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Keep Moving: 5 Mobility Exercises to Keep You Pain-Free

Keep Moving: 5 Mobility Exercises to Keep You Pain-Free

Keep Moving: 5 Mobility Exercises to Keep You Pain-Free

Mobility issues plague nearly 19 million Americans, both young and old. Mobility is defined as the ability to have full use of your muscles and joints. If you can improve your mobility, you can improve your flexibility, fitness, reduce pain, and reduce the likelihood of injuries. 

If you are suffering from mobility issues, doing some mobility exercises can help you regain the full use of your muscles and joints. Here are 5 different exercises to try to help improve your ability to move. 

1. Inchworms

Inchworms work your hamstrings, hips, and calves. To do them, stand with your feet hip-width apart. Reach your hands towards the floor and keep your knees straight.

Then, walk your hands forward until you get into full plank position and then walk your hands back towards your toes. Keep your knees straight as you walk your hands back. Once your hands get back to your toes, stand straight up. 

Try to do three rounds of 10 reps each. If your fitness level is low, start with 5 reps and work your way up. 


2. Band Pull-Overs

Band pull-overs work your upper body, including your shoulders, scapula, spine, ribs, and your hips. You will need an exercise band to do these. 

Lay flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your shoulders, hips, back, and feet flat on the floor during the movement. Pull the band from overhead to your hips and then pause. Then, bring your arms back over your head. Make sure it is a fluid motion. 

Try to do three rounds of 12 to 15 reps each. 

3. Shoulder Pass-Through

A should pass-through works your deltoids, chest, upper back, and rotator cuffs. You’ll need a broomstick or PVC pipe to do this exercise.

Stand shoulder-width apart holding your broomstick or pipe parallel to the floor, using an overhand grip (your fingers should face away from you). Keep your arms straight and raise your object above your head. Keep your core stable and bring the object as far behind your head as possible and hold for a few seconds. 

Repeat this exercise for three rounds of five reps each.

4. Neck Circles 

Neck pain can put a severe cramp in your daily activities. Neck mobility can help reduce neck pain and neck circles can help with neck movement. 

To do neck circles, sit or stand with your hands on your lap. Tilt your neck to one side until you feel it stretch and then roll your head forward. Bring your chin to your chest and then roll your head to the other side until you feel a stretch on that side. 

Do five half circles, moving through each of them slowly and fluidly. 

5. Lunges With The World’s Greatest Stretch

Lunges help improve the mobility of your thoracic spine and your hips. To do them, take a lunge forward with one foot. Then, lean forward and put both of your hands on the ground.

Twist and reach up with the opposite arm, reaching for the sky. Take four deep breaths while in this position, and then return your hand to the ground and go back to a standing position. 

Repeat on the opposite side. Aim for five on each side.  

If stretching on your own doesn’t work, physical therapy can help improve mobility as well. 

Mobility Exercises to Improve Your Muscle and Joint Movement 

Mobility exercises are necessary to help you improve your muscle and joint movement, your strength, and your fitness. They can also help you avoid chronic pain in your joints. 

If this article was helpful, be sure to come back often for new content. 


Why Traditional Education is Dying



Traditional education has been dying since the dawn of the internet.

Ever since the education system accepted the use of computers and the internet, learning was revolutionized. With the combination of learning and the internet. People started to see that learning would be better online.

To this day more and more Online Schooling and Colleges are popping up everywhere on the web. All are changing the education scene. With the traditional education system being costly and not very efficient. Online Colleges are offering the same degrees at lower prices and with the same caliber.

Many successful people have studied online, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Shaquille O’Neal and many more. With most of them taking full advantage of what online classes could do for them. They found out that they could learn more and spend less money and find what they wanted to do. This shows that the traditional system is flawed and not cost efficient. With many more people turning to the future of learning, the traditional scene is being left behind in the dust of success of modern learning.

With the rise of Online learning, many people who could not think about going to college now have a chance of getting that experience that they need to improve their life for the better through the use of Online Learning. Due to the many advantages that online learning provides. It’s almost a no-brainer why more and more people are rushing to the online colleges.

While the traditional learning system has been in the past,there is no wonder why the rise of Online Learning is blowing up. With all of the advantages that it provides. It towers over the traditional system because it is uptodate of the times and the traditional system is completely flawed in almost every aspect.



6 Ways To Improve Your Relationship Without Sex



Relationships have good and bad times. What matters is that you keep improving and sticking together through those times, with positive thinking and love. But what if your relationship feels troubled lately? How can you improve it?

For many couples, sex is a go-to that feels like it’s solving problems and bringing them closer together. But it isn’t and shouldn’t be the be-all-end-all solution.

Here are six ways to improve your relationship without sex

1 – Seek To Listen And Understand

Positive communication is crucial for the health of a relationship and vice versa, but it’s a two-way street. You simply cannot call it “communication” if you’re doing all the talking and not nearly enough listening, after all. Here are some tips for listening and understanding:

Empathy is how you and your partner can strengthen bonds, even in times of disagreement. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and see the world through their eyes. Think of their own experiences, temperament, fears, and dreams and how that shapes their perspectives and opinions. Step outside of yourself and take the time to imagine the world through their eyes.


When arguments start to heat up, it’s not unusual to fall into an unhealthy pattern of defense, criticism, and more defense. The communication becomes toxic and slowly but surely devolves into fast exchanges of half-processed ideas and thoughts that can’t possibly be understood at that speed. So slow down. When things get too fast, hit the brakes and take the time to fully listen to your partner as they talk. This reduces the tendency to make statements based on empty reactions.

  • Be Curious About What Your Partner Feels

You don’t have to agree with your partner’s opinion to be curious about it. Practice being interested in how your partner thinks, feels, and behaves. What makes them tick? What drives them? This interest can dramatically slow down arguments as you ask more questions and listen to the answers instead of trying to convince them that your way is better.

  • Make Your Goal Understanding Your Partner

It’s easy to focus purely on getting your point across to the extent that all you do is repeat yourself in the hopes of being understood. But that isn’t a productive way to communicate, as it will only provoke your partner into doing the same, and soon you’ll just be talking over each other. Instead, focus on understanding where your partner comes from and how they feel. The rest will follow.

2 – Plan Exciting Date Nights – and Make Them Regular

When your lives are busy, you stop going on dates as much as you used to. This is especially true if you’ve moved in with your partner. You’re always together, so you don’t see the need to go out just to be together again.

