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Top 5 Ways to Promote Your Seasonal Editorial Calendar

Top 5 Ways to Promote Your Seasonal Editorial Calendar

Top 5 Ways to Promote Your Seasonal Editorial Calendar

Did you know that there are more than 500 fun and fabulous holidays to pep up your editorial calendar? 

How about Groundhog Day, National Gymnastics Day, or Kataklysmos (Flood) Festival? Every month has unique events and days that speak to your target audience. Use the seasons to give your content marketing authenticity and sincerity.

Seasonal content isn’t a direct conversion/sales tactic. But it can help you reach new audiences, acknowledge the interests of your customers and personalize your brand. However, it won’t help you do these things if no one reads it.

Promoting your seasonal content takes some pre- and post- work for maximum effectiveness. Read on to learn more.

1. Anchor Your Editorial Calendar With the Big Holidays

Writing themed editorial content is just part of the overall picture. For example, look at Thanksgiving. For a food business, there may be lots of opportunity for editorial talking about the family gathered around the table.

Other collateral materials might include Instagram or YouTube recipes and cooking tips. Mix in advertisements and earned placements for strong branding. Start substantial holiday-focused content on a strict schedule and people start to anticipate your content.

2. Calendar Well in Advance

Build anticipation for your content with each communication. Nothing heavy-handed is necessary. Something as simple as a “check out the photos of all the company babies born this year in our business Christmas cards” is enough to build interest.

If you plan out your whole year’s content, these intros and outros work smoothly to lead customers from piece to piece. There are several apps to make automatic digital content posts for you.

3. Bank Your Content

With a detailed calendar, it’s easy to create your year’s content promptly. You can write your content, plan your images and schedule it all to post when it will have the greatest engagement.

Try Hootsuite or Tweriod to take on some of your scheduling burdens.

4. #Hashtag the Trends

You want people to find your content? You need to help them find you. Use the #hashtag liberally. Call attention to people with @ callouts.

Use your analytical data to create content your people want to see and share. Also uses the data to fill in the right events and activities your customers and potential customers want to see.

5. Hook New Customers With New Content

You have a seasonal content plan that speaks to your customers. Now, add interesting content to attract new customers. Choose national days and holidays with meaning to your potential customers.

National Pickle Day, Little League Week and other spring to mind. Look for events that attract a new prospective customer’s attention.  Use the higher volume of traffic to launch a sales promotion.  

Compelling Content for Brand Awareness

Fill your editorial calendar with topics that have a natural connection to your brand. Use your analytical data to target the right seasonal content, collateral, and strategy.  Don’t be afraid to offer the increased traffic a sales promotion.

Seasonal content on its own isn’t a sales technique. But in combination with other avenues, you could see a healthy increase. 


5 Ways to Do a Whole Body Detox Naturally

5 Ways to Do a Whole Body Detox Naturally

5 Ways to Do a Whole Body Detox Naturally

Planning to do a whole body detox? There are so many benefits you’ll get to enjoy when you do.

A detox can help you lose weight and give you more energy. It can also boost your immune system and clear up your skin

It can even make you appreciate food more and get you to rethink what you’re putting into your body every day.

Here are five ways to do a whole body detox naturally.

1. Begin by Drinking More Water

When you’re in the process of doing a whole body detox, you won’t be eating as much food as you usually do. This can cause you to have intense food cravings.

Cut your cravings by drinking more water. Water will make you feel full. It’ll also work wonders for your body when you get adequate amounts.

About 80% of Americans admit they aren’t drinking enough water on a daily basis. Drink it during your detox and continue drinking it when your detox is done to stay hydrated.

2. Cut Sugar and Salt From Your Diet

Most people consume too much sugar and salt as part of their diets. They throw back sugary drinks like fruit juice and soda and chow down on processed foods that are high in sodium.

Too much sugar can cause:

  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes

Too much salt, meanwhile, can cause:

  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Stroke

Eliminate as much sugar and salt from your diet as you can during your whole body detox. It won’t be easy to kick a sugar or salt habit, but it’ll make you a healthier person in the end.

3. Work Natural Supplements Into the Mix

There are millions of dollars worth of detox supplements sold in the U.S. every year. They’re designed to help people remove toxins from their bodies during a detox.

Think about how natural supplements might be able to help you complete your detox and make the most of it. These parasite cleansing supplements, for example, can be helpful for those who suspect they might be plagued by parasites.

4. Get Plenty of Sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of sleep during a whole body detox! Sleep can rejuvenate both your body and mind and promote healing.

More than 30% of people don’t get enough sleep day in and day out. You’re never going to feel your best if sleep isn’t a big part of your life.

