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15 Ways to Make a More Positive Environment Every Day

15 Ways to Make a More Positive Environment Every Day

Your environment has a lot to do with your mood. Indeed, many people don’t realize how much their environment affects their happiness and even their outlook on life. A positive environment or a negative situation has a massive impact on whether you’re a positive or negative person.

One study, published by researchers at IOP Science, shows that having green areas such as trees and landscaping in a neighborhood positively correlate with a “joyful” factor. Other things will also keep your environment positive.

Here are 15 ways to create a more positive environment at home or work

1. Let in some light.

It’s no secret that darkness and depression go hand in hand. There have been numerous studies done linking these two things. Always being in a dark environment can alter your mood. You won’t be as happy and positive as you could be.

If you work in a dark environment, you can’t do anything about that. However, on your breaks, try to relax in a well-lit room or even outside. In your home, try to stream in as much natural light as possible. Natural light puts you in a better mood than artificial light.

2. Decorate your space to your liking.

Dull, boring, bare walls don’t inspire much. This is especially true if your walls are a flat, dull, stark color. This is one reason why people hate working in cubicles so much.

Adding some personality to your space can go a long way when it comes to putting you in a positive and inspired mood. Personalizing your space, whether it’s home or work, is a great way to create a positive environment.

3. Put affirmations on your walls.

This is probably one of the easiest ways to create a positive environment. Being able to read positive messages throughout the day can subconsciously put you in a positive and motivating mood. It’s almost like tricking yourself into being positive.

You can buy fancy wall messages if you want to be more decorative, but you could also write out your affirmations and stick them on your wall. This might be a little more logical if you work in a cubicle. Either way, get some positive messages up in your line of view.

4. Socialize more.

Lack of social interaction can make you feel lonely, negative, and depressed. Even introverts need to interact with people sometimes. If you’re always by yourself, you need to push yourself to get out and meet people.

You don’t have to become a social butterfly, but you should at least make an effort to make a friend or two. You can easily do this by joining a group. A book club, a fitness class, or volunteering are great ways to get out and meet people.

5. Take care of background noise.

Background noise, also known as noise pollution, can have a dramatic effect on your mood and your health. In some cases, you can’t do anything about the noise. Urban areas are drowned in background noises like traffic, sirens, and people.

Unfortunately, background noise has been linked to an increase in high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression, among other things. While you might not be able to get rid of it, you can do something to reduce it. Earplugs help, or you could try a white noise machine.

6. Keep your work in your workspace and keep your relaxing space work-free.

It would help if you had clear boundaries in your home to maintain a positive environment. This means that you should designate a place in your home for work only. If you have an office that is great, but if you don’t, you should block off an area and let that be your work area.

Doing this allows your mind and spirit to relax fully when you’re in your relaxation areas. Being able to relax has a significant impact on whether you’re positive or negative. If you can never relax, you can be sure that your mood is going to lean more towards the negative side.

7. Clean up clutter.

Regularly seeing piles of clutter everywhere throws off your brain’s dynamic. It can make it hard for you to focus, affect your memory, and decrease your productivity. Even worse, the effect is cumulative, so all of this continues to pile on until you’re left feeling uninspired and unmotivated.

Cleaning up clutter helps to keep you in a positive spirit. Your brain isn’t thrown off by disorganization, and you can focus more. You’ll find yourself happier and in a better mood.

bully a plant
IKEA’s Bully a Plant project proves the power of positivity can alter your outcome.

8. Surround yourself with positive people.

If you’re always around positive people, that positive attitude is going to rub off on you. Even if you think of yourself as a leader and not a follower, surrounding yourself with the wrong people will eventually have a negative effect on you.

Instead, keep your circle full of people with a positive outlook on life. This could mean cutting some people out. Sometimes even family and friends are the ones you need to drop from your circle. It doesn’t mean you should not ever talk to them again. It just means to keep them at a distance, so they don’t influence your environment.

9. Start a garden or buy some plants.

You don’t have to become a gardener, but greenery and pretty flowers have been known to increase happiness and positivity. If you don’t want to grow plants, buy them. It could be a small plant for your desk, or it could be large floor plants for your home.

You don’t even have to buy real plants. Fake plant arrangements that look great can have the same effect. This way, you can reap the benefits without having the stress of keeping them alive if you don’t have a green thumb.

10. Enjoy the little things in life.

There is so much to enjoy in life. If you’re continually ignoring these little things, it can take the joy out of your day. Wake up, go to work, come home, do it all again. That’s a monotonous cycle that doesn’t inspire a positive mood.

Try enjoying the warmth of the sunshine for a few minutes. Smell the flowers outside of your job before you go in. Watch a street act—Pet a puppy. Admire an elderly couple who is still in love after decades. It’s the little things that make life worth it.

11. Make sure your environment smells good.

According to Rachel S. Herz, an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Brown University, odors can affect your mood, but not like it does for everyone else. You must have associated that odor with something in your life. Therefore, if a scent is offensive to you, it can put you in a bad mood, which can crush your positive environment. For anything else that smells bad to you, do what you can to remove the odor from your situation.

12. Don’t stare at screens all day.

Studies show that the average American spends 7 hours a day staring at screens, and it’s causing vision problems, eye strain, headaches, and neck pain. With all of this going on, it can be hard to remain positive. Try to limit your screen time as much as possible. Put up your phone and read a book instead of watching tv.

13. Exercise more.

When you feel good physically, you feel good mentally. The effects of regular exercise on your mood is no secret. It’s been studied over and over again. Exercise releases endorphins which make you feel good and puts you in a great feeling. You’ll feel better and be in a more positive mood.

14. Be kind to people.

Being helpful to people will inspire people to be kind to you. You’ve heard that old saying – treat others how you’d want to be treated. Treating other people well will make you feel great and make them feel great. Then they’ll want to make you feel great, and it becomes an environment where everyone is making everyone feel great. How can you not think positive like that?

15. Eat healthily.

You are what you eat. You’ve probably heard that several times before. Studies have shown that certain foods can affect your mood and even the way you feel about life in general.

Eating healthy is a great way to feel good about yourself. As stated before, feeling good mentally equals feeling good physically and vice versa. Your mental state is as much a part of your environment as any tangible object, so eat healthy to keep yourself feeling good.

Final Thoughts on Creating a Positive Environment

Creating a positive environment starts with yourself. You must make your physical environment warm, happy, and inviting. You must also have excellent mental and emotional health to keep you in a positive spirit. Don’t be afraid to remove anything that inspires negative thoughts or emotions. The more happiness, light, and positivity you invite into your life, the better you’ll feel and be. Before you know it, being positive will be a way of life.


15 Red Flags Someone is an Emotional Vampire

15 Red Flags Someone is an Emotional Vampire

If you’ve never dealt with an emotional vampire, you’re lucky. However, it could be that you don’t realize that a friend or loved one is like that. These types of people will drain you of your energy and emotions, and, to make matters worse, they won’t care.

For your health, it’s important to recognize when someone is an emotional vampire. Once you identify this energy zapper, learn to deal with them pleasantly while keeping them at arm’s length.

Know the fifteen signs someone might be an emotional vampire

Here are 15 red flags for which you should look.

1. They always turn the topic to themselves.

For some reason, no matter what you’re talking about, they’ll find a way to make it about themselves. Are you talking about your college grades? Somehow the conversation will turn in to how your scores affect them. What about a great date that you had yesterday? Yep, all about them.

If you’re feeling left out of a conversation with someone all the time, this is a significant, glaring indicator. This self-centered friend is incapable or possibly unwilling to allow someone else to be the center of attention in a conversation.

2. They always seek validation.

They probably have low self-esteem, so they require constant validation. The crazy thing is that you probably know this on some subconscious level, and you feel bad that they have low self-esteem. Therefore, you try to be friendly and supportive because you care.

They feed on this caring emotion from you. Indeed, they may even always fish for compliments. No matter how tiring this gets for you, they’ll continue to do it until you put a stop to it.

3. Emotional vampires thrive on and seek out drama.

Problems, negativity, and drama have a lot of energy. Energy suckers are naturally drawn to drama because it feeds their personality. Sometimes they may even go to extremes to instigate drama.

