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15 Life Lessons to Learn From Your Most Epic Fails

15 Life Lessons to Learn From Your Most Epic Fails

Do you have epic fails in your life that have defined you? Sadly, you will continue to err–as you are human. While you may want to beat yourself up and scream at mistakes, your disappointments provide you the chance for one of the greatest lessons.

Failure is all around you. From raising children to working a job, you make mistakes every day. A young toddler even fails at things too. How many times have you told your infant not to touch the stove?

It wasn’t until they touch the stove and feel the scorching pain that they realize they’ve made a horrible error. However, the burn will go away, but the pain they experienced will teach them a lesson.

Your life is remarkably like that of a toddler. You’re going through life learning as you go. Did you know that the fear of failure can often be more traumatizing than the epic fails that you experience in life?

It’s natural to want to avoid things that cause you pain to develop anxiety and panic. The child who touched the hot stove might be so scared of getting burnt again that they won’t come within five feet of the cooker. It’s unrealistic to avoid a stove for the rest of the child’s life, and you can’t avoid living for fear of falling or getting hurt.

The Persistence of Walt Disney

Who doesn’t love Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy? Did you know that these beloved characters were a struggle to bring to the public? The Disney empire wasn’t always the thriving success it is today.

Walt was an advocate for falling down a few times and often showcased his failures as much as his successes. When people hear the name Disney, they associate it with prosperity, but few know that the legend behind this empire filed for bankruptcy.

All the pressures in life caused Disney to have a nervous breakdown. Even once his characters became a household name, he found himself without money again when he created Snow White’s story. He had to get a bank loan to get the movie off the ground.

Indeed, Disney once even told reporters that it was essential for life to kick you in the teeth a few times. Those times teach you more lessons than fame and prosperity could ever do.

Everyone has a story, even the rich and famous, who seem to have it all going for them. It’s what you do during those times of adversity that matters most.

Fifteen Enduring Life Lessons

Thinking back on the lessons you’ve learned throughout life, you can see the ones that made you and the ones that broke you. However, here are 15 things that you can learn from those experiences.

1. Humility

The epic fails you experience in life will teach you humility. Once you’ve had your ego shattered a time or two, you look for new paths and develop a greater understanding.

You will learn to right the wrong that caused you to fail, and you can go on to fulfill your dreams. There is nothing more sobering than falling a few times to make you humble.

2. Empathy

Many people have sympathy because they feel sorry for others. However, once you’ve been to rock bottom, you learn how to empathize. You can relate to others on a deeper level when you’ve been in those dark places. You will have compassion for others, and it changes your perceptions of things.

3. Resourcefulness

If everything is handed to you on a silver platter, you do not need to be resourceful. However, once your finances have tanked and you’ve been on skid row, you realize how important it is to find new resources. Desperation can lead to inspiration, and you will learn new methods to make things happen.

4. Better Coping Skills

When you’re younger, you may use alcohol as a coping method for stress. However, as you age, you learn that you must be mentally and spiritually sound for your family and career. When the emotions roll in like the ocean’s tide, you find better ways to deal with them.

You may have turned to prescription medications or alcohol in the past, you now have learned to meditate or journal to get rid of all the angst you feel.

5. Develop a New Perspective

Through your epic fails and disappointments in life, you learn how to put happiness into perspective. Being happy is a state of being and not a destination. You discover how to view things in proportion, and you understand that you can only embrace the moment.

6. Grasp Time Management

Everyone gets 24 hours a day and seven days a week. No matter who you’re or how much money you have, time is life’s biggest equalizer. When you have a few failures, you learn how to manage your time.

If you don’t learn to manage time, then it will control you. If you want efficiency and to improve your result, then you know strategies to help you manage your time more effectively.

7. Better Planning Skills

Establishing a concrete action plan to accomplish your goals is crucial to success. Failures teach you to become a better planner. You need to refine your approach and not alter your goals. By adjusting past methods and techniques, you learn how to make your dreams possible.

8. Discover New Meaning

Life’s disappointments push you to uncover new meaning. You’re compelled to ponder your motives for wanting things. Either it’s important enough for you to move forward, or it’s not that significant, and you quit and give up. You’ll look at everything quite differently after epic fails than you did before.

9. Gratitude

Sometimes the pursuit of happiness and financial gain makes you lose sight of what matters. Ask a homeless person that lives on the street how wonderful it was to have a house and a comfy bed to sleep in. Hitting rock bottom forges you to be thankful for what you have in life.

10. Financial Responsibility

Once you’ve been through bankruptcy court or been on the brink of financial ruin, you have a whole new meaning for managing your finances. You soon learn that those $5 gourmet coffees on the way to work are an extravagance that you don’t need. Your epic fails in life teaches you how to be responsible with your money.

11. Embrace Your Faith

Everyone has different faiths and beliefs, which is your right in this country. However, one thing that you will learn is how to call on your higher power in times of adversity. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, or atheist, everyone has something that they can call on for strength and help.

12. Your “Real” Friends

It’s easy to have a lot of friends when everything is going grand. However, it’s the ones that stick with you when you have no money, have lost everything, and have no status to offer them that count. You will discover who is your true friend when you walk through the darkest times, and they still stand beside you.

13. Examine Your Heart

Once you fail, you have no choice but to look inside to see what might have caused you to have these disappointments. Analyzing the inside can help you move past the things that held you back, and you can succeed in the future.

14. Money and Prestige isn’t everything

How many times have you seen a movie or TV stars focus so much of their attention on their careers and the pursuit of money that they neglected their family? Having money in the bank and a few luxuries are understandable, but some people will trade everything for fame and fortune. If you lose your family but have a bank full of money, is it worth it?

15. Change Habits

A recent study found that 45 percent of your daily behaviors are forged from habits. If you have bad habits that could be holding you back, it’s time to evaluate them and learn methods to conquer those tendencies. Additionally, when you add new, better habits to the mix, you can achieve anything you set your mind to do.

Final Thoughts: Learn From Jim Carrey About How to Move on From Epic Fails

Your life will never be perfect, nor should you expect it to be. When you stumble and fall along life’s journey, it’s all about getting up and having the courage and strength to start again. Did you know that the famous actor Jim Carrey had many failures?

He is the winner of many People’s Choice and Golden Globe awards, yet he doesn’t even have a high school education. His family was so poor he had to drop out of school at 15 to be a janitor to help with finances. Carrey struggled with depression, anxiety, and the fear of failure.

In an interview, he stated that he used positive affirmations and visualization techniques to help him achieve his goals. Carrey is an outspoken believer in the Law of Attraction–using positive energy to attract the best in life. What’s your destiny? Where do you want to go in life? Don’t let your failures define your future. Using your life lessons, you have the power to overcome.


10 Menopause Self Care Tips Never to Ignore

10 Menopause Self Care Tips Never to Ignore

Going through menopause can be an incredibly difficult challenge, so it’s essential to observe some menopause self care tips. From the hot flashes to the loss of skin elasticity, and even the anxiety that comes along with everything, it can feel like your whole life is changing involuntarily. It may leave you wondering what your body will be like when it’s over.

The good news is that it’s manageable. Women everywhere have dealt with menopause and continued having an active and productive life despite the symptoms. You can be one of those women!

With a little effort and a lot of self-love, you’ll get through menopause like a pro if you take care of yourself. Here are ten menopause self care tips you should never ignore.