5. Use Natural Body Care Products

Many people focus on what they’re putting into their bodies during detoxes. But it’s every bit as important to consider what you’re putting on your body during a detox, too.

Many soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and other body care products contain harmful chemicals. If you keep using them while you detox, these chemicals can have a negative effect on your health.

Stop using them and opt to use natural body care products instead.

See How Good You Feel After a Whole Body Detox

At the conclusion of a whole body detox, you’ll be blown away by how amazing you look and feel. You’ll want to start leading a healthier lifestyle from then on.

But first, you need to work your way through your detox. By using some of the tips listed here, you can make this a reality. You can also get the best results when you take a natural approach to detox.

Check out our health section to learn more about taking better care of yourself.


9 Effective Ways to Promote Your Law Firm Online and Get More Clients

9 Effective Ways to Promote Your Law Firm Online and

9 Effective Ways to Promote Your Law Firm Online and Get More Clients

According to the American Bar Association, there’s a total of 1,352,027 active attorneys in the U.S. This increase is making it more and more difficult for law firms to stand out from the crowd.

Difficult, but certainly not impossible.

Here are nine effective ways you can promote your law firm online. With these tactics, you can boost your online reach, attract new clients, and build your firm despite the rise in competition.

1. Get a Mobile-Friendly Website

When potential clients are searching for law firms online, their first interaction with your company is your website.

Make sure your site is optimized for mobile as well as desktop visitors. A mobile-friendly website allows you to attract potential clients regardless of where they are. If it’s an emergency and the client checks you out from your phone, your website needs to work on their smaller screens.

Your website also ties into your other digital campaigns. If you’re trying to attract clients to your website, it needs to communicate who you are and what you do.

To promote your law firm online, make sure your website appears legit and professional.

Websites that are optimized for user experience make your information easy to find.

Remember, your website can make a strong first impression. Make sure it communicates your firm as a professional, reliable resource. This will help you stand out from all the rest.

2. Reveal Your Value

It’s not enough to just have an online presence. Many law firm websites are too vague, making it difficult for you to stand out from all the rest.

Put your firm’s value at the forefront of your marketing materials. As you work to promote your law firm online, focus on clarifying the benefits of your services.

How are you better than your competitors?

How do you help your clients and make their lives easier?

When communicating your value, get specific. Highlight your specific areas of expertise. If someone has a specific issue, they’ll want a lawyer who can help with that specific issue.

This is a good time to check out the competition. What value do they offer?

Many law firms choose generalizations such as “we care” or “we’re here to help.” 

Remember, vague values won’t help you stand out. Instead, make a specific statement about your specialty. Show clients how you can solve their legal problems to distinguish yourself from all the rest.

3. Step Up Your SEO

How are clients going to find your website if you’re one of a million firms online?

You can boost your website by using search engine optimization (SEO). A high website ranking will ensure you appear at the top of a Google search for lawyers in your area.

A higher ranking will also tell clients you’re a leader in your local industry. That increased credibility will help you stand out from the competition. The higher the ranking, the more likely you can increase website traffic, too. 

There are multiple ways you can increase your SEO website ranking.

For starters, optimize your existing content. Use keyword research to determine what people search for when they look for a local law firm. Then, use those keywords in your website content.

SEO relies on unique, regularly updated content. Try posting to your website’s blog on a regular schedule. Show clients you know what you’re talking about.

This can also improve your online credibility.

You also need external links from other credible websites to improve your ranking.

In addition to link building, you can also create custom landing pages to improve your SEO. These pages focus on a specific keyword while helping people recognize your firm’s value.

4. Push Higher with PPC 

You can also improve your online ranking by using pay-per-click ads.

In 2018, more than half of online traffic came from mobile devices. PPC ads can help you reach new clients when they’re searching for a law firm. That’s when they’re at home and on their phones, too.

These ads are exactly as they sound; you only pay when someone clicks on the ad. Like SEO, this strategy relies on keywords. However, PPC ads often display above the top SEO website results.

5. Raving Online Reputation

With online reviews, you can show interested clients your previous clients had a happy experience.

People check on online reviews before they decide to trust a company.

Ask your clients to post their reviews on your Google My Business listing. This will improve your online reputation and help you attract new customers.

6. Get Real with Videos

A landing page with a video can increase conversions by more than 80 percent.

People skim through blocks of text. Videos, on the other hand, encourage visitors to stop and watch. Use videos to convey your value and give your firm a personable, online presence. 

7. Share Insight & Experience

As you promote your law firm online, make sure you’re conveying your expertise. After all, people want to hire a lawyer who can help offer smart solutions. 

Share your insight and show clients you’re experienced. To do this, use your blog, social media posts, and other online platforms. As clients research law firms, this content will show visitors you know your stuff.