But date nights are very important. They keep things fresh and help the romance stay alive. More importantly, these date nights should be exciting and new, involving doing something you haven’t done before. Experiencing new things together has been proven to aid the feeling of mystery and surprise that fades as relationships progress. You can:

  • Go somewhere you’ve never been (for example a museum, a new mall, a night trip to another state)
  • Try a new activity (for example ice skating, yoga, or going dancing – or taking a new class)
  • Watch scary or suspenseful movies in the cinema
  • Go for something that gets the adrenaline going (for example bungee jumping, skydiving, or visiting a shooting range)

Of course, not all date nights can be exciting, as you need the time, money, and energy to make them so. Plus, there is some evidence that suggests that weekly date nights can cause planning stress that is more harmful than helpful. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan more “boring” date nights weekly that require little to no planning. You can simply:

  • Go out for a nice dinner
  • Go for a walk in a park or for a stroll
  • Go to the cinema 
  • Stay in and watch movies while eating takeout or junk food
  • Bake or cook together and share the resulting meal
  • Spend the evening cuddling

What’s the takeaway? One exciting and unusual date night per month, with little simple, no-plan date nights during the other three weeks!

3 – Keep Yourself In Check

Improving relationships is often about each individual in that relationship working to improve themselves. That means knowing when you need to reign yourself in, instead of continuing to want things out of your partner. Here are some areas to focus on:

  • Regularly Assess Yourself

Contrary to popular sayings, a happy relationship does not involve two halves forming a whole. It involves two individual, separate wholes coming together as a pair. Consider your self – your strengths, your flaws, your struggles, and everything else. Then, work on yourself and steadily move towards goals.

When you say things like “You did (insert action)” or “You made me feel (insert emotion),” you’re using “You” language. “You” language tends to immediately provoke a defensive reaction from a partner, who will now do all they can to protect themselves from your statements. Switch to “I” language – “I feel like you…”, “I’ve noticed that…”, and “I worry that…” are good examples that are received with more positive thinking than “You” language.

  • Find Your Emotional Triggers And Manage Them

Everyone has emotional triggers, usually a result of leftover emotional “baggage” from experiences past. Trauma, childhood experiences, previous relationships, and lessons learned the hard way could all contribute to this baggage. When something triggers that baggage, you can act in a way that seems unreasonable to others and can hurt those around you. Learn to self-soothe when these triggers are activated, and make sure your partner knows about them in case you don’t deescalate in time.

You are an imperfect human being, as is your partner. You will make mistakes and be in the wrong just as many times as them. Besides, being “right” should never be your aimed-for outcome in an argument. Sometimes, you need to decide what fights are worth the effort and which ones are small and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Pick your battles, and when you know, something isn’t worth arguing about, apologize, and move on. Your partner will apologize, too.

When you are in a relationship, it’s easy to get very caught up in being together that you forget who you are as individuals. You may rely too much on each other or become codependent. As such, remember to take time to just exist by yourself, doing what you like. Trust us, as strange as it sounds, your relationship will be stronger when you get to spend a little time apart!

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4 – Reminisce On The Fun Times

Hard times are going to come no matter what. There’s no stopping them. But you can maintain your positive thinking through them with your partner. How? My reminiscing on fun times of laughter and happiness!

Research indicates that relationship satisfaction can increase when you think back on moments with shared happy laughter. Perception of good humor from your partner can reduce conflict by 67%! Plus, the more you laugh together, the less you fight! It can also put your relationship in perspective, showing you what matters.

You don’t need to have been dating for a long time to reminisce, and you don’t need to be going through a rough patch to do so, either. Whenever you feel like it, think back, share, and laugh together all over again!

5 – Focus On Increasing The Positive, Not Decreasing The Negative

Everyone has flaws, and there may be some concerning your partner that you are trying to change. Guess what? According to research, no matter how happy and positive a long-term relationship or marriage is, you are highly unlikely to be able to improve your relationship by changing things about each other.

Of course, we are by no means telling you to compromise on your relationship needs. But consider what unimportant “flaws” your partner has that you can easily overlook by building on the positive! These may include:

  • Forgetfulness
  • A short (but non-abusive) temper
  • Messiness 
  • Social awkwardness or shyness
  • Slow thinking or decision-making

Building on positive things instead of focusing on destroying negative ones is a much more productive way to improve and work on your relationships. Work on your strengths, and the weaknesses will fall behind.


6 – Be Appreciative

A little appreciation goes a long way in relationships. All you need to do is express it, and you’re already helping your relationship to some degree! Here are some ideas for going about it:

Thank your partner for helping you with an errand. Hold their hand while you’re walking outdoors. Give them random hugs. Compliment them regularly. Make sure your partner knows, through these small little gestures, that you love them!

Take your partner by surprise, sometimes with little things. When you see something online that reminds you of them, share it with them! When you see a cheap little trinket or item they’d like, buy it! Now and then, surprise them with a delicious dinner, tickets to something they’d love, or even just a little pampering!

If you feel like your relationship is getting stale, it usually doesn’t take much to help reignite the spark. Make eye contact with them. Touch them in a nonsexual but romantically intimate way, such as by holding their hand, resting a hand on their leg, or sitting close enough to them that your shoulders brush. This can connect you in surprising ways!

  • Appreciate The Little Things

Small little things your partner does – like holding your hand, doing your share of chores when you’re tired, or buying you a snack you love – should be appreciated. You should also work to fulfill the little things in your partner’s life, too. Listen to what they talk about and remember their likes, dislikes, hopes, and desires – then do small things based on what you know of them to brighten their day!

  • Say “I love you” Often

When you’ve been together for a long time, you may not express your love as often because it’s a given. Of course, you love each other! You’re together, aren’t you? But don’t forget that saying that little three-word phrase can put a smile on your partner’s face. They may know you love them, but it’s good to hear it, too.

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Final Thoughts On Trying These Ways To Improve Your Relationship Without Sex

Physical intimacy is an important part of many relationships, but it doesn’t have to be the central factor of yours – and it shouldn’t be! There are many other wonderful ways to build on your bond and boost your relationship together in positive ways, so use those and see where they take you.



10 Ways To Capture Someone’s Attention (In 30 Seconds Or Less)



You are one person in several billion. It’s easy to slip into feelings of insignificance or to feel like you’re just one quiet person among far too many to be noticeable. With all that going on, how can you capture someone’s attention?

Well, there’s good news! As it turns out, these feelings of smallness don’t mean you aren’t an interesting person with lots to offer. The trick is learning to showcase that from the beginning, so people find you attractive, too – and fast, before their attention spans run out!

Here are ten ways to capture someone’s attention in 30 seconds or less.

1.    Leave Some Mystery

Have you heard of the uncertainty reduction principle? You can use it to your advantage to get the positive results that you want. It states that the human brain continually seeks to reduce levels of unsureness or uncertainty about the things it is focused on.

Similarly, there is also the Zeigarnik effect, which suggests that the human brain tends to have a better memory for incomplete thoughts, information, and tasks. This technique is commonly used in business or audience-oriented presentations, but you can use it in your everyday life too!

When introducing yourself, don’t spill your whole life story right away. Give a little bit of information that is interesting, but don’t expand on it unless asked about it – and the people around you will ask about it, trust us!

capture someone's attention

2.    Get A “Yes” Response First

When you open with a question that elicits a “no” response from a person, what you’re doing is changing the person’s entire perception of the event.

