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Urologist Shares Tips for Women Suffering From Urinary Incontinence



Urinary incontinence affects millions of women across the globe, but it is most prevalent in women older than 50. Urinary incontinence is the leaking of urine during normal daily living activities or in having to urinate without warning urgently. This problem can be acute or chronic. A urologist has offered suggestions for women who are experiencing this common, yet debilitating problem.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

There are many causes of urinary incontinence, but the main one is age. Older women who are experiencing menopause are more likely to experience this issue. Previous childbirths or general wear on the body makes the body weaker and not as efficient at holding in urine. In some cases, recent pregnancy and childbirth can temporarily weaken the organ and lead to urine leakage.

Some women find that the urge to urinate strikes so suddenly that they don’t have a chance to get to the bathroom in time. This situation can cause distressing and embarrassing leaks if the condition isn’t treated effectively.

The condition can also be caused by underlying medical conditions that are highly treatable. These include, but are not limited to:

Urinary tract infections

These infections can irritate the body and lead to leakages. When you talk to your doctor about your symptoms, this is one of the first things that he or she will check.

cranberry for UTI
This delicious homemade cranberry juice provides UTI relief for many women.


If you are frequently pushing and straining to have a bowel movement, it can weaken the pelvic muscles, leading to leakages. Treating constipation often solves the problem without further intervention.


Any surgical procedure that affects a woman’s reproductive system can cause urinary incontinence. This can be a temporary condition immediately following the surgery or an ongoing condition.

Obstruction or tumors

Tumors in the body can block the pathways in the urinary tract. These blockages can cause overflow and leakage problems in both men and women.

Neurological disorders

sometimes the problem is caused by the signals not making their way from the brain to the organs correctly. Conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, strokes, spinal cord injuries or brain tumors can lead to the involuntary release of urine.

Family history

If your mother suffered from this common condition, the odds are higher that you will also suffer from the same leakages. Your doctor will likely take a family history to find out if the condition is hereditary.

The Four Basic Types of Urinary Incontinence in Women

  • Stress– this type occurs when you sneeze, laugh, lift heavy objects or exercise
  • Urge–this type occurs when you leak urine after feeling the intense, sudden urge to urinate. Also called overactive bladder, this can happen even at the sound of running water
  • Mixed–this is when you have stress and urge incontinence at the same time. This happens more frequently with women than with men
  • Functional–this is when another condition makes it impossible for you to get to the bathroom in time. Many people with mobility problems suffer from this common form
urinary incontinence
Science explains ten causes of an overactive bladder.

When to Seek Medical Advice

Women should seek medical advice any time they start to see symptoms of the condition. In some cases, incontinence can be caused by an infection. Untreated infections can cause a variety of problems that can have long-term consequences.

Your general practitioner can diagnose the condition either through a short interview or a pelvic exam. The doctor may also ask you to keep a diary of your symptoms, keeping track of each time you experience leakage or urgency. You may also be asked to keep track of your food and liquid intake.

Your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes like schedule training, pelvic floor exercises, and changes in weight and diet. They may also indicate the use of pads and other aides to deal with leaks.

Techniques for Women to Deal With Urinary Incontinence

1 – Schedule Training

One of the ways to prevent urinary leaks is to use the bathroom at the same time each day. Instead of waiting for the feeling of the urge to go, you proactively use the restroom, gradually training your body to go longer between trips to the bathroom.

2 – Kegel Exercises

Often used by women to prepare for the birth of a child, Kegel exercises can help stop the flow of urine and strengthen the bladder. Urologists encourage women to perform these exercises several times daily.

1. Get a feel for the pelvic floor muscles by stopping your urine mid-stream. Squeeze the muscles tightly and release them.

2. When you are not using the bathroom, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for five seconds and release. Doing one cycle of this counts as one rep. Do three sets of 10 of these daily.

3 – Cut Back on Caffeine

Drinking large amounts of caffeine can worsen urinary leakage. Caffeine can irritate the bladder, making it more likely that you will have problems holding urine. Coffee, sodas, green tea, energy drinks, and hot cocoa can aggravate the condition. Cutting back on these high caffeine drinks can help to ease the symptoms and stop the leakages.

urinary incontinence

4 – Stop Smoking

Smoking can weaken the muscles of the pelvis, leading to incontinence. Excess coughing that often accompanies smoking can reduce the muscles and make it more likely that you will experience leakages.

5 – Lose Weight

Excess weight can put pressure on the pelvic floor, making it weaker and more susceptible to leakage. By losing weight, you will release this pressure and start to see a reduction in the incidences of leakages. Even a small amount of weight loss can go a long way in stopping this bothersome problem.

6 – Drink More Water

Many people who suffer from this condition avoid drinking water out of fear that it will make the situation worse. In reality, the opposite is exact. Not drinking enough water will make the organ smaller, which means that you will be more, not less likely to hold urine. Drinking eight glasses of water per day will help to ease the symptoms and alleviate the problem.

7 – Avoid Acidic Foods

Acidic foods can irritate the lining of the organ, making it more likely that you will suffer from leakage. Foods like tomatoes, oranges, lemons, curries, and grapefruit can all worsen the condition.

8 – Get Exercise

Engaging in regular exercise that strengthens the core and the pelvic muscles is an excellent way to ward off the symptoms of this inconvenient condition. Activities like yoga, Pilates, and core training will help you to alleviate the pressure that can lead to leakage. It will also strengthen the muscles to help you to stop the flow of urine before leaks happen.

9 – Stop Drinking Late at Night

Cutting out all liquid after 6 p.m. will help to prevent the urge to urinate throughout the night. Many women will find themselves getting up frequently during the night to use the bathroom, which can interfere with sleep. By cutting out all liquids late in the evening, you can avoid this sleep interruption.

10 –  Purchase the Right Products to Help With Leakages

If you are dealing with this condition, you may often find yourself with wet clothing. Many women use absorbency products like waterproof pants or pads to catch leaks. Some women are outfitted with catheters that catch urine before leaks happen.

Some women use tampons to stop the flow of urine, although urologists do not widely recommend this. Doctors also do not support the use of sanitary napkins as these products are not formulated for urine leaks. They may trap urine closer to the skin and cause skin irritation.

menopause signs
Here are twelve menopause signs women should never ignore.

Final Thoughts: Talk to Your Doctor About Urinary Incontinence

Many women are reluctant to talk to their medical professionals about this common problem. If you are pregnant or have recently given birth, understand that this happens to most new moms. Your doctor or nursing professionals deal with these issues daily and are glad to talk to you about how to solve the problem.

Women who are going through menopause often visit their doctors for other gynecological issues, and this is an excellent time to bring up the problem. Again, your medical professional is used to talking about this issue with other women, and they will treat you with dignity and respect.