8. Stay Social

Social media gives you an opportunity to interact with potential clients.

Create a Facebook business page, Instagram account, and LinkedIn page. Having these accounts will increase your online presence. It also gives you an opportunity to show followers your insight and expertise. 

9. Improve Intake

Attracting people to your website is just the first step. Once there, you need an easy intake process to turn those visitors into leads.

Make it easy for clients to contact you. Prioritizing their user experience and convenience will encourage them to trust and work with you online.

You can also add:

  • Legal document generators
  • E-signature options for legal documents
  • Online payments
  • Online forms

These add-ons will make the process easier for you and your clients.

Promote Your Law Firm Online

With these nine methods, you can promote your law firm online and attract new clients.

Click over to our most recent posts for more effective tips and tricks.


AirBnB Advertising: 6 Ways to Promote Your Listing

AirBnB Advertising: 6 Ways to Promote Your Listing

AirBnB Advertising: 6 Ways to Promote Your Listing

We’re in a time where you can earn a nice chunk of change when you adapt to new business models. 

For instance, you might earn a lot more money renting out an Airbnb than taking in traditional monthly tenants. However, you can’t expect your Airbnb to just sell itself. 

The name of the game when it comes to becoming a super Airbnb host is to get a handle on marketing and advertising. There are some quality Airbnb advertising strategies that you’ll want to put into place to make sure that your Airbnb gets hits, and that those hits turn into stays. 

Follow these tips so that you can promote your Airbnb listings on your terms. 

1. Start a Blog That Lets You Advertise Your Airbnb Listings

Blogging is still one of the absolute best strategies that you can put into place to get some attention on anything you’re promoting. While gaining traction with a blog is generally slow and steady, the results are huge and long-lasting when you build it correctly. 

The best part is that your blog doesn’t have to strictly deal with Airbnb. Instead, you can write a blog related to travel, entrepreneurship or anything related. 

Once you publish to your blog consistently and build the Domain Authority (DA), get several backlinks and grow your rank, you’ll be able to add links to your Airbnb listing that get you lots of traffic. 

Think of a blog as real estate that becomes more valuable the more you invest your time and effort into it. When you publish quality content to it diligently, it can become a marketing powerhouse for your Airbnb needs.

2. Get a Camera and Start Shooting Videos

You’ll want to give people a clear idea of what they can get from your Airbnb. To accomplish this, you should shoot some video and give people a realistic walkthrough. 

This way, your listing will immediately pass the eye test, and people will be less hesitant and will book more quickly. Make sure that you use a quality camera that shows in at least 1080p, and preferably 4K resolution video. 

3. Tell Stories on Social Media Platforms

Story is the best way to market absolutely anything. 

Thankfully, we live in a time where we have free platforms that let us tell all the stories that we want in a number of different ways. Figure out the social media platforms that you’re best at, and play around with the best ways to tell your story. 

For instance, if your Airbnb listing is your first foray into real estate investing, don’t be afraid to tell this story on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. By regularly updating people with your progress and including lots of multimedia, people will buy into your story and want to be a part of it.  

This will make people want to share your content, which goes a long way toward having your followers do the hard work for you. 

4. Make the Most of Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

Without question, you’ll need to master some search engine optimization (SEO) strategies in order to publicize your Airbnb listing properly. 

Good SEO keeps you up to date and lets you direct your narrative. For instance, if travel news right now consists of stories related to hotel thefts, bed bugs in resorts and other matters, you can create content that lets people know why Airbnb listings instead are the way to go. 

This means that you’ll need to master the use of keywords, figure out the ranking and other strategies that will get you on the first page of Google search engine results page (SERP).

The thing about SEO is that it is constantly evolving, so you’ll always need to learn the new tricks of the trade that will be useful to you. That way you’ll be able to get the most out of your SEO strategy every step of the way. 

5. Cross-Promote With Travel or Lifestyle Brand

There are currently lots of influencers earning six-figures traveling the world and doing what they love. 

When you can link up to some of these influencers, you’ll be able to open yourself up to new audiences. If you find travel, food, lifestyle or other bloggers or vloggers whose content that you enjoy, start commenting on their posts and build a rapport.

You can also begin mentioning them on your own content and sending some traffic their way. As you build a relationship, you can get them to help you promote your Airbnb listing. This way, they will open you up to plenty of different viewers that you otherwise wouldn’t get access to.  

6. Get a Unique URL

It’s always easier for you to publicize your listing when you have a dedicated URL. 

This way, it’s a simpler URL to share that people will remember, but will still take them to the longer, more complex Airbnb URL. You can then use this URL on flyers and business cards, which you can share to your heart’s content. 

You should also become a fixture on travel-related message boards and can share these URLs so that people make you their go-to resource whenever they’re traveling to wherever your Airbnb listing is located. 

