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Cosmic Views for August 2020 | 10 Minute Read

Cosmic Views for August 2020 | 10 Minute Read

The cosmic views for August 2020 bring us a sense of optimism and delusion in the air. Neptune, square Venus in Gemini, makes it difficult to be practical with the things that count. The challenge of the virus is still around, and we’re all frustrated, anxious to feel healthy, whatever that means to you. Mars square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn makes communication and accomplishing everyday tasks challenging. Slow down and embrace the struggle.

There is an end to this long journey, but right now, you need to be cautious and safe. You’re exhausted, tired, and upset. This emotion is not what you wanted your life to be, but ask anyone in the circumstances they can’t control, you have to find strength from within to keep going. This will end. Life will once again taste sweet, but patience and perseverance are required.

The Sun begins this month in square to Uranus in Taurus. Your ego will make demands. It wants change. It wants freedom. The Full Moon on the 2nd, in Aquarius, brings the battle between control and freedom to ahead. Don’t do something stupid because you’re impatient. Saturn in Capricorn gives you the strength to do what makes you safe, even if it’s a struggle. Remember, that’s the only way to take control and move forward. Jupiter remains retrograde until September. Then it begins its journey out of Capricorn.

When it finally enters Aquarius on December 20th, you begin to reconnect to life familiarly. Until then, wear your mask and be careful. Keep to your routine, and if you don’t have one, create one. Repetition helps you take charge of your mind and your urges.

Read on for the cosmic view for August.

Cosmic Views for August 2020 for Aries (March 21st – April 20th)

Anger is not an alien emotion to any Aries. However, this month it’s prominent. With Mars square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, the passion you’ve been repressing will find its way to the surface. Don’t become the saboteur, the person that doesn’t want to listen to what’s right for you because it requires change. And don’t act out for attention.

If you give in to that impulse, then you will live this month fighting pointless battles and getting into the way of your own goals. It’s time to dig in and know what’s important. With Mars square Mercury, the desire to avoid an argument doesn’t exist – you’re looking for a fight to relieve your inner tension. What you will learn about yourself now is the importance of self-discipline, It’s necessary for success in love and business, and it’s the key to your happiness.

The Full Moon on the 3rd, in Aquarius, helps you feel independent and reminds you that it’s how you offer your opinion that determines if anyone hears it. You’re known for being direct, but what you need to do is listen. When you see what someone else wants, then you also know the path to a resolution. Saturn stations retrograde on the 2nd and begin its journey out of Capricorn and back into Aquarius, where it will help you redefine freedom.

Venus enters Cancer on the 8th, and emotions began to rule. Neptune is also square Venus, enhancing delusion and fantasy, which may lead to wrong choices or decisions. This is a dangerous month for all Aries if you have valuable life decisions to make. Your feet are not securely on the ground because your sense of reality is distorted. If you’re in a relationship, whatever is not working will be visible. Face the truth and work it out. If you’re single, it’s not a good time to meet new people.

Taurus (April 21st – May 20th)

Taurus is excellent at putting aside any emotion that gets in the way of what they desire. This month, the passion that dominates is anger. With Mars in Aries, square Jupiter, the Moon, Neptune, and Saturn, there is not much that won’t irritate you. Instead of projecting this emotion, try owning it. Let go of self-judgment and give yourself support.

Learn from your mistakes, and you’ll turn them into building blocks. Anger is the first stage of digging up the truth. Now try and understand the real reason behind your agitation. Get to the core of your feelings, and then the emotion will not be wasted.

Life is challenging, and there’s not much you can count on for the moment, but you’ll come out ahead if you just slow down. The lesson is to be at the moment. When you are present, good things happen. The moment is all anyone has. Learn to use it in new ways. With Uranus square the Sun, new ideas and solutions present themselves to help you solve your challenges. Just be open to change. Do something different. Get out of your rut and challenge yourself.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd is in your 10th house of career. The square it makes to Uranus opens the door to change and new solutions. Saturn goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 2nd, and the desire to repeat old patterns is strong – this is your chance to change. Learn from how it makes you feel. If you’re in a relationship, things are not secure.

You may see things you don’t like. Ignoring the truth will not help you move forward. If you’re single, it’s not a good time to start something new unless you use it as an escape.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

Gemini begins the month with your ruler, Mercury, in opposition to the Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Not an easy challenge under any circumstances. What you don’t want it to do is feel stuck. If what’s happening is not essential to your survival, then take a deep breath and wait until the 6th when Mercury enters Leo and forms better relationships with the other planets.

As a Gemini, you don’t slow down like other people. There is a need to move and to do anything to keep yourself interacting in the world around you. Sitting still is not an option. Quiet time leads to delving into your wounds or facing the issues that need your attention.

The more you avoid the shadow, the more stuck you feel. With four planets in Capricorn trine Uranus, change is happening with or without your consent. Stop fighting it and allow your life to evolve.  Mars in Aries, squaring the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, keep the anger close to the surface. If you don’t explode, someone else will. There is anger to cope with, and it may come from a partner or a friend, and even if it’s not directed at you, it’s still in your environment. Get out of the way. You can’t control someone else, only yourself – set your boundaries.

Venus square Neptune offers your fantasies as a safe way to escape. Remember, only truth has the power to eliminate illusions, so don’t stay too long in La La Land, it’s not healthy. The Full Moon on the 3rd, in Aquarius, in square to Uranus, creates a need to change your plans. If you’re in a relationship, it’s a bit of a mixed bag.

Your partner is both eager for change and angry that it’s being imposed on him or her. If you’re single, it’s an excellent time to meet new people. Just proceed with caution.

August 2020 Cosmic Views for Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

Cancers often appear as if they’re loners, but this is only possible if they have someone who cares, someone dedicated to their survival. They need a mothering energy to check in on them, a good heart that will put their needs before their own.

The challenge this month is concerned with communication – you need to let others know how you feel. You don’t like change, but it’s necessary, and it’s happening now regardless of your judgments or displeasure. If you want to know success, you must pay attention to what others think. There are times when compromise is the only way forward.

Find a way to do just that. Venus enters into your sign on the 8th, and harmony goes away for all the right reasons. Get out of your rut and adjust. Comfort is not always the best choice for Cancer. Mars, in Aries square four planets in Capricorn, creates an environment of anxiety and tension. Be prepared to meet angry people for no apparent reason. However, considering what’s going on around us all, it’s easy to understand that others are on edge and looking for a fight.

Anything to get rid of frustration. Be cautious. Fights can quickly get out of hand.

The Full Moon on the 3rd, in Aquarius, creates a situation you can’t avoid. Whatever you’ve been ignoring will now be in your face. Something has to give or be scrutinized with complete attention. Don’t dismiss the problem. It won’t go away. If you’re in a relationship, things are challenging. It may not even be your relationship that is the problem, but some issues must be faced, and they affect your peace of mind. If you’re single, you need your energy to take care of the moment. You will have sufficient time for love and fun in a few weeks.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

Leos have a natural strength that comes from a healthy ego. What they need is a way to balance their ego with their emotional needs. The best method to accomplish this feat is to get out of yourself. Help someone on the same path as you, share what you’ve learned.

Until you share your knowledge, it’s not truly yours. With five planets in your 6th house, you either are busy, or you’re stuck. Mars square Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter pushes you to break out of your dilemma and get moving. Open yourself up to new ideas, along with new ways of making things happen. This is a time for inventiveness.

Venus enters Cancer on the 8th, and it softens the blows of Mars by spreading love and good feelings. Uranus in your 10th house, in trine to the Moon, makes change a necessity, not a choice. Repeating the past is not an option. It’s time to rethink your goals. When Uranus stations retrograde on the 16th, you’ll have a chance to go back and pick up opportunities you may have ignored. It’s not yet too late to find a better way.

A gift for the moment is an enhanced intuition. The trine from Neptune to Mercury brings out the philosopher and poet in you. You may feel more sensitive to the feelings of others, and this will help you see the bigger picture. Neptune sextile Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, add a little fantasy and dreaming to your thoughts. It’s time for new ideas. If you are in a relationship, your partner may be helping you out with your business.

They are supportive and what they have to offer is precisely what you need. If you’re single, a relationship that is not already established will be too much to handle. If you’re ready for a more significant commitment, then make one. Don’t run away from love.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

Virgos have an obsessive nature. Add four planets in Capricorn, and that obsession gets ignited. The danger is that fear will be triggered, not your passion. When fear rules, then it’s easy to make the wrong decisions. You will act to protect yourself instead of advance along your path. Saturn goes retrograde on the 2nd, and it helps you reconnect to some unresolved issues that need to be fixed.

Saturn always reveals what’s not working and gives you a chance to adjust or make improvements. It’s not easy to look at reality and face the truth, but only truth can be trusted. The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd brings work issues to full circle.

The square to Uranus in your 9th house of ideals, insists you reexamine what you believe is possible. Are you aiming high enough or perhaps too low? You need to stretch yourself just beyond what you think is possible, but not so much that it discourages you from trying. Be critical for a moment and change what needs to be altered.

Venus enters Cancer, and the focus is on friendships. The people that you love and those who love you will be there for you. Mars in Aries square Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter makes everything you do feel impossible. Let go of the tension and go with the flow. Anxiety only slows you down and fills you with worry. You are a sign that likes to be in control, and you’re not. That’s why faith is necessary. When you believe something is possible, it is.

All you need is patience and faith. If you don’t have faith – fake it. It gets you going in the right direction. If you’re in a relationship, love is not peaceful. There is too much going on. If you’re single, it will be challenging to meet and pursue a relationship unless it’s part of your destiny.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

Libras struggle with power. This is the sign where your focus shifts from others to the self. The soul is ready to be independent and create a life according to its vision – no one else’s. To do this, you must take the lead. If you’re not a leader, you will be a frustrated follower. Get your act together, and you’ll surprise yourself.

Mars, in Aries square Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, puts the focus on your 4th house and the home. There is a lot of happenings going on under your roof – don’t let others create havoc or rule. To discover what you want, requires a moment of selfishness – what makes you happy, what do you want?