1. Be prepared for hot flashes.

A hot flash is the most recognized symptom of menopause. They can be brutal. The constant sweating, overheating, and pink/reddish skin can be embarrassing and can send your anxiety through the roof.

According to Harvard Health, about 75 percent of women in menopause experience hot flashes. If you’re lucky, you’ll be in the remaining 25 percent. However, if you’re in the majority, the good news is that there are some things you can do to minimize the effects of the flashes.

The first thing you can do is learn what triggers them. Common triggers include hot drinks, warm outdoor temperatures, medications, and stress. Once you identify your triggers (they aren’t the same for everyone), you can try to avoid them. At the very least, you’ll know the hot flash is coming.

You can attempt to keep your environment cool. Examples are lowering the temperature on your AC, putting cool sheets on your bed, and wearing thin, breathable layers of clothing. Finally, if you do have a hot flash, don’t panic.

2. Get regular checkups.

Performing menopause self care tips doesn’t mean to do everything yourself. Regular checkups with your doctor can ensure that your body is functioning correctly. After all, your body is going through a lot of changes during menopause.

The changes that happen in your body, particularly a lowered level of estrogen, can put you at risk for specific medical conditions. These can include stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Getting regular checkups will allow your doctor to identify these conditions early if they happen so that you can fix them.

Even after menopause, you should continue to get regular checkups. You’ll find that your medical needs are different during this stage of your life. Your health is more important than ever at that point, so don’t leave anything to chance.

3. Take care of your mental health.

Menopause is stressful. The constant changes in your mood, temperature, weight, and other bodily functions can drive your anxiety through the roof. On top of that, you may be dealing with embarrassment from the flashes.

You are not alone in your feelings. It’s important to remember that what’s happening to you is regular and that you can talk to someone about it. You may not need a professional counselor but confide in a loved one or a close friend.

You should also do things that help to reduce your stress level. Yoga is an excellent activity for reducing stress. Meditation is another one. Whatever relieves stress for you, make that a regular part of your life.

4. Don’t be embarrassed to admit when you’re not feeling your best.

Women are tough, resilient humans. It’s not uncommon to find “superwomen” all over the place. Many women pride themselves on being able to juggle everything that life throws at them.

Because of this, it can be difficult for a woman to admit when she isn’t feeling her best. During menopause, this can happen often. You simply may not be feeling as energized or motivated, and accepting this might be hard for you.

However, one of the biggest menopause self care tips you can follow is to listen to your body. If you’re not feeling up to tackling all the tasks of the day, give yourself a break. It doesn’t make you any less of a person or any less of a woman.

Women can be incredibly hard on themselves when they aren’t feeling like being intimate with their partner. However, you must talk with your partner about these feelings. Otherwise, they won’t know (unless they are a woman who is also going through menopause). Don’t be afraid to admit when you need a “me day.”

5. Take care of your sexual health/sex life.

Vaginal health can take a big hit during menopause. The vagina gets drier than usual, and the vaginal walls get thinner. There may even be a loss of skin elasticity in the vagina. This can result in painful sex plus vaginal health problems.

For a lot of women, the stress of having an ill-functioning vagina makes them feel like their sex life is on the line. However, that’s not what you should be focusing on. If your partner loves you, they will understand that you may have to put a hold on sex and intimacy until you get your vaginal health under control.

This doesn’t mean that your sex life has to take a back seat. There are lubricants and medicines that can help. You need to visit your gynecologist (#2, regular checkups!) and discuss the problems you’re having.

6. Get enough sleep.

Insomnia is a common problem for women during perimenopause and can continue all the way through menopause. While the exact cause for insomnia issues is unknown, medical experts speculate that a hot flash can interrupt deep sleep cycles. Even if you sleep through the hot flash, the quality of your sleep is being affected.

This can mean that you find yourself being more tired throughout the day. It could also lead to irritability and health problems. Get more sleep is a simple menopause self care tip, but not always an easy tip without some help. You may need to see your doctor if you can’t figure out how to sleep on your own.

7. Be aware of your mood changes.

Unfortunately, your menopause symptoms don’t only affect you. Since menopause affects your hormones, it also affects your emotions. This can manifest in the form of bizarre mood changes, which means that everyone around you must deal with it too.

Managing your mood changes is one menopause self care tip that can help everyone in your household. While you probably can’t stop the mood changes, you can at least be aware of them. Being mindful, along with a lot of understanding from your loved ones, will help you get through it in one piece.

8. Take care of your skin.

Menopause can wreak havoc on your skin. If you’ve never had a solid skincare regimen, now is the time to get one. If you don’t, you might become unrecognizable.

Menopause can cause your skin to get dry and thin. You can develop age spots and larger patches of dark skin. You may begin growing facial hair while the hair on your head thins out. There is even a possibility of skin growths and skin cancer.

This all sounds extreme, but you can significantly reduce skin problems by implementing a great skincare regimen. Don’t take this menopause self care tip with a grain of salt. Start taking care of your skin as early as possible.

9. Eat healthily and exercise.

Weight gain is another side effect of menopause. Even if you’ve always been at a healthy weight all your life, you can expect to put on a few pounds during menopause. Many women gain extra weight around their midsection.

There are several factors that cause weight gain. Genetics, lack of sleep, and hormonal changes can all play a role. However, eating right and exercising is a way to combat this. Living a healthy lifestyle can help you fight those extra calories and, in the process, combat many weight-related diseases that you can get as you get older.

10. Exercise your brain.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of your brain can take a hit during menopause. Many women suffer from memory problems and concentration issues. You could even go as far as calling these problems brain fog.

Some of this brain fog is due to other problems you may be having from menopause. Sleep problems, mental health problems, and even frequent mood changes can all play a part. If you manage these, you can reduce or even prevent brain fog.

The best thing you can do is to incorporate brain-stimulating activities in your life. Challenge yourself and do things that make you use your mind. Anything that makes you think and remember things is welcomed.

Final Thoughts on Menopause Self Care Tips

Menopause is a challenging time for any woman, and taking care of yourself during this time is essential. As your body goes through these inevitable changes, comfort becomes your primary concern. Don’t be afraid to be a little selfish as you deal with the effects of menopause.

The good news is that the phase won’t last forever. Eventually, your body will become your friend again, and you can get back to a healthy, everyday life. How healthy it is will depend on how good you are a menopause self care, so make sure you put yourself first and take care of all those menopause needs.


5 Most Common Causes of Data Breaches

5 Most Common Causes of Data Breaches

Making difficult financial decisions is an inescapable part of running a modern-day business. That often requires making unwanted cuts and allocating funds towards aspects of your operations that might seem redundant at first. For instance, many small business owners don’t invest in cybersecurity because they believe that their company could not possibly become a target of a cyberattack. In reality, both small and large businesses tend to be targeted by cybercriminals at an equal rate, with small businesses sometimes being preferred targets due to their lack of cybersecurity measures.


Data breaches and security threats are not just an issue of finances – they are a matter of your professional reputation and your brand’s future. A single breach is enough to wipe you off the map and wreck your business reputation in a heartbeat. With that in mind, companies need to know what kind of preventative measures they can adopt and what are the most common causes of data breaches to plan for to protect their business. Here are a few examples that can help you build an enduring and secure business. 


Employee-caused mistakes 

Human error is the greatest source of security risks for any business. Although you can never get rid of it entirely, you can significantly reduce the risk with proper employee training and education. Even the best firewalls and malware protection programs cannot prevent an employee from falling for a social engineering scam or sharing their account information with people who don’t have appropriate security credentials.