Get Your Airbnb Advertising Down Pat

Your listing depends on some sound Airbnb advertising, so don’t half-step. These are the tips that will get you started. 

Check out the rest of our articles to learn more about travel, business and everything imaginable. 


In the Business of Selling Tours? Unique Ways to Promote Your Tour Company

In the Business of Selling Tours? Unique Ways to Promote

In the Business of Selling Tours? Unique Ways to Promote Your Tour Company

International tourism is a widely popular industry, and the US is right in the thick of things. In fact, tourism spending in America has risen to $210.7 billion in recent years, making it one of the most lucrative sectors of the US economy.

When people visit awe-inspiring US venues, they’ll likely want to go on a tour. Group tours are the best way to see everything at a tour site, including areas with restricted access. Plus, they give people a lot of information about the place they’re visiting to make sure that the experience is both educational and memorable.

Whether you’re looking for international tourism business ideas or local ones, whether you’re looking for customers to tour a national park or an office building, you’re going to need some good marketing.

Here, we’re going to give you some awesome ideas to get your tour business off the ground!

Think About Your Type of Tour

There are a lot of different types of tours that you can offer, all catering to different audiences. If you’re trying to entice international tourists to come to check out a famous monument or natural wonder, you’re going to want to market in both more languages and on a broader platform.

On the other hand, if you want to market something for a niche audience, you’re only going to need to get the word out to others in your niche. Want to offer tours of a work plant? Websites like are great models to look into if you want to have great marketing.

Basically, as with most businesses, the first step to marketing is identifying your target audience and making strides to connect with these specific individuals.

Partner With Other Businesses

One way you can market to a lot of people is by partnering with other businesses. This can mean that you will be doing business with another company that offers things you can use on tour.

For example, if you want to hire a business to cater lunch while on your tour, you can ask them in exchange to advertise for your tour to customers in their restaurant.

Partnering with other businesses could also mean offering mutual discounts. This would mean that people would be given specific coupons when on your tour to go and use the services of another business in the area that you have partnered with. Likewise, the business would be giving out coupons and flyers advertising discounts for your tours.

Basically, partnering with another business means that you’ll be establishing a mutually beneficial professional relationship with a company that operates within a different niche than you do!

Include Images on Websites

Did you know that 64% of people are visual learners? Well, it’s true!

This means that when you’re marketing in flyers or online, you’re going to want to use images and graphics to promote your business. Think about including some shots of the most interesting parts of your tour. Photos of people having a good time while in your venue are also great.

If you’re marketing online, also try including videos and snippets of a virtual tour. These media are sure to leave potential clients wanting more by making them curious… thus causing them to book a tour of your site.

Use E-Marketing Strategies

Since online marketing is so important in today’s day and age, let’s elaborate a little more on what e-marketing entails.

The first thing you need to do is design a website all of your own. This will make your business look professional and knowledgeable. It’s also a great place to include a section where people can book tours and contact you. Don’t forget to also include a review section where satisfied customers can recommend you!

To get this website to target the right people in your niche, search engine optimization (SEO) services are a must-have. These will get your website in front of the eyes of your target audience since it uses key words that people have searched to show them relevant information.

Since most people also are on social media like Twitter and Facebook, setting up pages on those platforms is also a great idea. People can follow and share your pages to get them on the screens of other interested parties.

Give Out Discount Codes

Another great marketing technique is giving out discount codes!

When people have had a great time and finished your tour, hand out discount codes at the end. These discount codes will give deals to the person that they give them to if they book your services, too. Since the people giving them out will have had a positive experience, you’re bound to get more customers who are in for a discounted, well-priced good time.

You can also give people discounts on future tours for giving out the coupon code! Just make sure that you offer a way to know who referred to new customers, and you’ll end up with a lot of satisfied people looking for tours at low prices.

Get More Tourism Business Ideas

It can be difficult to make it in the tourism industry. If you use good marketing strategies, include enticing pictures on your web page, and cater to the specific customers in your niche, though, you should do just fine.

Now that you know the best tourism business ideas, visit the content strategy section of ArticleCity. We’ll help you come up with more unique and effective ways to promote and grow your business.

Have fun getting out there and showing people around!



Hackers Beware! 15 Easy Ways to Prevent Hacking

Hackers Beware! 15 Easy Ways to Prevent Hacking

Hackers Beware! 15 Easy Ways to Prevent Hacking

Last year, President Trump pleaded with the Justice Department to investigate a hack. According to the president, China likely hacked into Hillary Clinton’s emails. Many of the emails, he alleged, had classified information.

The FBI never found any evidence to support the claims, but it begs the question: can we prevent hacking?