Take care of your needs first. Then you can help others with theirs. With Uranus in the 8th house of transformation and going retrograde on the 16th, there is an opportunity to make necessary changes. You’ve been growing, and you now see yourself and the world differently, so it’s reasonable to want change. Think of this shift as an opportunity to add growth to your persona. If you’re stronger, own it. And if you have a more prominent voice, use it. If you have a higher truth, pursue it. No one stays the same if you’re living your own life. With Venus square Neptune, work may be an issue because your goals are unclear.

You’re not sure of your priorities, and without clarity, it’s challenging to make righteous decisions. Let go of what’s holding you back. It frees you to move forward. Venus enters Cancer and your 10th house on the 8th. This brings new social contacts to your career.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is not in a good place. They are angry and tense, and it could put a strain on the relationship. If you’re single, this is a time to take care of yourself.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

The focus of Scorpio this month is on communication. You have a message to share that must be expressed. If you don’t feel it, then you’re not listening to yourself. Inside there is a voice that wants to be heard. Meditate or spend some time in nature and clear your thoughts.

To be strong, you need alone time. Scorpio energy is attracted to the shadow, and so you frighten others with your courage and confidence when it comes to danger or risk. You enjoy what they fear. The truth is you’re not as tough as you seem. There’s a soft part, a sensitive side that strives for perfection, something you want, and yet you know it’s impossible – but the striving for it makes you strong.

The key to peace and satisfaction is to learn how to give. Remember, what you give comes back to you. When you use your strength to help others, you find that doors open unexpectedly. Mars, in Aries in your 6th house, get you working on a project or a vision. The square to Mercury indicates that anger is a problem; it creates unnecessary tension or fights. Mars square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn create a struggle when it comes to advancing.

You can’t just do things your way. The situation requires compromise. If it’s a problem, remind yourself that nothing is perfect, and what’s more important is to make things happen. The Full Moon on the 3rd, in Aquarius and your 4th house, bring issues in the home to a head. Don’t let anything throw you off your center – learn to adapt, at least for the moment. If you’re in a relationship, things are changing, and not for the worst.

Remind yourself that change is evolution and growth. If you’re single, you may meet someone that challenges you, Its something that gets your interest.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Sagittarius rules abundance and expansion. For the last year, Jupiter has been in Capricorn, the sign that rules your goals and career. Capricorn occupies your 2nd house of values and finances. Paying the bills and organizing your investments may be challenging, but in a few months, it will change.

You’re on a new path, and it will bring you rewards. By the end of the year, Jupiter will be in Aquarius, and you will feel valued and free. Mars in Aries, square Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, creates the conflict you’re struggling with for now. Just keep your distance from the anxiety of others and stand up for yourself.

Don’t let the problems of others bring you down. Be supportive, but don’t take over. For Sagittarius, problems come from issues around authority and children. Do you get the respect you deserve? Are you being overlooked or underpaid?

It’s a difficult time to make demands when so many people are out of work, so the atmosphere is less sensitive to your problems. Use common sense, and you’ll find a way to navigate the conflict. There are good news and new possibilities that will add to your coffer. With Neptune square Venus in Gemini, those you trust may not be reliable – for now.

Pay attention to who you rely on – things have changed, and you need to be aware. If you’re in a relationship, things are challenging. Your partner might not agree with you on important issues. Yes, you can work them out.

If you’re single, it’s a time to explore what you’re really looking for in a relationship. If you know your own needs, you’ll also know what makes you happy. Trust yourself.

August 2020 Cosmic Views for Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

Capricorn has been the focus of the universe for a while. It’s a sign where the journey gets completed, and a new vision must be shaped. With three major planets occupying your sign, you feel both a sense of power and frustration, because things haven’t been moving the way you’d like them to. Don’t be afraid to change directions or adjust your plans. It’s part of the journey.

What’s offered now was never expected. However, that’s what’ life is all about. You achieve, you grow, and then you change because the journey has transformed you into a stronger and wiser person. Draw on your experiences for answers and trust your instincts.

Mars in Aries is about vision. If you have sufficient faith, you can see yourself in a better place. Mars is afflicted this month, making a square to Saturn Pluto, Jupiter, and Mercury. There are obstacles to overcome, problems to solve, but if you embrace them, they won’t last long. By next month you’ll see the light.

With Uranus square the Sun, you want to transform yourself, and yet it can only be done one step at a time. Have patience. Venus square Neptune sends a word of caution when it comes to making decisions in regards to your career. Neptune can cloud the truth and present a path that leads nowhere — pay attention. Check the facts. The Full Moon on the 3rd in Aquarius focuses your attention on finances. You’re either bringing in the money or spending it too quickly. Or perhaps a little of both. Strive for balance. Saturn goes retrograde on the 2nd, and old issues are revisited.

Resolve what you can.

If you’re in a relationship, your partner is changing, and in the long run, it’s a good thing. Yes, you’ll have to adjust. If you’re single, there’s a sense of romance in the air, just don’t let your fantasies get too far ahead of reality.

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

Aquarians enjoy being alone. It’s how they get in touch with who they are and what makes them unique. With five planets in your 12th house this month, you must rely on faith and instinct. So much of what you want at the moment is out of your control.

Trust your ability to respond to the moment. The Sun brings partnerships, both business and personal, into play. You may not agree on important issues. You’re a great communicator, so make your case, then listen to the other side. You’ll find a way.

With Venus square Neptune, finances need your attention. It’s also important to double-check the facts. The truth will be hidden, so don’t trust what you hear. Mars in Aries square Mercury and Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, and the Moon indicates that anger will be something you’ll have to contend with.

Yes, there’s tension in the air, so don’t push anyone’s button unless it’s absolutely necessary. Jupiter goes direct on the 13th, and friendships become a focus. You’re either making new friends or old ones are showing you how much they care. The Full Moon, in your sign on the 3rd, creates a crisis or a need to make a choice. What’s been hidden, suddenly becomes apparent.

The square the Full Moon makes to Uranus brings a surprise. No, you’re not in control, so make things work. Saturn goes retrograde on the 2nd, and by the end of the year, it will be back in your sign, offering you structure and support. If you’re in a relationship, the Full Moon brings an issue to your attention.

Don’t ignore it. If you’re single, it’s not a time to get close. There are other action items that need your attention. Romance may have to be put on hold.

The August 2020 Cosmic Views for Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

Pisces are water, intuitive, and mentally adventurous. You either rule your world or feel like a victim, the choice is yours. To rule, you need to own your power, which means you have to be present. It sounds simple, but it’s not. It’s so much simpler to escape into a false reality.

Life is so much more enticing than your imagination if you’re not afraid of conflict. Life is a struggle that must be embraced. With Neptune in your sign since 2011, you’ve been asked to connect to your soul. Know who you are. Know your passion and your path. Then you won’t feel lost or empty.

With five planets in your 11 house, organizations and friends have been and still are a major focus. The Full Moon in your 12th house may throw you off your center around the 3rd, so don’t plan any important meetings for that day, if you can help it. With Mars in Aries in square to Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury, there are issues around finances and what you choose to invest in.

Don’t let worry block your instincts. It can paralyze you. Remember, fear will only keep you stuck. Uranus square the Sun makes work an unpleasant place. There are changes being implemented, and you’ll have to adjust whether you want to or not. If you are changing jobs, open yourself up to new paths. The unknown is the place of the greatest possibilities.

However, you need to take a risk. Neptune square Venus makes truthful communication a challenge. To see the truth, you have to want it. For now, it’s a challenge to know who you can trust and what is real. If you’re in a relationship, there is anger between you and your partner. Pay attention, and don’t lose your temper. If you’re single, it’s not a good time for romance. Too tumultuous.


How to Tell If a Person Is Smart in 3 Minutes or Less

How to Tell If a Person Is Smart in 3

We’re not here to discuss the intricacies of intelligence or what makes someone smart, so let’s just get that out of the way.

Yes, we know that things like I.Q. are controversial. And yes, we know that intelligence can be defined in many ways. Yes, our current methods of measuring intelligence need to change.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Some people are smarter than others. And, sometimes, we need to be able to tell if a person’s smart.

Maybe we’re a business owner and need to hire a sharp mind. Perhaps we’re looking for the best and brightest doctor to keep us healthy. Or maybe a brilliant tutor to help our child sharpen their skills.

We want to person we’re hiring to have a good head on their shoulders.

How can we find out who’s smart in a time-efficient manner?

A select group of folks from Quora chimed in – and the writer selected just one. Not only does the answer make the most logical sense, but it’s also valid from both a common-sense perspective and an empirical one.

For reference, the original question is: How can I identify the smartest person in the room?

One Timothy Emmanuel Lim wrote the answer that the writer chose to use. So, Mr. Lim, if you happen to come across this article, thank you for your incredible insights.

“Different smart people, different cues to look out for.”

To give Mr. Lim his full proper credit, and to account subsequent edits made, the response has been posted in its entirety. (Please see the edited portions in ‘3. It includes the element of humility.’)

‘Different smart people, different cues to look out for.

The smartest person (in no particular order) is most often;

  1. The hardest to verbally challenge (they may have opinions, but it’s purely derived from facts and logic).
  2. The quietest (they’re listening very closely and attentively — still water runs deep).
  3. The most observant (the little things that count are the big things to see — God is in the details).
  4. The fastest to question (and the hardest to answer).
  5. The most reserved, but not shy (because they’re constantly thinking, listening, and processing thoughts, rather than wasting time assuming and unfiltering their comments).
  6. The least reactive (because they know what to expect and not get surprised).
  7. The hardest to convince (while rebutting endlessly).
  8. The most open to question and being proved wrong (truth be above all things — including one’s ego).
  9. The most (logically) critical.
  10. The most bored-looking (not bored, just thinking about other things).
  11. The most unamused (mainly because things may get too predictable).
  12. The most direct (without being rude).
  13. The most secretly attentive (watch the eyes, it’s the greatest indicator).
  14. The most curious (not hyperactive).
  15. The most calm and controlled (rationality keeps the head calm).
  16. The most incomprehensible (some intellects are so superior, they’re too intelligent to be understood, given the right circumstances — thirties communication range).
  17. The most unorthodox (lateral thinking often proves intellectual superiority).
  18. The most receptive (open-minded).
  19. The most verbally intense.
  20. The one who looks the most dumb (circumstantial — never judge a book by its cover).
  21. The least impressed (they’re impressed by things not many people are impressed by, vice-versa).
  22. The least outwardly impressive (again, still water runs deep — they usually don’t care about other’s impressions of them).

