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8 Things You Should Never Do When Your Loved Ones Have Anxiety



Managing anxiety issues is difficult and it often manifests as the feeling of constantly sitting at the edge of your seat and wondering rather constantly about what might happen in the future.

Anxiety issues are often difficult to manage on your own. But what you probably aren’t aware is that it can be harder to manage if you have a significant other who doesn’t know how to help you, or how to love someone with anxiety and depression.

In this article you’ll get to know about how to love someone with anxiety and depression, how to be in a relationship with someone who has anxiety and how anxiety ruins relationships.

We will try to explain to you how your partner or how you are causing problems for your marriage and are causing marriage anxiety. 

anxiety issues

Usually, all you want to do is help, but sometimes without knowing you can mess up and leave your partner more upset then they started out as!

To help you better understand how to handle your partners anxiety we’ve listed out a few things you shouldn’t be doing if your partner has anxiety.

8. You Act like their anxiety is turning them insane:

anxiety issues

Treating your partner like their crazy is not going to help them, let me tell you right now.

An anxious person is always on the edge, and even if they can get highly perceptive and can be emotional, they still work and think like completely normal people, being quite aware that their paranoia isn’t bringing them any good.

Focus on Your Goals: Never Force Anyone To Follow Your Path

So, if your walking on egg shells around your partner and you believe this attitude of yours is going to treat their anxiety, let us tell you right now it isn’t.

In fact it probably is going to result in them having more anxiety issues than before you started acting that way!

7. You ignore it:

anxiety issues

Hey, its a real issue and just because you shouldn’t be walking on egg shells around your partner doesn’t mean you have to act like they aren’t going through something real.

Anxiety issues are as real as depression and can often lead to it if the people around the person going through it don’t make a constant effort to help them.

I know it seems like I’m sending mixed signals, let me clarify, try being as calm and reassuring as you can, listen to your partner when they need you too and otherwise simply be with them when they need you to be.

Your partner can help you with this as well, ask them what they need from you and they’ll let you help them, leaving the both of you happier and a whole lot more stronger as a couple than you were before.

6. Your partners anxiety issues aren’t about you and shouldn’t be taken personal:

anxiety issues

Like I’ve mentioned prior, anxiety issues keep you sitting at the edge of life waiting for something to go wrong that probably won’t.

If your partner is going through it, there will come times when they’ll get angry for no reason and will start snapping at you. Try not take their anger personally and if it relates to something you’ve been doing (something wrong, like drinking too much or smoking in the house) try to root out the problem that is stemming their anxiety issues.

Set them at ease as much as you can. And while you should be compromising as well, it is important to know that your partner shouldn’t be snapping at you all day for no reason either.

5. You make them apologize for it:

anxiety issues

If your significant other is being disagreeable because of their anxiety issues and you blow up and make them apologize for their behavior, believe me, its just going to get a whole lot worse.

You shouldn’t make your partner apologize for something they can’t control and you should try to be as understanding as you can.

4. You compare your anxiety to theirs:

anxiety issues

Just because you’ve experienced anxiety issues at a point in your life doesn’t mean that you’ll be understand your partner’s anxiety issues also.

It also doesn’t make you an all- knowing all governing authority on all kinds on anxiety either.

Know that anxiety is different for every person, each person has their own way of dealing with it and experiencing it and you can’t ever completely understand what their going through.

In-fact if you’ve been through anxiety before and have overcome it you should know that people telling you to “just chill” or saying that “it’s just a phase” are only making it worse.

You should never play the “my anxiety is more serious than yours” game with your partner either, a person who is going through anxiety as it is already has enough on their plate.

3. You shouldn’t try to simplify their anxiety by trying to explain it:

anxiety issues

Like I’ve just said, no two kinds of people can have the same kind of anxiety.

Like I’ve also said, you can never properly understand what someone else is going through, so if your trying to explain to your partner that they’re anxiety is all in their head and they have the power to make it go away or if its just a fear and they should just chill out, chances are, things aren’t going to go well.

But i’d also like to add that trying calm your partner and trying to understand where they’re coming from can always help.

Mostly providing your anxious partner with enough love and care can help them with their anxiety and usually gives them a lot of relief, and if their anxiety stems from your behavior, try changing it and try showing them they have nothing to worry about.

2. You don’t want them to take medicines or time to themselves to help with anxiety:

anxiety issues

It doesn’t matter if its coming from a good place or not.

You should know that if your partner is taking medicines to help cure their anxiety (and has gotten a proper prescription from their doctor) and its making them feel better, you have no right to tell them not to.

A person’s clinical decisions are completely their own and you should know that when it comes to something of a sort you need to take a back seat.

The same can be said if your partner wants some time on their own to help them with their anxiety, let them have it, things can only get better for the both of you if their anxiety decreases.

1. Give them the space they need and follow the cues:

anxiety issues

Honestly, you aren’t in the dark even if it feels like it sometimes.

All you really have to do is respond to the situation in the correct manner as it arises, (i know it sounds difficult but believe me its simple if you think about it).

If for example your partner is anxious today that you don’t love them enough, instead of getting angry give them a kiss and make it up to them.

If they’re anxious about the whether, propose something that’ll get their mind of it, if their angry at their boss take them out shopping or on a nice walk.

Try being there for them because its really all you can do to actually help and you’ll see that your partner will appreciate it.

Liked this? Read this: Here Are 10 Rules for Living an Extraordinary Life

Article by: Born Realist



3 Habits Of People With Good Brain Health



Cognitive decline is something that many people accept as a part of their potential future. Almost everyone has seen a relative slowly develop a degenerative disorder of the brain, leading to a tragic and difficult-to-manage situation. But what if this declining brain health didn’t have to be the case?

Though some people are predisposed to degenerative conditions, there are methods that can be used to prevent their progression, lower their risk, or simply slow the degeneration down. It sounds pretty simple when it’s put this way: all you need is to keep your brain healthy. But that’s easier said than done!

It can take real effort to make sure that your everyday habits are doing your brain well. Luckily, research into brain health and preventing cognitive decline has been in place for a long time. Plenty of people perform good habits in order to keep themselves sharp, backed by scientific findings.

So how can you be like these people? What do you need to do? Here are 3 habits of people with good brain health – but there’s still so much more beyond the simple three!

3 Brain Health Boosting Habits to Never Ignore

1 – Exercise

If you want a healthy mind, you need a healthy body. It’s said very often, but people often underestimate just how true and accurate it is! Your mind simply cannot be healthy if the body that it is in isn’t.

You don’t need a lot of exercise to reap the benefits that come with it, including good brain health. Spending half an hour a day simply walking around can be all you really need. Even simple tasks like doing household chores, gardening, or playing with pets can help, too. There’s no need for a fancy gym membership! Here are some ideas for simple exercises that people with good brain health practice habitually:

According to neuroscientists working with UCLA, yoga has positive benefits for more than just stress and anxiety. Those who do traditional yoga accompanied by meditation can experience a significant reduction in cognitive problems, including those which can lead to degenerative disorders. Yoga was also revealed to be even better than most typical exercises for memory enhancement.

When you have an exercise routine, working out can feel like second nature. You get used to the process and it can even become comforting in its way. It’s a way to fill your time in a productive way. What’s not to like?

According to a study in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, exercises and activities that involve mindful movement, such as dance, often have much stronger cognitive ability than those who don’t. Dancing for just an hour a week was revealed to aid those with cognitive decline, boosting their positive thinking and daily function.


If you are experiencing some cognitive decline or have some issues with cognitive health, changing up your routine regularly can help make a difference. According to research published in the Journal of Aging Research, activities such as lifting weights and walking help boost spatial memory. Other types of exercise offer different benefits. As such, you should mix up your routine regularly to get a diverse group of benefits!

At the end of the day, all you really need to do is get moving. Vigorous exercise can make you scientifically ten years younger in terms of cognitive health! This is likely because experts believe that exercise produces new neurons in the brain, especially in the hippocampus, which is the memory and learning center of the brain.

