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10 Ways to Feed Your Soul When It’s Running on Empty

10 Ways to Feed Your Soul When It's Running on

When you feel empty and exhausted, your soul might need some serious attention. Our minds and bodies get rest every single night when we go to sleep, but our spirits only get rejuvenated by going deep within for answers. Unfortunately, we are each trained to look everywhere but within for comfort and peace, which might explain why our world looks the way it does today.

From an early age, we’ve all been indoctrinated into a system that seems to place money and achievements above everything else. We go to school, get jobs, buy houses, and work our butts off for retirement. But many people feel unfulfilled following this outdated, one-size-fits-all model. Perhaps our modern ways of living don’t address what our souls need. Maybe placing our value in consumer products and incomes can explain the chronic emptiness most of us feel.

What can we do about this problem plaguing modern society? How can we fill our souls instead of just our wallets and egos? We have a few tips for you below, so don’t worry if you’ve been feeling lackluster these days. Every problem comes with a solution, even those that seem impossibly complicated.

Here are ten ways to feed your soul when you’re running on empty:

1 – Get rid of negativity in your life.

Whether that means cutting certain people out of your life or turning off the daily news, too much negativity can take a toll on your spirit.

If you feel exhausted and empty, look at what you expose yourself to each day and adjust it accordingly. Instead of waking up to your social media and news programs, have a technology-free morning where you enjoy a cup of coffee while listening to the birds outside. Simplicity can remind us that we often create problems that never should’ve existed in the first place. It starts with the quality of what we put in our minds and who we surround ourselves with, so by keeping our mental state balanced and positive, we can positively influence the world.

2 – Clean your home.

More people have turned to minimalism to live a simpler, more peaceful life. Many times, the things we own end up owning us after a while with the debt we accumulate from them. Plus, items can only bring us temporary satisfaction; once we’ve had our fill of them, we often throw them in the back of our closet to collect dust. Then, we need our next fix, and the cycle continues.

Once you clean out your possessions and only keep the things you need, you’ll realize how little you require to feel content. Plus, cleaning your space will have positive impacts on your mental health as well, as studies have shown that mess can increase stress levels.

3 – Simplify your life.

This process doesn’t just mean cleaning out your possessions. Indeed, it means taking a long, hard look at your life and figuring out what activities you need to engage in. We place so much value in doing rather than just being, and this obsession with always needing stimulation takes a toll on our mental health. Ironically, filling our lives with activities and chores only leaves us feeling more empty.

People will call you lazy if you don’t want to work the standard 40 hours a week, but our “always-on” society just doesn’t serve our mental and emotional needs. If you’re going to work from home and start your own business, go for it. If you want a quiet life out in the countryside away from all the noise in the city, do it. No one has a manual on how we should live, so if you crave simplicity, create a life that permits you the freedom to have that.

4 – Give your body the fuel it needs to thrive.

When we consume unhealthy foods, they don’t just affect our bodies; they compromise our spirits, too. Toxic foods lower our vibration and leave us feeling exhausted because our bodies can’t process all the unnatural ingredients. Here’s a small list of healthy foods to include in your diet if you want to feel your best:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Lentils
  • Oatmeal
  • Broccoli
  • Apples
  • Kale
  • Blueberries
  • Avocado
  • Leafy green veggies
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Chicken

5 – Meditate

Scientists praise meditation due to its ability to affect the mind and body in very tangible ways. For example, it can lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve concentration, create mental clarity, decrease anxiety and depression, and reduce stress levels. Some types of meditation even help to increase love and compassion for yourself and others. Meditation allows you to disconnect from the senses and get to know your soul.

If you’ve been feeling empty and exhausted from the constant stressors of daily life, we can’t suggest meditation enough. It will allow you to expand your consciousness so that you don’t just identify with your mind and body. Instead, you’ll begin to see yourself as one with everything else in existence, which will help dissolve the ego.

Maybe the key to society’s ills lies in this ancient practice.

6 – Treat yourself to self-care

In our fast-paced lives, we don’t spend sufficient time on self-care and self-love. With all of our responsibilities, we barely have enough time left in the day to sit down for a meal. However, to give the best of ourselves to others, we have first to fill our cups. Make sure you take enough time out of each day to attend to your own mental and physical well-being.

Here are the 30 best benefits of positivity.

7 – Get away from technology.

While modern technology does have its advantages, we overuse it and isolate ourselves from others by spending too many hours per day in the virtual world. We don’t spend as much time talking to each other, instead of giving into mindless distractions and neglecting our loved ones. Scientists have linked the overuse of technology to many health problems, including insomnia, anxiety, depression, and even addiction.

Instead of going outside to play, kids today choose tablets and video games. Families go to the park together and get on their phones instead of interacting with each other. We’ve lost a lot of our communication skills because of technology. Many people check their phones always throughout the day because of the dopamine hits they get from notifications, and this takes a toll on our mental health.

Make sure you put down your phone throughout the day to give your brain a break. Get outside, talk to friends in person, and enjoy the world without looking through a screen every once in a while.

8 – Exercise.

We don’t need to list the benefits of exercise, because scientists have been talking about them for decades. Unfortunately, we don’t need to move as much with our modern lifestyles, and a lack of movement might be the culprit behind the explosion of disease we’ve seen in recent years. If you’ve been feeling empty and exhausted, try moving your body in ways you enjoy. Getting your body moving will lift your spirits as well.

9 – Create a job you love.

Most people don’t like their jobs, and simply stay to pay bills and keep up their lifestyles. Perhaps this unhappiness with modern work environments explains the rise in entrepreneurship and people working at home. While we all have to take on adult responsibilities, we shouldn’t have to work like drones throughout our lives doing jobs that make us feel empty.

If you don’t enjoy your job, do a little research about the hobbies that bring you happiness. Perhaps you can turn your interests into a full-time job that feeds your soul and doesn’t leave you drained at the end of each workday.

10 – Get back to nature.

We have created our lives around nature, not taking into consideration our place in the greater picture. We’ve destroyed a lot of our natural environment, and maybe this explains why so many of us feel discontent in modern life. We’ve cut ourselves off from the very things we need to sustain our lives. So, of course, many of us feel empty and disconnected.

If you’ve been feeling exhausted and defeated by life, make sure you take time to connect with nature as often as you can. Even a 30-minute walk through a forest can do wonders for your spirit.

Final thoughts on ways to feed your soul when you feel empty

If you always wake up feeling tired and depleted, it might not be your body or mind that’s tired – your soul may just need some attention. Simple ways to feed your soul include getting back to nature, taking care of your mind and body with healthy living, and reducing clutter in your home.

If you want to go even deeper with cleansing your soul, look at your job satisfaction and the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes, a deep detox is necessary to feel like your best self again.


10 Ways to Move Out of the Friend Zone and Into A Relationship

10 Ways to Move Out of the Friend Zone and

When it comes to relationships, there’s nothing worse than being stuck in the “friend zone.” When you long to be a lover, being trapped in this minimal position can cause you a significant internal struggle. Some people are afraid to move forward, while others battle conflicting emotions for months or years of their life.

It’s humiliating to be only thought of as “just a friend” when you desire so much more. Many times, people are afraid to take the next step because they’re worried they will lose a good friend, embarrass themselves by admitting their feelings, or are worried that it won’t work out. It’s complicated to make the shift from friend to lover, but you must follow your heart.

You can live in silent torment if you’re pining away after someone who is a close friend, and you want more. The long nights of hopelessly wanting and waiting for more seems unbearable. If you’re going to put your feelings on the line and still maintain a sense of dignity, then here are some ways to move beyond the “just friends” state.

10 Ways to Make it Out of the Friend Zone

1. Assess the Risk

There are significant risks to jumping out of the friend zone and into a relationship. What would happen if it doesn’t work out? Once you’ve crossed that line, it isn’t easy to go back to just friends. Can you handle the possibilities of them out of your life?

Make a pro and con list of how to handle the situation. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Have there been any behaviors or indications from him or her that they want more? Think carefully before you make your next move.

2. Develop a Game Plan

Once you’re ready to get out of the friend zone, it’s time to formulate a plan. Do you want a romantic dinner by candlelight to tell them how you feel, or do you want to take them to a park surrounded by nature? It’s essential that you set the stage for the big announcement.

Make a straightforward plan of what you will say, where it will be, and how it will occur. Maybe you could take them to your favorite coffee shop to talk over a cup of Joe.

