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5 Essential Hearing Aid Tips for Getting Used to Hearing Aids

5 Essential Hearing Aid Tips for Getting Used to Hearing

5 Essential Hearing Aid Tips for Getting Used to Hearing Aids

According to the National Institute of Health, approximately 15 percent of American adults have at least some trouble hearing. But many of their problems can be solved with the usage of a hearing aid.

Unfortunately, if you’ve never used one before, it can be a bit difficult to adjust to this new experience. Check out these hearing aid tips so that you can watch great movies and hear a pin drop in the background.

Hearing Aid Tips for First Time Wearers

Even if you have nano hearing aids, getting used to wearing them for the first time can be overwhelming. You have to adjust to the hearing aids themselves as well as to life with sounds all around you.

Just remember to take it slow and ease your way into the process. You can try listening to audiobooks, watching television, and talking with friends in a group to advance your listening skills. But there are also steps you can take to make the process more smooth.

Tips for Adjusting to Hearing Aids

Adjusting to your hearing aids will take time and patience. Check out these tips to make the process as easy as possible.

1. Don’t Get Discouraged

It’s important to remember that having hearing aids is a blessing — even though sometimes they’ll feel like quite a bit of a challenge.

Try to keep a positive outlook and remember what life was like for people who didn’t have any technology to help them.

2. Wear Them Frequently

If you don’t wear your hearing aids often, then it becomes more difficult and time consuming for you to be able to adjust to them. Try to put them in every day, even if you find them frustrating.

If things don’t improve soon, ask your doctor about what other options you might have.

3. Start in Quieter Environments

When you are new to hearing aids, it’s important that you don’t jump into a noisy restaurant or loud crowd environment. You need time to get used to balancing out background noise and setting your volume. 

4. Try Not to Over Adjust the Volume

Messing with the volume on your hearing aid too much will just lead to more frustration. Try to pick a setting and stick to it.

If you’re having trouble with background noise and find yourself frequently needing to adjust the volume, talk to your doctor about other options.

5. Ask Hearing Friends and Family to Set Your TV Volume

If you have friends over to your house, then you should ask them to set the television volume for you to what they consider to be a natural setting. That way, when you wake up in the morning, you can use it to calibrate the volume setting on your hearing aid.

More Great Articles

When you get hearing aids for the first time, it can feel like a novelty to be able to hear.

Over the following weeks, you may become frustrated with them and not want to wear them as much. The hearing aid tips on this list should help you overcome that temptation. In time, you’ll feel completely normal.

For more lifestyle tips, check out our other posts today!


4 Actionable Content Marketing Tips That Get Results

4 Actionable Content Marketing Tips That Get Results

4 Actionable Content Marketing Tips That Get Results

Are you spinning your wheels in a content marketing rut? It happens to the best of us. But a few expert content marketing tips might be all you need to move in the right direction.

Before we get into details, it’s worth noting that everyone seems to have an opinion of what makes great content. Some companies go all in for video storytelling. Others swear by long-form blog posts loaded with how to’s and images.

The most important thing to remember is that the best content is what works for you.

Great content isn’t always what you think. It usually takes a little finessing to find the right formula. 

If you’re struggling to find yours, put these four content marketing tips to work in your strategy:

1. Familiarize Yourself with Your Sales Funnel

You don’t create content just for the sake of it. Every blog article, video, and social media post has the power to move your audience through your sales funnel — if you know how your sales funnel works.

Each stage of the funnel targets a different buying stage. You should develop your content to appeal to buyers at each stage of the funnel to help them progress toward a conversion.

Take time to understand this process and where buyers are entering the funnel. Engage them at every step in the journey so you never miss an opportunity. 

2. Maintain a Content Calendar

Content calendars keep you organized. You can plan out your content schedule and know what you should be creating throughout the year. 

Pre-planned content calendars can also help to guide your entire content strategy. They provide detailed insights into what you’re posting and where you’re posting it. 

Take some time to map out what you want to accomplish with your content and then develop content that aligns with those goals. If you find it difficult to keep up, reach out to a marketing company for help. 

3. Develop Your Content around a Specific Purpose

Every piece of content you create should serve a specific purpose. Otherwise, how will you know it worked?

Start with your goals: what should your audience do after reading your posts?

Do you want to drive people deeper into your sales funnel? Should they reach out for more information or sign up for a newsletter Is your content designed to promote a positive brand image with no strings attached?