2 – They Stay Active Mentally

Mental activity is very crucial to maintaining your brain’s health. Think of it like a muscle. If you never put it to use, it will slowly waste away. As such, you need to continue working out your brain so that it stays strong and “fit”. Here are some great, science-backed ways to do so – and ones that those with good brain health employ!

Crossword puzzles, and other games related to words and numbers that engage the mind, have been proven to have some pretty impressive effects on brain function. They aid reasoning skills, memory, and attention, and two separate studies in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that those who do puzzles have performance levels that indicate processing levels eight years younger than those who don’t do puzzles.

Lots of people in the world are bilingual, but if you’re from a primarily English-speaking country, there’s a chance you are only really fluent in English. Well, now you have a reason to learn something else! MRI scans done by researchers in Canada revealed that those who have fluency in more than one language have thicker and denser brain portions focused on memory, language, and cognition. This reduces the speed of degeneration.

  • Learn To Play A Musical Instrument

According to research published in the Journal of Neuroscience, learning a musical instrument can actually alter brain wave performance! This causes an increase in hearing and listening skills very quickly, which can even prevent hearing loss as you age and keep your mind sharp.

If you’re bored but can’t do absolutely anything you want, grab a piece of paper and a writing instrument and color, doodle, or draw away. When you do these activities, you’re actually boosting your positive thinking, giving yourself better levels of creativity, improving problem-solving skills, and innovating. Why? Because the blood flows more smoothly in your prefrontal cortex when you draw freely!

Coloring aids in meditation, according to science.

If there are children in your life, play games with them! Puzzle games, especially physics-based ones, improve abilities to do different tasks, focus, and adapt and react to changing situations. If you don’t have kids to play games with, try getting a book of brainteasers, or encouraging friends to play puzzle games with you!

  • Just Learn Anything New! 

Learning new things is crucial to keeping your brain active. You can even learn from a modern device, such as an iPad, laptop, or smartphone. Plus, learning new things doesn’t have to be specific. You can take a class for something new. Or perhaps you can learn new recipes. You can figure out how to use a social media site you’ve never been able to figure out. The possibilities are endless!

3 – They Eat and Drink Mindfully

You are what you eat. The things you put into your body often have a significant effect on your brain and mental health. After all, the brain controls every part of your body, and so it needs sufficient nourishment to get that job done. Here are some specific eating and drinking habits that people with good brain health have!

  • They Get Sufficient Minerals and Vitamins

Multivitamins themselves may not do anything particularly useful, but certain vitamin deficiencies can lead to a decline in cognitive function. Make sure you’re getting the minimum required vitamins and minerals every day.

For example, without sufficient Vitamin B12, the central nervous system can develop cognitive loss. A lack of vitamin D has been linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline. Insufficient iron causes difficulty in oxygen transport, leading to less of the crucial component reaching the brain. 

  • They Don’t Eat Too Much Sugar

Sugar – as well as any other kind of simple carbohydrate – can be a real drain on the brain. Studies have indicated that even healthy people experience a drop in cognitive performance after consuming these types of foods.

  • They Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

We just talked about how bad refined sugars can be for you – but omega-3 fatty acids are the complete opposite of that. They can undo damage to a certain extent thanks to the properties of the fats, which improve brain permeability.

Antioxidants prevent free radicals from taking free reign over your body. Oxidation is responsible for aging and damage to the body and its organs, and antioxidants can help slow the process. Do note that plant-derived antioxidants work best for this purpose.

Dark chocolate is packed with flavanol, which is a key ingredient in cocoa. Numerous research papers have linked flavanol to positive results on cognitive health. It can improve memory, processing, and even attention spans!

  • They May Enjoy A Mediterranean Diet

This diet is traditionally packed with healthy fats, including fish, olive oil, legumes, and nuts, with limited red meat and tons of vegetables and fruits. Studies have indicated that senior citizens who follow this diet enjoy better brain volume and health as they age! Higher brain volume means a lower chance of developing dementia.

brain health
Research explains the many benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, including brain health.


  • They Drink Moderate Amounts of Red Wine

We’re often told to avoid alcohol entirely when it comes to health. But studies indicate that red wine may have positive effects on the brain. One such study found that after consuming resveratrol, an antioxidant in red wine, participants had sharper memories and could memorize more words at a time.

It’s true that red wine doesn’t have that much resveratrol in it, but the trace amounts inside can be of great help! Just don’t overdo it – you shouldn’t be alcoholic. Stick to moderate amounts; a glass a day is more than enough for these benefits!

  • They Drink Moderate Amounts of Coffee

When you drink coffee, you know it jolts you awake and sharpens your mind. But why does this happen? Coffee helps to block receptors for adenosine and it has antioxidant compounds that can repair cell-based damage. Studies have linked moderate coffee consumption to a lowered risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

brain health
Here are important habits to improve brain health.

Final Thoughts On Some Habits Of People With Good Brain Health

Keeping your brain healthy isn’t just what you’ll need for your old age. It’s something that you should always be considering, no matter how old you are. There’s no time like the present to start caring about your brain and its health!

A healthy brain is happy, positive, focused, and quick-thinking. It carries out the body’s functions well and can make the difference between a good day and a great one. So take these habits to heart!

It can be difficult to build the habits you need for your brain to stay healthy. But take it from medically sound studies, numerous personal experiences, and the word of experts – by exercising, eating well, and keeping your mind active, you can ensure that your brain stays healthy for a long, long time.



Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (A Book Review)



If you don’t know the story of Think and Grow Rich, it’s a fantastic book, written by one of the most excellent journalists of all time. Here’s a quick synopsis about why this book is the #1 best selling self-help book in the world.

Andrew Carnegie was one of the most affluent men in the world and did business with a number of the other top wealthiest people in the world. Andrew didn’t have time to question what made his friends and others super-wealthy and successful, but he had this question burning inside of him.

So he knew that Napoleon Hill was an incredible journalist and invited Napoleon in for a quick meeting. Well, Napoleon Hill was incredibly broke, but he scavenged for just enough money for a one-way trip to see Andrew. During their meeting, Andrew proposed the question to accept the responsibility to research and interview the fifty richest men in the world.

It was Napoleon’s responsibility to get in touch with these people, set up interviews, pay his way, and compile his research into a book. Andrew Carnegie had a stopwatch underneath his desk because Andrew knew that the #1 trait of the super successful is quick decision making. As soon as he proposed the question, he started the stopwatch.

To speed things up, Napoleon agreed almost instantly to begin this research project, and the result of his research became this book. This book is what caused Napoleon Hill to gain his success and great wealth.

book review
Book Review: The Magic

Why this book is worth your time to read

So why is this book still one of the most excellent selling self-help books? To be honest, it’s because it is still incredibly relevant to this day and age! So, sure. Our technology today is different and more advanced. However, that doesn’t mean that the basics of becoming wealthy and successful have changed. It’s oozing with information that is helpful in any situation.

I mean, let’s break it down for a second. This book isn’t just for entrepreneurs who want to get rich. It has a whole section on creating a cover letter that will, for sure, get you an interview.

Employers are still looking at cover letters almost daily. If you were to follow the guidelines laid out in this book, you would stand head and shoulders above the stack of other applicants. Why? Because most people are refusing to read books anymore since everything is online or their attention span isn’t long enough.

The best thing that this book does is that it focuses on thinking before you take action. But the writer also emphasizes that you must take action to allow things to manifest in your life. The Universe is an incredibly magnificent being that wants to provide for you. If you’re going to become successful, then you have to think of successful thoughts, and this book has it all laid out from the most prominent and brightest people of their time.

think and grow rich review
Book Review: In the Garden of Thoughts

Final Thoughts: Think and Grow Rich Makes a Transformative Impact

Think and Grow Rich is my absolute favorite book, and I will continue to re-read it almost every 3-4 months. It’s the first book that I read every New Year to see what nuggets of information that I can get that I overlooked last time.

If nothing else, it’s worth a read just to see what areas of your life that you could improve on, even if it’s just to re-write and format your cover letter. You never know what it could do until you try it.

Think and Grow Rich provides you a clear direction on how to achieve success. It has improved my life in great leaps and bounds. Allow it to do the same in yours.