3. Find the Right Time

Timing is everything in life. You don’t want to ask for a person to leap out of the friend zone the week of finals. If their mind is already overwhelmed by everything going on, then you may not get a receptive response.

Additionally, they may not feel that they’re in a place to develop romantic attachments with so much other stuff going on. It’s best to find the right moment. Then again, there may never be a perfect time, and you shouldn’t prolong the conversation as it only extends your torment.


4. Empower Yourself with Confidence

Whether you’re a man or woman doesn’t matter, it’s challenging to speak up when your dignity is on the line. You must use courage over your fear to tell the other person how you feel. If you don’t take the chance to speak up about your feelings, you may lose them to someone more open and honest.

You need to muster up all the internal strength you can find to tell this person the truth. Remember, you have nothing to lose by being honest, and you might gain everything. It’s always better to be upfront and truthful than to sit by and remain quiet and frustrated.

5. Don’t Go Straight to Sexual Places

If you’ve never had a talk with your friend about being more than just buddies, you shouldn’t go right to sex talk. Sure, they’re smoking hot and sexy, and you dream about making love to them, but if you come out of the gate with this statement, you may scare them away.

It would be best if you told them why you feel so strongly about them. List their qualities that you find attractive such as their eyes or hair. Also, you should bring out things about them that you appreciate beyond physical beauty.

If you want to give your conversation power and merit, then you need to speak your heart. There will be plenty of time for romance later. Right now, you need to get down to business with a serious conversation about your future.

6. Have a Conversation Face-to-Face

There are some conversations that you don’t have by text or by email, and flipping from a friend to a lover is one of them. It’s easy to send a text and wait anxiously for them to answer, but it’s best to look them eye-to-eye and tell them how you feel.

The direct contact and body language let them know that you are serious about them. The other party needs to see how much this means to you. They need to hear the conviction in your voice and see the warmth in your eyes.

It’s easier to say “no” when you’re sending a text, but it’s more challenging to deny true feelings in a person to person setting.

7. Don’t Beg

You want to keep your dignity intact in case this conversation doesn’t go the way you want. Try to come up with a statement that is a few sentences at most. You want to get to the point and stop chattering.

Don’t beg or plead or make bargains for someone to want you as more than friends. Either there’s more there, or there isn’t. You need to state your peace and then give him or her time to say how they feel. Always speak directly to them and be confident. Don’t hesitate or stutter over your words.

8. Be Honest with Yourself

Regardless of how things went down, you need to be honest with yourself. If they didn’t give you the answer you want, don’t hold on thinking they will change their mind. You are only wasting precious time that you could spend with someone else.

If they admitted that they have feelings for you and want to move out of the friend zone, you need to be honest enough to realize this changes everything. Once you cross from friends to lovers, there’s no going back to the way things were.

9. Make Them Miss You

If you didn’t get the answer you want, or they need time to think about things, then you need to give them some space. One of the best tricks in the book is to make them miss you so that they can see how much they genuinely care about you.

Being in the friend zone for an extended period can mess with your mind. While men and women can certainly be friends, there’s always that inner drive that makes one or both want more at some point and time. If they’re unsure how they feel about moving on from the friend zone, spending some time apart may be just what they need to sort out their feelings.

10. Admit Defeat and Move On, If Necessary

You don’t want to hang around any longer than you need too. If you’ve put your feelings on the table, then things will never go back to the way they used to be. If they don’t want any romantic attachments with you, then cut your losses.

There are very few times in these instances where you can salvage the friendship as most of the time. People will go their separate ways. When one wants to be romantically involved, and the other wants to be just friends, it doesn’t work. Admit the relationship was never meant to be, and simply move on.

Here are the signs that reveal your guy friend is interested in romance.

Final Thoughts on Admitting Defeat if You Do Not Break out of the Friend Zone

The old saying states that it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have experienced love at all. Perhaps, Alfred Lord Tennyson was never stuck in the friend zone when he made such a statement. Still, with each time you give a piece of your heart away, it’s one part of it that you can’t get back.

There is no better feeling than love. It can get you through the darkest nights and give you a reason to get up in the morning. Sadly, there is also no more considerable pain than that of lost or unrequited love.

Think long and hard before you attempt to make the jump from friends to lovers. There is much at stake, and this move will change everything. Try some friendly flirting first and see how and if they respond to your subtle advances.

It’s always best to have some assurance before you take the plunge, but sometimes you must close your eyes and jump!


10 Ways to Show People You’re Smart Without Saying Anything

10 Ways to Show People You're Smart Without Saying Anything

Being smart in this world isn’t everything, but it sure helps.

For the sake of non-confusion, let’s define the word ‘smart’ for our reference. We’ll set the term as:

 having enough mental and emotional aptitude to succeed in your life’s goals.

Some people equate smartness with a high I.Q., but there are plenty of people with an off-the-charts I.Q. who live a self-described miserly existence. Is this, then, a good, practical definition of “smart”? What’s the use of being highly intelligent if your life is chronically unhappy?

Say someone you know has a 150 I.Q., an exceptionally high score – almost genius level. Yet, they live their life in a state of self-perceived lack – of relationships, fulfillment, and meaning.

Is this smart? After all, shouldn’t someone this “smart” be able to figure out the source of the shortcomings of their lifestyle and make the necessary changes?

Therein lies the problem of equating intelligence with smarts.

Being smart involves a keenness for navigating life. Perhaps this is why Stephen Hawking, the late, great theoretical physicist, once remarked, “People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.”

In other words, to be considered ‘smart,’ there need to be present a certain degree of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, or ‘E.I,’ is broken down into four categories: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, and includes such factors as:

  • Knowing your emotional states
  • Managing your emotions
  • Motivating yourself
  • Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions (empathy)
  • Managing relationships

A rather broad definition of smarts, but there you go.

In this article, we’re going to discuss why it’s beneficial to (subtly) display your smarts to others. We’re not talking about bragging or waving around your college diploma. We’re talking about small, everyday activities and behaviors that you are smart and capable.

Let’s get to it then!

smart people dont tolerate these behaviors

10 Ways to Show People You’re Smart

“Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart.”  ~ Alan Alda, 6-time Emmy Award and Golden Globe Award winner

As you go through this list of ten things to do to show people you’re smart, you’ll no doubt read items that you think are basic common-sense. This shows awareness; another quality often left out of the intelligence “equation.” It’s also a critical aspect of smartness.

Without further ado, here are ten ways to show people that you’re smart!

1  – Always be on time

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” ~ Charles Darwin, founder of the Theory of Evolution

To be on time is to demonstrate your self-awareness and sense of responsibility. People who are chronically late are perceived as unreliable, untrustworthy, and undisciplined. None of these traits should ever be associated with a smart person.

People who achieve their goals are masters of their time. Take Charles Darwin as an example. By his own account, Charles Darwin didn’t possess any kind of extraordinary intellect. Something he did possess was mastery over his time.

It is said that Darwin would observe different animals for hours, ensuring that all of his work was done as meticulously as possible. The only way he could do this, of course, was to carefully allocate his waking hours for what he perceived to be his life’s most important tasks.

2 –  Be a good listener

“It takes a great man to be a good listener.”  ~ Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

Really quickly: Think of a couple of people in your life who are good listeners. People whose eyes remain fixated on yours while you speak. People who always seem to offer excellent and timely advice.

What characteristics do you associate with them?

The odds are that “smart” is up there.

The reason is simple: it’s challenging to be a good listener. To listen well requires the honing of attention and the trait of open-mindedness. It also involves restraint and the ability to control impulsive thoughts.

These qualities are the bedrock of active listening – the ability to remain receptive to the words of another and to offer a timely, relevant response.

socially intelligent people listen well

3 –  Spend money wisely

“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.”  ~ Dr. James W. Frick, former Vice President for the University of Notre Dame

Did you know that most countries with the highest personal savings rates (money left after taxes/bills/etc.) tend to have lower incomes?

In other words, saving money has nothing to do with money coming in or out. It has everything to do with prioritizing.

Smart people save and spend money wisely, period. They know that going to war with yourself over why there’s nothing left in the bank isn’t worth it.

Fortunately, this is a problem that’s quite easy to fix!

Come up with an accurate budget of your average monthly expenses and income. Don’t allow the former to exceed the latter. Yes, you may have to cut back or eliminate costs.