Of course, these are some characteristics. The smartest person in the room doesn’t need to display all 22 because it can be subjective to character, personality, views, and upbringing.

The list is non-exhaustive. There are also exceptions here and there.

The smartest is not to be confused with the most knowledgeable. The two characteristics often go hand-in-hand but are independent of each other.

And smart people don’t often think of themselves as smart.

Why Lim is Right

There is a lot to unpack here, so let’s get to it.

Lim’s response makes sense for two reasons: (1) the humility with which it is written, and (2) the (probable) truth behind its assertions.

I wanted to check Mr. Lim’s credentials by reading some of his Quora posts. He does indeed craft his answers with what seems to be a piercing logic. He writes well and is extremely thorough in both his original postings and in his replies. Moreover, he cites references and is detail-oriented – two marks of a good writer. He’s most certainly of above-average intelligence, a.k.a., smart.

Most importantly, he is humble and openminded. These, too, as we will find out, are common characteristics of smart people.

I then got into the meat of Lim’s answer – and am in total agreement on just about every point. Here’s why:

  1. It mirrors a subjective experience.

Now, the writer doesn’t often consider himself the “smartest person in the room.” With all humility, the writer supposes that he’s relatively bright. He has a pretty good education and has scored around the 95th percentile on a certified I.Q. test. He doesn’t say this to be a braggart, but merely to demonstrate that he may have a unique perspective on Lim’s observations.

Throughout his life, because of the accomplishments above, he has also had to privilege to hang around incredibly smart people. A few of whom he considers his friends.

And most of them fit what Lin says to a T. They’re smart without showing it; quiet, receptive, and respectful; reserved and non-reactive; curious and openminded; humble and unassuming.

Indeed, this writer’s own subjective experience with smart people is nearly dead-on with what Lim describes. While this isn’t empirical evidence, it’s quite strong – and it’s commonsensical.

  1. The author describes introversion, which is related to high I.Q.

If you read through Mr. Lim’s list, you’ll notice that pretty much every line applies to the introvert.

Why is this important?

Because there exists a direct link between introversion and high intelligence. In a study  undertaken by researchers at University of North Georgia (USA), researchers state in the introduction “It’s (noted) that introverts may exhibit higher I.Q. scores due to their calculated and analytical predisposition because they are more prone to think through things rather than being impulsive.”

Included in the analysis were 59 female undergraduate students; 41 tested as extroverts and 18 as introverts. The introverted group “had significantly better I.Q. scores” than their extroverted counterparts.

Multiple other studies have reached a similar conclusion: introverts are (generally) smarter.

  1. It includes the element of humility, which is characteristic of smart people.

Most smart people exhibit an air of humility, and the ones that don’t aren’t the smart people you want to associate with, anyways. Mr. Lim includes two excellent quotes that typify a smart person’s attitude towards their own and others intelligence:

“I know I’m intelligent because I know that I know nothing.” — Socrates

And an even better quote to corroborate;

“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” — Albert Einstein

Of Socrates, Lim adds:

“A dissection on the quote of Socrates; Socrates states that the more you know — the more aware of what you don’t know, realizing that there is only so much your mind is capable of understanding, henceforth paradoxically stating that intelligent people understand their limitations and therefore humbly acknowledges that they’re not knowledgeable (enough)…”

It should also be noted that Lim’s response includes open-mindedness, curiosity, reservation, and quietness as character traits of smart people. Such traits are often associated with humility, as well.

We could also strengthen the argument for Lin’s insights by pairing #3 with #2. We most often link humility with introverted personalities, which, as we’ve shown, links to higher intelligence.

  1. It makes sense (look at the smart people in your life, including yourself!)

Lin’s answer makes almost total sense. I say almost because it is missing what I believe to be a crucial element: a good heart. Heart intelligence is a real thing, and it is important.

So, Mr. Lim, may I suggest that you add the 23rd item to your list? Let’s keep it simple: “They have a good heart.”

Final Thoughts on Discerning a Smart Person

After you find the “smartest person in the room,” make sure they have the heart to go with it.


Therapists Explain 11 Recurring Dreams Never to Ignore »

Therapists Explain 11 Recurring Dreams Never to Ignore »

What is your recurring dream trying to tell your subconscious?

Have you ever dreamed of breathlessly running down a long hallway, but you never found the door? Or, perhaps you are back in school and can’t find your classroom, and you have an overwhelming fear of being late. Psychology Today reports that 60 to 75% of adults have recurring dreams.

“A recurring dream probably merits close attention. Something wants you to pay attention.” Amy Hardie

What Messages Your Dreams Might Be Sending

Interpreting dreams has been an essential part of human history. Dream Moods explains that clay tablets depicting visions have been discovered, dating as far back as 4,000 B.C. In every phase of history, dreams contained vital information concerning the dreamers or the world around them.

Our modern psychologists believe that dreams may help people process daily experiences, particularly those that are threatening. NCBI published the results of a study on the effects of the subconscious on dreaming.

The study concluded that a person’s level of frustration or satisfaction influenced dreams and the emotional interpretation of those dreams. Those who experienced recurring dreams had more psychological defeat daily. They concluded that dreams might help people process feelings and daily experiences. The messages dreams are sending may be interpreted negatively or positively depending on a person’s state of mind.

Ten Messages Psychologists Tell You Never to Ignore

When specific dreams become more prevalent, it may be that your mind is pointing toward essential facts about your daily life. Your mind may be trying to solve a problem during sleep that you haven’t been able to resolve while you are awake.

Our dreams provide insight into our daily lives. Do not ignore these ten recurring dream themes.

1. Dreams about falling.

Psychologist Ian Wallace believes falling is a feeling of losing control over aspects of your life. You may be feeling like the responsibility is weighing heavily on you, and you have no escape. If you keep dreaming about falling, it may be time to destress.

2. Injuries, death, or losing teeth.

These themes may indicate a lack of self-esteem. Death can mean change is ahead, and you are leaving the past behind and moving forward to new things. Dream expert Patricia Garfield suggests teeth falling out may be linked to suppressed anger. When we grind our teeth or clench our jaw, this can cause us to lose teeth in a dream.

3. An embarrassing public performance or failing a test.

Many people dream bout failing an exam or embarrassing themselves in public. This type of dream indicates you are stressing out about something before you fall asleep. They man mean you can’t follow through with something meaningful. The bottom line is that you are most likely feeling anxious and worried during the day.

4. Wearing little or no clothing.

This dream is about feeling embarrassed or ashamed. Ian Wallace states that this theme may mean you are feeling vulnerable in a new relationship or at a new job. You may be fearful that people will learn about your weaknesses. If you dream about wearing pajamas to an important event, it may be a sign of insecurity about an upcoming event in your life.

5. Dreams about being chased.

Lauri Loewenberg, a dream expert, believes that recurring dreams about being chased are people’s way of trying to avoid conflict. What’s chasing you in real life may be debt, trying to work out a problem, or unfulfilled dreams that are chasing you because you haven’t worked toward achieving your goal.

6. Apocalyptic and natural disaster dreams.

If you suffer from these dreams, you are not alone. This imagery is a common theme and may mean you feel you have lost control over a personal problem. Perhaps you feel threatened about something in your life. These feelings can make you feel vulnerable when you are awake, so they should be addressed.

7. Crashing a car or technical difficulties.

Patricia Garfield explains that dreaming about your computer or phone breaking may mean you have a problem connecting emotionally to someone, or you may have relationship issues. You may be feeling unsupported in real life, and you may require some help working out your feelings.

8. Dreams about being pregnant.

Men and women can dream of being pregnant. David Bedrick, a dream psychologist, says that this may indicate that you are giving birth to new creations and ideas. If you are in the middle of an important project, and you have this dream, set goals, and work hard to bring your visions to reality.

9. Dreams about being late.

Michael Olsen, a dream expert, suggests that dreaming about being late may be an instant fear of missing out. If you are stressed out and feeling that you don’t have time for what’s essential in your life, this dream may be telling you it’s time to slow down. Set time out for the things and people in your life that you love.

10. Unfamiliar houses or rooms.

Psychotherapist, Eddie Traversa, tells us the rooms represented in our dreams represent internal conflict. These dreams may also represent internal changes. If you dream about a bathroom, you may need to declutter or clean up your emotions. Bedrooms can symbolize worries about romance.

11. Dreams About Your Partner Leaving You

Many people have experienced the scary dream about your partner leaving. Dreams are not usually literal but are a representation of thoughts and feelings. Fear of having a loved one walkout is not unusual and may represent itself in the course of our dreams.

If your partner leaving you is turning into a common theme in your dreams, you may be insecure about your relationship. There may be problems with your relationship that you need to address. Talking about those fears with your partner is a healthy way to resolve your issues.

When these types of dreams continue to be a concern and cause nightmares, this may lead to insomnia. It may be time to seek help to ensure that your mental and physical health is not being negatively affected.

You will find these fifty dream meanings intriguing.

Can Dreams Impact Your Health?

Dream research indicates that dreams may reveal signs about health. While some people believe dreams are just random thoughts swirling about in our sleep, research shows that dreams may be an indicator of physical and mental health.

Some of the research has indicated that recurring dreams may be important indicators of your health.

Dreams may be indications that you have heart disease or sleep apnea and are being generated as a nightmare as a warning sign.