5 Ways to Attract Positive People Into Your Life



They say misery loves its company, and the same goes for positivity. We attract the vibes we give off, so to have more positive people in our lives, we must become what we want to see. In recent years, it’s become apparent how positive thinking and affirmations can rewire our brains and shift our entire lives. After all, we experience reality based on our thoughts and belief systems. Thus, we can change to a different reality by merely tuning in to a higher frequency. 

Whatever you focus on will start to manifest in your life whether you want it to or not. For example, the more you worry about things that can go wrong, the more you’ll start noticing adverse events in your life. Similarly, fixate on negative aspects of people, and you’ll attract people with those traits into your life. 

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.” ? Roy T. Bennett

So, you might ask yourself what you can do to start attracting more positive people into your life. We have some great tips for you below.

Here’s how to attract more positive people into your life:

  1. Visualize yourself meeting positive friends.

Visualizing is a compelling technique. In fact, according to a Harvard University study, the brain cannot tell the difference between something real and imaginary. In the study, neuroscientists taught a simple 5-fingered combination of piano notes to participants. They used the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger. They played this repeatedly for two hours for five consecutive days.

Another group of participants simply imagined playing the notes in the same combination. Just like the first group, they visualized themselves playing for two hours a day, five days in a row. 

The researchers used a technique called TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) to examine the brains of participants every day. They found marginal or no difference between the minds of those who played the notes with their fingers and those who only visualized themselves playing. In both cases, the brain areas associated with learning grew, showing that the brain doesn’t know the difference between imagining something and it happening.

This study can apply to meeting new friends as well. If you imagine yourself attracting positive people into your life, your brain won’t know the difference between visualizing it and this taking place. Therefore, when you go out into the world, you’ll automatically attract the people you want because you’ve prepared your brain beforehand. 

positive people

  1. Work on changing your thoughts.

If you closely monitor your thoughts, you’ll probably notice that, unfortunately, negative thoughts creep in much more than you’d like. We all think without really paying attention to our overall thought patterns, and this leaves us living life on autopilot. In this manner, life happens to us, instead of us taking charge and determining our destinies. 

Here are a few things you can do to cultivate more positive thoughts:

  • Start a gratitude journal. Studies have shown that expressing gratitude helps shift the brain from ruminating about adverse events into thinking more on the positive side. If you believe you already have what you need, you’ll start to attract better things into your life. In general, operating from an abundance mindset attracts positive things and people, while working from a sense of lack attracts more of the same.
  • Practice positive affirmations. Instead of thinking you’ll never achieve your dreams and will never amount to anything in life, shift it to “I am perfectly capable of living the life of my dreams. I have everything I need within.” Once you start empowering yourself with positive thoughts, you’ll begin to believe it, and this will show up in your daily life.
  • Meditate. As you begin meditating, you will have the opportunity to sit alone with your thoughts. Most people are afraid to do this, but observing your thoughts will help you see that you have power over them. Silencing the mind allows you to approach situations in a more responsive, rather than reactive, standpoint.
  1. Examine your current friendships and relationships. 

To draw better things into our lives, sometimes we must let go of relationships that no longer serve us. This doesn’t make anyone a bad person, but sometimes we just outgrow certain people. We can either distance ourselves while sending the person loving vibes and wishing them well, or just tell them upfront that the friendship isn’t working. Either way, both people can walk away, thinking of what they learned from the relationship instead of harboring bad feelings toward each other.

This way, once you get rid of anyone holding you back in life, you’re more likely to invite people who align better with your thoughts and beliefs. In general, if someone criticizes you or is always complaining, you probably want to distance yourself from that person. Remember, your vibe attracts your tribe, so the more you associate yourself with positive people, the more it will influence your mindset. 

soul tribe

  1. Give out what you want to receive.

If you want more positive people in your life, give more positivity to others. Even if you don’t always feel extra bubbly or cheerful, a simple smile to a stranger or complimenting someone on their makeup can go a long way. It’s not hard to practice positivity in daily life – it just takes reaching out to others and becoming the change you wish to see. Plus, the more you engage with others, the more you’ll invite positive friendships into your life! 

If you’re an introvert, you might feel apprehensive about talking to others at first, but just remember that most people are friendly and would love the chance to get to know you.

Everything you put out into the universe comes back eventually, so if you want more positive friendships in your life, send that vibe out into the world and watch your life change!

  1. Limit your exposure to negative news or media.

You might wonder how this applies to making positive friends. Well, if you think about it, our lives are the sum of what we give our energy to. The more we pay attention to negative news and media, the lower our vibration will become. If you want to have more positive people in your life, you must first tune yourself to that reality by lifting your frequency. 

Negative news, movies, and music can rewire your brain and contribute to depression, whereas positive influences promote better moods. 

Notice the news outlets and media sources you watch daily, and limit or eliminate anything that doesn’t align with the reality you want to experience. If you want to attract positive people into your life, it’s vital to become a positive person yourself. Part of that means raising your vibration through positive music, podcasts, books, and anything else that helps you shift your reality. 

positive people
Reead why overexposure to media exposes your kids to negative people.

Bonus tip on how to attract more positive people into your life

Attracting positive people will become more comfortable if you first write down or pay attention to what you love about yourself. If you always talk down on yourself, how can you expect to attract anyone who will notice the best parts of you? Attracting authentic, positive people begins with you. Start to talk to yourself like you would your best friend, and you’ll invite people who also love themselves. 

Self-love is the catalyst for significant changes in your life. Of course, it all begins with the thoughts you allow yourself to believe. Believe that you’re beautiful, healthy, smart, thoughtful, caring, and positive. Even if you don’t currently embody these qualities, you will begin to cultivate them. Every action starts first with your thoughts. So simply believing in yourself will attract those who see your beauty as well.

positivity quotesFinal thoughts on attracting positive people into your life

Everything in the universe is energy, and it’s responding to the frequency you give off. People often think life just happens to them, instead of doing what they can to shift their vibration, so more positive people and events come into their reality. 

Attracting more positive people into your life begins with visualizing yourself meeting people who you want to become friends with. Then, you will want to work on changing your thoughts and examining current friendships. Sometimes we outgrow people, and that’s perfectly okay. People change, and you can’t take everyone with you if you want a fresh start. 

Promote positivity in your life by giving people what you want to receive as well. What goes around comes around, so giving love and good vibes will attract more of that into your reality. Finally, limit your exposure to negative media and music, as these will lower your frequency and contribute to depression. Love yourself as you would others. Then, watch your reality change as more positive people come into your life.



5 Habits of People With High Self-Awareness



Self-awareness is, as the name implies, the ability to look at oneself.

What is one looking at? Usually, emotional and thought processes, including beliefs, motivation, strengths, and weaknesses. Self-awareness also permits one to look at how others perceive them.

The ability to monitor ourselves from moment to moment is the key to understanding who we are and our relative place in the world. Moreover, self-awareness is an essential component of happiness and wellbeing.

Daniel Goleman associates self-awareness as a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. Goleman’s research and theories on the critical nature of self-awareness are widely accepted as a means of improving one’s awareness of self.

In this article, we are going to examine self-awareness form a standpoint of naivete. As such, we will discuss further the notion and theories of self-awareness, how to measure one’s aptitude in this vital life area, and the five things habits of individuals with high self-awareness.

Here’s a list of 21 habits that equal self-sabatoge (and you might not be aware of them!)

Exploring self-awareness

“Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build strong relationships, and communicate more effectively.” ~ Harvard Business Review (Source)

Again, self-awareness is the capacity to become one’s object of attention. When we’re attentive to ourselves and how we operate in the world, we’re better able to identify, process, and store information about ourselves. With this knowledge, we can then improve on these things.

Two Types of Self-Awareness

It’s important to know that there are two types of self-awareness – internal and external.

Internal self-awareness involves a precise observation of our behaviors, thoughts, feelings, strengths, and weaknesses. Internal self-awareness also includes our aspirations, passions, values, and environmental fit. High levels 0f internal self-awareness is linked to higher relationship and job satisfaction, an enhanced sense of self-control, and feelings of happiness. It is inversely related to emotional and psychological distress.