In a few months, you’ll have a bit of cushion!

4 – Get organized

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” ~ Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, inventor, and philosopher

So many of us waste time and energy simply because we’re unorganized. A smart person doesn’t allow this to happen.

Simple things like putting your keys in the same place, automating your savings, spending a few minutes cleaning up your workspace – and so on – can save you time and make your life easier.

Start by identifying the most significant time and energy wasters in your life. What can you do to ease the burden?

5 – Be polite

“Please be polite. Nothing in life should erode the habit of saying thank you to people or praising them.”   ~ Sir Richard Branson, Founder and CEO of the Virgin Group

Politeness displays that you have a sense of sophistication and selflessness. Doing things like holding the door open or helping an elderly adult with their groceries not only feels good but contributes to your self-esteem and self-worth.

Rudeness, on the other hand, sends the opposite message. Rude people are perceived as ignorant and social misfits – two words that are never applied to someone smart.

oversized ego

6 – Have a sense of style

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality that is everyday life.”  ~ Bill Cunningham, American fashion photographer for the New York Times

We don’t buy into the extreme materialism that has seemingly dug its hooks into the collective psyche of developed countries. This top isn’t about greed, adornment, or braggadocio.

It’s about presentability.

Appearance still matters in many ways, including how smart you appear to others. Take a pair of eyeglasses, for example. Do they not transform the wearer into a more studious form?

Bottom line: own a nice pair of slacks and some decent dress shoes. Patch, repair, or replace clothing as needed.

7 –  Remember the details

“The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll, Christian pastor, author, and educator

Details run our life. Those whom others perceive as smart pay close attention to those details. Failing to do so can result in adverse consequences, up to an including the catastrophic.

Getting better at paying attention to detail requires the honing of both selective and sustained attention. Selective attention is the ability to choose a specific stimulus out of many, while sustained attention involves holding the attention onto the stimulus (e.g., a task or target).

Attention is analogous to a muscle. Use it, and it becomes stronger, don’t, and it atrophies. Some useful exercises for strengthening focus include meditation (of course), reading, and physical activity.

8 – Take notes

Okay, so you may feel a bit embarrassed by taking notes at your next meeting. But you know what? It sure as heck conveys a positive message.

First and foremost, taking notes shows your commitment to excellence. Second, it shows that you’re willing to study to get better.

Being a smart person requires that you remember the essential things. Unfortunately, we tend to be somewhat biased in this regard, thinking that we’ll remember more than we actually will.

This is where taking notes can help a ton. It’s also an easy, subtle way to show off your smarts.

9 – Keep the right company

“Tell me with who you associate, and I will tell you who you are.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and statesman

Speaking of easy ways to appear smart (or not), there’s who you choose to call your friends. Fair or not, who you “hang out” with is seen as a reliable indicator of your judgment – and thus, smarts.

The choice to keep in good company isn’t an exclusionary or elitist ideal. We tell our kids all of the time to avoid the “wrong crowd,” after all. While we’re a bit less susceptible to corrosive influences as an adult, it’s still essential to associate with the right person; if for none other reason than to be seen as having good character and judgment.

10 – Take care of your body

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker

While some people care for their body to boost their egos, we seek a more holistic reason.

The best one: well (or poorly) your body is taking care of will affect (positively or negatively) everything that you do. Energy levels, susceptibility to disease, and degree of mobility are all influenced – to a great extent – by how you care for the body.

With this in mind, try to get at least 30 to 45 minutes to light to moderate exercise every day.

Final Thoughts on Showing People How Smart You Are Without Bragging About It

Taking these actions puts your “smarts” on display. You won’t need to tell others how sharp-minded you are. Indeed, your behaviors will speak volumes about you.


16 Ways Guided Meditation Helps You to Be Happy| 6 Minute Read

16 Ways Guided Meditation Helps You to Be Happy| 6

Guided meditation has become increasingly popular due to its instant benefits in our lives.

You’ve probably heard about meditation from a friend or somewhere on the wide web, but you’ve been too swamped to find out more.

Well, here’s the brief gist:

Meditation is a simple activity of sitting or standing still and concentrating on your breath. It helps you avoid stress and boost your happiness. Many practitioners admit to using meditation to improve their overall quality of life.

In guided meditation, an instructor assists you step-by-step as you connect into your soul and reach the meditative state. It’s an optimal method for those who are new to meditating to get the hang of it. You’ll find countless smartphone apps, YouTube videos, and social media groups to help you get started.

Here are 16 science-backed ways guided meditation helps you become happier:

1 – Decreases stress and anxiety

Stress reduction perhaps the most important benefit of meditation. Stress happens when we become overwhelmed with the rigors of everyday life. There’s just so much to do with so little time.

Many times, these concerns are works of imagination, but we send stress hormones to our body. Such habits repeated over time lead to intense anxiety and chronic stress.

Here’s how meditation helps you get rid of stress.

Guided meditation gives you mental space and clarity to organize your mind. What’s more, studies show that meditation helps to reduce cortisol(stress hormones) levels. And increase happiness hormones in the body.

2 – Fights depression

Depression is an insidious sickness that slowly robs you of your happiness and vitality. Depression not only affects your happiness and general well-being, but it also affects your mind and your decision making.

When you sit down to meditate, you connect deeply with yourself. And let go of stress and depression.

Furthermore, this study shows how meditation can help you get rid of negative ruminations—giving you an inner glow of happiness and fulfillment.

3 – Greater empathy and kindness

One easy way to become happier is by simply sharing with others. A little kindness you show goes a long way.

So go ahead and try complimenting your coworker’s dress, donating to charity, or listening to your partner when he or she tells you about their day.

empathy class
Learn how schools in Denmark now include empathy training in the classroom.

4 – Stay in the present

Meditation makes you more present, calmer, and feel more connected to the world.

Studies show that certain kinds of guided meditation help you develop gratitude, understanding, and empathy for everyone.

Your attitude of gratitude will attract happiness to you.

5 – Develop more self-awareness

Research shows that when you see yourself clearly – you become more confident.

Have you ever been at a gathering with someone who always seems relaxed, calm, and collected as a coconut? He quickly connects with everyone. He never fazed by uncomfortable situations.

Don’t you sometimes wish you can be as fresh and calm as these people?

Yes, you can

The simple answer – you need to increase your self-awareness.

Guided meditation helps you remain fixed in the present moment. Brain-imaging research shows that meditation can help rid you of social anxiety. And make you more confident. You become a better communicator and build happier relationships.

6 – Improves your relationships

A secret that many of the most successful people know is developing quality relationships.

That’s right! Emphasis on quality.

“The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationship.”

Quality relationships could be the difference between a failed company and a successful one, a painful divorce, and a successful marriage.

Maintaining our happiness also means developing and maintaining quality relationships.

Guided meditations help us foster more quality relationships by giving us the means to monitor our thoughts.

By doing this, we have a clear picture of how we see ourselves and how others see us.

7 – Improves your creativity

What would you give to unleash creative energy like Leonardo da Vinci?

What would your work look like if you could summon your inner creativity? Would your home life look different if you could become more spontaneous?

Creativity has long been with enhanced performance at work and general happiness. Creativity promotes out-of-the-box style thinking to help you solve problems and overcome challenging situations.

In this study, scientists found the often-overlooked influence of meditation on creativity and improved cognitive function.

The results?

We’ll give you the breakdown.

They found out that while guided meditation helps to enhance our emotional cognition, we also benefit improved mood and high levels of creativity. This, in turn, helps us to boost our performance and we remain happy while doing our work.

8 – Sharpen your memory

Well, you might ask – how does a cutting-edge memory help you be happy?

Let me explain.

Imagine if you could remember peoples’ names on the spot, or remember a minute detail about them. Imagine what that would do for your relationships. Perhaps you’d seamlessly build quality relationships. Maybe you communicate effectively with your workers or connect deeply with your husband.

Still not convinced?

Studies suggest that guided meditation can sharpen your memory and attention.

9 – Enhances deeper sleep

Studies show that sleep deprivation impairs attention and working memory, but it also affects other functions, such as long-term memory and decision-making.

On the other hand, quality sleep has long linked to improved performance.

Meditation can relax you and help to promote deeper sleep. In turn, you wake up in a glorious mood and high energy – ready to seize the day.