  • If you wake up from recurring dreams in the early morning, this may arise from a mood disorder like anxiety or depression, which is preventing you from a healthy REM cycle during the night.
  • Vivid and bizarre dreams don’t mean anything is wrong, but they may indicate a problem with alcohol, medications, or Parkinson’s disease.
  • Consistently having bad dreams may be an issue of poor diet or a vitamin deficiency or maybe a sensory trigger from movies, music, or events you witnessed during the day.

Dreams are essential for several reasons. They mean you are sleeping deeply and experiencing REM. This level of sleep is necessary for our bodies and brains to function well. Dreams also bring to life the emotions that we feel during the day but often don’t address. They bring those emotions to light in a new way and often help heal emotional wounds.

Dreams are essentially stripping the emotion out of negative experiences by creating a new memory. This experience is healthy for us because it helps process our feelings. If we can’t handle emotions, we will be more prone to anxiety and worry. Dreams are good for our mental health.

For those who have experienced emotional trauma, or PTSD, dreams can be therapeutic. The University of California conducted a sleep study that concluded people who have experienced psychological trauma have stress hormones released. The brain can work through that event during dreams and divorce the mind from the associated emotions.


Final Thoughts on Using Recurring Dreams for Positive Change explains how you can use dreams to make positive changes. Consider using your dreams to make reasonable changes in your life. Your dreams may be giving you clues to subconscious problems you are not addressing. They may be giving you advice about insecurities you are not able to face when you are awake.

Don’t ignore or discarding recurring dreams. Try writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, when they are fresh in your mind. If you don’t write them down, they will be as elusive as ascending smoke from a fire. And so, they will disappear into thin air.

Look up the themes of your dreams, especially if you have recurring dreams. If you have concerns, you can talk to a dream therapist who can help you find answers to the clues your mind is telling you when you are asleep. Dreams can be the answers to mental and physical issues if you learn to interpret and understand what they are trying to say to you.


15 Quotes on Success Never to Forget

15 Quotes on Success Never to Forget

The ultimate goal of adults is to reach their goals, and there are many quotes on success to help motivate you. When faced with challenges, it may be easy to quit or lose momentum. That is when it’s most important to keep moving, however.

By listening to advice and encouragement from those who have been through it, you’ll find comfort and motivation. The main piece of advice, though, is to never quit trying and to keep persevering.

You are the only one who can set the level of your successes. Go after what you want and work hard to reach your goals.

15 Quotes on Success Never to Forget

These quotes on success will help you stay motivated as you strive to achieve your dreams.

1. “If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know & start charging for it.” – Kim Garst

Once you make it clear that your talents and time are worthwhile, others will treat it that way. You can’t do things for free just because someone is your family member or friend. To be successful, you must know what you are worth and expect others to pay you for what you do.

2. “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” – Fred Rogers

All of the money in the world won’t make you successful if you aren’t kind. You have to have people on your side, and you have to treat people with kindness to get them there. Even if you feel like you don’t need anyone on your side, you have to be kind to bring in business.

No matter which way you look at it, kindness is required. You may start to build an empire without kindness, but it won’t reach its full potential.

3. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” – Vince Lombardi

Even with strength and knowledge, a person can fail. Everyone fails at some point, and the determining factor to success is having the will power to try again. Only then will you be able to reach your ultimate goals.

4. “Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” – Zig Ziglar

You may not have all the tools to make a job easy right away, but keep trying with what you do have. When you keep trying, you’ll find yourself succeeding with what you already have. Plus, true success is about the process, not what the outcome is.

You set your standards for success, not anyone else. If you accomplished what you set out to do, you have succeeded. Likewise, if you are proud of yourself for the work along the way, you’ve also succeeded.

5. “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” – Mark Caine

You can’t blame your surroundings for your failures or your lack of progress. Leave the environment that you are in if it is that toxic. Otherwise, get started on your goals and remind yourself that you are the only one holding you back.

6. “Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost legendary. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge

All the talent, genius, and education in the world can’t ensure that you reach your goals. The only thing that can ensure you get there is perseverance and determination. With perseverance and determination, you are sure to reach the ultimate goal.

You have to remain motivated and keep trying even after failures. Keep pushing yourself to learn more and do more, and to keep trying even when faced with adversity.

7. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” – Dale Carnegie

Everyone fails at some point in their life. Most people fail more than once. Successful people are the ones who get back up and try again, though.

You can’t give up when faced with mistakes or when things didn’t go as planned. These are opportunities to grow and learn. Then, you’ll be able to get it right the next time, or the time after that.

8. “Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.” – Charles F. Kettering

Just when you want to give up, you may get your big break. Keep going, learning, and trying, and eventually, you’ll stumble upon your dreams.

9. “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” – David Brinkley

Other people may want to see you fail, and they’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that it happens. Don’t let them succeed at knocking you down or hurting you. Instead, take all of the negativity they throw your way and use it as your stepping stones.

10. “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” – Ray Goforth

When you are faced with a negative person as Goforth describes, ignore them. Better yet, listen to them and then do everything they said you couldn’t.

11. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

You have to decide what you want your life to look like. Figure out the goals that you want to reach, and then determine how to reach them. Otherwise, you’ll have to work towards someone else’s goal, and that won’t do much for you.

12. “Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.” – David M. Burns

You’ll never be perfect, but you will be successful. If you were never wrong and things always worked out perfectly, you would never learn from them. Learning is essential to being successful because you have to keep working toward a higher goal.

As Burns explains, perfectionism is only a sign of fear. Don’t hold yourself back by being afraid. Keep moving forward, even when the plan didn’t work out how you intended.

13. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – From an Apple Computer Ad, 1997

Those who are most successful weren’t afraid of being different or being the first to do something. They knew what they wanted and they did what they had to do to get it. Most often, they seemed like they didn’t fit in just right.

If this is you, then you completely understand how different it was to be that person. Those are successful people. They are the ones who are willing to speak up, make a change, and better the world. Despite those who disagree with them, they continue going until they are successful.

14. “After every difficulty, ask yourself two questions: “What did I do right?” and “What would I do differently?” –  Brian Tracy

You can learn from every moment in your life, whether it was good or bad. Reflecting is one key to success because it enables you to make changes and do better next time. Always find at least one thing you did right, and then determine what could have been done differently.

15. “Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” – Mark Victor Hansen

Things will never be perfect, and there will never be the perfect time to get started. Obstacles and challenges are everywhere, but you have to push through it all. You’ll become stronger and more able to handle what is coming next.

Final Thoughts on Quotes on Success Never to Forget

These quotes on success should never be forgotten, as they can motivate you when you need it the most. When things get hard and don’t seem to be working out, remember these quotes and reference them for advice.

You are responsible for your success, and the comments and actions of others should play no part. Focus on your determination and perseverance and never give up. Tuck away these quotes on success for continued motivation. And, keep working towards your goals and you will find yourself successful.


5 Ways the Eightfold Path of Buddhism Can Improve Your Life »

5 Ways the Eightfold Path of Buddhism Can Improve Your

One of Buddha’s teachings included the eightfold path of Buddhism, which serves as a guideline for those who follow the religion. However, no matter what your spiritual beliefs, these teachings can help improve your life in many ways. The eightfold path includes eight principles that help man to find the middle way in all circumstances and avoid the extremes, or dualities, of existence.

The eightfold path includes these guidelines: right understanding, right intent, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. When followed correctly, these moral codes offer humankind a balanced way of living, which creates peace and harmony within oneself. Below, we’ll go over a bit of history about Buddha and his teachings, and talk more in-depth about the eightfold path.

Buddha’s early life

Considered one of the most influential spiritual leaders in history, Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as Buddha, grew up in modern-day Lumbini, Nepal, sometime between the 6th and 4th century B.C. He traveled throughout Nepal and India, sharing his teachings about inner peace and the path to enlightenment. Buddha means “the enlightened one” or “one who is awakened.”

He grew up in a palace, raised in an aristocratic, wealthy family of the Shakya clan. His father wanted to protect his son from all the horrors and suffering of human existence, so he sheltered his son inside the palace walls. However, early accounts of Buddha’s life suggest that he became disillusioned due to his upbringing and desired more than just riches and becoming a king. One day Buddha’s curiosity got the best of him, and he left to explore the world outside the palace.

What he saw shocked him. He left the palace with a charioteer and encountered an old man for the first time. His companion had to explain to him that all people grow old and die eventually. Buddha later went on longer trips outside the palace where he came across a man with a disease, a decaying corpse, and an ascetic (a person who gives up luxuries and practices severe self-disciple). The ascetic inspired him to continue to seek spiritual truth and understand how to defeat human suffering.

After seeing all of this, Buddha decided to leave the palace and promises of becoming a king to discover how to overcome the pain of being human. He wanted to figure out how to avoid the endless cycle of rebirths, or samsara, that comes from unfulfilled desires.

Reaching nirvana through Buddhism

Some accounts of Buddha’s life say that he meditated under the tree for seven days. During this time, the Lord of the desire realm, Mara, visited Buddha and tried to keep him from reaching enlightenment. Mara supposedly sent his daughters to seduce Buddha, unleashed armies of monsters on him, and attempted to assert his superiority. However, Buddha didn’t allow these distractions to keep him from his goal.

He called on the earth goddess for help, asking it to bear witness to his superiority and enlightenment. Buddha then conquered the desires that Mara had placed in his mind and achieved nirvana. He no longer had to reincarnate on Earth because of unfulfilled desires, extinguishing the flames of past, present, and future karma.

Buddha’s teachings

After Buddha’s awakening, he hesitated about spreading the vast knowledge he had gained with others. He thought that humans wouldn’t appreciate his teachings due to being overpowered by ignorance, greed, and hatred. However, the god Brahma convinced him to teach, arguing that some humans would grasp the meaning behind his words.

As Buddha traveled, he taught two main philosophies: the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which he called the Middle Way between sensual indulgence and self-mortification. Below, we’ll talk more about the eightfold path and what it entails.