In addition to creating airtight contracts that prohibit your employees from misusing data, you should also focus on providing them with regular security-focused training. That way, they’ll be able to implement the best precautions when handling sensitive data. Make this your top priority and a part of your onboarding process, too. By teaching them to properly manage their credentials, tools, digital equipment, and their passwords, you’ll create a much more secure environment for your business.

Lack of security infrastructure

If you store and share your data without taking proper precautions such as advanced encryption, password protection, and network security, you risk exposing it to third parties or even losing sensitive customer information. Along with well-educated employees, you also need a strong security infrastructure to ensure comprehensive computer network security on the premises and prevent data breaches.

This infrastructure should include a variety of strategies such as internet access management that will prevent your employees from stumbling upon an untrusted website and prevent inbound traffic that’s not secure. Plus, make sure your infrastructure includes a firewall solution that keeps your network safe and impenetrable – thus protecting your data from all entry points. 

Old software and lack of updates

Update popups and invitations to upgrade your existing software might seem annoying to an untrained eye, but they are actually one of the most useful features your software has. Why? Because these timely updates serve to provide security patches and ensure that you’re using the most up-to-date versions of your tools. Using current versions of software is important because outdated ones can jeopardize your data due to potential security vulnerabilities. Regular maintenance of all your devices and timely software updates are essential for keeping your business data secure. 

Poor password protection

Your employees may find password management difficult; and if they don’t work in IT, they may not understand just how important it is. It’s a distressingly common practice for employees to use and reuse poor passwords for all of their business accounts like project management, CRM software, analytics tools, etc. This alone is enough to wreak havoc on your entire security strategy as poor password practices can expose all of your sensitive and valuable data to cybercriminals. 

The simplest and most effective solution is to regularly train your employees on the latest preventative security measures and provide them with password managers that will help them handle their accounts more easily. 

Poor malware protection

Much like so many other forms of software, malware has become incredibly versatile and potent. The term encompasses a variety of different malicious programs that infiltrate your applications and systems. They’re usually downloaded unwittingly and can easily infiltrate a seemingly legitimate program or application and sneak their way into your databases. From ransomware programs, Trojans, all the way to adware, malware programs can be a nuisance, but also a severe threat to your organization – hence the need to treat them accordingly.

Inexperienced employees and non-IT staff might come across this type of program and unleash it on your data without ever realizing their mistake. Without traffic monitoring and restrictions, they could visit an untrustworthy or compromised website and expose the company systems to malware. 

As an additional matter, failing to back up your data regularly and securely means you risk losing it to ransomware for good.

Cybersecurity has been the main source of business problems for a while now. Still, with the right investments and prevention in mind, you can protect your organization both from external malicious attacks, and internal missteps and data misuse that are often unintentional. By eliminating the problems that can lead to a data breach, you can reduce the risk at the source and keep your company safe and your business, employee and customer data secure.


Experts Explain Whether a Nighttime or Morning Shower is Healthier

Experts Explain Whether a Nighttime or Morning Shower is Healthier

Do you like to take a morning shower, or do you prefer to clean up before going to bed? Whether you choose to cleanse your body in the morning or night doesn’t matter. It’s about getting clean. So, which method is the best?

It’s an age-old debate that probably has been going on since the cavemen were rinsing off from their day in basins. Even with all the advancements in science and health, there is still no clear answer to this dilemma. Indeed, we might never have a clear answer–just personal choice. However, you can use science and studies to make an educated decision on when you should shower.

Of course, you must also consider your personal preference as there is no right or wrong answer. Some might say that the answer is just as murky as used bathwater. If you prefer to shower at night, then your theory is that it’s good to wash away all the dirt and grime from the day before you get into bed.

Those individuals who prefer a morning shower like to wash away all the sweat and debris from the night. Since some people sweat heavily during their sleep, it’s understandable how washing away the nighttime and having a fresh start to the day is the way to go.

The sad fact is that you can take a shower but still spread germs and such around on your sheets. It’s common for humans to sweat at night, and all the bacteria that you collect and generate throughout the night are on your sheets and your body. The germs are just sitting on your skin, waiting to make you smell and feel gross during the day.

Advantages of a Morning Shower

The argument for a morning shower is that you start your day fresh and clean, putting you in the right mindset for success. A shower is refreshing and awakens you so that you can be more alert for your day. If you need a creative boost to get you going, or you have a hard time waking up in the am, then a morning shower may be a better choice for you.

Everyone experiences sleep inertia, and it can last for 15-30 minutes after you rise. Your body is starting to wake up and get all your systems going. It can take some people longer than others. A morning shower can help you shake off that sleep inertia and step out on the right note.

Did you know that many people plan their day and deliberate about their problems while letting the hot water pour over their bodies? It’s in these moments that you have a few minutes to ponder your life, and what better time than when you’re lathering up your soap and cleansing away dirt and grime from your rest. Might as well wash a little bit of negativity down the drain too.

A scientific argument for a morning shower is that the hot water activates your “alpha brain waves,” which are known for giving you clarity about your life and situations that you must handle. Some believe it’s like the zoning out experience that you have when you’re doing exercise or meditations as it can get your creative juices flowing.

Advantages of an Evening Shower

Now, if you prefer to wash off the bacteria from the day in a night shower, then you couldn’t imagine changing your bath schedule. Some argue that since you’re rolling around on the sheets, the germs are spread on the surface rather than piling on top of your skin. Additionally, taking a shower before you go to sleep can help set the mood for a good night of rest.

A study showed that if you take a bath about an hour and a half before you go to bed, it will improve your ability to sleep well during the night. Though it was specifically looking at baths, their investigation focused on the warmth felt from the waters, so it can easily apply to a bath or a shower, either one.

Did you know that your body cools down at night, and your circadian rhythm or internal body clock winds down so that you can drift into dreamland? When you take a shower, it raises your body’s temperature ever so slightly, which kickstarts your body into going into the cooling down process. So, it makes it easier for you to sleep, which is ideal for those who suffer from sleep disturbances like insomnia.

What About Baths?

What if you could care less about the time of day you shower but prefer to take a bath and soak away your troubles? Some argue that baths are nasty because you’re sitting in your bacteria and grime washed from your body. Others don’t care because the warm water eases their tired muscles and feels invigorating.

• Old School Bathhouses

Did you know that bathing has been popular since the Middle Ages? While people weren’t as lucky as a civilization today to have indoor plumbing and tubs, they would gather in bathhouses spread throughout the cities. The Egyptians were the ones who revered the bath as they were fanatics about keeping their bodies clean.

Soap was invented around 2,000 B.C., and before this time, people would use things like olive oil to cleanse their skin and scrape it off with a unique tool. You’ve probably heard of The Roman bathhouses as they were made famous by the people in Italy.

A bath in one of these houses was not just an opportunity to get clean, but it was also a reason to come together and assemble. These baths had a cold room that they called a frigidarium. You started here to get your body ready for the tub. Then you went to the warm room, aka the Tepidarium.

The last room was the hot room or the caldarium. The final step in the cleansing process was to take a lovely, cool dip in the swimming pool. Remember, this was before the days of chlorine and other pool cleansers, so can you imagine the bacteria in those pools?

The churches deemed these sinful places. Thus, church leaders stepped in during the 16th century to begin closing these places, which became obsolete shortly after.

They were concerned about the number of children being born from sinful acts in these houses as well as people’s desire to spend more time congregating in the bathhouse and less time in service. Thankfully, history was already moving beyond the need for public bathing as more families installed bathrooms in their homes.