You see, “yes” and “no” are more than just positive and negative indicator words. They can change the way the brain processes information. “No” responses close the minds of the people giving them. If the first question you ask is responded to with a “no”, that person is already losing interest, and fast.

But what about “yes” responses? These open the person up to possibilities, putting them in a mindset of positive thinking and potential interest. They haven’t slammed the door on you – instead, they’re opening it further. You can elicit “yes” responses by:

  • Opening with a question that only confirms what you already know, “You work as a teacher, right?”
  • Asking a question that is almost 100% guaranteed to net a “yes” response; “Wouldn’t it be nice to get a raise?”
  • Mirroring a previous statement from them, “It sounds like you’re having a difficult time getting through to your mom right now, huh?”

3.    Use Body Language

Nonverbal communication is equally essential to verbal communication and can tell another person crucial, subconscious information that changes their levels of interest in you. If you slouch and give off closed-off vibes, you are less likely to capture someone’s attention.

To be likable and, therefore, attractive to others, you need to create positive thinking in your conversation partner. Here are some body language tips for positive communication and attention-grabbing:

·         Posture

Maintain an open posture without crossed arms or legs when speaking to someone else. Face your body in their direction with openness and stand with confidence – squared shoulders, straight back, and pleasant disposition. Be relaxed but confident!

·         Eye Contact

When you don’t use eye contact, your conversation partners can feel like you’re talking to a wall. Don’t overdo it, but look at the other people and meet their gazes to give your presence a more resounding impact. This action speaks of confidence and allows you to build a connection with others.

·         Smile

Appearing friendly is often all it takes to encourage others to stay in a discussion or conversation with you. It makes others feel welcome and like you like them, which makes them like you in turn. If you look moody, you’ll drive everyone away, no matter how interesting you are.

attractive people

4.    Engage The Senses

Human beings naturally pay more attention to people who stand out. Their senses inform their subconscious thoughts of who is most impressive. You can engage someone’s senses to grab their attention by:

  • Having a good understanding of fashion (vision)
  • Wearing something with a unique twist or pop of color (vision)
  • Maintaining a friendly, open posture and expression (vision)
  • Putting on a lovely perfume, cologne, or scent that is pleasant but not overbearing (smell)
  • Speaking in a confident, clear voice (hearing)
  • Offering candy, gum, or something else small to the people you meet (taste)
  • Providing earnest, firm, and confident handshakes (touch)
  • Gently touching others in a friendly and non-invasive manner, such as by tapping their shoulder or patting them on the back (touch)

5.    Have A Hype Team to Help You Capture Someone’s Attention

If you’ll be out and about and are aiming to catch the attention of potential dates or even clients and employers in a not-too-formal setting, you can ask a hype team to come along with you. It’s difficult to talk about your achievements without bragging, but other people talking about them for you can do the trick.

Ideally, you and your friends will be happy to hype each other up whenever someone needs it. This way, it isn’t you asking for a favor, so much as it is just you and your friends doing what comes naturally. Still, there’s nothing wrong with asking favors from friends to help hype you up for something important!

Others will likely be more interested in you when they see that others are eager to talk about you, as long as it’s not overdone. Then, you don’t need to do any bragging – just let what everyone else says speak for you!

6.    Use Movement

Movement is an immediate attention-grabber. It stands out in the stationary world, and anything that stands outdraws the human eye. Plus, the human attention span doesn’t do too well when nothing’s happening.

So if you want to keep the attention of someone, use movement. Draw the eye of your conversation partners through action. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Nod or shake your head in acknowledgment
  • Talk with your hands (in moderation)
  • Let your body language speak (in moderation) – shrug, look thoughtful, and turn to follow the other person
  • Mirror the body language of the other person (subtly)
  • When telling stories or giving presentations, don’t be afraid to go all out with motions and movements

7.    Find A Way To Sell Yourself Without Bragging

We talked about having a hype team to do the bragging for you, but that’s not always an option. There will be times when you have to speak for yourself. But don’t worry! Keep your positive thinking going, because you can do this.

Of course, you’ll want to avoid sounding like your bragging, so don’t talk directly about your achievements or your material possessions. So don’t discuss:

  • The amount of money in your bank account
  • The car your drive or the expensive things you own
  • The achievements you’ve won or earned
  • Your job position (beyond a simple statement of your general occupation)
  • The number of people you’ve slept with

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t brag at all! Just do it through storytelling. Talk about where you grew up and what got you where you are today in a conversational tone. People often enjoy hearing inspiring stories of success, especially from a humble background. Talking about how you overcame your past is bragging diplomatically!

capture someone's attention

8.    Find What You Have In Common

What do you have in common with those around you? Pay attention to other people and find what you share with them. For example:

  • You like the same shows or sports team, as you can tell from the keychain on their bag or the decorations on their desk
  • You both have kids around the same age
  • You have mutual friends who introduced you to each other
  • You are facing the same struggles
  • You’re in a similar, simple situation – like you were both rained on while rushing into an appointment!

Now, use these things you have in common and start a conversation around them. This connection establishes an immediate connection with that person that makes them want to keep talking to you. This is a great jumping-off point and will grab their attention quickly!

9.    Become A Storyteller

When you know how to tell an engaging story, people will want to listen to you and give you their attention. Of course, this is easier said than done. Being a storyteller requires practice, especially if you don’t have an innate ability for the skill. To practice, you should:

  • Consider what you want your stories to say about you
  • Write or plan your chosen account based on what you want them to convey; make it honest and factual, but intriguing and interesting
  • Practice your delivery in the mirror
  • Start by sharing the stories with your family and friends; ask them for feedback or pay attention to their responses
  • Improve on the flaws and keep practicing

10. Be Unique

We’ve already talked about the importance of standing out in grabbing attention, and this extends to the rest of you, too. When you let yourself be dictated by everyone around you and blindly follow the crowd, you’ll blend in and be indiscernible from the next person.

You don’t have to fake uniqueness, of course, to capture someone’s attention. In fact, you shouldn’t, as a lack of sincerity always become apparent sooner or later. However, what you should do is put on some positive thinking and dare to be your 100% bold, authentic, original self. Wear what you want, think what you want (but be open to other opinions), and do what makes you happy, even if it’s not what’s popular.

Still, there is something to be said for being fresh, new, and inventive. Again, this isn’t something you should fake, but if you have new ideas or ways of living to offer, don’t be afraid to show it off! It’ll grab the attention of plenty of people and keep them hooked and interested.

attractive peopleFinal Thoughts On Some Ways To Capture Someone’s Attention

Catching and holding someone’s attention is as simple as understanding the human mind, being genuine, and genuinely wanting to forge bonds with others. Once you have those tricks up your sleeve, all you have to do is use the ten methods we discussed, and you’ll be able to capture someone’s attention quickly!



How Narcissists Convince People of Their Good Intentions to Get Away With Everything



It’s an unfortunate fact that almost everyone has had a run-in with a narcissist before. They can come in the form of coworkers, toxic friends or family members, and even romantic partners. 