The worst thing you can do when faced with this condition is to ignore it. In older adults, racing to the bathroom can lead to falls that can, in turn, cause serious injuries. Dealing with this problem can also limit social interactions as many women are afraid of unplanned leaks while out in public or with friends. Finally, this condition can also be a symptom of a more severe issue, and ignoring it can lead to worse health outcomes.

When it comes to dealing with urinary incontinence many causes can lead to the condition. Most of these causes can be easily treated with lifestyle changes and don’t require major surgery or ongoing medication. Many women suffer from leakages, but they do not have to be an inevitable part of the aging process. By identifying the source of the problem, taking steps to alleviate the condition, and talking to your doctor and other medical professionals, you can enjoy a life free of embarrassing and inconvenient leaks.



5 Limiting Beliefs That Prevent You From Being More Positive 



Are your limiting beliefs shackling you so that you cannot achieve your full potential?

If you look at the world around you, everything exists because someone thought about it and willed it into existence. In other words, their thoughts prompted actions that brought about physical change. All humans are simply energy vibrating at various frequencies, so we bring about that which we think about most. If we think negative thoughts, we will, therefore, experience a negative reality. 

Of course, the opposite holds as well. The more you invite positive, calming thoughts into your mind, the more you’ll experience that reality. Even negative experiences can transform into positive as long as you have a glass-half-full approach to life. This is the duality of nature; we have limitless realities available to us in both positive and negative forms. We choose the ones we vibrate the most closely with.

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.  We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” ? Max Planck

With that said, specific thoughts that tend to run on repeat in our minds can produce less than desirable results. Below, we’ll go over some common negative beliefs that can stop you from living your best life.

Here are five limiting beliefs that prevent you from being more positive: 

1 – I’ll never amount to anything/I’m not good enough. 

This thought has probably crossed the minds of everyone in existence. We tend to see things from a negative viewpoint because our biology demands it for survival. This is called a “negativity bias,” meaning that characteristics of a negative nature have a more significant effect on our psychological state than positive or neutral things. 

If something went wrong when we lived in nature, such as food supplies running low or crossing paths with a dangerous predator, these experiences would significantly shape how we did things in the future. In our modern world, however, this negativity bias can run wild, leaving us always on guard. This triggers our fight-or-flight response, and if we operate with fear 24/7, we will quickly become depleted and depressed. 

Limiting beliefs such as not thinking we’re good enough stems from our need to survive. In our modern world, where we don’t have a tribe, the focus becomes more on individual pursuits. This makes us more vulnerable to comparison traps and low self-esteem. However, you have to remember that everyone here has an equal shot. You’re no better or worse than anyone else, except if you believe it. 

Whatever you believe will manifest in your reality. So, start thinking you’re good enough to have an abundant life and take action toward your goals. You’ll begin to see positive changes in your life in no time. 

highly confident people habits

2 – Life has no meaning. 

This nihilistic way of thinking can make us melancholy and lead to inaction. If we don’t believe our existence matters, then why bother shaping it in any way? Unfortunately, depression is on the rise in our world today for a variety of reasons. Social pressures and environmental concerns are likely contributing to the mental health crisis. However, all of us came here to accomplish something, whether great or small.

We all have unique gifts to offer, so the next time you catch yourself thinking that life doesn’t have meaning, counter your thoughts with these questions: 

  • What interests or talents do I have that could benefit people? 
  • Would I feel okay with my life if I died tomorrow? 
  • What impact do I want to make on people? 
  • What problems are there that I know how to solve? 

In other words, flip the script so that you’re thinking more along the lines of what you can offer people rather than why the world doesn’t need you. You can always choose a more positive way to look at something instead of giving into negative beliefs. 

3 – I’ll never achieve my dreams. 

As we’ve stated before, whatever you believe, you’ll achieve. No matter if you do or don’t think you can do something, you’re right. You’re the holder of your dreams, the master of your reality. So, if you want a better truth, you have to start thinking in terms of opportunities rather than obstacles. What can you do with what you’ve been given? 

In our modern world, with access to the Internet and social media, people are creating businesses left and right. It’s easier than ever to achieve your dreams, whether you want to be a famous author or travel the world. The key is in your hand – all you have to do is figure out what door you want to unlock. Life becomes a lot more fun when we realize we’re in control!

4  – Life is hard. 

Life is only hard if we make it that way. If you believe life is easy and things flow to you effortlessly, then that’s the reality you’ll match up with. Matters will just click into place, and it won’t seem like you’re struggling to fit the pieces together. If you think life is hard, then you’ll just attract experiences that make it that much harder. 

None of us wants a hard life, but our thoughts run on autopilot and ultimately create a harder reality if we leave them unchecked. It’s quite easy for negative thoughts to run rampant; for example, if you’ve been having car problems, you might think, “What have I done to deserve this?” Then, the next day, you might accidentally spill coffee on your favorite shirt, which makes you late to work. We’ve all heard the saying “when it rains it pours,” but few actually think about how it applies to their life.

Next time a lot of bad things happen in succession, examine your predominant thoughts. Are they mostly negative or positive? Whatever you think about, you’ll bring about, so remember that as you go about your daily life. 

Think about peace, love, and happiness, and that’s precisely what you’ll attract more of. Life is simply a mirror, showing you what’s going on in your subconscious mind. 

positive quotes

5  – I feel lost. 

This is also a pretty standard feeling in our world, but most people think that something outside themselves will alleviate this feeling. However, we can only feel whole by tapping into our true selves. By quieting the mind and feeding the soul, we can start to understand our intuition and what our higher selves want for us. 

Limiting beliefs such as feeling lost, will only attract more confusion into your life. For example, if you’re feeling lost, you might take a job that doesn’t line up with your core beliefs and true passions so that you can pay the bills. In the short-term, this might help you financially, but in the long-term, it will only leave your soul feeling depleted. 

The best remedy for feeling lost is to become your own best friend. Take time to dive deep into your mind and figure out where any blockages are. Meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, and eliminating distractions such as technology can really help with this. 

limiting beliefs

Here are some positive affirmations to recite daily to help you reprogram your mind and shed those limiting beliefs: 

  • I’M FREE

Write these on sticky notes and tape them all over your house if you have to, or write them in your journal every single day. The mind will allow whatever you feed it, so make sure you nourish it with positive thoughts instead of limiting beliefs!

limiting beliefsFinal thoughts about how limiting beliefs prevent you from being positive

Where your attention goes, your energy will flow. Notice how you feel when you focus more on positive things instead of negative – do you feel less stressed? Freer? Less angry? When we choose to flip the script and turn a limiting belief into a positive affirmation, we start to see opportunities. Life becomes more enjoyable and less of a struggle when we surrender to the boundless love and beauty that surrounds us. We all have the duality of love and fear in our hearts, but we have to feed the right wolf to experience the best aspects of life on Earth. 