• The Revolution of the Bathroom

By the 14th century, people had begun to build tub structures from trees to put in their bedrooms. The Palace of Westminster was the first official residence to receive a bathroom, and Edward III ordered it. The baths were mostly with cold water unless they took the time to heat a cauldron.

During the 19th century, everything changed. By the late 1800s, bathrooms were commonplace in households, and residents enjoyed taking a warm bath thanks to Benjamin Maughan and his invention of the gas water heater. Baths became more a part of a daily ritual as people didn’t need to travel to a bathhouse or heat water. In this century, toothpaste, paper towels, soap, and other toiletries also became commonplace.

History is fascinating to learn, and you can now see where your daily bathing habits originated. But, it still doesn’t answer whether it’s clean to take a bath. The truth is you’re not getting clean, even if you use soap, by sitting in a tub of water.

Your body sheds about 30,000 skin cells every hour, which is a significant amount. So not only do you have all the filth you wash from your body, but you also have tons of dead skin cells floating around in your water. How can you possibly get clean when you’re sitting in a tub full of bacteria?

If you like to take a bath for the therapeutic benefits that it brings, then rinse off in a quick shower afterward. There are about 200,000 bacteria per square inch in your tub. Thus, it’s easy to see that you’re not doing yourself a favor by soaking to get clean.

Final Thoughts on the Night Versus Morning Shower Debate

Whether you prefer a bath or a shower doesn’t matter, the point is that you get clean the way that feels comfortable for you. As to when you take that shower, again, preference comes into play. The ideal thing would be to shower in the evening and then again in the morning, but many people don’t have extra time.

Essentially, your shower schedule appears to depend on whether you require more help going to sleep at night or if you need help with getting your body and mental juices flowing first thing in the morning. There truly is no wrong time of day to get clean.


20 Things That Give You a More Peaceful and Happy Home|5 Minute Read

20 Things That Give You a More Peaceful and Happy

You want your home to be a haven of peace, and all those who live there happy and blessed. However, you must realize that a family doesn’t just get this way without some hard work. It takes dedication and a commitment of your time and energy to have a happy and healthy family unit. So how do you create a peaceful place where you can entertain friends, relax, and live in harmony? Well, here are 20 tips that can help you.

20 Ways to Create an Environment for a Peaceful and Happy Home

Are you ready to make your household more peaceful? Try these easy tips.

1. Don’t Take Out Your Frustrations on Family Members

Life is frustrating, and it’s easy to take out those frustrations on your family members. If you want peace in your home, then you need to leave your troubles at the door. When you walk into your abode, it should be a place of peace and tranquility, and the best way you can do that is by not letting the outside problems influence what’s on the inside.

2. Resolve All Conflicts Before You Go to Bed

Unless you’re the perfect family, there will be occasions when you argue or have disagreements. While it’s perfectly normal to have these times of conflict, you should try to resolve all things before going to bed at night. You are not promised tomorrow, and should something happen during the night, you want your partner and children to know that you love them above all else.

3. Assign Tasks for Each Person, So Everyone is Involved in Upkeep

A household cannot run itself, nor can one-person handle everything. The best way to keep your home running like a fine oiled machine is to assign tasks for every person to do. To have a happy home and place to relax, every person must do their job.

4. Always Be Honest

Perhaps one of the things that have the most significant impact in a household is honesty. It means something when you can trust that the other inhabitants are telling you the truth. Even when it hurts or is hard to say, make sure you’re always honest.

5. Make Time For Each Other

Spending time together is the recipe for a happy home. While you may not take exotic vacations, you can watch a movie and pop popcorn together. It’s the little things that have the most significant impacts, especially when it comes to your time together.

6. Have Open Communication and Family Meetings

Family meetings are essential to clear the air. When issues do arise in your family unit, it’s best to meet them head-on rather than to try to sweep them under the rug. At the family meeting, allow everyone to speak what’s on their mind. Together, you can find a good compromise for whatever life throws your way.

7. Take Time for Family Dinners

Outside of entertaining friends, you want to make time for family dinners. There’s something special about the dinner table and sharing all the happenings of the day. Make sure that each person gets a chance to talk about their day, both good and bad. One day, they will remember the magic of sitting around the table, eating good food, and enjoying great conversation.

8. Value Each Other’s Opinions

Each person is a vital part of your happy home, and their opinions matter. Ensure that each person is heard even if it’s just a recommendation on the type of cereal to buy. When everyone feels essential, then the family unit can function healthily.

9. Choose Your Battles Wisely

When it comes to parenting, it’s not an easy task. As a parent, you must choose your battles wisely. This can be an essential bit of advice for your spouse too.

Sure, you may not like that your husband doesn’t shave for three days, but is it hurting you? Your kid may want to dye their hair purple, and you find it embarrassing, but it’s something that must be overlooked.

Remember, the bigger the deal you make of the small issues, the more trouble it will be. If you want something to change, then try using some reverse psychology.

Learn the ten healthy benefits of burning sage in your home.

10. Laugh Often

Do you often laugh? How can you have a happy home if there isn’t lots of laughter? Stop being so serious and functioning like a robot.

Take time to tell a funny joke, laugh at something silly that happened to you, or smile. You will be surprised how much better the dynamics of your home when there is plenty of humor.

11. Never Criticize or Be Judgmental

If you want your home to be a place to relax, then you want to feel like you are a contributing member. If you’re continually critical or judgmental of others, then you’re creating a negative dynamic.

No one wants to be judged and feel like they can’t do anything right. Stop being controlling and learn to accept the strengths and weaknesses of others.

12. Celebrate Victories No Matter How Small

An “A” on a math test might not be such a big deal to one child on the honor roll, but to the child who is struggling, that grade may mean everything. Celebrate the little victories as well as the big ones. Each person should feel like their accomplishments matter.

13. Live in the Moment

Do you spend so much time thinking about tomorrow and the day after that you forget to live in the moment? You will blink, and your children will be grown, and you will be in your Golden Years. Don’t forget to take the time to enjoy the here and now. Remember, today is a gift, which is why it’s called the present.

14. Develop a Positive Outlook and Rid Negative Energy

Do you want a happy home with serenity and peace? Well, you must shake off the negative energy that holds you back. Another way that you can help to rid the negativity is by burning sage.

Ancient Indian tribes learned the importance of burning sage to cleanse a space, and you should utilize whatever tools possible to ensure your home is a peaceful haven for all.

15. Spend Money and Time on Making Memories

While it’s fun to entertain friends, you should spend more time making memories. Do you spend your money on material possessions that you can’t take with you when you leave this earth? Why not spend your money on vacations and other adventures that will stick with your family for a lifetime.

Leave a legacy of someone who appreciated serenity and their happy home and lived a life full of adventure.

16. Limit Electronics

Spending too much time on electronics is not advisable. Start small by making dinners smartphone free and setting guidelines for how much time can be spent on television, computers, tablets, and phones.

Did you know that the American Pediatric Association recommends no more than two hours of screen time each day? That means your children shouldn’t be on anything electronic for more than a couple of hours. The effects of too much technology are damaging.

17. Don’t Air Dirty Laundry on Social Media

There’s nothing worse than a person that airs their dirty laundry on social media for all to see. When you have problems that disrupt your happy home, then you need to work on these issues from within. Don’t involve others, especially over social media channels, as it’s a recipe for disaster.