10 – Improves decision making and problem-solving

It’s no surprise that meditation practice is becoming more popular among top executives managing billion-dollar companies.

Indeed, many leaders attribute guided meditation as a way to build strong leadership skills.

And for a good reason too.

Studies show that people who meditate regularly assess different parts of their brains to make significant decisions.

You know how you sometimes get that gut feeling – the sudden burst of inspiration to a task that had been challenging. Many meditation specialists claim to experience intuitive guidance in their work.


11 – Mental clarity

We have all experienced fogginess and an inability to make decisions.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

When we sit down to meditate, we train our focus and concentration. Since the central practice of meditation is to anchor our attention on our breaths, it is no surprise that the same quality of awareness sips into other areas of our lives.

And on top of that, meditation improves our focus and allows clear thinking.

Multiple studies show higher performance with individuals that meditate as opposed to those who do not when carrying are varying cognitive tasks.

12 – Increases mental toughness and resilience

Having mental toughness and resilience means you can weather the storms in any situation. You can bear almost anything life throws at you.

Imagine if you could take on the toughest tasks like a navy SEAL. Will you get more work done?

Fortunately, you already know-how. Now here’s the exciting part.

Studies suggest that top athletes, politicians, and top CEOs practice meditation to develop resistance to stress and power through any stumbling blocks in their way.

13 –  Boosts immunity

Ever notice how sluggish you feel after an exhausting day at work? That’s stress.

Do you know that a 10-minute meditation can help rid you of stress while boosting your immune system to fight diseases?

That’s right!

A UCLA study shows that HIV patients who practiced mindfulness were able to slow down the spread of the virus in their bodies.

Guided meditation also helps your body produce more disease-fighting immune cells that protect your body.

14 – Preserves the aging brain

The key to happiness is a healthier mind and body. Along with improving attention and clarity, meditation helps strengthen more neural connections in your brain.

There are positive results that long-term meditation practice helps to keep your mind sharp and clear. It also prevents age-related memory loss and dementia by strengthening your brain health.

15 – Helps you lose weight and achieve your body goals

Do you regularly try to lose weight, but you find that either:

  • You can’t maintain the healthy eating habit.
  • You’re unable to get yourself to go to the gym.
  • You can resist binge-eating unhealthy snacks.
  • You think – what’s the use?

Meditation helps you control your impulsive actions, and more so helps you stay on course to reaching your weight loss goals.

Furthermore, one reason that may contribute to is stress eating. By meditating regularly, you reduce the stress and anxiety surrounding unhealthy food and reach your health goals.

16 -Destroys addictive habits

We all struggle with our addictions, whether we enjoy more caffeine than we should or a bag of salty chips in the evening.

Here is why we all have cravings. These addictions produce “feel-good hormones,” which make us happy and satisfy our cravings in the short-term.

Succumbing to our addictions leaves us devastated and powerless in the long run.

There is continuous evidence that meditation helps us control our cravings. Whether you are looking to quit smoking or you are trying to stop overeating, this study shows that guided meditation played an essential role in helping recent dieters stick to their healthy eating plan.

More than that, meditation let’s rewire the pleasure centers of our brains.

Final thoughts on guided meditation and increasing your happiness.

Meditation is an age-old practice that powerful CEOs, top martial artists, famous Hollywood actors, influential bloggers, bestselling authors, well-known media personalities, high military ranks, revered artists, and gold medal Olympic athletes all employ to live happier lives.

But the truth is…

Anyone can use guided meditation to boost their happiness. Best of all, it is free, and you can carry it anywhere you go.


11 Ways to Save Money in College (That You Can Start Doing Today)

11 Ways to Save Money in College (That You Can

11 Ways to Save Money in College (That You Can Start Doing Today)

Did you know that eating Top Ramen for every meal every day for a year would cost you under $150?

While it’s the staple of college kids’ meals, you don’t have to ditch your meal plan and load up on noodles, because there are plenty of other great ways to save money in college.

11 Ways to Save Money in College 

Here are 11 surefire ways to save money in college that you can start doing today!

1. Budget

While it may seem boring, this is one of the key steps to saving cash.

Making a budget for yourself is one of the key ways to save if you’re wondering how to save money as a college student. Taking a little time each week or month to create a plan for where your money is going will help you stay frugal and responsible. 

2. Housing

Housing can be a pretty hefty cost for most schools. While it’s normally nothing compared to tuition, the place and type of housing you select can still greatly affect those college payments. 

You can commute from home or somewhere cheaper off-campus if you are able to avoid paying your school. If you don’t want to commute, having a roommate (or two!) usually always lowers the cost of housing, as well as choosing between suite-style rooms or communal living styles. 

3. Transportation

Where you go and how you get there can also be a great factor in your college costs. You have to find what works best for you in terms of public transportation vs. having your own car vs. carpooling. 

If you are living on campus, considering carpooling over having your own car can save you tons of money because of gas and insurance. Plus, you get to make new carpool friends!


Filling out the FAFSA, while it may be tedious, is a great way to determine how much money you can get in federal aid. It takes some time, but is worth it in the long run if you’re hoping to get some financial support that way. 

You also only need to do it once a year, so it can’t be that bad to bite the bullet and fill it out when the time comes around. 

5. Books

Saving money is one of the benefits of renting textbooks compared to buying them full price. Both have their positives as you’ll get money by reselling and you’ll save money by renting textbooks.

It just depends on what better suits your preferences! 

6. Food

While the ramen bit earlier was a joke, the way you spend on food is a great way to save while you’re at school. 

Limiting the times that you go out to eat with friends can help you save money (especially if you have a budget!) You can also look into the different meal plans that your school offers and see if there are cheaper options that fit with your diet. 

7. Scholarships

Scholarships are one of the best ways to save money at college. Earning scholarships is basically like getting gifts for working hard at something!

However, that means you should put good effort into doing well at school, as well as search for other scholarships you can apply to. Usually schools give out scholarships that you can apply for each year and there are tons of scholarships that are eligible for college students everywhere to apply for. 

8. Graduate On Time (Or Earlier!)

Graduating on time will save you tons of cash because you aren’t paying to be at the school. This also goes for graduating earlier – you save tuition, room, and board because you won’t be there!

This is all a matter of how much work you can handle of course.

If you can manage early graduation, it would save you a bunch of cash, plus you get a head start on searching for a job. Then you can get to work on paying off any student loans even sooner!

9. Work

Working on or off campus can help you have a steady flow of money while at school. Then you’ll always have an amount to set aside and save gradually, as well as some to spend every now and then. 

Many campuses have on-campus job opportunities as well as work-study programs that you might find to be helpful. And don’t forget about the magic of private jobs like babysitting! 

Working makes a world of a difference when it comes to saving and spending your money wisely. 

10. Conserve

Conserving your utilities can make a big difference when it comes to saving money. Being diligent about not using too much electricity or water add up, as well as not using A/C or heating when you don’t need to. 

Let’s not forget about how these moves can help the environment as well! You’ll be saving your money and helping the earth at the same time. 

11. Make Honest Judgements

Finally, make honest judgments about what you do and don’t need when you’re shopping. We all know it’s fun to spend a little on things you don’t necessarily need, but be mindful of how often you choose to do that. 

There are also tons of fun ways to buy things that you’re looking for, like hitting up the closest thrift store with your friends. It’s ok to make purchases, but make ones that will meet more of your needs than your wants!

B.F.A. in Saving Money!

And there you have it – with these 11 ways to save money in college, you’ll at least get a BFA in financial smarts!

Higher education can be stressful for a number of reasons. From big tests to licensures to GPA – not to mention the social aspects – you’re in for a lot of learning. 

But money does not have to be one of those stressors – at least not as long as you keep up with these helpful tips on how to save money in college. 

Make sure to check out some of our other posts for more interesting reads, and check back soon for more content!


10 Ways Social Distancing Might Impact Your Company Culture

10 Ways Social Distancing Might Impact Your Company Culture

Socialization has always been a critical element in corporate culture. On your job, you probably enjoy chatting with your coworkers over a cup of coffee in the break room. Sharing a tidbit of gossip at the water fountain at work is also a classic example of employee camaraderie–and often part of company culture.

It’s Impossible to Have a Germ-Free Environment

Unless you work from home, it’s nearly impossible not to rub elbows with others a couple of times a day. However, proximity can spread germs and viruses exponentially, and therefore company culture must change. If one of your coworkers has the flu, he could easily share it with you and others by coughing, sneezing, or leaving germs on shared surfaces, like doorknobs and phones.