External self-awareness involves seeing how others see us. This skill consists of the ability to step outside of one’s shoes and look at ourselves from a third-person perspective. On an interpersonal level, individuals with high external self-awareness may be more empathetic, polite, and harmonious. Research demonstrates a direct correlation between self-awareness and relationship satisfaction.

Per Harvard Business Review, self-awareness is linked to multiple personality characteristics and aptitudes, including creativity, confidence, communication ability, personal efficiency, leadership ability, and even career progression.

becoming self aware

5 Habits of People With High Self-Awareness

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ~ Stephen Covey

  1. They practice active listening

The reality is that when most of us listen to someone, we’re thinking about our reply before the individual finishes. Or, worse, there’s something that we’re just so itching to say that we completely interrupt the person.

We’ve all done it. It’s become a habit for most of us. According to Edgar Dale, author of Cone of Experience, we forget 50 to 75 percent of what we hear. In other words, when we discuss something with our customers, boss, children, or spouse for 10 minutes, we’ve only listened to about 2.5 to 5 of those minutes.

Here’s another thing: we can’t possibly build self-awareness if we don’t take an interest in what others have to say. We can’t build self-awareness if we don’t practice active listening. It’s an essential skill to cultivate for this and many other reasons.

We should want to cultivate active listening. Why? Because it helps us to empathize, understand, obtain information, learn, and even to enjoy ourselves.

Active listening means to “concentrate, understand, respond, and then remember what is being said.” Let’s look at each one of these.

Concentrate: You must direct and hold your attention to what’s being said.

Understand: If you concentrated well through the conversation, you should have a good understanding of it. However, you may still have questions. If so, ask them.

Respond: If you followed the ‘concentrate’ and ‘understand’ elements, you are well-equipped to respond.

Remember: If you’ve engaged wholly in active listening throughout the conversation, recall shouldn’t be too much trouble.

  1. They get curious about how their minds work

Self-awareness requires paying attention to what’s going on between our ears. We must understand how our brains work before any type of tinkering to awareness can happen.

As such, a highly self-aware person knows the inner-workings of their minds. They know how it acts and reacts, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, this is the quintessential function of self-awareness.

How to do this?

First, you must be completely honest with yourself. Our ego has entrenched and often subtle defense mechanisms that require bypassing. We accomplish this by objectively observing ourselves.

Here’s a basic framework for mind investigation:

– What are my predominant mental and emotional states? Which ones are positive? Negative?

– How do I feel when accomplishing something? How can I get into that state of mind?

– What things do I do that make me feel better? Worse? How can I get into those states where I feel better?

Learn the seven signs that your soul is asking for a change in your life.
  1. They solicit feedback – and welcome it all

One sign of outstanding self-awareness is seeking feedback. The problem: so many of us are far too sensitive, proud, or fearful, to willingly ask someone for their honest assessment. We’re scared of what they might say.

The thing is that feedback is critical in any endeavor, including the betterment of our self-awareness

Do you remember that jittery feeling in school before getting back examination results? How about right before a job evaluation? Of course, you do! That’s fearfulness (some call it anxiety, but that’s another word for fear.)

It may be comforting to know that we all – to a greater or lesser degree – fear the feedback of others. But that doesn’t stop the self-aware from seeking it out.

There’s also the fact that the person whom you’re seeking feedback from will admire both your courageousness and willingness to improve. Imagine what that shift in perspective can do for you, both personally and professionally! 

  1. They’re reflective and thoughtful towards themselves and others

You can’t be self-aware if you’re not attentive. The ability to look at yourself – your feelings and behaviors– is an essential element of self-awareness.

It’s not only about being reflective and thoughtful towards yourself. It’s also about extending these qualities to others. You do this mostly through how you communicate, interact with, and respond to people.

Here’s an example. You receive a harshly-worded, borderline-inappropriate email from a client about your job performance. You can feel yourself become angry, and your thinking clouded. At the moment, there’s nothing you want to do more than giving a piece of your mind to the ungrateful urchin that is your customer. Do you follow through?

Notice that, with a couple of tweaks, the above scenario applies to pretty much any situation, anywhere. Maybe it’s your kids, your spouse, your co-workers. Perhaps it’s not an email, but a text message, a passing conversation, or a slight remark. Instead of critiquing professional understanding, it’s the scrutinization of your social etiquette.

Regardless of the context, the premise is the same: you’re being told something that you don’t want to hear. Now, instead of blowing a fuse, do the hard thing and reflect on the situation.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. Is the underlying message (minus the perceived aggression, vitriol, etcetera) in any way justifiable?
  2. Is this how the person feels about me?
  3. Have I done anything – intentional or unintentional – that may have led, or even contributed, to this encounter?

While this is a hard thing to do, asking yourself these questions – and taking the appropriate actions – will contribute to your personal development in ways unimaginable.

  1. They don’t “do” self-awareness, they are self-aware

This last point is critical if a bit subtle.

In the beginning phases of any endeavor, there’s some effort involved. This includes the practice of self-awareness. There’s a specific “doing” of self-awareness that happens as one acclimates to “being” self-aware.

It’s important to know that, after a certain point, there’s no conscious “doing” of self-awareness. As long as there’s continuous exertion, the skill of self-awareness continues to develop. More importantly, it demonstrates that there’s critical work still to be done.

Self-aware people are often, ironically, less aware of their innate awareness. (Hahaha!)

Joking aside, don’t settle for being a student of self-awareness. Graduate and enter the full-time occupation of it. Embody self-awareness – and transform how you both see yourself and how others see you.

self-awareness quoteFinal Thoughts: Don’t look at the active doing of self-awareness as a shortcoming.

Just as some people are naturally better at any skill, some people are more adept at being self-aware.

The fact that you’re actively engaging in self-awareness practice already says a ton about your character and drive for self-improvement!



15 Ways To Confess Your Love To Your Partner



The first time you confess your love to someone is very nerve-wracking! But sometimes, continuing to confess that love every single day to a partner can be just as anxiety-inducing if you fear that you’ve run out of ways to say it.

But love doesn’t have to be complicated! Simple gestures and little things can matter most in long-term relationships.

Here are 15 ways to confess your love to your partner.

1 – Show Interest In Their Interests

This point might not seem like the ultimate show of love, but it can mean a lot to your partner. Who knows – their hobbies might turn out to be something you like too.

It’s not that hard to show some interest – here are some tips!

  • Play their favorite music or bands in the car.
  • Watch their favorite shows with them.
  • Discuss with them about their interests. (Or let them rant on about it.)
  • Check out those interests yourself, in your own spare time!

confess your love 2 – Write Love Letters

Go old-school romantic. Break out your fountain pen, brush up your penmanship, and write them a physical letter! Want to take it to the next level? Consider these extra bonuses.

  • Fill the envelope with something they like – for example, stickers.
  • Spritz a scent on it. Either something they like or something that’ll remind them of you.
  • Seal the envelope with wax for bonus points.
  • Write positive things you love about them!

3 – Ask Them Questions, Then Listen and Remember

What’s the best way for someone to feel like they’re being heard and loved? Simple – showing interest in them as a person. It’s not very often we get to be the target of someone’s full attention, and it makes us feel important and loved. But just how do you show you’re listening?

  • Notice where they’re passionate, then ask them to elaborate on the subject.
  • Take some interest in their life – where have they gone, what have they done?
  • Remember what’s important to them – if they mention not liking tomatoes, make sure to avoid tomatoes when choosing meals for them.

4 – Cook For Them

These days, it’s hard to find time and energy to cook ourselves a proper meal. To prepare dinner of some kind for a loved one, therefore, is an act of love – whether it is acknowledged as one or not. So if you’re trying to woo someone, why not consider making them a romantic meal? But how do you even get started?

  • Figure out what your partner’s favorite meal is in advance. If not, go for something simple but delicious.
  • Enlist the help of a friend. It helps halve prepping and cooking time, and if you’re not good at cooking, it’s good to have support!
  • If you have the skill for it, get them a fortune cookie that says ‘I love you’ on the paper.

5 – Help Complete Their To-Do List

Trying to get everything done on time is always a stressful thing. It can have a tangible effect on your relationship – it’s hard to maintain positive thinking when there’s just so much left to be done, let alone be romantic with you. So what better way than to show your love by helping them out with said list?