Start with a purpose in mind, then develop the content around that purpose. 

4. Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing your content helps you get the most value for your efforts. You’ve already done the research and writing, so why not maximize your findings?

For example, you might turn a white paper into an infographic, video, and blog post. It’s essentially the same information, but in different formats that appeal to different audiences.

Turn These Content Marketing Tips into Action!

Don’t let these five content marketing tips collect dust! Put them to work in your strategy to drive traffic, increase conversions, and gain the recognition your business deserves.

Want more content marketing advice? Head back to our Content Strategy section for industry insights, tips, and tricks the pros use.


Marketing Done Right: 7 Tips to Make the Best Marketing Video

Marketing Done Right: 7 Tips to Make the Best Marketing

Marketing Done Right: 7 Tips to Make the Best Marketing Video

Trying to build your brand’s online presence?

Looking for a new way to promote your products on the web?

While there are many types of content marketing you can use to grow your business, video marketing is one of the best of the bunch. Videos are one of the most preferred types of content on the web these days and video content often gets shared more than other types.

Because of this, creating compelling marketing videos that will connect with your customers and strengthen your brand image is essential.

Luckily, we’re here to help. Below we’ll give you our 7 top tips for making a marketing video that will get your business new customers.

1. Provide Value

The first thing you’ll want to do when planning your marketing video is to make sure that you have an engaging concept or story that truly provides value to your audience. Video content should be educational, interesting, or informative, and should help your ideal customer with a problem that they have.

Doing some research beforehand is essential. Make sure that you identify what pain points your customers have and look for ways to solve their problems by providing them with more information. This will allow you to create value and engage your customers more easily with your video.

Additionally, make sure that you avoid being overly promotional in your video. Even if you have a product to promote with your video, make sure that you’re aiming to provide value first and foremost.

2. Keep It Short

These days, most customers online have very short attention spans and have no patience for a video that doesn’t get to the point quickly. Make sure that your video has a short length and moves fast to tell a customer the most important information that they need to know. 

Short videos of about a minute are actually ideal and will ensure that your video’s bounce rate isn’t too high. It’s also a lot easier to create a short video than a long one, so this works out great for you as well.

Great editing and a clearly defined goal are the keys to making sure your video moves fast enough to keep your customers engaged.

3. Let Your Brand’s Personality Shine

In the days of social media, it’s crucial that you let your personality shine during a video. Think about your brand carefully and consider how you would like to express your brand’s image.

A marketing video isn’t a corporate training video but instead is a video that is aimed at customers. They want to see your brand’s personality and feel like they know the people behind the business in a more personal way. 

If anyone speaks in your video, make sure that they have a warm and charismatic personality that is able to build interest and excitement using their voice. While you may choose to use an employee for the video, you may also want to hire a professional voice artist to narrate your videos. You can get more info here about how you can do this for your video.

Additionally, remember to be consistent across multiple marketing videos. If your tone is very different for each video it may throw customers off and confuse them.

4. Optimize Your Video

In addition to the content of the video itself, you’ll also want to do some things to improve the technical side of your video and to improve video SEO. Just like with blog posts and your website, you can optimize your video to make sure it’s found easily by searchers.

On YouTube, for example, one of the ways to do this is to add a transcript to the description of your video. You’ll also want to use tags and a strong title that attracts customers and entices them to click on it.

Within your video, it’s also a good idea to make an overlay call-to-action that will help customers know what next steps to take to engage with your business online.

5. Share It Everywhere

Once you’ve created your video, you’re going to want to share it far and wide. The more places you put your video on the web, the more chances you’ll have for getting views, and subsequently, customers. Your video marketing campaign should seamlessly tie into your social media accounts to generate buzz and get new customers.

People probably won’t just find your video on their own, so it’s essential that you post it to all of your social media profiles including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and any other social platforms that you use. You’ll also want to share it on your blog and website.

Remember that creating the marketing video is only half of the battle. The more shares you get for your video the more useful it will be.

6. Analyze Your Results

After your video has been released and you’ve attempted to engage your customers with it, don’t forget to analyze the results of your campaign. Look at all of the data that you can on the video to find out if it succeeded and if you should have done anything differently.

Determining the view count as well as the bounce rate of your video can be helpful in determining how engaging your video was. Comments, likes, and other types of feedback on your videos can also give you a lot of insight and can help you better understand what type of videos your customers connect with the most.