15 Symptoms of Endometriosis Women Should Never Overlook



Endometriosis is a widespread health problem that plagues women. Statistics show that more than 6.5 million women suffer from this condition in this country, which is 11 percent of the female population.

From the onset of puberty into adulthood, it’s essential to have consistent checkups with your gynecologist. These doctors specialize in women’s health, and they can easily spot the signs and symptoms of female disorders that can cause fertility.

What Is Endometriosis?

The complexity of the female reproductive system makes it ideal to conceive and nurture a baby for nine months. Each month, fresh eggs from your ovaries travel down the fallopian tubes to your uterus or womb. The unique uterine cells create a soft, velvety layer for an egg to attach while waiting for fertilization.

If the egg is fertilized by male sperm, the new cell is cradled in the endometrial lining and will grow into a fetus. When no fertilization occurs, your uterus purges the eggs and sheds its internal lining in a monthly process called menstruation. The womb is cleansed and ready for next month’s egg delivery.

Women who have endometriosis do not shed their womb’s lining normally. Instead, these specialized uterine cells build up and can grow on organs outside of the womb’s walls. Endometrial layers can block the fallopian tubes and the entrance of the cervix, causing infertility.

Doctors are not sure what causes this often-painful condition. Studies have shown that endometrial problems often run in families. While surgery and hormone treatments help some women, sometimes the only cure is a hysterectomy.

Eating these seeds can help balance your hormones, according to science.

Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Have any women in your family been diagnosed with this painful disorder? Sometimes, you may have it without even knowing. However, if you notice any of these 15 symptoms, it is time to schedule a visit to your gynecologist.

1. Constant Pain in Your Pelvic Area

Do you deal with pelvic pain right before or after your period? Gynecologists often hear this common complaint. Even if you have been diagnosed with PMS, your painful pelvic area may be a sign of an endometrial disorder.

The overgrowth of uterine cells affects surrounding organs and often causes stabbing pain in around your lower stomach and pelvic area. Any chronic discomfort in this area must be evaluated.

2. Pelvic Pain and Bleeding After Intercourse

Vaginal dryness and other hormonally induced issues can cause painful intercourse and occasional bleeding. When the pain is excruciating, chronic, and is present every time you have sex, then your doctors need to know. Your vagina may be irritated with endometrial overgrowths, which causes bleeding and pain with any contact.

3. Having Bad Cramps During Intercourse

Period cramps are painful and plague many women. However, some ladies get these cramps when they are having sex.

These painful episodes may cause spotting, and the pain continues after the encounter. Your gynecologist can examine you to see if an overgrowth of endometrial cells is the cause.

endometriosis and cramps

4. Bowel Movements are Causing Pain

Having cramping sensations during bowel movements is commonplace, and countless reasons can cause it. If you have problems with constipation, you are probably used to occasional spasms. However, it can also be the endometrial cells invading your bowels.

5. Having Pain and Cramps While Urinating

It is also normal for women to battle yeast and urinary tract infections. These frustrating conditions are notorious for causing pelvic cramps and burning sensations when urinating.

If you are having painful cramps with urination, your doctor will first try to rule out a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection. Your doctor may consider endometriosis and conduct further testing. The displaced endometrial cells can cause painful cramps that mimic other disorders.

6. Experiencing Female Infertility

One of the most devastating effects of the endometrial disease is infertility. Distraught couples in America spend millions of dollars each year to diagnose and treat infertility in hopes of conceiving a baby. Artificial insemination and other expensive treatments, as well as adoption, maybe the only option.

Have you and your partner experienced the heartbreaking journey of infertility? There has probably been a litany of physical exams and tests to pinpoint the cause. During your examination, the gynecologist will look for endometrial overgrowths, called implants.

Endometrial implants can wreak havoc on a woman’s reproductive system, which affects egg production in the ovaries. They can also change the fallopian tubes and cervical entrance, thus blocking the path to viable fertilization. Moreover, these implants may cause hormone imbalances, affecting your periods and making conception impossible.

7. Beat Down with Chronic Fatigue

How do you feel after juggling a career, family, and other responsibilities every day? No wonder so many women struggle with overwhelming exhaustion. While it is normal to feel worn out with so many burdens, all it may take is some rest to recharge your battery.

What about that crushing tiredness that won’t lift, regardless of how much you sleep? Some women have explained chronic fatigue as severe exhaustion of the soul. It is often accompanied by frequent aches, pains, depression, and anxiety.

Modern medicine has yet to discover what causes chronic fatigue and how to cure it effectively. It is a debilitating symptom of a myriad of disorders, including endometriosis. Some specialists believe that the hormone imbalances caused by endometrial implants may be responsible for chronic fatigue and its symptoms.


8. Having Painful Gynecological Examinations

No one enjoys a trip to the gynecologist. Discussing sexuality and female problems is embarrassing. The examination is not comfortable, either. Being placed in stirrups and exposed to the medical staff is humiliating.

However, don’t let this common hesitation keep you from regular gynecological checkups. A routine examination can save your life. It isn’t unusual for most women to feel a little pain during the poking and prodding of a pap smear. If it is intense, your doctor may suspect endometrial implants as the culprit.

9. Seeing Blood in Your Urine

A scarlet tinge of blood in your urine outside of your period time can be concerning. It can be caused by sexual activity or a urinary tract infection. While it’s common, making a doctor’s appointment would be wise.

Another reason why some women have blood in their urine is from endometrial implants. If tests for urinary tract infections and other conditions are negative, you may have endometriosis.

10. Chronic Bowel Problems

You may have occasional bouts with diarrhea or constipation, which may worsen during your period. The usual culprits are your eating habits, some medications, or underlying medical conditions. These bowel conditions can also be signs of endometrial problems, so be sure to discuss them with your gynecologist at your next appointment.

11. Experiencing Heavy and Painful Periods

Menstruation problems are often hereditary and can wreak havoc on you every month. PMS and other gynecological conditions can cause heavy blood flow and excruciating pelvic pain that may last past your period. If you are being treated for a condition by your doctor, ask about the possibilities of having endometriosis.

12. Dealing with Lower Back Pain

What could be more miserable than lower back pain that hurts whether you stand, sit, or lie down? Throbbing lower back muscles may be the result of lifting, exercising, or a hidden kidney infection. Endometrial conditions can also make your lower back ache terribly.

13. Lower Abdominal Pain that Won’t Go Away

Abdominal pain can be caused by unhealthy eating, digestion issues, and a host of other conditions. If you have heavy periods, they may be accompanied by pain in your lower gut. A gynecological exam may reveal that endometriosis is the cause.

14. Disruption of Periods

Wouldn’t it be great if women didn’t have to bother with periods? Unfortunately, irregular periods can be just as complicated as monthly ones. If you have endometrial scarring in your ovaries and uterus, your whole cycle can be disrupted, causing heavy flows and pelvic pain.