  • Get an app that shares to-do lists. This way, you can be kept abreast of what your partner needs to be done, and get it sorted for them in advance.
  • Help remind them of things they need to do. Just add their events to your calendar, and remind them of any approaching deadlines now and then.
  • Take the initiative – if you see things around the house that needs doing, deal with it first, so they don’t have to.

confess your love

6 – Give Them A Handmade Gift

Saying ‘I love you’ is a beautiful thing, but not everyone’s love language is based on words. For those of you whose partners prefer gifts, why not try making something of your own for them to remember by? Everyone remembers and loves the handmade gifts the best, even if the crafter isn’t too great at handicrafts. It’s the thought that counts, after all.

Here are some ideas to get you to confess your love!

  • Make a little box full of memories. Movie ticket stubs, polaroid pictures, keepsakes from specific trips – the possibilities are endless!
  • Pick up a crafting skill and make them something! It can be anything – pottery, crocheting, or origami, so long as you can make them something personalized.
  • Search up online for more romantic DIY gift ideas. Check out Pinterest to start with!

7 – Get Small, Thoughtful Gifts to Confess Your Love

With just how life tends to rush us through every day, it can be hard to show our loved one’s care and affection. And you may likely think you need to put on some grand show when you do – something that takes much more time and energy than we often have to spare.

But unless that is precisely what your partner wants (and they’re okay with long, empty stretches in between to compensate), you can just give them simple gifts throughout the day! Here are some examples:

  • Hide written notes everywhere. It’s hard to stay positive these days, so a little pick-me-up is sure to make them smile!
  • Sneak their favorite snack into their packed meals.
  • Bring them a delicious drink while they’re working.

8 – Make A Treasure Hunt

When was the last time you and your partner had the kind of fun that makes the both of you giddy and giggly? It’s time for you guys to have a little playtime – literally!

  • Buy your partner’s favorite snack, and hide them around the house with clues leading them to the final stash.
  • Alternatively, do that, but instead leave no clues – tease them with the knowledge that their snack is hidden somewhere, and watch them tear the house apart in the hunt!
  • Make a map to some hidden treasure in the house, and fill the house with clues. At the end of it all, hide a gift of some kind. Perhaps a time capsule, full of memories you’ve collected!

9 – Tell Them When Things Remind You Of Them

Realistically speaking, our partners can’t be on our minds 24/7. After all, other things need to be done – and you can trust them to love you no matter what.

That said, it’s always lovely to be reminded that you’re in someone’s thoughts – so why not do that for your partner? Send them memes, photos, overheard snippets of conversation, things that encourage positive thinking – the possibilities are endless!

10 – Use Music to Confess Your Love

Even if your partner doesn’t have any favorite bands or genres, they can certainly appreciate a good song. Why not take advantage of that universal fact?

    • Make a playlist of song that reminds you of them, and then send it to them to enjoy!
    • Pick their favorite song, and then rewrite the lyrics to match the love story you’re trying to tell. If you can’t sing well, get a friend to do it for you! (Or try anyway. It’s the thought that counts.)
    • This one’s for the musicians – write a whole song dedicated to them!

11 – Dance With Them

Have you seen just how much tension and chemistry there is onstage among dancers? Why not take advantage of that and spark some chemistry yourself. Organize a fun little dance party for the two of you, and dance the night away! Don’t worry if neither can dance – it’s all about making memories.

Alternatively, you can go a step further – maybe your partner will be interested in learning how to dance, and you can both sign up for lessons!

romantic attraction12 – Touch Them

Some people have the feeling of touch as their love language – and it doesn’t always have to be some grand affair. Physical contact promotes the production of positive bonding hormone oxytocin, too. Here are a few other ways to show them your love over the course of the day – aside from the evident hand-holding, kissing, and hugging:

  • Place your hand on their arm or knee. It doesn’t have to be possessive – it can just be a physical reminder that you’re there.
  • Let your touch linger along their bare skin – don’t be shy, have fun being a tease!
  • Learn how to give your partner massages. A shoulder massage can be just what they need after a long day. 

13 – Surprise Them Publicly to Confess Your Love

When was the last time you’ve reminded the world that this fantastic person is yours? This can get pretty cute, especially if you’re a known, established couple. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Get the barista to add a secret message to your partner’s drink.
  • Request the band to play your partner’s favorite song at the pub.
  • Have someone set up a sign in the middle of a path you’ll both be taking.

14 – Show Your Excitement At Seeing Them

The internet has made the world so much smaller – no longer do you have to wait weeks or months to see your beloved. All you have to do is tune in to their Instagram feed, or just ask them to send you a selfie. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t stop being excited to see them once more!

  • Jump for joy when you get to meet up with them in person again.
  • Show genuine happiness whenever you see a photo of them. It’ll be sure to brighten their day!
  • Arrange another date at the end of the current one. You just can’t wait to see them again!

15 – Make An Effort To Get In Touch First

Don’t always wait for them to reach out to you – take the initiative. Text them first, or arrange to see them first. There’s nothing wrong with being busy, but it doesn’t hurt to check in on your partner on a regular basis. They’ll appreciate the effort and thoughtfulness!

love quotes

Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Confess Your Love To Your Partner

If you know your partner well – and you should! – then you’ll know the kinds of things they like and what they respond best to. Still, don’t be afraid to try new gestures! You never know what your partner will love. 

Ultimately, you love them, and they love you – so why shouldn’t you keep finding new ways to tell each other that? That will keep your romance beautifully alive and in bloom for years and years to come.



15 Situations You Should Never Say Yes To If You Want to Be Happy



Do you want to be happy? Most people do! But what are you to do when that happiness eludes you? If that’s the case, it’s time to take a close look at your life and how you conduct it.

Often, we put ourselves in damaging situations without realizing the harm that they cause. Being aware of these patterns can stop them in their tracks. Here are 15 situations you should never say yes to if you want to be happy.

Don’t Do These 15 Things If You Want to Be Happy

1 – Feel Lonely When You’re Alone

While there are things best done by your lonesome, it’s hard to get some positive thinking going when you allow yourself to actually feel lonely while you’re alone. Here are some things that bring happiness if you may be alone or away from friends

  • Playing online multiplayer games, solitaire, etc.
  • Reflect on your place in life, where you want to be and what it takes to get there.
  • Watching movies where booing the characters is encouraged.

2 – Comparisons

The human want and need to compare ourselves with others is something as old as time itself, although there is nothing positive to be gained from it. There is no point in chasing after a life we don’t have, all the while ignoring what we do have. Consider instead doing the following things when you feel jealousy:

  • Turn off social media for the day.
  • Control your content feed. Don’t fill it with things that will cause you jealousy.
  • Indulge in the things that make you happy, with no regard for how “good” or “productive” it is.

quotes to be happy

3 – Exes Calling You Back Cannot Make You Happy

The relationship had ended for a good reason. Leave it there for the sake of your mental health, and move on towards more positive things instead:

  • Do some self-introspection. What lessons about yourself did that relationship teach you? What else can you do better next time?
  • Hang out with your friends. Have them support you in this emotionally distressing time, and let them distract you.
  • Acknowledge the bad, but also celebrate the good that came from it. Positive thinking doesn’t have to be one done through rose-tinted glasses – it’s essential to recognize and appreciate both the good and the bad in any relationship.

4 – Working For Jobs You Dislike

The term ‘burnout’ exists for a reason – if we don’t get that much-needed rest, it starts having dire consequences on our emotional, mental, and physical health. 

Medically, this should come as no surprise – just the single, independent factor of working overtime increases the risk of coronary heart disease. So – just what should you do for the sake of your health?

  • Consider leaving your job, or switching to a different position within the company if that isn’t possible.
  • Take a look at The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor – the principles in it are an excellent place to start.
  • Identify what the individual elements about your job that is contributing to your stress are. Perhaps you can deal with them on a case-by-case basis to make it manageable.

5 – Sitting For Too Long

Since physical health is related to mental and emotional health, this might be something you’d want to look into. Studies have shown that sitting down for too long can negatively affect your cardiovascular health – no matter how much exercise you do.