Continually seeking out drama is childish, but emotional vampires don’t see it that way. Instead, it’s a thrill to them. If you’re not careful, you can find yourself squarely in the middle of their drama simply because you’re associated with them.

4. They are emotionally unavailable.

If you think that your energy-sucking friend will be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on, think again. They are selfish and emotionally unavailable. They will suck away all of everyone’s emotions, but they are unwilling to share when you need some.

Of course, they may be so wrapped up in themselves that if you tell them exactly how you’re feeling, they’ll dismiss it and change the subject to how they’re feeling. Even worse, they might make you feel bad that your bad feelings are making them feel bad. It’s a crazy cycle.

5. They always seem to have a negative vibe.

If you are a spiritual person, you may be able to detect people’s vibes when they come around. An emotional vampire will always project a negative vibe or aura. It can be so strong that it’s hard to ignore.

If you keep yourself around such a strong negative vibe, some of it may rub off onto you. Even the healthiest people might be slightly affected. The best thing you can do is stay away from people with negative vibes.

6. Every situation is always a crisis.

You may notice that your friend over-dramatizes every little thing. The most superficial problems that can easily be solved seems like the Titanic is about to sink again. What’s worse, it may seem that your friend is always having these minor-major issues.

People who suck up energy and emotions need to turn everything into a crisis so they can get more power and feelings out of you. It’s a vicious cycle in which you’ll continuously feed their needs until they wear down your last nerve.

7. They hold ridiculous grudges.

If your friend is holding grudges from elementary school, this is a big red flag. It seems that they can’t let anything go, ever. You can be sure that your friend will be holding grudges on their death bed.

This grudge-holding stems from their desire for drama all the time. If they forgive people, there will be no more drama. That means no more emotions for them to suck up, and they can’t have that.

8. They will complain about everything all the time.

It may seem like nothing is ever good enough for your friend. They have a problem with everyone and everything. They never have compliments or anything good to say.

Life can be very dull and harsh, being around a person who complains about everything. They’ll try to suck all of the joy out of whatever you’re doing so you’ll be as miserable as they are. If you’re a healthy person, you can fight against this, but it doesn’t make it any less irritating.

9. These friends seem to be unaware of others.

A person who is an emotional vampire doesn’t pay any attention to the fact that there are other human beings on the planet. They can happily go through life, never connecting with people, giving them credit for anything, or even recognizing that they have feelings and emotions.

Examples would be dismissing the excellent job that their waitress did or ignoring how their partner feels about them forgetting their anniversary. They can be cold, cruel, and seemingly heartless.

10. These folks never accept responsibility for their actions.

As much trouble as your friend can cause, they will never accept responsibility for their role in the drama. According to your friend, everything is everyone else’s fault. They play the victim role exceptionally well.

Even when it’s obvious that your friend is to blame, they will deflect that blame elsewhere. There is no reasoning with a person like this. You’ll only drive yourself crazy, trying to get them to see the light.

11. Emotional vampires continuously try to one-up you.

Unfortunately, they don’t just suck up negative energy. They suck up all energy. This means they want the power of being “the best” at all times. They won’t celebrate in your successes. Instead, they give you an empty compliment and immediately compare it to something they’ve done better than you. Here is an example.

“Oh, you finally lost that ten pounds? Great. Keep working at it, and you might be able to look as good as I would in that dress.”

It’s an empty compliment. This phrase is not a compliment (because they are incapable of giving real compliments). It’s just your friend trying to prove that they’re better than you.

12. They think that only their needs matter.

This makes sense because a person like this doesn’t pay any attention to people around them anyway. It’s almost like they live in a bubble, and they only pull you in long enough to drain your emotions. In their bubble, no one else’s needs matter.

Just keep in mind that if you keep this person as a friend, they’re not going to care about what’s happening in your life genuinely. They are more of a “surface” friend. They’re incapable of caring about your needs.

13. They are masters at guilt trips.

Emotional vampires seem to be skilled at making you feel guilty. They can even make you feel guilty about something that you had absolutely nothing to do with. Before you know it, you’ll be caving into what they want in an attempt to apologize for nothing.

Sometimes it can take a little time to recognize that they do this to you. However, when you realize it, get out of it. They’re not going to stop guilt-tripping you. It’s just who they are.

14. Emotional vampires are bullies.

People like your energy draining friend are unpleasant to be around. They have a nasty personality. They’re mean, selfish, insecure, and hostile. They are also bullies.

Bullying doesn’t work on everyone, but emotional vampires seem to have an innate quality that allows them to sense weaker people. They’ll bully these people into giving them what they want – energy and emotions.

15. Talks nonstop.

After reading the other fourteen red flags, it shouldn’t be surprising that all those energy suckers talk nonstop. If they don’t even acknowledge the people around them, it’s not going to occur to them that people have an opinion (or maybe they don’t care that people have an idea). To them, they are the only ones that exist or matter, so why would anyone else have anything to say?

They may rarely give you a chance to even reply to what they’re saying. Why? Because they don’t care what you think or how you feel.

Final Thoughts on Dealing with the Emotional Vampires in Your Life

Throughout this article, we’ve referred to the energy sucker in your life as your friend. However, let’s be honest. This person is not a friend. They’re a leech. They’re simply a parasite in your life feeding off of your energy and emotions. They’ll keep mooching off of you until there is nothing left, or until you put a stop to it.

Don’t allow emotional vampires to consume you. Use these 15 red flags to recognize them for who they are. Then cut them off and enjoy your life.


Family Therapist Explains 10 Ways to Win Over Your In-Laws

Family Therapist Explains 10 Ways to Win Over Your In-Laws

Getting married is an exciting adventure filled with love and plenty of planning. One thing that the happy couple doesn’t prepare for is what it’s like to meet the in-laws. There have been movies made about the dreaded encounters when you meet your mother and father-in-law, and they learn that you will take the hand of their son or daughter. The good news is it makes for great movies and videos, but you can have a beautiful relationship with your family, and everyone can live in harmony. Now, it all comes down to the personality of each party and their views on things. Some people are easier to win over than others.

Not only can an awkward relationship with your love’s family cause you anxiety, but it also puts your partner in the middle of any disputes. Over the long-term, your partner will also suffer stress from this predicament.

10 Tips to Build an Excellent Relationship With Your In-Laws

If you want to have a good relationship with your in-laws and win them over from the start, here are some tips that can help you accomplish this task.

1. Respect Their Religious Beliefs

Whenever you join two families together, you are bringing different backgrounds, traditions, and beliefs. You must respect their family and their views, even if they don’t align with yours.
In some faiths, women wear caps over their heads as a covering. Here are some examples. In the Mormon faith, they don’t believe in drinking caffeine of any kind. In the Muslim faith, alcohol is a no-go.

It’s easy to see how just these three examples could bring about major conflict with some people. However, while you don’t have to live by their rules and regulations, you should follow them while you’re in their home. So if the family is against drinking, you shouldn’t bring a flask in for dinner.

These little gestures of kindness can have a significant impact on your relationship with your in-laws. Additionally, you want your husband or wife to feel that you have respect for their family, or it can cause a significant rift. Being positive about religious diversity will go a long way, according to studies.

2. Always Show Kindness

It would help if you treated your partner’s parents how you want your parents to be treated. Even if they step across the line or say inappropriate things, you want to make sure that you treat them with respect. It’s perfectly acceptable to say something like, “I respect and value your opinion, but we will have to agree to disagree.”

There’s no need to argue and fight when you can state your feelings and move on. This world would sure be a boring place if everyone had the same opinions.

3. Include The In-Laws When Appropriate

One of the things that cause rifts with the in-laws is they feel excluded. When a son or daughter starts spending time with a love interest, the family often feels left out. They may not be present at Sunday dinners anymore, or they may not be as readily available to help with household needs.

You will probably encounter a lot of ill feelings because you take him or her away from them. The vital thing to counteract these feelings is including them. If Sunday dinner is a big thing at their house, then make sure that you attend also.