15. Rare Symptoms of Endometrial Implants

Although invasive endometrial cells are usually contained in the pelvic area, implants have been known to attack other major organs, such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Since so many disorders are similar, only a specialist could determine if endometriosis is responsible.

birth control

Final Thoughts: Endometriosis Treatment Options

Endometriosis is one of the common women’s health complaints. Laparoscopic exploration is the only definitive way your doctor can make the diagnosis. If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Once the endometrial implants have attached, they don’t go away on their own. If the condition is not severe, then a doctor will use a tool to burn the endometrioses. If that is not possible, then the only other option is a hysterectomy.

Dealing with endometriosis is very difficult. However, you must report any abnormal pains to your doctor right away. It’s easier to treat this condition before it spreads beyond the uterine walls and affects other areas of the body.



20 Things to Avoid if You Want to Be Happier



Life requires that we prioritize what is important. The simple reason is that we don’t have enough time to do all – or even most – of the things that make us happier.

Part of prioritizing means saying “no” to certain people and things.

In this article, we’re going to focus our attention on 20 things that we would do well to say “no.” You’ll see many familiar things on here (T.V., anyone?) However, you may be a bit more surprised at some of the other things that can make you happier.

So do yourself a favor and say ‘No’ to these 20 things to become happier:

1 – Alcohol/Drugs

For those made to suffer through the atrocious circa 90s “Just Say No” commercials, we apologize.

Drugs are atrociously bad for mental and physical health. Drugs ruin lives, families, and institutions. Per statistics published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug abuse and addiction cost American society alone over $700 billion per year.

It’s common for substance abuse to abuse both alcohol and drugs. There also exist correlations between substance abuse and mental health problems.

The message here is simple: stay away from drugs and limit alcohol intake.

2 – More work

Some people love what they do, and that’s a beautiful place to be. For the rest of us, however, work should be viewed as a necessity to live. You’d think that we live forever considering just how much time some people spend at the office.

Per a report by the American Institute of Stress (AIS), “job stress is far and away the major source of stress for American adults,” adding, “[job stress] has escalated progressively over the past few decades.” (Emphasis added)

3 – Fast food

Unless you’re super careful, and the place that you eat offers healthy options, fast food can show up on your waistline quick. Statistics show that a fast food meal contributes a disproportionately high percentage of daily caloric intake.

About 50 million Americans eat fast food every day or about 15 percent of the population.

fast food make you unhappy
Doctors reveal the impact of fast food on the body.

4 – Procrastination

It may bring some comfort to know that the cause of procrastination is solely psychological – i.e., it has little to do with your willpower. Highly anxious individuals seem to have more difficulty with the procrastination bug than others.

So what to do? Just get started. Don’t think about how much work needs to be done. Emotional pain and discomfort associated with procrastination drop precipitously after an action is taken.

5 – Digital distractions

The era we’re now living in is the most distracted in human history. One massive reason for this is the sheer ubiquity of mobile devices.

The problem is that these distractions are both alluring and addicting. Things like “distracted driving” have become a real thing. Some research shows that our attention span is shrinking as the digital age evolves.

6 – Making excuses

Excuses do nothing but disempower you and those around you. While the adage “You’re stronger than you think” may seem overly cliché, it’s nonetheless true.

The cool thing is that once you stop making excuses, you realize how much happier you feel. It feels as if you’re retaking control of your life, which you are.

7  – Watching T.V.

The amount of television that people watch is insane.

Per a Nielsen report, the average American spends about 35.5 hours watching the tube. The problem with this isn’t so much the activity in itself – but the opportunity cost.

That is, those hours you could use say exercising, building a business plan, spending time with the family, and other more meaningful things.

8 – Perfectionism

Speaking of procrastination, one of the more common reasons that people put things off is fear – and this includes fear born of perfectionism. For the uninitiated, perfectionism is the unhealthy striving for, well, perfection.

Not only is perfectionism unrealistic, but it’s also unhealthy. Perfectionistic tendencies are connected to multiple clinical issues, including anxiety and depression, eating disorders, chronic fatigue, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

happy quotes

9 – Sugar

Okay, so it may be very difficult – perhaps even impossible – to completely abstain from sugar. However, one would be well-advised to curb any intake. Per an article published by Harvard University’s health publication, “The effects of added sugar intake – higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease – are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke.”

10 – Overspending

Psychologists and other behavioral experts have thoroughly debunked the idea that money can buy happiness. So why do we keep spending too much? It’s all psychological. To overcome the habit requires diligence, patience, and discipline.

The cool thing is that once the seed habit of saving is planted, people find that they enjoy it.

11 – Mind-wandering or rumination

Rehashing what “could’ve/would’ve/should’ve been” is a complete waste of time. Unfortunately, the human brain is uniquely wired for pointless thinking. According to a widely-cited study by Harvard researchers Gilbert and Killingsworth, our minds drift about in aimless thinking about half of our waking hours.

Unsurprisingly, this constant turning over of the mind is not conducive to becoming happier. The conclusions reached by Gilbert and Killingsworth: “(I) people are thinking about what is not happening almost as often as they are thinking about what is…(ii) doing so typically makes them unhappy.”

12 – Comparing yourself

We have an unhealthy obsession with comparing ourselves with others. Such is particularly true in consumer-driven societies like the United States, where possessions and status are so coveted.

But comparing yourself to people does nothing but make us feel worse. It’s not easy to stop such an ingrained response, but we can take a step in the right direction by intentionally redirecting our focus when such thoughts arise.

13 – Not finishing things

We do enough things. So, this one’s not that bad, except that leaving things undone creates unnecessary mental tension and, studies show, drains our cognitive reserves.

The answer lies in a two-step process: (1) determining which endeavors are indeed worth committing to, and (2) avoiding everything else.

14 – No or too much alone time

Neither too much nor too little seclusion is healthy. While we introverts may treasure our solo status, it doesn’t change the biological evolution of our brains.

On the flip side, while extroverts may despise being by themselves, such time is crucial for reflection and rejuvenation.

15 – The mainstream news

Okay, so perhaps doing away all news is unpractical – perhaps even unadvisable. But you should know that the unfortunate adage that “Bad news sells” is (a) true, and (b) media companies leverage this fact. This helps to explain why most of the news we read elicits feelings of fear and sadness.

So, don’t entirely ignore the news (though you could do worse), but watch how much attention you’re paying to it.

16 – Negativity

First off, we’re not telling you to ignore every instance of negativity, though limiting it is most certainly beneficial to your mental wellbeing. Everyone feels a bit negative from time to time.

We’re talking about limiting your exposure to consistently negative people. Sure, there are those rays of sunshine who can handle the negativity, though they’re few and far between. The rest of us need to watch how much time we’re spending amidst these folks to become happier.