So instead of lounging on a sofa or hunching over your keyboard, why not consider the following?

  • Invest in a standing desk. A motor-controlled one can raise and lower the height, depending on whether you need to stand or sit for something.
  • Watch your favorite shows while walking on a treadmill. Better health and good entertainment equal a positive net bonus!

sitting too long

6 – Drama and Gossip Inhibit Happy Feelings

There’s no point in being nosy about someone else’s circumstances and behavior – especially if it has nothing to do with you. Instead, it’s best to just focus on your own lives, and what is immediately relevant to you. Here are some reasons why:

  • Improving your personal experience is something that should take up all of your focus.
  • Engaging in drama and gossip about someone else’s lives only serves to add more stress and distraction.
  • Do unto others what you would want others to do unto you. If you would hate to be on the receiving end of that kind of unwanted attention, then why would you inflict it on others?

7 – Worrying Too Much

Just what has worry ever brought us aside from fear and anxiety? While some may argue positive thinking in these times is naive and simple-minded, the fact is that nothing good can be gained from worrying. So – what can you do instead?

  • Enjoy every moment as it comes into your life.
  • Be productive, make something tangible with your hands as some kind of progress.
  • Narrow your focus towards things you can directly handle and have control over.

8 – Being Asked To Do More Than You Can Handle

Being overwhelmed is perfectly normal in life – especially when you’re trying to learn something for the first time. But if you find yourself being overwhelmed most of the time, that may be an issue. Just why is this happening?

  • You’ve taken on too many tasks. Know your limits are and have realistic ideas on what you’re capable of.
  • You don’t know how to prioritize. Master this skill quickly, and life will become a little easier.
  • You’re too stressed. Try to deal with the individual elements causing that stress one step at a time.

happiness quotes9 – Idleness

It’s so easy to try squeezing in one more episode of your favorite Netflix show before getting started on work or hitting that snooze alarm for another five more minutes. This all inevitably ends up in stress and frustration when we realize too late that we’re now out of time.

  • Chip away at it. If you can’t get started properly, just pen down some notes first.
  • Happy people do not procrastinate. Start when you should.
  • Talk to someone about it. Sometimes you just need someone to organize it for you.

10 – Settling

At some point, it can be incredibly easy to just settle for “good enough.” This can apply to just about anything – career, friendships, and relationships. It’s one thing to be comfortable, but it’s another to settle for complacency and bare minimum. If you find yourself getting bored, consider the following points:

  • Sign the both of you up for some sort of adventurous trip, or a simple pottery class.
  • Talk to your friend. Maybe there’s something between you both that’s been making it hard for you both to bond closer.
  • Aim for a better job or career – there’s no point in staying in a poor job.

11 – Hurrying

It’s tempting to rush forward and to prove to yourself that you’re capable of keeping up with the pack. This, however, is detrimental to your happiness. Here are a few ways to steal back a few more precious minutes:

  • Prioritize things that are important first.
  • Manage your time efficiently.
  • Don’t pressure yourself – you don’t need to rush.
  • Understand that you can’t do everything you want in one go, and that’s okay.

12 – Staying Indoors All Day

Studies have proven just how positive getting natural sunlight is to us. Not enough of it affects our ability to absorb vitamin D, and it has a direct effect on our mental health. This is such a big issue that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a well-documented phenomenon in countries that experience dark, gloomy winters.

Want to get better, but don’t know where to begin? Here are some things you can do to get started:

  • Go for some wilderness excursions. Nature has been scientifically proven to lift one’s mood!
  • Spend some time in the sun whenever you can.
  • Arrange for simple events outdoors, like a picnic in the park or a trip to the beach.
  • Do some gardening!

13 – Spending Time With Toxic People

It only makes sense that surrounding ourselves with toxic, negative people will only serve to worsen our moods and mental states. Just how can you improve yourself and find a better life’s purpose if you’re continually being sabotaged at every corner?

The best way to be happy is to avoid such a scenario. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid people who belittle you. It’s hard to keep a positive outlook when they’re always talking down your goals and dreams.
  • Look out for people who bring joy and happiness into your life and drop anyone who doesn’t.
  • Cut out people who don’t know the difference between crushing you and giving you constructive criticism.

14 – Blame

Nobody likes to be in the wrong. It’s a horrible feeling and one that we naturally try to avoid. This often means that our first reaction to trouble is to blame someone else, so we don’t have to deal with the consequences.

In reality, this actually can make things worse. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but there are benefits to be gained from taking responsibility for your actions:

  • Taking responsibility also means taking control of the situation and yourself.
  • You create an opportunity for you to learn from the problem.
  • You forge your sense of self and your capabilities through the process of resolving the issue.
  • You’ll learn to develop a sense of courage, and as you overcome the problem.

15 – Everything, All The Time

Many of us have been raised with this mindset that unless there is something that makes fulfilling the request impossible, we should always say ‘yes’ to it. In our minds, to refuse would be to hurt somehow or disappoint them.

In reality, learning how to say no is an important skill. Here are some reasons why:

  • You establish healthy emotional boundaries. This isn’t just good for you – it’s also great for others, as they know where your clear boundaries lie.
  • You give yourself time to do things you want to do. You don’t need an excuse to reserve your limited time and energy for things and people that are important to you.
  • You’ll learn how to stand up for yourself. Thoughts On Some Situations You Should Never Say Yes To

Being happy can be difficult. The journey to happiness is often fraught with other more negative emotions. But by choosing the situations you allow yourself to be a part of, you can move more quickly along the rocky road that leads to that happiness.



5 Habits That Will Leave You Exhausted (And How To Stop Them) »



Do you sleep enough hours but still feel dead tired when you wake up? Are you feeling your positive thought slip away as that exhausted feeling sets in for seemingly no reason? Are you having trouble doing everyday tasks? Do you feel fatigued even without doing much, sometimes to the point where you can’t bring yourself to do anything productive?

If you answered “yes” to those questions, there’s a chance that you’ve been participating in certain habits that are causing you to be always exhausted. But how is that possible? Can it be fixed? How can you be aware of them?

Here are five habits that will leave you exhausted and how to stop them.

1 – Bad Eating Habits

What you eat determines how you fuel up for the day. If you eat poorly, you’ll feel poorly, too. Here are some terrible eating habits that you may be guilty of:

Breakfast has always been called the most important meal of the day. There’s a good reason for that! This meal is the first one you’ll have when you wake up – it will provide you with the energy you need to tackle the day. If you don’t eat it, you don’t get that energy. Opt for breakfast items with whole grains, good fats, and lean proteins. Smoothies, wholewheat toast, and oatmeal are good examples.

Don’t feel exhausted from lack of breakfast. Rely on these easy meal prep plans to start your day.

A lack of iron is a widespread cause of sluggishness. You might feel weak or even irritable, and your concentration may slip a lot. Even if you don’t have anemia, not getting the minimum daily requirement of iron can contribute to feelings of tiredness. Mix iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods

Eat junk, feel like junk. If you keep eating simple carbohydrates and sugars, especially from takeout shops and fast food outlets, you’re doing your blood sugar a disservice. When blood sugar spikes and drops suddenly and frequently, you experience fatigue and lightheadedness. Eating protein with carb-heavy meals can help the digestion process.

Are you aware of all your food allergies? Though many food allergies can be pronounced and deadly, some still are just mild intolerances. But these “mild” allergies can still have negative effects on you. For example, they could be the reason behind your fatigue. Try eliminating foods one by one until you find one behind your tiredness.

If you are often on restrictive diets, it’s no surprise that you’d feel tired. Insufficient fuel means your body has nothing to run on. Consider adding small, healthy snacks to your daily food plans, or recalculating your calories to make sure you’re getting enough of them.

2 – Bad Drinking Habits

So we’ve talked about bad eating habits – but how about bad drinking habits? Believe it or not, you can also drink in the wrong way. Here are some bad drinking habits that may leave you exhausted:

A good cup of coffee every morning is a pretty standard part of many people’s days. And, for the most part, it’s not unhealthy and may even be good for you! But if you abuse caffeine and use it incorrectly, your sleep-wake cycle will suffer. Drinking caffeine as early as six hours before bed can cause its properties to ruin your ability to sleep, making you tired the next day.