18. Forgive Often

If you want a place to relax and feel at home, you need to learn to forgive. No one can have peace and tranquility if they always feel like someone is holding a grudge against them. Be eager to forgive so that when you do something wrong, you too will be forgiven.

19. Give Preference to Entertaining Friends

There’s something special about inviting friends and relatives over for a barbeque or a cookout. Getting together with others, laughing often, and eating good food is special. You will make memories in your home and ensure that others feel the warmth of your happy place.

20. Don’t Try to Control Everything

Lastly, the best thing that you can do for your mental sanity is not trying to control everything. You must realize that some things are beyond your command.

Use your higher power for guidance and meditate for the times when things can be overwhelming. In this life, it’s impossible to have complete control over everyone or everything. Just do your best to make sure that you are happy and fulfilled, and maybe it will be infectious to others.

Final Thoughts on Creating a Peaceful and Happy Home for Your Family

Your home is the place where you hang your hat. It’s the space where you can relax, feel protected, and enjoy the serenity. By following these 20 tips, you can ensure that your home is a happy one where friends gather, and memories are made.


10 Ways to Stop Dwelling on the Past (And Create a Happier Future)

10 Ways to Stop Dwelling on the Past (And Create

Life tends to be all about sinking or swimming. Once you’ve experienced the pain of taking on too much and feeling like you’re drowning, it teaches you life lessons. It takes a great deal of effort to stay afloat. However, there is something about rock bottom that teaches you things that you can never learn when you are swimming along peacefully.

When you are at the bottom, you learn how to fight and claw your way back to the surface. You learn the power that you have within you that will sustain you in life. Now, the biggest challenge is to learn how to break away from your past and stop dwelling on those mistakes; it’s easier said than done.

Do you tend to ruminate on your past, and your mind plays a loop of your failures? Why do you keep playing the same movie time and again in your head, and you’re expecting the ending to be different? When you are constantly dwelling on the past, you will reopen wounds that have closed, and it will self-sabotage your determination.

How can you move forward when you are so preoccupied with what’s behind you? Letting go is never easy, but if you don’t get control of your thought processes, then days, weeks, and years will pass without change. To put the past in the past, you must first be willing to take a step forward.

10 Tips to Help You Stop Dwelling on the Past

It’s time for you to move on, and you need to let the universe know that you’re ready for a fresh start and change. There’s no need to be scared because you will stagnate if you never alter or change in life.

Everyone will agree the aroma that comes from stagnant water is pungent. If you’re ready to move on from your past and begin again, here are ten tips to help you.

1. Remember You Write the Story

The great thing about your life is you get to write your story. You will have many chapters, but each of these chapters will tell a story of a time or period you endured. Some chapters will be exciting and full of love and hope, which others will reflect on the darkest times in your life.

You will have support characters, people who are there for only a season, and those who shake things up. Take a good look at your novel and identify the chapter you’re currently in. Now, the great news is that you get to write the ending too.

Remember, no one else can write your story like you, so make sure that you give the novel plenty of interest and love.

2. Learn from Your Mistakes

The book of your life would be a pretty boning read if there were some intrigue, mystery, and drama. Consider a baby learning to maneuver in their new world. It takes them several times to fall before they learn to walk.

However, the young child soon learns what they need to do so that they don’t fall. The same analogy applies to you. You eventually know what you need to do to keep from making the same mistakes in life. Rumination and dwelling on the past only hurt you. Use your failures as motivation for the future.

3. Trust the Process

Do you ever wonder how your life would have been if you had made different choices? Did you know that you’re one decision away from a whole new life? Each choice you make is important because it defines that chapter in your life’s story.

Sometimes, things won’t work in your favor, and other times, you will master it all. The connection to why these things happened will become apparent in the future. If you’re constantly dwelling on the past, you might resist the good things in store for you.

You must trust the process and give yourself a pat on the back that you’ve made it thus far.

4. Look to the Future

Your strength may be limited, but the things you can achieve in your life are limitless. Keep in mind; you are utilizing strength and energy when you’re dwelling on the past, worrying, or angry. It’s exhausting trying to focus on things that are out of your control.

Letting go is so tricky, but in time you will learn to build and trust. The wonderful thing about letting go of excess baggage is that you’re clearing the way for new adventures. There are reasons for change, and when you resist these changes, you could be preventing some of the most extraordinary experiences of your life from occurring.

5. Find Inspiration in Others

Do you think that you’re the only one with problems? Life is all about the ups and downs and the valley. It seems so lonely when you’re at rock bottom, but you may use this time to draw inspiration from others.

One of the most powerful platforms ever created was Ted Talks. People share their stories of facing insurmountable odds and coming through victorious. You can find just about any topic and subject to draw strength.

If you aren’t much for podcasts, then you might try an online support group. It’s incredible what it does to your spirit when you read of others and their tales of the human spirit’s ability to overcome.

6. Meditation and Developing a Proper Mindset

Dwelling on the past puts you in a negative mindset. There have been numerous studies done on the effects of negative thinking. If you speak positive things, then you will be optimistic.

However, if you are continually living in a negative realm, your life will have a pessimistic outlook. You can change your thoughts by using meditation. If you’re new to this art form, you might want to try a guided meditation to erase negativity.

Your mindset means everything, so it’s time to change it for good. Stop looking at your past as a life sentence. It’s in the past for a reason, and you need to leave it there. Through mindful breathing and meditation, you can conquer some of your biggest inner struggles.

7. Stop Playing the “What If” Game

Does any of these questions sound like you: “What if I didn’t marry that person?” “What if I didn’t buy this car?” “What if I didn’t move across the country and try this adventure?” There are lots of questions that you ask yourself daily that you cannot answer.

While it’s hard to look at things positive when they turned out to be a disaster, try focusing on the right parts. For instance, your marriage might have been a wreck, but you have a beautiful child that you adore. If it weren’t for that marriage, then you wouldn’t have your baby. Even the darkest of clouds can have a silver lining.

8. Develop a Positive Mantra

You’re human, and it’s nearly impossible to stop all the evil thoughts. Every time thoughts of your past come up and bother you; you need to have a mantra that you quote to clear your mind.

For instance, if you found yourself once addicted to drugs and alcohol, but you’ve been clean for ten years, it’s a significant achievement. When your mind wanders back to those horrible events, tell yourself that you’re more powerful than the pain, and you will use your life for good.

You can use your past to help others who are not as far along on the journey. Then, you’re taking the bad that happened to you and turning it into a positive. Rumination and dwelling on the past are only useful if it’s helping someone else.

9. Stop Playing the Victim

Some people love playing the victim card because it feels good to get attention.

At some point in your life, you must move from victim to victor. Dwelling on the past should never be something you use for people’s pity or to get attention. Plus, this negativity will hold you back and won’t allow you to move on.

10. Get Help

If no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get past the past, then you need to seek professional help. Therapy is an excellent outlet for you to vent your frustrations, process them, and then move beyond that stagnating position.

It’s never easy to change, and there are times when you want to run away and hide. However, there’s something very freeing when you talk about the issues with a third party who is objective. They can help you make sense of the madness and put things into perspective.

It would help if you found the strength within you to move past these events. You know how annoying the old record players were that would get stuck on a scratch and play the same sentences over and over?

Well, you’re doing the same thing inside your head. Ruminating on your mistakes can cause excessive anxiety, depression, and other mental health disturbances. You owe it to yourself and your family to move on.