7. Try Different Formats

In addition to creating standard video content, you’ll want to try using some other video formats from time to time as well to discover what engages your customers the most.

These days, there are several options for making a video more interactive and that may be able to engage your audience more effectively. You may want to try your hand at live streaming videos and webinars or experiment with VR and 360-degree videos.

You never know what might be a hit with your customers, so make sure you keep experimenting with your videos to discover what they like. Try to create more interactivity with your video content whenever possible.

Getting the Best Results from Your Marketing Video

While there’s a lot more to think about when creating a successful marketing video, incorporating the above tips into your strategy is a great start to making your video campaign a big success. Make sure you consider the above points carefully if you want to have success with your videos online.

Looking for ways to improve your social media marketing strategy? Click here to see our top tips for perfecting your social media marketing efforts.


Popping on Camera: 5 Awesome Video Tips for Real Estate Marketing

Popping on Camera: 5 Awesome Video Tips for Real Estate

Popping on Camera: 5 Awesome Video Tips for Real Estate Marketing

Are you looking for new ways to spread the word about your real estate business?

Whether your real estate business is brand new or has been around for years, video marketing can help you expand your reach and bring in all kinds of new buyers and sellers.

Even if you’ve never made a video before in your life, you can benefit from video marketing.

Read on for some tips that will help you get the hang of using video for real estate marketing.

Benefits of Video for Real Estate Marketing

What makes video marketing so special? 

There are lots of reasons why real estate companies like Westbrook REI are turning to video marketing, including the following:

  • You can showcase houses in a new and interesting way
  • You can bring in new clients who might not be interested in reading content online
  • You can enhance your click-through and open rates
  • You can improve your online search engine rankings

Video can also help you to build trust with your audience and foster deeper connections.

Top Five Video Tips

As you can see, there are lots of reasons to use video as part of your real estate marketing efforts. If you’re new to the world of video, start by giving these tips a try:

1. Focus on Video Quality

When you’re putting together marketing videos, quality is key. Invest in some high-quality recording equipment so you can put out clear videos with great audio. You might even want to hire a part-time videographer to do the actual filming for you.

2. Plan Your Videos Ahead of Time

A good video marketing strategy takes some planning. If you want to have quality content to put out on a regular basis, you need to plan ahead. Take time to think about the types of videos you want to make and when you want to post them.

3. Tell a Story

It helps to get personal in your videos. Sure, you could post video tours of the houses you sell and leave it at that. If people feel a connection with you, personally, though, they’re going to be more inclined to think of your business when they’re buying or selling a house.

4. Use Testimonials

Testimonials are a powerful tool on their own, and video testimonials take things up a notch. Record short videos of your satisfied clients and display on your website and social media profiles.

5. Keep Your Videos Short

Finally, make sure your videos are kept short. Most video experts find that a video that lasts 2-3 minutes is optimal for holding people’s attention and getting your main points across. 

Looking for More Marketing Advice?

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll soon be an expert at using video for real estate marketing.

Are you interested in learning more marketing tips and tricks? If so, we have tons of articles that will teach you everything you need to know about promoting your business, both online and in person.

Start by checking out this article on real estate blog ideas. It’ll help you bust through writer’s block and start appealing to your audience in a brand new way!


Follower Frenzy: 5 Amazing Social Media Tips for Getting Followers

Follower Frenzy: 5 Amazing Social Media Tips for Getting Followers

Follower Frenzy: 5 Amazing Social Media Tips for Getting Followers

Are you trying to grow your social media following?

Gaining new, authentic social media followers can be a challenge, especially in a time when it’s easy to pay to gain followers overnight. But buying followers is never the way to go, especially if you’re looking to increase engagement, convert customers or work with brands on sponsored content. 

Now it’s getting easier and easier for people to spot who has a genuine following and who has purchased their followers. How do you gain true followers when most social media outlets are crowded? Keep reading to find out ways to organically get new followers. 

The Best Social Media Tips 

Getting organic social media growth can be difficult, but it’s worth the time and effort. Here are five great social media tips to gain more followers:

1. Post High Quality, Shareable Content 

Social media is a crowded space, so people have high expectations when it comes to content. To get the most likes, shares and comments, you need to create high-quality content that people will respond to. 

