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7 Promotional Tactics to Market Your Content Like a Pro

7 Promotional Tactics to Market Your Content Like a Pro

7 Promotional Tactics to Market Your Content Like a Pro

Did you know that 77 percent of American adults go online every day? And, of that 77 percent, 26 percent spend almost all of their day online.

Americans are plugged in more often than not — that means you have a lot of opportunities to share content with them and market your business’s products and services. 

To generate more leads and see conversions from your content marketing efforts, you need to make sure you’re using the right promotional approach.

Read on to learn about some effective promotional tactics that will help you market your content and spread the word about your business.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing approach that involves creating a variety of online content (blog posts, social media posts, videos, etc.) with the intent of building and retaining an audience.

The goal is to provide your audience with useful, valuable content to build trust and increase the likelihood that they will purchase products or services from you in the future.

Importance of Content Marketing

There are a number of benefits that come with having a strong content marketing strategy, including the following:

  • Improve trust and build brand reputation
  • Improve website conversions
  • Improve search engine rankings
  • Bring in new leads in a cost-effective way

Content marketing also helps you to establish yourself as an expert or authority figure in your industry. This, in turn, increases your conversions and helps you to build a solid reputation for your business and brand.

Promotional Tactics Every Content Marketer Should Use

As you can see, good content marketing is essential if you want your business to succeed long-term. Here are seven promotional tactics that you ought to use when marketing your content.

1. Reach out to Influencers

Some people scoff at the idea of working with social media influencers. In reality, influencer marketing can lead to some incredibly high conversions.

Influencers who have spent time building a loyal following can be a great asset to your company and can really help to spread the word about your brand and the content you’re working hard to put out. 

Reach out to an influencer and ask for a quote to find out how much they’ll charge to share your content on their social media profiles.

2. Mention Your Sources

If you’re quoting professional sources in your online content — and, if you’re not already, you definitely should be — mention and tag those sources when you share your posts or videos on social media.

Often, your sources will see the mention and check out what you’ve created. They may even share your content on their own social media profiles.

This helps to expose you to a much wider audience and can increase the amount of engagement and the number of followers you get from a single post.

3. Email Your Sources

If you really want to ensure that a busy individual sees your content, try sending them an email.

Let them know that you’ve written a blog post or created a video in which you mention them or their research.

Many professionals have busy social media profiles, and there’s a possibility that they might miss your mention or tag.

If you email them directly, they’ll be more likely to be on the lookout for your post and may be more inclined to share it with their followers.

4. Submit to Content Communities

There are lots of websites on the internet dedicated to helping content creators grow their following and expose their content to a wider audience.

There’s a lot of competition on these websites, but they can be very helpful, especially if you’re putting out high-quality content. 

If you join one of these communities, it’s a good idea to do more than just self-promote. Share other people’s work and engage with others who are posting on the site — remember, this is a community.

It’s a good idea to share only your best content, too. You don’t necessarily want to use these sites for every piece of content you create.

5. Send Content to Your Email List

Don’t have an email list? Create one as soon as you can. An email list will provide you with direct access to people who are already interested in what your company has to offer. 

Once you have your email list, start sharing your content in regular email updates. Don’t spam the people on your list — limit yourself to a maximum of one email per day. 

6. Use Paid Ads Strategically

You can always go the paid route when you’re trying to promote your online content.

Be smart about the way you do this, though. Otherwise, you could end up spending a lot of money, and that’s money you might not necessarily get back.

Pay to promote specific pieces of content, the ones you really want to get out to a wider audience.

Make sure you label your content clearly as being sponsored, too. This helps to establish credibility and prevents you from being penalized by the platforms on which you’re advertising.

7. Hire a Professional

Finally, you might want to consider hiring a content marketing expert, like the ones available at this website, to help you get your content out to a wider audience.

There are lots of content marketing professionals out there who know the latest tricks and tools necessary to share your content with as many people as possible.

Just be sure to do your research before hiring one of these professionals to make sure they’re trustworthy and have a good online reputation.

Need More Content Marketing Help?

As you can see, there are a lot of different promotional tactics you can utilize as part of your business’s content marketing strategy. 

These seven tactics are great ones to start with when you’re first getting into the content marketing game.

Do you need additional help in establishing a content strategy, though? If so, we’ve got lots of articles for you.

Head to the Content Strategy section of our site today for a variety of resources that will teach you how to create great content, stick to a schedule, and increase your productivity.


From Beginner to Pro: 5 Things a Beginner Needs to Start a Professional Blog

From Beginner to Pro: 5 Things a Beginner Needs to

From Beginner to Pro: 5 Things a Beginner Needs to Start a Professional Blog

Did you know that there are over 80 million blog posts published every month? Blogging is a trend you don’t want to miss out on, and it’s easy to get started. Blogs are a fantastic way to share helpful information with the world around you and start generating content that is all your own.

Before you dive in head first, we’re going to show you five things you need as a beginner to start a professional blog.

Starting Your Professional Blog

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, there are a few items you must address before proceeding. A successful blog requires a lot of planning and a clear vision.

Have A Plan

The first thing to do is create a plan that walks you through the steps you need in setting up your blog, preparing for blog content, and pushing your content out on a schedule. Do you have a specific topic in mind you’re an expert on or you’re interested in?

Determine the types of topics you’d like to discuss, then you’ll set some goals.

Set Blog Goals

The goals of your blog will depend on the type of blog you’re rolling out. Is it personal or for a business? Are you attempting to raise awareness, make some side money, or use it as an online diary? It’s great to have goals even if your blog is just for personal use.

Set goals on the number of blog visitors you get per month, how many articles you’d like to post and when, and if you’re monetizing – a dollar amount.

Choose a Platform

There are many different blogging platforms to choose from. The most popular today are Squarespace, Tumblr, and WordPress. This is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when setting up your professional blog. The platform you choose will dictate how you maintain your blog.

These platforms allow for blog hosting, support, adding plugins and making your site more customizable. Do some research and determine which is right for you or get some more info here.

Write Good Content, Ensure You’re Found

One of the biggest things to be successful with your blog is to continuously publish good content. If you’ve stuck with a topic, be relevant, and don’t wander off the path too far. You’ll keep your readers by providing them with valuable information, and create a community that keeps coming back.

Blog For Your Audience

Your audience is your greatest asset in blogging. Getting engagement from them is key. We’ve all stumbled across a blog that has thousands of posts, but no comments, likes, or reshares. It loses validity and credibility if no one is saying anything.

Make sure you don’t lose sight of who your audience is and be active with your readers. Turn your blog into a conversation and it will surprise them every time!

To Blog or Not to Blog

Now that you know these important steps, you’re ready to create a professional blog! With the help of these guidelines, you’ll develop a community of readers, release relevant content on a schedule, and use a platform to promote your work.

If you’re interested in learning how to write engaging and creative articles, take a look at our blog today.