You already know how to keep your germs to yourself when you are ill. Actions such as washing your hands, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and keeping your distance from others are common sense. The best advice is to stay at home if you are down with something contagious.

Did you know that when you sneeze, you can expel as many as 40,000 microscopic particles up to 100 meters per second, and a cough can propel up to 3,000 droplets? If you also spray particles in the air when you talk, it is bound to reach those around you.

If you expel tiny particles up to 100 meters in a second, it would be the equivalent of one and a half football fields. In our Western culture, we tend to keep a personal space of about 2-3 feet from others. Even if we sneeze or cough inside our elbow or a tissue, others on your job could still be affected.

Read about the selfless act of a 90-year-old woman.

Understanding Presenteeism

It’s easy to assume that people who are sick will stay home until they are better. However, regulations vary by employer, and the solution to contagious employees isn’t that simple. Because of presenteeism, you may be seeing subtle changes in company culture around the nation.

Presenteeism is a newly coined word for those who are sick and decide to come to work anyway. Some of the reasons why suffering people come to work are they have inconsiderate employers, strict absence policies, no sick pay, or job loyalty. While these sick employees may think they are responsible, they are negligent by risking their coworkers’ health.

How can you go to work with the absurdity that someone isn’t going to share their sick germs? Will your company culture limit communication to smartphones and video conferencing? Here are ten ways that social distancing might affect your company culture and ways you can deal with the changes.

10 Changes Many Workers Will Witness in Their Company Culture

1. Closed Cubicles

Most large corporations have already changed to personal cubicle floor plans. Entry-level and middle management usually occupy rows of cubicles, while senior management generally has the traditional corner office space with a view. If this is the arrangement for your workspace, you are probably used to moderate social distancing already.

Closed cubicles may become the norm to protect employees, management, and clients’ well-being. Everyone may work in a plexiglass cubicle, with one person at a time permitted to enter. You would have a desk, and the other person would sit a few feet away from you.

You needn’t feel caged in a while working in a closed cubicle. Make good use of all the natural light you can and fix up your area to be warm, professional, and inviting. If you have a business to discuss with a coworker, try to do it in person rather than over the phone. Just makes sure you are at least six feet apart.

2. Limited In-Person Meetings

Remember watching George Jetson talk to his boss over a computer monitor? What was once amusing science fiction has been a reality for several years now. Video conferencing allows companies to meet with coworkers and clients all over the world in real-time. This technology saves money and time and will enable people to be in virtual meetings no matter where they are.

Video conferencing may replace most in-person meetings due to social distancing and convenience. Connect from a spot that is professional, yet friendly, for that touch of human warmth. If appropriate, a little humor goes a long way in these sterile-like meetings.

3. Regrouping Social Gatherings for Your Company

Traditionally, most companies have sponsored holiday parties and special occasions to keep high employee morale. Haven’t you attended parties at work for promotions, weddings, and baby showers over the years? These events are what often make coworkers feel like close friends and even family.

If social distancing issues prohibit office gatherings for a while, take heart. You can always gather in a public place or invite coworkers to your house. Even if you must leave a small cake and balloons in the honoree’s cubicle, you have shared your thoughts and kindness in some small way.

4. Breaks and Lunch at Your Desk

Every company has a break room or a shared kitchen where employees can rest, chat, and eat. What would an office do without the perennial box of stale donuts and burned coffee? Some of your best times at work may have been sitting around the break table laughing and blowing off steam.

If your workplace no longer offers an employee lounge or kitchen, consider keeping a minifridge in your cubicle for snacks, drinks, and meals. Personal size coffee makers don’t take a lot of space and are quite affordable.

5. Drinking Fountains and Coffee Pot Removals

One thing that will probably go is public drinking fountains and coffee pots. You will be encouraged to bring drinks to work. A public drinking fountain is one of the dirtiest places in the office. Did you know that you can catch E. coli and coliform from those commonly used fountains?

A study was conducted on various school fountains around the country. They found that there was an average of 2.7 million types of bacteria on these drinking stations. No wonder they are keeping these closed off as bottled water is much safer.

6. Staggering Work Shifts

To keep fewer people in the office, your company may rotate schedules so that some employees work from home on varying days. You may go to a plan where you work two days at home and three days at the office or vice versa. Consequently, on the days when you are home, other people will be in the office.

It sounds like a big hassle, but one of the advantages of working from home is that you might not have to fight the traffic and other daily commute issues. If you’ve always wanted to try telecommuting, then it might be your chance as corporate culture is changing.

company culture
Learn how to set boundaries when you work from home with the kids.

7. Temperature Checks

One of the downsides to social distancing is ensuring that every employee that comes to work is healthy enough to be there. You may be required to have routine temperature checks and answer a few questions about your health each day.

The goal is to ensure that you are not carrying a fever that could infect others. So a simple temperature check may be all it takes to prove that you’re not harboring an illness. Your company culture may now include temperature evaluations before you begin for the day.

8. Hand Washing

Another change that you will see in your corporate culture is an increased awareness to wash your hands and sanitize. You may see signs all around the building and in the restroom, reminding you of the importance of a good scrub.

Many people don’t wash their hands properly or don’t wash them at all after leaving the bathroom. It’s vital that you wash continuously throughout the day, even if you haven’t used the restroom. If you touch your face at your desk, then use sanitizer. It’s just another way to keep germs at bay and avoid any further changes to company culture.

9. One Way Traffic Patterns

Grocery stores and workplaces across the globe are going to one-way traffic patterns. While this won’t cause much of a problem to smaller offices, it may be a considerable shift in your company culture. You will be restricted to the places you can go and the flow of traffic down that aisle.

10. Wearing Masks

Whether you think they are essential or not, many companies are requiring their employees to wear masks. The best cover to use is an N95 that has capabilities to block every toxin you may breathe, but the homemade varieties are better than nothing.

If you opt for a cloth mask, make sure that you cannot smell anything through it. Also, it should comfortably cover your nose and mouth. While your glasses may fog up and you may feel as if you are suffocating, it’s a lot better than being on a ventilator from contracting a deadly virus.

Final Thoughts on Learning About the New Company Culture

A few small inconveniences are worth your health. Each employer will evaluate the space, the number of employees, and mandates that they feel are necessary for their operation. Cooperation is the key, or it could cost you in terms of wellness.


Therapists Explain 10 Ways to Cope With Heartbreak (+ 10 things to avoid)

Therapists Explain 10 Ways to Cope With Heartbreak (+ 10

Everyone has their unique coping methods for getting over a breakup. However, some may be much more effective than others. It’s essential to go through your grief in the right way to get you back on your feet again. We share ten ways to cope with heartbreak (and ten behaviors to avoid).

10 “Dos” When You Must Cope with Heartbreak

1. Do Seek Support

It’s perfectly natural to want to talk to someone about your breakup. You probably have a lot of feelings festering up inside of you. Look for opportunities to express your emotions in an appropriate setting. Go to the people who are closest to you first. Of course, you want to avoid anyone who may be caught in the middle of the breakup. Venting to them could make them feel uncomfortable.

In the case of life-altering breakups or leaving an abusive relationship, you may want to go to a therapist or support group. The damage inflicted may be more serious than a gab session with your mom or best friend can manage.

2. Do Focus on Your Physical Health

When you treat your body well, you will notice a positive change in your mental health as well. Eat well and exercise. Focus on foods filled with nutrition and not empty calories. Stay away from fried foods and processed foods. You should also make a point to get out and exercise throughout the week. A body in motion stays in motion, so your body will continue to move correctly as long as you work it out.

3. Do Stay Busy

The last thing you need is too much time on your hands. You may end up dwelling on the breakup, causing you to feel bad about yourself. Instead, fill up your calendar with different events to keep you busy. When you are out doing things every night, you won’t have time to think about the person who hurt you.

4. Do Help Others

Breakups tend to bring out the selfish side of us. We wallow in self-pity and talk about ourselves a lot. Instead, it might be more beneficial to go out and help others. Spend time with family members or volunteer at a charitable organization. You will not only be helping others, but it can also make you feel good about yourself.