Final Thoughts on How to Stop Dwelling on the Past

Dwelling on the past holds you back from entering the next significant phase of your life. Consciously work at removing these barriers from your mind. Only then will you be free to attain all your goals and dreams.


10 Ways to Inspire Yourself When You Feel Like Quitting

10 Ways to Inspire Yourself When You Feel Like Quitting

10 Ways to Inspire Yourself When You Feel Like Quitting

One of the cruelest facts you’ll ever come across in life is the fact that 98% of people don’t achieve their dreams. There is nothing great about this club. The most important thing you need to realize is that quitting is not the answer, but finding ways to inspire yourself is.

So many people have failed so many times before becoming the most successful people in the world. Success wouldn’t have happened to them if they quit along the way, and they would be a part of the club. We totally get why you would want to quit because sometimes the going gets quite tough, and we feel like we just want to give up. 

We have gathered some of the best ways to inspire yourself when you want to quit. The following tips will help you spark and fire your motivation, inspiration, and drive back on, so you can achieve the dreams you have been longing to achieve. Here are some of the best motivation tips. 

1. Embrace the Struggle

We understand how cliche this may sound but hear us out. Most of the things in life that are worth having rarely come easy. Most people have to go through struggle, pain, sacrifices, and sleepless nights to achieve great things in life, but in the end, it’s usually well worth it. 

Stop looking at this like the negative that you perceive it to be, and separate yourself from the rest by enduring. Failures are a part of life, and so is the feeling to quit, but if you want something as badly as you want to achieve your goal, you’ll take a breather, get your firecracker back on and continue to grind. 

2. Keep Reminding Yourself Why

If you’re struggling with your motivation right now, there is no better way to get it going again than reminding yourself why you’re doing it in the first place. The desire to quit may be overwhelming right now, and you may be wondering whether it’s all worth it. Maybe your journey is taking longer than you anticipated, and things don’t seem to be going according to plan, that you’ve lost faith in yourself and lost sight of what you were after. 

Be as it may, think about your why. Why do you want this, and what made you start in the first place? Do you need to re-evaluate your goals and change things up for you to find your motivation again?

3. Consider the People You Can’t Let Down

Regardless of what you’re trying to achieve, you have people that support you, believe in you, and depend on you. One of the best ways to be inspired is to think about the people you don’t want to disappoint. 

How many people look up to you and want you to love your best life? Think about them and how it’ll affect them if you quit and just give up before meeting your goals. 

4. Recognize How Far You’ve Come

When you feel stuck and need to inspire yourself, look back at all the progress you have made so far. On the way here, you have learned, grown, and changed a few things or discovered strengths you didn’t know you had. Acknowledge these things, recognize the growth you have achieved so far and let it be the motivation you desperately need. 

If, for instance, you’re halfway through a startup that doesn’t seem to grow, think about everything you had to do to get here. Will all that effort, struggle, and time go down the drain? If you’re already halfway there, the hardest part is over, and you only need to ensure a little longer before you finally get where you need to be. 

5. Forget Being Perfection

It’s admirable that you’re striving for perfection, but you need to understand that this is unattainable. If you’re always after perfection, the disappointments may follow you more often than you’d like. Don’t set your plans in stone and feel that they have to go according to plan.

When you hit a rock, change direction and find alternative ways to make things work. Sometimes things happen completely unexpectedly and end up going even better than the initial plans we had. If you need to, take a few steps back, change your perspective, and see how you can achieve your goals differently. 

6. What Happens After You Quit

One of the most significant reasons why you need to find ways to inspire yourself, it’s the thought of what will happen after you quit. It’s easy to talk yourself out of doing something most of the time, but have you thought about the consequences of quitting? How will it affect your professional and personal life?

What will it do to your self-esteem and the feeling of being a failure? What will happen if you stop working out, or abandon that small business, or your college education? Where will you start from there?

7. Find Someone to Hold You Accountable

Accountability is the one thing that can keep you motivated, especially if it’s someone that you don’t want to disappoint. Being accountable for all your actions will keep you aligned with your goals, and it’s one of the best ways to be inspired. Checking in with someone or knowing that someone expects results from you is a great way to keep pushing yourself. 

8. Use External Rewards

If you want to know how to motivate yourself, try giving yourself external rewards to the small steps you take. Every time you find that your motivation is dwindling, take small steps towards a reward you really want, which will make you look forward to finishing. Give yourself special treats or watch a few episodes of your favorite series when you’re done.

If you have a large project, then you can make it a habit to buy yourself something nice every time you achieve a task. Inspire yourself by getting yourself things you love or going online and reading great motivations books, picture quotes, and success stories. Seeing that things haven’t been easy for others will give you the drive to continue until you finally succeed as well. 

9. Take Break and Find Ways to Relax

Life can feel like a never-ending rat race, and sometimes all you need to do is take a break and refocus your entire perspective. The motivation you need may come from looking at your project with fresh eyes and a different perspective. Take a break, find a few ways to relax, from getting a massage, going for a long drive, activity or hobby you love, or meditate. 

10. Be Proud of Yourself

Even if you’re taking baby steps and the task ahead seems like a mountain you’ll never conquer, look back and be proud of how far you’ve come. This will inspire you to take more steps, regardless of how small. Pat yourself on the back for the small victories and understand that you can only achieve your goals if you keep going, not if you quit. 

How to Inspire Yourself When You Want to Quit

Most people struggle with motivation every once in a while when things don’t go according to plan. Still, these are some of the best ways to inspire yourself to keep going when you feel like quitting is the only option. Quitting should not be an option whatsoever until you have done the best you possibly can. 

Now that you have your motivation back, whether you’re going through school. A business, fitness goals, relationship, or real estate, we have posts that will guide you through your project. Please check out our blog section, where we have lined up informative articles that will help you through your journey!




20 Easy Ways to Impress Your New Crush

20 Easy Ways to Impress Your New Crush

Do you think you are falling for someone? Does he feel the same way? There’s no way to know for sure when it comes to matters of the heart. When you are interested in a new crush, you might feel afraid to make the first move. And you definitely want to impress that potentially special someone.

So what’s a person to do to attract the right kind of attention? Here are 20 ways to impress your new crush and ensure they take notice.

Twenty Ways to Make a Lasting Impression on Your New Crush

1. Be Open and Genuine

There’s nobody in the world quite like you, and there never will be. Why would you want to be anybody else? Your new crush wants a person who is genuine and confident.

Although you want to make a great first impression, try to relax and just be yourself. Let your new crush see you for who you are. When you keep your body language neutral and receptive, you will show an interest in her that she will notice. Let her fall in love with the real you, not a façade.

2. Smile and Have a Sense of Humor

Physical attraction is a much-misunderstood aspect of human relationships. Real, inward beauty is most important, and it’s what will make your relationship last. However, outer beauty is what will attract him in the first place. It’s the only way he can get to truly know you.

Long after your new crush forgets what you were wearing when he first met you, he will remember your smile. A lovely, genuine smile costs you nothing, but it’s more valuable than any gold or diamonds you could wear. Not only does your grin show an interest in him, but it also conveys your sense of joy and humor.

3. Be a Good Listener

Everyone wants someone to show an interest in their life. Nothing is more unappealing than a bore who can’t talk about anything else but himself. If you want your new crush to blossom into a fulfilling relationship, you need to be a good listener.

Practice active listening skills like open body language, mirroring, no interruption, and clarification. Ask her about her day and other questions about things that are important to her.