Though it’s difficult, you need to make sure that you don’t cut off people that were so special just because you’re busy being in love. You will need those relatives one day, so it’s best to start on the right foot.

4. Be Up Front and Honest

Honesty will go a long way with your future relatives. It’s easy to want to embellish your accomplishments to put yourself in a brighter light. Frankly, who doesn’t want the family of their future husband or wife to think they are going places?

It would help if you remembered that the things you say could and will impact your relationship at some time. If you exaggerate your salary or social standing, eventually, they will know the truth. Dishonesty can cause you plenty of problems when it comes to your in-laws, so it’s best to stick to the facts and be truthful from the start.

5. Defend Them When They Feel Slighted

One way to get on your mother or father in-law’s right side is to come to their defense. According to research, family members care if others in the unit feel they receive justice. Even if it’s just in family arguments or disagreements with the cell phone company, you need to play their defender.

When you rush to their defense during times of adversity, it shows that you are rooting for them and on the same team. They will appreciate that you stand up for them, especially when it seems like they’re on the losing end.

6. Laugh at Their Jokes

Some new family members may try to win you over with levity. Even if they tell the dumbest jokes you’ve ever heard, and they are not remotely funny, you still need to laugh.

When you give them the pleasure of thinking they’re funny, it’s a form of bonding. They want someone who is not only going to treat their son or daughter properly but will also listen to what they have to say.

7. Keep Conversations Light

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your future relatives is to delve into in-depth topics too soon. Never discuss politics or religion unless you have no choice. These two subjects have caused war and many violent encounters across the country, and the last thing you want to do is talk about such matters with the family.

Try to keep things neutral and positive. Please talk about the weather, sports, and your partner when they were a child. If you want to make a good impression, then don’t get into anything controversial.

8. Offer a Helping Hand to the In-Laws

If you want to butter up the in-laws, then you can offer to lend a helping hand. A mother loves nothing more than their soon to be daughter in law to help peel potatoes or do other mundane tasks.

Perhaps, they need a new light hung in the Livingroom as the old one is on the fritz. If you have electrical skills and can hang that light for them, they will bond instantly with you. Helping them doesn’t mean making them feel like they can’t do something for themselves.

You want to tread lightly because some people may find it offensive if you try to take over their home, and this is especially true about a woman in her kitchen. Make sure it’s known that you want to help and not take charge.

9. Become Interested in Family History

Every family has a story. They may be relatives of a famous person, or they may have some well-to-do millionaires that they are close too. When you are going to marry someone, you must know about their family.

Additionally, family members will like the fact that you seem interested in their clan. Therapists advise that there are always destructive dynamics that you want to steer clear of in every family. So you should learn as much as you can about their history.

10. At Least Consider Taking Their Last Name

The older generation is a bit more old-fashioned. It was always commonplace for the women to take the man’s name in marriage. However, millennials have changed things dramatically. These days, you can hyphenate your name, keep it the same, or the husband can take the wife’s name.

If you want to impress them and let them know that you love their family, you can at least consider changing your name to match theirs. They will respect the fact that you at least considered the possibility.

Final Thoughts: What Not to Say or Do to The In-Laws?

Now that you’ve learned all the things you should do to get in your new family’s good graces, there are a few things that you should avoid. Here are the top things to avoid when dealing with your in-laws.

1. Don’t talk about religion or politics.
2. Avoid Subjects about alcohol or your consumption.
3. Don’t criticize their parenting skills or offer suggestions.
4. Never put down their son/daughter’s ways to them.
5. Don’t call them mom or dad right away without being told it’s okay.
6. Never tell them they have a standing invitation to your home.
7. Avoid making them feel inferior to your family.
8. Don’t talk about your family’s finances or yours either.
9. Avoid discussion holiday schedules in advance.
10. Don’t let the relationship turn into a power struggle.
11. Keep your not-so-nice opinions to yourself.
12. Never discuss the not-so-savory circumstances you’ve faced.

Dealing with in-laws can be a nerve-wracking experience. You want to put your best foot forward and hope they like you. Remember, these are the people that you’re going to see on every holiday, birthday party, or other special occasions. You want to forge a good relationship with them even if you don’t like them.

No one says that you must be good friends with your relatives, but you must find ways to get along even if it’s just for your spouse’s sake. If you want to win these people over, then you must be cautious during your first few encounters.


15 Reasons Why People With Kind Hearts Live Happier Lives »

15 Reasons Why People With Kind Hearts Live Happier Lives

People with kind hearts lead happier, more rewarding lives.

Think about it.

Does it seem like people have forgotten the “Golden Rule” these days? Wouldn’t it be nice if one of the soft drink companies could come up with a kindness cocktail or a niceness nectar for people who need a boost of humanity? A Harris Poll found that only one-third of the population considers themselves happy.

The study gave a survey to 2,345 U.S. adults. It was shocking to see that two-thirds of the population isn’t content with their lives, jobs, or overall well-being. These numbers are awful, and something must change. A happy person is usually someone who is kind and looks out for others.

Why Kind Hearts Are Happier?

While the number of joy-filled people may be lacking, those who are kind tend to live longer lives. It’s a novel concept to think that showing kindness to your fellow humans could make you live longer.

Why would being happy affect your longevity on the earth? Here are 15 reasons why kind hearts tend to stick around longer than those who tend to be melancholy.

1. Being Kind Boosts Happiness

When you’re doing something for others, it gives you a sense of accomplishment. Everyone is busy and has a hectic schedule, but when you take a few minutes to be kind even when you don’t have to, it gives you a whole different outlook.

Imagine how different the world would be if people automatically loaded groceries for senior citizens, opened doors for mothers with infants, and just did random acts of kindness for no other reason than the feeling of warmth and happiness it brings. It feels good to help others, and it puts a bounce in your joy-filled bounce in your step.

2. Luckier in Love

Have you ever seen a couple that is so in love that they ooze with mushiness? Then there are those people who tend to be so unlucky that they find every narcissist and toxic person along life’s highway. Why are some people so blessed with good relationships while others struggle?

The key to being lucky in life may be having a kind heart. There are all kinds of people that you date when you’re playing the field. However, the one you choose to marry or commit too is always the one that completes you.

It’s the person that makes you want to do better and work harder. Perhaps, it’s the person who is kind to others, and you see their heart before anything else. Generous people tend to be happier in love because they attract people with like minds.

Being kind and having a big heart are attractive features that everyone wants in a spouse.

3. Engage in Philanthropic Activities

Some many charities and organizations reach out to those in need. Doing philanthropy work tends to get your mind off your troubles and focus on what matters most.

It’s hard to complain about your sore knees when you see someone who lost their legs due to a disease. Benevolence helps you to view the world through a different pair of lenses.

When you have a joyous existence, you count your blessings instead of pinning for your wants.

4. Don’t Suffer from many Health Problems

Harvard Medical School recently did a study regarding the health link to happiness. Happy hearts generally don’t have as many health problems as those who tend to be negative and pessimistic.

True happiness is learning how to free yourself from stress. When you are under constant duress, your cortisol and adrenaline levels are too high. Having these hormone levels at accelerated heights causes your heart to work overtime.

Lowering your stress levels decreases your risk of heart attacks and strokes, not to mention other muscle tension issues. A joy-filled heart is like good medicine to the soul.

5. See the Good in all Around Them

How many times do you look at the good around you? You might look at your home and see a dripping faucet, carpets that are worn, and lights that need to be replaced. However, kind hearts and happy people will be thankful they have a place to lay their heads.

You can extend kindness to others when you see the blessings you have and think of those who are less fortunate.

6. Tend to Have Many Friends

When you’re in the market for a friend, you want the kind, loving, and eager person who is willing to help you. No one wants a needy friend who keeps the relationship one-sided.

Kind hearts attract the masses because everyone wants to be their pal. They’re the ones that you can count on when you need to vent, and they will be there at a moment’s notice when you call anytime day or night.

7. Take Time to Enjoy the Simple Things

Kind hearts love to enjoy the simple things. They find grounding in the beautiful aroma of a rose or the splendor of rainbow after a storm. They have an infectious manner that brings everyone into their simple life.