If high-profile individuals like Clinton can get hacked, then how can we protect our data?

Keep reading to learn the 15 most vital tips to protect yourself from cybercriminals.

1. Use Two-Step Verification for Email

The number one thing you need to do to protect yourself online is secure your email address. Hackers who have access to your email can change other accounts.

If possible, you need to set up two-step verification for your email.

You’ll have to use your password and another verification method before getting access. This is an effective step that will prevent hacks.

2. Create a Unique Password

Another step in stopping hackers is making a good password. The majority of internet users make very bad passwords. In 2014, for example, the top five most popular passwords were:

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345
  4. 12345678
  5. qwerty

Cybercriminals who crack passwords upload the information to databases online. That means anytime you use passwords on the database, it’s already exposed to hackers.

3. Update Your Computer or Device

Another tip on how to prevent hackers is to keep up-to-date with software updates. These important updates often have patches that fix vulnerabilities.

Failing to update may leave you open to an attack. It’s best to set your phone or computer to auto-download updates as they become available.

4. Password Protect Your Internet Connection

Too many internet users fail to password protect their own internet connection.

Without a password, all the data that you send and receive is completely exposed. That means anyone in range of your router can get this data.

Criminals can also use an open network to spread infections or steal your bandwidth. At worst, they could use your connection to conduct illegal DDoS attacks.

5. Reconsider Connecting to Open WiFi Networks

Understand you face the same risks of exposure when you connect to an open public WiFi network.

Here are some tips on how to protect yourself from hackers on a public network:

  • Always turn off the ‘auto-connect to WiFi networks’ setting
  • Only enter in login information when the site has “https” rather than “http.” The “s” indicates a secure connection to the website.
  • Avoid logging into accounts through apps. Instead, use the internet browser
  • Always log out of your accounts after using them on a public network

As a general rule, only connect to a public network when you have no other choice.

6. Prevent Hacking With Faraday EMP Bags

When pondering how to stop hackers, few consider the possibility of a major grid attack.

Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) have the ability to destroy electrical devices. EMPs may occur as a result of a deployed weapon or natural phenomenon.

There’s very little you can do to protect your electronics from an EMP blast. It’s recommended you look for an EMP tech bag like the one found at

These bags can stop your devices from getting destroyed by an EMP. In a large scale attack, this bag could be life-saving.

7. Don’t Trust Email Links

A major tip on how to prevent hacking is to vet all links in emails.

Never click on a link from an email unless you trust the source. Even trusted sources sometimes send malicious emails on accident when they’ve gotten hacked.

It’s becoming more common for cybercriminals to mimic legitimate websites. They’ll ask you to log in on this duplicate website that actually steals your data.

When in doubt, type the known website’s address into your web browser rather than clicking a link.

8. Limit Your Social Media Friends List

I know. It seems silly to suggest you not talk to strangers on the internet in 2019. Still, consider how much personal data you leave exposed on social media every day.

Modern-day hackers use a technique called social engineering. They attempt to manipulate targets by befriending them. This often leads to them letting private information slip on accident.

Social engineering can also impact you when a hacker adds someone on your friend’s list. They can gain access to your private profile by being friends of a friend.

The best way to avoid being a target of social engineering is to deny friend requests from people you don’t know.

9. Consider a VPN Service

These tips suggest maintaining privacy on the internet is very difficult. It isn’t impossible, but it’s very close.

Even the most infamous hacking group, Anonymous, found this out the hard way. Hundreds have gotten arrested after learning their actions weren’t so anonymous after all.

If you want to maximize your privacy, consider using a VPN service. VPN is short for virtual private network. This type of service shields your computer’s IP address when you go online by using a middleman.

This middleman does all the communicating with different websites. It protects your location, computer address, data, and browsing history.

Usually, this service only costs around $5-10 per month. There are free options as well, but use your best judgment when choosing a service.

Keep in mind that VPN services are not infallible. Law enforcement agencies can still force them to give up your info, so don’t try to use one for illegal purposes.

10. Be Cautious About Your Own Blog

In February of 2018, over 5000 websites got hacked. When cybercriminals hack websites, they steal data like email addresses and passwords.

If you use the same password on your email account, you’re in danger! Always switch up your passwords when creating accounts on websites or blogs.

Your customer’s information may also get exposed during a hack.

It’s necessary to research cybersecurity for blogs if you have your own. These steps will protect you and your readers.

11. Watch for Malicious Apps

Understand not every app found on Google or Apple’s store is safe. Many apps are malicious.

Some apps are covert in their methods. Pay attention when an app asks permission for:

  • Access to your contacts
  • Recording conversations
  • Sending messages
  • Administrative permissions
  • Access to your location

Many apps use this information in valid ways. If the app doesn’t need the data to function, it may be collecting it for nefarious purposes.