Once you’re free from the grasp of a narcissist, everything they do seems very transparent to you. But you may notice that, to other people, that narcissist is accepted and even well-liked as everyone falls for their tricks.

But why does this happen? Why can’t anyone else see what they’re doing? And why are you coming out looking like the bad guy?  It’s a frustrating situation. This is how narcissists get away with everything and convince people their intentions are good.

1 – They Act The Part

Narcissists aren’t going around showing off how cruel they can be. No, they’re carefully cultivating their appearance to appear the least imposing and the most likable! When someone seems so friendly, how could anyone think negatively of them? Here are some examples of how this happens:

Psychologists reveal why narcissists deflect blame onto others.

Narcissists are often charismatic and are huge proponents of the halo effect in psychology. This effect refers to how a particular positive impression in only one area drives positive feelings in other ones. For example, you are likely to think well of someone you consider attractive, or of someone who is in a high position at work.

Narcissists are very good at making you feel like you can trust them. This is part of their charismatic nature – they say all the right things and, in the event of a conflict, make you want to be on their side. They’re experts at playing the victim, too, so you’d believe their intentions are pure always.

  • They Don’t Take Responsibility

In some cases, deflecting blame is obvious, but narcissists can be good at subtly shifting burden to someone else. They can even find a way to take responsibility in such a way that no one assigns it to them anyway! When someone has never been in the wrong, it’s quite easy to trust them.

Narcissists often are happier, with more positive thinking and a decreased risk of depression, anxiety, and even stress. When you see a happy person, they bring cheer to a room and make it challenging to think badly of them.

  • They’re Often Successful

Many narcissists are successful – both through their own merit and by climbing the social ladder with their manipulation and sneaky cleverness. When someone is successful, it is difficult to think of them as bad – and even if you do have negative opinions of them, they are likely to have power due to the success that makes it difficult to speak against them.

  • They Can Be Emotionally Detached

In a situation where conflict arises between a narcissist and their victim, the victim is likely to feel emotionally volatile, leading to outbursts and highly strung emotions. Meanwhile, a narcissist can be detached and calm, making them look like the reasonable ones, and their victims look crazy.

  • They Will Do Anything To Preserve Their Image

A narcissist will lie, cheat, steal, and do absolutely anything to make themselves look like they’re in the right. Most people wouldn’t go to such ridiculous extents, and as such, we are likely to believe a narcissist who puts on a good show and performs a good magic trick.

2 – They Control The People They’re Close To

If a narcissist is surrounded by close “friends” and family who always seem to think well of them, it’s difficult not to consider them good people. You’ll hear stories of how wonderful they are, and things will look picture-perfect in many cases. How could you not find their intentions positive? Here are some ways narcissists control others:

  • They Choose Who They Are Close To

When a narcissist first encounters someone new, they already classify them: are they a target or not? Are they a threat to stay away from, someone not to bother trying tricks on, or a potential victim? 

  • They Isolate Their Victims

Narcissists often work to isolate their close friends or romantic partners. They may become controlling under the guise of caring for the people around them. They may drop hints that their partner’s friends are bad for them, act upset when their close friends choose to hang out with other people, or tell those in their life that they know what’s best for them. When you’re isolated, you’re more susceptible to believing what someone says.

Gaslighting is the act of making others question their reality. Narcissists may imply that the people close to them are crazy or over-emotional. They may tell convincing lies in their favor in such subtle ways that the people around them question their memories. Gaslighting is a horrific form of manipulative abuse and can cause massive damage to someone’s self-confidence and psyche.

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3 – They Prey On The Goodness Of Human Nature

A lot of people will complain about human nature being harmful, but the fact is that we’re not giving ourselves enough credit. With positive thinking, you’ll soon realize that a lot of humans are driven to be good, only doing otherwise while feeling a lot of guilt, or after going through times that have hardened them. Here are some examples of this:

  • We Believe Others Are Inherently Good

Society functions on the idea that others are good. We naturally believe what others say unless they give us a good reason not to, and we feel driven to help others often. When you meet a narcissist, you are likely to think of them as good until they prove otherwise.

Once again, society requires that we cooperate with each other. Without cooperation, society cannot be functioned. It has been hardwired into our psychology to trust others to work with us, so you wouldn’t naturally assume that a narcissist isn’t going to or didn’t try to cooperate.

  • Most People Operate On Empathy

An ordinary person is usually an empathetic one. They can relate to or at least comprehend other people’s pain and feelings. A narcissist can prey on these tendencies, making themselves look like victims or like they’re having a tough time. This causes others to feel bad for them.

  • Lots Of People Believe In Second Chances

On a rare occasion that a narcissist does get caught, they can act very sad, sorry, and repentant, and it’s in most people’s hearts to allow for second chances. They’ll forgive and forget, and the narcissist gets to continue their actions.

Learn several phrases that can stop manipulative people in their tracks.

4 – Stereotypes of Narcissism Aren’t Reality

We hear the word “narcissist” being thrown around a lot in everyday life, and along with that comes a lot of stereotypes. A lack of education on the disorder has led to a lot of people misunderstanding what narcissism is, leading to only more confusion that lets clever narcissists get away with their wrongs. Here are some things you should know:

People can display “normal” levels of narcissism without being actual narcissists – just like they can display levels of aggression without being violent people or being abusers. 

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder Is A Real Mental Disorder

NPD is one of the few cluster B personality disorders, and people with it are often demonized by everyone else. However, people with NPD faced severe trauma that caused them to develop the disorder, and many of them are receiving treatment for it. Just because someone has NPD, it does not mean they are a terrible person.

  • NPD Is Both Common And Uncommon

Between 0.5% to 1% of the population receives a positive diagnosis of NPD. This means it’s by no means a common disorder, but it’s more common than you think! For every two hundred people in the world, one of them has NPD.

  • A Narcissist Isn’t Just Someone Who Is Self-Centered

Selfish people are ordinary in the world we live in, but they are not necessarily narcissists in the medical sense. It’s important to note that people can have bad traits without them being tied to a mental health condition. Some people are just mean!

  • Narcissistic Abuse Is Not All Kinds Of Abuse

While narcissists may fall into patterns of abusing those in their life, not all abusers are narcissists. Some people are just abusers. Mental health conditions can increase someone’s chance of being toxic, but people can also simply be toxic without them.

  • You Probably Wouldn’t Know If You Were A Narcissist’s Victim

A lot of people think that they’d be able to immediately tell when a narcissist has honed in on them – but in all likelihood, you wouldn’t. At least, not unless you’ve had extensive experience with one. Narcissists are intelligent and are rarely apparent about their intentions!

  • “Narcissist” Should Be Treated As An Extreme Term

“Narcissist” can’t accurately be used to describe someone who’s manipulative in the same way that “depressed” can’t be used to describe someone who’s sad. The term “Narcissist” teems with substantial psychological meaning, so it shouldn’t be thrown around lightly.