Yes, a glass of wine sounds like a nice, relaxing way to tie up the end of a night. And yes, it feels like the alcohol is helping you sleep. But while it makes you fall asleep faster, it worsens your overall sleep quality. The sedative effect it has messes up your ability to maintain sleep, so when you wake up, you won’t feel nearly as positive or rested.

  • Not Drinking Enough Water

Did you know that even 2% dehydration can dramatically affect your energy levels? You need to drink at least eight cups of water per day, to the point that your urine is very light in color. But many Americans only drink half that amount! If you’re a very physically active person, you’ll need even more water than that.

Feel mentally exhausted? These foods might give you a positive outlook.

3 – Bad Working Habits

What is your working environment like? The place you work is where you expend a lot of your energy, so if you engage in bad habits at work, your energy will not be used efficiently or productively. Here are some bad work habits to avoid:

  • Being At A Computer All Day

Many people’s jobs involve them sitting down at a desk, in front of a computer, for hours. But this causes a lot of fatigue and can lead to a lack of energy. Every 90 minutes, you need to stop and take a short break, just to walk around, check your phone, or even just go to the bathroom. The human attention span only lasts 90 minutes!

It’s okay to have a little clutter, but if your workspace is a bit too messy, it can reduce your concentration and even make it more difficult for your brain to process store, and use information. You don’t have to work in a perfectly organized area – just make sure it’s neat enough so as not to overwhelm you, and so you don’t spend an hour looking for something around it.

Workaholics unite! Many people feel compelled to check their work email or do a little extra work when they’re supposed to be relaxing or are on vacation. Don’t do that! You need your breaks to be real truly, full breaks that have no work-related incidents at all. This time will save you from a terrible burnout later! When you’re back from your holiday, you’ll be refreshed and capable.

vacation spots

4 – You Stress Yourself Out

What if the number one cause of your exhaustion is, well, you? Sometimes, your emotional state could be your fault, a result of exposing yourself to stressors that may or may not be real. Here are a few of them that could be leaving you exhausted!

  • You’re Very Much A Perfectionist

Perfection simply isn’t possible, so if you constantly want to be perfect, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Even if you acknowledge that you aren’t perfect, you could still be setting your goals too high, or trying to wait for everything just magically to fall into place. This habit will cause disappointment, discouragement, a lack of positive thinking, and, of course, exhaustion.

Are you a people-pleaser? Or perhaps a Yes-Man type person? Whatever the case, an inability to say “no” could stress you out. You’ll stretch yourself too thin and overcommit to countless different events, making more promises than you can keep track of. Learn to say no when you’re splitting in too many directions at once.

  • You Make Small Things Big

Whenever you hear something, you automatically assume the worst. When your friend says they want to talk to you, you fear they’re going to tell you they hate you. Perhaps your boss calls you in suddenly, and you’re terrified of being fired. When you consider taking a bus, you’re too scared of the possibility of missing it. Or when there’s heavy rain, you think there will be a flood. This catastrophizing is taxing on the brain and can exhaust you!

5 – Ignoring Symptoms of Health Problems

Health problems are a drain on your body, and they can significantly worsen feelings of exhaustion. If your health isn’t in good shape, it makes complete sense that it would mess up your ability to rest. Your body would be suffering the entire time! Here are common health problems that are often ignored but cause exhaustion:

You may think you’re sleeping enough, but if you have sleep apnea, you wouldn’t be. This disorder stops your breathing while you sleep, causing you to wake up for tiny amounts of time that you may not be aware of. This sleep disturbance and deprivation can take a toll on you. 

sleep apnea

  • Chronic, Invisible Illness

If you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, you’ll feel drained very often. Your main symptom for either will be exhaustion with no known reason, though many other symptoms may accompany it. Big lifestyle changes typically need to be made to aid in management for these incurable conditions.

Depressive disorders aren’t just mood disorders that reduce your positive thinking. They make you tired, too. You can lose your appetite, have recurrent headaches, and feel constantly tired. If that’s accompanied by a dropped mood, you should speak to a professional.

For the most part, UTIs can be very obvious. But sometimes, they’re more silent, and exhaustion may be the only symptom. When you’re used to that urgent need to urinate and the burning that accompanies it, you may not think that your fatigue is due to a UTI – but it could be!

The thyroid gland sits at the base of the neck and is responsible for managing metabolism. An underactive thyroid, which can be caused by a bad diet, lack of physical activity, or genetic predisposition, leads to a slow metabolic rate. This issue can cause weight gain and feelings of sluggishness.

Diabetes involves unbalanced blood sugar levels, and even without diabetes, a poor balance of blood sugar can already cause weakness and exhaustion. As such, diabetes may lead to tiredness, and it’s one of the most common symptoms patients experience.

If you experience severe exhaustion during seemingly normal basic everyday tasks, it may be because your heart can’t keep up. Heart disease is very serious and requires a quick diagnosis and prompt treatment.

positivity quotesFinal Thoughts On Some Habits That Will Leave You Exhausted And How To Stop Them

Bad habits can be difficult to break. But when they actively start to interfere with your everyday life, you need to do something about them. No one’s perfect, and we know that some flaws won’t ever really get perfectly fixed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try to make them better!

You don’t deserve to feel constantly exhausted. If you’ve been feeling that way, take a look at your life and see what could be causing it. If you think it’s something more serious or can’t figure it out, don’t be afraid to reach out to a medical professional for assistance!



Naturopath Reveals The Powerful Energy Healing of Reiki



Today’s world of traditional medicine is not necessarily cutting it for many of us. Diseases and chronic health conditions leave many of us reeling today. Thus, we are looking for alternative ways to improve our total health and wellness. Enter Reiki.

Reiki: A natural, more balanced approach to wellness?

What is Reiki? For many, it is a natural way to promote well being by helping to reduce stress and invite a state of calm, balanced relaxation. The practice first originated in Japan and then spreading west. The philosophy behind Reiki is to balance the body’s energy field to activate the natural healing properties of the body.

Reiki is the “life force” energy that flows through all things. Practitioners of this mode of healing understand that everyone can connect with their natural healing powers. They strive to strengthen the energy within themselves as a means of helping others to heal as well. Philosophers of this type of energy healing believe that the “chi” or life force energy within all of us should be balanced and free-flowing. When this universal energy becomes blocked or stagnant. Therefore, it manifests in the body as mental, emotional, and physical imbalance and disease.

Just one session can help to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help the body to create an environment that promotes healing on all levels. You’ll feel relief from mental, emotional, and physical aspects. Sessions are pleasant, calming, and practitioners individualize sessions according to a person’s unique needs and intentions.

energy healing

History of Reiki

Reiki comes to us from a master by the name of Mikao Usui. He first discovered the root system of energy and how it affects the body. His traditions and methods of practice passed down from generation to generation. Grandmasters underwent a rigorous process of initiation before he certified them to practice his teachings. Although other branches of this healing practice stem from this singular start, the Usui method of preparation is still the most widely used to promote the health and healing of all who come in contact with it.

What does a typical healing session look like?

A typical energy work session lasts anywhere from 60-90 minutes long. Initial consultations with practitioners include a conversation where both client and clinician have the opportunity to explain their intentions. Then they, ask and answer questions, set the treatment goals. A client will lie back on a massage table or other flat surface with their shoes removed.

Work can begin via the hands-on approach, where a clinician applies light pressure to different areas of the body, or you may choose to opt for a hands-free approach, where a clinician will be working several inches from the body, and no touch is involved.

The practitioner will then proceed to work with a client’s energy field through a series of specific hand movements and postures designed to clear the energy field of the client. The session should leave both client and clinician balanced, relaxed, and feeling content.

What does energy healing treat?