12. Avoid Sneaky Social Media Surveys

If you’ve been on social media any length of time, then you’ve run across fun surveys. You answer lighthearted questions, share, and wait for your friends to answer too.

Most surveys are for entertainment, but some may be prying for specific information. Some survey answers could also be verification methods for your accounts. Be careful of posting:

  • Your birthday
  • The road you grew up on
  • Your mother’s maiden name
  • Your first pet
  • The first company you worked for
  • The city you got engaged
  • Where you were born
  • Where you attended college or high school
  • Your favorite food

These answers could allow hackers to gain access to your account. They could answer your security questions based on your survey answers.

They may even be able to change your password!

13. Consider a Password Manager

Password manager programs help you create unique, hard-to-crack passwords for each account. Usually, the manager lets you create a master password to access all your accounts.

This step makes it very difficult for a hacker to access your accounts by password cracking. If one of your accounts does get hacked, your manager will alert you right away.

The method isn’t perfect because a master password can also get hacked, but it’s much less likely.

14. Delete Data on Old Devices

Almost 44 percent of Americans will upgrade their phones as soon as possible. This means a lot of working tech gets resold on the market.

Whether you’re upgrading a computer or smartphone, never get rid of it without wiping it. Otherwise, the new owner may have access to all the data you left on the device.

The best advice is to restore your phone or computer back to factory settings.

15. Be Wary of Giving Information to Businesses

Companies try to avoid massive cyber attacks, but major breaches still occur.

If you aren’t required to give personal information to a company, then don’t. Never volunteer your phone number, address, or other information unless necessary.

It’s better to take your business elsewhere than to have your data exposed in a hack.

Don’t Fall Victim to Hackers

Over the past two decades, internet hacking has exploded. Hacking actions have forced the hands of politicians, businesses, and online users.

Yet, collectively, we continue to remain oblivious to the real dangers of the internet.

We must take steps as individuals to prevent hacking and protect our personal data. Otherwise, we are spiraling toward a privacy-free world.

Take heed of these 15 important tips, and try to incorporate them into your internet routine. Don’t be the next victim of a hack.

Are you a marketer interested in joining the ArticleCity team? Sign up today for a free account.


4 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (Even for Recent College Grads)

4 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (Even for Recent

4 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (Even for Recent College Grads)

Are you a recent college grad looking for freelance writing jobs? 

Searching the internet for freelance work can be incredibly intimidating, even if you’re a seasoned professional. There’s a lot of scams and junk out there, so sometimes you might not know what will add value to your portfolio and what’s a waste of time. 

Whether you’re a recent college grad or looking for a career change, being a beginner in this industry is frustrating. Keep reading to learn some helpful tips that will get your career up and running. 

How to Find The Best Freelance Writing Jobs 

Building a freelance career is scary, and you probably have more questions than answers. The best thing you can do is start slow and build up a strong portfolio.

If you’re still struggling, here are four tips that will help any beginner land great freelance writing jobs: 

1. Create an Account on a Freelance Marketplace 

Freelance marketplaces are essential for any beginning freelancer. These websites bring together freelancers and companies looking for work such as blog writers, journalists, graphic designers and more. You can create an account for free and start looking for work immediately. 

2. Search Online Job Boards 

Another way you can search for work online is to try a job board. These sites are a little different than freelance marketplaces because they’ll often include links to external jobs that you’ll have to apply to through the company and negotiate your terms (rather than applying through the site). 

They often will include companies looking for full-time help, rather than just an article here or there. But they’re still a great way to get introduced to companies that are looking for work. 

3. Pitch Yourself to a Company 

If there’s a particular company or outlet you’ve always admired, find contact information and pitch yourself. This might seem scary, but part of being a freelance writer is pitching topics. So prove to them you’ve got what it takes by pitching yourself first. 

This cold outreach might seem intimidating, but sometimes you have to take some risks to get your freelance career off the ground. 

4. Start A Relationship In School 

Why wait until you’re out of school to find work? Start building relationships in college that could translate to steady writing assignments down the road.

There are a lot of different ways you can find companies and news outlets that work with students. Attend a campus recruitment event or do your own research.

Some of the biggest outlets in the world like Fox News have campus correspondent programs. Use these programs as an opportunity to get connected in the freelance writing world.

Improve Your Writing and Marketing Skills 

The content marketing industry is always evolving, so you’ve got to stay up-to-date on the latest trends to keep yourself competitive for the best freelance writing jobs.

Check out the rest of our site for the latest industry trends and helpful tips and tricks that will take your writing to the next level. This article on some of the best writing apps is a great place to get you started. 