These people tend to be laid back and don’t allow the simplest of life’s pleasures to pass them by.

8. Never too Busy to Help Someone in Need

Martin Seligman wrote a book about how to have a meaningful life. For this story, he conducted a study. He wanted to see who was happier the people who chased after their pleasures or found pleasure in helping others.

He dubbed the study “Philanthropy versus Fun.” The first group sought happiness by self-pleasure, and the second group found contentment by doing charitable acts. The results were remarkable. The group that helped their fellow man was happier for longer than the group that sought to please themselves.

Happy hearts are never too busy to read to the blind, work in a soup kitchen, or run errands for the elderly.

9. Would Give the Shirt off Their Back to Someone

Happy people would gladly give you the shirt off their back. They are not stingy with their possessions, and they will gladly share. They’re the person that always has a small gift or token to give you whenever they see you.

They may make crafts or baked goods for a new neighbor moving in. Sometimes, they are often a doormat because people take advantage of their generosity, but they don’t let these negative experiences stop them from being kind.

10. Forgiveness Comes Easily

Their forgiving heart is apparent in life’s troubles. These people usually don’t hold grudges or stay mad too long. They are easy to forgive and forget about the past because they don’t want to let it affect their future.

11. Believe Life Comes with Purpose

Someone who has joy chooses to live their life with purpose. They are not content with getting up in the morning, going to work, and returning home. They want to live each day to the fullest. Therefore, they look for opportunities to give back and to make an impact every day.

12. Never Stop Chasing Their Dreams

Just because kind hearts want to help others doesn’t mean that they ever stop chasing their dreams. These people are often goal-driven. They can set goals and make sure they accomplish them. Their tenacity and drive are attractive to others.

13. Always Put Their Family First

Family is an integral part of life. A kind person makes sure to see their mom on Mother’s Day. They send cards to everyone on their birthdays, and they would never miss a family function. They put family first and try to be actively involved with their close and extended relatives.

14. Are Accountable for Words and Actions

Being accountable for your words and actions is a big job. Kind hearts would never want to hurt you for anything. If they feel they have hurt you, then they would be the first to apologize. Though they try to do right, they will admit that they’re not perfect, but their ability to quickly resolve wrongdoings makes them a joy to be around.

15. Prioritize Relationships over Possessions

Worldly possessions don’t mean that much to someone who puts their investments in relationships and experiences. They don’t find joy in new cars or bigger homes. Rather, they make connections and people a priority.

It’s a blessing to be around someone who has their priorities straight and doesn’t spend time trying to keep up with neighbors and family members who seem to have more money. It’s refreshing to find someone that can find contentment in the things they have.

Final Thoughts on How People with Kind Hearts Always Seem to Be Happy

Every day when you get out of bed, you make choices. You select the clothes you will wear, decide what cologne or perfume to put on, and pick out your food for breakfast. Additionally, you choose whether you will be happy or sad.

You decide whether you will help the lady struggling to load her groceries at the supermarket, and you choose whether you will blow up at your spouse for leaving their dirty clothes on the floor. Make a conscious choice to take joy over sadness and happiness over sorrow.

You have the power to change your entire life by simply altering your mindset. Be the person that everyone wants to be around and the one that is considered one of the kind hearts.


Automated ETL Develops as an Essential Factor in Business Intelligence

Automated ETL Develops as an Essential Factor in Business Intelligence

ETL is Extract, Transform, Load has known to be the method of removing information from different databases, later operating on them as per the industry controls, stacking the adapted information inside the dissimilar data warehouse. ETL thus delivers in-depth analytics where it works depends on the essentiality of BI methods. With ETL, initiatives can quickly get past, present, and prognostic opinions of actual business information. In this article, let’s get a deep understanding of ETL features and its importance that are for business intelligence.

The Significance of ETL in Business Intelligence

Businesses these days depend entirely on ETL’s procedure for a combined fact; statistics and info show that they can drive a good number of industry choices. Data strategies are very much tricky as comparing the way they were before, and corporations have access to any data that can be retrieved from one place, which was again not possible in old times. When we talk about ETL, this positive function can create it easily by changing the massive amount of user or client data to a lawful BI. Contemplate the quantity of data obtainable to a company. Besides, the capacity on the meeting line and the information generated by the devices also allows the business to collect sales, marketing, logistics, and financial data. These data should be very much removed, transmuted, and burdened to a new place for future examination. ETL in this situation can easily assist in making any business intelligence to justify the point.

The greater amount of Mapping of information

Providing data and converting it to the visions and understandings is an essential task with detached and big data. Data planning shortens database workings such as incorporation, movement, warehousing, and conversion. ETL here can simply map out data for precise apps. Data mapping aids to create connections between different data prototypes.

The excellence of data and Big Data Analytics

When we talk about raw type, big data are not that useful, and further, when an algorithm is used on raw data, it gives an unclear consequence. Thus it requires organizing, arrangements, examining, and understanding properly to get controlling understandings. ETL thus makes sure that the warehouse’s data quality is good, normalized, and helps eradicate all the old and duplicate data.

It deals with big data 

ETL implements mixed data processing and integration, creating it simple to handle huge and more extensive data. ETL in the data integration module accumulates data from dissimilar bases. After incorporation, it relates commercial rules to deliver the analytics opinion through the information.

Enhances effectiveness and production

ETL systematizes the procedure of edited data movement. Accordingly, designers and design teams can less waste their time and concentrate on innovation, rather than handling the meticulous job of scripting code to shift and arrangement data.

Visual stream 

ETL devices rely on graphical UI (GUI) and provide progress in terms of the logic of the framework. The GUI empowers you to utilize the inherent capacity to envision the information procedure. 

Functioning flexibility

Numerous information stockrooms are delicate during activity. ETL apparatuses have worked in mistake taking care of usefulness, which helps information architects to build up a versatile and all-around instrumented ETL process.

Structuring your ETL approach

To safeguard data integrity and while having a thought of what you have to test, it’s significant to contemplate that Business Intelligence is an ETL (Extract Transform Load). It is not just data warehouses (DWH); it is more than that. Facilities among the ETL procedures, middleware, and dash visuals are even a part of Business intelligence. Communications and exchanging agreements among these covers are multifaceted and need a lot of organization and analysis.

Below is some typical ETL tools list that can improve your business these days:

  • (OWB) Oracle Warehouse Manufacturer 
  • SAP Informations Services
  • IBM Infosphere Info Server
  • SAS Informations Administration
  • Power Midpoint Informatics
  • Elixir Range for information ETL
  • Data Migration tool 
  • SSIS

Bottom Line

ETL is a significant part of today’s business intelligence (BI) procedures and structures. It can achieve in several methods. Businesses, in some examples, might charge their designers with structuring their ETL. Though, this procedure could be time-consuming, costly, and can lead to postponements.

These days several firms are depending on the ETL data integration tool procedure. ETL tools are known for their reliability, speed, and it is of good value. The tools are compatible with broader data organization approaches. ETL tools even include a comprehensive variety of data superiority and data supremacy aspects. While gauging an ETL tool, it is crucial to consider the quantity and variability of elements that you would require. You will even need their transferability, accessibility, and to regulate if an open-source tool is appropriate for your business or it is not, since these naturally offer extra flexibility.


September’s Super New Moon and Your Zodiac Sign

September’s Super New Moon and Your Zodiac Sign

The New Moon peaks on September 17th, at 25 degrees of Virgo, and will be the first of three upcoming Super New Moons. 

The New Moon symbolizes new beginnings and this Super New Moon brings extremely potent energy that blesses us with an opportunity to set new intentions and helps us make changes we have been contemplating for a while.

The energy of this New Moon will impact all of us, however, each zodiac sign will experience this New Moon slightly differently. Below you will find your sign and you will learn what this upcoming Super New Moon means for you. 

If you want to learn more about the overall energy this Super New Moon and other planetary alignments bring head over to our friends Moon Omens website. You will love their article!


The New Moon in Virgo begins a new cycle of growth in which you have the opportunity to reinvent your daily routines completely. Introduce healthier, better habits. Try new ways to organize your work that allow you to be more precise and productive. Efficiency and effectiveness will be keywords for you, dear Aries.