5. Do Examine Your Dating Practices

While you shouldn’t place blame on anyone (especially yourself), you should take time to think about some of your dating habits. You may be able to make some changes that will help you in your future dating ventures. Do you tend to fall for bad boys? Are you too clingy? Do you flirt with other people outside of the relationship? Look at some things you can change to help yourself succeed in love the next time around.

6. Do Cry

Some people try their hardest not to cry or feel angry about the end of their relationship. However, it’s a natural reaction to feel a certain way. You should not feel bad about your emotions. In fact, it is best to take some time to explore how you are feeling.

Otherwise, you only bottle up your feelings inside of you. Take a night to listen to sad breakup songs with a scoop of ice cream to let it out. When it’s finally all out there, you’ll feel a lot better. Just don’t make it a habit.

7. Do Get a Pet

You may have a lot of love you want to share. Get a cute pet to focus your love on. You can dote on your new cat, dog, or lizard (whatever pet you’re into). Just remember a pet is a big responsibility and commitment.

8. Do Focus on Other Relationships

Your romantic relationship wasn’t the only relationship in your life. Consider all of the family relationships in your life– your parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, etc. Spend some time developing those relationships.

9. Do Find a Creative Outlet

You need to find a way to express yourself in a safe, creative way after heartbreak. Some people choose to start painting, singing, or writing. You can talk about the breakup or a variety of other topics affecting you at the moment.

10. Do Date

You should go out and start dating again–when you are ready.  You may want to give it a couple of weeks or months before going on your first date. Only you know the best timeframe for you, as confirmed by research. But you shouldn’t get too used to staying inside every day. When a new dating opportunity comes up, take it. Take things slowly and casually before you fall in love headfirst again, though.

10 Don’ts When You Suffer from Heartbreak

1. Don’t Overindulge

Some people choose to make themselves feel better by overindulging in certain activities, such as drinking or casual sex. It may make you feel better at the moment, but it won’t lead to long-term happiness. Watch how much you engage in reckless behavior.

2. Don’t Contact Your Ex

Your ex was a large part of your life. It’s hard to entirely and suddenly stop talking to a person who was once so important in your life. When something good or bad happens in your life, your instinct may be to pick up the phone and give your ex a call. You may also want to call just to see how they are doing. Avoid all temptations. Contacting your ex will only lead to a complicated relationship that can prevent you from moving on and even more heartbreak. It’s over. Only talk to your ex when you need to.

text messages
Never send these text messages to your former love.

3. Don’t Talk About the Breakup on Social Media

Social media is an excellent place for people to express themselves. However, you don’t want to tell everyone about what’s going on in your life. Rants about your ex may be entertaining to other people, but it will only make you look crazy and unprofessional.

4. Don’t Stoop to Their Level

Breakups can bring out the worst in people. When someone is emotional, they may do something mean. When your ex starts making your life difficult, you may be tempted to stoop down to their level and retaliate. Don’t do it. You may only make yourself look bad or even get yourself in trouble. Even when your ex goes low, you need to stay high.

5. Don’t Let Yourself Go

After a breakup, you may not shave or do your regular skincare routine. However, you need to keep up on these things more than ever in the case of a new prospect coming along. You don’t want a new potential significant other to see you in your pajamas with no makeup during the day.

6. Don’t Hold onto Gifts/Items

You and your former partner may have gifted each other things throughout the relationship. The items will become a reminder of your relationship when they are gone. You may enjoy a certain pair of shoes or piece of jewelry, but you shouldn’t wear those items if it’s going to be a constant reminder of a failed relationship.

7. Don’t Become a Shut-in

After a breakup, the world may look scary and unfriendly. You may not want to go out and socialize with people. However, you need to overcome these feelings. Some people want some time to themselves after a breakup, but you may start to be depressed staying inside all of the time. You need to go out and experience fresh air. You should also go do things you enjoy and see people in your life. These things will put your life back on track.

8. Don’t Portray Yourself as a Victim

It can be easy to make yourself look like a victim without even trying. This would be especially true if you were cheated on or abused during the relationship. However, you need to make a point to remain strong. You should not lie about what happened, but you do not need to tell your story without provocation.

9. Don’t Stick to Old Negative Patterns

Many people who are unlucky in love may notice that they tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. You need to examine these mistakes and do what you can to make a change. In some cases, you may want to get professional help to assist you through your issues.

10. Don’t Rush Into the Next Relationship

Some people cure heartbreak by rushing into the next committed relationship. While you want to go out and date, you don’t want to jump a long-term commitment with another person right away. Take the time to get to know somebody. Allow things to happen organically. Otherwise, you’ve just headed toward heartbreak again.

Final Thoughts on Coping With Heartbreak So You Can Move On

These tips make it clear for people to make the right decisions for their emotional and romantic health after heartbreak. A breakup isn’t the end- it’s the start of something new and exciting. You just need to see it that way.


10 Ways to Make Zoom Calls with Friends More Fun

10 Ways to Make Zoom Calls with Friends More Fun

With more people staying home than ever, many people are turning to Zoom to stay connected with family and friends as well as working from home. If your social life seems to have taken a turn and is a bit mundane, then you may be looking for ways to spice up your social interactions.

Thankfully, there are some easy things that you can do to add some variety to these calls since it’s the best way to stay connected right now.

Four Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts

Many quick short cuts can easily make your sessions easier on this conferencing app. Here are some of the best ones to use:

• Record Your Sessions

By merely using Cmd+Shift+R, you can easily record your sessions with ease. (PC: Alt+P)

• Screen Sharing

One of the best features of this video conferencing platform is the ability to screen share. To start page sharing, type Cmd+Shift+S. If you need to pause this feature, type Cmd+Shift+T. (PC: Alt+Shift+S) (PC: Alt+T)

• Mute Your Voice

It’s advisable to keep your mute button going if you’re in a video conference. Use Cmd+Shift+A to mute your voice on this platform. Use Cmd+Ctrl+M to mute everyone in the video conference. (PC: Alt+A)

• Quickly Invite Someone

Cmd+I will allow you to invite someone to your conference quickly. (PC: Alt+I)

telehealth aka telemedicine
Learn how using telemedicine can help you avoid the germs of a doctor’s office.

Making Virtual Calls More Fun

When you’re stuck at home with nothing do to the Zoom, virtual parties may be just what you need. If you lack the creativity to enhance these web-based connections, there here are six tips for you.

1. Add Pizzazz with Special Effects

Did you read the story on the internet of the lady from Washington, DC, who turned herself into a virtual potato? The hilarious part is that she had to face her colleagues in an online meeting while being a spud. There are so many special effects on these video apps that can enhance your experience.

While you may not want to be a potato, the sky is the limit when it comes to virtual choices. A few options to consider include giving yourself frog eyes or becoming an extra-terrestrial. You can go to a black and white or sepia tone, or you can even become a ghost. What could be more fun than that?

Do you want to hide the clutter of your home? Then you can put a new background on your screen so that it appears that your sitting beachside rather than in your home office. Another option that you have is to distort your image.

The options are limitless and easy to do with the click of a button. You should play around offline to see what kind of effects you can add. Remember, you must turn these effects off when you switch from personal to business roles. You don’t want to be a spud like the lady from the capital city.

2. Send Super-Imposed Videos

It can be quite annoying to send video links when you copy and paste them into a taskbar. Then, your friend must follow the link and open it in a new window.

Using Zoom or another popular app, you can send videos in real-time. Add a bit more to your videos, and you can super-impose your body over the ones in the production.

What would your friends think if they see you on an underwater diving adventure in a foreign land, or you can saddle up a horse and ride in the Wild West?

You can immerse yourself in all the video chat options that are available to you on this app. The Intel® RealSense™ technologies are changing the way people communicate with one another, and it’s all for the better.

3. Make It a Virtual Game Night

Children and adults alike have become bored with social distancing and not being allowed to venture far from home. However, why not use Zoom to bring your friends in on your virtual world? You can create game nights right from the comforts of home.

You can play video games together, or you can opt for other fun classics like Charades or Win, Lose or Draw. The key to making this a success is to get as many people together as you can. Since you are connecting via an internet server, you can see and hear them.

These new game playing sessions can become so real that you might have to remind yourself that you don’t have a house full of friends. Sure, it’s not going to be just as fun as having them in your home, but think of the mess that you won’t have to clean up when the night is through.

4. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Do you have boxes of old photographs stored in your closets? Are there are old films that have family gatherings recorded for the later generation to see? Zoom is the perfect way to put on a display and have the family take a walk down memory lane.