If Instagram is your outlet of choice, invest in good equipment or learn photo editing. For Facebook, share things that are funny and engaging. Videos are also popular on outlets like Facebook. Know what your target audience likes and give them what they’re looking for. 

2. Engage With Other Accounts 

Getting new followers is all about being active and engaging on the social media platform you’re trying to grow. So don’t just be a ghost on the platform, actively engage in what others are doing. Comment on posts that you admire and like or share content often. 

3. Post Frequently and Consistently 

If you want to gain followers you have to post frequently and consistently. You can’t post once a week and then disappear for months at a time. Social media algorithms determine who sees your posts, and many of them will punish you for not posting very often. 

Try posting at least three times per week and keep up with posting. You can use a scheduling tool to post for you when life gets busy and you can’t be on social media in real time. 

4. Use Hashtags 

Hashtags are still a great way to get your content discovered by new users. The key to hashtags is to make sure they’re targeted, specific and relevant to your content. Don’t just use a hundred random hashtags and hope for the best. 

Do your research to find out which hashtags are trending to get your posts in front of the most people. 

5. SEO Optimize Your Content

Just like using hashtags, SEO optimizing your social media content makes you easier to find when people search online. 

If you’re not sure how to get started with SEO optimized content, you can try a software platform that will help. This SEO software from SEOJet is an awesome place to get started. 

Learn More Marketing and Blogging Tips 

Just like building a blog or a business, getting organic social media traffic takes time and patience. You won’t have millions of followers overnight, but you will build a lasting network of followers who actually want to hear what you say, engage with your posts and share your content. 

Now that you know our best social media tips, there is still plenty to learn about marketing and blogging. This article on link building is a great place to start and it’ll help you drive more traffic to your website. 


7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Deep Sleep

7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More

7 Brilliant Tips and Tricks on How to Get More Deep Sleep

According to the American Sleep Association (ASA), 50-70 million people in the U.S. have some sort of sleep disorder. Insomnia is the most common disorder, followed by obstructive sleep apnea and snoring.

Sleep deprivation can lead to heart problems, obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, depression, and chronic kidney disease.

Everyone’s sleeping needs are different, but to function properly during the day, you need at least 5-6 hours of sleep. This is when the body goes through deep regeneration and rest, and the brain processes the information it absorbed the previous day.

Check out these seven useful tips on how to get more deep sleep and wake up well-rested and feeling great the next morning.

1. Remove All Electronics From the Bedroom

Want to know how to get deep sleep without interruptions? Don’t sleep in a room full of electronic devices. 

Not only are they distracting, but they also emit blue light which can hinder your ability to fall asleep. Not to mention screens put an enormous strain onto your eyes and make your brain stay active to process useless information.

2. Boost Your Melatonin Production

Melatonin is the hormone your body produces at night that’s responsible for making you sleepy. One of the reasons why you’re not getting enough deep sleep can be a melatonin deficiency.

This can wreak havoc on the body and lead to a host of physical and mental issues like depression, heart problems, and reduced focus and productivity.

The body typically starts producing the most melatonin around 9-10 pm. In normal conditions, this is when you’d start to get sleepy and drowsy. However, if your melatonin levels are low or disrupted, consider taking supplements to help balance them out. You should also try sleeping in a completely dark room and remove all sources of light before bed. 

3. Avoid Caffeine Before Bed

If you go to bed at a decent time but have trouble actually falling asleep, coffee may be the culprit. Look into the amount of caffeine you consume during the day and see what time you have your last coffee of the day.

Caffeine is a strong substance and the body needs several hours to completely flush it out of the system. For example, if you had your last coffee at 4-5 pm, your body may still have caffeine in it at 10-11 pm. Some people metabolize caffeine faster, and others slower.

To see if coffee affects your sleep, do an experiment and reduce your consumption or eliminate it altogether. You can have decaf coffee during the day to help you transition, but some teas and energy drinks also have caffeine, so be careful.

4. Create a Bedtime Routine

You can actually learn how to fall asleep easier and it’s not by counting sheep. Notice your habits a couple of hours before bedtime. Are you on your phone scrolling through social media? Do you drink coffee at night or leave your daily exercises for the evening?

These activities can overstimulate your body and brain, making it difficult to fall asleep. This is why you need to create a bedtime routine which should begin depending on how much deep sleep should you get to wake up rested.

The routine should include relaxation activities and winding down rituals, and you should go to bed at the same time every night, weekends included. 