Strive to be more grounded, create something concrete and useful during this cycle. Look for practical ways to apply what you already know. It is time to make your knowledge and expertise relevant for yourself and other people. Ask others to tell you how you can serve them, what you can do for them, what they need to feel good, and don’t forget to ask the same questions to yourself, truly listening from an open heart and an open mind.

The New Moon in Virgo can allow you to discover a deeper sense of devotion to your health and wellbeing and to cultivate a more profound sense of self-respect and self-love.


Dear Taurus, the New Moon happening in fellow earth sign Virgo represents a wonderful influence on your creativity and your romantic life. During the upcoming lunar cycle, you will feel inspired and creative in everything you do. You’ll draw inspiration from your job, in the way you dress and do your hair, in the way you decorate and organize your home, in any sport or artistic activity you love. This is a great moment to channel your creative energy and manifest what you have always dreamed about.

Begin a course, learn something you are passionate about and you always wanted to explore more in-depth, get out of your comfort zone. Try new routines.

Romance and love life are going to be big themes for you throughout the next few weeks. You are likely to feel the need to be out and about, to meet new people, have exciting exchanges and conversations, and ultimately have fun. Enjoy these things without placing any expectations on yourself or others.


The New Moon in Virgo is going to affect your home and family life, dear Gemini, as well as your inner self and emotional body.

You may discover a new self-image, a completely different way to see yourself, as you become aware of old childhood patterns and of the deep conditioning you received from your family. You are now ready to liberate from it.  Old emotions may resurface in order to be fully healed and understood.

Come into contact with your inner child and their needs Do not forget to be gentle with yourself, and respect your timing.

Trust this process fully. Be aware that whatever comes up during these days is something you are ready to deal with and confront. The New Moon in Virgo may bring interesting changes in your home environment, in your family, or in the lives of the people you love. Try to embrace the new with a sense of positivity and excitement, cultivating hope for a better and bright future.


Dear Cancer, the New Moon in Virgo is highlighting the area of your life related to communication, your thinking patterns, and your general mental activity. This cosmic event represents a new beginning in the way you perceive and interface with the world around you. It will affect the way you think, how you speak with others, and you can discover new ways to communicate your needs and desires to others.

You will have the opportunity to review how you express yourself and share your inner world with those around you. You can discover techniques and methods that allow other people to understand you more easily. During these days, there may be changes in your close environment, in your siblings’ lives, or your neighborhood. These transitions can offer you interesting chances and unexpected possibilities. Beware of being too self-critical. So don’t incessantly analyze your shortcomings and your flaws–try to relax. Finally, do your best to improve but without being too hard on yourself.


The New Moon in Virgo represents an invitation to develop a deeper relationship with your physical body, with pleasure, and with self-care. Take time to indulge in the five senses, try to make it a part of your daily routine, and see what happens. Dear Leo, this cosmic event invites you to value yourself and your capacities.

Discover talents and resources you weren’t aware of that allow you to improve the organization of your work and your life, to better navigate the material world of form, duty, obligations, and responsibilities. The New Moon is inviting you to reflect around your values and redefine your concept of abundance.

It supports those of you who are trying to manifest a new form of income or an additional one, that is more aligned with your inner world, your true goals, and aspirations. The current energies allow you to manifest what you dream of: know and believe that you are worthy of receiving all of it.


Dear Virgo, the New Moon in your sign represents a powerful new beginning, the start of a brand new cycle of evolution for your Soul. You now need to follow your conscious desires in order to understand and align with your Soul purpose and life path.

This time is for spontaneous action and experimentation. So follow your instincts and your natural wants and needs, go after what you are passionate about, what makes you feel happy and fulfilled, even if you think that it doesn’t make sense, that is not useful or practical. Trust your feelings and passions.

You don’t need to know the reason or the purpose behind them now. Just take action and believe in yourself. Eventually, you will understand everything–when the time is right. This New Moon invites you to discover new ways to assert yourself and to present yourself to the world: don’t be afraid to affirm your needs or to say no to what drains your energy.


The New Moon in Virgo represents the beginning of a cycle in which a lot of your focus will be on your relationship with Source and your spiritual journey. You will feel inspired to embrace and cultivate a spiritual view of life and to explore new ways to get into your subtle energetic body.

Dear Libra, you may naturally seek solitude, quiet, long moments of introspection. You are likely to feel the need to focus on your inner world. Karmic patterns related to past lives and experiences may emerge in order to be healed and released. You may become aware of the traits of your personality and parts of your psyche that have been suppressed and hidden. So reclaim and integrate them.

Your empathy and sensitivity will naturally increase during this time: the feeling that you have no control over what’s happening in the world may bother you more than usual. Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial for you right now, say no when needed, don’t be a perfectionist, embrace chaos, and surrender to life.

life lessons
Learn from your most epic failures.


Dear Scorpio, the New Moon in Virgo opens up new connections and friendships and the possibility of becoming part of groups and communities of like-minded individuals. You may feel the need for the support of your peers during this time. Indeed, you may realize that you need to be surrounded by those who uplift and support you and your vision. Gather information about different kinds of community, alternative lifestyles, sustainable living, and expand your network of contacts.

This New Moon inaugurates a period in which you are likely to make long term plans, focus on your goals and dreams, and maybe discover new ones. How can you make a positive impact on the world? You may think about your place on the planet with objectivity and detached awareness. Or you might discover how to be of service to the collective without sacrificing your individuality. Cultivate a sense of faith around where we are going as a species, and reflect around what you can do to support the evolution of humanity.


The New Moon in Virgo represents a new professional beginning: exciting opportunities may unfold during this cycle, dear Sagittarius. You have a role to play in the world. And you know that what you do has the potential to influence other people’s lives deeply. How to affect them in the most positive way possible? What social function and role reflects your authentic self? What does success represent to you?

These are some of the questions that may pop up in your mind during these days. The New Moon in Virgo is an invitation to mature. So take responsibility for yourself, for what you do and don’t do. Let go of what gives you security but doesn’t make you grow. Finally, allow yourself to have a powerful impact on others.

This is a great time to begin new projects, start a side hustle, make business plans, define a vision that inspires and motivates you, and commit to it. Beware of overworking and excessive ambition that may lead you to neglect other areas of your life. 


Dear Capricorn, the New Moon in Virgo urges you to get out of your comfort zone and explore something new. So try something different from your usual activities that makes you feel alive and renews your sense of purpose. Don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. This is the moment to discover your true mission in life. Open up to new belief systems and philosophies that have practical applications and the potential to improve the way you live your daily life.

Get out of the city for a few days if you can. Spend time in nature to get the inspiration you need and get out of your rut. Experiment with different routines, diets, alternative medicine from other cultures that open you up to new perspectives of life that help you improve your health and expand your consciousness. Follow your intuition, embark on a long inner journey, expand your worldview, commit to finding and living your personal truth.


The New Moon in Virgo is a turning point for you, dear Aquarius. You may notice a sense of longing and a strong desire to have deeper conversations, deeper experiences, and to relate to people on a more profound level. This lunar cycle for you represents a moment to dive into the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth, rediscover your sexuality, and a real sense of intimacy. The New Moon in Virgo is an invitation to become more embodied. So learn to be vulnerable and feel safe in your physical body.

Confront the fears that don’t allow you to open up to the people closest to you. Power, self-mastery, and trust will be keywords for you. What does power represent to you? How can you get closer to self-mastery? What is blocking you from trusting yourself and others fully? You may need to make choices in the areas of intimacy, finances, and shared resources. This will lead you to reflect on your values and attachments and to confront your fixations and compulsions.


Dear Pisces, the New Moon in your opposite sign, Virgo, represents an invitation to reflect around partnerships, equality, projection, and polarization. You have a fantastic opportunity to discover your needs, your boundaries, and to find balance in your relationships. Plus, you will learn to work with others in conditions of fairness and harmony.

During the upcoming lunar cycle, different people are likely to enter your life. From these new relationships, you will gain a new understanding of relationships. Indeed, you’ll begin seeing them more than ever as a mirror for self-development.

