way they’re capable of showing any type of parenting skills. Unfortunately, people with this type of past doesn’t get the help they need because their problems can transfer over to their children. This impact becomes evident as counselors explain what happens when parents use guilt trips on their children.

Counselors Explain What Happens When Parents Use Guilt Trips on Their Children

Guilt-tripping is essentially a way to cause psychological damage to a kid. Even if the parent isn’t intending to be malicious and merely using it as a way to get their kids to do the right thing, it can have serious consequences later in life.

Here are eight problems that shifting these guilty feelings will cause in kids.

1. Loss of Self-Confidence

When kids are constantly feeling guilty about something, they can experience a loss of self-confidence. They may feel like they can’t do anything right. While they grow up, they’ll often question their choices, and they may not be successful in life simply because they have low self-esteem.

2. Inability to Maintain Healthy Relationships

When children are victims of constant guilt trips, it can affect how they interact with others. We’ve already established that their self-confidence takes a hit, so it’s no surprise that they may be shy and withdrawn from people. They’ll be so afraid of being judged that they can’t interact with people regularly.

Here are twelve signs that you might be a helicopter parent.

3. They’ll Resent Their Parents

No one likes to be manipulated. Children, especially teenagers, may begin to resent their parents. This disconnect can cause them to “act out” or misbehave. They may become disrespectful to their parents and possibly even other siblings in the home. The relationship between the parents and their children will degrade, rendering the guilt-tripping pointless since the child won’t listen to the parent anymore.

4. They’ll Have Rocky Romantic Relationships in Adulthood

While they struggle with relationships during childhood, that struggle will continue into adulthood. They may have the inability to trust or show love. This outcome is a recipe for disaster in romantic relationships.

5. They’ll Struggle in School

For the same reasons they’ll struggle with social relationships, they’ll struggle with maintaining their grades in school. It could be from a lack of interest, or it could be that they can’t concentrate. They may not wholly fail but might be an average student who doesn’t have the confidence to try to reach their full potential.

6. They May Give Into Peer Pressure Easily

Being subjected to constant shaming tactics from parents sets kids up to be a target of guilt-tripping from peers. They won’t have the understanding or skills to stand up to peer pressure. To please their friends and keep from feeling even guiltier, they may just give in so they’ll fit in and make everyone happy.

7. They May Feel Obligated to Stay with People Who Mistreat Them

Guilt-tripping children is, in essence, teaching them to cater to someone who makes them feel bad. They’ll begin to feel like it’s their fault that the other person feels bad and that they’re responsible for fixing the situation. This can lead to your child being the victim of a bully in their school years, and in an abusive relationship during their adult years.

8. They May Exhibit Bizarre Behavior During Childhood

Children don’t know how to handle emotions as adults do. If a parent causes shame or embarrassment in their child repeatedly, the child may begin to deal with all those unhealthy feelings of guilt through bizarre or dangerous actions. If the abuse continues and the child doesn’t get help, it can cause all kinds of mental and emotional issues as the child grows up.

Two Excellent Alternatives to Guilt for Parenting Your Kids

After reading how counselors explain what happens when parents use guilt trips on their children, it’s only natural to wonder about alternative ways to get kids to do the right thing. A lot of parents who guilt-trip their kids aren’t doing it to be harmful. Indeed, they may not even realize that what they’re doing is dangerous.

In many cases, parents are just trying to communicate with their kids in the best way they know-how. However, there are alternative ways to communicate with your kids. Two of those ways are teaching them why a particular action or behavior is right, and another is through the use of incentives.

1 – Teach Them

Teaching children the correct way to behave and the right things to do is the best way to communicate with them. It builds trust between the parents and kids, and they learn how to navigate life healthily. More importantly, they’ll feel good about themselves as they learn and achieve lessons.

2 – Incentives

Some kids may need a little “push” in the right direction. A positive way to do this is through the use of incentives. The good thing about this is that the incentives don’t have to be elaborate. Kids get excited about something as simple as recognition. However, a small reward such as allowance money for chores, or an ice cream shop day for good grades goes a long way. Incentives are a lot better than guilt trips.

Psychology reveals the behaviors that cause children to grow up to become narcissists.

Final Thoughts on Parents Guilt Tripping Their Kids

Even though counselors explain what happens when parents use guilt trips on their children, it still happens quite often. It’s important to realize that most parents don’t guilt-trip their kids to cause harm. Many counselors agree that it’s a learned parenting behavior once considered okay because it produces results.

Despite this, parents must recognize and change the bully behavior early. The psychological trauma it can leave on a kid may not always be evident until they grow up. If you’re a parent who recognizes that you may have been guilt-tripping your child, don’t be afraid to make a change and use the two suggested alternatives.

After practicing them for a while, they’ll become a habit. This will allow you to have a positive flow of communication with your child, leading to a happier and healthier life for both of you.