5. Get a New Mattress

One of the most common reasons why you can’t get quality sleep is an old, low-quality pillow and mattress. 

A pillow that’s too soft and doesn’t provide sufficient support for the head and neck can lead to breathing problems and disrupted sleep. A mattress that doesn’t support the back and consists of low-density materials can lead to back problems and sleepless nights.

The best mattresses are made of high-density memory foam that’s breathable, adapts to your body weight and shape, and is firm enough to survive your tossing and turning. High-quality mattress brands like Layla Sleep don’t come cheap, but you get what you pay for.

6. Synchronize Your Sleep Cycle

Sleep occurs in several cycles, but not all of them are deep sleep. One cycle is around 90-120 minutes long and there are 4-5 in one complete sleep cycle.

You get the best quality sleep in the hours between 11 pm and 2 am, which means if you’re not in bed by 11, you’re automatically disrupting your sleep cycle. Also, 8 hours of sleep from 11 pm to 7 am are not the same quality as sleeping from 1 am to 9 am.

Want to know exactly how much deep sleep do you need per night? Use a sleep cycle calculator or alarm clock that does this for you. You shouldn’t wake up in the middle of a cycle, i.e. interrupt it, as this leads to grogginess and fatigue. Go for complete sleep cycles because this way, no matter how many hours you sleep, you’ll wake up well rested.

7. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress is the no. 1 enemy of your mental and physical health, and consequently, your sleep. If you have a stressful, fast-paced job or you’re going through a personal rough patch and not getting enough rest, your sleep will suffer.

The brain produces stress hormones that make the nervous system overly-alert, even at night. When stress reaches a peak point, you start getting less and less sleep and may even struggle with insomnia.

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to meditate for 10-15 minutes before bed. You can also do some light yoga, listen to soothing music, have a cup of Valerian tea or do your bedtime routine.

Use These Tips To Learn How to Get More Deep Sleep

Quality sleep is essential to our wellbeing. Sleep deprivation can lead to brain fog, reduced productivity, irritability, and depression.

If you’re suffering from insomnia or wondering how to get more deep sleep, these tips will help you get your sleeping pattern in order.

Want more wellness tips and productivity hacks? Check out our self-improvement and motivation blog where we share the best advice on becoming the best version of yourself.


9 Day Trading Tips That Every Freelancer Should Know

9 Day Trading Tips That Every Freelancer Should Know

9 Day Trading Tips That Every Freelancer Should Know

Ready to get started with day trading?

Want to make sure you’re profitable doing it?

Day trading can be a unique option for making money. It can be a very good way to play the stock market or even get into the forex market.

While the day trading style isn’t right everyone, for many people it is a perfect choice. Successful day trading can help you boost your income and can be a fun way to get more money coming in.

However, if you’re new to day trading you might not know where to start. Below we’ll give you our top day trading tips so you can be more confident with your trades.

1. Pick Your Platform

The first thing you need to do when getting started with day trading is to choose your trading platform.

There are many platforms you can use when trading but if you’re specifically looking to become a day trader you’ll want to look for a platform that makes that easier for you. Some platforms will come with features that are particularly suited for day traders.

Give a few platforms a try if necessary to make sure you can find one that is easy to use and that you’re comfortable with.

2. Choose the Right Broker

When it comes to choosing a broker, be sure to keep commission costs in mind. High commissions can cut into your profits in a big way and make it harder for you to succeed in trading.

A low fee broker is ideal, but make sure that they still offer the services you need if they’re priced low. Brokers can vary greatly in what they offer. However, chances are if you do some digging you’ll be able to find a broker who is reliable but doesn’t charge outrageous fees either.

3. Practice Patience

Few things require as much discipline and patience as becoming a day trader.

When you start trading you need to choose a strategy that you’ll be using for your trades. However, many beginners make the mistake of choosing a strategy but getting cold feet and abandoning it far too soon. Don’t dump your strategy before you’ve had a chance to tweak it and give it a proper chance.

Also, keep in mind that the best day traders don’t trade every day. They wait until they see opportunities that meet their criteria even if that means not trading at all some days.

4. Put the Hammer Down

Unfortunately, some aspiring day traders end up being too afraid to start. Don’t make this mistake but instead be prepared to pull the trigger and get into the game once you’re ready.

Let the fear of failure pass. Simply start executing trades when the time comes and don’t second-guess yourself too much.