Since you are connecting with them in a manner where they can see and share videos and photographs, you can all bring your offerings to the table. Years of generational pictures can be shared with ease. Plus, you will learn a few remarkable things about the family you probably didn’t know.

Today’s generation uses digital platforms for their photos. However, back a decade or so ago, there weren’t the options that we have now. Make sure to record these sessions so that you can hear the stories time and again.

While the present seems to be wavering, why not look to the history of your family to bring you comfort. Plus, the elderly members of your clan would probably enjoy a stroll down memory lane with you and their loved ones.

5. Have an Old-Fashioned Bake Off

There is nothing better than the smell of freshly baked goodies wafting throughout your home. Do you love to cook? Do your friends, or family members also enjoy this past time? Why not have a virtual baking contest?

You can show off your culinary skills when you whip up a few fantastic dishes to entice everyone in your meeting. Teach some tips and tricks that you’ve learned over your cooking career, as well as take advice from those who’ve been baking up goodies for decades.

There are so many things that you can do with this tip if you only let your mind wander. You can charge a small fee and teach cooking classes, or you can have a hang out on Zoom for fun. Your perception only limits the options.

Just think you can show everyone what a great cook you are, and you won’t feel the pressure of having people breathing down your neck. Additionally, you can hide the mess when you’re on camera too.

Have you ever wanted to run a cooking show? Do you see yourself as one of the great chefs of our day like Rachael Ray, Julia Child, or the Frugal Gourmet? Since you’re already on camera, you might as well record these sessions. Who knows, you could be what one of those popular food networks is looking for as the next big thing in cooking.

6. Have a Virtual Dinner Date

Why talk when you can eat? Virtual parties should always begin with food. While going on a traditional date when restaurants are closed may make dating difficult, there’s nothing that says you can’t sit and dine with someone on the world wide web.

The best part about virtual dating and having these online dating sessions is that you can log off if things aren’t going as you planned. With the touch of a button, you can disconnect from Zoom.

Grab a glass of your favorite wine, a plate of delicious food, and sit in front of your computer ready to chat the night away. Thankfully, Zoom has a mute feature where you can mute your side of the conversation should you need to burp or have some other gaseous explosion. You may find that you like internet dating way better than doing them in person.

Use some of the other techniques talked about in this article to jazz up your date. Change the background to a tropical scene, or you can become an avatar with a made-up persona. It’s utterly amazing what the power of the internet allows you to do and grow when you feel that your options are limited.

While nothing is as enjoyable as holding hands, snuggling, or kissing under the moonlight, internet dating can be made possible with online apps.

leave the houseFinal Thoughts on How to Make Virtual Calls on Zoom More Fun

Video calls can be fun, especially if you’re both working and socializing from home. However, you can make things better using the power of technology. When you use your creative side and explore all the possibilities the internet offers, then you can see how much enjoyable the virtual world has become.


12 Ways to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle (and save money)

12 Ways to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle (and save money)

We live in a modern world where most people consume and pollute. Instead of wasting at such vast degrees, we should make a point to be as sustainable and self-reliant as possible. This effort is an excellent way to both help the earth and saves money. Here are 12 ways to live a sustainable lifestyle (and save money in the long run).

12 Tips for a More Sustainable Lifestyle

1. Grow Your Own Food

Instead of getting into the car to go to the store and putting toxins in the air and buying food that needed to be transported and possibly packaged, grow your fruits and vegetables at home.

Do your research to learn what foods grow best in your area and how to grow them. When the time comes, you’ll have the freshest vegetables possible. Plus, you will know exactly how they were raised and what they were treated with since you were the one who grew them.

Are you planting a victory garden to live more sustainably? Here are 15 plants to try.

2. Recycle

Recycling is the process of taking used material and repurposing it instead of adding to the already overfilled landfills in the world. Not everything can be recycled, but the items that can go to a recycling center which helps bring it to a new, reusable form.

Place plastic, paper, and glass in a separate container specifically for recyclable materials. In many cases, the city will provide a recyclables bin for you. In some cases, you may even be able to make money off of your recyclable materials. The following states offer money for bottles and cans:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Iowa
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Vermont

If you live in one of these states, collect your cans and bottles. The recycling center will typically offer a nickel per item. You can help the environment while also earning some extra money. Talk to an employee at the center to learn about any other materials they would pay you for.

3. Ditch Your Car

Cars are a significant source of air pollution, especially in metropolitan areas. Many people drive to work or the store when they could easily take an alternative method of transportation. If you can take one car off the road every day by walking or biking to work, you are making a significant difference.

However, you should consider public transportation if walking or biking is not a reasonable method for you. If that also doesn’t work for your commute, create a carpool at your work.  You can save gas money by taking turns driving with other people at the office. It will reduce the number of pollutants in the air, too.

Read the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle.

4. Install Solar Panels

One of the most exciting new sustainable inventions in recent years is the solar panel. You can place these on your home to generate your electricity. Of course, you still have backup power from the electric company. However, since you are producing your electricity most of the time, your electric bill will be significantly reduced or even nothing.

The solar panels collect the sun’s rays and turn it into electricity. When you need to use it, it’s distributed throughout your house. Since this method requires the sun, it works best in sunny locations.

The solar panels generally go on top of your current roof. However, Tesla has invented a roof made of solar panels. It’s expensive, but it’s attractive and saves you money in utilities.

5. Shop From Environmentally Responsible Companies

You have a lot of options as a consumer. It’s your job to make responsible decisions about who you buy from. You shouldn’t only focus on price. You need to pay attention to the way the company packages its products and their manufacturing practices. There may be a reason that a particular product is cheaper than the competition.

These items probably won’t last as long as other options, meaning you’ll spend more when you need to be a second product. Also, specific packaging and manufacturing processes are bad for the apartment.

6. Shop With Reusable Bags

Think of all of the plastic bags used when people go out grocery shopping or shopping at the local pharmacy. Even though they are plastic, these bags can not be recycled. In fact, some countries are even banning the use of plastic bags when shopping. Think ahead and bring your reusable bags.

There are sustainable bags designed to use over and over again. This habit will eliminate the need to use plastic bags. Just don’t forget to bring them with you when you head out to shop.

7. Drive an Electric Car

If you can’t possibly get rid of your car, that doesn’t mean you can’t make responsible decisions about the vehicle you drive. Some vehicles are known for being “gas guzzlers.” They consume a lot of gas. This moniker means you’ll be stuck going to the gas station more often and spending more money. Common gas guzzlers include Hummers and large trucks. Compare vehicles before buying.

Luckily, there are electric vehicles and hybrids now that don’t require as much gas. These vehicles rely on electricity or a combination of both electricity and gas. You won’t be stopping for gas as often or putting the same amount of pollution into the air.

8. Buy Energy Star Appliances

Most modern homes utilize refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and other appliances to help complete chores. It’s almost unheard of not to have these appliances around the house. However, these appliances use up a lot of electricity and water. As they get older, they may even require more to complete the same amount of work. Specific machines are designed to use less water and electricity than usual.

These appliances will have an Energy Star sticker on them. This designation lets you know they adhere to a certain standard of efficiency. You will save money on your utility bills. Plus, you will be more sustainable.

sustainable life9. Eat Local

Think about how food gets from where it was made to your plate. In some cases, this involves an extensive long-distance journey. The journey means putting pollution into the air. Plus, the food isn’t as fresh as it once was when it finally arrives at its destination.

Instead of eating at places that require the food to come from all over the country, eat at restaurants and shop at farmer’s markets who only use food from local farmers and butchers. This food is likely less expensive since it doesn’t require travel costs.

Plus, it will be some of the freshest food you can eat. In these types of establishments, the food probably wasn’t frozen at any point. Finally, it was perhaps picked off of the vine that same day!

10. Use HVAC System Wisely

It’s completely unreasonable to assume that people will live in hot summers and cold winters without an HVAC system. This fact is especially relevant if you live in a location with an extreme climate. However, you should use your HVAC system wisely.

First, you should get a unit with the Energy Star sticker we mentioned before. Also, you don’t need to set the unit to extreme temperatures. Instead of setting it at 68 degrees in the summer, try setting it at 78. You want to make yourself comfortable, but you don’t need to overdo it. You should also consider using a smart thermometer.