9 Ways Your Company Can Avoid a Massive Cyber Attack in 2019

9 Ways Your Company Can Avoid a Massive Cyber Attack

9 Ways Your Company Can Avoid a Massive Cyber Attack in 2019

Cybersecurity attacks cost businesses over $1.3 million in 2017. That number is only set to rise in 2019. Though this is horrifying it’s also preventable. 

If you don’t want to become another statistic and then you need to make cybersecurity a priority.

With so many cybersecurity options how do you stop the next massive cyber attack? 

First, stay calm and then check out these tips to help secure your data.

1. Monitor Mobile Device Usage

When you let your employees use a mobile phone for work purposes you introduce a whole new level of threats to your company. 

A vital option to protect sensitive data is using a centrally controlled system. This means that if your devices are stolen or lost your IT team the option to wipe it remotely. 

You should also be performing regular audits on mobile devices to asses any security risks and depending on the user. For example, if you have an employee that travels they may be connecting to public Wi-Fi putting your data at risk.

These audits usually consist of a questionnaire given to each employee about phone usage.  

2. Watch Over Employees with Access to Sensitive Data

The threat is coming from inside the house.

When people list of types of cyber attacks one area that gets overlooked are employees or company personnel. Though most people deeply trust their staff and employees often present the greatest threat to security. 

For example, phishing scams can cost your company millions. They use your employee’s email account to gain access to your system and seal information.

This may seem obvious to avoid but many hackers have become more complicated. Hackers use personal information taken from social media to make these fake emails more convincing. 

To prevent these kinds of attacks provide employees with safety training and regularly check to make sure that they’re following proper protocols.

3. Get Web Filtering Technology to Prevent Massive Cyber Attacks

The best way to prevent a massive cyber attack is to stop threats before they gain access to your system.

These programs monitor any URLs coming to and from your computer and prevent any unwanted access. They help stop any malware from gaining access to your computer. 

They are often referred to as content control software and usually restrict what kinds of sites the user gains access to. You can set up either a blacklist or a whitelist.

A blacklist restricts access to certain sites based on parameters set up by the program. While whitelist allows access to certain sites based on a list created by the systems administrator. 

More advanced filters have the option of blocking information that you send out over the internet. This prevents you from sending out sensitive information.

4. Update as Often as Possible

Threats to your cybersecurity are always evolving. And your cybersecurity business needs to keep up.

This makes it important to take advantage of new software updates. Make sure that your applications and operating systems are up to date with different enhancements and patches for bugs.

5. Retire Any Services You Aren’t Using

When products with a limited duration expire or when you’ve stopped using them you should deactivate any account or delete any information associated with it. 

6. Use VPNs for Every Connection

If your company is expanding and has employees working in offices across the country then your going to need a way to safely share data. Enter a VPN.

A VPN or virtual private network allows you to disguise your IP address to prevent anyone from being able to see the information your sending to others.

These should be mandatory for any employee using mobile devices and for most people it’s an invaluable part of protecting their identity online.

There are also options for anonymous collaborations that will help keep your data safe from threats. This is called a virtual data room and they are the future of cybersecurity. They provide protection for all data from bidding information to contract terms.

7. Make Password Security a Priority

Most people hate changing their password and won’t do it unless the rules are strictly enforced. But this simple step can be one of the most important in keeping your data safe from a cyber attack today. 

Implementing programs like a mandatory password change every couple of months. As well as having strict rules for how complex passwords have to be can help prevent major treats from getting into your system.

You should also make things like 2-factor authentification a requirement for all employees.

8. Use Real-time Threat Detection 

These programs allow you to stop threats that are just starting to form. You can also monitor any weakness in your current system and repair them before they cause larger problems.

9. Have Regular Security Assessments

With security, it’s easy to set up a system and then forget about it until the next massive cyber attack. 

As your system changes, you become more vulnerable to new threats. You need to have a security plan in place and to schedule periodic assessments. You need to ask what is cybersecurity weakness and how can we fix it?

In fact, depending on the industry an assessment may be necessary to ensure you’re following government mandates. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires regular system and cybersecurity audits. 

Want More Ways to Protect Your Company’s Data?

Preventing a massive cyber attack can be one of the smartest business decisions your company will make. But if you own a company there are a lot more steps to keeping your company safe. 

If you want to understand how to prevent the next data disasters or how to recover if you’ve just undergone a major attack then check out our blog. 


Look Up in the Sky! 5 Ways to Learn How to Fly a Plane

Look Up in the Sky! 5 Ways to Learn How

Look Up in the Sky! 5 Ways to Learn How to Fly a Plane

If you were one of the many kids out there, who wanted to learn how to fly when they were little, you’d be pleased to hear you don’t need loads of money to make it happen.