4. Be Positive

Who likes hanging around a “Negative Nelly?” Guys enjoy talking with women who are upbeat and make them laugh. Being positive doesn’t mean you have an unrealistic view of the world. There are injustices and negative influences in everyone’s lives that must be addressed.

However, there are too many happy things to discuss rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. Be a great conversationalist and talk about things that make her satisfied and dwell on the beautiful things in life. When you radiate joy and positive energy, it makes you even more attractive to a prospective suitor.

5. Take Pride in Your Appearance

You already realize that your new crush was first attracted to you by your appearance. Now that you have his attention, how you look will be even more critical. How else is he going to discover how beautiful you are on the inside as well as the outside?

Getting used to each other is not an excuse to let yourself go. When you are meticulous with your grooming and individual style, it shows your new person that you have self-confidence. He should never be embarrassed to be seen with you in public.

What guy would be impressed to see his lady with no makeup, hair scrunched up like a rat’s nest, browsing through the department store in her slippers and pajamas? Guys, no woman is attracted to a scrubby dude. Look your best and carry yourself with self-respect and dignity.

6. Know How to Have Fun

One of the many blessings of having a steady love interest is that you don’t always have to do things alone. To keep your new crush interested, you must show them that you know how to have a good time. Boredom is the kryptonite of a lasting relationship.

You needn’t spend a fortune to have fun together. Think of exciting places to go or things to do. Don’t start your relationship by getting into a date night rut. Be creative, and keep your sweetheart’s interests in mind.

7. Don’t Be Clingy

Do you want to destroy a budding relationship quickly? Just start texting and phoning him non-stop and whine when he can’t be with you every second. Such behavior spells clingy and desperate, which is most unattractive. You needn’t be aloof, but don’t appear to be needy and controlling.

8. Be Spontaneous

Have you ever heard that variety is the spice of life? Nothing could be more accurate when it comes to relationships. Stay one step ahead of her and keep her guessing what you’ll do next. Meet after work all dressed up and have tickets to a musical she’s dying to see.

Go beyond the norm and do something thrilling together, like hand gliding or exploring a local cave. Instead of your usual Saturday date night, why not plan a surprise getaway to a quiet cabin in the woods? Do the unexpected, and your relationship will always be fresh and fulfilling.

9. Be Open About Your Feelings

Of course, you don’t want dates with your new crush to seem like a therapy session. While it’s good to have each other lean on, you don’t want to go overboard. Neither do you want to keep your emotions penned up in a stoic hush?

Be honest with your feelings and allow your beau to be frank with his. Remember that women tend to be more in touch with their emotions than men are. Be empathetic with one another, and don’t be afraid to say how you feel. It will draw you closer together.

10. Keep the Past in the Past

Many people make the mistake of unloading their romantic history on their new love interest in the beginning. Does he need a running list of your broken relationships and why you despise your former lovers? Remember that being honest doesn’t mean to tell everything you know.

Again, stay positive and don’t spend precious time bad-mouthing people. It will only make you look petty and perhaps a liability in the relationship. Keep any lessons you’ve learned from past experiences in your heart and get rid of the rest.

11. Be on the Same Page

Perhaps nothing could be more painful and embarrassing than assuming a love interest where there isn’t one. If you are crushing on her, are you sure that she feels the same way? Is it something that may lead to a closer relationship, or is it a passing infatuation?

12. Be Polite

Since when was being a rude attractive? Please note how your new crush treats you because it can reflect how he will treat you in the future. Guys, women still love to be treated like a lady, so be polite with your manners. Does your love interest show courtesy to others?

13. Be Curious, But Not Invasive

When you start dating a new love interest, of course, you have many questions to ask. The whole concept of dating is to get more acquainted with each other. You’ll have a plethora of things to discuss and discover about your love interest.

However, this is a budding relationship that must grow in rapport and trust. Please don’t rush in like a roving reporter and make her feel like she is being interviewed. Talk about your interests and your family life, but make sure you keep your questions general and non-threatening.

14. Random Acts of Love

Isn’t it funny how small, random acts of love mean so much in a relationship? It’s a chance to use your passion and creativity together. Write a little love note and leave it in a place where she’s sure to see it.

Can you imagine his surprise when he sees a single red rose on his desk with a card from you? It’s these little gestures that let him or her know that you are thinking about them.

15. Start a New Tradition

While spontaneity is vital for a healthy relationship, so are traditions. They keep you grounded as a couple and make you remember who you are. Think about starting a tradition that will mean something to you both.

It could be visiting a favorite restaurant once a week or playing your favorite love song to each other and dancing the night away. Do something special that is just meant for you two.

16. Join the Gang

If you’ve decided to take a step from friendship to a love relationship, you’ll want a chance to blend into each other’s group of friends. It’s a great way to officially announce your love so that people will know you as a couple. If you have other platonic relationships, they should be friends with you both.

17. Set Boundaries

Is he interested in dating you seriously? Or is he expecting to date other women? It may take a few dates to see where your relationship is heading. Set boundaries early in the relationship, so each of you knows what to expect from the other.

18. Be Attentive

Do you know when your sweetheart has done her hair differently or is wearing a new fragrance? Has your beau trimmed his beard, especially for you? Pay attention to these things and be complimentary, and your lover will be glad you noticed.

19. Take Time

If you have a plant and don’t water or give it care, it will die. The same thing can happen in a relationship. While you both need personal space, you must take time for one another and blossom in love.

Outside of your work commitments and other obligations, your love interest should take a top spot in your life.

20. Be Faithful

Has your crush turned into a committed relationship? Be a faithful lover and avoid the temptation of straying. Even if you are texting or emailing intimately with somebody else, it’s still cheating.

Final Thoughts on Impressing Your New Crush

Having a new crush can be an exciting point in your life. Maybe this will be your forever person. Being honest and having open communication can make the difference in a lasting relationship. Most of all, take care of yourself regardless of the outcome of this budding romance. Good luck with your new relationship.


7 Crucial Steps to Take If You Are in Between Jobs

7 Crucial Steps to Take If You Are in Between

7 Crucial Steps to Take If You Are in Between Jobs

You, like most people, probably believe that there’s nothing good about being unemployed. With no money coming in, you’re probably starting to stress about making ends meet, losing your home, or worse.

However, if you’re in between jobs, you’re actually being presented with an amazing opportunity. It’s an opportunity most people never slow down long enough to take advantage of. 

Sure, you need to start thinking about your finances and planning for the immediate future, but we encourage you to keep an open mind and stay positive. 

We can help. Keep reading for our top tips on what to do if you get laid off.

1. Keep a Positive Frame of Mind

One of the most important steps to take after losing a job is to stay calm. Don’t panic or let your emotions spiral, even if you were fired for unjust reasons. 

Whether your termination was fair or not, you need to keep your wits about you. If you made a mistake and were fired for good reasons, you need to start thinking about the future while keeping a positive mindset. 

If you were wrongfully terminated, you need to pursue legal action. However, you won’t do yourself any favors by slandering the company online. It could actually hurt your case.

2. Start Cutting Back

Learning what to do in between jobs is just as much about surviving financially as it is planning your next job. Unless you already have something lined up, you can’t say for certain how long you’re going to be jobless.

We recommend immediately cutting back on personal expenses. It won’t be fun tightening your belt for the next few months, but it may be key to your financial well-being. The last thing you want right now is to fall behind on rent, mortgage payments, or car payments. 