Here are eleven ways to be happy when you’re surrounded by negativity.

17 – Shallow work

The term “shallow work” was coined by MIT-trained computer scientist and professor, Cal Newport. Instead of defining shallow work, let us note its opposite – what Newport calls (naturally) “Deep Work.”

Per Newport, Deep Work describes “professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit.”

Why engage in deep work? Because it “[creates] new value, [improves] your skill,” and, perhaps most importantly, “are hard to replicate.” Read: you’ll make more money and live happier.

18 – Inconsistency

Being inconsistent in your efforts is detrimental to the achievement of the life you desire. It does little good to be filled with motivation and drive one day and then drift back into the same ole’ bad habits the next.

Inconsistency is often the byproduct of poor planning. As such, it is crucial to have a plan going into the day.

19 – Social media

Let’s bring Cal Newport back into the story. Besides being a big fan of sustained attention, Newport is a digital minimalist. In other words, he’s Facebook’s and Twitter’s worst nightmare. In one talk, he rails against the former, calling the social media platform an “entertainment product” – and, essentially, a colossal waste of time.

The fact that the average person spends 2.5 hours per day on social media does little to counter Newport’s argument.

be happier quotes20 – Taking things too seriously

Here’s an exciting experiment: go anywhere you want, sit down with a beverage of your choice, and observe people for one hour. Watch closely. (Not too closely, lest an officer of the law intervenes.)

All joking aside: what do you see? Are people rushing around? Scrunched-up faces and tight shoulders? A seeming lack of purpose or direction?

This is how most people live their lives. Some people never stop living this way from the time they’re told to “grow up.”

Cliché time! Life is too short to take things so darn seriously. Let’s loosen up and be happier!



15 Natural Remedies for PMS Most Women Miss »



Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a widespread condition that affects women about a week or two before they get their period. About 90 percent of women experience such symptoms as moodiness, headaches, and bloating during that time.

The premenstrual syndrome includes a variety of physical and emotional symptoms in addition to the ones listed above. The symptoms tend to become more severe as the woman approaches menopause. Physical symptoms can include constipation, diarrhea, reduced tolerance for light or noise, cramps, and tender or swollen breasts. Emotional symptoms can consist of food cravings, decreased interest in sex, changes in sleep patterns, or difficulty concentrating.

While there are medications that can be used to control PMS, there are also a variety of natural remedies. Consider the following possibilities.

15 Natural Remedies for PMS

Here are some time-tested natural remedies for PMS.


1. Saffron

Saffron is a spice coming from the flower of the saffron crocus (Crocus sativus), and it relieves the symptoms of even severe premenstrual syndrome. In 2008, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology described a study in which researchers worked with women who were between 20 and 45 years old.

The scientists gave some of the women 15 mg capsules of saffron twice a day for a total daily dosage of 30 mg; the other women received placebos. The researchers found that the saffron capsules did help relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Some people also recommend smelling saffron for up to 20 minutes to reduce anxiety. This treatment works by reducing cortisol or the stress hormone.

2. Ginkgo Biloba

The Natural Medicine Journal described a study in which researchers gave tablets to volunteers three times a day. The pills contained 40 mg of ginkgo or were placebos. The scientists found that the women who received ginkgo tablets experienced less depression than the women given placebos. The ginkgo tablets also relieved other symptoms like soreness in the breasts, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, and bloating.

gingko biloba

3. Clary Sage Oil

In 2014, the science journal Phytotherapy Research described a study in which the researchers examined the effects of clary sage oil on the cortisol and serotonin levels in women undergoing menopause. The scientists divided the women into two groups: those who were prone to depression and those who were not. Both groups showed a marked decrease in cortisol levels and a marked increase in serotonin levels after inhaling clary sage oil. The reduction in cortisol levels was particularly marked in the women susceptible to depression. The researchers described clary sage oil as having an “antidepressant-like effect.”

Clary sage oil helps fight depression by keeping thyroid hormones in balance. Its effects on both cortisol and serotonin mean it can boost mood and reduce the severity of mood swings.

4. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil, which is made from any of several plants belonging to the genus Lavandula, is well-known for its relaxing effects. It can be taken in oral forms like Silxean or used in aromatherapy.

The journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine described a 2013 study in which researchers worked with a small group of women in their 20s. Some of the women inhaled the aroma of lavender, and some used water as a control. The scientists used heart rate to measure lavender’s effects on the autonomic nervous system. The women would inhale the lavender for different times ranging from a few minutes to 35 minutes. The researchers found that inhaling lavender stimulated the autonomic nervous system and relieved psychological symptoms of PMS like confusion, fatigue, and depression.

In aromatherapy, lavender oil can be used by itself or combined with clary sage oil. You can also use lavender in an Epsom salt bath or massage it on your stomach to ease menstrual cramps.

5. Thyme

In 1998, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine described a study in which scientists examined the effects of different herbs, spices, and foods on progesterone and estrogen. They found that thyme had substantial effects on both.

Thyme can be made into an essential oil that can keep progesterone levels in balance and thus prevent or relieve symptoms caused by low progesterone such as insomnia and mood swings. Thyme can also reduce stress.

6. Ginger

In 2014, the journal International Scholarly Research Notes described a study in which researchers treated young women with capsules containing the spice ginger. Each volunteer took two tablets a day, and some women were given placebos. The researchers looked for effects on physical symptoms like headaches or nausea, mood changes like anxiety, or behavioral issues like insomnia or trouble concentrating. The scientists found that ginger could relieve symptoms of PMS in all three areas, but it was particularly effective in reducing physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, and joint pain.

This pineapple and ginger smoothie fights pain and inflammation.

7. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is an herb that is often used to treat depression and related symptoms like insomnia. In 2010, the journal CNS Drugs described a study in which researchers treated women with tablets made from St. John’s Wort. Each woman took 900 mg every day, and some women got a placebo. While the St. John’s Wort did not affect any pain related to PMS, it did relieve the behavioral and physical symptoms.

St. John’s Wort can also be made into a tea and used to treat insomnia. It can increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV rays, so people who drink it should limit their exposure to the sun.

8. Almond Milk

Almond milk is a dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk that can be enjoyed by vegetarians, vegans, and people with lactose intolerance. It is a good source of fiber, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin E, all of which provide many health benefits. Vitamin E, for example, can prevent some eye diseases, control blood sugar, and regulate hormones. It can thus relieve symptoms of PMS like bloating, cramps, and mood swings.

9. Rose Oil

Rose oil is another essential oil that can be used in aromatherapy to relieve PMS. In 2018, the International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics described a clinical trial in which researchers used essential oil made from the Damask rose (Rosa damascene). The participants inhaled the oil or a placebo for five minutes twice a day. The researchers observed marked improvements in the patients who used rose oil.

10. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is probably best known as a tea that aids sleep and relaxation. The Journal of Pharmacopuncture published a 2019 review in which researchers examined multiple studies to determine chamomile’s efficacy as a PMS treatment.

The scientists found that chamomile tea has a multitude of beneficial effects. It has anti-spasmodic properties and can thus relieve cramps. The tea can ease depression by regulating serotonin and dopamine. It also has analgesic properties that help it reduce pain.

11. Geranium Oil

The International Journal of Preventive Medicine published a 2018 study in which researchers examined the effects of geranium oil in women with PMS. They divided 120 women into three groups: a control group, an aromatherapy group, and an aromatherapy massage group. In the last group, the participants would massage the oil into their abdomen and arms. The researchers found that aromatherapy massage proved the most effective in relieving symptoms like headaches, bloating, or chest pain.

12. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is particularly effective at reducing nausea and other stomach complaints. It can also relieve headaches and boost mood. In aromatherapy, add 10 to 15 drops of peppermint oil to a diffuser and inhale. Alternatively, mix a couple of drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and massage the mixture into your neck while breathing deeply.

13. Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil boosts mood and improves alertness. Merely sniffing the oil can make you feel less groggy after waking up. Add ten drops to a diffuser and enjoy the citrus scent.

14. Neroli Oil

Neroli oil is made from the flowers of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium). Aromatherapists rely on it often, thanks to its beautiful fragrance. The Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care published a 2019 study that compared the efficacy of neroli oil to that of Damask rose oil. Both oils relieved some of the symptoms of PMS. While Damask rose oil usually had more potent effects, neroli oil was better at reducing feelings of helplessness or loss of control. The scientists also found that neroli oil could boost mood when massaged into the skin.

15. Bergamot Oil

Bergamot oil can both relieve stress and improve mood. It does the former by controlling cortisol levels. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. You can add bergamot oil into a diffuser or apply it to the skin. Since it can significantly increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, you should always mix it with a carrier oil with a 1:1 ratio, and avoid sunlight for at least three days after using it.

PMSFinal Thoughts on PMS Remedies to Try at Home

There are many natural treatments for PMS, and different treatments work best against various symptoms. Choose a treatment that works best against your most troublesome symptoms. If you can’t sleep, for example, you might want to drink chamomile tea. If you struggle with depression, try clary sage oil.



How To Use Your Writing For Maximum Audience Engagement

How To Use Your Writing For Maximum Audience Engagement

How To Use Your Writing For Maximum Audience Engagement

Content marketing costs up to 41% less than paid search. In fact, a piece of content can generate over 300% more leads than paid search after three years. If you want to attract more people to your site, you need a strong content marketing strategy to do it.

It’s not enough to produce random content, though. You also need content that gets your audience engaged and excited over your business. Then, you can use that excitement to turn your readers into paying customers!

Here are the 10 tips and tricks you need to boost audience engagement with your content.

With these tips, you can get readers clicking around and contributing to your business! Start growing your content marketing strategy (and ROI) with these 10 tips. 

1. Break It Down

A giant paragraph can scare your readers off before they even start the first line. If you want to boost audience engagement, you need to make it easy for them to read your content.

First, make sure to break down large paragraphs into smaller chunks. Try restraining each paragraph to three or fewer sentences.

Mix up your paragraph lengths as well for variety.

Next, keep your sentences short! Shorter sentences are easier to read, which will encourage people further into your content. 

You can also break your content down using bullet points or lists.

To keep your ideas organized, try using headers and subheaders. Headers draw the reader’s attention to a focal point within your content. They’ll also keep your ideas on track.

Headers, bullet points, and lists are ideal for skim-readers, too. They can find the information they’re looking for before focusing on that piece of your content.

2. Add Graphics

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? In order to improve engagement with your writing, add imagery to your blog piece. These graphics can include:

  • Pictures
  • Illustrations
  • Videos
  • Charts
  • Graphs
  • Animations

These images will draw the reader’s eyes to a segment of your content. At the same time, they’ll increase engagement and hook the reader. 

Make sure to choose powerful, entertaining images. Low-quality images, on the other hand, will only make your brand look cheap as well. Make sure these images match your branding.

For example, if your brand is lighthearted and fun, try using caricatures and cute illustrations. If your brand is more on the serious side, use crisp photography instead. Images can enhance your content while reflecting your brand. 

3. Know Your Audience

Over 409 million people read over 23.7 billion blog pages every month. In order to appeal to your target audience, you need to know who they are, first. 

Start by separating your broader audience distinct buyer personas. Separate them based on their interests, buying behaviors, age, gender, and other demographics. Separating your audience into smaller groups will make it easier to develop content that appeals to their interests.

Next, determine what type of content your audience is already searching for. Develop a list of target keywords you can base your content on.

You can use tools such as SEMRush, Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and Ahrefs to get started. You can also check out this article for dental blog ideas.

The better you know your audience, the more likely you’ll create content that keeps them engaged. 

4. Tell a Story

Engaging content focuses on telling a story while keeping the reader guessing. Don’t put all your cards on the table at the beginning. Instead, spark their intrigue by teasing your content a little.

Then, tell stories about the company’s history, interactions for customers, or your products.

These stories will keep readers enamored as they continue reading. 

5. Remain Clear, Concise, and Consistent

Make sure your content is short, sweet, and to the point. Cut back on run-on sentences that might overwhelm your readers. 

Delete excess words that don’t add value to your content.

Otherwise, you risk boring the reader.

6. Ask Questions

Want to boost audience engagement? Start by asking your readers a question.

Questions can capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to continue reading for an answer. You can ask questions about the customer’s pain points or paint a picture. Some questions, like “Ready to get started?” work as a transition to speed up the flow.

Try adding a question within the content, where the reader’s attention will start to fade.

7. Let Your Passion Shine

When you’re passionate about a topic, it will show in your writing. When learning how to write to engage your audience, let your passion shine through. 

Tell readers why you love your business. Focus on your unique selling point instead of trying to sell them on an idea. Your readers will see that passion and want to learn more. 

If your customers are experiencing a specific pain point, relay empathy. Show them that you understand and want to help solve their problems.

Showing emotion within your writing will help you connect and engage with your audience.

8. Use SEO Tactics

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures your blog posts appear on search engines like Google. The higher you rank on a search page, the more people will find your content.

Using SEO tactics can help you increase reader engagement. 

First, determine what your readers are searching for. Use your audience research to create a list of topics. Then, focus on one keyword per post. 

Make sure not to stuff your content with this keyword. Instead, the keyword should appear in the:

  • URL
  • Title
  • Opening paragraph
  • Header
  • Closing paragraph

Using a focus keyword within your content will keep readers focused and engaged. 

Make sure to link to relevant resources and internal pages, which will encourage readers to click around. When in doubt, check out what your competitors are doing.

Don’t forget to add social media share buttons to your content, too. The more readers you attract, the higher you’ll rank. 

