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Top 10 Things Millennials Expect From Your Brand

Top 10 Things Millennials Expect From Your Brand

Expectations Have Changed: Top 10 Things Millennials Expect From Your Brand

Experts are expecting millennials to pass the Baby Boomers population by 2019. According to the Bureau of Statistics, this generation is spending almost 80 percent of what Baby Boomers spend. Between the population and spending growth projections, the millennial generation has become essential to the success of all brands.

Building your brand always requires that you market to your audience. Marketing to millennials demands more than a one-size fits all approach. Maybe it isn’t the first time you have tried marketing to this generation.

Don’t think that a prior successful marketing campaign can work for millennials. What does this generation expect from your brand? What is the best millennial marketing strategy for your product or service?

Not sure how to develop the right marketing strategy for this generation? We’ve got you covered. Here are the 10 top millennial expectations from today’s brands.

1. Brands That Are Built on Values

Today, brands need to do more than offering a great product or service. Millennials expect brands to help the community. This audience will spend more on a brand that relates to their personal values.

Some of the most important values for this generation are honesty, compassion, and commitment to making the world a better place. They expect brands to showcase these values in public and online.

2. Ease and Convenience

The millennial generation is all in for instant gratification. They want everything fast, easy and convenient.

An example is how retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, and Whole Foods have added same delivery services. Also, the success of services such as Shipt and UberEats are signs that convenience reigns supreme with millennials.

3. Budget-Friendly Products and Services

The student loan debt crisis and low salaries have put millennials in a tough spot when it comes to their finances. They don’t have a lot of money to spend like other generations.

This generation is always looking for products and services that fit their budget. You should consider offering pay as you go or other budget-friendly options for the millennial market.

4. Brands That Offer Experiences

Generations like Baby Boomers focused on buying the product. In contrast, millennials focus on the experience they are buying. They dream about traveling the world not in having the most expensive house or car.

The best millennial marketing strategy for this expectation is telling them your story. How will your product improve their lives?

Will their purchase help build schools or feed families? Remember this generation needs to know what change or experience their purchase will bring.

5. The Power to Choose from Many Options

Millennials want to be in control of their purchase at all times. If they are in the market for a product or service, they will compare their options online or ask their relatives and friends. When you are building your brand, it’s important to consider what options you can offer millennials.

Some examples are on-demand packages, pay as you go, premium services, among other options. Look for options that give the customer control over their decision and purchase.

6. Connection to the Brand

This generation wants to feel connected to the brand. When building your brand consider developing programs to make a social impact.

Helping organizations can help you connect with the community and develop customer loyalty. An example would be a food brand joining Feed America to stop human hunger. Besides helping make the world a better place, it will show your customer that your company cares about everyone.

7. Social Media Engagement

Millennials are one of the biggest users of technology. They use social media all the time to engage with family, friends, and brands. Having social media pages for your products and services isn’t enough.

This generation expects constant engagement on social media. Make sure to post and update your content on your social media pages. Don’t forget to reply to their comments, your engagement will help develop customer loyalty.

Your content should relate to your audience and showcase what makes your product different. An agency such as MAD Group can help you develop the best social media millennial marketing campaign.

8. Brands to Use Technology Online and In-Store

Millennial’s love for technology doesn’t end in social media. They want to use technology to better understand products and brands. This generation wants to learn how the products work and how it fits their lifestyle.

In contrast with other generations, millennials prefer using personalized chat and in-store customer service. These expectations push brands every day to find ways to tailor their customer experience.

9. Engagement in the Product Development Process

Forty-two percent of millennials say they want to get involved in the development of new products and services for their brands. The typical product development process involves a company creating a product or service and praying it hits the mark with the market. Brands should try to engage with their millennial audience to get insight into what can be their next product or service.

Learning more about what millennials want can help create products that are already in demand when they hit the market. A great strategy is harnessing the power of social media for your market research.

10. Recognition of the Brand’s Community

Besides a tailored approach, millennials expect to be recognized. Loyalty rewards and memberships are a great way to recognize this audience while building your brand awareness.

Consider using social media influencers and offering giveaways to get on the millennial radar. Recognition by the generation will promote brand loyalty.

Can Your Brand Meet Millennials Expectations?

Yes, your brand can meet the expectations of the millennial generation. The key to bringing in this audience is implementing the right millennial marketing strategies. How will your services or products improve their lives?

What is your company doing to make the world better? What is the story behind your services or products?

These are some of the questions that can guide your millennial marketing strategy. Don’t forget to include ways to engage with the audience online.

Want to learn more ways to market your products to millennials? Check out our Marketing section for more insightful articles.


What to Expect in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program

What to Expect in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program

What to Expect in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program

Seeking help for drug or alcohol addiction is no easy task. But accessing a rehab facility is an important step towards your healthy future. Here’s what you can expect and why you shouldn’t be afraid.

