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Save Money on Prescriptions With These 5 Tips

Save Money on Prescriptions With These 5 Tips

Save Money on Prescriptions With These 5 Tips

Are you struggling to pay for your prescriptions? 

It’s no secret that prescription drugs are costly, and drug prices keep increasing over time. These costs are especially hard if you have chronic conditions that require consistent medication. 

When you can barely afford your medication, you might feel stressed out and hopeless. While it’s hard to feel the financial burden of prescriptions, there are some things you can do to make your necessary prescription drugs a little cheaper. 

Keep reading to learn some of our best tips to help you save money on prescriptions today. 

How to Save Money on Prescriptions 

Drug prices are a lot for the average American, but there are ways to keep costs down and avoid going into debt to take care of yourself and your family. 

If you’re feeling lost and unsure if you can handle your next pharmacy trip, here are five tips that will help you save as much money as possible on your prescriptions:

1. Always Check for Coupons 

Just like other food items you buy every day, drug manufacturers do offer coupons and other discounts on their prescriptions.

Before you get any prescription filled, make sure you check online or ask the pharmacist if there are any coupons you are eligible to use. These coupons could make your medicine much more affordable, especially if you don’t have insurance. 

2. Shop Local 

Now could be the time to ditch your national-chain pharmacy like CVS or Walgreens. Local pharmacies tend to offer lower prices than large, big-box pharmacies. Another benefit to this option is that you will be supporting small businesses. 

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Shop Around

A lot of us become a creature of habit when it comes to getting our medications. We often go to the pharmacy that’s closest to us or the one that we’ve been using for years.

However, this might not be the best option, especially if you’re trying to save money. Don’t be afraid to call around to other pharmacies in your area to see if they offer the drug at a lower price. A short drive to a new pharmacy will be well worth saving money on your prescriptions. 

The website PharmacyChecker is a great tool that will help you do the same thing. 

4. Use Online Tools 

Besides PharmacyChecker, there are plenty of other online tools available that will help you find the cheapest options for the specific drug that you need. 

Blink Health, for example, helps you negotiate prices with pharmacies, and after you find the best price point, you purchase your medication directly through their platform. 

5. Switch to a Generic Drug

Generic drugs are typically much cheaper than their name-brand counterparts. At your next doctor’s appointment, make sure you ask if you are taking the generic drug. If not, ask if you are eligible to switch to save more money. 

Learn More About Saving Money on Healthcare 

While it’s helpful to save money on prescriptions, medications are usually just one small expense in your overall healthcare needs. Make sure you check out the rest of our website to learn more about how you can save money on all of your necessary healthcare services. 


On a Budget? Here are 11 Ways to Save on Prescriptions

On a Budget? Here are 11 Ways to Save on

On a Budget? Here are 11 Ways to Save on Prescriptions

According to one study, 1 in 4 Americans said that it was difficult to afford prescription medications.

While medications can be expensive, sometimes it’s necessary to have them. 

Do you need medication, but don’t have a lot of extra funds? In this guide, discover how to save on prescriptions.

1. Get Generic Drugs

One thing you can do to save on prescriptions is by getting generic brands. The name brand prescriptions typically cost more than the generic ones.

However, most of the time the only difference is the price.

With some generic drugs, there are different fillers than ones that have a name brand attached to them. However, the generic drugs are still regulated by the FDA and held to the same standards as the other drug. That means the generic one should work just as well as the name-brand one. 

Some doctors may not even be thinking about prescribing a generic drug, so you should make sure that you ask them. Some drugs aren’t available with a generic brand. 

If there isn’t a generic alternative, you could ask your doctor about having a different drug that has a generic one. Doctors have all kinds of reasons for prescribing the drugs that they do, but ultimately you should try and choose the one that will best help your condition.

2. Get a Flex Spending Account

A flex spending account (FSA) is sometimes available through your healthcare provider. This healthcare account takes money from your paycheck and puts it in a bank that you can use to pay for medical expenses. That means you can use it to pay for your prescriptions.

You will also be saving money because this money comes out before taxes are taken out. That way you are making sure that you put more money back in your pocket. 

If you aren’t great at saving, this will also help you be able to have enough money for any prescription drugs. You won’t have to take a bunch of money out of your own savings and be left with a lot of debt wondering how to make ends meet.

Before you sign for this type of account, make sure you fully understand what you will be able to use the money for.  Most accounts don’t roll over at the end of the year, so you have to make sure that you use the money put away, or you will lose it.

3. Compare Pharmacies

Some pharmacies offer different prices, so make sure that you shop around first. If you don’t have a copay, this could make a huge difference.

Look around at different apps and websites to see what your local pharmacies are selling the drug for. If you can’t find any, you could also talk to your pharmacist and see if they could help you out.

After all, they do want to make sure that their customers are satisfied and keep coming back. 

4. Join a Patient Assitance Program

There are patient assistance programs that are out there that you can join to help you afford your medical bills as well.

If you can’t afford to pay for your prescription, the pharmacy may have programs listed on their website to help you. These groups sometimes offer discount cards or other ways to help make sure that you get the medicine you need. 

One patient assistance program you could check out is available for a Neupro Patch.

5. Do Some Math

A lot of medicines come in different doses. 

If you sit down and look at the math, sometimes you’ll realize there are cheaper options. For example, if one prescription comes with more pills, it may be more expensive then, but in the long run, you would save more money than if you had bought a smaller deal.

Sometimes you can also try and split pills and make them last longer, but you should only do this if it is approved by the pharmacist or your doctor. 

6. Skip the Pharmacy

If you can’t find a discount card or a pharmacy with a good deal, you may just want to skip the pharmacy altogether. 

You can check directly with the drug companies to see if they offer patient assistance as well. sometimes they run promotions where you can save money or still get the drug if you can’t afford it. 

7. Search for Discounts

Before you head to the pharmacy, check online to see if there are any coupon codes are discounts that you could apply toward your purchase. 

Pharmacies have started accepting different coupons that are found online, but you should make sure that they are verified before you do that. 

8. Figure Out What Your Copays Are

If you have health insurance, you should have a copay. 

You should look at what your benefits are before getting your medication. Know exactly what your copay should be so that you can make sure that you’re not paying more. 

Most health insurances have different tiers of copays as well. 

9. Ask for Free Samples

Sometimes you can ask your doctor if they have a free sample that you could try. Sometimes they do have full-size samples for some medicines for blood pressure or asthma. 

10. Get a NACo Card

A NACo card is good for different United States counties. This service can help you get discounted prescriptions, and it’s free to join.

If you don’t have any insurance, you could save about 25% on prescription drugs.

To sign up, you just need to fill out a form. 

11. Talk to Your Doctor

If nothing else works, one of the most important things you can do is to talk to your doctor. 

If you don’t know where to start looking, your doctor may be able to point you in the right direction. They should know what kind of drugs are out there and be able to recommend the best one for your condition and your budget.

If you explain your predicament to them, they should be understanding and figure out a way to make sure you can still get your medication.

Save on Prescriptions Today!

If you follow these tips, you should be able to save on prescriptions and still get the care that you need.

Don’t let the cost of prescriptions scare you from getting the help you need.

Make an appointment to talk to your doctor today!