  • There Are No Clear Markers Of Narcissism

There is no obvious way to tell if someone is a narcissist. You can’t say, “She takes so many selfies! She must be a narcissist!” or “He’s so self-focused! He must be a narcissist!”. Narcissism, like many other mental disorders, manifests uniquely for each patient. 

  • Demonizing Those With Mental Illness Helps No One

The more controversy surrounds NPD, the less likely those who believe they have it will seek help. Mental health professionals themselves may also turn away people who are concerned about NPD. As a result, this leads to fewer diagnoses and less available treatment. In turn, untreated NPD can then manifest negatively and result in harm to others.

narcissistsFinal Thoughts On How Narcissists Get Away With Everything And Convince People Their Intentions Are Good

It can be painful and anger-inducing to watch a narcissist get away with everything they do. Worse still, when you try to speak out against them, everyone may be on their side. Unfortunately, all you can really do is protect yourself and stand up for others who come forward with complaints.

By understanding the way narcissists operate, not only can you protect yourself from becoming one of their victims, but you can also be prepared to catch signs of narcissism in others. While not all those who display narcissistic traits are bad people, it’s usually better to be safe than sorry.



8 Differences Between a Soulmate and a Life Partner



It’s not unusual every day conflate the concept of a soul mate with that of a life partner—you would possibly suppose they’re exactly the identical component, or that any distinction among the two ideas is only instructional. But, a life partner is a person honest and reliable with whom you spend considerable time, whilst a soulmate is a person who arrives in your life in particular to enhance it, inspire your improvement and push you everyday develop right into a better state of recognition. each are quite vital! There are many misconceptions about the word soul mate and that of a life companion.


The soulmate synonyms should not be taken as a soulmate test or it can not be found through the soulmate movie because what happens when you meet your soulmate is entirely different. The soulmates twin flame in you. When you will find yours you would know what is a soulmate connection because then you will feel the signs from the universe soulmate. You will feel the signs hes your soulmate. All the soulmate connection signs will make you realize the life partner meaning and all the answers to the have i met my soulmate quiz would be in front of you. The soulmate signs eyes, soulmates dresses also say a lot. Then you will know the soulmate vs life partner difference.

So instead of looking for how to recognize your soulmate look inside yourself. The soulmate or soul mate, soulmate signs astrology, also show some people how to identify your soulmate. A soulmate is a person who comes in your life everyday educate you, improve you, push you and go beyond you into a better state of being and focus. A life companion is a accomplice whom you believe and rely on throughout your life.


1. A soul mate adds lessons in your lifestyles (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

Soulmates can enter your life masked as pals, own family individuals, and lovers. They fill a ardor and desire that wishes every day be discovered as new day. As soon as the challenge and steering is finished a soul mate commonly exits the picture, usually leaving an unbelievable amount of heart ache.

A life companion has comparable pursuits in your life. This individual is the cheerleader, the pillar of energy and help that encourages you everyday take chances. In contrast to the soulmate, a life partner sticks round no matter what limitations and demanding situations are in the way. Life companions are spiritually and emotionally related without egotistical notions.

2. There may be a big distinction (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

Soulmates have a deep connection via heart and mind. They hit the ego and result in turmoil. The relationships are extreme and complete of transitions. Those stunning stories generally lead to damaged hearts. Soul mates deliver with them karmic lessons that want everyday be finished on this incarnation.

Life partners arrive at a time while there may be self love and recognition. You’re not desiring to meet an vacancy that can not be defined. They’re there for the long haul.

“A soulmate’s reason is every day shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your boundaries and addictions, ruin your heart open so new ray of light can get in, make you so determined and out of control that everyday remodel your life.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

3. There is an enchantment that goes past this timeline (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

When you meet your soulmate, you feel as when you have recognized them all the time. You recognize each other and have comparable methods of wondering. Your childhoods have similar testimonies. That is where the depth in soul mates begins. There is a “understanding” that magnetically draws you daily each other. These relationships may be chaotic and detrimental since there are degrees of mirroring each other: the failings and behavior.

While, life companions come from distinctive paths and backgrounds. The variations beautify the emotional connection. You want to understand greater and examine from each other. You sense security in their presence, and this creates a friendship this is profound and everlasting. Love grows with every passing day.

“Critical encounters are planned via the souls long before the bodies see every other.” ~ Paulo Coelho

4. A soul mate is aware of you intuitively (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

There is a better connection among thinking and feeling. You know each others’ mind and dreams. Soulmates do now not want words to deliver their thoughts and feelings. They have been where you are. They recognize how it is to experience a certain manner.

Life companions are drawn to each other physically and crave to learn the other’s values. The connection is based on logical and intellectual stimulation instead of an emotional one driven via soulmates complete of highs and lows.

5. When you meet you soul mate, you have got just had a huge life experience (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

Soulmates arrive at a selected time whilst something desires to discover closure. Splendid lessons come thru those relationships. The affection that is shared is ecstatic and full of the of daily limitations. Those two people are searching footing in a relationship that brings out the great and worst in each other.

The relationship with a life companion is simple. It starts without work. It keeps to attach via the current  occasions. These relationships have healthy marriages due to the fact both aspects are ready every day create a oneness at the same time as nevertheless final of their own individuality and authenticity.

6. Life partner attempts everyday recognize your feelings, whilst a soulmate feels your feelings (Soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

Partners can be exceptional about trying to understand your emotions. They may be commonly prepared to sit down and chat with you everyday find out what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it. Be that as it may, a super companion doesn’t do not ask what you’re feeling or for what cause you’re feeling it. They understand it and recognize it interior their personal precise heart and received it simply require it clarified, however as a substitute a perfect associate will likewise feel your affections for you. When you’re harming, they are harming, while you’re loaded with pride, they may be loaded with bliss. Ideal companions are related daily the point that their emotions are appended to the heart.

7. Life partner daily listen your mind, a soulmate already is aware of them (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

An companion desires to pay attention what you’re thinking about, they get a kick out of the danger to understand what you think about motion pictures, song, and modern activities. A great partner doesn’t have to ask in light of the reality that they are as of now questioning a similar issue. With out announcing a word they comprehend that you detested that motion picture you simply discovered and surely they felt a similar way regarding it.

8. Life partner encourages to shoot in your desires, a soulmate gained it every day accept anything else (soulmate)

Image credits: shutterstock

An partner desires you to move in your fantasies and your goals. they’re urging and want to see you upbeat. Be that as it may, an ideal companion doesn’t truly push you to your fantasies, they gained’t make due with anything less. Ideal companions will make certain that you are going to your fantasies regardless of what they may be, and they’ll do something of their strength to permit you to arrive. You could have what seems like an outlandish dream, but your best companion doesn’t think some thing you dream is meaningless and will make sure you reap your goals.