Even when we’re suffering, we fear dramatic change. You know that your life will transform once you enter the path to recovery. But entering treatment is likely easier than the life your leading now.

That’s because you will have professionals with you for every step. You’ll interact with peers enduring the same struggles as you. And you have resources to help you build a better life.

Lost touch with friends and family? Rehab is an opportunity to invite them back into your life. That’s because you’re showing them you’re doing something about your problem.

Best of all, you won’t be treated like a bad person. You are an unwell person deserving of treatment.

Why Do I Need Rehab?

Too many addicts avoid getting treatment. In 2013, only 7.8% of US alcoholics get the treatment they needed. Drug and alcohol-related deaths are tragic and unnecessary given the options available.

Many addicts see recovery as some impossible achievement. They feel trapped in their habits and daily struggles with their abuse. At rehab, they learn it’s a gradual process they take one day at a time.

The most important element is your own motivation. You don’t need to walk through the doors fired up for recovery. You can enter the care of professionals and work with them towards wellness.

Visit Detox First

The first barrier to many addicts is detox. Most rehabilitation centers require patients to be sober. You need to visit a detox center to get clean before you begin.

Detox is strictly a process to relieve you from chemical dependency. You won’t need to make any life changes during this time. That’s why many users leave detox and simply pick up again.

You can see your treatment through. You won’t bounce between highs and lows anymore. And you’ll see a better standard of living right away.

Choose a Facility

Choosing your treatment space is another challenge. There are luxurious facilities that provide a wide range of services. But even public facilities provide the core resources you need.

Choose a facility with great reviews and the right cost. Work with your family to choose a location that’s right for you. Above all you want regular, personal attention from counselors and professionals.

Find a rehab facility local to sober friends and family. If you live in Pennsylvania, find a Pennsylvania rehabilitation facility near you.

5 Things to Expect Once Your Inside

The first thing to do when you enter a facility is congratulate yourself. You will have completed the first big challenge in your recovery. Now, relax and focus solely on your treatment moving forward.

You have only one goal starting now: recovery. All aspects of the outside world can be put aside. Money, employment, or school should not be of concern.

Here are five things to expect once you begin rehabilitation. As you invest in these benefits, be self-aware. You may notice social and psychological improvements right away.

1. Intake

The intake process will begin the moment you’re admitted. This is an important step often overlooked by new patients. Doctors and counselors will use intake information to plan your treatment.

Be as open and honest as possible about your struggles. These are the last people in the world to judge you. Share psychological issues, all addiction problems, and any self-destructive habits at this time.

2. Managing Withdrawal

Even with detox, you will likely experience withdrawal symptoms. These will range from shaky hands for alcoholics to dejectedness and depression.

Your caregivers can help to treat these effects. Communicate with them about your mental, physical, and emotional symptoms. They will prescribe medication or invite you to see a counselor if you need.

3. Therapy

Therapy takes many forms in rehab. You will likely see a regular counselor and psychiatrist. You may not see your doctor often because of other patients. But your counselor will be with you at least once per week.

If you have psychological issues, you may see a therapist. Rehab therapists work with you not only on psychiatric issues. They will help you readjust to a normal human life as well.

This may involve behavioral therapy, group therapy, or both. Behavioral therapy will help you manage daily stresses and social interactions. Group therapy will help you find commonality with other patients and add a healthy social component to your life.

4. Wellness

You probably were not taking the best care of yourself before. Those habits can stick with you just as much as your addiction. Rehab professionals will help you develop a healthier lifestyle in general.

They’ll start by feeding you three regular meals. You may have access to regular snacks and beverages as well. You need to build up your physical strength so you can engage in proper treatment.

They will also encourage healthy habits. This will be a key part of your therapy and work with your counselor. It behooves you to stick with these methods as they’re an often-overlooked part of your recovery.

These habits may include artistic expression, mental exercises, or journaling. Journaling is an excellent habit as it helps you track your progress. Check your entries after two or three weeks and you’ll notice your attitude has improved since then.

Organizing your thoughts in this way is a healthy habit. It allows you to address your issues one step at a time. You will get some practice with the written word again as well.

5. Post-Treatment Preparation

Your caregivers will begin talking about your treatment in relation to reentry to your life. They will not simply kick you out the door unprepared. Keep in mind, your treatment doesn’t leave once you leave.

You will likely be asked to participate in out-patient treatment. This is a great way to keep treatment front and center as you readjust to daily life. You will have access to critical care and resources this way.

They will make sure you understand your addiction through and through. The more you understand your mind and tendencies, the less likely you’ll relapse. They may encourage you to join a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) as well.

“To compare is to despair.” This is your journey, not anyone else’s. Keep track of your own progress outside of the very different progress of others.

You will be amazed as to what this experience will bring you in the long term. But don’t be fooled–it is indeed a gradual path to get there. Don’t doubt yourself as you make steady progress every day.

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