The Eightfold Path of Buddhism

1 – Right Understanding:

This aspect of life relates to seeing the world clearly, not giving in to pessimism, optimism, or idealism. Instead, we should see the world as it truly is, not as we perceive or wish it to be. In this practice, Buddha stressed the idea that our actions have consequences, otherwise known as karma.

He stated that unfulfilled desires and wrong living would tie man to the cycle of rebirths unless he can overcome them by having the Right View. Once a man can clear his mind and consciousness of delusion and misunderstandings derived from ignorance, he will see this life and all his past ones.

2 – Right Intent:

The second step on the eightfold path, right intent, involves following the spiritual journey with passion and vigor. It means removing all desires except enlightenment, knowing that everyone and everything will eventually fade back into the source of all. Therefore, we shouldn’t become attached to anything on this Earth. Instead, renouncing all desires will eliminate suffering and ill will, which causes further karma.

Right understanding eliminates ignorance, while the right intent takes away the seeds of desire. Being attached to anything causes suffering due to its impermanence, so Buddhism teaches to transcend worldly desires.

3 – Right Speech:

Buddhism defines the right speech as “abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, and from idle chatter.” All words carry energy with them, and the four types of speech we mentioned have negative consequences. Therefore, we should always strive to speak calmly and carefully choose our words.

Speaking from a place of unconditional love and compassion will allow us to emanate good energy. Communicating thoughtfully in the spirit of consideration and acceptance can bring people together and heal tension, so we should always speak mindfully.

4 – Right Action:

Because every action and word can either bring good or bad karma, we should never inflict pain or harm on others. Right action means living ethically, considering the well-being and happiness of others with every move we make.

This teaching includes refraining from harmful actions such as stealing and harming others and fulfilling the promises we make to others.

Buddha laid out five precepts to follow under the right action: not to kill, steal, lie, to avoid sexual misconduct, and not take drugs or other intoxicants. Right action also includes taking care of the Earth so that the future generation can live comfortably and in harmony with their environment.

5 – Right Livelihood:

Your line of work should help you progress on your spiritual path, so one should choose something that respects all life. If your line of work causes suffering to others in any way, it will hinder your spiritual progress. Buddha discouraged any type of work that deals with drugs or alcohol, involves weapons, or harms animals and humans. He encouraged any work which enriches others’ lives, such as community service.

6 – Right Effort:

This concept means cultivating the right mindset so that you can perform the right actions. It involves generating wholesome states such as peacefulness and love and working to prevent unwholesome states such as laziness, ill will, restlessness, and sensual thoughts. Feelings such as anger, resentfulness, and hatred must be eliminated as well.

7 – Right Mindfulness:

This means being fully aware of the present moment, putting one’s attention all on the task at hand. It means being transparent and undistracted, not allowing thoughts or feelings to disturb inner peace. By practicing mindfulness, any cravings will start to melt away, helping the person to expand his or her consciousness. Having a clear and focused mind allows you to see reality with more clarity and transcend the ego.

8 – Right Concentration:

This means unifying the mind by concentration and meditation. By having a one-pointed sense of concentration and giving up sense desires, one can enter into a state of emptiness and nothingness where the mind ultimately becomes liberated. You’d think that giving up the world would cause great suffering and grief, but many renunciants have spoken of the immense joy and peace that comes from this practice.

How Buddhism enhances your life

So, now that we’ve gone over the eightfold path, here are some ways it can improve your life:

1 – More inner peace.

By following the eightfold path, you will gain inner tranquility and greater resolve. Giving up desires may seem difficult at first, but in time, you’ll appreciate the simplicity of life.

2 – Better understanding of the self.

Meditation and expanding awareness to others will help you understand yourself and your dharma, or life purpose, much better.

3 – Greater compassion for others.

Buddha emphasized considering others in the eightfold path, because we all come from the same consciousness. Therefore, we should treat everyone with kindness and compassion.

4 – Improved self-control.

As you refrain from indulging the senses, your self-control and willpower will drastically improve.

5 – Mental clarity.

Without mental chatter formed from desires, you can see life and the answers to the universe more clearly. In time, this can lead to total liberation with enough concentration and desire for freedom.

Final thoughts about the eightfold path of Buddhism

You don’t have to follow Buddhism to improve your life with the eightfold path. Anyone can follow these teachings and achieve greater inner peace, self-control, mental clarity, compassion, and wisdom. It takes great dedication, but making liberation at the end seems well worth the effort.


7 Reasons Cancer Is The Best Zodiac Sign

7 Reasons Cancer Is The Best Zodiac Sign

If you have a Cancer in your life, you probably consider them one of your most loyal friends. Being the 4th zodiacal house from the 12 signs, anyone born from June 21st to July 22nd is a Cancer. As a water sign, Cancer understands deep emotions and takes time to process them, yet they may appear calm on the surface.

Although Cancer coincides with the hot season of summer, they have a very calming, cooling effect, much like their water element. The symbol for Cancer is the crab. This zodiac sign may seem tough on the outside. But they hide a lot of their vulnerability on the inside. Before we get into the reasons why Cancers are simply the best, we will give you a little background on this watery zodiac sign.

Cancer Facts

  • Element: water
  • Polarity: negative (referring to the yin and yang, Cancer reflects the yin, or more hidden, passive qualities)
  • Quality: cardinal (leaders or visionaries of the zodiac)
  • Symbol: crab
  • Mantra: I Feel
  • Ruling planet: moon
  • Ruling house: 4th
  • Birthstone: ruby
  • Main qualities: intuitive, emotional, caring, passionate

Now, let’s get into some of the main traits of this sign that make Cancers stand out. If you are a Cancer or know one well, you will probably note that these characteristics seem very familiar to you.

Here’s why Cancer is the best zodiac sign:

  1. They make compassionate leaders.

While Cancers may seem passive, they have excellent leadership capabilities. They use their intuitive, emotional nature to deeply understand people and situations, which gives them great insight into solving problems. Cancer thinks with their heart and not their head, and while this may seem like an unwise approach, their compassion takes them far in life.

They make sure everyone gets their needs met because they genuinely care about the well-being of others around them. A deeply maternal, nurturing sign, Cancer uses their emotional acuity to take care of people’s hearts. You may see them in professions such as counseling, gardening, political positions, artists, musicians, or nurses.

If you need a listening ear, you can count on this sign to provide one. They will drop whatever they’re doing to help you because that’s what they do best. They live to serve others and lift them when life brings them down, and because of this, we consider them the best zodiac sign (and their friends will wholeheartedly agree).

No one can comfort others quite like a Cancer, because they have a way of seeing into people’s hearts and offering wonderful advice. They will put you before themselves because they want to make others happy no matter what.

  1. Cancers are the voice of reason.

Despite their deeply feeling nature, they will not hesitate to tell you the truth about a situation. Don’t underestimate a Cancer’s ability to reason; they don’t just go off blind emotion. They take their time to respond, taking in all information in order to come to the best conclusion for everyone involved.

Perhaps their mothering nature allows them to offer sound advice. Taking a cautious approach to life, Cancer will bring you back down to earth when you’ve spent too much time in the clouds. This zodiac sign can help calm your anxieties and fears, using their water element to cool you down and soothe you.

No matter what life throws at you, a Cancer will come to the rescue and do whatever it takes to make you feel better. Cancers relate deeply to the feelings of others, and many consider themselves empaths because of this. They can easily put themselves in the shoes of others and see many sides of a situation. Their friends usually call them first when they find themselves in trouble.

  1. Deep emotions don’t scare them.

No one knows emotions like a Cancer, so they don’t shy away when others express their deep feelings about a topic. Ironically though, Cancers usually don’t show their emotions unless they really trust you, so if they happen to bare their soul, take it as a huge compliment. Cancers would rather listen to someone else’s problems than share their own because they often feel so deeply that they have a hard time translating it into words.

However, because of their deep understanding of the human condition, they make the best listeners and advice-givers. You can always count on them to offer a shoulder to cry on, and they will make sure you leave their company feeling taken care of. Cancers will encourage you to spill your feelings and will never judge you for them because they’d rather you get everything on the table than bottle up your emotions.

  1. They pay attention.

Out of all the zodiac signs, Cancers pay the most attention to detail. Even when you think you’re rambling on and they’ve lost interest, they pick up on the subtle hints and unspoken words. They’re the sign most likely to surprise you with your favorite dessert after a long work week or buy you a thoughtful gift just because. They love putting a smile on people’s faces and will go to great lengths to take care of you.

Cancers love getting to know people to their core, and because of their attentive nature, you will always feel loved and seen by them. They can’t stand to see others upset and will cross oceans just to make you happy.

  1. This zodiac sign is a rock for the people in their lives.

Don’t underestimate the strength of a Cancer. While they have a lot going on internally, they will hardly show this to the people close to them. They don’t like feeling vulnerable, so they present their tough crab shell to the world most of the time. They have a turbulent nature but appear calm on the surface, much like their water element. Always poised and collected, they stand firm for themselves and the people they care about most.

Cancer doesn’t like to burden others with their problems, so they try their best to solve them internally and remain resolute and stoic. Their emotions fluctuate with the cycles of the moon, but they have an outer resolve that many of their friends admire. You can always count on a Cancer to stay strong in the face of adversity.

  1. They’re very loyal friends.

Caring and compassionate, a Cancer will never leave your side once you’ve earned their trust. It takes a while for them to open up, but once they feel comfortable, you will gain a friend for life. No matter what time of the day or night, this zodiac sign will come to your side when you need them most. They will never leave no matter what you’re going through because they know what it feels like when people abandon them. They couldn’t live with themselves if they hurt someone close to them.

While Cancers typically enjoy flying solo or having a small group of friends, they don’t take their friendships lightly. They usually prioritize friendships as much as romantic partnerships as they prefer to have deep, lasting connections with people.

  1. Cancers will always protect you.

This zodiac sign is very protective of their loved ones, so you don’t want to mess with their friends and family. If you get on their bad side or threaten them in any way, beware the wrath of a Cancer. They appear sweet and gentle to most people, but they won’t hesitate to show their fierceness to anyone who crosses them or their loved ones. Being in the company of a Cancer means always feeling safe and secure because you mean the world to them.