While you may lose money on a trade from time to time, especially when getting started, it’s important that you don’t stay in the planning or learning stage forever.

5. Manage Your Risk

When you’re a day trader, you need to have a plan for managing your risk. Look for ways to control your risk for each day and set a daily loss limit to inform you when it’s time to stop trading for the day. Setting your loss limit at around 3% of your capital is a great rule of thumb to go with.

With each individual trade, you should also work on reducing risk. You may want to pick a number such as 1% of your capital which you’re willing to risk for any trade you make.

While your own personal risk rules may vary, it’s important to have your limits and to stick to them.

6. Set Profit Targets

It’s also important to set profit targets for yourself that you can fall back on when you’re letting emotion cloud your judgment. Setting rules and parameters for yourself can help keep you balanced and logical and prevent your emotions from getting the best of you.

A profit target is a set amount of acceptable profit for trading. Sometimes if you get greedy and wait for too much profit the trade can turn against you. A profit target can prevent this.

Similar to using loss limits, profit targets are also essential to make sure you’re always making the wisest decisions on your trades.

7. Have a Consistent Routine

When you’re a day trader it’s a good idea to have a consistent routine that you follow when it comes time to trade and do your work for the day. As part of this, you’ll probably want to do your trading at the same times every day.

Certain times of the dar are ideal for day trading such as the first couple of hours after the market opens and the last two before they close.

As mentioned above, you should have consistent rules for yourself. However, you should also have a consistent work routine as well.

8. Practice First

While you may be eager to jump headfirst into day trading you may want to hold off a bit and first do some practice day trading. Try some demo trading software to practice your skills before you start using and potentially losing real money.

You can do this type of practice at any time so it’s a good idea to try this some first before you make the switch to doing it with the big bucks. Demos are very flexible and can teach you a lot about trading before you start the real thing.

In addition to focused practice, you should also be educating yourself as much as possible before getting started. You’ll, of course, want to learn about the fundamentals of day trading. You may also want to discover more about advanced strategies such as short selling as well.

9. Learn From Your Experiences

When you’re a day trader it’s also important to pay attention and learn from all of your experiences. While you should set a strategy when starting out but you should also be tweaking it along the way and perfecting it.

Be sure to take time to reflect on not only your wins but your losses as well. If you do, you’ll likely find that you’re learning at a quick pace. You’ll end up avoiding your past mistakes and will gain a lot as a result of your insights.

Making the Most of These Day Trading Tips

While day trading isn’t for everyone, it can potentially be an excellent source of income if done right. Make sure you give yourself the best chance at being a successful day trader by using the day trading tips listed above.

Looking for more financial tips? Check out more blog posts now for more helpful insights.


Selling Sparkling Smiles: 8 Social Media Marketing Tips for Dentists

Selling Sparkling Smiles: 8 Social Media Marketing Tips for Dentists

Selling Sparkling Smiles: 8 Social Media Marketing Tips for Dentists

So you’ve finally caved; you’ve given in and decided to wrangle the endless benefits of social media marketing to boost your dental practice! That’s great news.

Many assume that social media marketing is only helpful for retailers or affluent individuals–but the truth is, as far as dentist marketing ideas, social media marketing is pretty high on the list for high-impact marketing strategies!

If you’re looking to grow your dental practice through social media marketing, you’re already on the right track. Here are our 8 top tips on how you can make a splash in social media marketing for your dental practice!

1. Let Your Employees Lead the Charge

Your employees provide the personality and the human connection for your company. Allowing your social media presence to be one that primarily features your employees can be a special touch that makes connecting personally with your content to be a natural reaction from patients.

Highlighting your hygienists and other employees through employee feature posts and employee-led live-streams allows your followers to get to know the people with whom they’re interacting in your office. It allows them to put a personal face to your practice, and it helps them feel like a bigger part of your practice overall.

At the very least, listen to your employees’ opinions–and feature them on a personal level whenever possible!

2. Post New Stuff Regularly

The key to success in any social media marketing campaign–whether you’re marketing dental implants or automobile leases–is establishing a regular, well-planned content calendar. No matter what you do, you’ve absolutely got to post new content regularly.

One rule of thumb is that posting content daily (or close to daily) is one of the most optimum ways to keep your practice in the front of patients’ minds. But perhaps a better tip is that you should aim to post new content as often as you have quality, worthwhile content to post!