9. Include a Call-to-Action

Encourage your readers to take action to boost audience engagement. Use strong, action-oriented verbs such as:

  • Explore
  • Grow
  • Drive
  • Launch

Close your post with a specific call-to-action. Do you want readers to subscribe to your email list or contact you? Let them know at the end of your post!

10. Always Edit

Finally, make sure to edit your content thoroughly before posting it online. Blaringly obvious mistakes will only distract your readers. It could also make you appear less credible.

Instead, check for mistakes and show readers you’re an authoritative resource in your industry. 

Get Them Hooked: 10 Writing Tricks to Boost Audience Engagement

Get your readers hooked on every line! With these 10 writing tricks, you can boost audience engagement and turn those readers into customers.

Searching for more copywriting tips? Explore the Writing section of the blog for more helpful guides!


Vaping and Anxiety: Can CBD Oil Help Treat Anxiety?

Vaping and Anxiety: Can CBD Oil Help Treat Anxiety?

Vaping and Anxiety: Can CBD Oil Help Treat Anxiety?

Are you aware of the connection between vaping and anxiety?

Since the legalization of CBD, people have been searching for more ways and easier ways to incorporate this chemical into their daily lives to treat conditions like anxiety and depression.

Keep reading to learn more about how to use CBD oil for panic attacks and treating anxiety symptoms with nothing more than a vaping pen.

What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is one of the two main chemicals found in the cannabis plant. The other is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. THC is what alters your mind to make you high.

The branch of cannabis plants that contain THC is often referred to as marijuana whereas CBD comes from hemp. This distinction is important because hemp is legal because plants contain less than 0.3% THC and cannot get you high.

Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

Although the research is still limited, there have been positive results for using CBD to treat anxiety. This is great news because it was previously thought that only products that contained THC could treat anxiety.

One recent study showed that there was a noticeable difference in blood flow to the emotional centers of the brains of people with social anxiety disorder while taking CBD in pill form.

This study and others like it indicate that CBD’s anxiolytic properties are what allows it to decrease the feeling of anxiety in sufferers. The increased blood flow and oxygenation to key areas in the brain alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Other research has found that CBD may increase the body’s production of serotonin. This neurochemical is responsible for many positive feelings and high levels of it help treat things like anxiety and depression.

CBD Vaping and Anxiety

There are many ways to take CBD for anxiety. This includes:

  • Capsules
  • Oil
  • Candies or other edibles
  • Tea
  • Vaping

At this time, there isn’t a standard for how much CBD you should take to treat your anxiety symptoms. For that reason, many have turned to vaping as a way to get as much as they need for their current situation.

All you have to do is add some prefilled CBD cartridges to your vaping pen. Then, you can take it out and vape when you start to feel your anxiety increasing or before going into a situation that makes you nervous.

Because so many people vape now, this is a subtle way to get what you need so you don’t have to worry about being judged by those who don’t understand the numerous benefits of using CBD for anxiety.

What to Do After You Overcome Anxiety

Now you know how vaping and anxiety are connected and how CBD oil can help you overcome this mental illness so you can be the best version of yourself.

If you’re not sure what to do after you begin to overcome your anxiety, keep reading our blog. It’s full of business ideas, tips, and tricks so you can use your confidence boost to change your life financially.


5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work

5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work

5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work

In our modern society, it’s not exactly difficult to become stressed. Stresses lurk around every corner, just waiting to send our minds into meltdown mode. 

Fortunately, there are products available to help with these matters. Looking for some stress relief products? Then read on because we’re going to cover 5 of them below. 

1. CBD

At this moment in time, one of the most popular stress relief products on the market is CBD or cannabidiol. An extract of cannabis, it provides many of the benefits of THC but without the extreme high. 

CBD can be consumed in many forms. It can be swallowed as a capsule, absorbed as a tincture, smoked as CBD shatter, or vaped through a vaporizer pen. Every form of consumption offers different benefits and drawbacks, so read up on each before making a choice. 

2. Essential Oil Diffuser

Another product that you might consider is an essential oil diffuser. These devices vaporize essential oils and output them in mist form. In doing so, they help to create a relaxing and therapeutic environment. 

When using an essential oil diffuser, you’re advised to use 100% natural essential oils. There are plenty of artificial products out there, none of which are regulated by the FDA. Only 100% natural products are guaranteed to be effective (and safe!). 

3. Weighted Blanket

If your stress keeps you up at night, you might consider making use of a weighted blanket. These blankets weigh between 5 and 30 pounds and can go a long way in improving the quality of sleep in stressed and anxious individuals. 

While weighted blankets haven’t proven successful for everyone, studies show that they offer results for many. They’re available online for between $30 and $100. 

4. Shiatsu Massager

Shiatsu massage is a form of Japanese massage designed to reduce anxiety and depression. By making use of Shiatsu massage on a regular basis, you’re bound to experience stress relief over time. 

Of course, paying for massages on a regular basis isn’t exactly financially feasible.

But do you know what is? Buying a Shiatsu massaging device. These devices can be taken anywhere and are available for between $40 and $100. 

5. Adult Coloring Book

Coloring isn’t just for kids. Adults can get in on the act as well. 

But why waste your time coloring? Because it’s not only fun but relaxing as well. As such, it can go a long way in relieving stress. 

There are all sorts of adult coloring books on the market today. Regardless of your preferences, there’s sure to be a coloring book that accommodates you. 

These Stress Relief Products are Worth a Try

While these stress relief products might not necessarily do the trick for you, they’re, at very the least, worth a try. Many individuals have found success in using them, and you could very well be the next. 

Looking for other such info? Our website has you covered. Take a look at our other articles now! 


Recipe for Success: How to Improve Time Management Skills

Recipe for Success: How to Improve Time Management Skills

Recipe for Success: How to Improve Time Management Skills

At least 89% of people waste time every day

With only 24 hours in each day, we don’t have time to waste. In fact, wasting too much time could lead to missed deadlines and impact your professional and personal life.

Keep reading to find out how to improve time management skills.

Create a Plan

We waste the majority of our time because of a lack of planning.

To avoid this, use a schedule maker to organize your day-to-day tasks. With this simple tool, you can be at ease knowing that your tasks will be efficient and structured.

It will help you prioritize your work, personal life, and appointments. You’ll know what is urgent and shape your other to-dos around those tasks.

Start by creating a list of everything you need to accomplish in a week. From there, write down deadlines and important dates that you can’t miss.

Keeping the end goals in mind, break down each task into small steps. For example, if you have to turn in a report next Tuesday, you can segment your schedule into researching, writing, and editing throughout the previous week.

That way, you don’t have to tackle the entire task at once and you won’t procrastinate. 


Set Healthy Goals

Setting goals helps build your motivation. Plus, it allows you to allocate a reasonable amount of time to get a job done.