Who should you date, according to your zodiac sign?

Final thoughts about why Cancer is the best zodiac sign

Cancers make the best friends and partners because of their nurturing, compassionate demeanor. They can seem quiet and shy at first, but once you get to know them, you have a friend for life. Cancers have huge hearts and often put others before themselves. They love to love, and you will always feel safe and protected in their company.

Cancer will get to know you extensively and will listen to your every word during a conversation. They value deep relationships and have no interest in shallow or superficial connections. When they open up to you, that means they really trust you to spill their deepest secrets. They don’t let many people in because they wear their hearts on their sleeves and have a fear of getting hurt.

Cancer will give people many chances because they know that people make mistakes and don’t judge them for it. However, once you’ve lost their trust, don’t count on getting it back. They have a forgiving nature, but they don’t allow people to walk all over them. Cancers are much like cuddly, soft teddy bears on the inside despite their guarded, tough appearance.

They’re huge softies at heart even though they don’t like many people to know that about them. They will give you their all in a friendship and relationship, and will never leave your side when you really need them. If you have a Cancer in your life, consider yourself lucky, because you will never meet anyone quite like this sweet zodiac sign.


5 People Share Their Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

5 People Share Their Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are as seemingly real as they are life-changing.

For reference, NDEs are defined as “Lucid (experiences) associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death.”

In this article, we’re going to discuss the nature of NDEs – including the accumulating scientific evidence regarding their validity. Included are ten incredible accounts of individuals who have “crossed over” only to return to their Earthly abode.

Let us first discuss the evidence.

The Evidence for NDEs

“There was no confusion. This was not a dream. This was the real experience of my soul outside of my body, outside of my personality, outside fo my ego, and outside of my human form. Having a real experience at what I call ‘The Source.’ [original author’s emphasis]”

“It was more real than this reality. We all remember that experience better than anything else in our life.”

Two NDE testimonies from the documentary ‘Beyond Our Sight.’

It is estimated that around 17 percent of people who nearly die have an NDE. People who report an NDE come from a wide range of backgrounds: adults, children, religious and non-religious, physicians, scientists, ministers, and more. NDEs are reported across the world, with no area of the globe more or less likely to have an NDE.

Something interesting is that there seems to be commonly observed features of many NDE experiences. Some scientists believe that this commonality of experience also serves as proof for the validity of NDEs.

Among the most common experiences are:

  • Seeing and hearing apart from the physical body.
  • Passing into or through a tunnel
  • Encountering a mystical light
  • Intense (generally positive) emotions
  • Review of life experiences
  • Encountering deceased loved ones
  • The choice to return to their earthly life

Nine Lines of Evidence of a Near Death Experience

Jeffrey Long, MD, founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF,, cites nine “lines of evidence” that suggest the reality of near-death experiences.

#1- Lucid, organized experiences while unconscious, comatose, or clinically dead.

From a scientific perspective, having a highly lucid experience while unconscious, comatose, or clinically dead should not be possible. Yet, 74.4 percent of near-death experiencers (NDEers) report experiencing “More consciousness and alertness than normal.”

#2 – Witnessing ongoing events from a location apart from the physical body while unconscious.

Nearly have of NDEers report seeing or hearing events from a perspective that is apart (typically above) their physical bodies.

 #3 – Enhanced, “supernormal” vision.

In a survey of 1,122 NDEers, over 64 percent responded “Yes” to a question inquiring into any “supernormal” vision experiences. It is noteworthy that just 19 percent responded “No” to the question. (16 percent responded “Uncertain.”)

#4 – NDE under general anesthesia.

Having a lucid experience should not be possible under conditions of general anesthesia. However, NDEs (including some of the most extraordinary cases) are often reported under anesthesia.

#5 – Life reviews.

Many NDEs include at least a partial “life review.” Most NDEers describe the life review as taking place from a third-person perspective. Most tellingly, these life reviews often contain parts of their lives that they’d long forgotten until that point.

#6 – Encountering dead loved ones.

Many NDEs include encounters with deceased relatives. In one interesting study, one-third of NDE cases of this type included encountering relatives with whom the NDE experiencer had a poor or distant relationship. Some of these cases also involved meeting a relative or loved one who had died before the NDEer was born.

#7 – NDEs of young children mirror those of adults.

NDE accounts from young children are considered important, as they are less likely to have established religious or spiritual beliefs and less developed vocabulary. In one study, experimenters analyzed the responses of NDEers aged six or younger (average 3.6 years) to the rest of the group. Of the 33 questions asked, there were no statistically significant differences to the responses between the young children’s age group and the older participants.

#8 – Similar NDEs across cultures.

In Western society especially, we’d think that and NDE would be dependent on the spiritual or religious background of the experiencer. However, the evidence shows NDE content to be “strikingly similar” across cultures. This led one study to conclude: “All near-death experience elements appearing in Western NDEs are present in non-Western NDEs.”

#9 – After-effects of NDEs.

NDEs appear to transform the lives of those who experience them. 278 NDErs answered the question, “My experience directly resulted in…:” Here is how they responded:

  • Large changes in my life: 152 (54.7%)
  • Moderate changes in my life: 68 (24.5%)
  • Slight changes in my life: 28 (10.1%)
  • No changes in my life: 14 (5.0%)
  • Unknown: 16 (5.8%)

 Taken together, this compounding evidence seems to point toward – not away from – the reality of near-death experiences.

10 Amazing Near Death Experience Testimonies

Each of the following NDE accounts is curated from Quora and checked for validity.

  1. Sharon Elizabeth Jensen

“Everything around me was white, cloud white, not bright, shiny, can’t-see light, [but] comfortable light. In fact, everything was comfortable as the most amazing and beautiful music I have ever and will ever hear again (no Human music will EVER compare favorably) was wafting literally in the air and surrounding everything.

I have never really understood what the meaning of ‘unconditional love’ was; cynical being that I am, but I sure do now. Wow. SO wonderful and completely inexplicable in words.”

  1. Lori Miller

“I floated on my back along an invisible path surrounded by a speckled gray atmosphere. A white light illumined far in the distance. I kept my eyes on it without diverting my gaze as I moved towards it.

Absolute peace purified me. I shed all earthy worries, perspective, and concerns, things that I didn’t realize I’d been carrying vanished, and in their place, complete freedom overtook me.

I felt unburdened, blissful, harmonious, and centered, but these words don’t convey how amazing the experience was for me. There are no words that can adequately describe how I felt. The only way I can try to get across what it was like is to ask you to think of the best day of your life; the day you felt utter peace, a day when abundant love filled your heart, and you had no worries or things that you needed to get done, and then multiply those feelings by a million maybe even a trillion; yes, it was that good!”

  1. Raul Young

“I wasn’t dead, as my consciousness was still there; I wasn’t alive as I was no longer in my body. I was just simply being. I was an eternal force. An energy beyond explanation. It was like floating in the air.

I was no longer seeing the world — I wasn’t even seeing black. I was in a place bright as white. It was peaceful and perhaps heavenly.

The thing that I remembered the most was a sense of selfishness if I can truly put it into words. As I remembered my life, it really didn’t have much feeling of worth anymore. I felt like everything is perfect and just the way it should be.”

  1. Jiri Kroc

“It is an incredible feeling, the most beautiful ‘place’ which I ever visited during this life. It is like being in the heavenly place of the immense beauty of structures observed there and sounds perceived. It is our true home where our spirits reside.

The world, which I did enter, was pure light, pure resonations, pure oscillations, pure sound that all created an unbelievable beauty. Do you remember your early childhood and how you cuddled to your mother, felt absolutely safe, warm, and comforted? This is the exact same with the difference that the world which we are speaking about is the world of pure energy, a world where our souls reside.”

  1. ‘Jerry’

“What GOD showed me that day, there are not enough words on earth to tell you, but I will do my best with want words I have. There was the most beautiful gate, where we saw my parents, grandparents who had died a long time ago. One person I didn’t know, but he told me he loved me too. They all said they are fine and would wait for me to come back. We went on in. It seemed like everything was in a room, but you could see forever. You would be in one place, then in a second; you were somewhere else.

There was so much to see the clearest rivers and streams. The water was crystal clear. The sky was so blue, the grass so green, and when you walked in the grass, you didn’t leave footprints. The most beautiful music you have ever heard. The flowers were the most beautiful I had ever seen. I didn’t see any person who was sick, or cripple, or looked unhappy.”


Psychology Explains How to Reverse Negativity Bias

Psychology Explains How to Reverse Negativity Bias

Did you know that we tend to pay more attention to the negative than to the positive? It’s true. Psychologists call this tendency the negativity bias.

But contrary to popular belief, we can train the brain to counteract this psychological tic – and we should make an effort to do precisely that. Why? Because the negativity bias stinks, that’s why. It darkens our mood and contaminates our perception.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the wretched negativity bias. We’ll also talk about how to reverse it. First, here’s a bit more clarification on what the negativity bias is, exactly.

The Negativity Bias

“The brain is like Velcro for negativity and Teflon for positivity.”  ~ Dr. Rick Hanson

Technically,  the negativity bias is defined as “our proclivity to attend to, learn from, and use negative information far more than positive information.”  The problem is that adverse events produce far more prominent responses than non-negative.

“(The) negativity bias can influence how we feel, think, and act, and can some less than desirable effects on our psychological state.”  ~ Catherine Moore, Positive Psychologist

For example, negativity bias is the reason that we:

  • Dwell more on unpleasant or traumatic events than pleasant ones;
  • Focus the attention much quicker to negative rather than positive information;
  • Think more about our weaknesses than our strengths; and
  • Respond more passionately, both emotionally and physically, to aversive stimuli.

Even if we were to have the perfect day when everything goes right, a single distressing event could undo it all.

Which all begs the question: Why the hell do we even have a negativity bias? Like many of our more annoying psychological quirks, it all has to do with evolution. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors always faced immediate environmental threats that required swift action.