This useful mode of healing addresses total health and wellness through balancing the energy field. It may help reduce symptoms and improve chronic conditions such as:

  • Emotional imbalances
  • Chronic pain
  • Digestive issues
  • Insomnia
  • Heart issues

With all of the benefits that this energy work has to offer, you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities in more depth. Here are some of the fantastic benefits that come with receiving energy work:

1. Increased harmony and balance

Energy work helps to promote greater peace, harmony, and balance. This non-invasive technique stirs up the natural healing capabilities of the human body, helping to energize and bring about a state of optimal wellness. Reiki restores balance to your system and addresses any condition you may be suffering from at its root cause–the energy imbalance. This balance includes mental and physical, yin and yang, left brain and right brain. In fact, it will restore you to new heights of health.

Neurologists explain the importance of physical touch.

2. Reduction in tension and stress

The deep sense of calm relaxation that comes with energy work allows your body to release anxiety and stress that you may have been holding onto for years. Naturopaths that practice this type of energy work see amazing results in their clients after just one session, with ongoing work becoming life-changing for those who give themselves the gift of healing.

Clients report feeling, lighter, cleaner, more at peace with themselves and the world around them. Everything is in a higher state of free-flow, allowing, and a sense of being rather than doing allows for the release of built-up tension and stress that may have caused an underlying health condition. Your body can breathe a sigh of relief now that energy has been cleared up and released.

3. Dissolution of energy blocks

Regular energy work promotes a greater sense of relaxation and peace, allowing a client to handle the stresses of everyday life with ease. More excellent mental balance helps to improve better learning, better mental clarity, and improved memory. Reiki can help heal old emotional and energetic wounds, helping to balance the emotions and alleviate anger, sadness, and pain. It can also improve and mend broken relationships with the proper intention. When energy balances and enters a higher state of free-flow, all aspects of life seem to work more smoothly.

4. Improved detoxification and enhancement of the immune system

In our current society, we spend so much of our time in fight/flight mode, reacting and adapting to stress, that our bodies take on a toxic overload of emotions and substances that clog up our energy system and, eventually, our physical bodies. Energy work allows for the clearing of these old stresses, which in turn helps to clean out and improve the efficient detoxification process of the physical body as well. The parasympathetic nervous system is allowed to perform some of the functions that have taken a back seat, and the body can breathe a sigh of relief and start the healing process once more.

5. Improved mental clarity and focus

With all of the energetic garbage removed from your system, you are likely to experience greater mental clarity, better memory and attention, and an improved sense of well being. Energy work helps you to stay grounded in the present moment, appreciating life around you as it is, and allows you to free up energy to work on improving brain function. As a result, you think clearly, you process information more efficiently, and your memory is likely more precise than it has been in years. This mental boost does much to improve your mood as well; a brain that functions more efficiently produces chemicals that boost and elevate mood. You’ll feel like a million bucks!


6. Improved sleep quality

A significant outcome of any energy work session is increased relaxation. This relaxation aids in creating conditions for ideal, restorative sleep. Your body can function more efficiently, it can repair and restore tissues while you sleep, and your immune system is improved as a result of all the extra shut-eye. Also, Reiki promotes deep, restorative sleep that helps to improve all other aspects of health.

7. Accelerated healing activation

Energy work allows the body to activate its self-healing mechanisms, making optimal wellness achievable once more. Your body is allowed to return to its natural state of balance when all regulatory systems are working efficiently, and you are continually undergoing a natural process of detoxification. Your parasympathetic nervous system takes over when your body can efficiently rest and digest. Most of us live life in a constant state of fight vs. flight, and this does significant damage to our mental, emotional, and physical health.

8. Relief from physical pain

Your body is composed of vibrating energy particles; when this energy is imbalanced, it can result in physical illness and disease. Reiki balances and moves energy in the right direction around the body. Meanwhile, the free-flow allows for the exchange of information that aids in healing and a return to health. Painful conditions like arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and chronic inflammation may all be reduced or even eliminated with the newfound balance of energy.

9. Increased spiritual growth and improved emotional cleansing

Reiki addresses all aspects of the body as a whole. Indeed, mind, body, emotions, and spiritual components to life that we may not be aware of in our conscious minds. As we undergo this important work, there is a spiritual expansion that occurs. During the session, we plug back into the energy of the cosmos once more. Once troublesome mental afflictions and emotions that have held us back for years may release in a matter of a few sessions. We find ourselves moving forward in life with less fear, more passion, and more love.

ReikiFinal Thoughts: Experience the benefits of Reiki for yourself!

Reiki is not a cure-all or a miracle therapy. Instead, its happy clients experience mind and body advantages. And, clients gladly attest to the positive changes they receive. Whether you are suffering from a chronic health condition, or if you are just curious about the spiritual and emotional changes that can result from a few sessions, you owe it to yourself to see what Reiki can do for you.



Mobile App Architecture Guide for iOS and Android in 2020

Mobile App Architecture Guide for iOS and Android in 2020

The mobile app architecture is helpful not only for the software but also it is helpful in handling the issues that may arise with the operating system of the mobile. But it can get really difficult in finding the right mobile app architecture, for iOS as well as android app developers.

Whatever the situation is, a guide through the mobile app architecture can reveal a number of things. 

Mobile Application Architecture – Explained

Mobile app architecture is mainly a bundle of patterns and techniques that helps in developing a mobile application as per the industry standards and also as per the requirement of the vendor. 

There are multiple layers in this architecture design and these are:

  • Presentation Layer comprises UI components along with the other components for processing them. 
  • The business layer has components of business entities and business workflows.
  • Lastly, the data layer has service agents, data utilities, and components for data access. 

Why is Mobile app architecture needed? 

As of now, more than half of the global consumer spends on gaming applications in both android and iOS operating systems. Now the point here is that applications on both the OS are different in terms of a number of factors such as development process, tools used, and many others. 

But this fact cannot be denied that the number of consumers using android apps is much higher than the iOS apps. So, the pressure remains always higher on the experts of android app development. There are a number of elements that the developers need to keep track of such as user satisfaction, monetization policy, and also the cost of developing the application. This may also include the different developing tools and the programming language being used in the development of the application. 

The Difference between Android and iOS Architecture

Though both the architecture may have the same principle, they are very much different in terms of their execution. There are mostly two important differences.

  • Android app architecture is mostly open, in comparison to the architecture of iOS. 
  • Android works on Linux-Kernel while iOS works on Darwin, a Kernel that is BSD- based. 

Apart from the differences, there are certain similarities also. Both of them are based on Unix and they start with Kernel. 

Moreover, it seems iOS architecture is much customized in nature when compared to android architecture. This is because, for the iOS architecture, everything is created from scratch and a personalized Kernel is used. In the case of android architecture, mostly open-source software is used. Though it may seem quite easy to select the right architecture for android applications, it may lead to some issues due to factors such as protection and expenses at times. Hence, taking help from a proper android app development company can be the next clever move. 

How to Select the Right Architecture?

Today, most of the applications are developed on the android platform. But that does not mean that the iOS operating system goes unnoticed. Both architectures have their advantages and disadvantages. If you are confused about which one to select, it is always important to check out these advantages and disadvantages first. Of course, taking help from a professional android application development company is always fruitful in letting you know the benefits and demerits of different architecture so that you can choose better. The professionals will guide you depending upon the industry in which you are and the type of application that you are looking forward to having.

Tips to Cross-Check the Mobile app architecture

Even when you have contacted the best android app development company to get the application developed based on the right architecture, it is important to do your own verification as well. Here are some of the tips that can help you in knowing whether the architecture selected is good for the mobile application or not. 

  • The very first element that needs to be checked is efficiency. The application should be able to perform well in all types of conditions. 
  • The architecture should be flexible so that if you need to make changes in the application afterward, it does not show any kind of error. 
  • The architecture should be scalable so that it does not cause trouble if other features are to be added to the application later on. 
  • The architecture should also be understandable. Even when you are getting the application developed by a professional company, you should make sure that the architecture used is understandable to avoid future complications. 

Also, the architecture should be such that it can be tested easily for any kind of errors so that the application, as well as the architecture used for it, can be reliable in nature. 

Searching the right architecture for mobile applications can be a difficult task. But having a detailed understanding of how it works can help in getting the right one in order to get an application developed. Of course, the professional app developers are always there to provide the help of getting an app developed with ease.