It is very possible that your soulmate can also be your life partner. And, it is also feasible that the relationship with a life partner can teach a profound soul connection. The largest distinction among a lifestyles partner and a soulmate is that one is a preference and the other one is not. There may be no better or worst in those two kinds of relationships. Your soul and your connections create those unique bonds. every body that enters your life is a tutor and student.



Here Are 10 Apps To Help You Spy On People



Spend some dollars and you can hire a personal detective to track someone’s every move, without them knowing for a bit.

There was a time when these spy apps were nothing but troublesome, expensive and hard to manage for your personal phone. It was not a piece of cake to install an app into your phone at that time and specialized knowledge was required to install it. Sometimes a certain part of the phone was also removed in order to install it. In today’s time any app is easy to install that even a child could handle, not that he/she should handle!

But yes, as a matter of speech these apps are readily available and easy to install with no or less money.

These spy apps are made for the very concerned lovers or married couples who want to track or monitor every move of their respective partners. These apps do not only benefit the couples but are also valuable in business tools, saving much time in monitoring the routines of the employees and also helping in protecting data.

In this article, you will be able to understand the spy applications for your device and how to install them.

Installing them will make you able to spy on whoever you want and track their every moment, plus this is the best way to monitor teenagers which have become quite hard to keep a track of their doing these days.

Here is the list of the apps that will help you get your job done with much ease!

1. Connect

This app is basically for iPhone and iPad users.

It can help you follow your husband, wife, children or any other person you want on the social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many others.

This app collects the contacts at one place, unlike other apps which jumble up the contacts on multiple platforms. More importantly, the other person doesn’t really have to connect or install the app on his/her device as well, which completely leaves him/her in delusion.

2. Find My Friends

This app is for both iPhone and Android users and allows you to know where your child or spouse is or even tells you the time when your friend is landing at the airport.

“Friends who share their locations with you appear on a map so you can quickly see where they are and what they’re up to,” says the official website of the app. The app works in a way that it syncs with the contacts in your phone and show them on your map.

The users of this app have the liberty to select any contact they want to connect with and interact with them on their network.

3. Trick or Tracker 3.0

Many parents have the urge to keep monitoring their children and not only on occasions but on daily basis.

This app can be used by maximum of 7 members of the family simultaneously. This app has to be downloaded on the phones of both the parties which also requires their permission as well, of course. It has many features like, it can ping the parents when their child has arrived at home or when he travels across the agreed area. It also has a geo-location feature which sends the location of the spied person after every 15 minutes.

4. Phone Tracker

This special app is for the busiest people who have no time to keep a track of their employees or family members during tight schedules.

Combining mapping with GPS technology it tracks yours and other person’s phone for free. Moreover, the app doesn’t need to be opened to track the movements of another person.

It can track the movements of the previous 24 hours and also from a 30 feet radius.

5. Accu Tracking

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Accu tracking is even older than Google Maps and it helps companies and parents to keep a track on their employees and children respectively.

“Our vision is to provide low-cost and simple to use applications that enable the tracking of any number of targets wherever and whenever the user chooses,”  says the company’s motto.

Here Are 25 Pictures Showing The Happiness When Doing Something For The Very First Time

6. mSpy

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This is the top most downloaded app of all times.

It helps you monitor many things at one time like keeping track of the calls and messages other people are making, their GPS location and many more.

You can rely on this app for your spying business and it works at it’s best to do the job for you.

7. The Spy Bubble

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Jack of all spying trades, this app is best to monitor your spouses, children or any other person you want to spy on. You can visit their website and look for any cautionary measures and install the app at your ease.

Download this app if you yourself cannot be physically present to the job. This will help you in keeping an eye on the movements of the people you want to spy on.

8. The Phone Sheriff

This is the best app to keep a tag on your kids, as it allows you to set a time frame for your child’s phone and if you tell it, that it is OK for your child to lay for one hour it will automatically lock the phone after 60 minutes.

9. Mobicip

It keeps a track of your teen’s online life and let you know what he/she has been up to on the internet.

It helps you blocking the dating, gambling, online shopping and chatting sites for sure if your child is at middle school level.

It also helps you block the sexual and adult sites when he reaches the high school level. Thus giving you an opportunity to monitor your child’s every move.

If your child has recently started driving and does not resist to show off his/her crazy driving skills and you’re fearful that they might get in danger then here is the perfect solution to your problem!

Download this app and it will give you the track of the speed limit your child is driving the car at and you don’t really have to text or call them to remind them to lower their speed.

Liked this? Read this also: Here Are 21 Strangers Who Photobombed Photos and Turned Them Into Real Gems

Article by Born Realist




How to Have The Most Common Skill of Successful People 



Let’s just get this out of the way quick: the words success and successful mean different things to different people. 

Why do we mention this? Two reasons:

  1. This article has to do with success (obviously!)
  2. Society’s insistence that success equals money, a bigger house, a more beautiful car, a better school, whatever.

Now, there is nothing wrong with #2 in and of itself. It’s people’s identification and obsession with this perpetual dangling carrot that is the real problem. 

This poisonous – and, quite frankly, nonsensical – conditioning has exacerbated the amount of stress and thus to spiraling numbers of illness and disease. All the while, they are creating a majority uber-materialistic subculture that can’t stand to look away from their smartphone for more than two minutes.

The term – at least for this article – takes on a much more holistic meaning.

The definition of success as meant is this article reflects that of the Greek word eudemonia. Individual happiness, well-being – a life well-lived, typified through the exercise of moral virtual, practical wisdom, and rationality.

Thank you, Aristotle.  Moving on.

Successful people – in the way described above – demonstrate a skill that is universal within their ranks.

They master whatever it is that is their purpose. How? Read on.

“The latent power within us all…”

“Everyone holds his fortune in his own hands, like a sculptor the raw material he will fashion into a figure. But it’s the same with that type of artistic activity as with all others: We are merely born with the capability to do it. The skill to mold the material into what we want must be learned and attentively cultivated.”  ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, German writer, and Statesman (Source)

Perhaps we should also redefine the word “intelligence” as we use it here, as well. 

successful people
Learn five strategies to become more successful in life.

An immeasurable intelligence we see in successful people

The type of knowledge that we speak of here is not measurable by an I.Q. test. Nor is it taught in any institution of learning beyond perhaps a passing mention in some obscure psychology course. Few people practice it, and even fewer try to cultivate it.

This innate and uniquely human power can only be described as focus and penetration—a state of supreme, sublime concentration. 

A brightening of the mind that illuminates whatever it touches. Csikszentmihalyi calls it “flow,” athletes call it “being in the zone,” meditators call it samadhi

It is both us and, at the same time, much more significant than us. It is the pinnacle of human potential. 

Best of all, anyone can access it. Nobody is excluded, including you (yes, you!) reading this right now. Such a feeling of sublimity is readily available if we would just tap into it. When we do, we unleash the full power of our consciousness and intelligence. 

Better, this power doesn’t feel forced; we needn’t strain or narrow our awareness. It feels just as natural as stepping outside and taking a pleasant, refreshing breath of fresh, crisp autumn air.