“Okay, but we don’t live in the wild anymore, jerk.”

Granted. But, of course, it’s not that simple.

Any thought or behavior trait, if repeated often enough, will stick around. It’s severe enough to get rid of a newly acquired habit, much less a universal, thousands-of-years-old psychological tic rooted deep in the human brain.

You can thank your great-great-great-great-great whoever for this delightful state of mind.

Hey, at least we don’t have to contend with some hungry creature that just ate our best friend.

Negativity Bias Research

In case you are wondering what that chart is, it’s a measurement of event-related brain potentials or ‘ERPs.’ An ERP is a “measured brain response that is the direct result of a specific sensory, cognitive, or motor event.” In this case, neutral, positive, and negative stimuli. Scientists measure ERPs by electroencephalography (EEG), a recording of electrical activity in the brain.

The graph’s orientation is a bit deceiving if one is used to looking at standard x- and y-axis plots. If this is the case, imagine the chart flipped 180 degrees. If you managed to perform this mental mirroring successfully, you’d notice that the negative line (solid with black dots) is a good deal higher than the positive (solid with white dots).

In essence, this graph manages to provide a simple visualization of a complex phenomenon. Namely, the negativity bias. It achieves this by showing that the brain’s electrical activity produces a higher current when exposed to a negative stimulus.

So, the negativity bias is not some abstract psychological gobbledegook – but a proven neurobiological fact. In other words, the proof is in the pudding.

Since we no longer require convincing that the negativity bias is indeed real, we’ll now focus our attention on ridding ourselves of it.

How to Overcome the Bias?

“By directing more of our conscious attention toward the positive events and feelings we experience, we can begin to address the asymmetry of negativity bias. And that requires practice…”  ~ Catherine Moore, Positive Psychologist

Forgive the abruptness, but to heck with the quacks and prescription drug companies. Let’s deal with this thing using some positivity!

To assist us with ridding ourselves of this unwanted bias, we turn to the bright minds of the positive psychology movement. For the unawares, positive psychology is defined as “the scientific study of the ‘good life,’ or the positive aspects of the human experience that make life worth living.”

How to Get Rid of Negativity Bias

As newly-minted positive psychologists, how would we go about handling this negativity bias thing?

#1 Use Self-Awareness/Mindfulness

To start with, we’ve got to pay more attention to the thoughts running through our minds.

Read that again. Heck, I’ll write it again: We’ve got to pay more attention to the thoughts running through our minds. Without self-awareness, nothing that we do will matter. Period.

Some Buddhists say that “unconsciousness dissipates in the fiery light of awareness.” While some would argue that this is a subjective statement, others wholeheartedly disagree. It’s been proven throughout thousands of years of spiritual and meditative practice. It is a science of the spirit – and it works.

But don’t take my word for it. Put it to the test!

Here’s how. The next time that you encounter a negative feeling rest your awareness upon it. Don’t think about it – simply sustain your knowledge of it. Eventually, you will feel some space between the perception and your noticing of the feeling. It may manifest as the quality of inner stillness. With practice, this inner stillness will grow. Moreover, it will become more of an automatic response rather than a conscious directing of attention.

In truth, this step may be all that you need. But let’s keep going just in case!

#2 Use the ABC Technique

The ABC technique is nothing new, but it is remarkably effective for challenging negative self-talk. The ‘A’ stands for Activating Event, ‘B,’ Belief, and ‘C,’ Consequences. The model works best with a pen and paper (for reinforcement).

A – Activating Event: What’s the situation that led to the negative thought or emotion? Write it down.

B – Belief: Write down the negative emotions and thoughts.

C – Consequences: Record the negative feelings or behaviors that resulted from (B).

Albert Ellis, who postulated the ABC model, believed that the activating event (A) is not what causes the behavioral consequences (C); instead, it is the person’s faulty interpretations, leading to a faulty belief system (B), that is the cause.

The ABC model is a stable of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), but it is an effective framework for helping us identify those misguided emotions and thoughts all the same. When the ABC model is used in conjunction with self-awareness and mindfulness, it becomes a potentially potent tool!

#3 Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Knew this was coming, didn’t you? While one may tire of hearing the words mindfulness and meditation uttered over and over, there’s a good reason.

The writer mentioned the effectiveness of self-awareness and mindfulness previously more specifically, how these tools boil down to spiritual science.

Well, now mainstream science is finally catching up. There is now a vast collection of academic, scientific papers testifying to the effectiveness of meditation for a host of both physical and psychological ailments. Negativity bias included.

In a review of one study, participants who meditated “performed better at tests where they were required to categorize positive stimuli, leading the researchers to conclude that mindfulness practice can have a significant positive impact (emphasis mine)” on negativity bias.

#4 Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring involves the reframing of an event or experience. Similar to the ABC technique, cognitive restructuring is a staple therapy within CBT circles.

One particularly vital element of cognitive restructuring is becoming aware of our cognitive distortions. These include:

‘Filtering’: Focusing on the negative and ignoring the positive (much like negativity bias.)

‘Catastrophizing’: Expecting the worst-case scenario and minimizing the real events.

‘Polarized thinking’: Having an all-or-nothing way of thinking and ignoring the complexity.

‘Heaven’s Reward Fallacy’: You expect to reward your self-sacrifices.

‘Control Fallacies’: Assuming only others are to blame, or assuming that only yourself is to blame.

‘Always Being Right’: Being wrong is unacceptable, and being right supersedes everything.

‘Fallacy of Fairness’: Assuming that life should always be fair.

‘Personalization’: Assuming that only self is responsible.

‘Overgeneralization’: Assuming a rule from a single experience.

‘Jumping to conclusions’: Making assuming based on scant evidence.

‘Emotional reasoning’: “If I feel it, it must be true.”

‘Blaming’: Assuming everyone else is at fault.

‘Fallacy of change’: Expecting others to change.

‘Global labeling’: Extreme generalization.

‘Shoulds’: Holding tight to rules of behavior; judging self and others if rules are broken.

Final Thoughts on Breaking Down Your Negativity Bias

Shedding the skin of negativity bias can be done. You need to work at chipping away at its shell with diligence. It takes a lot of mindfulness and hard work. But with a good dose of positivity, you are well on your way there!


15 Traits That Kind People Exhibit Without Realizing It

15 Traits That Kind People Exhibit Without Realizing It

There are certain traits that kind people have, and they may not even realize it. Since they are naturally kind-hearted, behaving in the way that they do comes easily to them. They don’t have to work at it. They simply have to be themselves.

Kind people don’t usually find themselves lonely or unsuccessful. This positive character trait contributes to positive social relationships and a more successful career. When people enjoy being around you, the interactions will be more positive and fulfilling.

The things that friendly people exhibit without realizing it are things that everyone else can work on. By consciously striving to develop these characteristics, anyone can become a nice person. After a while of conscious effort, it’ll become second-nature to behave in this way.

Fifteen Traits That Kind People Exhibit

Kind people treat everyone the same, and they always think about the well-being of others. Before they act, they also consider how their actions will affect others. Because of this, they tend to exhibit many positive characteristics without even realizing it.

1. They Give Praise Often

Everyone wants to hear praise sometimes, and this is something you can count on from a nice person. They’ll find something you do well, and they won’t be shy about telling you how great you are.

Remember, when you praise someone for their efforts, they’ll likely do even better next time. Think about how you feel when you receive kudos, and work harder to notice the good in others. Once you notice it, let them know and see how that praise encourages them.

2. Forgiveness

Nice people forgive easily, and rarely stay mad for long. They may not even get angry at all in situations that would make others crazy. Plus, they tend to walk away rather than argue, which could contribute to their ability to forgive quickly.

3. Patience

Kind people often show their kindness by being patient. Everyone makes mistakes or takes time to learn something new. This trait kicks in when patience is vital because being patient will want that person to try harder to succeed.

Being patient is also a way that friendly people show how much they care. They want you to know they believe in you and know you can do it.

4. Positivity

One of the reasons friendly people exhibit positivity is because they don’t complain. Complaining spreads negativity, and kind people know this and keep it in mind.

They also choose to use a positive vocabulary. You won’t hear them saying mean things when talking to others. Plus, they are extra careful not to say something offensive or hurtful.

You can count on nice people to look for the positive aspects of all situations. This includes a harmful situation when things didn’t go as planned, too.

5. Helpfulness

Kind people are always looking for ways to help others. If they see that you are in need, they’ll go out of their way to help you. This action could be giving you a ride when your car breaks down or helping you pick up things that you have dropped.

6. Compassion

Friendly people are a comfort to others through empathy and sympathy, stemming from their unhindered compassion. They can understand the problems of others and be sympathetic to what they are going through. Plus, they can be empathetic and help you through hard times.

They do this by listening to you and allowing you to express your feelings without interrupting. This is how they become so good at understanding how other people are feeling. By being compassionate and connecting on this level, they show their kindness and care of others.

7. They are Polite

You won’t see a nice person being rude, and they’ll always use their manners. They are kind and polite to employees at businesses they visit, even when things aren’t perfect.

They show respect to others and respect boundaries set in relationships. Nice people just want to show the respect that they expect to get back.

8. Honesty

When something isn’t working for them, they’ll speak up and say so. You won’t get passive-aggressive behavior from these folks. Plus, you won’t have to worry about how they truly feel because they will tell you.

Even though they will speak up when necessary, they’ll still do it kindly. They won’t say it in a way that will hurt your feelings or make you upset.

They also tell the truth when they’ve made a mistake. They honestly acknowledge their shortcomings and take responsibility.

9. Thoughtfulness

If you have a kind person in your life, you know that they are always thoughtful. They constantly think about what others would want and consider the opinions of others. Most importantly, they think about how their actions will affect those around them.

In their most personal relationships, they do unexpected and thoughtful things for those they love. This could be leaving a little gift or a note, or it can be by preparing their favorite meal.