Planning ahead can be a huge factor in the success of your dental practice’s social media marketing. Decide what you’ll post and when–and determine gaps in your content plan, places where your posts might saturate your patients’ feeds.

3. Drop the Clinical Tone

Your goal in social media marketing should never be to talk down to clients or make them feel uncomfortable with the professional nature of your posts. Any time you post content to social media, you should make an effort to drop the clinical tone from your practice’s informational brochures and connect with your followers the way other social media content does.

Instead of posting only very clinical images and professional, informational content, take the time to put out a balanced set of posts that shows your practice’s fun, personal side as well.

The occasional meme or dental-pun can go a long way toward establishing a relaxed back-and-forth with clients. Do your best to speak your followers’ language–and remember, this is social media; not a presentation to the American Dental Association!

4. Keep Your Content Varied

In the world of social media, there may be nothing worse than the people who post the same sort of content day after day–come on, we get it already! The same is true for the content your dental practice puts out; it’s beyond important to keep content fresh, new, and varied.

If you post a patient Q&A today, plan ahead to post a giveaway or an informational video tomorrow. If it’s been a while since you posted a funny reminder to schedule a dental cleaning, it might be time!

With such high levels of competition on social media for followers’ attention, it’s extremely important not to get lazy or passive with the variety of content you post. You should keep followers on their toes. They should look forward to seeing what new content their dentist has posted this week!

5. Engage With Your Followers

Because of the ways in which social media algorithms are set up, the posts that receive interaction from followers are far more likely to appear on the timelines of additional followers. For this reason, it’s super necessary for your practice to go the extra mile toward interacting with its patients on your page’s posts!

If patients respond to your content, reply to their comments! If you’re hoping to encourage interaction, end each of your posts with a question or prompt for your followers so they’ll feel inclined to comment.

Fostering a conversation and encouraging engagement with your content is one of the most effective ways you can work toward growing your social media presence and the resulting leads generated.

6. Interact With Local Businesses

It may not be very high on every social media user’s list to follow their dental practice on social media, but many users are extremely dedicated to supporting local businesses. Because of this, your practice may want to consider a partnership with a well-loved local business or two in order to mutually boost your followings and engagement.

You may interact with local businesses in a more passive way–with the occasional shoutout from an employee or a supportive post. But you can also partner directly with other small businesses to sponsor giveaways or promotions!

When your followers and the followers of other small businesses see your mutual support for one another, they may come to support your work and social media pages by association with their other favorite brands. Everybody wins!

7. Ask Patients What They’d Like to See

Another awesome and pretty sure-fire way to ensure your dental practice’s social media posts are pleasing and exciting for your patients is to…uh…ask them what sorts of content would be pleasing and exciting for them to see…

Really, it’s that simple!

Consider sending your patients off from their cleanings with a QR code or a flyer with your social media account information on it–send them directly to your page, then give them a place to tell you what they want to see!

If your patients feel as though they have a hand in your social media content, they’ll be that much more invested, and your content will be that much better-suited to your audience!

8. Use the Platform to Inform

A great advantage of using social media as a dental practice is that your objective in social media marketing is always clear; you want to promote and inform!

Your social media content should never reach a point where every post is some variation of, “Hey, uh…schedule your dental cleaning!” Regard your social media posts as a platform to inform your patients! That’s right; the moment they sit down in your practice’s examination room is no longer your only platform to remind patients of the necessity of flossing.

Your content should contribute positively to your patients’ knowledge and day-to-day lives. AKA: it should teach, inform, and make a positive impact!

Want More Dentist Marketing Ideas?

As a dentist or dental practice, the marketing possibilities are as endless as the benefits of daily flossing!

With creative dentist marketing ideas, you can establish your dental services as a part of your patients’ daily life–not just an annoying check-up reminder in the mail every six months.

For more on how to properly market yourself as a dentist and other awesome digital marketing content, check out our page!


5 Effective Tips to Help You Overcome Fear on a Motorcycle

5 Effective Tips to Help You Overcome Fear on a

5 Effective Tips to Help You Overcome Fear on a Motorcycle

Fear seems like a useless emotion that keeps us from achieving our dreams. In reality, fear is critical to survival.

Without fear, we would be walking into a serial killers house unarmed. We would be playing with bear cubs out in the woods.

Both activities should elicit some fear.

When it comes to riding a motorcycle, dealing with fear is essential. Too much or too little could be fatal.