But tapping into it requires some discipline, not to mention a willingness to disregard and seal ourselves off somewhat from the demands of external influences. It means going beyond our fears, limitations, and self-constructed boundaries. Those annoying earworms that have been whispering nothing but self-defeating lies.


“[Mastery] is something we can all attain if we get rid of some misconceptions and gain clarity as to the required path.” ~ Robert Greene (Source)

Again, all (truly) successful people attain mastery in one particular area; ideally, this is their life’s purpose.

In his book “Mastery,” Robert Greene uses a commonly-experienced scenario to illustrate:

“…Let us say we are learning the piano. In the beginning, we are outsiders. [There’s often] an element of fear. Although we might enter these situations with excitement [then] we quickly realize how much work there is ahead of us.”

Let’s stop here because Green highlights a vital point; that is, after an initial spark of inspiration and excitement towards our new endeavor, “we quickly realize how much work there is ahead of us.”

successful people

Why is this important to successful people? 

Because it’s at this juncture where so many of us quit, we’ll sabotage our success – and our potential life’s purpose – before we even begin. 

Case Study: Charles Darwin

“[I was] a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard in intellect.” ~ Charles Darwin

The Father of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin, had it tough from the outset. His dad, a wealthy British doctor, often lambasted the young man for failing to meet his expectations, telling him “You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.” 

Darwin wasn’t a good student and didn’t care about routine book-learning. To satisfy his father, Darwin graduated (though barely) from the University of Cambridge. Afterward, Darwin wanted nothing more than to dwell in the English countryside and forget about the future. (Who could blame him?)

It wasn’t until sometime later that Darwin, after years of copious notetaking and diligent study, collected indisputable evidence for evolution through natural selection. 

Brian Richmond, a “curator of human origins” at New Your City’s American Museum of Natural History explains the theory: “All life on earth is connected and related to each other [via] modifications of populations by natural selection, where some traits were favored in an environment over others.” 

These discoveries set in motion the eventual penning of “On the Origin of Species,” the most revered treatise on evolution since 1859.

So, Darwin nearly failed out of school only to become one of the greatest scientific minds in history? Yes. 

How on Earth did he do that?

The short answer is: By pursuing his passion and devoting himself tirelessly to learning everything he could about it

By mastering what he loved.

quotes about success

The Development of mastery – and the Inevitable Barriers

For as much as well all love stories of Genius, intelligence alone is not the critical determinant of success. It’s probably not even in the top three.

Instead, real success is achieved through the realization of one’s passion or desire, an opportunity to apply said passion, and, most critically, diligent application of the energy and focus that arises naturally by pursuing one’s passion

This energy is pure and unadulterated power. It’s also your birthright. When this potent force arises, the ego-you – the one that imposes self-limiting beliefs on yourself – is rendered mute. 

The real you – the selfless, transcendent, penetrating core of your being – are awakened and active. You laser-focus on the world and buzz with subtle excitement.

This power is felt. Oh boy, is it felt. 

There’s an aliveness, a vibration. This awareness is real intelligence. This is who you were meant to be. And there is no stopping you.

But before you can reach this state, you’ve got to do some real work – discipline and effort are a must. Yet, even this work is undertaken with a sense of gladness. You now know where you’re going, which is more than most people can honestly say – and this fact is hugely empowering. The realization of mastery’s potential is the ultimate equalizer, and you’ll gratefully walk the path until it is attained.

Recap and Practical Steps

This last section will recap some of the more critical points as well as layout the necessary framework for the achievement of mastery.

First, remember that mastery in your chosen field is also synonymous with self-mastery. The characteristics of one can not be separated from that of the other. 

Second, the hallmark of mastery is concentrated energy. This energy is powerful and penetrating yet relaxed. It arises naturally out of the pursuit of a worthy ideal. We cannot force it or fake it. When it does appear, there’s no mistaking what it is.

Third, there will be challenges to mastery. Such problems may be external (e.g., environmental stress, naysayers, etc.) or internal (doubt, frustration, lethargy, etc.) Of these two categories, the challenges you’ll face internally are usually the hardest.

successful peopleFinal Thoughts: Joining the Ranks of Those Successful People

There are some basic, practical requirements for accessing this state:

  1. Finding your vocational purpose, a passion, or, at the very least, a strong and enduring interest.
  2. A full commitment to lifelong learning and study in your chosen field.
  3. Saturating yourself with continual, daily inspiration. Meditation and other practices are great for this purpose, as is the reading of good books.
  4. Overcoming resistance/challenges, often by “riding the waves” and just letting it pass.
  5. Embracing discipline and self-denial.

The best news of all, and we’ll end on this:

Whenever you embrace all five pillars of mastery as well as other successful people, you’re the master of your fate. To your mastery! 



Best Dash Cameras In 2020



If you’ve ever spent time surfing video sites like YouTube, you probably know that “dashcam uploads” have turned into quite the popular genre over the years, raking in millions of views from people across the globe.

They’re more than just mindless entertainment to pass the time, however, because if you were injured in a car accident, then you know that dash cams can often be the best witness you have to prove what really happened. 

If you’re thinking about installing a dash cam on your car to help capture those moments out on the road, you’ll want to choose wisely, and these models are a great place to start your search.

What You Want In A Dash Cam

Like any significant purchase, there are certain criteria that set worthwhile dashboard cameras from the less-than-useful models. Above all else, you’ll want whatever camera you purchase to have impressive overall image quality. 

A video of what happens during an accident is worthless, after all, if no one can tell what’s going on in it, so try to aim for quality. 1080p is generally serviceable, but if you can afford it, you might instead want to go for 1440p or even 4K to get the greatest resolution possible.

Next on the list of must-have qualities, you want your dashboard camera to be easy to install, easy to remove, and easy to operate. If you’re spending exorbitant amounts of time trying to get your dashboard camera working, then you’re going to be less likely to use it consistently, so ease-of-use is paramount.

Dashboard Cameras That Might Interest You

So which cameras fit the bill? For starters, you might want to take a look at the Nextbase 522GW. This versatile camera has an integrated GPS, and is capable of both 1080p and 1440p video. Voice controls make operating this unit a snap, and the “emergency SOS” feature can help detect collisions and give a heads up to emergency services.

If you’re serious about 4K, though, you’ll want to consider models like the BlackVue DR900S. It’s sleek, and, more importantly, it can provide that high-quality video you’re after. Be forewarned, though, that 4K videos can get rather large in their size, so taking advantage of the associated cloud-service might be necessary for file storage.

When it comes to one of the most versatile dash cameras, though, it’s hard to go wrong with the Garmin 66W. This upgrade from the Garmin 55 can record at 1440p/60fps. What’s more, you can connect up to four of these cameras at once, providing you simultaneous coverage around your entire vehicle while you’re on the road.