Who do you want to connect with? Who do you feel good with, and what is the purpose of your connection? Don’t be afraid to explore your values, your needs, and your standards. Those you relate with can help you see and understand your blind spots. Plus, they can open you up to new perspectives of the world, new experiences, and learning processes.

See this as an experimental period and be mindful of honoring your needs and desires, beware of self-sacrificing, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The Power of Positivity team & Moon Omens wishes you the most beautiful Super New Moon experience. We hope this guide will help you harness this powerful energy. Blessings!


10 Reasons Why No One Should Beg for Love from Their Partner

10 Reasons Why No One Should Beg for Love from

Nobody should need to beg for love from their partner. Ever. Period.

If you have to beg for love, you are in a bad relationship. This behavior isn’t something that should have to be done in any relationship. It’s a sign that your partner isn’t as dedicated as you are and that the feelings may not be equal.

A relationship is supposed to be a true partnership, and it requires two people to complete it. Both partners should work together to show affection or overcome issues. If only one partner is doing this, there is going to be a never-ending cycle of negativity.

If you find yourself in a relationship in which you have to ask for attention and affection, it’s a bad relationship. Your partner should be putting in as much energy as you are. Otherwise, you’ll be forcing the relationship along by yourself.

Aside from making you feel empty and lonely, there are many other reasons you should never beg for love. If you have to beg, it’s a sign that you aren’t their priority and likely never will be. You must think first about yourself and your well-being and decide that it’s time to move on.

Ten Reasons Why Nobody Should Beg for Love

Learning to appreciate yourself will help to boost your self-confidence. Know what you are worth!

1. Someone Else Will do The Things They Won’t

If your partner isn’t doing the things you need from them, it’s not your fault. Don’t beg for them to do something they aren’t interested in. You can find someone else who will be full engaged in the relationship.

Someone who is fully dedicated to the relationship will be able to connect emotionally. Your significant other will be supportive and interested in what is going on in your life. Plus, they will want to spend as much time with you as they can.

The person who wants to be with you won’t leave you feeling like your self-worth is diminished. You will feel happy and fulfilled after spending time with them. Remember, if you have to beg, it’s a bad relationship.

 2. They May Not Be Ready

If your partner isn’t showing love, it could be a sign they aren’t ready for the relationship you need. No matter what you do or say, you can’t force them to be prepared.

Don’t waste your time trying to change someone who can’t be changed. Wait for a partner to come along who is ready when you are and who won’t hurt you in the process. Your well-being is more important than their lack of being willing.

3. They Don’t Appreciate You

If you have to beg, it’s a clear sign they don’t appreciate you, which means they don’t deserve you. You shouldn’t waste time praying for the love of someone who doesn’t deserve it. Eventually, someone who does appreciate you will come along and treat you the way you deserve to be.

Since your happiness is essential, you should never have to beg someone to treat you well. Instead, save your energy for someone who will never have to be asked twice to show you affection.

4. Begging Won’t Make Your Partner Love You

You cannot force someone to love you, and no amount of begging will change their mind. Just like with you, you can’t force an emotion to be happy. So, if this person doesn’t care to give you love, attention, or affection now, they’ll likely never care to.

5. It Extends Your Recovery Time

If your partner isn’t all-in, you’re going to feel sad and lonely often throughout the relationship. Eventually, the relationship will end one way or another. So, you shouldn’t spend your time being upset about the way you feel in your relationship.

You already feel bad that they aren’t giving you love and affection, so you might as well end it instead. The pain will occur in both instances, but do not force this relationship to work. Instead, move on. You will get through the hurt more quickly. By dragging the connection on any longer, you’ll only be pushing back your healing timeline.

6. It Can Stop You from Meeting the Right Person

When you are putting your energy into someone who doesn’t love you, you could be missing out on something better. There is, indeed, someone special out there who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. Do not let the right one pass you by because you are trying to gain the affection of someone who doesn’t want it.

If you stay in a poor relationship with someone you have to beg, the right person won’t be an option. Don’t put yourself in this position because you deserve true happiness and love someday.

7. It Can Cause Your Self-Worth to Diminish

Your self-worth, self-esteem, and confidence will all take a massive hit if you beg for love from your partner. It’s demeaning to you, as well, and will make you feel like you are unworthy. You have to remember that you are worthy and that it is your partner’s loss.

A relationship should only make you want to be better, and it should make you happy more often than sad. It should boost your feelings of confidence and make you feel secure about who you are. It should never cause your self-worth to be diminished.

Here are twelve signs that your significant other is ruining your self-esteem.

8. You are Perfect for Someone Else

Even though no one is perfect, you are perfect for someone. Remember this and remind yourself that if you have to beg your partner for love, you aren’t ideal for them. Don’t waste the fantastic things you have to offer on someone who doesn’t see how special you are.

Someone will want to be there for all you have to offer and for your flaws. They will love your imperfections just as much as they love everything else about you. Wait for that person who will accept everything about you and love you just the same, it’s worth it.

9. It Gives Your Partner the Upper Hand

When you beg for love, it makes the other person feel like they are above you. If the relationship continues after you beg, their treatment of you will only be worse because of it. The connection will never be equal, and you will always feel like something is missing.

They may use the begging against you and make it sound like they did you a favor. Or, the person could even use your plea as a tool to hurt you further by creating a joke out of it. Don’t make it even easier on your partner to hurt you.

Even worse, they may use it as an opportunity to use you. They would see that you are willing to do anything to gain their love. This scenario could lead to them, making you do things you aren’t comfortable with or that make you unhappy.

10. You Shouldn’t Have to Prove Your Worth

If your partner doesn’t see your worth, they don’t deserve your time or energy. You are worthy of someone who wants to spend time with you and who loves you. When that special someone wants to be with you and values who you are, they will make every effort to be there.

Instead of feeling so badly in your relationship, it’s better to wait it out until someone amazing comes along. This will help your self-esteem and confidence, and it will give you the chance to meet new people.

What to Do to Avoid Feeling You Must Beg for Your Partner’s Love

If your partner doesn’t answer your phone calls, stop calling them. Plus, if they are never the ones to call first, stop being the one to connect.

Either they will notice that your presence is missing, or you will realize that you deserve better. As your calls go unanswered, you will only feel worse, so avoid it, and it will help you move on.

Don’t wait for your partner, either. If you’re not positive, they’ll come through for plans or to talk. Please do what you want to do and make plans as you feel like it. If they wanted to spend time with you, they would have set up schedules or let you know they wanted to.

Take this time to realize that you will find someone who values you and cherishes your time spent together. You shouldn’t beg for love, because then you’ll never know what real love is like. Someone else will cherish you the way you are looking for.

Finally, learn to love yourself. If you can truly love yourself, you won’t feel like you have to beg for love from anyone. You will know your value and know that you deserve more than you are receiving. Loving yourself will help you wait for the right person to come along, and you’ll be available when they do.

Final Thoughts on Reasons Why Nobody Should Beg for Love from Their Partner

If you feel like you must beg for love for your partner, you have to do what is best for you. Remember to value yourself and give your time to those who willingly give their time, too. Instead, fill your life with people who love you and make you feel happy.

You deserve to be happy and to have everything you ever wanted in a relationship. If you beg for love, you aren’t getting what you wanted and what you deserve.


Therapist Reveals 15 Ways Nagging Harms Relationships

Therapist Reveals 15 Ways Nagging Harms Relationships

In a relationship, nagging usually doesn’t accomplish anything except making both partners distance themselves from each other. Therapists agree that it is something that can tear a relationship apart.

Sally Connolly, LCSW, LMFT, a therapist with over 30 years of experience, says the following about this behavior:

“Nagging, or making the same request over and over again, usually does not get the desired result. Instead, it generally leads to a downward spiral with negative thoughts and feelings about each other and withdrawing, feeling discounted, misunderstood, controlled or unimportant.”

If you find yourself in a continuous cycle of pestering your partner about the same things, you can be doing more harm than good. You may not even realize the damage it’s doing until it’s too late.

15 Ways That Nagging Can Cause Hard Feelings in a Relationship

Here are 15 ways that, according to therapists, nagging can harm your relationship.