Were you recently in an accident or just getting started?

For whatever reason, you have a fear of getting back on your bike. Check out these tips for overcoming fear when driving a motorcycle.

1. Proper Riding Technique

If you have proper training and practice, you will be able to fall back on your muscle memory when fear kicks in.

If you find yourself in a stressful situation, your body will quickly act to protect itself.

Take the time to take a class. Identify any areas you could use improvement, and work on them.

You will be a better rider if you practice, and you will stay safer.

Start out small. Practice several times a week for 5-10 minutes at a time. Don’t push yourself because you feel like you need to.

2. Identify the Source of the Fear

All fears stem from somewhere. They can be either rational or irrational.

Riding a motorcycle will come with its share of risks. It is normal to have some fear when you ride a motorcycle. If you didn’t you might act too confidently and ride recklessly.

Rational fears will lead you to take necessary precautions, such as wearing a helmet.

You may need to see a licensed professional to help identify an irrational fear. It could be as simple as a distant memory in which you couldn’t start a motorcycle as a kid. Maybe you saw a motorcycle accident on the news.

Some fears may require professional attention. This could be if you have PTSD from a past accident.

3. Balance Fear and Confidence

Fear is essential. Without it, you would quickly walk into the grave.

However, you cannot let fear rule your life. You would never be able to get anything done.

It is important to be able to strike a balance between fear and confidence. Remember that you will always have room to learn more.

Be suspicious when things start to go too perfectly. Everybody is prone to mistakes every once in a while.

Driving a Motorcycle: Get Back in the Saddle

Driving a motorcycle can be a freeing and exciting experience. If you find yourself fearing the ride, you may need to overcome some fears.

These fears can be either rational or irrational. In either case, you will have to put in some work to get over those fears.

With time, you will figure out how to overcome your fears. Start slow and work your way back up to those long and exciting rides.

If you wish to find out more about anything, our blog covers everything from marketing to religion and back.


5 Tips for People Who Want to Build Marketing Careers

5 Tips for People Who Want to Build Marketing Careers

Making It in Marketing: 5 Tips for People Who Want to Build Marketing Careers

If you’re considering a career that is highly in demand and always changing, you can’t go wrong with marketing.

There are several marketing careers out there for the taking, including those that you create on your own. As long as you build the skillset and put yourself out there, this is a career that will allow you to thrive.

However, you need a few tips that will get you started on this journey. Consider these tips so you can wrap your mind around this career.

Figure Out Which Marketing Careers Speak to Your Most

Are you more of a mad scientist that wants to “hack” search engine algorithms, or a people person that always wants to be on the scene? Perhaps you have a specific interest, such as sports marketing.

It’s important that you consider these factors when deciding on marketing careers. When you have a clear idea of what you enjoy and why you want to be a marketer, it’ll inform every step you take.

Learn the Nuts and Bolts Tools That Matter

Regardless of what type of marketer you want to become, you need to have the skills for the job.

Three marketing tools that will never go out of style are writing, graphics and web design. If you can put these three together, you’ll always have a job in the field.

Make sure you learn about the latest forms of search engine optimization and roll up your sleeves as you try your hand at a blog. The better your toolset, the better the marketer you’ll be.

Gain Some Valuable Experience

Never stop learning.

You’ll go much further when you either work for a marketing firm or string together some relevant jobs. By learning the ropes and getting this experience under your belt, you’ll have a solid foundation.

When you get experience, you can also show people your prior work, which will help attract future business. Working at a creative agency in Sydney will give you the foundation that you are looking for.

Network and Build Your Portfolio

Networking is essential in marketing. You need to take time to visit conferences that show you the ropes of the latest trends.

Not only does this keep you relevant, but it also gives you the opportunity to network with other marketers. This allows you to form partnerships that will create future business opportunities, and also establish your credibility.

Stay on Top of Evolutions in the Industry

Marketing careers change just like every other industry.

While today, things like blogs, podcasts, SEO and SEM are crucial, these tools and trends will continue evolving. You need to learn the ropes of these industries and make sure you’re never getting left behind.

The more you can do, the more in demand you’ll be as a marketer.

Take Your Career Into Your Own Hands

To make the most of marketing careers, you need to take ownership over it. By following these tips, you’ll be able to build your career from the ground up.

To learn more about following your dreams and building your dream career, visit our site and check out our content.