How to Master the Sometimes Awkward Art of Chit Chat



Whether you are a natural people person or an introvert at heart, mastering the art of chit chat can be a valuable skill. Let’s face it; not everyone has the gift of gab. Have you ever been to a party or another social gathering and felt like your whole mind went blank?

Don’t feel bad. Even the best conversationalists have awkward moments, especially around new or intimidating people. In these situations, your social anxiety may peak because you fear that you will say the wrong thing, or someone will cast judgment.

Yes, we’ve heard the adage that it’s better to be a fool and remain silent than to say something and remove all doubt. Don’t let the irrational fear of misspeaking prevent you from rewarding conversation or meeting fascinating new friends.

Are you a loner and wish you could be more socially active? Some decidedly introverted people are forced into extroversion because of their jobs or a special occasion. If this is your lot, learning how to chit chat like a pro is not difficult, with practice.

You don’t need to take speech classes or read a stack of books on becoming more social. The more you are exposed to people and force yourself to make small talk, the easier it will be. Try some of these useful hacks for getting the conversation rolling.

Tips to Overcome the Awkwardness of Chit Chat

chit chat
Learn some urban legends about both introverts and extraverts.

1 – Be Genuine

Remember that no one in the universe exists who is quite like you. So, why not relax and be yourself? Being you is a skill nobody else has, and you can do it naturally. People connect with others who are comfortable in their skin.

Have you noticed how easy it is to spot someone fake? While some are just natural bores, most fakers are insecure and try too hard. Who likes to be around someone who is continuously bragging and puffing themselves up with a false persona?

When you feel antsy in a group setting and don’t want to be a bump on a log, be secure in yourself. You should always smile, nod, and contribute to the conversation. Let others see your personality and the best in you.

People will respect you when you are genuine. When they view you as an honest and valuable person, your words will command the same feelings.

2 – Relax and Be Approachable

Your body language says more than any words you say. When you are nervous in a crowd, you probably tense up and have an expression you don’t realize. Instead of seeing a shy participant, others may incorrectly assume that you are aloof and boring.

Body language experts recommend an open posture when talking with people. When your body contracts, your arms are folded, and you are leaning away from others. This pose creates an illusion of disinterest and a closed mind. It sends nonverbal cues to other people that you couldn’t care less about what they have to say.

Instead, practice an open posture that welcomes interaction. Relax your body, let your arms hang naturally at your side, and slightly lean in toward the speakers. Others will perceive that you are warm, real, and “open” to friendly chit chat.

Above all else, don’t forget to smile. Nothing turns away a fruitful conversation more than a sour or irritable expression. Even a shy person can feel comfortable around a jovial, smiling new face.

How is your body language? Does it invite people to drum up a conversation, or does it tell others to buzz off? Maybe you don’t even realize what your body language is saying.

You should consider practicing in front of a mirror. Sit or stand the way you usually would and get a real glimpse of what others see. Do your posture and expressions convey openness, or do they tell people to move along?

Practice consistently until an open body language becomes second nature. Ask your mate or a trusted friend to practice with you and to offer honest feedback. When the occasion arises, you will feel more comfortable and can chit chat with practically anyone.


3 – Avoid the Big Three Conversation Killers

Even when you chit chat with a group of friends, some subjects are still taboo. Skilled conversationalists know to steer clear of the big three topics: religion, politics, and sex. Not only do these subjects make most people feel uncomfortable, but they are rarely acceptable in a social situation.

The problem with broaching the big three is that it immediately creates a tense atmosphere. The smallest comments can cause others to be offended. The last impression you want to leave is that you are a chauvinist, racist, or closed-minded.

Don’t worry, because you have countless subjects that can be discussed without stepping on toes. If you are with like-minded people in a religious or political setting, such discussion may be appropriate. However, be respectful of other opinions, and don’t turn a fun gathering into your soapbox.

4 – Learn to Be a Good Listener

Although extroverts shine in a crowd, introverted people may be the best listeners. Mastering the art of chit chat includes more than just knowing how to talk to others. Skilled conversationalists must also be good listeners.

Try to imagine a conversation as two people sawing a tree with an old band saw. You push the saw toward your partner, and he pushes it back to you. If one person were pushing just one way, the saw would jam, and the tree would keep standing.

The back-and-forth motion eventually cuts down the tree. Productive conversation depends on listening just as much as it does on talking. If you have ever endured a one-sided conversation with a hopeless bore, you understand the concept.

In a conversation with one or more people, make it a habit to listen to what each person says. Often, you may miss crucial or thought-provoking points because you are too busy thinking of what you are going to say next.

Did you know that people who are skilled listeners perceived as attractive, intelligent, and open to conversation? As a shy person, maybe you have honed excellent listening skills by just being a silent observer in discussions. Listening is a master skill that we can all improve.

Are you a good listener? When you chit chat with family or friends, do you find your mind wandering and don’t realize what they are saying? Do you catch yourself continually interrupting or formulating your next sentence while others are speaking?

Instead of just hearing the words, make listening to others a priority. Mirror the other person’s enthusiasm and facial expressions and lean in a little toward her. Maintain good eye contact and listen to what she says.

Before you say anything, pause for a few seconds. Good listeners often restate what the person says for clarification and to show genuine interest. Occasionally nod and let others express themselves without you interrupting.

social distancing
Read how to stay connected to your loved ones throughout social distancing.

5 – Use Clever Ice Breakers

Isn’t it uncomfortable when you are in an unfamiliar crowd, and the conversation turns into awkward silence? This scene is the worst nightmare for an introverted guest. Everyone is looking at each other with an unspoken plea for someone to speak.

Don’t hesitate to use a little appropriate levity to lift the mood. Getting people to laugh almost instantly opens the floor for interaction. Everyone will feel more relaxed, and the conversation will come naturally.

Are you seated across from a total stranger? Give your sincerest smile and introduce yourself. Keep the chit chat light and unobtrusive. Your differences and similarities will provide cues for intriguing conversation.

The best way to build fruitful interaction is to get people to talk about themselves. Most people enjoy talking about their families, careers, and interests.

Carefully avoid the big three topics and any questions that are too personal. Try to keep chit chat light and stir clear of depressing or controversial subjects.


Final Thoughts: Tactful Tips for an Otherwise Awkward Conversation

Not everyone you meet at a gathering will be mannerly and display proper social skills. You may often be an unwilling participant in a tanking conversation. While you are not expected to be the moderator at the table, you can still tactfully retreat.

If you view someone’s statements as rude, vulgar, or otherwise unacceptable, find a way to excuse yourself. You are not obligated to participate in unpleasant chatter. It is perfectly fine to browse over to another table or room.

Everyday interaction and chatting may not be your niche. Since socializing with others is often unavoidable, even timid people can assimilate excellent conversational skills. The more you get involved in social settings, the easier it will be to relate to others.

Remember to relax, be yourself, and have fun. Talking is one of the vital essential skills that separates us from the animal kingdom. As you share a conversation with new people, you make friends, and all your lives are enriched. A good conversation can be a pleasant experience for all involved.