1. Your partner feels like you aren’t listening to them.

At some point and time, your partner may have revealed to you why they won’t do whatever it is you keep bugging them about. Maybe you didn’t agree, or perhaps you forgot. Either way, your partner will feel like you just aren’t listening to how they think about a particular situation. When a person feels like they aren’t being heard, they stop trying to talk to you. They may feel like the situation is hopeless.

2. There is a breakdown in communication.

This goes hand in hand with the first tip. Because your partner feels like you aren’t listening, they may stop trying to communicate with you altogether. There will be no more feedback on what you’re saying. They may begin to ignore you entirely, which will probably make your nagging worse. Eventually, you’ll start to feel just like your partner does – that they aren’t listening – and communication will break down between the two of you.

3. Arguments become more passive-aggressive.

After a breakdown in communication, the only thing that’s left is taking jabs at each other. Talking is getting you nowhere. Arguing is getting you nowhere. Now you’re left with resentment, which can manifest itself in the form of passive-aggressive behavior. This can further alienate your partner, as well as yourself. You’ll find yourself in a hostile relationship, which isn’t healthy for either one of you. It won’t last long with things being that way.

4. It can make your partner feel like you’re trying to his or her mother.

People love their mothers, and they may even seek out partners that have the same traits as their mother. This is especially true for men. However, that doesn’t mean they want to date their mother. You don’t want to be your partner’s mother any more than they want you to, but when you constantly nag your partner, it can remind them of how their mother used to get on them.

5. It just makes life dull and annoying.

No one wants to be around someone that gets on their nerves all the time. Just imagine if you must be around someone who is always pestering you, bothering you, telling you what you’re doing wrong, or getting on you about something. Yes, it’s frustrating being around or living with someone who won’t listen, but being a nag is never the answer. You need to find common ground on the situation.

6. It can make your partner tune you out.

The silent treatment. That would probably get on your nerves more than arguing would. Your partner may decide that they aren’t going to deal with your nagging. They are just going to ignore you and tune you out when your lips start moving. This can get irritating because they may begin tuning you out even during times that you aren’t a nag. They ignore you all the time now.

7. It can put your partner under a lot of stress.

Your partner may not know what to expect from you when you continuously nag them, and this can put them under a lot of stress. They don’t know how to act in front of you, what to say to you, or how to react to you. They may feel like you resent them or that they can’t please you. Not knowing what to do or say in front of someone you care about can create so much stress that you don’t want to be around that person. This is what can happen to your partner.

Here are five signs of poor communication in a marriage (and why this spells trouble!)

8. Your partner may begin to dread seeing you.

From the last tip, where your partner is stressed out, they’ll begin to dread seeing you because being around you isn’t a pleasant experience. They’ll start to expect drama from you, and no one likes to deal with drama. You can be sure that once you get to a point where your partner dreads seeing you, your relationship will be close to coming to an end.

9. Your partner may begin to confide in someone else.

You can probably think back to when you and your partner could talk about anything. That may not be the case anymore. You may begin to notice that you don’t speak as much or at all. This means your partner is probably confiding in someone else. It could be a friend or family member. You should hope that it’s not another romantic partner. Just keep in mind that your partner is human. If you make it difficult for them to talk to you, they’ll end up talking to someone else.

10. Your partner may begin to speak ill of you to others.

When your partner begins to confide in others, it might not be all pleasant talk. It’s going to hurt if you find out that your partner is saying bad things about you behind your back. Your partner probably needs an outlet to express how they’re feeling. Unfortunately, if you constantly nag them, they probably aren’t feeling good, so they’re probably not saying good things.

11. Your partner might lose their self-esteem.

When someone is continuously told that they’re doing something wrong, they may begin to feel like they can’t do anything right. It will start to weigh on their confidence and self-esteem. The last thing you want to do is to make your partner feel bad. You nag because they aren’t listening to you, and it can be frustrating. However, it would be best if you found a better way to communicate because you’re only making your partner feel bad about themselves.

12. It can make your partner react in a way they’ll regret later.

All that passive-aggressive behavior and the hit to their self-esteem can make your partner react in a way that they don’t intend to. Remember, your partner is human. People can only take so much before they snap. Don’t let things get to that point. Cut out the nagging before things escalate to the point of no return.

13. Your partner might stop coming home.

If you live with your partner, you probably expect them to come home each night. You may begin to notice that your partner has to “work late” all the time. It may get to a point where your partner stops coming home altogether. That’s going to cause a lot of additional problems in your relationship.

14. It can lead to depression.

When you constantly nag your partner, everything starts to break down, as discussed in the previous tips. This can lead to both of you being extremely unhappy with each other. You may love each other, but you can’t stand to be around each other. Now you’re both depressed, and your relationship is in jeopardy.

15. It can lead to substance abuse.

When all other methods of coping fail, substance abuse could be next on the list. This can happen to you, as well as your partner. This is probably the worst thing that could come from constant nagging. Substance abuse will introduce a whole host of new problems to the relationship. Old issues won’t even stand a chance of being solved. You should stop being a nag before things get to this point.

Final Thoughts on How Nagging Can Cause Breakdown of Love and Trust in Your Relationship

Understandably, you nag your partner because they aren’t doing something right, no matter how many times you bring it up. You’re irritated and frustrated, and you probably don’t know how else to get through to your partner. However, nagging is never the answer. It only makes things worse.

You need to sit down and have an in-depth conversation with your partner. Get their feedback on what’s happening between the two of you and make sure you listen and consider their side of things. This should help to clear up the situation, but if it doesn’t, then you need to consider the fact that the issue may never be resolved. You need to decide if it’s a relationship dealbreaker or a quirky habit that you can live with.

Whatever you decide to do, stop nagging your partner all the time.


7 Types of Toxic Relationships Strong Women Avoid

7 Types of Toxic Relationships Strong Women Avoid

There are many types of toxic relationships, and many people don’t realize they are involved in one. Poisonous relationships can drag you down and place a massive burden on your life. This is why strong women won’t accept toxicity.

A good sign of a toxic relationship is that it makes you sad, angry, depressed, or disappointment more often than not. If your relationship isn’t making you feel fulfilled or happy, it could be an indicator that something is wrong.

A toxic relationship is any relationship that takes away from your well-being. Sometimes it is difficult to assess if you are in a toxic relationship. This is because there are good times which can convince you that the toxicity isn’t as bad as you think.

Fourteen Signs You Are in One of The 7 Types of Toxic Relationships

Allowing yourself to believe that the toxic times aren’t that bad can harm you more than you know. Studies show that unhealthy relationships can cause the following issues:

  1. Increased stress
  2. Compromised immune system
  3. Decreased endocrine function
  4. Depression and anxiety
  5. A decrease in physical health
  6. Lacking health habits
  7. Increased heart rate
  8. High blood pressure
  9. Overeating or undereating
  10. Increased alcohol consumption
  11. Smoking
  12. Lack of self-control
  13. Poor mental health
  14. Decreased self-esteem and sense of self-worth

How to Identify if Someone Special in Your Life is Toxic

If you are in a toxic relationship, someone probably came to mind while you were reading the types of toxic relationships. Some of the signs that you are being affected by toxicity include the following:

  • Always helping them fix their problems
  • Covering things up or hiding things for them
  • You feel anxious when you think about seeing them
  • Their presence makes you feel emotionally exhausted and drained
  • You become angry or depressed when they are around
  • The feeling that you have to impress them
  • Their drama and problems being affecting you
  • You dislike the person you are when they are around
  • They seem to not care about your needs
  • You can’t tell them ‘no’ without them changing your mind

Strong Women Will Never Accept These Types of Toxic Relationships

Here are seven types of romantic entanglements that a strong woman will always walk away from.

1. The Controlling Relationship

In this type of relationship, the other person will want to control everything about your life. From the places you go to the people you see, they will have a strong opinion about it. Over time, they will even want to control what you say, do, and think.

They will get angry or upset when you disagree with them, and they will continually try to change your opinion. You won’t have any personal space if you have a relationship with them. Plus, your significant other will pick at the things you do or say until you are just like them.