10. Consistency

You know what to expect from this type of person. If they say that they will do something, they’ll do it. They also treat all people the same and show kindness to everyone. This trait isn’t just beneficial to those receiving compassion, either, as it will benefit the person being kind, too.

11. Humility

This doesn’t mean they put themselves down, but they are humble about their strengths. They know what they are good at, and they don’t go out of their way to brag to others.

Friendly people also recognize areas that they are lacking in and work to improve on them. They can take constructive criticism, and it doesn’t make them upset.

This acceptance is because they are satisfied with who they are, and they understand they have to continue working hard anyway. They don’t need to be a star in their field. Instead, they just acknowledge that they are doing their best. This behavior allows them to remain humble despite their strengths, and to continue working on their faults.

12. Authenticity

Friendly people won’t pretend to be different than they indeed are. They act the same wherever they are, no matter who they are with. You won’t see them going along with things that they wouldn’t normally do, just because their friends are.

They are true to themselves when they state an opinion. You can always count on what they are saying about themselves because they won’t pretend to be different.

When others see that a person is authentic, they begin to view them as a trustworthy person. A genuine person won’t have to try to impress anyway, because they are already sure of themselves. When a person is this confident in who they are, it draws others to them.

13. They are Interested in Others

Kind people are interested in what other people have to say. They are also involved in what is essential to other people. This helps them form and continue positive relationships.

They know that other people can help them learn, and they are interested in learning from them. There will be no hidden agenda, only a sincere desire to get to know those they interact with. Since each person offers something different, a nice person will strive to see what your strengths are.

They stay focused on the person who is talking to them, making them a joy to connect with. It allows those they are communicating with to feel relaxed and drawn in. Additionally, it’ll make a nice person the perfect person to network with.

14. Acceptance

Friendly people accept everyone they meet, even if they don’t agree with their views. They embrace the fact that everyone is different, and they use it as a learning opportunity. You won’t hear them criticizing people for their differences.

This attitude allows others to be themselves around a nice person. They won’t feel negativity or tension, and they’ll be happier because of it. It helps form positive relationships, open-mindedness, and a happy and positive environment.

15. Promptness

This trait isn’t to say that those who are often late aren’t kind, but the most considerate of people exhibit promptness. They understand the value of your time, and they won’t leave you waiting on them. Because of this, they tend to be more organized and disciplined in life.

Final Thoughts on Things That Kind People Exhibit Without Realizing It

Kind people exhibit many positive character traits without even realizing they are doing it. These qualities tend to come naturally to them. Having these traits come usually happens after an extended period of behaving this way consciously.

Often, these traits develop during childhood and early adulthood, but that’s not always the case. Anyone can develop these traits through conscious effort and creating habits. Then, over time, the characteristics become second-nature to those people, too.

If you or someone you know is a kind person, you’ll recognize many of these traits already. From showing compassion for others to going out of their way to help people, you can count on them for this.  Kind people are always thinking of the well-being of others, and they strive to make people feel good and succeed.


15 Habits A Conscientious Person Has Without Realizing It

15 Habits A Conscientious Person Has Without Realizing It

We all want to live our best, most conscientious lives, don’t we? It isn’t easy to rise above the daily stresses and challenges of life. We must each learn to overcome obstacles and realize our goals, one by one. Many of us have aspects of our personality or habits that we would like to change to improve aspects of our lives. Still, we may lack the self-discipline and resolve to make authentic, lasting changes.

What does it mean to be conscientious?

Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being deliberate and diligent. It implies a desire to do things well and to honor commitments to the self and others sincerely. Conscientiousness is a desirable character trait, for it means that you are thoughtful in your words, thoughts, and actions when living your life. While most people have some areas of their lives where they display traits of conscientiousness, it is admirable to show this kind of integrity in all aspects of life.

How do conscientious people think and act?

In general, a conscientious person applies deliberate, careful thought to all situations, from a minor position to the most significant aspects of life, and seeks to act in integrity and honesty regarding all situations. While this is a character trait that can be developed, most people who display this type of deliberate thinking have done so for some time; they were born and raised with examples of people around them living and acting in integrity. People who display conscientiousness may even have ingrained habits and patterns that they engage in that they are not even aware of; it’s simply woven into the fabric of their being.

15 Dominant Traits of a Conscientious Person

Are you conscientious? Do you apply deliberate and diligent thought and action to life’s situations? Do others find you admirable and want to be in your company in hopes of learning how to manage their lives better? Take a look at these traits of conscientiousness and see how many of them you embody, or what you must do to become one of those people that you admire.

Trait #1: Organization

A place for everything, and everything in its place. You have designed a system of organization for most things in your life, and you get slightly stressed if someone isn’t privy to your mode of stacking, storing, and measuring. If taken to the extreme, this organization can morph into obsessive-compulsive disorder or perfectionism. Along with this talent for the organization comes a need to balance it out; those socks can stay on the floor for five more minutes. Try not to have a meltdown.

Trait #2: To-do lists

If something goes on a “to do” list, you WILL achieve this goal. You cross it off with a great deal of satisfaction, knowing that you put your heart and soul into the task. And now you get to move on to the next conquest. You are a person of your word; you honor your commitments to yourself and others, and others seek you out for your dependability and responsiveness.

Trait #3: Self-discipline

You are the epitome of self-discipline. Whether your goal is to read a new self-development book, to improve an aspect of your professional life, or to lose ten pounds, you have it covered. You will find systems of success to reach each goal, and if these systems don’t yet exist, you will create them. Discipline and steadfast attention to each task allow you to enjoy the journey of accomplishment, and you stride forward with the confidence that you will find a way to meet all of your goals.

Trait #4: Best effort

When others are signing up for the half marathon, you put your name down for 26 miles. Home economics class may have meant scrambled eggs for your classmates, but you were interested in crafting a delicate and flaky quiche for your presentation. Whatever you choose to do, you give it your best effort, and if you are not adept at the skills required to accomplish a task, you’ll set about to acquire this skill set to reach your ultimate potential. Watching you achieve is a source of inspiration to others as they seek the same kind of resolve they see from you.

Trait #5: Deliberate thinking

You may be a person of few words, but they are well-chosen. You are a very deliberate thinker; when a problem is presented to you, you survey all angles before arriving at your conclusion and course of action. Being a careful thinker allows you to take action with confidence, knowing you have exhausted all possibilities and arrived at all findings before coming to a resolution. Be proud of your intellectual abilities, for a person like you is becoming increasingly harder to find.

Trait #6: Success

Being the type of person that others wish to allow you to exude a sense of confidence, which is extremely attractive. You seem to attract success like a magnet, and your humility and honesty make your station in life that much more admirable, as you don’t take your position for granted. You have earned the respect of others, and you return this in kind as you forage successful relationships. Indeed, you may even have made it your mission in life to help others achieve their goals as well; nobility and kindness look good on you. Keep up the excellent work.

Trait #7: Financially responsible

Being a person of your word is essential to you. You understand the value of obligations and expectations, and your financial affairs reflect these qualities and beliefs. You pay your bills on time, you honor your commitments to others, and you find your economic issues growing positively. As you continue to use your resources wisely, you’ll keep growing and expanding to your full potential.

Trait #8: Clean

Cleanliness and order are essential to you. Indeed, you like your surroundings and your home to reflect this value. You take pride in your home, and even if it is modest, you care for it and lovingly maintain it, knowing that as you do so, you are paving the way for more good to come to you.

Cleanliness may be a habit that is so ingrained that you don’t realize it is a part of your daily routine; dishes are always washed, the floor is always swept, and beds are always made. You’ve made the mundane fun and enjoyable; please teach the rest of us to cherish our home and create inviting spaces, no matter what we currently live in.

Trait #9: Practice self-care

A conscientious person cares about his/her body as a temple and practices self care and presentation with care as well. Clean and combed hair, clean clothing, and a polished appearance are just as important as grooming your home; you present an image of loving kindness to yourself that is inspiring to others, so keep shining in the self-care department to show others how to love and care for themselves.

Trait #10: Healthful eating

Just as you give thought to how you design your day, you give careful thought to how you design and care for your body. The practice of healthy eating is very important to you. So you shop for, prepare, and cook meals as if you were serving a king or queen. Gobbling chicken wings over the sink is not an option for you. It is time to set out the linens, light a candle, and practice mindful eating in an environment that is good for the body and the soul.

Trait #11: Organized workspaces

Regardless of the number of deadlines you have, you always seem to be able to maintain a clean workspace. Papers are filed, the desk is dusted, and your personal effects are tasteful and pleasing to look at. You have designed the ultimate space for creativity and productivity. Plus, it is a place that you look forward to going to each day as you anticipate the wonderful things you will do at work.

Trait #12: Punctuality

A conscientious person is almost always on time. If it is within their power to arrive on the dot, they will do so. Meetings, dinners, social engagements, work, play….it doesn’t matter. Being on time is part of the whole package. Of course, you can count on them to be watchful and respectful of others’ time as well.

Trait #13: Dependability

If you are conscientious, you can be trusted to do what you say you will. You will not take on more than you can handle, and that which you do take on you do to the best of your ability. Sure, you have challenges that may arise. However, you are diligent about working around them and coming up with solutions that work for all.

Trait #14: Fearless about challenges

True grit is evident here in that you don’t run from challenges—you meet them head-on. Many people who live in this kind of integrity tackle the most challenging and unpleasant aspects of life first, knowing that leisure will come later. The best part about getting your work done satisfactorily is that you can attack your entertainment with the same passion as the early day.

Trait #15: Body conscious

Your body is your temple, and it is essential to keep looking young and fit as long as possible. You have adopted a regular exercise routine, and it is a regular part of your day. As sure as the sun rises in the East, you commit to a workout each day in hopes of attaining the perfect human form….or at least your version of perfect.

Final Thoughts: Thank You if You Are One Such Conscientious Person

Deliberate life-liver, you get our respect for sucking the marrow out of life. You inspire the rest of us to live better, cleaner, more regulated lives, and for that, we thank you. We are grateful for the opportunity to see your example, that we may raise the bar and improve our quality of life.