The smart thermometer can change the temperature when no one is in the home. It can even set it back when people come home for the day. Finally, get regular maintenance from a professional HVAC technician every year.

11. Vote

It’s your job as a citizen to vote about the things that matter to you. Since we can’t vote on particular legislation, we need to vote for people who put environmental issues at the forefront. Research local, state-wide, and national politicians to learn who will support you and others who want to live a sustainable lifestyle.

When it’s time to vote, you should stop by the polls and cast your ballot. Some people only vote during national elections, but it’s important to vote in every election if you expect to see a change in your area. These changes can even result in significant savings for the government.

12. Volunteer

There are a vast number of organizations that work to help environmental issues and help sustainability efforts. Make a point to support and volunteer with these organizations. You may learn things during your volunteer service. You may also be able to make a difference in your community. Look for organizations that make an effort to clean up nature and plant trees. There are also organizations designed to help animals.

sustainable livingFinal Thoughts on Achieving a Sustainable Life That Saves the Planet (and your wallet)

The world needs our help. We tend to make more from the planet than we give. It also doesn’t hurt that being more sustainable can save us a lot of money, too. These tips are a great place to start, but keep looking for new ways to help.


15 Ways to Feng Shui Your Home and Get More Peace 6 Minute Read

15 Ways to Feng Shui Your Home and Get More

Are you looking to create positive energy in your home? Feng shui has been used for centuries to help balance and promote the flow of good chi in your abode. In Chinese, it is a beautifully blended word that means “wind-water.”

Feng shui uses standard principles that anyone can incorporate into their home. It’s one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, and they are beneficial to your entire being. If you are looking to create a harmonious environment, then you should consider practicing this art.

The purpose behind this art of space, light, and color, is to clear all the invisible forces that take away from your spiritual focus. The concept is quite simple. Think about your living space and how your furniture is arranged.

The goal is to create an efficient flow so that you can go into and out of a room effortlessly. However, this Chinese art takes things one step beyond good flow and organization. The good news is that it can be incorporated into any design style with ease.

Many have found that these ancient practices help them to set up their new house or redesign an existing room. The goal is to maximize the use of each space and allow it to add beauty and pleasure to your life. You and your whole family will benefit from the domestic harmony it imparts.

According to wind-water philosophy, chi is the life force of the universe. Your home resonates with you and your family’s chi. When it can flow effortlessly, you can enjoy a tranquil home and a prosperous life.

feng shui

15 Ways of Incorporating Feng Shui to Bring Positivity to Your Home

It may sound a bit overwhelming when you don’t understand this art. While there are many steps to incorporate and tips to follow, it’s all about creating prosperity and a harmonious environment. Try these fifteen things that you can do to help give your Feng shui a jump start.

1. Plant Goodness All Around You

Plants have a special place in the Chinese home as they are the embodiment of life. Bringing nature inside helps you to stay connected, plus it brings along numerous benefits. Feng shui 101 is to strive to have better health and vitality, and when you bring plants inside, it puts you on the right path.

It would be beneficial if you bought foliage that will grow according to your specific environment. Most important is that you don’t buy a bunch of plants and have them die. It’s worse to have a dead plant in your space than to have none. This decor element is a fundamental way to start incorporating these principles that most people can do with ease.

2. Get Rid of Clutter

Do you have piles of books, magazines, and clothes that need to be donated to your local charity? Most people don’t understand that the clutter is stopping the natural flow of energy in their homes. Do you want to disrupt the balance and peaceful calm of the space?

Some things in life weigh you down. If you have a room that is heavy with clutter, then it needs to be addressed. You can enhance the energetic function of space by merely tossing and donating all that extra stuff.

3. Learn Commanding Positions

A commanding position is a feature or piece of furniture in your home that stands for something else. For instance, your couch can be a stand-in for you. Your desk space might be a stand-in for your job, and your dryer might be a stand-in for productivity. The goal is to position these things right so that you can take control of your space and life.

clutter quote

4. Balancing the Elements

Try to incorporate the elements into your peaceful home, which are metal, water, fire, wood, and earth. By having them in your living space, it helps to bring balance. Have you ever been in a room that had wood paneling, wood floors, and wooden accents?

Using too much of one element can be overwhelming to any area. However, when you use wood floors, a stone accent wall on a fireplace, and some metal wall hangings, you will bring the right balance. A room using only one medium is suffocating, but when you have a mixture, they complement each other.

If you cannot use actual elements, such as fire, then you can use the color of fire. A beautiful warm red tone or a bright orange can help to give you the same effect. For water, you can use shades of blue and green. Don’t try to stuff all five elements in each room as it will be too much. However, you should strive to have all five inside your home.

5. Bring in the Light

Natural light is a big part of Feng shui. Have you ever noticed how you feel when the sun breaks after a storm? This invigoration can be created when you let the sunshine in every day.

Never close off windows with blinds and curtains to block your view. Instead, let them bring nature to the inside. Once you expose the windows, make sure to clean them and get off any dirt or debris that can block the flow of sunlight.

If you must have curtains, then choose an excellent opaque style that still allows the light to penetrate. A mirror placed directly across from the windows can also allow the light to reflect throughout the home. Natural radiance lifts everyone’s mood.

6.The Door to Your Spirit

In the system of wind-water, your home’s front door symbolizes the entry to your soul. Practitioners recommend making it the focal point of your home and avoiding using back and side doors for entry. Make your entryway attractive and clutter-free and painted the color of the direction it faces.

7. Points to Forget

Sharp, angular décor, and features don’t have a place in a chi-centered home. They represent broken relationships and cutting words. Instead, opt for soft, sloping lines and rounded edges. Circles are especially encouraged since they embody eternal life.

energy8. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Ever since humans first saw their reflection in the water, we’ve had a collective affinity for mirrors. If you want to make a space look larger and more abundant, mirrors do the trick. They represent the water element in your space and enhances its chi.

Remember to use round mirrors and use a large one or a few small ones to create a focal point. As the mirror reflects things before it, so your home reflects your soul. Consider at least one mirror in each room.

9. Keep Your Flooring the Same

Have you ever been into a home that used different styles of flooring in each room? That feeling of unbalance wasn’t just in your head. For chi to flow uninterruptedly, keep the same flooring throughout your house.

If you can, consider using natural floor elements rather than carpet. Not only are they easier to clean, but they bring in positive wind-water balance. It’s best to use wood or stone tile.

10. Fixing Squeaks

Did you know that something as small as a door squeaking when you open it can affect your chi? If your front door is making a terrible creak when it opens, then you need to fit it.

It’s possible that you have become so accustomed to the sound that it doesn’t even bother you, or you may not notice it. However, subtle noises can mess with your vibrations, which means it needs to be fixed. Get out the oil and fix that creaking joint.

11. Use a Water Fountain

A water fountain is an excellent way to incorporate the water element into your home. Finding where to put this fountain can be another problem. It’s best to place any water element near your entry door, but you want to make sure the water is flowing towards the center of your abode.

12. Keep Your Bathroom Door Shut

You know that keeping your bathroom door shut is good for obvious reasons, but there are also some harmonious reasons for it. Your bathroom is the place where water leaves, which can also indicate wealth being flushed away. You don’t want to lose any wealth that is coming your way.

13. Cover Any Television in the Bedroom

If you have a television in your bedroom, and it’s not the best idea, then you should cover it when not in use. A television is a form of active energy, and it can disrupt the peaceful haven you are trying to create.

14. Fill the Space Above the Cabinets

One of the commandments of Feng Shui is to make sure that there is no empty space above the kitchen cabinets. If you do have space, then it’s a great location for some houseplants. You don’t want your chi to become stuck in dead spaces, so fill it up with life, and it will enhance your energy.

15. Use White Sage for Space Clearing

Finally, once you have redesigned your space according to this Chinese art, then it’s time to cleanse it with white sage. Go through each area of the home, making sure that the smoke from this herb penetrates every corner.

Sage can help to cleanse impurities as well as get rid of old, stale energy. You don’t want anything standing in the way of your new, fresh energy.

feng shui

Final Thoughts on How Feng Shui Fits Everyone

The beautiful thing about Feng Shui is that it fits everyone with a myriad of lifestyles. By simply arranging your furniture and items in a specific method, you can change your entire life.

If you want prosperity and a peaceful home, then why not use some items from this list to change the energy and harmonious balance of your space?