But don’t worry, upon closer evaluation of your bank and credit card statements, you’ll see how much money you could be saving. Here are some simple steps:

  • Stop dining out
  • Cut out coffee shop coffees and snacks
  • Cancel multiple streaming services (Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Video, etc.)
  • Pause your gym membership
  • Give yourself a grocery budget
  • And more

Most people don’t realize how much they spend on unnecessary (and sometimes, unused) luxuries.

3. Reassess Your Life Path

If you are like most people, you probably didn’t really enjoy your previous job. In fact, nearly 85% of people report hating their jobs. Nobody loves working and being away from home, but you don’t need to loath going to work.

Take this time in between jobs as an opportunity to change the direction of your life. Are you happy about your current career path? What would you rather be doing?

Our jobs shouldn’t necessarily fulfill our life purpose, but they should fulfill some part of your needs. For example, people who love animals would be happier at an animal sanctuary than at a slaughterhouse. 

4. Find a Temporary Measure to Make Ends Meet

While you’re trying to figure out your next career path, it may be necessary to find a temporary job to help pay the bills. For example, you could drive for Uber or Lyft. You could also deliver meals with Door Dash. 

Remember, it will only be temporary. Even if you feel like the work is “beneath” you, every incoming dollar counts while you’re in between jobs. 

You could also sell your unwanted stuff online, do favors for people around the neighborhood, rent out a spare bedroom, or find other ways to earn quick cash.

5. Figure Out What to Do About Health Insurance

One thing most people don’t think about is what to do about their health insurance while in between jobs. Most people have health insurance through their places of employment.

You need to know what to do if you get fired and your insurance policy lapses. If you got sick or injured now, it could financially bankrupt you.

Most insurance policies won’t immediately be turned off without a grace period, though you won’t have long. We recommend looking at short-term health insurance policies or Medicaid.

6. Update Your Resume

Depending on how long you were at your previous job, you may have quite a bit to add to your resume. Your experience there could be beneficial for finding a new job, even if you were fired. 

Regardless, you need to update your resume to be seriously considered by any potential employers. If you last updated your resume five years ago, it’s going to look suspicious.

During the job interview, you also need to be honest and upfront about why you’re looking for a new job. New employers will always ask why you left your previous job.

If you were fired, you need to be honest about it. They’ll likely find out the truth anyway and may be willing to overlook it. What they won’t overlook, however, is if you start out your professional relationship with them by lying. 

7. Stay Productive

Finally, staying active and productive is vital to your mental health and morale while in between jobs. While it may be incredibly tempting to take this time as an opportunity to sleep in until noon and binge watch new shows on Netflix, you’ve got more important things to do.

However, this pertains to more than just hunting for a new job. You should also take this time to catch up on household projects and other chores that you haven’t had time for. 

Be productive to stay positive. Here are some suggestions:

  • Take care of neglected household chores and projects
  • Start a new fitness routine and take control of your diet
  • Spend time pursuing hobbies (writing, drawing, knitting, etc.)
  • Get your old car up for sale
  • Declutter your house and sell stuff online to make some money

While you can’t allow yourself to be completely distracted from your job search, use your extra free time to improve other areas of your life.

Are You In Between Jobs?

If you’re in between jobs, we know how stressful everything can feel. Just keep a positive attitude and remember that things always have a way of working out. 

In the meantime, be sure to check out some of our other articles for more job hunting tips and career path suggestions. Our blog is dedicated to helping people like you improve all areas of their life.


How to Convert XML to PDF: A Simple Guide

How to Convert XML to PDF: A Simple Guide

How to Convert XML to PDF: A Simple Guide

Perhaps your business has large databases and you need to convert them to a readable format, or you want to batch generate order slips for customers.

You can do this quickly by converting XML to PDF!

If you are not sure about what that means completely, do not worry. By then end of this article, you will understand XML files, PDF files, and learn how to convert XML to PDF.

XML is a markup language used to encode documents for both computer programs and people to read. Created by the W3C, the same group that manages the standard for HTML, XML is extensible.

What does this mean? XML, or extensible markup language, uses bracketed tags in the way HTML does, but these tags are completely custom and self-defined. The potential is unlimited as long as another machine or program knows how to read it and process it.

For instance, a client’s information in an XML database might be express as:

     John Doe
     [email protected]

You only need a simple text editor to create XML files, but you can also view them in a web browser, or manage them with an online editor. Various software can export data to XML files, too.

XML can work like a database, but it can do more than that too. It can define the entire structure of a document. For instance, Microsoft Office uses XML to support the structure of .docx documents.

This means XML can generate menus, client lists, invoices, order forms, and more.

Exporting information from your business’ systems to XML allows you to create lightweight, custom databases, templates, and documents.

PDF files, or portable document files, are common and easy-to-access filetype. Rather than share a Microsoft Word file with customers, where some people do not have access to Word, it is easier to share a file that everyone can open.

PDFs preserve the format of a document but render it almost like an image. This is great for creating high-quality prints of magazines, menus, or marketing material.

However, while editable PDF forms exist, PDFs are mostly meant to be viewed and not edited.

This adds a lot of security when you send out digital contracts and invoices, where you might allow clients to view the PDF and then e-sign and submit payment through a secure portal.

Converting XML to PDF adds a lot of convenience and speed to your business’ processes. Just in file management, XML lets your company manage large databases and document types in a small file size.

XML is easy to export directly from your company’s systems, and most other database types convert to XML without trouble.

Converting XML to PDF then allows you to batch process hundreds of documents at a time. Rather than generate recurring client contracts one-at-a-time, you can render and save all the recurring contracts in a set.

Rendering as PDF makes it convenient to share internally and with customers. Whether your staff or clients are working on Windows, OSX, or on a mobile device, PDFs can be viewed without proprietary software.

As your systems change and update, you won’t need to worry about managing file accessibility. 

Many “conversion” solutions exist online, though most of them fail to provide a real XML to PDF conversion. Countless softwares offer the ability to convert XML to PDF, but all they do is “print” XML files as PDF files.

In truth, most operating systems allow you to do this natively. Rather than send documents to a printer, you send documents to an internal device that renders the print as a PDF. The file is then saved to your computer instead of printing it to paper.

To convert XML to PDF, you need software that will interpret the information in your XML document and use it to render the new document you need.

This requires a bit of setup. Because XML is a customized language, you do need to “teach” the conversion software how to render it.

You first need to define the document template. You also need to define any rules and conditions for the output you want.

For instance, you need to teach it if certain clients need to be skipped or what fields belong in a table.

A great XML to PDF software will allow you to process multiple XML documents simultaneously.

For example, one XML file can be used to render important document information and another can be used to “mail-merge” a large client list. You can create the entire batch in a single step.

Depending on your specific needs, you want to make sure that the software you choose will meet all of them. Excellent XML to PDF conversion software will have some key features.

First, you want an easy-to-use graphical interface. A good visual designer will allow you to work with the XML as you define new document types and templates.

Next, you want flexibility. Some software only convert XML to PDF. However, other inputs and outputs will be useful, too. Depending on how your company grows and your internal software changes, you want a conversion solution that will grow with you.

Some inputs and outputs to consider are JSON, XSL, HTML, Word, and Powerpoint.

Last, make sure the software you choose renders colors in the right format. If you want to print your documents and color consistency is important to your brand, this is an essential feature.

XML is a versatile format for managing data within your business. With the right conversion software, you can leverage XML to generate PDF documents for your staff and customers with ease.

We hope this article helped you learn to convert XML to PDF! If so, keep reading our articles for useful how-tos and more.