It doesn’t have to be daunting. Start with setting small goals for your day. For example, you can set a goal of waking up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy your morning coffee without feeling rushed out of the door.

For work-related goals, create small steps rather than expecting yourself to accomplish something big. This keeps you from getting burnt out on what you’re working on, allowing you to tackle each part as you feel energized and focused.

Give yourself a small reward each time you’re successful. This can be as simple as taking a break and going outside.

By getting in the habit of setting small, healthy goals for ourselves, it becomes easier to accomplish what we’re setting out to do. As the old saying goes “if you wish to climb the mountain, you must do it one step at a time”.

Manage Stress

Another reason we waste time is that we’re stressed about everything we need to accomplish.

To overcome stress, focus on one task at a time rather than trying to do several at once. Studies show that 98% of people don’t multitask well, meaning that we aren’t able to focus on and complete anything we’re working on. 

Another way to prevent the daunting feeling of stress is by getting a head start on projects. This gives you a buffer in case of unforeseen circumstances. By starting ahead of time, you can take charge of your day and feel more self-empowered. 

Managing your stress helps you manage your time better. As a result, you’ll end up having more energy to focus on what’s important on your to-do list, since you’ll complete tasks quicker and more efficiently.

That’s How to Improve Time Management Skills

With these tips on how to improve time management skills, you can make the most of every day.

Create and stick to a plan, set healthy goals, and manage your stress so that you can be a master of time.

Keep reading our blog for more ways to improve your life.





Caught in an unfulfilling profession and frantic to take control of your own fate, yet continually stalling about whether to really dive in and begin your own particular business or not. Several lame excuses of failure people are given below.

Great entrepreneurs or people who have entrepreneur characteristics don’t have the characteristics of making lame excuses. Here lame meaning, useless and unreliable absurd excuses. If you have gone through entrepreneur quotes you’ll know that great entrepreneurs, those who have entrepreneur characteristics don’t make excuses with lame meaning.

For those of you who are here to because they’ve been looking for things like “good late for work excuses”  or for “excuses for being late for school” or even “excuses for not going somewhere” have come to the right place because we are here to show you why making excuses does you no good in the long run.

Do you want to be a great entrepreneur or are you looking to develop entrepreneur traits? Well, this is the article for you because here we will show you how to avoid lame meaning, terrible excuses and get some work done for once!

Alright, it’s a historic point profession decision that warrants all around though, however, the hindrances you confront are the same to any other person who dives in. Sooner or later, on the off chance that you truly do need it, the reasons need to stop.

So here’s a rundown of the basic reasons.

No, pardons individuals give for postponing gazing their own business, and why, on the off chance that they truly need it, they are really, very lame. So here’s a rundown of 10 weak reasons and why they’re all surmountable:

10. I Don’t Have Much Cash( Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

What of it? Good for you.

On the off chance that you had loads you’d just blow it in any case, as most money rich new businesses do.

Quit whining and take a gander at it along these lines: moguls begin organizations and bomb constantly; individuals with nothing begin organizations and succeed record-breaking.

Begin at home, begin little and work with what you have. It may take you longer, however, what’s the hurry? Particularly if the option isn’t beginning in any way.

9. The Bank Won’t Give Me Any Cash (Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Indeed, even lamer.

Acknowledge it and proceed onward. Begin little, demonstrate them wrong by creating a few deals and watch how they alter their opinion in a year when you’ve demonstrated you have a feasible business.

8. I Don’t Have Time(Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

What do you think every other person maintaining their own particular business does? They make penances.

They surrender TV. They quit heading off to the football. They quit mingling to such an extent. In the event that you truly need it extremely, extremely terrible, you’ll discover the time. Spotlight on your downtime hours. What do you do in the vicinity of 5 am and 8 am and 9 pm and 2 am?

Rest? Read the paper? Sit in front of the TV? Pick the forfeit that will make your fantasy a reality and make it.

7. I’m Sitting Tight For An Executioner Thought (Lame Excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

All things considered, don’t hold up always, in light of the fact that it may never arrive.

You don’t need to be created a division to be the best business in it – and the pioneers of new thoughts are once in a while those that benefit from them.

Recognize what you are great at, what you’re energetic about, what you could improve the situation than any other individual and begin building it. In the event that it’s better, individuals will get it.

6. I’m Sitting Tight For The Economy To Make Strides. Why? (Lame Excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

There’s never a terrible time to begin an awesome business and you’re wanting to begin an incredible business, correct? Lame meaning excuses get no one anywhere. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you’ll have to start getting serious. That is one of the main entrepreneur characteristics.

Not a normal one subject to outside variables?

No one knows to what extent the economy will ricochet along the base so to what extent would you say you are wanting to pause? Microsoft began in a retreat, recall.

5. It Is Unsafe Surrendering My Activity (Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

What on the off chance that I fall flat?

It is unsafe, you could come up short and there are no confirmations you won’t.

Presently we’ve built up that, what are you going to do? Seek after your fantasy or sit pondering for whatever is left of your life what may have been?

Take Canadian hockey legend Wayne Gretzky’s words as motivation (Entrepreneur quotes): “You’ll miss 100% of the shots you never take.” Learn to acknowledge the hazard and spotlight on constraining it with powerful arranging and by beginning little.

4. I Don’t Have The Right Stuff Or Experience(Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Know what? You are correct, you most likely don’t. Be that as it may, at that point frequently you don’t comprehend what you don’t know until it’s past the point of no return.

Unquestionably, none of the business visionaries who began the present family unit brands knew all that they do now when they began.

Either acknowledge you’ll learn en route (and more often than not from your oversights) or make a move. In case you’re not a figures individual, pay somebody who is or take a course. In case you’re resolved you require involvement, offer to shadow somebody or temp in the business you’re wanting to enter.

3. People Say It Won’t Work (Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Whose business is it, yours or theirs? For each business that works, 10 individuals have said it won’t.

On the off chance that very rich person business holy messengers and VCs battle to select the following enormous organizations, why squander your chance tuning in to any other individual? Put stock in yourself and demonstrate every other person off-base.

2. I Actually Have No Cash (Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

At that point begin something. Inaction will accomplish nothing for you.

On the off chance that you need to sew and offer jumpers however can’t bear the cost of the fleece, at that point begin a blog for nothing and begin enlightening individuals regarding these astonishing jumpers you will offer later on. Produce intrigue, a group of people, make yourself a specialist on weaving.

1. I Don’t Know How (Lame excuses of failure people):

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Right off the bat, quit stressing: you’ve never had such a great amount of data readily available or such a significant number of specialists promptly reachable. Furthermore, center around knowing your business. In case you’re the most enthusiastic, proficient master about what you do then your business will have a natural esteem that’ll bear the cost of you the ideal opportunity for your business information to get up to speed.

Article by Born Realist