Strong women don’t allow this to happen. At the first sign of a controlling person, they know they need to leave the relationship. Unless you like always being told what you can do and say, this is not an ideal relationship.

Sticking around a controlling relationship can cause you to miss out on opportunities. It will hinder your development and prevent you from bettering yourself.

2. Manipulative Relationships

In a manipulative relationship, the other person will try to confuse your perception of reality. Even when you have evidence of something, they will try to tell you that you are wrong. They are often so adamant about it and never waver, and you may end up believing them.

These people do this so that they can get away with behavior that you wouldn’t usually put up with. This is one of the reasons strong women avoid these types of toxic relationships at all costs.

Manipulative people only think of themselves, and they will do and say anything to benefit themselves. These people do not care (not even one bit) who they hurt along the way or who is affected by their behavior and lies.

3. The Narcissistic Relationships

If you are talking to someone and they continually interrupt you, they may be a narcissist. They frequently talk about themselves and will hardly let you speak at all. These types of people won’t ask questions and won’t give you a chance to respond to anything they say.

So, avoid this type of relationship at all costs. Narcissists are self-centered and will be unable to pay attention to your needs or desires.

Here are the behaviors a narcissist will usually display to manipulate your relationship.

4. Drama-filled Relationships

Toxic people are often drawn to drama. There is always something to complain or cry about, and nothing ever seems to get resolved. Even if one problem is resolved, another one will quickly occur.

They will want you to be sympathetic and be there for them as they continuously complain. Unfortunately, this person won’t want advice, and they probably won’t listen to what you say, anyway. You may feel like they don’t want to fix the problems so that they can keep complaining about them.

People who are addicted to drama in this way will always play the victim. They will be in their most comfortable environment when the drama is occurring. This outcome could be because it makes them feel important or simply because they want attention.

5. Jealous or Judgmental Relationships

Being in a relationship with a jealous individual is toxic because they’ll never be happy for you. When they become jealous, they also become judgmental and often criticize you or gossip about it.

You will know that someone is jealous and judgmental because they will always have something negative to say. They will find something wrong with everyone they meet and behave as if they are superior. Strong women don’t put up with this because they know that they will be gossiped about and criticized, too.

6. Relationships That Are One-Sided

Both people should be making an effort in the relationship. When you feel like you are continually reaching out or trying to make a connection, it’s a sign that the relationship is one-sided. This will leave you feeling emotionally spent, and it could affect your self-esteem.

7. Relationships Based on Lies

If you start noticing inconsistencies early on, you might wonder if the entire relationship is built on lies. You may not even know the truth about the most fundamental aspects of their life.

One sign you can watch for is if they lie to those around them about small things. If they do, they may be lying to you about things that don’t truly matter. Fibbing about little things usually always leads to lying about big things, so you definitely can’t trust them.

Staying in a relationship like this will be detrimental to your well-being and cause you to lose confidence. You will find yourself questioning everything the other person says. Before you know it, you will be obsessively trying to find out the truth or find other things they may be hiding.

Instead of putting yourself through heartache and trouble, confusion, and pain, try to avoid this relationship. There are many honest people you could spend your time with, instead of wasting it on toxicity.

 How to Handle Toxicity

It’s not always possible to walk away from a toxic person right away. When this is the case, it’s essential to handle the situation appropriately.

You shouldn’t let them control you, and you shouldn’t give in to their unhealthy ways. Instead, you should accept that the position is a difficult one and do what you can to make it easier. This situation doesn’t mean you allow them to behave however they want, but try not to snap back and make it worse.

One way to handle it is to tell them the truth. Tell them how they are making you feel and that it makes you not want to be around them. If you didn’t invite them somewhere and they ask why, be honest about the reason.

You can also set boundaries. Tell them that you don’t appreciate the way they speak to you and that you won’t allow it anymore.

Another vital way to handle a toxic relationship is not to do everything they say. If you make it clear you make your decisions, they may eventually stop telling you what to do so often.

Finally, if none of those ideas work, it may be time to end the relationship. This may seem impossible, but you are strong and can get through it, just as other strong women do.

How to Leave a Toxic Relationship Safely

It’s not always easy to end a toxic relationship, or no one would be in them. Since it can be challenging to end it, these tips might be able to help you.

  • Plan ahead
  • Determine any obstacles and work on removing them
  • Remind yourself that it is for the best for everyone involved
  • Improve on your talents and secure financial independence if needed
  • Ignore those who encourage you to stay
  • Write in a journal regularly so that you can look back on it if you begin to change your mind about leaving
  • Build up your support system
  • Stop telling him about your life events
  • Spend your extra time hanging out with close friends
  • Stop giving so much time and energy

Final Thoughts on Strong Women Will Never Accept These 7 Types of Toxic Relationships

There are certain types of toxic relationships strong women will never accept, and for good reasons. These poisonous relationships will significantly affect your well-being and are detrimental to all aspects of your life.

One of the reasons strong women are so strong is because they stand up for themselves. They make sure that anyone in their life is making them happy, or they walk away. This helps them become more successful and have a higher quality of life, and you can have that, too.

You deserve happiness, and that requires removing all toxicity from your life and especially your close relationships. It may be extremely challenging, but you will be better off and happier once you do. Don’t settle for any of these types of toxic relationships.


3 Tips for Keeping Your Gadgets Safe

3 Tips for Keeping Your Gadgets Safe

Technology is present in every aspect of our lives in one way or another, and while this is a great thing, technology certainly doesn’t come cheap. We have everything from high-powered home tech items to small but mighty portable or even wearable tech that we have on hand at any given moment.

So, how can you protect your gadgets and keep them safe? Here are our top three tips to help you do just that.


Reasonable Care

One of the most obvious and yet, somehow, most overlooked, ways of keeping your gadgets safe is to exercise reasonable care. Now, what is reasonable care? Well, reasonable care is the process of making sure you are using common sense when it comes to the care of your gadgets, and not being irresponsible.

Reasonable care varies from gadget to gadget by maybe things like:

  • Not carrying a mobile phone in your hand, back pocket, or an unzipped handbag
  • Always carrying a secure laptop or tablet case
  • Ensuring cameras or video equipment have hand or neck straps
  • Having a password on your devices
  • Ensuring wearable tech is fastened tightly
  • Not leaving doors or window in your home unlocked
  • Not leaving items where they can be seen through car windows.



Outside of reasonable care, there are also some various insurances you can look into to ensure that your tech is kept safe. This would be a good option for anyone who relies heavily on their gadgets and needs them to be functioning at all times.

Most gadgets, when sold, will come with the option of adding insurance to your order. Most often with items such as laptops, mobile phones, tablets, etc., these individual policies will cover you for that item. This type of insurance has its pros and cons. It is a great choice if you are only looking to cover one high-value item, but this can end up costly if you end up with multiple policies because you want to cover various items.

If this is the case, consider instead investing in home contents insurance or personal possessions insurance. Your home contents policy will be able to cover larger tech items that don’t leave your home, for example, TVs, games consoles, desktop computers, sound systems, etc. In contrast, personal possessions insurance will protect items that you regularly take out and about with you, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and smartwatches, etc.


Built-In and Added Safety Measures

Most of the tech items we use every day, such as phones and laptops, etc., all have built-in safety measures that you should ensure you are using to keep your tech safe.

For example, almost all smartphones and tablets come with the ability to add a numeric or text password, a fingerprint or facial recognition in order to keep your phone or tablet phone locked. Some devices also come with the option to wipe the device after a pre-determined number of wrong passwords. iPhones also have a built-in feature called ‘Find My iPhone’ which can be used to help you locate a lost or stolen device.

Also, it is important to protect your items not only from theft but from damage. Consider purchasing protective cases for any items that you carry day to day as well as tempered glass screen protectors for mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches.


Regardless of what type of devices you have, it is important that you protect them. For some people, their technology is extremely important. Some people use it for health reasons, and others need it for their job. Others simply love their devices and want to be responsible and take good care of them – after all, some devices cost a substantial amount of money.

By taking some time to follow these tips, you will also be able to show more responsibility when it comes to your beloved gadgets.