If you plan things wisely, you can stretch your budget to get your pilot’s certificate.

Sound good? Let’s get the ball rolling. 

Don’t Bother with Flight School

Interestingly, you don’t need to attend an official ‘flight school’ to learn how to fly. Admittedly, you won’t have the benefits of a standardized curriculum, but you’ll save a lot of cash. 

Recreational fliers don’t need the same number of flying hours as a commercial pilot to get a license, so you’ll pay for way more than necessary with a flight school. 

Instead, you can source the services of a freelance flight instructor at a much lower price. Plus, they typically cater their lessons to complement both your abilities and your interests- win-win 

How Do You Find a Qualified Instructor? 

Your best bet is checking with your local airport office. This is usually the easiest way to connect with a freelance flight instructor.

What Should I Expect?

Typically, you’ll first have a briefing on the ground. This usually takes around an hour, and will typically cover:

  • A pre-flight inspection of the aircraft
  • Familiarization with the controls
  • The basics of in-flight aircraft control.

Once that’s over and done with, you’ll be ready to fly (with the help your instructor of course). You don’t even need time on a simulator! 

Instead, your instructor will guide you every the step of the way and will control the aircraft when necessary (on your first lesson your instructor will take off and land the plane- so no need to worry about that!)

Study Up 

A lot of learning how to fly doesn’t happen in the air. To get a pilots license you’ll need to pass two multiple-choice tests and an oral exam. This means swotting up and hitting the books. 

If you have the means, you could hire a professional tutor or take weekend classes. However, if you have a limited budget, you can just teach yourself. Get your hands on the necessary textbooks and start learning!

Be sure to study up on instrument flight rules; this is an absolute must for getting ahead on the theory side of things.

Alternatively, you could take an online course. There are tons of aviation education companies that offer top-notch training online. Some even offer a refund if you fail the test! 

Do You Still Want to Learn How to Fly?

We hope these tips on how to learn how to fly were useful! If you found this article handy, we’re confident you’ll love the other pieces we’ve published. Enjoy!

If you’re interested in receiving articles like this regularly, then sign up to our platform for free! That way you won’t miss out on any of our informative content.   




5 Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

5 Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

Dying on Your Layovers?: 5 Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

3.5 billion people get on planes and travel either domestically or internationally every single year.

Reasons for flying vary and include going on vacation, seeing family, traveling for work, and everything in-between.

While the people who fly and their reasons for doing so are radically different, there is one trait that everyone who steps foot on a plane universally shares…

They hate layovers.

Layovers are the scourge of humanity. In the worst of times, they make you miss connections and opportunities. In the best of times, they induce unbearable levels of boredom.

To help make your next layover a little more tolerable, below, our team shares with you 5 solid ways you can kill time between when you land and when your next flight starts boarding.

1. Binge Watch That Show You’ve Been Considering

If your airport has WiFi (god help you if it doesn’t) and you have a Netflix subscription (god help you if you don’t) one of the best things you can do to kill time during a layover is binge watch that show you’ve been thinking of picking up.

You know, that one all of your friends told you was good but you never got around to watching partially out of forgetfulness and partially out of defiance?

A long layover should give you more than enough time to smash a few episodes.

2. Drink

This suggestion may not be for everyone but for those of you that love a good beer, glass of wine or cocktail, airport layovers can be a great excuse to throw a few back.

We love going to airport sports bars, nursing a beer and using our order as an excuse to loiter in front of a television set for 4+ hours.

Whenever you think your waitress is going to kick you out, you just order another round.

3. Window Shop

Rich people love shopping to kill time at airports.

If you’re rich, awesome! Shop away.

If you’re not rich, also awesome! Window shop!

Caution: Checking out all of the cool perfumes, advancements in neck pillows, and magazines airports have on tap may lead to the occasional impulse buy. If you’re wary of your ability to browse without buying, try giving your credit card to a travel companion for safe keeping.

4. Make Money

If humans weren’t such good procrastinators, we’d love airport layovers because they’d give us ample time to work and make money! The thing is though that feeling obligated to work sucks…

Still, we’re obliged to tell you that if you have 5 hours at an airport, you’re better off using them to be productive than to kill time.

If productivity is as dirty a word to you as it is to us, you could play casino slots from your mobile device and pretend to make money… That’s almost a good use of time, right?

5. Set Goals for Your Future

We love killing time by coming up with goals on how we could better use our time in the future… If that sounds like an oxymoron it’s probably because it might be.

Wrapping Up Easy Ways to Kill Time at an Airport

There you have it. 5 solid ways to kill time at the airport.

If none of our suggestions hit the spot for you, you could always try killing time by checking out more of our awesome content on ArticleCity… We certainly wouldn’t judge you if you did.